Samsung Multifunction M4560, M4562 Series
CSV information ?
Status | archived |
Valid from | 19.09.2017 |
Valid until | 19.09.2022 |
Scheme | 🇰🇷 KR |
Manufacturer | HP Inc. |
Category | Multi-Function Devices |
Security level | ALC_FLR.2, EAL2+ |
Protection profiles |
Heuristics summary ?
Certificate ?
Certification report ?
Extracted keywords
Symmetric Algorithms
SamsungSecurity level
EAL2+, EAL2, EAL2 augmentedClaims
A.ACCESS, A.USER, A.ADMINSecurity Assurance Requirements (SAR)
ADV_ARC.1, ADV_FSP.2, ADV_TDS.1, AGD_PRE.1, AGD_OPE.1, ALC_FLR.2, ALC_CMC.2, ALC_CMS.2, ALC_DEL.1, ATE_COV.1, ATE_FUN.1, ATE_IND.2, AVA_VAN.2, ASE_INT.1, ASE_CCL.1, ASE_SPD.1, ASE_OBJ.2, ASE_ECD.1, ASE_REQ.2, ASE_TSS.1Security Functional Requirements (SFR)
FPT_FDI_EXP, FPT_FDI_EXP.1Certificates
KECS-CISS-0828-2017Evaluation facilities
CCMB-2017-04-001, CCMB-2017-04-003, CCMB-2017-04-004File metadata
Title | 평가단위보고서(ADV_ARC.1) |
Author | 이은경 |
Creation date | D:20170919110227+09'00' |
Modification date | D:20170919133403+09'00' |
Pages | 24 |
Creator | Word용 Acrobat PDFMaker 11 |
Producer | Adobe PDF Library 11.0 |
Security target ?
Heuristics ?
Extracted SARs
Product | Samsung Multifunction M4560, M4562 Series | |
Cert Id | KECS-CISS-0828-2017 | |
Product Link | | |
Vendor | HP Inc. | |
Level | EAL2+ | |
Category | Digital Multifunction Printer | |
Certification Date | 19.09.2017 | |
Enhanced | ||
Product | Samsung Multifunction M4560, M4562 Series | |
Cc Version | CC V3.1 R5 | |
Assurance Level | EAL2+ | |
Certification Date | 19.09.2017 | |
Expiration Date | 19.09.2022 | |
Product Type | Digital Multifunction Printer | |
Cert Id | KECS-CISS-0828-2017 | |
Report Link | | |
Target Link | | |
Cert Link | | |
Protection Profile | U.S. Government Protection Profile for Hardcopy Devices Version 1.0 (IEEE Std.2600.2-2009) | |
Developer | S-Printing Solution Co., Ltd. | |
Holder | HP Inc. |
References ?
No references are available for this certificate.
Updates ?
05.02.2025 The certificate data changed.
Certificate changed
The state of the certificate object was updated.
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data. - The st property was updated, with the
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. - The prev_certificates property was set to
. - The next_certificates property was set to
- The report property was updated, with the
21.11.2024 The certificate data changed.
Certificate changed
The computed heuristics were updated.
- The following values were inserted:
{'prev_certificates': [], 'next_certificates': []}
- The following values were inserted:
09.11.2024 The certificate data changed.
Certificate changed
The computed heuristics were updated.
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- The scheme_data property was set to
22.08.2024 The certificate data changed.
Certificate changed
The state of the certificate object was updated.
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. - The report_frontpage property was set to
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KECS-CR-17-64 Certification Report.pdf
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KECS-CISS-0828-2017 Certificate.jpg
The computed heuristics were updated.
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values added.
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19.08.2024 The certificate data changed.
Certificate changed
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The PDF extraction data was updated.
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The computed heuristics were updated.
- The cert_id property was set to
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17.08.2024 The certificate data changed.
Certificate changed
The report_link was updated.
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The st_link was updated.
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The state of the certificate object was updated.
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The PDF extraction data was updated.
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KECS-CISS-0828-2017 Certificate.jpg
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values discarded.
- The new value is
12.08.2024 The certificate data changed.
Certificate changed
The state of the certificate object was updated.
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The PDF extraction data was updated.
- The cert_filename property was set to
- The cert property was updated, with the
23.07.2024 The certificate was first processed.
New certificate
A new Common Criteria certificate with the product name Samsung Multifunction M4560, M4562 Series was processed.
Raw data
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