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Alaris™ PC Unit Model 8015 |
Alaris™ PC Unit Model 8015 |
cert_id | 1543 | 4227 |
dgst | 50a0a04f2d67b4a2 | 52144ce705561eb2 |
heuristics/algorithms | AES#1436, SHS#1301 | KTS#3560, RSA#2410, SHS#3646, HMAC#3560, KTS#4428, AES#4428 |
heuristics/extracted_versions | 9.12.40, 9.17.1, 9.19.1, 9.33.1, 9.33, 9.19, 9.7.40 | 12.1.3 |
pdf_data/keywords/fips_cert_id |
pdf_data/keywords/fips_security_level |
pdf_data/keywords/fips_certlike |
pdf_data/keywords/symmetric_crypto |
pdf_data/keywords/hash_function |
pdf_data/keywords/randomness |
pdf_data/keywords/cipher_mode |
pdf_data/keywords/standard_id |
pdf_data/policy_metadata |
state/policy_pdf_hash | Different | Different |
state/policy_txt_hash | Different | Different |
web_data/caveat | When operated in FIPS mode with tamper evident seals installed as indicated in the Security Policy | The tamper-evident seals installed as indicated in the Security Policy |
web_data/certificate_pdf_url | | 2022_010622_0641_signed.pdf |
web_data/date_sunset | 21.09.2026 | |
web_data/description | The CareFusion Alaris™ PC Unit Model 8015 is a point-of-care unit, which is the main component of the Alaris System. The Alaris System is a modular system intended for adult, pediatric, and neonatal care in a professional healthcare environment. The Alaris System brings a higher level of medication error prevention to the point of patient care. | The BD Alaris™ PC Unit Model 8015 is a point-of-care unit, which is the main component of the Alaris System. The Alaris System is a modular system intended for adult, pediatric, and neonatal care in a professional healthcare environment. The Alaris System brings a higher level of medication error prevention to the point of patient care. |
web_data/exceptions | Cryptographic Module Specification: Level 3, Design Assurance: Level 3, | Cryptographic Module Specification: Level 3, Design Assurance: Level 3, Mitigation of Other Attacks: N/A |
web_data/fw_versions | 9, ., 7, ., 4, 0, ,, , 9, ., 1, 2, ., 4, 0, ,, , 9, ., 1, 7, ., 1, ,, , 9, ., 1, 9, ,, , 9, ., 1, 9, ., 1, ,, , 9, ., 3, 3, , o, r, , 9, ., 3, 3, ., 1 | 1, 2, ., 1, ., 3, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |
web_data/historical_reason | Moved to historical list due to sunsetting | |
web_data/hw_versions | M, o, d, e, l, , 8, 0, 1, 5, , a, /, b, /, g, ,, , M, o, d, e, l, , 8, 0, 1, 5, , a, /, b, /, g, /, n, , o, r, , B, D, , A, l, a, r, i, s, , M, o, d, e, l, , 8, 0, 1, 5, , a, /, b, /, g, /, n, , w, i, t, h, , F, I, P, S, , K, i, t, , 1, 1, 9, 3, 5, 1, 6, 5, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | M, o, d, e, l, , 8, 0, 1, 5, , b, /, g, ,, , M, o, d, e, l, , 8, 0, 1, 5, , a, /, b, /, g, ,, , M, o, d, e, l, , 8, 0, 1, 5, , a, /, b, /, g, /, n, , o, r, , B, D, , A, l, a, r, i, s, , M, o, d, e, l, , 8, 0, 1, 5, , a, /, b, /, g, /, n, , w, i, t, h, , F, I, P, S, , K, i, t, , 4, 9, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 0 |
web_data/status | historical | active |
web_data/validation_history |
web_data/vendor | CareFusion | BD |
web_data/vendor_url | | |