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Seagate Secure® TCG Opal SSC Self-Encrypting Drive
Seagate Secure® TCG Opal SSC Self-Encrypting Drive
cert_id 3134 1826
dgst 58bc5b2df18ca14a c211bfaf37edd35f
heuristics/module_processed_references/directly_referenced_by {} 3134
heuristics/module_processed_references/directly_referencing 1826 {}
heuristics/module_processed_references/indirectly_referenced_by {} 3134
heuristics/module_processed_references/indirectly_referencing 1826 {}
heuristics/module_prunned_references 1826 {}
  • /Author: Kenneth Ho
  • /CreationDate: D:20171221091159-05'00'
  • /Creator: Microsoft® Word 2013
  • /ModDate: D:20171221091159-05'00'
  • /Producer: Microsoft® Word 2013
  • /Title: Seagate Secure® TCG Opal SSC SED FIPS 140-2 Module Security Policy
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  • /Title: Microsoft Word - 400 - Seagate Secure® TCG Opal SSC SED FIPS 140-2 Module Security Policy rev 2.0.docx
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web_data/caveat When operated in FIPS mode. This validation entry is a non-security-relevant modification to Cert. #1826 When operated in FIPS mode
web_data/exceptions EMI/EMC: Level 3, Mitigation of Other Attacks: N/A EMI/EMC: Level 3,
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  • 1826: 1
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  • date: 21.02.2018
  • lab: LEIDOS CSTL
  • validation_type: Initial
  • date: 05.11.2012
  • validation_type: Initial