There are several certificates that share the certificate ID "JISEC-CC-CRP-C0659-01-2019":
- Fuji Xerox ApeosPort-VII C7773/C6673/C5573/C4473/C3373/C2273 DocuCentre-VII C7773/C6673/C5573/C4473/C3373/C2273 models with Scan and Fax as standard features and Data Security as an optional feature Fuji Xerox ApeosPort-VII C7773/C6673/C5573/C4473/C3373/C3372/C2273 DocuCentre-VII C7773/C6673/C5573/C4473 models with Scan and Data Security as standard features and Fax as an optional feature Controller ROM Ver. 1.1.14, Fax ROM Ver. 2.2.1, JISEC-CC-CRP-C0659-01-2019 , archived , 06.12.2019 - 06.12.2024
- Fuji XeroxApeosPort-VII C7773/C6673/C5573/C4473/C3373/C2273DocuCentre-VII C7773/C6673/C5573/C4473/C3373/C2273models with Scan and Fax as standard features and Data Security as an optional featureFuji XeroxApeosPort-VII C7773/C6673/C5573/C4473/C3373/C3372/C2273DocuCentre-VII C7773/C6673/C5573/C4473models with Scan and Data Security as standard features and Fax as an optional feature Controller ROM Ver. 1.1.14, Fax ROM Ver. 2.2.1, JISEC-CC-CRP-C0659-01-2019 , archived , 06.12.2019 - 06.12.2024