PR/SM for IBM z15 T02 and IBM LinuxONE III LT2 Systems, Driver Level D41C with Bundle Level H13/S21b

CSV information ?

Status active
Valid from 21.04.2021
Valid until 20.04.2026
Scheme 🇩🇪 DE
Manufacturer IBM Corporation
Category Operating Systems
Security level EAL5+, AVA_VAN.5, ATE_FUN.2, ALC_TAT.3, ALC_FLR.3

Heuristics summary ?

Certificate ID: BSI-DSZ-CC-1160-2021

Certificate ?

Extracted keywords

Security level
EAL 5, EAL 4, EAL 2, EAL 5 augmented
Security Assurance Requirements (SAR)

ISO/IEC 15408, ISO/IEC 18045

File metadata

Title Certification Report BSI-DSZ-CC-1160
Subject PR/SM for IBM z15 T02 and IBM LinuxONE III LT2 SystemsDriver Level D41C with Bundle Level H13/S21b from IBM Corporation
Keywords "Common Criteria, Certification, Zertifizierung, PR/SM, IBM, z15, LinuxONE III LT2 Systems, BSI-DSZ-CC-1160"
Author Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Creation date D:20210423084224+02'00'
Modification date D:20210514135728+02'00'
Pages 1
Creator Writer
Producer LibreOffice 6.3

Certification report ?

Extracted keywords

Trusted Execution Environments

Security level
EAL 5, EAL 4, EAL 2, EAL 1, EAL 2+, EAL 5+, EAL 6, EAL 5 augmented
Security Assurance Requirements (SAR)
BSI-DSZ-CC-1160-2021, BSI-DSZ-CC-1133-2020
Evaluation facilities

Certification process
out of scope, the security test suite FTP06 must be included in the driver regression testing, which however is out of scope for this evaluation The combination of the above ensures that changes to the driver, including, being maintained, is not given any longer. In particular, prior to the dissemination of confidential documentation and information related to the TOE or resulting from the evaluation and certification, Report, Version 5, 2021-04-06, Final Evaluation Technical Report, atsec information security GmbH (confidential document) [8] z15 System Hardware Management Console Operations Guide, Version 2.15.0, 2020-05-01, IBM

AIS 32, AIS 34, AIS 38, ISO/IEC 15408, ISO/IEC 18045, ISO/IEC 17065
Technical reports
BSI 7148

File metadata

Title Certification Report BSI-DSZ-CC-1160
Subject PR/SM for IBM z15 T02 and IBM LinuxONE III LT2 SystemsDriver Level D41C with Bundle Level H13/S21b from IBM Corporation
Keywords "Common Criteria, Certification, Zertifizierung, PR/SM, IBM, z15, LinuxONE III LT2 Systems, BSI-DSZ-CC-1160"
Author Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Creation date D:20210423084224+02'00'
Modification date D:20210423093645+02'00'
Pages 31
Creator Writer
Producer LibreOffice 6.3


Certificate ID BSI-DSZ-CC-1160-2021
Certified item PR/SM for IBM z15 T02 and IBM LinuxONE III LT2 Systems, Driver Level D41C with Bundle Level H13/S21b
Certification lab BSI
Developer IBM Corporation


Outgoing Incoming
  • BSI-DSZ-CC-1186-2023 - active - PR/SM for IBM z16 and IBM LinuxONE Emperor 4 Systems, Driver Level D51C with Bundle Level 4B

Security target ?

Extracted keywords

Trusted Execution Environments

Security level
Security Assurance Requirements (SAR)
Security Functional Requirements (SFR)
FAU_GEN.1, FAU_GEN.2, FAU_SAR.1, FAU_SAR.2, FAU_SAR.3, FAU_STG.1, FAU_STG.4, FAU_GEN.1.1, FAU_GEN.1.2, FAU_GEN.2.1, FAU_SAR.1.1, FAU_SAR.1.2, FAU_SAR.2.1, FAU_SAR.3.1, FAU_STG.1.1, FAU_STG.1.2, FAU_STG.4.1, FDP_ACC, FDP_ACF, FDP_ACC.2, FDP_IFC.1, FDP_IFF.1, FDP_RIP.2, FDP_ACC.1.1, FDP_ACF.1.1, FDP_ACF.1.2, FDP_ACF.1.3, FDP_ACF.1.4, FDP_ACF.1, FDP_ACC.2.1, FDP_ACC.2.2, FDP_IFC.1.1, FDP_IFF.1.1, FDP_IFF.1.2, FDP_IFF.1.3, FDP_IFF.1.4, FDP_IFF.1.5, FDP_RIP.2.1, FDP_ACC.1, FIA_ATD.1, FIA_UID.2, FIA_ATD.1.1, FIA_UID.2.1, FMT_MSA, FMT_MSA.3, FMT_MTD.1, FMT_SMF.1, FMT_SMR.1, FMT_MSA.3.1, FMT_MSA.3.2, FMT_MSA.1, FMT_MTD.1.1, FMT_SMF.1.1, FMT_SMR.1.1, FMT_SMR.1.2, FPR_UNO.1, FPR_UNO.1.1, FPT_ITT.1, FPT_STM.1, FPT_TRC.1, FPT_TST.1, FPT_ITT.1.1, FPT_STM.1.1, FPT_TRC.1.1, FPT_TRC.1.2, FPT_TST.1.1, FPT_TST.1.2, FPT_TST.1.3, FRU_RSA.1, FRU_RSA.1.1, FTA_TSE.1, FTA_TSE.1.1
Evaluation facilities

File metadata

Title Security Target for PR/SM for IBM z15 T02 and IBM LinuxONE III LT2 Systems (version 20.2a as of 2021-04-06)
Subject PR/SM, Driver Level D41C with Bundle Level H13/S21b for IBM z15 T02 and IBM LinuxONE III LT2 Systems
Keywords access control, identification, authentication, audit, object reuse, z, LPAR, logical partitioning, isolation, PR/SM, LIC, cross-partition, HMC, SE
Author Robert Nasser, Clemens Wittinger (generated by CCTool version
Creation date D:20210406080854Z
Modification date D:20210406080854Z
Pages 61
Creator Unknown
Producer XEP 4.29.837

Heuristics ?

Certificate ID: BSI-DSZ-CC-1160-2021

Extracted SARs


Scheme data ?

Cert Id BSI-DSZ-CC-1160-2021
Product PR/SM for IBM z15 T02 and IBM LinuxONE III LT2 Systems, Driver Level D41C with Bundle Level H13/S21b
Vendor IBM Corporation
Certification Date 21.04.2021
Category Server applications
Product PR/SM for IBM z15 T02 and IBM LinuxONE III LT2 Systems, Driver Level D41C with Bundle Level H13/S21b
Applicant IBM Corporation 2455 South Road, P329 Poughkeepsie NY 12601 USA
Evaluation Facility atsec information security GmbH
Assurance Level EAL5,ALC_FLR.3,ALC_TAT.3,ATE_FUN.2,AVA_VAN.5
Certification Date 21.04.2021
Expiration Date 20.04.2026
Report Link
Target Link
Cert Link
Description PR/SM is a hardware facility running on IBM z15 and IBM LinuxONE III systems that enables the resources of a single physical machine to be divided between distinct, predefined logical machines called "logical partitions". Each logical partition is a domain of execution, and is considered to be a subject capable of running a conventional system control program (SCP) such as z/OSâ„¢, z/VMâ„¢, z/VSE, z/TPFâ„¢, or Linux for System z. These operating systems run unmodified in a PR/SM partition.
Subcategory Virtualisation

References ?

Updates ?

  • 10.03.2025 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The scheme_data property was set to {'cert_id': 'BSI-DSZ-CC-1160-2021', 'product': 'PR/SM for IBM z15 T02 and IBM LinuxONE III LT2 Systems, Driver Level D41C with Bundle Level H13/S21b', 'vendor': 'IBM Corporation', 'certification_date': '2021-04-21', 'category': 'Server applications', 'url': '', 'enhanced': {'product': 'PR/SM for IBM z15 T02 and IBM LinuxONE III LT2 Systems, Driver Level D41C with Bundle Level H13/S21b', 'applicant': 'IBM Corporation 2455 South Road, P329 Poughkeepsie NY 12601 USA', 'evaluation_facility': 'atsec information security GmbH', 'assurance_level': 'EAL5,ALC_FLR.3,ALC_TAT.3,ATE_FUN.2,AVA_VAN.5', 'certification_date': '2021-04-21', 'expiration_date': '2026-04-20', 'report_link': '', 'target_link': '', 'cert_link': '', 'description': 'PR/SM is a hardware facility running on IBM z15 and IBM LinuxONE III systems that enables the resources of a single physical machine to be divided between distinct, predefined logical machines called "logical partitions". Each logical partition is a domain of execution, and is considered to be a subject capable of running a conventional system control program (SCP) such as z/OSâ„¢, z/VMâ„¢, z/VSE, z/TPFâ„¢, or Linux for System z. These operating systems run unmodified in a PR/SM partition.'}, 'subcategory': 'Virtualisation'}.
  • 03.03.2025 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The scheme_data property was set to None.
  • 24.02.2025 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The scheme_data property was set to {'cert_id': 'BSI-DSZ-CC-1160-2021', 'product': 'PR/SM for IBM z15 T02 and IBM LinuxONE III LT2 Systems, Driver Level D41C with Bundle Level H13/S21b', 'vendor': 'IBM Corporation', 'certification_date': '2021-04-21', 'category': 'Server applications', 'url': '', 'enhanced': {'product': 'PR/SM for IBM z15 T02 and IBM LinuxONE III LT2 Systems, Driver Level D41C with Bundle Level H13/S21b', 'applicant': 'IBM Corporation 2455 South Road, P329 Poughkeepsie NY 12601 USA', 'evaluation_facility': 'atsec information security GmbH', 'assurance_level': 'EAL5,ALC_FLR.3,ALC_TAT.3,ATE_FUN.2,AVA_VAN.5', 'certification_date': '2021-04-21', 'expiration_date': '2026-04-20', 'report_link': '', 'target_link': '', 'cert_link': '', 'description': 'PR/SM is a hardware facility running on IBM z15 and IBM LinuxONE III systems that enables the resources of a single physical machine to be divided between distinct, predefined logical machines called "logical partitions". Each logical partition is a domain of execution, and is considered to be a subject capable of running a conventional system control program (SCP) such as z/OSâ„¢, z/VMâ„¢, z/VSE, z/TPFâ„¢, or Linux for System z. These operating systems run unmodified in a PR/SM partition.'}, 'subcategory': 'Virtualisation'}.
  • 17.02.2025 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The scheme_data property was set to None.
  • 05.02.2025 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The report property was updated, with the {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.document_state.DocumentState'} data.
    • The st property was updated, with the {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.document_state.DocumentState'} data.
    • The cert property was updated, with the {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.document_state.DocumentState'} data.

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The following values were inserted: {'protection_profiles': None, 'eal': 'EAL5+'}.
    • The prev_certificates property was set to None.
    • The next_certificates property was set to None.
  • 21.11.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The following values were inserted: {'prev_certificates': [], 'next_certificates': []}.
  • 09.11.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The scheme_data property was updated, with the {'certification_date': '2021-04-21', 'enhanced': {'__update__': {'applicant': 'IBM Corporation 2455 South Road, P329 Poughkeepsie NY 12601 USA', 'certification_date': '2021-04-21', 'expiration_date': '2026-04-20'}}} data.
  • 22.08.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The report property was updated, with the {'download_ok': True, 'convert_ok': True, 'extract_ok': True, 'pdf_hash': 'b9c07a99a187521a23943dbfefe50c9ec002927517a231b8d284fe801326ddfb', 'txt_hash': 'a8177bee0aadbda0b438f2c9bad67e233533b28983bd6d3585be0eb9cb1362f3'} data.
    • The st property was updated, with the {'download_ok': True, 'convert_ok': True, 'extract_ok': True, 'pdf_hash': 'f6b39c42dc79b33645323167e2253a39fd2761d07dde20765c1debebb0a2081c', 'txt_hash': '4c3edeb13ee52244ae018749f27496b45b90353e35bb1a8e5f407358a5cc8819'} data.
    • The cert property was updated, with the {'download_ok': True, 'convert_ok': True, 'extract_ok': True, 'pdf_hash': '6c0e82df0670931e4ee158cdac2f1de362edc41fffa8952dd29715f58f40783a', 'txt_hash': 'ba1dbd49bbcfd9b289c925c9ff4ad877a2c1671fdd529b37266f189d4be7208e'} data.

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

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    • The st_metadata property was set to {'pdf_file_size_bytes': 809673, 'pdf_is_encrypted': False, 'pdf_number_of_pages': 61, '/Keywords': 'access control, identification, authentication, audit, object reuse, z, LPAR, logical partitioning, isolation, PR/SM, LIC, cross-partition, HMC, SE', '/Subject': 'PR/SM, Driver Level D41C with Bundle Level H13/S21b for IBM z15 T02 and IBM LinuxONE III LT2 Systems', '/Title': 'Security Target for PR/SM for IBM z15 T02 and IBM LinuxONE III LT2 Systems (version 20.2a as of 2021-04-06)', '/Creator': 'Unknown', '/Author': 'Robert Nasser, Clemens Wittinger (generated by CCTool version', '/Producer': 'XEP 4.29.837', '/application': 'CCTool version x.y', '/Trapped': '/False', '/CreationDate': 'D:20210406080854Z', '/ModDate': 'D:20210406080854Z', 'pdf_hyperlinks': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['', '', '']}}.
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    • The report_frontpage property was set to {'DE': {'match_rules': ['(BSI-DSZ-CC-.+?) (?:for|For) (.+?) from (.*)'], 'cert_id': 'BSI-DSZ-CC-1160-2021', 'cert_item': 'PR/SM for IBM z15 T02 and IBM LinuxONE III LT2 Systems, Driver Level D41C with Bundle Level H13/S21b', 'developer': 'IBM Corporation', 'cert_lab': 'BSI', 'ref_protection_profiles': 'None', 'cc_version': 'Product specific Security Target Common Criteria Part 2 conformant', 'cc_security_level': 'Common Criteria Part 3 conformant EAL 5 augmented by ALC_FLR.3, ALC_TAT.3, ATE_FUN.2, AVA_VAN.5'}}.
    • The report_keywords property was set to {'cc_cert_id': {'DE': {'BSI-DSZ-CC-1160-2021': 16, 'BSI-DSZ-CC-1133-2020': 3}}, 'cc_protection_profile_id': {}, 'cc_security_level': {'EAL': {'EAL 5': 4, 'EAL 4': 4, 'EAL 2': 2, 'EAL 1': 1, 'EAL 2+': 1, 'EAL 5+': 1, 'EAL 6': 1, 'EAL 5 augmented': 3}}, 'cc_sar': {'ADV': {'ADV_FSP.5': 1, 'ADV_INT.2': 1, 'ADV_TDS.4': 1}, 'ALC': {'ALC_FLR.3': 4, 'ALC_TAT.3': 5, 'ALC_FLR': 3, 'ALC_CMS.5': 1}, 'ATE': {'ATE_FUN.2': 5, 'ATE_DPT.3': 1}, 'AVA': {'AVA_VAN.5': 5}}, 'cc_sfr': {}, 'cc_claims': {}, 'vendor': {}, 'eval_facility': {'atsec': {'atsec': 3}}, 'symmetric_crypto': {}, 'asymmetric_crypto': {}, 'pq_crypto': {}, 'hash_function': {}, 'crypto_scheme': {}, 'crypto_protocol': {}, 'randomness': {}, 'cipher_mode': {}, 'ecc_curve': {}, 'crypto_engine': {}, 'tls_cipher_suite': {}, 'crypto_library': {}, 'vulnerability': {}, 'side_channel_analysis': {}, 'technical_report_id': {'BSI': {'BSI 7148': 1}}, 'device_model': {}, 'tee_name': {'IBM': {'SE': 17}}, 'os_name': {}, 'cplc_data': {}, 'ic_data_group': {}, 'standard_id': {'BSI': {'AIS 32': 1, 'AIS 34': 1, 'AIS 38': 1}, 'ISO': {'ISO/IEC 15408': 4, 'ISO/IEC 18045': 4, 'ISO/IEC 17065': 2}}, 'javacard_version': {}, 'javacard_api_const': {}, 'javacard_packages': {}, 'certification_process': {'OutOfScope': {'out of scope': 1, 'the security test suite FTP06 must be included in the driver regression testing, which however is out of scope for this evaluation The combination of the above ensures that changes to the driver, including': 1}, 'ConfidentialDocument': {'being maintained, is not given any longer. In particular, prior to the dissemination of confidential documentation and information related to the TOE or resulting from the evaluation and certification': 1, 'Report, Version 5, 2021-04-06, Final Evaluation Technical Report, atsec information security GmbH (confidential document) [8] z15 System Hardware Management Console Operations Guide, Version 2.15.0, 2020-05-01, IBM': 1}}}.
    • The st_keywords property was set to {'cc_cert_id': {'DE': {'BSI-DSZ-CC-1160': 1}}, 'cc_protection_profile_id': {}, 'cc_security_level': {'EAL': {'EAL5': 4}}, 'cc_sar': {'ADV': {'ADV_ARC.1': 2, 'ADV_FSP.5': 2, 'ADV_IMP.1': 2, 'ADV_INT.2': 2, 'ADV_TDS.4': 2}, 'AGD': {'AGD_OPE.1': 2, 'AGD_PRE.1': 2}, 'ALC': {'ALC_FLR.3': 4, 'ALC_TAT.3': 4, 'ALC_CMC.4': 2, 'ALC_CMS.5': 2, 'ALC_DEL.1': 2, 'ALC_DVS.1': 2, 'ALC_LCD.1': 2}, 'ATE': {'ATE_FUN.2': 4, 'ATE_COV.2': 2, 'ATE_DPT.3': 2, 'ATE_IND.2': 2}, 'AVA': {'AVA_VAN.5': 4}, 'ASE': {'ASE_INT.1': 1, 'ASE_CCL.1': 1, 'ASE_SPD.1': 1, 'ASE_OBJ.2': 1, 'ASE_ECD.1': 1, 'ASE_REQ.2': 1, 'ASE_TSS.1': 1}}, 'cc_sfr': {'FAU': {'FAU_GEN.1': 10, 'FAU_GEN.2': 6, 'FAU_SAR.1': 9, 'FAU_SAR.2': 6, 'FAU_SAR.3': 7, 'FAU_STG.1': 7, 'FAU_STG.4': 7, 'FAU_GEN.1.1': 2, 'FAU_GEN.1.2': 1, 'FAU_GEN.2.1': 1, 'FAU_SAR.1.1': 1, 'FAU_SAR.1.2': 1, 'FAU_SAR.2.1': 1, 'FAU_SAR.3.1': 1, 'FAU_STG.1.1': 1, 'FAU_STG.1.2': 1, 'FAU_STG.4.1': 1}, 'FDP': {'FDP_ACC': 4, 'FDP_ACF': 43, 'FDP_ACC.2': 25, 'FDP_IFC.1': 17, 'FDP_IFF.1': 9, 'FDP_RIP.2': 8, 'FDP_ACC.1.1': 2, 'FDP_ACF.1.1': 2, 'FDP_ACF.1.2': 2, 'FDP_ACF.1.3': 2, 'FDP_ACF.1.4': 2, 'FDP_ACF.1': 14, 'FDP_ACC.2.1': 1, 'FDP_ACC.2.2': 1, 'FDP_IFC.1.1': 1, 'FDP_IFF.1.1': 1, 'FDP_IFF.1.2': 1, 'FDP_IFF.1.3': 1, 'FDP_IFF.1.4': 1, 'FDP_IFF.1.5': 1, 'FDP_RIP.2.1': 1, 'FDP_ACC.1': 3}, 'FIA': {'FIA_ATD.1': 10, 'FIA_UID.2': 10, 'FIA_ATD.1.1': 1, 'FIA_UID.2.1': 1}, 'FMT': {'FMT_MSA': 27, 'FMT_MSA.3': 13, 'FMT_MTD.1': 9, 'FMT_SMF.1': 12, 'FMT_SMR.1': 14, 'FMT_MSA.3.1': 4, 'FMT_MSA.3.2': 4, 'FMT_MSA.1': 14, 'FMT_MTD.1.1': 1, 'FMT_SMF.1.1': 1, 'FMT_SMR.1.1': 1, 'FMT_SMR.1.2': 1}, 'FPR': {'FPR_UNO.1': 13, 'FPR_UNO.1.1': 1}, 'FPT': {'FPT_ITT.1': 8, 'FPT_STM.1': 9, 'FPT_TRC.1': 7, 'FPT_TST.1': 8, 'FPT_ITT.1.1': 1, 'FPT_STM.1.1': 1, 'FPT_TRC.1.1': 1, 'FPT_TRC.1.2': 1, 'FPT_TST.1.1': 2, 'FPT_TST.1.2': 1, 'FPT_TST.1.3': 1}, 'FRU': {'FRU_RSA.1': 7, 'FRU_RSA.1.1': 1}, 'FTA': {'FTA_TSE.1': 10, 'FTA_TSE.1.1': 1}}, 'cc_claims': {'T': {'T.LPAR_XCTL': 5}, 'OE': {'OE.SIE': 3}}, 'vendor': {}, 'eval_facility': {'atsec': {'atsec': 1}}, 'symmetric_crypto': {}, 'asymmetric_crypto': {}, 'pq_crypto': {}, 'hash_function': {}, 'crypto_scheme': {}, 'crypto_protocol': {}, 'randomness': {}, 'cipher_mode': {}, 'ecc_curve': {}, 'crypto_engine': {}, 'tls_cipher_suite': {}, 'crypto_library': {}, 'vulnerability': {}, 'side_channel_analysis': {}, 'technical_report_id': {}, 'device_model': {}, 'tee_name': {'IBM': {'SE': 24}}, 'os_name': {}, 'cplc_data': {}, 'ic_data_group': {}, 'standard_id': {}, 'javacard_version': {}, 'javacard_api_const': {}, 'javacard_packages': {}, 'certification_process': {}}.
    • The cert_keywords property was set to {'cc_cert_id': {'DE': {'BSI-DSZ-CC-1160-2021': 1}}, 'cc_protection_profile_id': {}, 'cc_security_level': {'EAL': {'EAL 5': 1, 'EAL 4': 1, 'EAL 2': 1, 'EAL 5 augmented': 1}}, 'cc_sar': {'ALC': {'ALC_FLR.3': 1, 'ALC_TAT.3': 1, 'ALC_FLR': 1}, 'ATE': {'ATE_FUN.2': 1}, 'AVA': {'AVA_VAN.5': 1}}, 'cc_sfr': {}, 'cc_claims': {}, 'vendor': {}, 'eval_facility': {}, 'symmetric_crypto': {}, 'asymmetric_crypto': {}, 'pq_crypto': {}, 'hash_function': {}, 'crypto_scheme': {}, 'crypto_protocol': {}, 'randomness': {}, 'cipher_mode': {}, 'ecc_curve': {}, 'crypto_engine': {}, 'tls_cipher_suite': {}, 'crypto_library': {}, 'vulnerability': {}, 'side_channel_analysis': {}, 'technical_report_id': {}, 'device_model': {}, 'tee_name': {}, 'os_name': {}, 'cplc_data': {}, 'ic_data_group': {}, 'standard_id': {'ISO': {'ISO/IEC 15408': 2, 'ISO/IEC 18045': 2}}, 'javacard_version': {}, 'javacard_api_const': {}, 'javacard_packages': {}, 'certification_process': {}}.
    • The report_filename property was set to 1160a.pdf.
    • The st_filename property was set to 1160b.pdf.
    • The cert_filename property was set to 1160c.pdf.

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The cert_lab property was set to ['BSI'].
    • The cert_id property was set to BSI-DSZ-CC-1160-2021.
    • The report_references property was updated, with the {'directly_referenced_by': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['BSI-DSZ-CC-1186-2023']}, 'indirectly_referenced_by': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['BSI-DSZ-CC-1186-2023', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-1222-2024']}, 'directly_referencing': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['BSI-DSZ-CC-1133-2020']}, 'indirectly_referencing': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['BSI-DSZ-CC-1048-2018', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0715-2011', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0793-2012', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-1109-2019', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0846-2013', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-1133-2020', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-1005-2016', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0953-2015', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0900-2014']}} data.
    • The extracted_sars property was updated, with the {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_REQ', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_OBJ', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_ECD', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ATE_DPT', 'level': 3}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ATE_IND', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_INT', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_FSP', 'level': 5}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_DVS', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_CMC', 'level': 4}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_SPD', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_ARC', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_TDS', 'level': 4}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'AGD_PRE', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_INT', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_LCD', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_CMS', 'level': 5}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ATE_COV', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'AGD_OPE', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_TSS', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_DEL', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_IMP', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_CCL', 'level': 1}]} values added.
  • 17.08.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The report_link was updated.

    • The new value is

    The st_link was updated.

    • The new value is

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The report property was updated, with the {'download_ok': False, 'convert_ok': False, 'extract_ok': False, 'pdf_hash': None, 'txt_hash': None} data.
    • The st property was updated, with the {'download_ok': False, 'convert_ok': False, 'extract_ok': False, 'pdf_hash': None, 'txt_hash': None} data.
    • The cert property was updated, with the {'download_ok': False, 'convert_ok': False, 'extract_ok': False, 'pdf_hash': None, 'txt_hash': None} data.

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The report_metadata property was set to None.
    • The st_metadata property was set to None.
    • The cert_metadata property was set to None.
    • The report_frontpage property was set to None.
    • The report_keywords property was set to None.
    • The st_keywords property was set to None.
    • The cert_keywords property was set to None.
    • The report_filename property was set to None.
    • The st_filename property was set to None.
    • The cert_filename property was set to None.

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The cert_lab property was set to None.
    • The cert_id property was set to None.
    • The report_references property was updated, with the {'directly_referenced_by': None, 'indirectly_referenced_by': None, 'directly_referencing': None, 'indirectly_referencing': None} data.
    • The extracted_sars property was updated, with the {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_REQ', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_OBJ', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_ECD', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ATE_DPT', 'level': 3}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ATE_IND', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_INT', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_FSP', 'level': 5}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_DVS', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_CMC', 'level': 4}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_SPD', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_ARC', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_TDS', 'level': 4}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'AGD_PRE', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_INT', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_LCD', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_CMS', 'level': 5}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ATE_COV', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'AGD_OPE', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_TSS', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ADV_IMP', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_DEL', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_CCL', 'level': 1}]} values discarded.
  • 12.08.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The report_references property was updated, with the {'indirectly_referencing': {'__discard__': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['BSI-DSZ-CC-0715-2011', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0793-2012', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0846-2013', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-1005-2016', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0900-2014', 'BSI-DSZ-CC-0953-2015']}}} data.
  • 23.07.2024 The certificate was first processed.
    New certificate

    A new Common Criteria certificate with the product name PR/SM for IBM z15 T02 and IBM LinuxONE III LT2 Systems, Driver Level D41C with Bundle Level H13/S21b was processed.

Raw data

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  "category": "Operating Systems",
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    "annotated_references": null,
    "cert_id": "BSI-DSZ-CC-1160-2021",
    "cert_lab": [
    "cpe_matches": null,
    "direct_transitive_cves": null,
    "eal": "EAL5+",
    "extracted_sars": {
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      "elements": [
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          "level": 2
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          "level": 2
    "extracted_versions": {
      "_type": "Set",
      "elements": [
    "indirect_transitive_cves": null,
    "next_certificates": null,
    "prev_certificates": null,
    "protection_profiles": null,
    "related_cves": null,
    "report_references": {
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      "directly_referenced_by": {
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      "directly_referencing": {
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        "elements": [
      "indirectly_referenced_by": {
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        "elements": [
    "scheme_data": {
      "category": "Server applications",
      "cert_id": "BSI-DSZ-CC-1160-2021",
      "certification_date": "2021-04-21",
      "enhanced": {
        "applicant": "IBM Corporation 2455 South Road, P329 Poughkeepsie NY 12601 USA",
        "assurance_level": "EAL5,ALC_FLR.3,ALC_TAT.3,ATE_FUN.2,AVA_VAN.5",
        "cert_link": "\u0026v=1",
        "certification_date": "2021-04-21",
        "description": "PR/SM is a hardware facility running on IBM z15 and IBM LinuxONE III systems that enables the resources of a single physical machine to be divided between distinct, predefined logical machines called \"logical partitions\". Each logical partition is a domain of execution, and is considered to be a subject capable of running a conventional system control program (SCP) such as z/OS\u2122, z/VM\u2122, z/VSE, z/TPF\u2122, or Linux for System z. These operating systems run unmodified in a PR/SM partition.",
        "evaluation_facility": "atsec information security GmbH",
        "expiration_date": "2026-04-20",
        "product": "PR/SM for IBM z15 T02 and IBM LinuxONE III LT2 Systems, Driver Level D41C with Bundle Level H13/S21b",
        "report_link": "\u0026v=1",
        "target_link": "\u0026v=1"
      "product": "PR/SM for IBM z15 T02 and IBM LinuxONE III LT2 Systems, Driver Level D41C with Bundle Level H13/S21b",
      "subcategory": "Virtualisation",
      "url": "",
      "vendor": "IBM Corporation"
    "st_references": {
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      "directly_referenced_by": null,
      "directly_referencing": null,
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      "indirectly_referencing": null
    "verified_cpe_matches": null
  "maintenance_updates": {
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    "elements": []
  "manufacturer": "IBM Corporation",
  "manufacturer_web": "",
  "name": "PR/SM for IBM z15 T02 and IBM LinuxONE III LT2 Systems, Driver Level D41C with Bundle Level H13/S21b",
  "not_valid_after": "2026-04-20",
  "not_valid_before": "2021-04-21",
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      "ic_data_group": {},
      "javacard_api_const": {},
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      "technical_report_id": {},
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      "tls_cipher_suite": {},
      "vendor": {},
      "vulnerability": {}
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      "/CreationDate": "D:20210423084224+02\u002700\u0027",
      "/Creator": "Writer",
      "/Keywords": "\"Common Criteria, Certification, Zertifizierung, PR/SM, IBM, z15, LinuxONE III LT2 Systems, BSI-DSZ-CC-1160\"",
      "/ModDate": "D:20210514135728+02\u002700\u0027",
      "/Producer": "LibreOffice 6.3",
      "/Subject": "PR/SM for IBM z15 T02 and IBM LinuxONE III LT2 SystemsDriver Level D41C with Bundle Level H13/S21b from IBM Corporation",
      "/Title": "Certification Report BSI-DSZ-CC-1160",
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        "cert_id": "BSI-DSZ-CC-1160-2021",
        "cert_item": "PR/SM for IBM z15 T02 and IBM LinuxONE III LT2 Systems, Driver Level D41C with Bundle Level H13/S21b",
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        "developer": "IBM Corporation",
        "match_rules": [
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          "being maintained, is not given any longer. In particular, prior to the dissemination of confidential documentation and information related to the TOE or resulting from the evaluation and certification": 1
        "OutOfScope": {
          "out of scope": 1,
          "the security test suite FTP06 must be included in the driver regression testing, which however is out of scope for this evaluation The combination of the above ensures that changes to the driver, including": 1
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      "ic_data_group": {},
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      "technical_report_id": {
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      "/CreationDate": "D:20210423084224+02\u002700\u0027",
      "/Creator": "Writer",
      "/Keywords": "\"Common Criteria, Certification, Zertifizierung, PR/SM, IBM, z15, LinuxONE III LT2 Systems, BSI-DSZ-CC-1160\"",
      "/ModDate": "D:20210423093645+02\u002700\u0027",
      "/Producer": "LibreOffice 6.3",
      "/Subject": "PR/SM for IBM z15 T02 and IBM LinuxONE III LT2 SystemsDriver Level D41C with Bundle Level H13/S21b from IBM Corporation",
      "/Title": "Certification Report BSI-DSZ-CC-1160",
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      "cc_protection_profile_id": {},
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        "ALC": {
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        "ATE": {
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          "ATE_DPT.3": 2,
          "ATE_FUN.2": 4,
          "ATE_IND.2": 2
        "AVA": {
          "AVA_VAN.5": 4
      "cc_security_level": {
        "EAL": {
          "EAL5": 4
      "cc_sfr": {
        "FAU": {
          "FAU_GEN.1": 10,
          "FAU_GEN.1.1": 2,
          "FAU_GEN.1.2": 1,
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          "FAU_SAR.1": 9,
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          "FAU_SAR.2.1": 1,
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          "FAU_STG.1.2": 1,
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          "FDP_ACC.1.1": 2,
          "FDP_ACC.2": 25,
          "FDP_ACC.2.1": 1,
          "FDP_ACC.2.2": 1,
          "FDP_ACF": 43,
          "FDP_ACF.1": 14,
          "FDP_ACF.1.1": 2,
          "FDP_ACF.1.2": 2,
          "FDP_ACF.1.3": 2,
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          "FDP_IFF.1.5": 1,
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          "FDP_RIP.2.1": 1
        "FIA": {
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          "FIA_ATD.1.1": 1,
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