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Security IC Platform Protection Profile, Version 1.0
Web information ?
Status: activeCertification date: 2007-08-23
Scheme: 🇩🇪
Category: ICs, Smart Cards and Smart Card-Related Devices and Systems
Security level: EAL4+
Certification report ?
Extracted keywords
NXP Semiconductors, Infineon Technologies AG, STMicroelectronicsSecurity level
EAL4, EAL 4, EAL1, EAL3, EAL5, EAL7, EAL2, EAL6, EAL4 augmentedSecurity Assurance Requirements (SAR)
BSI-CC-PP-0035-2007, BSI-PP-0035-2007, BSI-PP-0002-2001Evaluation facilities
BrightsightSide-channel analysis
MalfunctionCertification process
1.0, 19.06.2007, Evaluation Technical Report Eurosmart Security IC PP, Brightsight , Netherlands (confidential document) [7] Security IC Platform Protection Profile Version 1.0 BSI-PP-0035-2007 25.06.2007, EurosmartTechnical reports
BSI 7125, BSI 2, BSI 7148, BSI 7149File metadata
Title | Certification Report BSI-CC-PP-0035-2007 |
Keywords | Common Criteria, Certification, Zertifizierung, Protection Profile, Schutzprofil, Security IC Platfomr PP Version 1.0, Atmel Secure Products, Infineon Technologies Ag, NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH, Renesas Technology Europe Ltd, STMicroelectronis |
Author | Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnk |
Creation date | D:20070905065753+02'00' |
Modification date | D:20070906085620+02'00' |
Pages | 28 |
Creator | Acrobat PDFMaker 8.1 für Word |
Producer | Acrobat Distiller 8.1.0 (Windows) |
Profile ?
Extracted keywords
RND, RNGVendor
NXP Semiconductors, Infineon Technologies AG, STMicroelectronicsSecurity level
EAL4, EAL5, EAL4 augmented, EAL5 augmentedClaims
O.RND, T.RNDSecurity Assurance Requirements (SAR)
BSI-PP-0035, BSI-PP-0002, BSI-PP- 0002Side-channel analysis
Leak-Inherent, Physical Probing, physical probing, Physical probing, DPA, SPA, timing attacks, physical tampering, Malfunction, malfunction, DFA, reverse engineeringStandards
AIS31File metadata
Title | Microsoft Word - pp0035b.doc |
Author | km |
Creation date | D:20070917082354+02'00' |
Modification date | D:20070917082354+02'00' |
Pages | 102 |
Creator | PScript5.dll Version 5.2 |
Producer | Acrobat Distiller 7.0.5 (Windows) |
References ?
- AT90SDC100 révision B avec bibliothèque cryptographique version archived
- Crypto Library V1.0 on P60D024/016/012PVB(Y/Z/A)/PVF archived
- Crypto Library V1.0 on P60D024/016/012yVB(Y/Z/A)/yVF archived
- Crypto Library V1.0 on P60x080/052/040PVC archived
- Crypto Library V1.0 on P60x080/052/040PVC(Y/Z/A)/PVG archived
- Crypto Library V1.0 on P60x080/052/040yVC(Y/Z/A)/yVG archived
- Crypto Library V1.0 on P60x080/052/040yVC(Z/A)/yVG archived
- Crypto Library V1.0 on P60x144/080PVA/PVA(Y/B) archived
- Crypto Library V1.0 on P60x144/080yVA/yVA(B) archived
- Crypto Library V1.0 on P60x144/080yVA/yVA(Y/B/X)/yVE archived
- Crypto Library V2.0 on P60x017/041PVE archived
- Crypto Library V2.6 on P5CC008V1A and P5CC012V1A archived
- Crypto Library V2.6 on P5CD040V0B / P5CC040V0B / P5CD020V0B / P5CC021V0B / P5CD012V0B archived
- Crypto Library V2.6 on P5CD080V0B / P5CN080V0B / P5CC080V0B / P5CC073V0B archived
- Crypto Library V2.7 NXP Smart Card Controller P5CD081V1D and its major configurations archived
- Crypto Library V2.7 on P5CD081V1A / P5CC081V1A / P5CN081V1A / P5CD041V1A / P5CD021V1A / P5CD016V1A archived
- Crypto Library V2.7 on P5CD145V0A, MSO / P5CC145V0A, MSO / P5CD128V0A, MSO / P5CC128V0A, MSO archived
- Crypto Library V2.7/2.9 on SmartMX P5Cx128/P5Cx145 V0v/ VOB(s) archived
- Crypto Library V2.7/V2.9 on SmartMX P5CD016/021/041/051 and P5Cx081 V1A /V1A(s) archived
- DragonFly v4.0 sur composant SLE97CNFX1M50PE Identification Hardware 412691 Card Manager GOP Ref V21.06.01 archived
- FeliCa Contactless Smartcard IC RC-SA00/1 Series and RC-SA00/2 Series, version 1.0 archived
- FeliCa Contactless Smartcard IC RC-SA01/1 Series and RC-SA01/2 Series, version 1.0 archived
- FeliCa Contactless Smartcard IC RC-SA04/1 Series, version 1.0 archived
- Firmware Libraries V1.1 on P40C012/040/072 VD archived
- Infineon Security Controller M7892 A21 with optional RSA 2048/4096 1.02.013, EC v1.02.013, SHA-2 v1.01 and Toolbox v1.02.013 libraries and with specific IC dedicated software (firmware) archived
- Infineon Security Controller M7892 B11 with optional RSA2048/4096 v1.02.013 or v2.07.003 or v2.09.002, EC v1.02.013 or v2.07.003 or v2.09.002, SHA-2 v1.01, SCL v2.02.012, Base v1.02.013 or v2.07.003 or v2.09.002, and Toolbox v1.02.013 or v2.07.003 or v2.09.002 libraries and with specific IC dedicated software (firmware) active
- Infineon Security Controller M7892 B11 with optional RSA2048/4096 v1.02.013 or v2.07.003, EC v1.02.013 or v2.07.003, SHA-2 v1.01, SCL v2.02.012, Base v1.02.013 or v2.07.003, and Toolbox v1.02.013 or v2.07.003 libraries and with specific IC dedicated software (firmware) active
- Infineon Security Controller M7892 B11 with optional RSA2048/4096 v1.02.013 or v2.07.003, EC v1.02.013 or v2.07.003, SHA-2 v1.01, SCL v2.02.012, Base v1.02.013 or v2.07.003, and Toolbox v1.02.013 or v2.07.003 libraries and with specific IC dedicated software (firmware) archived
- Infineon Security Controller M7892 B11 with optional RSA2048/4096 v1.02.013, EC v1.02.013, SHA-2 v1.01 and Toolbox v1.02.013 libraries and with specific IC dedicated software (firmware) archived
- Infineon Security Controller M7892 B11 with optional RSA2048/4096 v1.02.013, EC v1.02.013, SHA-2 v1.01 and Toolbox v1.02.013 libraries and with specific IC dedicated software (firmware) archived
- Infineon Security Controller M7892 B11 with optional RSA2048/4096 v1.02.013, EC v1.02.013, SHA-2 v1.01, SCL v2.02.012, Base v1.02.013, and Toolbox v1.02.013 libraries and with specific IC dedicated software (firmware) archived
- Infineon Security Controller M7893 B11 with optional RSA2048 v2.03.008, SHA-2 V1.01, Toolbox v2.03.008 and with specific IC dedicated software (firmware) active
- Infineon Security Controller M7893 B11 with optional RSA2048/4096 v1.03.006, EC v1.03.006, SHA-2 v1.01 libraries and Toolbox v1.03.006 and with specific IC dedicated software (firmware) archived
- Infineon Security Controller M7893 B11 with optional RSA2048/4096 v1.03.006, EC v1.03.006, SHA-2 v1.01 libraries and Toolbox v1.03.006 and with specific IC dedicated software (firmware) archived
- Infineon Security Controller M7893 B11 with optional RSA2048/4096 v2.03.008 or v1.03.006, EC v2.03.008 or v1.03.006, SHA-2 v1.01, SCL v2.02.010 libraries and Toolbox v2.03.008 or v1.03.006 and with specific IC dedicated software (firmware) archived
- Infineon Security Controller M7893 B11 with optional RSA2048/4096 v2.03.008, EC v2.03.008, SHA-2 v1.01, SCL v2.02.010 libraries and Toolbox v2.03.008 and with specific IC dedicated software (firmware) archived
- Infineon Technologies AG Smartcard ICs SLE88CNFX6600PM/P, SLE88CNFX6602PM/P, SLE88CNFX5400PM/P, SLE88CNF6600PM/P, SLE88CNF6602PM/P, SLE88CNF5400PM/P, SLE88CFX6600P, SLE88CFX6602P, SLE88CFX5400P, SLE88CF6600P, SLE88CF6602P, SLE88CF5400P all with PSL 3.22.11 archived
- Infineon Technologies Security Controller M7793 A12 and G12 with optional RSA2048/4096 v1.02.010 or v1.02.013 or v2.00.002, EC v1.02.010 or v1.02.013 or v2.00.002 and Toolbox v1.02.010 or v1.02.013 or v2.00.002 libraries and with specific IC-dedicated software archived
- Infineon Technologies Security Controller M7793 A12 and G12 with optional RSA2048/4096 v1.02.010 or v1.02.013, EC v1.02.010 or v1.02.013 and Toolbox v1.02.010 or v1.02.013 libraries and with specific IC-dedicated software archived
- Infineon Technologies Security Controller M7793 A12 and G12 with optional RSA2048/4096 v1.02.013 or v2.00.002, EC v1.02.013 or v2.00.002 and Toolbox v1.02.013 or v2.00.002 libraries and with specific IC-dedicated software archived
- Infineon Technologies Security Controller M7794 A12 / G12 with optional RSA2048/4096 v1.02.013 or v2.00.002, EC v1.02.013 or v2.00.002 and Toolbox v1.02.013 or v2.00.002 libraries and with specific IC-dedicated software archived
- Infineon Technologies Security Controller M7794 A12 / G12 with optional RSA2048/4096v1.02.013 or v2.00.002, EC v1.02.013 or v2.00.002 and Toolbox v1.02.013 or v2.00.002 libraries and with specific IC-dedicated software archived
- Infineon Technologies Security Controller M7794 A12 and G12 with optional RSA2048/4096 v1.02.013 or v2.00.002, EC v1.02.013 or v2.00.002 and Toolbox v1.02.013 or v2.00.002 libraries and with specific IC-dedicated software archived
- Infineon Technologies Security Controller M7794 A12 and G12 with optional RSA2048/4096 v1.02.013 or v2.00.002, EC v1.02.013 or v2.00.002 and Toolbox v1.02.013 or v2.00.002 libraries and with specific IC-dedicated software archived
- Infineon Technologies Security Controller M7794 A12 and G12 with specific IC-dedicated firmware identifier V77.017.12.0 or V77.017.12.2 or V77.017.13.2 active
- Infineon Technologies Smart Card IC (Security Controller) M5072 G11 with optional RSA v1.03.006, EC v1.03.006 and Toolbox v1.03.006 with specific IC dedicated software archived
- Infineon Technologies Smart Card IC (Security Controller) M5072 G11 with optional RSA v1.03.006, EC v1.03.006 and Toolbox v1.03.006 with specific IC dedicated software archived
- Infineon Technologies Smart Card IC (Security Controller) M5072 with optional RSA v1.03.006/v2.06.003, EC v1.03.006/ v2.06.003, Toolbox v1.03.006/ v2.06.003, SCL v2.02.010 libraries with specific IC dedicated software archived
- Infineon Technologies Smart Card IC (Security Controller) M7820 A11 with optional RSA2048/4096 v1.1.18, EC v1.1.18 and SHA-2 v1.1 libraries and with specific IC dedicated software archived
- Infineon Technologies Smart Card IC (Security Controller) M9900 A21 with optional RSA v1.03.006, EC v1.03.006, Toolbox v1.03.006 and Flash Translation Layer V1.01.0008 libraries with specific IC dedicated software archived
- Infineon Technologies Smart Card IC (Security Controller) M9900 A22 and G11 with optional RSA v1.03.006, EC v1.03.006, Toolbox v1.03.006 and Flash Translation Layer V1.01.0008 libraries with specific IC dedicated software archived
- Infineon Technologies Smart Card IC (Security Controller) M9900 A22, M9900 C22, M9900 D22, M9900 G11, M9905 A11, M9906 A11 with optional Software Libraries RSA2048, RSA4096, EC, Base, SCL, HCL, PSL and with specific IC dedicated software active
- Infineon Technologies Smart Card IC (Security Controller) M9900 A22, M9900 C22, M9900 D22, M9900 G11, M9905 A11, M9906 A11 with optional Software Libraries RSA2048, RSA4096, EC, Base, SCL, HCL, PSL and with specific IC dedicated software active
- Infineon Technologies Smart Card IC (Security Controller) M9900 A22, M9900 C22, M9900 D22, M9900 G11, M9905 A11, M9906 A11 with optional Software Libraries RSA2048, RSA4096, EC, Toolbox, Base, FTL, SCL, HCL, and PSL, and with specific IC dedicated software archived
- Infineon Technologies Smart Card IC (Security Controller) M9900 A22/G11, M9905 A11, M9906 A11 with optional RSA v1.03.006/v2.05.005, EC v1.03.006/v2.05.005, Toolbox v1.03.006/v2.05.005, Flash Translation Layer V1.01.0008, SCL v2.01.011/v2.02.010 and PSL v4.00.009 libraries with specific IC dedicated software archived
- Infineon Technologies Smart Card IC (Security Controller) M9900 A22/G11/C22/D22, M9905 A11, M9906 A11 with optional RSA v1.03.006/v2.05.005/v2.07.003, EC v1.03.006/v2.05.005/v2.07.003, Toolbox v1.03.006/v2.05.005/v2.07.003, Flash Translation Layer V1.01.0008, SCL v2.01.011/v2.02.010 and PSL v4.00.09 libraries with specific IC dedicated software archived
- Infineon Technologies SmartCard IC (Security Controller) M7793 A12 with optional RSAv1.02.010, EC v1.02.010 and Toolbox v1.02.010 libraries and with specific IC-dedicated software archived
- Infineon smart card IC (Security Controller) M7801 A12 with optional RSA2048/4096 v1.02.008, EC v1.02.008, SHA-2 v1.01 and Toolbox v1.02.008 libraries and with specific IC dedicated software archived
- Infineon smart card IC (Security Controller) M7820 A11 and M11 with optional RSA2048/4096 v1.02.013, EC v1.02.013, SHA-2 v1.01 and Toolbox v1.02.013 libraries and with specific IC dedicated software archived
- Infineon smart card IC (Security Controller) M7820 A11 with optional RSA2048/4096 v1.02.008, EC v1.02.008, SHA-2 v1.01 and Toolbox v1.02.008 libraries and with specific IC dedicated software archived
- Infineon smart card IC (Security Controller) M7820 A11 with optional RSA2048/4096 v1.02.008, EC v1.02.008, SHA-2 v1.01 and Toolbox v1.02.008 libraries and with specific IC dedicated software archived
- Infineon smart card IC (Security Controller) M7820 A11 with optional RSA2048/4096 v1.02.013, EC v1.02.013, SHA-2 v1.01 and Toolbox v1.02.013 libraries and with specific IC dedicated software archived
- Infineon smart card IC (Security Controller) M7820 M11 with optional RSA2048/4096 v1.02.008, EC v1.02.008, SHA-2 v1.01 and Toolbox v1.02.008 libraries and with specific IC dedicated software archived
- Infineon smart card IC (Security Controller) M9900 A21 with specific IC dedicated software archived
- Infineon smart card IC (Security Controller) M9900 A22 / C22 / D22 / G11, M9905 A11, M9906 A11 with optional Software Libraries RSA2048 v1.03.006 / v2.05.005 - RSA4096 v1.03.006 / v2.05.005 - EC v1.03.006 / v2.05.005 - Toolbox v1.03.006 / v2.05.005 - Base v1.03.006 / v2.05.005 - FTL v1.01.0008 - SCL v2.01.011 - PSL v4.00.009 and with specific IC dedicated software archived
- Infineon smart card IC (Security Controller) M9900 A22 and G11, M9905, M9906 A11 with optional RSA v1.03.006, EC v1.03.006, Toolbox v1.03.006 and Flash Translation Layer V1.01.0008 libraries with specific IC dedicated software archived
- Infineon smartcard IC (Security Controller) M7791 B12 with optional SCL library version 1.01.009 and with specific IC-dedicated firmware archived
- Infineon smartcard IC (Security Controller) M7791 B12 with optional SCL library version 1.01.009 and with specific IC-dedicated firmware archived
- Infineon smartcard IC (Security Controller) M7794 A11 with optional RSA2048/4096 v1.02.013 EC v1.02.013 and Toolbox v1.02.013 archived
- Infineon smartcard IC (Security Controller) M7794 A12 and G12 with optional RSA2048/4096 v1.02.013 EC v1.02.013 and Toolbox v1.02.013 archived
- Infineon smartcard IC (Security Controller) M7794 A12 with optional RSA2048/4096 v1.02.013, EC v1.02.013 and Toolbox v1.02.013 archived
- MN67S150 Smart Card IC Version RV08 including IC Dedicated Software archived
- MN67S150 Smart Card IC Version RV08 including IC Dedicated Software archived
- Microcontrôleur AT90SC20818RCFV, Rev. E archived
- Microcontrôleur AT90SC28880RCFV2 révision C embarquant la bibliothèque cryptographique optionnelle TBX version archived
- Microcontrôleur AT90SO128 révision F embarquant la bibliothèque cryptographique optionnelle Toolbox version archived
- Microcontrôleur AT90SO72 révision C embarquant la bibliothèque cryptographique optionnelle Toolbox version archived
- Microcontrôleur RISC AT90SC20818RCV/AT90SC20812RCV, Rev C archived
- Microcontrôleur RISC AT90SC24036RCV, Rev A archived
- Microcontrôleur RISC AT90SC28880RCFV, Rev G archived
- Microcontrôleur RISC AT90SC28880RCFV, Rev. I archived
- Microcontrôleur RISC AT90SC28880RCV / AT90SC28848RCV, Rev A archived
- Microcontrôleur SAMSUNG S3FT9PE Revision 0 embarquant la bibliothèque RSA/ECC optionnelle TORNADO 2MX2 v2.4 archived
- Microcontrôleur SAMSUNG S3FT9PE Révision 0 embarquant la bibliothèque RSA/ECC optionnelle TORNADO 2MX2 v2.4 archived
- Microcontrôleur sécurisé ST23YS64C archived
- Microcontrôleur sécurisé ST31-K330A révision E pour version contact seulement, incluant optionnellement la librairie cryptographique Neslib révision 3.2 archived
- Microcontrôleur sécurisé ST31-K330A révision F pour version bi-mode (contact et sans contact) ou version sans contact seulement, incluant optionnellement la librairie cryptographique Neslib révision 3.2 et la librairie MIFARE DESFire EV1TM révision 2.2 archived
- Microcontrôleur sécurisé ST31-K330A révisionH pour version bi-mode (contact et sanscontact) ou version sans contact seulement,incluant optionnellement la librairiecryptographique Neslib v3.2, la librairieMIFARE DESFireTM EV1 v2.2 et la librairieMIFARE Plus-STM v1.3 archived
- Microcontrôleur sécurisé ST31-K330A révisionI pour version contact seulement, incluantoptionnellement la librairie cryptographiqueNeslib révision 3.2 archived
- Microcontrôleur sécurisé ST33G1M2 révision F, Firmware révision 9, incluant optionnellement la bibliothèque cryptographique Neslib 4.1 et la bibliothèque MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 révision 3.7 ou 3.8 archived
- Microcontrôleur sécurisé ST33G1M2 révision F, Firmware révision 9, incluant optionnellement la bibliothèque cryptographique Neslib 4.1 et la bibliothèque MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 révision 3.7 ou 3.8 archived
- Microcontrôleur sécurisé ST33G1M2 révision F, Firmware révisions 9 et A, incluant optionnellement la bibliothèque cryptographique Neslib versions 4.1 et 4.1.1 et la bibliothèque MIFARE4Mobile version 2.1.0 archived
- Microcontrôleur sécurisé ST33G1M2A1 révision H, Firmware révision 1.3.2, incluant optionnellement la bibliothèquecryptographique Neslib 6.0.3 et la bibliothèque SFM 1.0.7 archived
- Microcontrôleur sécurisé ST33H768 révision C, Firmware révision 4, incluant optionnellement la bibliothèque cryptographique Neslib version 4.1 et version 4.1.1 archived
- Microcontrôleur sécurisé ST33H768 révision C,Firmware révision 5, incluant optionnellement la bibliothèque cryptographique Neslib versions 4.1 et 4.1.1 et la bibliothèque MIFARE4Mobile version 2.1.0 archived
- Microcontrôleur sécurisé T6ND7 révision 4 archived
- Microcontrôleurs RISC 32-bits SAMSUNG S3FS91J /S3FS91H / S3FS91V / S3FS93I, avec SWP, Rév. 7, incluant la librairie sécurisée RSA v4.2 archived
- Microcontrôleurs SAMSUNG S3CT9KW, S3CT9KC et S3CT9K9 Revision 2.0 embarquant la bibliothèque RSA/ECC optionnelle TORNADO 2MX2 v2.1 archived
- Microcontrôleurs SAMSUNG S3CT9KW, S3CT9KC et S3CT9K9 Revision 2.0 embarquant la bibliothèque RSA/ECC optionnelle TORNADO 2MX2 v2.2 archived
- Microcontrôleurs SAMSUNG S3FT9FD, S3FT9FC et S3FT9FB Revision 1.0 archived
- Microcontrôleurs SAMSUNG S3FT9FD, S3FT9FC et S3FT9FB Revision 1.0 archived
- Microcontrôleurs SAMSUNG S3FT9MD et S3FT9MC archived
- Microcontrôleurs SAMSUNG S3FT9MD et S3FT9MC Revision 0 archived
- Microcontrôleurs SAMSUNG S3FT9MD etS3FT9MC Revision 1 active
- Microcontrôleurs SAMSUNG S3FT9MF/MT/MS Revision 0 embarquant la bibliothèque RSA/ECC optionnelle TORNADO 2MX2 v2.4 archived
- Microcontrôleurs SAMSUNG S3FT9PF, S3FT9PT et S3FT9PS Revision 0 embarquant la bibliothèque RSA/ECC optionnelle TORNADO 2MX2 v2.4 archived
- Microcontrôleurs SAMSUNG S3FT9PF, S3FT9PT et S3FT9PS Revision 0 embarquant la bibliothèque optionnelle RSA/ECC TORNADO 2MX2 v2.4 archived
- Microcontrôleurs Samsung S3FT9MF/S3FT9MT/S3FT9MS avec bibliothèques optionnelles RSA et ECC rev1_SW10-50-60-24_GU15-12-15-225-15-18-14-00 archived
- Microcontrôleurs sécurisés SA23YL18 et SB23YL18 incluant la bibliothèque cryptographique NesLib v2.0, v3.0 ou v3.1, révision externe B, révision interne G archived
- Microcontrôleurs sécurisés SA23YL80 et SB23YL80, incluant la bibliothèque cryptographique NesLib v1.0, v2.0, v3.0 ou v3.1, en configuration SA ou SB archived
- Microcontrôleurs sécurisés SA23YR80/48 et SB23YR80/48, incluant la bibliothèque cryptographique NesLib v2.0, v3.0 ou v3.1, en configuration SA ou SB archived
- Microcontrôleurs sécurisés SA23ZL48/34/18A et SB23ZL48/34/18A, incluant la bibliothèque cryptographique NesLib v2.0 ou v3.0, en configuration SA ou SB archived
- Microcontrôleurs sécurisés SC23Z018, SC23ZD12, SC23ZD08, SC23ZD04, SB23ZD18, SB23ZD12, SB23ZD08 et SB23ZD04 incluant optionnellement la librairie cryptographique NesLib révision 3.1 archived
- Microcontrôleurs sécurisés SC23Z018, SC23ZD12A, SC23ZD08A, SC23ZD04A, SB23ZD18A, SB23ZD12A, SB23ZD08A et SB23ZD04A, incluant optionnellement la librairie cryptographique Neslib révision 3.1 archived
- Microcontrôleurs sécurisés ST23R160/80A/48A et ST23L160/80A/48A, incluant optionnellement la bibliothèque cryptographique NesLib v3.1 archived
- Microcontrôleurs sécurisés ST33F1M, ST33F1M0, SC33F1M0, ST33F896, SC33F896, ST33F768, SC33F768, ST33F640, SC33F640, ST33F512, SC33F512 et SC33F384 incluant le logiciel dédié révision B ou C et optionnellement la bibliothèque cryptographique NesLib v3.0 archived
- Microcontrôleurs sécurisés ST33F1M/1M0/896/768/640/512, SC33F1M0/896/768/640/512/384, SM33F1M/1M0/896/768/640/512, SE33F1M/1M0/896/768/640/512, SL33F1M/1M0/896/768/640/512, SP33F1M, incluant le logiciel dédié révision D ou E et optionnellement la bibliothèque cryptographique NesLib v3.0 ou v3.2 archived
- Microcontrôleurs sécurisés ST33F1M/1M0/896/768/640/512, SC33F1M0/896/768/640/512/384,SM33F1M/1M0/896/768/640/512, SE33F1M/1M0/896/768/640/512, SL33F1M/1M0/896/768/640/512, SP33F1M incluant le logiciel dédié révision D ou E, optionnellement la bibliothèque cryptographique NesLib v3.0 ou v3.2, la librairie MIFARE DESFireTM EV1 v1.1 archived
- Microcontrôleurs sécurisés ST33F1ME, ST33F768E, SC33F768E, ST33F640E, SC33F640E, ST33F512E, SC33F512E et SC33F384E incluant optionnellement la bibliothèque cryptographique NesLib v3.0 archived
- Microcontrôleurs sécurisés ST33G1M2A et ST33G1M2M révision G, Firmware révision 1.3.2, incluant optionnellement la bibliothèque cryptographique Neslib 4.2.10 archived
- Microcontrôleurs sécurisésST23ZR08/ST23ZR04/ST23ZR02,ST23ZC08/ST23ZC04/ST23ZC02maskset K340A revision interne M archived
- NXP ASEPCOS-CNS v1.84 in SSCD Configuration on NXP P60D080PVG Dual Interface Microcontroller archived
- NXP Secure PKI Smart Card Controllers P5CD128V0v/ V0B(s), P5CC128V0v/ V0B(s), P5CD145V0v/ V0B(s), P5CC145V0v/ V0B(s), P5CN145V0v/V0B(s), each including IC Dedicated Software archived
- NXP Secure PKI Smart Card Controllers P5CD128V0v/ V0B(s), P5CC128V0v/ V0B(s), P5CD145V0v/ V0B(s), P5CC145V0v/ V0B(s), P5CN145V0v/V0B(s), each including IC Dedicated Software archived
- NXP Secure PKI Smart Card Controllers P5CD145V0A, MSO; P5CC145V0A, MSO; P5CD128V0A, MSO and P5CC128V0A, MSO; each including IC Dedicated Software archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller MF3F60x1 with IC Dedicated Support Software archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P40C012/040/072 VD archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60D024/016/012MVB including IC Dedicated Software with MIFARE Plus MF1PLUSx0 archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60D024/016/012PVB with IC Dedicated Software archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60D024/016/012PVB(Y/Z/A)/PVF with IC Dedicated Software archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60D024/016/012PVB/PVB(Y) with IC Dedicated Software archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60D024/016/012yVB including IC Dedicated Software with MIFARE Plus MF1PLUSx0 or MIFARE DESFire EV1 archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60D024/016/012yVB(Y/Z/A)/yVF with IC Dedicated Software archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60D024/016/012yVB(Y/Z/A)/yVF with IC Dedicated Software archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60D024/016/012yVB/yVB(Y) including IC Dedicated Software with MIFARE Plus MF1PLUSx0 or MIFARE DESFire EV1 archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60D080/052/040MVC including IC Dedicated Software with MIFARE Plus MF1PLUSx0 archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60D080/052/040yVC including IC Dedicated Software with MIFARE Plus MF1PLUSx0 or with MIFARE Plus MF1PLUSx0 and MIFARE DESFire EV1 archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60D080/052/040yVC(Z/A)/yVG including IC Dedicated Software MIFARE Plus MF1PLUSx0 or MIFARE Plus MF1PLUSx0 and MIFARE DESFire EV1 archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60D144/080MVA including IC Dedicated Software with MIFARE Plus MF1PLUSx0 archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60x017/041PVD including IC Dedicated Software archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60x017/041PVE including IC Dedicated Software archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60x080/052/040PVC(Y/Z/A)PVG with IC Dedicated Software archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60x080/052/040yVC(Y/Z/A)/yVG archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60x080/052/040yVC(Y/Z/A)/yVG with IC Dedicated Software archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60x144/080PVA archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60x144/080PVA with IC Dedicated Software FW5.0 archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60x144/080PVA/PVA(Y) with IC Dedicated Software FW5.0 archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60x144/080yVA including IC Dedicated Software MIFARE Plus MF1PLUSx0 or MIFARE Plus MF1PLUSx0 and MIFARE DESFire EV1 archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60x144/080yVA/yVA(Y/B/X)/yVE with IC Dedicated Software archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60x144/080yVA/yVA(Y/B/X)/yVE with IC Dedicated Software archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60x144/080yVA/yVA(Y/B/X)/yVE with IC Dedicated Software archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P61N1M3PVD/VE including IC Dedicated Software archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controllers P5CC008, P5CC012 V1A/V1A(s) each including IC Dedicated Software archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controllers P5CC008V1A, P5CC012V1A each including IC Dedicated Software archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controllers P5CD016/021/041/051 and P5Cx081 V1A/ V1A(s) archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controllers P5CD016/021/041/051 and P5Cx081V1A/ V1A(s) archived
- NXP Secure Smart Card Controllers P5CD016V1D / P5CD021V1D / P5CD041V1D / P5Cx081V1D with DESFire EV1 archived
- NXP Smart Card Controller P5CD080V0C, P5CN080V0C, P5CC080V0C, P5CC073V0C each with IC Dedicated Software archived
- NXP Smart Card Controller P60D080PVC and its major configurations P60D052PVC, P60D040PVC, P60C080PVC, P60C052PVC and P60C040PVC archived
- Plateforme UpTeq NFC 2.0.4_OFM release B sur composant ST33F1ME (S1121881 / Release B), configuration MIFARE activé ou configuration MIFARE désactivé archived
- Renesas Cryptographic Library v5126 on Renesas RS47X security integrated circuit Version 01 archived
- Renesas Cryptographic Library v5126 running on the RS46X archived
- Renesas RCL3.0 (version 5897) on RS4FC128 Version 01 integrated circuit Product Type Code 00 and Renesas RCL3.0 (version 5897) on RS4FC128E Version 01 integrated circuit Product Type Code 01 archived
- Renesas RS45C integrated circuit version 01 archived
- Renesas RS46X integrated circuit version 01 archived
- Renesas RS47X security integrated circuit, Version 01 archived
- Renesas RS4FC128 and RS4FC128E integrated circuits version 01 archived
- S3CS9AB 32-Bit RISC Microcontroller for Smart Cards, Revision 0 with specific IC Dedicated Software archived
- S3CS9AB 32-Bit RISC Microcontroller for Smart Cards, Revision 0 with specific IC Dedicated Software archived
- S3FT9PE Samsung 16-bit RISC Microcontroller for Smart Card with optional Secure RSA/ECC/SHA Libraries, including specific IC Dedicated Software, version S3FT9PE_20190329 archived
- S3FT9PF/S3FT9PT/S3FT9PS Samsung 16-bit RISC Microcontroller for Smart Card with optional Secure RSA/ECC/SHA Libraries, including specific IC Dedicated Software, version S3FT9PF_20190329 archived
- S3FV5RP, S3FV5RK, S3FV5RJ, S3FV5RH 32-Bit RISC Microcontroller for Smart Cards, Revision 0 with optional Secure ECC Library (Version 1.01) including specific IC Dedicated Software archived
- S3FV9QM/S3FV9QK (S3FV9QM_20230504) active
- S3FV9QM/S3FV9QK (S3FV9QM_20240504) (ANSSI-CC-2024/30) active
- S3FV9QM/S3FV9QK 32-bit RISC Microcontroller for Smart Card with optional Secure RSA/ECC/SHA Library archived
- SA23YR18A and SB23YR18A Secure Microcontrollers, including the cryptographic library Neslib v3.1, in SA or SB configuration archived
- SA23YT66/34A and SB23YR66/34A Secure Microcontrollers archived
- SAMSUNG Microcontroller RISC 32-bits S3FS91J / S3FS91H / S3FS91V / S3FS93I with SWP, Rev. 7 archived
- SAMSUNG S3FT9KF/S3FT9KT/S3FT9KS, revision 0 archived
- SAMSUNG S3FV9QJ / S3FV9QL / S3FV9QH / S3FV9FH archived
- SAMSUNG S3FV9QJ / S3FV9QL / S3FV9QH / S3FV9FH archived
- SAMSUNG S3FV9QJ / S3FV9QL / S3FV9QH / S3FV9FH référence : rev0_10-22-14-30_138-12-111-16-3-15 archived
- SAMSUNG S3FV9QM / S3FV9QK référence : S3FV9QM/S3FV9QK rev3_TRCv1.0_PKALibv1.4-GUIv1.38a_DTRNGlibv2.0/3.0-Iv1.2_BLv2.1/2.2-GUI1.2_BLv2.6-GUIv1.2.7_DOC-UMv1.11-SANv1.5-CDSv3.2 archived
- SAMSUNG S3FV9QM/S3FV9QK, revision 3 archived
- SAMSUNG S3FV9QM/S3FV9QK, revision 3 archived
- SAMSUNG S3FV9QM/S3FV9QK, révision 3 rev3_SW10_25_11_30_GU136_12_111_13_01_124 et rev3_SW10_25_12_30_GU136_12_111_13_01_124 archived
- SHHIC SHC1302/2907M4 with Crypto Library V1.10 and ITCOS V1.00 version HHIC2907M4 archived
- ST23YT66/34A Secure Microcontrollers archived
- ST23ZL48/34/18A Secure Microcontrollers archived
- ST31-K330A Secure microcontroller revision F for Dual mode version (contact and contactless) or contactless-only version, optionally including the NesLib cryptographic library revision 3.2 archived
- ST33F1M/1M0/896/768/640/512, SC33F1M0/896/768/640/512/384, SM33F1M/1M0/896/768/640/512, SE33F1M/1M0/896/768/640/512, SL33F1M/1M0/896/768/640/512, SP33F1M, With dedicated software revision D, Optional cryptographic library Neslib 3.0 or 3.2 archived
- ST33F1M/1M0/896/768/640/512, SC33F1M0/896/768/640/512/384, SM33F1M/1M0/896/768/640/512, SE33F1M/1M0/896/768/640/512, SL33F1M/1M0/896/768/640/512, SP33F1M, With dedicated software revision D, Optional cryptographic library Neslib 3.0 or 3.2, Optional MIFARE DESFireTM EV1 archived
- ST33G1M2A1 including optional cryptographic library NesLib and optional library SFM (C04)(ANSSI-CC-2020/24-R01) active
- STMicroelectronics SA23YL18B Secure Microcontroller, including the cryptographic library Neslib v1.0 SA archived
- STMicroelectronics SA23YL18B and SB23YL18B Secure Microcontrollers, including the cryptographic library Neslib v2.0 or v3.0, in SA or SB configuration archived
- STMicroelectronics SA23YL80C Secure Microcontrollers, including the cryptographic library Neslib v1.0 SA archived
- STMicroelectronics SA23YR18A Secure Microcontroller archived
- STMicroelectronics SA23YR18A and SB23YR18A Secure Microcontrollers, including the cryptographic library Neslib v2.0, in SA or SB configuration archived
- STMicroelectronics SA23YR48/80A and SB23YR48/80A Secure Microcontrollers, including the cryptographic library Neslib v2.0 in SA or SB configuration archived
- STMicroelectronics SA23YR48/80A and SB23YR48/80A Secure Microcontrollers, including the cryptographic library Neslib v3.0, in SA or SB configuration archived
- STMicroelectronics SA23YR48/80B and SB23YR48/80B Secure Microcontrollers, including the cryptographic library Neslib v2.0 or v3.0, in SA or SB configuration archived
- STMicroelectronics SA23YT66/34A and SB23YR66/34A Secure Microcontrollers, including the cryptographic library Neslib v2.0, in SA or SB configuration archived
- STMicroelectronics SA33F1MD & SB33F1MD Secure Microcontrollers, including cryptographic library NesLib v3.0, in configuration SA or SB archived
- STMicroelectronics SB23YR48A Secure Microcontrollers, including the cryptographic library Neslib v2.0 in SB configuration archived
- STMicroelectronics SB23YR80A Secure Microcontroller, including the cryptographic library Neslib v2.0 SB archived
- STMicroelectronics ST23YL18B Secure Microcontroller archived
- STMicroelectronics ST23YL80C Secure Microcontroller archived
- STMicroelectronics ST23YR18A Secure Microcontroller archived
- STMicroelectronics ST23YR18A Secure Microcontroller archived
- STMicroelectronics ST23YR48A Secure Microcontroller archived
- STMicroelectronics ST23YR48A and ST23YR80A Secure Microcontroller archived
- STMicroelectronics ST23YR48B and ST23YR80B Secure Microcontrollers archived
- STMicroelectronics ST23YT66/34A Secure Microcontrollers archived
- STMicroelectronics ST33F1MD Secure Microcontrollers archived
- STMicroelectronics Secured microcontroller ST33F1ME, ST33F768E, SC33F768E, ST33F640E, SC33F640E, ST33F512E, SC33F512E et SC33F384E all with optional cryptographic library NESLIB 3.0 archived
- Samsung S3CT9AC/S3CT9AA/S3CT9A7 16-Bit RISC Microcontroller for Smart Cards, Revision 0 with specific IC Dedicated Software archived
- Samsung S3CT9KA / S3CT9K7 / S3CT9K3 16-bit RISC Microcontroller for Smart Card, Revision 0 with optional Secure RSA/ECC Library Version 1.0 including specific IC Dedicated Software archived
- Samsung S3CT9KA / S3CT9K7 / S3CT9K3 16-bit RISC Microcontroller for Smart Card, Revision 1 with optional Secure RSA/ECC Library Version 1.0 including specific IC Dedicated Software archived
- Samsung S3CT9P3 16-Bit RISC Microcontroller for Smart Cards, Revision 0 with optional Secure RSA and ECC Library (Version 2.0) including specific IC Dedicated Software archived
- Samsung S3CT9PC / S3CT9PA / S3CT9P7 16-bit RISC Microcontroller for Smart Card, Revision 1 with optional Secure RSA/ECC Library Version 2.0 including specific IC Dedicated Software archived
- Samsung S3CT9PC / S3CT9PA / S3CT9P7 16-bit RISC Microcontroller for Smart Card, Revision 1 with optional Secure RSA/ECC Library Version 2.0 including specific IC Dedicated Software archived
- Samsung S3FT9KF/S3FT9KT/S3FT9KS révision 1, incluant la librairie RSA/ECC sécurisée version 3.2 archived
- Secure Microcontrollers ST23ZR08A/ST23ZR04A/ST23ZR02A, ST23ZC08A/ST23ZC04A/ST23ZC02A archived
- T6ND1 Integrated Circuit with Crypto Library v6.0 archived
- Toshiba T6NE1 HW version 4 archived
Updates ?
04.02.2025 The protection profile was first processed.
New Protection Profile
A new Protection Profile with the name Security IC Platform Protection Profile, Version 1.0 was processed.
Raw data
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"BSI": {
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"BSI-PP-0002": 1,
"BSI-PP-0035": 2
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"ADV": {
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"ADV_FSP.2": 1,
"ADV_FSP.4": 11,
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"ADV_TDS.3": 2
"AGD": {
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"AGD_OPE.1": 11,
"AGD_PRE": 6,
"AGD_PRE.1": 7
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"ALC_CMS.4": 6,
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"EAL5": 1,
"EAL5 augmented": 1
"cc_sfr": {
"FAU": {
"FAU_GEN": 2,
"FAU_GEN.1": 2,
"FAU_SAS": 6,
"FAU_SAS.1": 17,
"FAU_SAS.1.1": 3
"FCS": {
"FCS_RNG": 6,
"FCS_RNG.1": 15,
"FCS_RNG.1.1": 4,
"FCS_RNG.1.2": 3
"FDP": {
"FDP_ACC.1": 1,
"FDP_ACF": 1,
"FDP_IFC.1": 19,
"FDP_IFC.1.1": 1,
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"FMT_LIM.2": 34,
"FMT_LIM.2.1": 2
"FPT": {
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"FPT_AMT.1.1": 1,
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"FPT_ITT.1": 17,
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"FPT_PHP.1.1": 1,
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"os_name": {},
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"randomness": {
"RNG": {
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"RNG": 4
"side_channel_analysis": {
"FI": {
"DFA": 1,
"Malfunction": 28,
"malfunction": 12,
"physical tampering": 7
"SCA": {
"DPA": 2,
"Leak-Inherent": 20,
"Physical Probing": 4,
"Physical probing": 2,
"SPA": 1,
"physical probing": 10,
"timing attacks": 1
"other": {
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"standard_id": {
"BSI": {
"AIS31": 1
"symmetric_crypto": {},
"technical_report_id": {},
"tee_name": {},
"tls_cipher_suite": {},
"vendor": {
"Infineon": {
"Infineon Technologies AG": 3
"NXP": {
"NXP Semiconductors": 3
"STMicroelectronics": {
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"BSI": {
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"BSI-PP-0035-2007": 3
"cc_sar": {
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"NXP": {
"NXP Semiconductors": 4
"STMicroelectronics": {
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"report_metadata": {
"/Author": "Bundesamt f\u00fcr Sicherheit in der Informationstechnk",
"/Company": "BSI, Postfach 200363, 53133 Bonn",
"/CreationDate": "D:20070905065753+02\u002700\u0027",
"/Creator": "Acrobat PDFMaker 8.1 f\u00fcr Word",
"/Keywords": "Common Criteria, Certification, Zertifizierung, Protection Profile, Schutzprofil, Security IC Platfomr PP Version 1.0, Atmel Secure Products, Infineon Technologies Ag, NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH, Renesas Technology Europe Ltd, STMicroelectronis",
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