
Your contribution is warmly welcomed. You can help by:

  1. Spreading the word about this project, using our website

  2. Trying the tool and reporting issues and suggestions for improvement (open a GitHub issue)

  3. Adding new regular expressions to extract relevant information from certificates (update rules.yaml)

  4. Performing additional analysis with extracted data (let us know about your findings)

  5. Improving the code (Follow Github contribution guidelines, ideally contact us first about your plan)


For complete list of system dependencies, see docs/installation.


Requirements are maintained with pip-tools. The main ideas are:

  • List actual dependencies in pyproject.toml without pinning them.

  • Additionally, script is used to compile pinned versions of requirements that reside in .txt files in the same folder.

  • Tests, linting and Docker all run against this reproducible environment of pinned requirements.

  • To install all requirements, use pip install -U pip-tools && pip-sync requirements/all_requirements.txt


main is the default branch against which all pull requests are to be made. This branch is not neccessarily stable, only the releases are.

Releases and version strings#

  • Version string is not indexed in git but can be retreived maintained by setuptools-scm from git tags instead.

  • setuptools-scm will automatically, upon editable/real install of a package, infer its version and write it to sec_certs/ This file is not indexed as well. See more at setuptools-scm GitHub

  • On publishing a release, the tool is automatically published to PyPi and DockerHub.

Note on single-sourcing the package version: More can be read here. The downside of our approach is that .git folder and editable/real installation is needed to infer the version of the package. Releases can be inferred without installing the project.

Currently, the release process is as follows#

  1. Update dependencies with pre-commit autoupdate, pin new versions of linters into pyproject.toml.

  2. Run cd requirements && ./ to update dependencies, commit the changes.

  3. Create a release from GitHub UI. Include release notes, add proper version tag and publish the release (or create it from scratch with new tag).

  4. This will automatically update PyPi and DockerHub packages.

Quality assurance#

All commits shall pass the lint pipeline of the following tools:

These tools can be installed via dev_requirements.txt You can use pre-commit tool to register git hook that will evaluate these checks prior to any commit and abort the commit for you. Note that the pre-commit is not meant to automatically fix the issues, just warn you.

It should thus suffice to:

pip3 install -r ./dev_requirements.txt &&
pre-commit install &&
pre-commit run --all-files

To invoke the tools manually, you can, in the repository root, use:

  • Mypy: mypy .

  • Ruff: ruff ." (or with –fix` flag to apply fixes)

  • Ruff formatL ruff format --check .


Tests are run with pytest. The tests are located in tests folder and are run with pytest tests. The tests are also run on every push to the repository with Github Actions. There are two custom markers for the tests:

  • slow for tests that take longer time to run

  • remote for tests that require remote resources and are thus flaky.

To exclude slow tests, use pytest -m "not slow". To exclude remote tests, use pytest -m "not remote". To run only slow tests, use pytest -m "slow". To run only remote tests, use pytest -m "remote".


Every public method of a module that can be leveraged as an API by user should be documented. The docstring style should be sphinx-oneline.

The documentation is built using sphinx with mnyst extension that allows for markdown files. Folder notebooks/examples is symbolically linked to /docs and its contents will be automatically parsed. These notebooks are supposed to be runnable from Binder.