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Edge Security Cryptographic Module
Certificate #4963
Webpage information ?
Security policy ?
Symmetric Algorithms
AES-128, AES-192, AES-256, AES-, AES, CAST, HMACAsymmetric Algorithms
RSA 2048, RSA 4096, ECDH, ECDSA, ECC, Diffie-Hellman, DHE, DHHash functions
SHA-1, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512Schemes
TLS v1.2, TLS v1.3, TLS, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3, TLS 1.3, IKEv2, IKE, IPsec, VPNRandomness
DRBG, RBGLibraries
OpenSSLElliptic Curves
P-256, P-384, P-521, P-512Block cipher modes
CTR, GCMTrusted Execution Environments
PSP, SSCSecurity level
level 2, Level 1, Level 2Certification process
out of scope, fails. Any firmware loaded into the module that is not shown on the module certificate, is out of scope of this validation and requires a separate FIPS 140-3 validation. Page 43 of 64 4.6 AdditionalStandards
FIPS 140-3, FIPS186-4, FIPS 186-4, FIPS 198-1, FIPS 180-4, SP 800-38A, SP 800-38C, SP 800-38D, SP 800-90A, SP 800-56A, SP 800-135, PKCS 1, RFC7627, RFC 5288, RFC8446, RFC 7296File metadata
Author | Richard Wang |
Creation date | D:20250207074147-05'00' |
Modification date | D:20250207074302-05'00' |
Pages | 64 |
Creator | Acrobat PDFMaker 24 for Word |
Producer | Adobe PDF Library 24.5.96 |
Outgoing- 3316 - active - Seagate Secure® TCG Enterprise SSC Self-Encrypting Drive
Heuristics ?
No heuristics are available for this certificate.
References ?
Updates ?
24.02.2025 The certificate data changed.
Certificate changed
The web extraction data was updated.
- The exceptions property was updated.
11.02.2025 The certificate was first processed.
New certificate
A new FIPS 140 certificate with the product name Edge Security Cryptographic Module was processed.
Raw data
"_type": "sec_certs.sample.fips.FIPSCertificate",
"cert_id": 4963,
"dgst": "7db926c9ac2fbebe",
"heuristics": {
"_type": "sec_certs.sample.fips.FIPSCertificate.Heuristics",
"algorithms": {
"_type": "Set",
"elements": []
"cpe_matches": null,
"direct_transitive_cves": null,
"extracted_versions": {
"_type": "Set",
"elements": [
"indirect_transitive_cves": null,
"module_processed_references": {
"_type": "sec_certs.sample.certificate.References",
"directly_referenced_by": null,
"directly_referencing": null,
"indirectly_referenced_by": null,
"indirectly_referencing": null
"module_prunned_references": {
"_type": "Set",
"elements": []
"policy_processed_references": {
"_type": "sec_certs.sample.certificate.References",
"directly_referenced_by": null,
"directly_referencing": {
"_type": "Set",
"elements": [
"indirectly_referenced_by": null,
"indirectly_referencing": {
"_type": "Set",
"elements": [
"policy_prunned_references": {
"_type": "Set",
"elements": [
"related_cves": null,
"verified_cpe_matches": null
"pdf_data": {
"_type": "sec_certs.sample.fips.FIPSCertificate.PdfData",
"keywords": {
"asymmetric_crypto": {
"ECC": {
"ECC": {
"ECC": 17
"ECDH": {
"ECDH": 94
"ECDSA": {
"ECDSA": 55
"FF": {
"DH": {
"DH": 45,
"DHE": 1,
"Diffie-Hellman": 3
"RSA": {
"RSA 2048": 1,
"RSA 4096": 6
"certification_process": {
"OutOfScope": {
"fails. Any firmware loaded into the module that is not shown on the module certificate, is out of scope of this validation and requires a separate FIPS 140-3 validation. Page 43 of 64 4.6 Additional": 1,
"out of scope": 1
"cipher_mode": {
"CTR": {
"CTR": 1
"GCM": {
"GCM": 17
"cplc_data": {},
"crypto_engine": {},
"crypto_library": {
"OpenSSL": {
"OpenSSL": 1
"crypto_protocol": {
"IKE": {
"IKE": 9,
"IKEv2": 11
"IPsec": {
"IPsec": 1
"TLS": {
"TLS": {
"TLS": 162,
"TLS 1.3": 4,
"TLS v1.2": 8,
"TLS v1.3": 8,
"TLSv1.2": 9,
"TLSv1.3": 4
"VPN": {
"VPN": 4
"crypto_scheme": {
"MAC": {
"MAC": 4
"device_model": {},
"ecc_curve": {
"NIST": {
"P-256": 38,
"P-384": 26,
"P-512": 7,
"P-521": 12
"eval_facility": {},
"fips_cert_id": {
"Cert": {
"#1": 1,
"#3316": 1,
"#5": 1
"fips_certlike": {
"Certlike": {
"- PKCS 1": 2,
"AES-128": 1,
"AES-192": 1,
"AES-256": 4,
"DRBG 384": 1,
"HMAC- SHA-1": 2,
"HMAC-SHA-1": 10,
"PKCS 1": 2,
"RSA 2048": 1,
"RSA 4096": 6,
"SHA-1": 9,
"SHA2- 256": 2,
"SHA2- 384": 1,
"SHA2- 512": 2,
"SHA2-224": 1,
"SHA2-256": 24,
"SHA2-384": 9,
"SHA2-512": 8,
"SHA3-256": 2,
"SHA3-384": 2,
"SHA3-512": 2
"fips_security_level": {
"Level": {
"Level 1": 1,
"Level 2": 2,
"level 2": 2
"hash_function": {
"SHA": {
"SHA1": {
"SHA-1": 9
"SHA3": {
"SHA3-256": 2,
"SHA3-384": 2,
"SHA3-512": 2
"ic_data_group": {},
"javacard_api_const": {},
"javacard_packages": {},
"javacard_version": {},
"os_name": {},
"pq_crypto": {},
"randomness": {
"PRNG": {
"DRBG": 109
"RNG": {
"RBG": 2
"side_channel_analysis": {},
"standard_id": {
"FIPS": {
"FIPS 140-3": 11,
"FIPS 180-4": 7,
"FIPS 186-4": 7,
"FIPS 198-1": 7,
"FIPS186-4": 27
"NIST": {
"SP 800-135": 4,
"SP 800-38A": 3,
"SP 800-38C": 2,
"SP 800-38D": 2,
"SP 800-56A": 3,
"SP 800-90A": 1
"PKCS": {
"PKCS 1": 2
"RFC": {
"RFC 5288": 1,
"RFC 7296": 1,
"RFC7627": 5,
"RFC8446": 2
"symmetric_crypto": {
"AES_competition": {
"AES": {
"AES": 19,
"AES-": 4,
"AES-128": 1,
"AES-192": 1,
"AES-256": 4
"CAST": {
"CAST": 70
"constructions": {
"MAC": {
"HMAC": 17
"tee_name": {
"AMD": {
"PSP": 10
"IBM": {
"SSC": 6
"tls_cipher_suite": {},
"vendor": {},
"vulnerability": {}
"policy_metadata": {
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"/Company": "",
"/CreationDate": "D:20250207074147-05\u002700\u0027",
"/Creator": "Acrobat PDFMaker 24 for Word",
"/Keywords": "",
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"/Producer": "Adobe PDF Library 24.5.96",
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"pdf_is_encrypted": false,
"pdf_number_of_pages": 64
"state": {
"_type": "sec_certs.sample.fips.FIPSCertificate.InternalState",
"module_download_ok": true,
"module_extract_ok": true,
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"policy_download_ok": true,
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"policy_pdf_hash": "c29ffed3ac3226a1b81314758e24e37eb2f96e757cc7ee5bc25debcd51bd77c7",
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"web_data": {
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"caveat": "None",
"certificate_pdf_url": null,
"date_sunset": "2030-02-09",
"description": "Ultra I\u0026C\u2019s Edge Security Module provides built-in OSI layer 3 IPsec and Layer 2 VLAN encryption capabilities. As a hardware-based embedded cryptographic module, it serves a secured platform for customizable security applications.",
"embodiment": "Multi-Chip Embedded",
"exceptions": [
"Roles, services, and authentication: Level 3",
"Operational environment: N/A",
"Non-invasive security: N/A",
"Mitigation of other attacks: N/A"
"fw_versions": null,
"historical_reason": null,
"hw_versions": null,
"level": 2,
"mentioned_certs": {},
"module_name": "Edge Security Cryptographic Module",
"module_type": "Hardware",
"revoked_link": null,
"revoked_reason": null,
"standard": "FIPS 140-3",
"status": "active",
"sw_versions": null,
"tested_conf": null,
"validation_history": [
"_type": "sec_certs.sample.fips.FIPSCertificate.ValidationHistoryEntry",
"date": "2025-02-10",
"validation_type": "Initial"
"vendor": "Ultra Intelligence and Communications",
"vendor_url": ""