IBM Enterprise PKCS#11 Firmware FW IDs 'dada00eb' ((4767) and 'e41c1444' (4765)
Link Link by certificate ID Link by certificate nameCSV information ?
Status | archived |
Valid from | 26.03.2018 |
Valid until | 26.03.2023 |
Scheme | 🇩🇪 DE |
Manufacturer | IBM Corporation |
Category | Other Devices and Systems |
Security level | EAL4 |
Heuristics summary ?
Certificate ?
Extracted keywords
Security level
EAL 4, EAL 2Certificates
PKCS#11, ISO/IEC 15408, ISO/IEC 18045File metadata
Title | Certification Report BSI-DSZ-CC-1002-2018 |
Subject | Zertifikat, Certificate, Urkunde |
Keywords | "Common Criteria, Certification, Zertifizierung, IBM, PKCS#11 FW IDs 'dada00eb' (4767) and 'e41c1444' (4765)" |
Author | Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik |
Creation date | D:20180423082623+02'00' |
Modification date | D:20180423142404+02'00' |
Pages | 1 |
Creator | Writer |
Producer | LibreOffice 5.2 |
Certification report ?
Extracted keywords
Symmetric Algorithms
AES, TDESAsymmetric Algorithms
ECDH, ECDSA, DSAHash functions
SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA256, SHA-2Schemes
TRNG, DRBG, RNGBlock cipher modes
ECB, CBCSecurity level
EAL 4, EAL 2, EAL 1Security Assurance Requirements (SAR)
BSI-DSZ-CC-1002-2018Evaluation facilities
atsecCertification process
being maintained, is not given any longer. In particular, prior to the dissemination of confidential documentation and information related to the TOE or resulting from the evaluation and certification, Report, Version 5, 2018-03-12, Final Evaluation Technical Report, atsec information security GmbH (confidential document) [8] Configuration lists for the TOE: Configuration list of static content measured by SHA256, Version 1.0, 2016- 12-12, IBM (confidential document) EP11 configuration list BOE, Version 1, 2017-07-14, IBM (confidential document) 7 specifically •, EP11 configuration list (BOE) for documentation files, Version 1, 2017-07-14, IBM (confidential document) Hardware configuration list for IBM 4765 and 4767 EP11 HSMs, Version 1.0, 2017- 08-31, IBMCertification process
being maintained, is not given any longer. In particular, prior to the dissemination of confidential documentation and information related to the TOE or resulting from the evaluation and certification, Report, Version 5, 2018-03-12, Final Evaluation Technical Report, atsec information security GmbH (confidential document) [8] Configuration lists for the TOE: Configuration list of static content measured by SHA256, Version 1.0, 2016- 12-12, IBM (confidential document) EP11 configuration list BOE, Version 1, 2017-07-14, IBM (confidential document) 7 specifically •, EP11 configuration list (BOE) for documentation files, Version 1, 2017-07-14, IBM (confidential document) Hardware configuration list for IBM 4765 and 4767 EP11 HSMs, Version 1.0, 2017- 08-31, IBMStandards
FIPS 46-3, FIPS 197, FIPS 180-4, FIPS 186-4, FIPS 186-3, NIST SP 800-38A, NIST SP 800-90A, PKCS#11, PKCS#1, AIS 20, AIS 23, AIS 32, RFC 3447, RFC 5639, ISO/IEC 15408, ISO/IEC 18045, ISO/IEC 17065, X.509Technical reports
BSI TR-02102, BSI 7148File metadata
Title | Certification Report BSI-DSZ-CC-1002-2018 |
Subject | Certification Report, Zertifizierungsreport |
Keywords | "Common Criteria, Certification, Zertifizierung, IBM, PKCS#11 FW IDs 'dada00eb' (4767) and 'e41c1444' (4765)" |
Author | Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik |
Creation date | D:20180423082645+02'00' |
Modification date | D:20180423142111+02'00' |
Pages | 28 |
Creator | Writer |
Producer | LibreOffice 5.2 |
Certificate ID | BSI-DSZ-CC-1002-2018 |
Certified item | IBM Enterprise PKCS#11 Firmware FW IDs 'dada00eb' (4767) and 'e41c1444' (4765 |
Certification lab | BSI |
Developer | IBM Research & Development Germany |
Incoming- BSI-DSZ-CC-1094-2019 - archived - IBM Enterprise PKCS#11 (EP11) Firmware identifier '2b638e8e' (4768)
Security target ?
Extracted keywords
Symmetric Algorithms
AES, TDES, TDEA, SEED, HMAC, CMACAsymmetric Algorithms
RSA 2048, ECDH, ECDSA, ECIES, ECC, DH, Diffie-Hellman, DSAHash functions
SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512Schemes
MAC, Key Exchange, Key Agreement, Key agreementProtocols
TRNG, DRBG, RNGElliptic Curves
P-192, P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521Block cipher modes
ECB, CBCVendor
STMSecurity level
EAL 4, EAL4Protection profiles
BSI-CC-PP-0045-2009Side-channel analysis
side-channel, Malfunction, malfunctionStandards
FIPS 197, FIPS 180-4, FIPS 186-4, FIPS 140-2, PKCS#11, PKCS1, PKCS12, PKCS11, PKCS 11, AIS 31, RFC 3394, RFC 5649, RFC 3447, ISO/IEC 18031:2011, X.509File metadata
Title | IBM Enterprise PKCS11(on 4767) Security Target (EAL 4 ) |
Subject | Security Policy [rev. 273] |
Keywords | IBM 4767 (hw. 00LV498 (2)); PCIeCC; XCP, Enterprise PKCS11 (EP11) |
Author | Visegrady, Tamas <tvi (at)> |
Creation date | D:20170830165958+02'00' |
Modification date | D:20170830165958+02'00' |
Pages | 52 |
Creator | IBM Research --- Zurich and IBM Boeblingen/Poughkeepsie |
Producer | pdfTeX |
Heuristics ?
References ?
Updates ?
22.08.2024 The certificate data changed.
Certificate changed
The state of the certificate object was updated.
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. - The st_filename property was set to
. - The cert_filename property was set to
The computed heuristics were updated.
- The cert_lab property was set to
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- The report property was updated, with the
17.08.2024 The certificate data changed.
Certificate changed
The report_link was updated.
- The new value is
The st_link was updated.
- The new value is
The state of the certificate object was updated.
- The report property was updated, with the
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data. - The st property was updated, with the
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The PDF extraction data was updated.
- The report_metadata property was set to
. - The st_metadata property was set to
. - The report_frontpage property was set to
. - The report_keywords property was set to
. - The st_keywords property was set to
. - The report_filename property was set to
. - The st_filename property was set to
The computed heuristics were updated.
- The cert_lab property was set to
. - The cert_id property was set to
. - The report_references property was updated, with the
{'directly_referenced_by': None, 'indirectly_referenced_by': None}
- The new value is
12.08.2024 The certificate data changed.
Certificate changed
The state of the certificate object was updated.
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The PDF extraction data was updated.
- The cert_metadata property was set to
. - The cert_keywords property was set to
. - The cert_filename property was set to
- The cert property was updated, with the
23.07.2024 The certificate was first processed.
New certificate
A new Common Criteria certificate with the product name IBM Enterprise PKCS#11 Firmware FW IDs 'dada00eb' ((4767) and 'e41c1444' (4765) was processed.
Raw data
"_type": "",
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"elements": []
"manufacturer": "IBM Corporation",
"manufacturer_web": "",
"name": "IBM Enterprise PKCS#11 Firmware FW IDs \u0027dada00eb\u0027 ((4767) and \u0027e41c1444\u0027 (4765)",
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"cert_metadata": {
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"/CreationDate": "D:20180423082623+02\u002700\u0027",
"/Creator": "Writer",
"/Keywords": "\"Common Criteria, Certification, Zertifizierung, IBM, PKCS#11 FW IDs \u0027dada00eb\u0027 (4767) and \u0027e41c1444\u0027 (4765)\"",
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"cert_item": "IBM Enterprise PKCS#11 Firmware FW IDs \u0027dada00eb\u0027 (4767) and \u0027e41c1444\u0027 (4765",
"cert_lab": "BSI",
"developer": "IBM Research \u0026 Development Germany",
"match_rules": [
"(BSI-DSZ-CC-.+?) (?:for|For) (.+?) from (.*)"
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"Report, Version 5, 2018-03-12, Final Evaluation Technical Report, atsec information security GmbH (confidential document) [8] Configuration lists for the TOE: Configuration list of static content measured by SHA256": 1,
"Version 1.0, 2016- 12-12, IBM (confidential document) EP11 configuration list BOE, Version 1, 2017-07-14, IBM (confidential document) 7 specifically \u2022": 1,
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"SHA-384": 1,
"SHA-512": 1,
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"TRNG": 2
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"BSI": {
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"AIS 23": 1,
"AIS 32": 1
"FIPS": {
"FIPS 180-4": 1,
"FIPS 186-3": 1,
"FIPS 186-4": 8,
"FIPS 197": 1,
"FIPS 46-3": 1
"ISO": {
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"ISO/IEC 18045": 4
"NIST": {
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"NIST SP 800-90A": 1
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"PKCS#11": 15
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"/CreationDate": "D:20180423082645+02\u002700\u0027",
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"/Keywords": "\"Common Criteria, Certification, Zertifizierung, IBM, PKCS#11 FW IDs \u0027dada00eb\u0027 (4767) and \u0027e41c1444\u0027 (4765)\"",
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"/CreationDate": "D:20170830165958+02\u002700\u0027",
"/Creator": "IBM Research --- Zurich and IBM Boeblingen/Poughkeepsie",
"/Keywords": "IBM 4767 (hw. 00LV498 (2)); PCIeCC; XCP, Enterprise PKCS11 (EP11)",
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