Apple corecrypto Module v12 [Intel, Kernel, Software]

Certificate #4956

Webpage information ?

Status active
Validation dates 30.01.2025
Sunset date 29-01-2027
Standard FIPS 140-3
Security level 1
Type Software
Embodiment Multi-Chip Stand Alone
Caveat Interim validation. When operated in approved mode. No assurance of minimum security of SSPs (e.g., keys, bit strings) that are externally loaded, or of SSPs established with externally loaded SSPs.
  • Physical security: N/A
  • Non-invasive security: N/A
  • Mitigation of other attacks: N/A
Description The Apple corecrypto Kernel module is a software cryptographic module running on a multi-chip standalone hardware device and provides services intended to protect data in transit and at rest.
Tested configurations
  • macOS Monterey 12 running on iMac Pro with Xeon W (Sky Lake) with PAA
  • macOS Monterey 12 running on iMac Pro with Xeon W (Sky Lake) without PAA
  • macOS Monterey 12 running on iMac with an Intel i5 (Comet Lake) with PAA
  • macOS Monterey 12 running on iMac with an Intel i5 (Comet Lake) without PAA
  • macOS Monterey 12 running on iMac with an Intel i7 (Comet Lake) with PAA
  • macOS Monterey 12 running on iMac with an Intel i7 (Comet Lake) without PAA
  • macOS Monterey 12 running on Mac Pro with Xeon W (Cascade Lake) with PAA
  • macOS Monterey 12 running on Mac Pro with Xeon W (Cascade Lake) without PAA (single-user mode)
  • macOS Monterey 12 running on MacBook Air with an Intel i5 (Amber Lake) with PAA
  • macOS Monterey 12 running on MacBook Air with an Intel i5 (Amber Lake) without PAA
  • macOS Monterey 12 running on MacBook Air with an Intel i7 (Ice Lake) with PAA
  • macOS Monterey 12 running on MacBook Air with an Intel i7 (Ice Lake) without PAA
  • macOS Monterey 12 running on MacBook Pro with an Intel i7 (Coffee Lake) with PAA
  • macOS Monterey 12 running on MacBook Pro with an Intel i7 (Coffee Lake) without PAA
  • macOS Monterey 12 running on MacBook Pro with an Intel i9 (Coffee Lake) with PAA
  • macOS Monterey 12 running on MacBook Pro with an Intel i9 (Coffee Lake) without PAA
Vendor Apple, Inc.

This certificate's webpage directly references 0 certificates, transitively this expands into 0 certificates.

Security policy ?

Symmetric Algorithms
AES-128, AES-256, AES, CAST5, CAST, RC4, RC2, DES, Triple-DES, Blowfish, HMAC
Asymmetric Algorithms
Hash functions
MAC, Key Agreement
Elliptic Curves
P-224, P-256, P-521, Curve P-192, curve P-192, P-384, P-512, P-192, Ed25519
Block cipher modes

Security level
Level 1, level 1

FIPS 140-3, FIPS PUB 140-3, FIPS 186-4, FIPS 180-4, FIPS 198, FIPS186-4, NIST SP 800-140B, SP 800-38D, NIST SP 800-140F, SP 800-90B, NIST SP 800-90B, PKCS#1, RFC6637, RFC 4106, ISO/IEC 24759, ISO/IEC 19790

File metadata

Author Aniket Ingle Intertek
Creation date D:20250115171742+05'30'
Modification date D:20250115171810+05'30'
Pages 40
Creator Acrobat PDFMaker 24 for Word
Producer Adobe PDF Library 24.4.48

Heuristics ?

No heuristics are available for this certificate.

References ?

No references are available for this certificate.

Updates ?

  • 24.02.2025 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The web extraction data was updated.

    • The exceptions property was updated.
  • 04.02.2025 The certificate was first processed.
    New certificate

    A new FIPS 140 certificate with the product name Apple corecrypto Module v12 [Intel, Kernel, Software] was processed.

Raw data

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      "ecc_curve": {
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    "date_sunset": "2027-01-29",
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      "macOS Monterey 12 running on MacBook Air with an Intel i7 (Ice Lake) with PAA",
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      "macOS Monterey 12 running on MacBook Pro with an Intel i7 (Coffee Lake) without PAA",
      "macOS Monterey 12 running on MacBook Pro with an Intel i9 (Coffee Lake) with PAA",
      "macOS Monterey 12 running on MacBook Pro with an Intel i9 (Coffee Lake) without PAA"
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