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KoolSpan Cryptographic Module
Certificate #4560
Webpage information ?
Security policy ?
Symmetric Algorithms
AES, Serpent, RC4, DES, TDES, Triple-DES, TDEA, ChaCha, Poly1305, Camellia, SEED, HMAC, HMAC-SHA-224, HMAC-SHA-256, HMAC-SHA-384, HMAC-SHA-512, KMAC, CMAC, CBC-MACAsymmetric Algorithms
ECDSA, EdDSA, ECC, DH, Diffie-Hellman, DSAPost-quantum Algorithms
NewHopeHash functions
SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA-2, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512, SHA-3, SHAKE128, SHAKE256, MD5, RIPEMD, PBKDFSchemes
MAC, Key AgreementProtocols
TLS, TLS 1.2, TLS 1.0Randomness
DRBG, RNGLibraries
OpenSSLElliptic Curves
P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521, P-192, K-233, K-283, K-409, K-571, B-233, B-283, B-409, B-571, K-163, Ed25519, Ed448Block cipher modes
MicrosoftSecurity level
Level 1Side-channel analysis
timing attacks, timing attackStandards
FIPS 140-2, FIPS 140, FIPS 197, FIPS 186-4, FIPS 198-1, FIPS 186-2, FIPS 202, FIPS 180-4, FIPS PUB 140-2, SP 800-38A, SP 800-38C, SP 800-38B, SP 800-38G, SP 800-38D, SP 800-38F, SP 800-135, NIST SP 800-38D, SP 800-90A, SP 800-132, SP 800-56B, SP 800-185, SP 800-67, SP 800-133, SP 800-56C, SP 800-56A, SP 800-52, SP 800-89, PKCS 1, PKCS#12, PKCS#1, PKCS#5, RFC 5288File metadata
Title | Security Policy |
Subject | KoolSpan Cryptographic Module |
Author | SafeLogic |
Creation date | D:20230620185312-07'00' |
Modification date | D:20230620185312-07'00' |
Pages | 36 |
Creator | Microsoft® Word for Microsoft 365 |
Producer | Microsoft® Word for Microsoft 365 |
Heuristics ?
No heuristics are available for this certificate.
References ?
No references are available for this certificate.
Updates ?
18.09.2023 The certificate was first processed.
New certificate
A new FIPS 140 certificate with the product name KoolSpan Cryptographic Module was processed.
Raw data
"_type": "sec_certs.sample.fips.FIPSCertificate",
"cert_id": 4560,
"dgst": "43bcfd6741504165",
"heuristics": {
"_type": "sec_certs.sample.fips.FIPSCertificate.Heuristics",
"algorithms": {
"_type": "Set",
"elements": [
"cpe_matches": null,
"direct_transitive_cves": null,
"extracted_versions": {
"_type": "Set",
"elements": [
"indirect_transitive_cves": null,
"module_processed_references": {
"_type": "sec_certs.sample.certificate.References",
"directly_referenced_by": null,
"directly_referencing": null,
"indirectly_referenced_by": null,
"indirectly_referencing": null
"module_prunned_references": {
"_type": "Set",
"elements": []
"policy_processed_references": {
"_type": "sec_certs.sample.certificate.References",
"directly_referenced_by": null,
"directly_referencing": null,
"indirectly_referenced_by": null,
"indirectly_referencing": null
"policy_prunned_references": {
"_type": "Set",
"elements": []
"related_cves": null,
"verified_cpe_matches": null
"pdf_data": {
"_type": "sec_certs.sample.fips.FIPSCertificate.PdfData",
"keywords": {
"asymmetric_crypto": {
"ECC": {
"ECC": {
"ECC": 3
"ECDSA": {
"ECDSA": 9
"EdDSA": {
"EdDSA": 2
"FF": {
"DH": {
"DH": 7,
"Diffie-Hellman": 5
"DSA": {
"DSA": 14
"certification_process": {},
"cipher_mode": {
"CBC": {
"CBC": 3
"CCM": {
"CCM": 5
"CFB": {
"CFB": 1
"CTR": {
"CTR": 8
"ECB": {
"ECB": 3
"GCM": {
"GCM": 10
"OFB": {
"OFB": 2
"cplc_data": {},
"crypto_engine": {},
"crypto_library": {
"OpenSSL": {
"OpenSSL": 1
"crypto_protocol": {
"TLS": {
"TLS": {
"TLS": 14,
"TLS 1.0": 3,
"TLS 1.2": 3
"crypto_scheme": {
"KA": {
"Key Agreement": 8
"MAC": {
"MAC": 4
"device_model": {},
"ecc_curve": {
"Edwards": {
"Ed25519": 1,
"Ed448": 1
"NIST": {
"B-233": 8,
"B-283": 7,
"B-409": 7,
"B-571": 5,
"K-163": 1,
"K-233": 7,
"K-283": 7,
"K-409": 7,
"K-571": 5,
"P-192": 2,
"P-224": 14,
"P-256": 18,
"P-384": 14,
"P-521": 8
"eval_facility": {},
"fips_cert_id": {},
"fips_certlike": {
"Certlike": {
"AES11": 1,
"DRBG 112": 1,
"DRBG 19": 1,
"DRBG18": 1,
"DSA3": 1,
"Diffie-Hellman (224": 1,
"HMAC SHA- 512/256": 2,
"HMAC SHA-1": 2,
"HMAC SHA-224": 2,
"HMAC SHA-256": 2,
"HMAC SHA-384": 2,
"HMAC SHA-512": 2,
"HMAC SHA-512/224": 2,
"HMAC-SHA-1": 2,
"HMAC-SHA-224": 2,
"HMAC-SHA-256": 8,
"HMAC-SHA-384": 2,
"HMAC-SHA-512": 4,
"HMAC-SHA-512/224": 2,
"HMAC-SHA-512/256": 2,
"PKCS 1": 6,
"PKCS#1": 2,
"PKCS#12": 2,
"PKCS#5": 2,
"RSA 20": 1,
"SHA- 1": 1,
"SHA- 384": 1,
"SHA-1": 10,
"SHA-114": 1,
"SHA-2": 3,
"SHA-224": 7,
"SHA-256": 9,
"SHA-3": 6,
"SHA-384": 6,
"SHA-512": 7,
"SHA3- 384": 2,
"SHA3- 512": 1,
"SHA3-224": 7,
"SHA3-256": 7,
"SHA3-384": 5,
"SHA3-512": 5,
"SHA3512": 1
"fips_security_level": {
"Level": {
"Level 1": 4
"hash_function": {
"MD": {
"MD5": {
"MD5": 5
"PBKDF": {
"PBKDF": 16
"SHA": {
"SHA1": {
"SHA-1": 10
"SHA2": {
"SHA-2": 3,
"SHA-224": 7,
"SHA-256": 9,
"SHA-384": 6,
"SHA-512": 7
"SHA3": {
"SHA-3": 6,
"SHA3-224": 7,
"SHA3-256": 7,
"SHA3-384": 5,
"SHA3-512": 5
"SHAKE": {
"SHAKE128": 2,
"SHAKE256": 2
"ic_data_group": {},
"javacard_api_const": {},
"javacard_packages": {},
"javacard_version": {},
"os_name": {},
"pq_crypto": {
"NewHope": {
"NewHope": 1
"randomness": {
"PRNG": {
"DRBG": 30
"RNG": {
"RNG": 2
"side_channel_analysis": {
"SCA": {
"timing attack": 1,
"timing attacks": 1
"standard_id": {
"FIPS": {
"FIPS 140": 8,
"FIPS 140-2": 16,
"FIPS 180-4": 2,
"FIPS 186-2": 2,
"FIPS 186-4": 10,
"FIPS 197": 5,
"FIPS 198-1": 3,
"FIPS 202": 2,
"FIPS PUB 140-2": 1
"NIST": {
"NIST SP 800-38D": 1,
"SP 800-132": 5,
"SP 800-133": 2,
"SP 800-135": 5,
"SP 800-185": 2,
"SP 800-38A": 7,
"SP 800-38B": 3,
"SP 800-38C": 4,
"SP 800-38D": 4,
"SP 800-38F": 7,
"SP 800-38G": 4,
"SP 800-52": 1,
"SP 800-56A": 1,
"SP 800-56B": 2,
"SP 800-56C": 2,
"SP 800-67": 5,
"SP 800-89": 1,
"SP 800-90A": 7
"PKCS": {
"PKCS 1": 3,
"PKCS#1": 1,
"PKCS#12": 1,
"PKCS#5": 1
"RFC": {
"RFC 5288": 1
"symmetric_crypto": {
"AES_competition": {
"AES": {
"AES": 38
"RC": {
"RC4": 1
"Serpent": {
"Serpent": 1
"DES": {
"3DES": {
"TDEA": 6,
"TDES": 2,
"Triple-DES": 26
"DES": {
"DES": 2
"constructions": {
"MAC": {
"CBC-MAC": 1,
"CMAC": 10,
"HMAC": 35,
"HMAC-SHA-224": 1,
"HMAC-SHA-256": 4,
"HMAC-SHA-384": 1,
"HMAC-SHA-512": 2,
"KMAC": 1
"djb": {
"ChaCha": {
"ChaCha": 1
"Poly": {
"Poly1305": 1
"miscellaneous": {
"Camellia": {
"Camellia": 1
"SEED": {
"SEED": 1
"tee_name": {},
"tls_cipher_suite": {},
"vendor": {
"Microsoft": {
"Microsoft": 1
"vulnerability": {}
"policy_metadata": {
"/Author": "SafeLogic",
"/CreationDate": "D:20230620185312-07\u002700\u0027",
"/Creator": "Microsoft\u00ae Word for Microsoft 365",
"/ModDate": "D:20230620185312-07\u002700\u0027",
"/Producer": "Microsoft\u00ae Word for Microsoft 365",
"/Subject": "KoolSpan Cryptographic Module",
"/Title": "Security Policy",
"pdf_file_size_bytes": 869726,
"pdf_hyperlinks": {
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"pdf_number_of_pages": 36
"state": {
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"policy_convert_garbage": false,
"policy_convert_ok": true,
"policy_download_ok": true,
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"policy_pdf_hash": "eebce2cea8459e973d437a7fdc72c48aa60b8f81044750634f0dc9743b958575",
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"web_data": {
"_type": "sec_certs.sample.fips.FIPSCertificate.WebData",
"caveat": "When operated in FIPS mode. No assurance of the minimum strength of generated keys",
"certificate_pdf_url": " 2023_010923_0844.pdf",
"date_sunset": "2026-09-21",
"description": "KoolSpan Cryptographic Module is a standards-based cryptographic engine for mobile devices. The module delivers core cryptographic functions to mobile device platforms and features robust algorithm support. The module offloads functions for secure key management, data integrity, data at rest encryption, and secure communications to a trusted implementation.",
"embodiment": "Multi-Chip Stand Alone",
"exceptions": [
"Physical Security: N/A"
"fw_versions": null,
"historical_reason": null,
"hw_versions": null,
"level": 1,
"mentioned_certs": {},
"module_name": "KoolSpan Cryptographic Module",
"module_type": "Software",
"revoked_link": null,
"revoked_reason": null,
"standard": "FIPS 140-2",
"status": "active",
"sw_versions": "1.0.2",
"tested_conf": [
"Microsoft Windows 10 Professional (64-bit) on .NET 4.5.2 framework running on Dell XPS 15 7590 with Intel Core i7-9750H (single-user mode)"
"validation_history": [
"_type": "sec_certs.sample.fips.FIPSCertificate.ValidationHistoryEntry",
"date": "2023-08-23",
"lab": "LEIDOS CSTL",
"validation_type": "Initial"
"vendor": "KoolSpan, Inc",
"vendor_url": ""