eTravel v2.3 on MultiApp v4.1 platform, BAC, EAC and AA activated Référence/version du produit Version de l’application eTravel : 2.3 Version de la plateforme Java Card MultiApp : 4.1

CSV information ?

Status archived
Valid from 17.12.2021
Valid until 12.12.2023
Scheme 🇫🇷 FR
Category ICs, Smart Cards and Smart Card-Related Devices and Systems
Security level EAL5+, AVA_VAN.5, ALC_DVS.2
Protection profiles

Heuristics summary ?

Certificate ID: ANSSI-CC-2018/58v2

Certificate ?

Extracted keywords

Security level
Security Assurance Requirements (SAR)
Protection profiles
Evaluation facilities

File metadata

Title Microsoft Word - certificat-2018_58v2
Author sharbus
Creation date D:20211222165349+01'00'
Modification date D:20211222165349+01'00'
Pages 2
Producer Microsoft: Print To PDF

Certification report ?

Extracted keywords

Symmetric Algorithms
Asymmetric Algorithms

Samsung, Gemalto

Security level
EAL 5, EAL2, EAL7, ITSEC E6 Elevé
Security Assurance Requirements (SAR)
Protection profiles
BSI-PP-0056-2009, BSI-PP-0084-2014, BSI-CC-PP-0056-2009
ANSSI-CC-2018/58v2, ANSSI-CC-2018/58, ANSSI-CC-2017/24, ANSSI-CC-2018/32v2
Evaluation facilities

ICAO, CCMB-2017-04-001, CCMB-2017-04-002, CCMB-2017-04-003

File metadata

Title Microsoft Word - ANSSI-CC-2018_58v2
Author sharbus
Creation date D:20211222164829+01'00'
Modification date D:20211222164829+01'00'
Pages 16
Producer Microsoft: Print To PDF


  • ANSSI-CC-2017/24 - archived - S3FT9MH/S3FT9MV/S3FT9MG 16-bit RISC Microcontroller for Smart Card with optional Secure RSA and ECC Library including specific IC Dedicated Software
  • ANSSI-CC-2018/32v2 - archived - Plateforme ouverte Java Card MultiApp V4.1 en configuration ouverte masquée sur le composant S3FT9MH (Release Date 28/09/2018)
  • ANSSI-CC-2018/58 - archived - eTravel v2.3 on MultiApp v4.1 platform, BAC, EAC and AA activated

Security target ?

Extracted keywords

Symmetric Algorithms
Asymmetric Algorithms
RSA 1024, ECDH, ECDSA, ECC, Diffie-Hellman, DH
Hash functions
SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512
MAC, Key Agreement
Block cipher modes

IC data groups
Samsung, Gemalto, Thales

Security level
EAL5, EAL 6+, EAL5 augmented
Security Assurance Requirements (SAR)
Security Functional Requirements (SFR)
Protection profiles
BSI-CC-PP-0084-2014, BSI-PP-0056-2009, BSI-CC-PP-0068-V2-2011-MA-01, BSI-PP-0055-2009
ANSSI-CC-2017/24, CC-1, CC-2, CC-3

Side-channel analysis
Leak-Inherent, physical probing, DPA, SPA, timing attacks, Physical Tampering, physical tampering, Physical tampering, Malfunction, malfunction, fault injection, reverse engineering

FIPS 186-3, FIPS 180-2, FIPS 197, SP 800-90, SP 800-67, PKCS#3, PKCS#1, RFC 2631, RFC 3369, ISO/IEC 14443, ISO/IEC 7816-4, ICAO, SCP03, SCP01, SCP02, CCMB-2017-04-001, CCMB-2017-04-002, CCMB-2017-04-003, CCMB-2017-04-004

File metadata

Title MultiApp V4.1: eTravel 2.3 EAC on BAC Security Target
Subject 1.5
Keywords 05-07-2018
Author D1417546
Creation date D:20210921161242+02'00'
Modification date D:20210921161242+02'00'
Pages 73
Creator Microsoft® Word 2016
Producer Microsoft® Word 2016


  • ANSSI-CC-2017/24 - archived - S3FT9MH/S3FT9MV/S3FT9MG 16-bit RISC Microcontroller for Smart Card with optional Secure RSA and ECC Library including specific IC Dedicated Software

Heuristics ?

Certificate ID: ANSSI-CC-2018/58v2

Extracted SARs


Similar certificates

Name Certificate ID
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Application IAS V4.2 sur la plateformeJavaCard ouverte MultiApp V3.1 masquée surle composant P60D080PVC(version du patch : 1.4) ANSSI-CC-2015/08 Compare
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IAS ECC v2, version 1.3, in configuration #3 on ID-One Cosmo v8.2 open platform on NXP P6022M VBIdentification de l’application : F0 02 02 13 (ANSSI-CC-2020/52-R01) ANSSI-CC-2020/52-R01 Compare
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Application IAS XL sur plateforme Java Card en configuration ouverte de la carte à puce MultiApp ID V2.1 sur composant P5CC081V1A ANSSI-CC-2012/80 Compare
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Plateforme Java Card MAV31S en configuration ouverte de la carte à puce Optelio Contactless R7S masquée sur le composant P60D144JVA (version du patch: 1.4) ANSSI-CC-2015/30 Compare
eTravel Essential 1.3-2.0 - BAC and AA activated (Version 1.0) ANSSI-CC-2021/60 Compare
eTravel Essential 1.3-2.0 – PACE, EAC and AA activated (Version 1.0) ANSSI-CC-2021/63 Compare
eTravel 3.1 EAC on BAC on MultiApp V5.1 Version ( ANSSI-CC-2023/35 ) ANSSI-CC-2023/35 Compare
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Plateforme Java Card de la carte à puce MultiApp ID V2.1 masquée sur composant P5CC081V1A ANSSI-CC-2012/24 Compare
IAS ECC V2, version 1.3 en configuration #4 sur la plateforme ID-One Cosmo v8.2 ANSSI-CC-2020/53 Compare
IAS ECC V2, Version 1.3 en configuration #4 sur la plateforme ID-One Cosmo v8.2 ANSSI-CC-2019/36 Compare
MultiApp v4.0.1 with Filter Set 1.0 Java Card Open Platform on M7892 G12 chip(MultiApp v4.0.1 with Filter Set 1.0) (ANSSI-CC-2020/42-R01) ANSSI-CC-2020/42-R01 Compare
DiamondTEK Product (DiamondCentral: NSC Application S/W version 2.0.1; NSD-Prime F/W version 2.1.4) and NSD (DiamondLink, DiamondPak, DiamondVPN) F/W version 2.1.4 CCEVS-VR-0021-2002 Compare
Plateforme Java Card en configuration ouverte de la carte à puce MultiApp ID V2.1 masquée sur composant P5CC145V0A ANSSI-CC-2013/29 Compare
Application eTravel EAC v2.0, en configuration BAC, sur la plateforme ouverte MultiApp V3 masquée sur le composant M7820 A11 ANSSI-CC-2014/13 Compare
Application IAS V4 sur la plateforme JavaCard ouverte MultiApp V3 masquée sur le composant M7820 A11 (Version du patch : 1.5) ANSSI-CC-2014/50 Compare
Application IAS V4 sur la plateforme JavaCard ouverte MultiApp V3 masquée sur le composant M7820 A11 (Version du patch : 1.5) ANSSI-CC-2014/49 Compare
Application eTravel EAC v2.0 sur la carte à pucefermée MultiApp V3 masquée sur le composantM7820 A11(Version du patch : 5.0) ANSSI-CC-2014/61 Compare
Gemalto Carte à puce Multiapp ID IAS ECC : applet de signature v4.2.7.A chargée sur la plate-forme Java Card Multiapp v1.0 avec correctif v1.2 masquée sur microcontrôleur NXP P5CD144 VOB ANSSI-CC-2009/56 Compare
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eTravel 3.0 BAC on MultiApp v4.2 (version 3.0.0) ANSSI-CC-2021/38 Compare
Carte à puce Multiapp ID IAS ECC wafer process : applet de signature v4.2.7.A chargée sur la plate-forme Java Card Multiapp v1.0 avec correctif v1.2 masquée sur microcontrôleur NXP P5CD144 VOB ANSSI-CC-2010/52 Compare
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Cryptek Inc. DiamondTEK (DiamondCentral (NSC Application S/W version, NSD-Prime F/W version and NSD (DiamondLink, DiamondPak, DiamondVPN, DiamondSAT, DiamondUTC) F/W version 04, CP 106), Diamond VPN (also sold as CV100); DiamondSAT CCEVS-VR-0054-2006 Compare
- Kanguru Defender Elite 200 with Kanguru Defender Manager Elite 200, Firmware Version 02.03.10, KDME200 v2.0.0.0-2/3/6,- Kanguru Defender 2000 with Kanguru Defender Manager 2000, Firmware Version 02.03.10, KDM2000 v1.2.1.8-2/3/6,- Universal Kanguru Local Administrator, Version and- Kanguru Remote Management Console, Version BSI-DSZ-CC-0772-2014 Compare
Application J-Sign version 1.8.4 sur la plateforme J-Safe version 2.11.0 ANSSI-CC-2015/17 Compare
ChipDoc v4.1 on JCOP 4.5 P71 in ICAO EAC(1&2) with PACE configuration Version ( ANSSI-CC-2023/68) ANSSI-CC-2023/68 Compare
IAS ECC V2, Version 1.3 en configuration #3 sur la plateforme ID-One Cosmo v8.2 ANSSI-CC-2019/35 Compare
IAS ECC V2, version 1.3 en configuration #3 sur la plateforme ID-One Cosmo v8.2 ANSSI-CC-2020/52 Compare
Card Usimera Protect: SLE88CFX4000P microcontroller embedding SIM, USIM and OTA applications on Java card open platform (version 2.1). ANSSI-CC-2007/08 Compare
IAS ECC V2, version 1.3 en configuration #1 sur la plateforme ID-One Cosmo v8.2 ANSSI-CC-2019/33 Compare
IAS ECC V2, version 1.3 en configuration #2 sur la plateforme ID-One Cosmo v8.2 ANSSI-CC-2020/51 Compare
IAS ECC V2, version 1.3 en configuration #1 sur la plateforme ID-One Cosmo v8.2 ANSSI-CC-2020/50 Compare
IAS ECC V2, version 1.3 en configuration #2 sur la plateforme ID-One Cosmo v8.2 ANSSI-CC-2019/34 Compare
eTravel 3.1 BAC on MultiApp V5.1 Version ( ANSSI-CC-2023/34 ) ANSSI-CC-2023/34 Compare
Showing 5 out of 80.

References ?

Updates ?

  • 10.02.2025 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The scheme_data property was set to None.
  • 05.02.2025 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The report property was updated, with the {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.document_state.DocumentState'} data.
    • The st property was updated, with the {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.document_state.DocumentState'} data.
    • The cert property was updated, with the {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.document_state.DocumentState'} data.

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The following values were inserted: {'protection_profiles': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['f826c2b289ac76dc']}, 'eal': 'EAL5+'}.
    • The prev_certificates property was set to None.
    • The next_certificates property was set to None.
    • The scheme_data property was set to {'product': 'eTravel v2.3 on MultiApp v4.1 platform, BAC, EAC and AA activated Référence/version du produit Version de l’application eTravel : 2.3 Version de la plateforme Java Card MultiApp : 4.1', 'url': '', 'description': 'Le produit évalué est l’application « eTravel v2.3 on MultiApp v4.1 platform, BAC, EAC and AA activated » développée par la société THALES DIS FRANCE SAS et embarquée sur le microcontrôleur S3FT9MH fabriqué par la société SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD. Le produit implémente les fonctions de document de voyage électronique conformément aux spécifications de l’organisation de l’aviation civile intern', 'sponsor': 'THALES DIS FRANCE SAS SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD', 'developer': 'THALES DIS FRANCE SAS SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD', 'cert_id': 'ANSSI-CC-2018/58v2', 'level': 'EAL5+', 'enhanced': {'cert_id': 'ANSSI-CC-2018/58v2', 'certification_date': '2021-12-17', 'category': 'Cartes à puce', 'cc_version': 'Critères Communs version 3.1r5', 'developer': 'THALES DIS FRANCE SAS SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD', 'sponsor': 'THALES DIS FRANCE SAS SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD', 'evaluation_facility': 'SERMA SAFETY & SECURITY', 'level': 'EAL5+', 'protection_profile': 'Protection Profile, Machine Readable Travel Document with “ICAO Application”, Extended Access Control, version 1.10', 'mutual_recognition': 'SOG-IS CCRA', 'augmented': 'ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5', 'cert_link': '', 'report_link': '', 'target_link': ''}}.
  • 03.02.2025 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The scheme_data property was set to None.
  • 27.01.2025 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The scheme_data property was set to {'product': 'eTravel v2.3 on MultiApp v4.1 platform, BAC, EAC and AA activated Référence/version du produit Version de l’application eTravel : 2.3 Version de la plateforme Java Card MultiApp : 4.1', 'url': '', 'description': 'Le produit évalué est l’application « eTravel v2.3 on MultiApp v4.1 platform, BAC, EAC and AA activated » développée par la société THALES DIS FRANCE SAS et embarquée sur le microcontrôleur S3FT9MH fabriqué par la société SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD. Le produit implémente les fonctions de document de voyage électronique conformément aux spécifications de l’organisation de l’aviation civile intern', 'sponsor': 'THALES DIS FRANCE SAS SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD', 'developer': 'THALES DIS FRANCE SAS SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD', 'cert_id': 'ANSSI-CC-2018/58v2', 'level': 'EAL5+', 'enhanced': {'cert_id': 'ANSSI-CC-2018/58v2', 'certification_date': '2021-12-17', 'category': 'Cartes à puce', 'cc_version': 'Critères Communs version 3.1r5', 'developer': 'THALES DIS FRANCE SAS SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD', 'sponsor': 'THALES DIS FRANCE SAS SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD', 'evaluation_facility': 'SERMA SAFETY & SECURITY', 'level': 'EAL5+', 'protection_profile': 'Protection Profile, Machine Readable Travel Document with “ICAO Application”, Extended Access Control, version 1.10', 'mutual_recognition': 'SOG-IS CCRA', 'augmented': 'ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5', 'cert_link': '', 'report_link': '', 'target_link': ''}}.
  • 06.01.2025 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The scheme_data property was set to None.
  • 16.12.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The scheme_data property was set to {'product': 'eTravel v2.3 on MultiApp v4.1 platform, BAC, EAC and AA activated Référence/version du produit Version de l’application eTravel : 2.3 Version de la plateforme Java Card MultiApp : 4.1', 'url': '', 'description': 'Le produit évalué est l’application « eTravel v2.3 on MultiApp v4.1 platform, BAC, EAC and AA activated » développée par la société THALES DIS FRANCE SAS et embarquée sur le microcontrôleur S3FT9MH fabriqué par la société SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD. Le produit implémente les fonctions de document de voyage électronique conformément aux spécifications de l’organisation de l’aviation civile intern', 'sponsor': 'THALES DIS FRANCE SAS SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD', 'developer': 'THALES DIS FRANCE SAS SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD', 'cert_id': 'ANSSI-CC-2018/58v2', 'level': 'EAL5+', 'enhanced': {'cert_id': 'ANSSI-CC-2018/58v2', 'certification_date': '2021-12-17', 'category': 'Cartes à puce', 'cc_version': 'Critères Communs version 3.1r5', 'developer': 'THALES DIS FRANCE SAS SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD', 'sponsor': 'THALES DIS FRANCE SAS SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD', 'evaluation_facility': 'SERMA SAFETY & SECURITY', 'level': 'EAL5+', 'protection_profile': 'Protection Profile, Machine Readable Travel Document with “ICAO Application”, Extended Access Control, version 1.10', 'mutual_recognition': 'SOG-IS CCRA', 'augmented': 'ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5', 'cert_link': '', 'report_link': '', 'target_link': ''}}.
  • 09.12.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The scheme_data property was set to None.
  • 21.11.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The following values were inserted: {'prev_certificates': ['ANSSI-CC-2018/58'], 'next_certificates': []}.
  • 09.11.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The scheme_data property was updated, with the {'description': 'Le produit évalué est l’application « eTravel v2.3 on MultiApp v4.1 platform, BAC, EAC and AA activated » développée par la société THALES DIS FRANCE SAS et embarquée sur le microcontrôleur S3FT9MH fabriqué par la société SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD. Le produit implémente les fonctions de document de voyage électronique conformément aux spécifications de l’organisation de l’aviation civile intern', 'cert_id': 'ANSSI-CC-2018/58v2', 'enhanced': {'__update__': {'cert_id': 'ANSSI-CC-2018/58v2', 'certification_date': '2021-12-17', 'mutual_recognition': 'SOG-IS CCRA'}}} data.
  • 30.10.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The scheme_data property was updated, with the {'product': 'eTravel v2.3 on MultiApp v4.1 platform, BAC, EAC and AA activated Référence/version du produit Version de l’application eTravel : 2.3 Version de la plateforme Java Card MultiApp : 4.1', 'url': '', 'description': 'Le produit évalué est l’application « eTravel v2.3 on MultiApp v4.1 platform, BAC, EAC and AA activated » développée par la société THALES DIS FRANCE SAS et embarquée sur le microcontrôleur S3FT9MH fabriqué par la société SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD.\nLe produit implémente les fonctions de document de voyage électronique conformément aux spécifications de l’organisation de l’aviation civile intern', 'cert_id': '2018/58v2', 'level': 'EAL5+', 'enhanced': {'__update__': {'cert_id': '2018/58v2', 'level': 'EAL5+', 'protection_profile': 'Protection Profile, Machine Readable Travel Document with “ICAO Application”, Extended Access Control, version 1.10', 'augmented': 'ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5', 'cert_link': '', 'report_link': '', 'target_link': ''}}} data.
  • 21.10.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The scheme_data property was updated, with the {'product': 'eTravel v2.3 on MultiApp v4.1 platform, BAC and AA activated Version de l’application eTravel : 2.3 Version de la plateforme Java Card MultiApp : 4.1', 'url': '', 'description': 'Le produit évalué est l’application « eTravel v2.3 on MultiApp v4.1 platform, BAC and AA activated » développée par la société THALES DIS FRANCE SAS et embarquée sur le microcontrôleur S3FT9MH fabriqué par la société SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD\nLe produit implémente les fonctions de document de voyage électronique conformément aux spécifications de l’organisation de l’aviation civile internationa', 'cert_id': '2018/56v2', 'level': 'EAL4+', 'enhanced': {'__update__': {'cert_id': '2018/56v2', 'level': 'EAL4+', 'protection_profile': 'Protection Profile, Machine Readable Travel Document with “ICAO Application”, Basic Access Control, version 1.10', 'augmented': 'ADV_FSP.5, ADV_TDS.4, ADV_INT.2, ALC_CMS.5, ALC_DVS.2, ALC_TAT.2, ATE_DPT.3', 'cert_link': '', 'report_link': '', 'target_link': ''}}} data.
  • 17.10.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The scheme_data property was updated, with the {'product': 'eTravel v2.3 on MultiApp v4.1 platform, BAC, EAC and AA activated Référence/version du produit Version de l’application eTravel : 2.3 Version de la plateforme Java Card MultiApp : 4.1', 'url': '', 'description': 'Le produit évalué est l’application « eTravel v2.3 on MultiApp v4.1 platform, BAC, EAC and AA activated » développée par la société THALES DIS FRANCE SAS et embarquée sur le microcontrôleur S3FT9MH fabriqué par la société SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD.\nLe produit implémente les fonctions de document de voyage électronique conformément aux spécifications de l’organisation de l’aviation civile intern', 'cert_id': '2018/58v2', 'level': 'EAL5+', 'enhanced': {'__update__': {'cert_id': '2018/58v2', 'level': 'EAL5+', 'protection_profile': 'Protection Profile, Machine Readable Travel Document with “ICAO Application”, Extended Access Control, version 1.10', 'augmented': 'ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5', 'cert_link': '', 'report_link': '', 'target_link': ''}}} data.
  • 14.10.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The scheme_data property was set to {'product': 'eTravel v2.3 on MultiApp v4.1 platform, BAC and AA activated Version de l’application eTravel : 2.3 Version de la plateforme Java Card MultiApp : 4.1', 'url': '', 'description': 'Le produit évalué est l’application « eTravel v2.3 on MultiApp v4.1 platform, BAC and AA activated » développée par la société THALES DIS FRANCE SAS et embarquée sur le microcontrôleur S3FT9MH fabriqué par la société SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD\nLe produit implémente les fonctions de document de voyage électronique conformément aux spécifications de l’organisation de l’aviation civile internationa', 'sponsor': 'THALES DIS FRANCE SAS SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD', 'developer': 'THALES DIS FRANCE SAS SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD', 'cert_id': '2018/56v2', 'level': 'EAL4+', 'enhanced': {'cert_id': '2018/56v2', 'certification_date': '17/12/2021', 'category': 'Cartes à puce', 'cc_version': 'Critères Communs version 3.1r5', 'developer': 'THALES DIS FRANCE SAS SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD', 'sponsor': 'THALES DIS FRANCE SAS SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD', 'evaluation_facility': 'SERMA SAFETY & SECURITY', 'level': 'EAL4+', 'protection_profile': 'Protection Profile, Machine Readable Travel Document with “ICAO Application”, Basic Access Control, version 1.10', 'mutual_recognition': 'SOG-IS\n CCRA', 'augmented': 'ADV_FSP.5, ADV_TDS.4, ADV_INT.2, ALC_CMS.5, ALC_DVS.2, ALC_TAT.2, ATE_DPT.3', 'cert_link': '', 'report_link': '', 'target_link': ''}}.
  • 02.09.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The scheme_data property was set to None.
  • 22.08.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The report property was updated, with the {'download_ok': True, 'convert_garbage': True, 'convert_ok': True, 'extract_ok': True, 'pdf_hash': '530b0932054545fb91a9f6ea3ff0ceb1c8de95851cb21f05be1a2014ed9fb973', 'txt_hash': 'c354a7c37efb5a123cdff721b11ea6c618e0d57fd6cd6ea018eb2ef2e36bafab'} data.
    • The st property was updated, with the {'download_ok': True, 'convert_ok': True, 'extract_ok': True, 'pdf_hash': '6f309c5fba1359c5d44106a7b8059fd312ab220abc2177661b4714b77298e6cd', 'txt_hash': '39ac5bf065d661bf8b9fb9c172732ec902c904f497902290fe90f7bd6ac61dc6'} data.
    • The cert property was updated, with the {'download_ok': True, 'convert_garbage': True, 'convert_ok': True, 'extract_ok': True, 'pdf_hash': 'c489b5992a6700b054536e9bab5a5d1a41e6bd400236c65d2d272bdf5e9cb688', 'txt_hash': '040af36297d294dabe1dc3a8a4a50a6812450a2ae3cd182b0fc7c0697e90f01d'} data.

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The report_metadata property was set to {'pdf_file_size_bytes': 4218025, 'pdf_is_encrypted': False, 'pdf_number_of_pages': 16, '/Author': 'sharbus', '/CreationDate': "D:20211222164829+01'00'", '/ModDate': "D:20211222164829+01'00'", '/Producer': 'Microsoft: Print To PDF', '/Title': 'Microsoft Word - ANSSI-CC-2018_58v2', 'pdf_hyperlinks': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': []}}.
    • The st_metadata property was set to {'pdf_file_size_bytes': 1888188, 'pdf_is_encrypted': False, 'pdf_number_of_pages': 73, '/Title': 'MultiApp V4.1: eTravel 2.3 EAC on BAC Security Target', '/Author': 'D1417546', '/Subject': '1.5', '/Keywords': '05-07-2018', '/Creator': 'Microsoft® Word 2016', '/CreationDate': "D:20210921161242+02'00'", '/ModDate': "D:20210921161242+02'00'", '/Producer': 'Microsoft® Word 2016', 'pdf_hyperlinks': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': []}}.
    • The cert_metadata property was set to {'pdf_file_size_bytes': 1306910, 'pdf_is_encrypted': False, 'pdf_number_of_pages': 2, '/Author': 'sharbus', '/CreationDate': "D:20211222165349+01'00'", '/ModDate': "D:20211222165349+01'00'", '/Producer': 'Microsoft: Print To PDF', '/Title': 'Microsoft Word - certificat-2018_58v2', 'pdf_hyperlinks': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': []}}.
    • The report_frontpage property was set to {'FR': {}}.
    • The report_keywords property was set to {'cc_cert_id': {'FR': {'ANSSI-CC-2018/58v2': 17, 'ANSSI-CC-2018/58': 4, 'ANSSI-CC-2017/24': 2, 'ANSSI-CC-2018/32v2': 2}}, 'cc_protection_profile_id': {'BSI': {'BSI-PP-0056-2009': 1, 'BSI-PP-0084-2014': 1, 'BSI-CC-PP-0056-2009': 1}}, 'cc_security_level': {'EAL': {'EAL 5': 1, 'EAL2': 2, 'EAL7': 1}, 'ITSEC': {'ITSEC E6 Elevé': 1}}, 'cc_sar': {'AGD': {'AGD_PRE': 1, 'AGD_OPE': 1}, 'ALC': {'ALC_DVS.2': 1, 'ALC_FLR': 1}, 'AVA': {'AVA_VAN': 3}}, 'cc_sfr': {}, 'cc_claims': {}, 'vendor': {'Samsung': {'Samsung': 1}, 'Gemalto': {'Gemalto': 11}}, 'eval_facility': {'Serma': {'SERMA': 1}, 'CESTI': {'CESTI': 1}}, 'symmetric_crypto': {'DES': {'DES': {'DES': 1}}}, 'asymmetric_crypto': {'ECC': {'ECC': {'ECC': 1}}}, 'pq_crypto': {}, 'hash_function': {}, 'crypto_scheme': {}, 'crypto_protocol': {}, 'randomness': {}, 'cipher_mode': {}, 'ecc_curve': {}, 'crypto_engine': {}, 'tls_cipher_suite': {}, 'crypto_library': {}, 'vulnerability': {}, 'side_channel_analysis': {}, 'technical_report_id': {}, 'device_model': {}, 'tee_name': {}, 'os_name': {}, 'cplc_data': {}, 'ic_data_group': {}, 'standard_id': {'ICAO': {'ICAO': 1}, 'CC': {'CCMB-2017-04-001': 1, 'CCMB-2017-04-002': 1, 'CCMB-2017-04-003': 1}}, 'javacard_version': {}, 'javacard_api_const': {}, 'javacard_packages': {}, 'certification_process': {}}.
    • The st_keywords property was set to {'cc_cert_id': {'FR': {'ANSSI-CC-2017/24': 1}, 'NL': {'CC-1': 4, 'CC-2': 6, 'CC-3': 3}}, 'cc_protection_profile_id': {'BSI': {'BSI-CC-PP-0084-2014': 1, 'BSI-PP-0056-2009': 1, 'BSI-CC-PP-0068-V2-2011-MA-01': 1, 'BSI-PP-0055-2009': 1}}, 'cc_security_level': {'EAL': {'EAL5': 5, 'EAL 6+': 1, 'EAL5 augmented': 1}}, 'cc_sar': {'ADV': {'ADV_ARC.1': 2, 'ADV_FSP.4': 1, 'ADV_TDS.3': 1, 'ADV_IMP.1': 1}, 'AGD': {'AGD_OPE.1': 1, 'AGD_PRE.1': 1}, 'ALC': {'ALC_DVS.2': 4}, 'ATE': {'ATE_DPT.1': 1}, 'AVA': {'AVA_VAN.3': 2, 'AVA_VAN.5': 4}, 'ASE': {'ASE_ECD': 1}}, 'cc_sfr': {'FAU': {'FAU_SAS': 6, 'FAU_GEN': 1, 'FAU_SAS.1': 12, 'FAU_SAS.1.1': 2}, 'FCS': {'FCS_RND': 7, 'FCS_CKM': 31, 'FCS_COP': 65, 'FCS_CKM.1': 21, 'FCS_RND.1': 12, 'FCS_RND.1.1': 2, 'FCS_CKM.2': 6, 'FCS_COP.1': 8, 'FCS_CKM.4': 42, 'FCS_CKM.1.1': 2, 'FCS_CKM.4.1': 1, 'FCS_COP.1.1': 5, 'FCS_RNG': 1}, 'FDP': {'FDP_ACF': 1, 'FDP_ITC.1': 14, 'FDP_ITC.2': 14, 'FDP_ACC.1': 19, 'FDP_ACF.1': 13, 'FDP_ACF.1.1': 1, 'FDP_ACF.1.2': 3, 'FDP_ACF.1.3': 1, 'FDP_ACF.1.4': 2, 'FDP_UCT.1': 9, 'FDP_IFC.1': 4, 'FDP_UCT.1.1': 1, 'FDP_UIT.1': 9, 'FDP_UIT.1.1': 1, 'FDP_UIT.1.2': 1, 'FDP_ITC': 1}, 'FIA': {'FIA_API': 16, 'FIA_AFL': 11, 'FIA_SOS.2': 1, 'FIA_API.1': 7, 'FIA_API.1.1': 1, 'FIA_UAU.4': 12, 'FIA_UAU': 17, 'FIA_UAU.5': 13, 'FIA_UID': 20, 'FIA_UAU.1': 5, 'FIA_AFL.1.1': 1, 'FIA_AFL.1.2': 1, 'FIA_UID.1.1': 1, 'FIA_UID.1.2': 1, 'FIA_UID.1': 8, 'FIA_UAU.1.1': 1, 'FIA_UAU.1.2': 1, 'FIA_UAU.4.1': 1, 'FIA_UAU.5.1': 1, 'FIA_UAU.5.2': 1, 'FIA_UAU.6': 9, 'FIA_UAU.6.1': 1}, 'FMT': {'FMT_LIM': 7, 'FMT_LIM.1': 22, 'FMT_LIM.2': 20, 'FMT_LIM.1.1': 3, 'FMT_LIM.2.1': 3, 'FMT_MTD': 53, 'FMT_MSA.3': 3, 'FMT_SMF.1': 44, 'FMT_SMR.1': 31, 'FMT_SMF.1.1': 1, 'FMT_SMR.1.1': 2, 'FMT_SMR.1.2': 1, 'FMT_MTD.1': 7, 'FMT_MTD.3': 6, 'FMT_MTD.3.1': 1, 'FMT_MSA.1': 1}, 'FPT': {'FPT_EMS': 4, 'FPT_EMS.1': 13, 'FPT_EMS.1.1': 3, 'FPT_EMS.1.2': 3, 'FPT_FLS.1': 10, 'FPT_TST.1': 10, 'FPT_PHP.3': 11, 'FPT_FLS.1.1': 1, 'FPT_TST.1.1': 1, 'FPT_TST.1.2': 1, 'FPT_TST.1.3': 1, 'FPT_PHP.3.1': 1}, 'FTP': {'FTP_ITC.1': 5, 'FTP_TRP.1': 5}}, 'cc_claims': {'O': {'O.RND': 4}, 'A': {'A.MRTD_': 1}, 'OE': {'OE.MRTD_': 3, 'OE.BAC_PP': 1, 'OE.BAC-PP': 3}}, 'vendor': {'Samsung': {'Samsung': 12}, 'Gemalto': {'Gemalto': 307}, 'Thales': {'Thales': 1}}, 'eval_facility': {}, 'symmetric_crypto': {'AES_competition': {'AES': {'AES': 6}}, 'DES': {'3DES': {'Triple-DES': 5, 'TDES': 5}}, 'constructions': {'MAC': {'CMAC': 2}}}, 'asymmetric_crypto': {'RSA': {'RSA 1024': 1}, 'ECC': {'ECDH': {'ECDH': 5}, 'ECDSA': {'ECDSA': 2}, 'ECC': {'ECC': 3}}, 'FF': {'DH': {'Diffie-Hellman': 9, 'DH': 5}}}, 'pq_crypto': {}, 'hash_function': {'SHA': {'SHA1': {'SHA-1': 1}, 'SHA2': {'SHA-224': 1, 'SHA-256': 1, 'SHA-384': 1, 'SHA-512': 1}}}, 'crypto_scheme': {'MAC': {'MAC': 4}, 'KA': {'Key Agreement': 5}}, 'crypto_protocol': {'PACE': {'PACE': 15}}, 'randomness': {'RNG': {'RND': 4, 'RNG': 2}}, 'cipher_mode': {'CBC': {'CBC': 2}}, 'ecc_curve': {}, 'crypto_engine': {}, 'tls_cipher_suite': {}, 'crypto_library': {}, 'vulnerability': {}, 'side_channel_analysis': {'SCA': {'Leak-Inherent': 1, 'physical probing': 4, 'DPA': 2, 'SPA': 1, 'timing attacks': 1}, 'FI': {'Physical Tampering': 5, 'physical tampering': 1, 'Physical tampering': 1, 'Malfunction': 6, 'malfunction': 6, 'fault injection': 1}, 'other': {'reverse engineering': 1}}, 'technical_report_id': {}, 'device_model': {}, 'tee_name': {}, 'os_name': {}, 'cplc_data': {}, 'ic_data_group': {'EF': {'EF.DG1': 17, 'EF.DG2': 8, 'EF.DG3': 19, 'EF.DG4': 18, 'EF.DG5': 6, 'EF.DG16': 16, 'EF.DG14': 7, 'EF.DG15': 3, 'EF.COM': 7, 'EF.SOD': 8}}, 'standard_id': {'FIPS': {'FIPS 186-3': 1, 'FIPS 180-2': 1, 'FIPS 197': 1}, 'NIST': {'SP 800-90': 2, 'SP 800-67': 1}, 'PKCS': {'PKCS#3': 5, 'PKCS#1': 2}, 'RFC': {'RFC 2631': 1, 'RFC 3369': 1}, 'ISO': {'ISO/IEC 14443': 2, 'ISO/IEC 7816-4': 1}, 'ICAO': {'ICAO': 11}, 'SCP': {'SCP03': 2, 'SCP01': 1, 'SCP02': 1}, 'CC': {'CCMB-2017-04-001': 1, 'CCMB-2017-04-002': 1, 'CCMB-2017-04-003': 1, 'CCMB-2017-04-004': 1}}, 'javacard_version': {}, 'javacard_api_const': {}, 'javacard_packages': {}, 'certification_process': {}}.
    • The cert_keywords property was set to {'cc_cert_id': {'FR': {'ANSSI-CC-2018/58v2': 2}}, 'cc_protection_profile_id': {'BSI': {'BSI-PP-0056-2009': 1}}, 'cc_security_level': {'EAL': {'EAL2': 1}}, 'cc_sar': {'ALC': {'ALC_DVS.2': 1}, 'AVA': {'AVA_VAN': 1}}, 'cc_sfr': {}, 'cc_claims': {}, 'vendor': {}, 'eval_facility': {'Serma': {'SERMA': 2}}, 'symmetric_crypto': {}, 'asymmetric_crypto': {}, 'pq_crypto': {}, 'hash_function': {}, 'crypto_scheme': {}, 'crypto_protocol': {}, 'randomness': {}, 'cipher_mode': {}, 'ecc_curve': {}, 'crypto_engine': {}, 'tls_cipher_suite': {}, 'crypto_library': {}, 'vulnerability': {}, 'side_channel_analysis': {}, 'technical_report_id': {}, 'device_model': {}, 'tee_name': {}, 'os_name': {}, 'cplc_data': {}, 'ic_data_group': {}, 'standard_id': {}, 'javacard_version': {}, 'javacard_api_const': {}, 'javacard_packages': {}, 'certification_process': {}}.
    • The report_filename property was set to anssi-cc-2018_58v2.pdf.
    • The st_filename property was set to anssi-cible-cc-2018_58v2en.pdf.
    • The cert_filename property was set to certificat-2018_58v2.pdf.

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The cert_id property was set to ANSSI-CC-2018/58v2.
    • The st_references property was updated, with the {'directly_referencing': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['ANSSI-CC-2017/24']}, 'indirectly_referencing': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['ANSSI-CC-2017/24']}} data.
    • The report_references property was updated, with the {'directly_referencing': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['ANSSI-CC-2017/24', 'ANSSI-CC-2018/32v2', 'ANSSI-CC-2018/58']}, 'indirectly_referencing': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['ANSSI-CC-2017/76', 'ANSSI-CC-2017/24', 'ANSSI-CC-2017/07', 'ANSSI-CC-2018/32', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0891-V2-2016', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0782-2012', 'ANSSI-CC-2015/66', 'ANSSI-CC-2016/59', 'ANSSI-CC-2018/58', 'ANSSI-CC-2018/32v2', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0891-2015', 'ANSSI-CC-2017/54']}} data.
    • The extracted_sars property was updated, with the {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'AGD_OPE', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_ARC', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'AGD_PRE', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_IMP', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_FSP', 'level': 4}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ATE_DPT', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_TDS', 'level': 3}]} values added.
    • The scheme_data property was updated, with the {'product': 'eTravel v2.3 on MultiApp v4.1 platform, BAC, EAC and AA activated Référence/version du produit Version de l’application eTravel : 2.3 Version de la plateforme Java Card MultiApp : 4.1', 'url': '', 'description': 'Le produit évalué est l’application « eTravel v2.3 on MultiApp v4.1 platform, BAC, EAC and AA activated » développée par la société THALES DIS FRANCE SAS et embarquée sur le microcontrôleur S3FT9MH fabriqué par la société SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD.\nLe produit implémente les fonctions de document de voyage électronique conformément aux spécifications de l’organisation de l’aviation civile intern', 'cert_id': '2018/58v2', 'level': 'EAL5+', 'enhanced': {'__update__': {'cert_id': '2018/58v2', 'level': 'EAL5+', 'protection_profile': 'Protection Profile, Machine Readable Travel Document with “ICAO Application”, Extended Access Control, version 1.10', 'augmented': 'ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5', 'cert_link': '', 'report_link': '', 'target_link': ''}}} data.
  • 19.08.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The scheme_data property was updated, with the {'product': 'eTravel v2.3 on MultiApp v4.1 platform, BAC and AA activated Version de l’application eTravel : 2.3 Version de la plateforme Java Card MultiApp : 4.1', 'url': '', 'description': 'Le produit évalué est l’application « eTravel v2.3 on MultiApp v4.1 platform, BAC and AA activated » développée par la société THALES DIS FRANCE SAS et embarquée sur le microcontrôleur S3FT9MH fabriqué par la société SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD\nLe produit implémente les fonctions de document de voyage électronique conformément aux spécifications de l’organisation de l’aviation civile internationa', 'cert_id': '2018/56v2', 'level': 'EAL4+', 'enhanced': {'__update__': {'cert_id': '2018/56v2', 'level': 'EAL4+', 'protection_profile': 'Protection Profile, Machine Readable Travel Document with “ICAO Application”, Basic Access Control, version 1.10', 'augmented': 'ADV_FSP.5, ADV_TDS.4, ADV_INT.2, ALC_CMS.5, ALC_DVS.2, ALC_TAT.2, ATE_DPT.3', 'cert_link': '', 'report_link': '', 'target_link': ''}}} data.
  • 17.08.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The report_link was updated.

    • The new value is

    The st_link was updated.

    • The new value is

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The report property was updated, with the {'download_ok': False, 'convert_garbage': False, 'convert_ok': False, 'extract_ok': False, 'pdf_hash': None, 'txt_hash': None} data.
    • The st property was updated, with the {'download_ok': False, 'convert_ok': False, 'extract_ok': False, 'pdf_hash': None, 'txt_hash': None} data.
    • The cert property was updated, with the {'download_ok': False, 'convert_garbage': False, 'convert_ok': False, 'extract_ok': False, 'pdf_hash': None, 'txt_hash': None} data.

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The report_metadata property was set to None.
    • The st_metadata property was set to None.
    • The cert_metadata property was set to None.
    • The report_frontpage property was set to None.
    • The report_keywords property was set to None.
    • The st_keywords property was set to None.
    • The cert_keywords property was set to None.
    • The report_filename property was set to None.
    • The st_filename property was set to None.
    • The cert_filename property was set to None.

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The cert_id property was set to None.
    • The report_references property was updated, with the {'directly_referencing': None, 'indirectly_referencing': None} data.
    • The extracted_sars property was updated, with the {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'AGD_OPE', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_ARC', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'AGD_PRE', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_FSP', 'level': 4}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_IMP', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ATE_DPT', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_TDS', 'level': 3}]} values discarded.
  • 12.08.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The st_references property was updated, with the {'directly_referencing': None, 'indirectly_referencing': None} data.
    • The report_references property was updated, with the {'directly_referencing': {'__discard__': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['ANSSI-CC-2017/24']}}, 'indirectly_referencing': {'__discard__': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['ANSSI-CC-2017/24', 'ANSSI-CC-2015/66', 'ANSSI-CC-2016/59', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0782-2012']}}} data.
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  • 31.07.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

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  • 23.07.2024 The certificate was first processed.
    New certificate

    A new Common Criteria certificate with the product name eTravel v2.3 on MultiApp v4.1 platform, BAC, EAC and AA activated Référence/version du produit Version de l’application eTravel : 2.3 Version de la plateforme Java Card MultiApp : 4.1 was processed.

Raw data

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