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Juniper Networks Junos OS 22.3R1 for MX240, MX480, MX960, EX9204, EX9208 and EX9214 with MACsec
CSV information ?
Status | active |
Valid from | 30.08.2024 |
Valid until | 30.08.2029 |
Scheme | 🇦🇺 AU |
Manufacturer | Juniper Networks, Inc. |
Category | Network and Network-Related Devices and Systems |
Security level | |
Protection profiles |
Heuristics summary ?
Certificate ID: Certificate Number: 2024/152
Certificate ?
Extracted keywords
Certificate Number: 2024/152File metadata
Creation date | D:20250115235547+11'00' |
Modification date | D:20250115235547+11'00' |
Pages | 1 |
Certification report ?
Extracted keywords
MAC, Key AgreementProtocols
SSHEvaluation facilities
Teron LabsStandards
SP 800-90BFile metadata
Creation date | D:20240830233449+10'00' |
Modification date | D:20240830233449+10'00' |
Pages | 17 |
Security target ?
Heuristics ?
Certificate ID: Certificate Number: 2024/152
Similar certificates
References ?
No references are available for this certificate.
Updates ?
10.03.2025 The certificate data changed.
Certificate changed
The computed heuristics were updated.
- The protection_profiles property was set to
{'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['89f2a255423f4a20']}
- The protection_profiles property was set to
05.02.2025 The certificate data changed.
Certificate changed
The state of the certificate object was updated.
- The report property was updated, with the
{'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.document_state.DocumentState'}
data. - The st property was updated, with the
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data. - The cert property was updated, with the
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The computed heuristics were updated.
- The following values were inserted:
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. - The prev_certificates property was set to
. - The next_certificates property was set to
- The report property was updated, with the
03.02.2025 The certificate data changed.
Certificate changed
The Protection Profiles of the certificate were updated.
- The new value is
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The state of the certificate object was updated.
- The cert property was updated, with the
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. - The cert_keywords property was set to
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. - The cert_filename property was set to
AISEP_Certificate_2024_152_EFT-T035_Junos OS 22.3R1 for MX240, MX480, MX960, EX9204, EX9208 and EX9214 with MACsec_os.pdf
The computed heuristics were updated.
- The cert_id property was set to
Certificate Number: 2024/152
- The new value is
27.01.2025 The certificate was first processed.
New certificate
A new Common Criteria certificate with the product name Juniper Networks Junos OS 22.3R1 for MX240, MX480, MX960, EX9204, EX9208 and EX9214 with MACsec was processed.
Raw data
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