ePass Applet on JCOP 4 C1

CSV information ?

Status active
Valid from 20.12.2023
Valid until 20.12.2028
Scheme 🇳🇱 NL
Manufacturer Veridos GmbH - Identity Solutions by Giesecke & Devrient and Bundesdruckerei
Category ICs, Smart Cards and Smart Card-Related Devices and Systems
Security level ALC_DVS.2, AVA_VAN.5, EAL5+

Heuristics summary ?

Certificate ID: NSCIB-CC-2300097-01-CR

Certificate ?

Extracted keywords


Operating System name

Security level
EAL4, EAL5, EAL2, EAL 7, EAL4 augmented, EAL5 augmented
Security Assurance Requirements (SAR)
Protection profiles
BSI-CC-PP-0055-2009, BSI-CC-PP-0056-V2-2012, BSI-CC-PP-0068-V2-2011-MA-01
NSCIB-CC-2300097-01, NSCIB-2300097-01
Evaluation facilities
SGS, SGS Brightsight, Brightsight

ISO/IEC 15408-1, ISO/IEC 18045, ISO/IEC 18045:2008

File metadata

Title NSCIB Certificate
Author Denise Cater
Creation date D:20240124180540+00'00'
Modification date D:20240124180540+00'00'
Pages 1
Creator Microsoft® Word 2021
Producer Microsoft® Word 2021

Certification report ?

Extracted keywords

Symmetric Algorithms
Asymmetric Algorithms
ECDH, ECDSA, ECC, Diffie-Hellman
Block cipher modes

Operating System name
NXP, NXP Semiconductors, Giesecke+Devrient, Giesecke & Devrient

Security level
EAL4, EAL5, EAL5+, EAL4+, EAL 5, EAL6+, EAL5 augmented, EAL4 augmented, EAL 5 augmented
Security Assurance Requirements (SAR)
Protection profiles
BSI-CC-PP-0055-2009, BSI-CC-PP-0056-V2-, BSI-CC-PP-0068-V2-2011-MA-01
NSCIB-CC-2300097-01-CR, NSCIB-2300097-01
Evaluation facilities
SGS, SGS Brightsight, Brightsight
Certification process
out of scope, following proprietary or non-standard algorithms, protocols and implementations: <none>, which are out of scope as there are no security claims relating to these. Page: 10/12 of report number

Side-channel analysis
Certification process
out of scope, following proprietary or non-standard algorithms, protocols and implementations: <none>, which are out of scope as there are no security claims relating to these. Page: 10/12 of report number

ISO/IEC 7816, ISO/IEC 14443, ICAO

File metadata

Title Certification Report
Author sjon
Creation date D:20240124181550+00'00'
Modification date D:20240124181550+00'00'
Pages 12
Creator Microsoft® Word 2021
Producer Microsoft® Word 2021


Certificate ID NSCIB-CC-2300097-01-CR
Certified item ePass Applet on JCOP 4 C1
Certification lab SGS Brightsight B.V.
Developer Giesecke+Devrient Mobile Security GmbH

Security target ?

Extracted keywords

Symmetric Algorithms
AES, DES, TripleDES, 3DES, Triple-DES, CMAC
Asymmetric Algorithms
ECDH, ECDSA, ECC, Diffie-Hellman, DH
Hash functions
SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512
Elliptic Curves
P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521, secp256r1, secp384r1, secp521r1
Block cipher modes

Operating System name
IC data groups
NXP, NXP Semiconductors, Infineon, G+D, Giesecke+Devrient, Giesecke & Devrient

Security level
EAL5, EAL4, EAL 6, EAL 5, EAL 4, EAL5+, EAL5 augmented, EAL4 augmented, EAL 6 augmented, EAL 5 augmented, EAL 4 augmented
Security Assurance Requirements (SAR)
Security Functional Requirements (SFR)
Protection profiles
BSI-CC-PP-0099-V2-2020, BSI-CC-PP-0055, BSI-CC-PP-0056-V2-2012, BSI-CC-PP-0068-V2-2011-MA-01
BSI-DSZ-CC-1107-V3-2022, BSI-DSZ-CC-1136-V3-2022-MA-01, NSCIB-CC-180212, NSCIB-CC-180212-5MA1
Certification process
Out of scope, chapter in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2[FIREWALL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall, internal Java Virtual Machine). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1[JCVM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Virtual Machine, internal Java Card Firewall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[JCRE] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall, No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.2[FIREWALL- JCVM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall, internal Java Card Firew a l l ). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1 No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall, chapter in platform ST) FCS_CKM.1 No correspondence. Out of scope. The TOE uses the spe- cific Document Basic Access Key Derivation Algorithm, DRG.3) that can be used directly. FDP_RIP.1[ABORT] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[GlobalArray_Refin ed] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[KEYS] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ROL.1[FIREWALL] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall, chapter in platform ST) FIA_ATD.1[AID] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card fun tionality, internal Java Card fun tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_USB.1[AID] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card fun tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MTD.3[JCRE] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1[Installer] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func tionality, No contradiction to this ST. FPT_RCV.3[Installer] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality, internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[ADEL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality, internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[ADEL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality, internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[ADEL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality, internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[ADEL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality, No contradiction to this ST. FDP_UIT.1[CCMRefined] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[CCM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[SD] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[SD] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1[SD] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFC.2[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card func-tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card func-tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UAU.1[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FTP_ITC.1[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, chapter 7.2.7 in platform ST) FDP_ACC.1[EXT-MEM] No correspondence Out of scope since nomemory space different from that of the Java Card System is used by this TOE, chapter 7.2.8 in platform ST) FDP_IFC.2[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, chapter 7.2.9 in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2[SecureBox] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[SecureBox] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[SecureBox] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, chapter 7.2.10 in platform ST) FDP_IFC.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, No contradiction to this ST. FIA_ATD.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, chapter 7.2.11 in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1.1[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UAU.1[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, chapter 7.2.12 in platform ST) FAU_SAS.1[SCP] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, DRG.3) that can be used directly. FIA_AFL.1[PIN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, together with additional countermeasures). FCS_CKM.2 No correspondence Out of scope (managed within Java Card OS, platform ST) Firewall Policy (chapter in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2[FIREWALL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall. The resulting requirements for applets are reflected in the User, of the TOE. No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[FIREWALL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall). The resulting requirements for applets are reflected in the User, of the TOE. No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFC.1[JCVM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Virtual Machine). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1[JCVM] No correspondence Out, internal Java Virtual Machine). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[OBJECTS] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[JCRE] No correspondence Out, of 104 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FMT_MSA.1[JCVM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.2[FIREWALL- JCVM] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall). The resulting requirements for applets are reflected in the User, of the TOE. No contradic- tion to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[FIREWALL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall). The resulting requirements for applets are reflected in the User, of the TOE. No contradic- tion to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[JCVM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firew a l l ). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1 No correspondence Out of, internal Java Card Firewall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1 No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall). No contradiction to this ST. Application Programming Interface, in platform ST) FCS_CKM.1 No correspondence. Out of scope. The TOE uses the spe- cific Document Basic Access Key Derivation Algorithm. There are no, a defined quality metric (DRG.3) that can be used directly. FDP_RIP.1[ABORT] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[APDU] No correspondence, functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[GlobalArray_Refin ed] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[bArray] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[KEYS] No correspondence, Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[TRANSIENT] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ROL.1[FIREWALL] No, complement Java Card OS mechanisms. No contradiction tothis ST. FPT_TDC.1 No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. AID Management (chapter in, ST) FIA_ATD.1[AID] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card fun tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.2[AID] No correspondence, internal Java Card fun tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_USB.1[AID] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MTD.1[JCRE] No correspondence, internal Java Card fun tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MTD.3[JCRE] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. INSTG Security Functional, which addresses security aspects outside the runtime. FDP_ITC.2[Installer] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1[Installer] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card func tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[Installer] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_RCV.3[Installer] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. ADELG Security Functional, of 104 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FDP_ACC.2[ADEL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[ADEL] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[ADEL] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[ADEL] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[ADEL] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[ADEL] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1[ADEL] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[ADEL] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. ODELG Security Functional, that owns the deleted objects by invoking a specific API method. FDP_RIP.1[ODEL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[ODEL] FPT_FLS.1, verified, or that has been modified after bytecode verification. FDP_UIT.1[CCM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_UIT.1[CCMRefined] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ROL.1[CCM] No correspondence, of 104 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FTP_ITC.2[CCM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[CCM] No correspondence, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACC.1[SD] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[SD] No correspondence, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[SD] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[SD] No correspondence, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[SD] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1[SD] No correspondence, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FCO_NRO.2[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFC.2[SC] No correspondence, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[SC] No correspondence, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func-tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[SC] No correspondence, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.1[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func-tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UAU.1[SC] No correspondence, 22 of 104 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FIA_UAU.4[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FTP_ITC.1[SC] No correspondence, Functional Requirements (chapter 7.2.7 in platform ST) FDP_ACC.1[EXT-MEM] No correspondence Out of scope since nomemory space different from that of the Java Card System is used by this TOE. No, to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[EXT-MEM] No correspondence Out of scope since nomemory space different from that of the Java Card System is used by this TOE. No, to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[EXT-MEM] No correspondence Out of scope since nomemory space different from that of the Java Card System is used by this TOE. No, to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[EXT-MEM] No correspondence Out of scope since nomemory space different from that of the Java Card System is used by this TOE. No, to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[EXT-MEM] No correspondence Out of scope since nomemory space different from that of the Java Card System is used by this TOE. No, Security Functional Requirements (chapter 7.2.8 in platform ST) FDP_IFC.2[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1[CFG] No correspondence, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1[CFG] No correspondence, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. 3 Conformance Claims Security, of 104 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FIA_UID.1[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. SecBoxG Security Functional, chapter 7.2.9 in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2[SecureBox] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[SecureBox] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[SecureBox] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[SecureBox] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[SecureBox] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. ModDesG Security Functional, chapter 7.2.10 in platform ST) FDP_IFC.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_ATD.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_USB.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[MODULAR- DESIGN] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. 3 Conformance Claims Security, SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FMT_SMF.1.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. RMG Security Functional, chapter 7.2.11 in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[RM] No correspondence, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1.1[RM] No correspondence, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1.1[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.1[RM] No correspondence, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UAU.1[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. Further Security Functional, chapter 7.2.12 in platform ST) FAU_SAS.1[SCP] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. 3 Conformance Claims Security, with a defined quality metric (DRG.3) that can be used directly. FIA_AFL.1[PIN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_EMSEC.1 FPT_EMSEC.1 The, based on the platform SFR (together with additional countermeasures). FCS_CKM.2 No correspondence Out of scope (managed within Java Card OS). No contradiction to this ST. FCS_CKM.3 No correspondence Out of, Platform Objective Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks OT.SID No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.SID_MODULE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to, ST. OT.FIREWALL No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.GLOBAL_ARRAYS_CO NFID OT.Data-Confidentiality No contradiction to, OT.GLOBAL_ARRAYS_I NTEG OT.Data-Integrity No contradiction to this ST. OT.NATIVE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.OPERATE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this, OT.REALLOCATION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. 3 Conformance Claims Security TargetePass Applet on JCOP 4 C1, 104 Platform Objective Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks OT.RESOURCES No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.SENSITIVE_RESULT S_INTEG OT.Prot_Phys-Tamper The objectives are, No contradiction to this ST. OT.ALARM No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.CIPHER No correspondence Indirectly relevant for the correct, corresponding objectives for the TOE of this ST. No contradictions. OT.KEY-MNGT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.PIN-MNGT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this, OT.TRANSACTION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.OBJ-DELETION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to, ST. OT.APPLI-AUTH No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.DOMAIN-RIGHTS No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to, ST. OT.COMM_AUTH No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.COMM_INTEGRITY No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to, ST. OT.COMM_CONFIDENTI ALITY No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.EXT-MEM No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this, OT.CARD-MANAGEMENT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.SCP.IC OT.Prot_Phys-Tamper The objectives are related. No con-, The objectives are related. No contradiction to this ST. OT.SCP.SUPPORT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.IDENTIFICATION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to, ST. OT.SEC_BOX_FW No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to 3 Conformance Claims Security TargetePass Applet on JCOP 4 C1 /Version 1, objectives for the TOE of this ST. No contradictions. OT.CARD- CONFIGURATION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.ATTACK-COUNTER OT.Prot_Phys-Tamper The objectives are related. No, to this ST. OT.RESTRICTED-MODE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. 3.4.5 Assessment of Platform Threats The following table provides an, Platform Threat Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks T.CONFID-APPLI-DATA No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.CONFID-JCS-CODE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to, T.Information_Leakage No contradiction to this ST. T.INTEG-APPLI-CODE.LOAD No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.INTEG-APPLI-DATA T.Forgery No contradiction to this ST. T, LOAD No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.INTEG-JCS-CODE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to, ST. T.INTEG-JCS-DATA No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.SID.1 No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST, SID.2 No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.EXE-CODE.1 No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.EXE-CODE.2 No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this, T.NATIVE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. 3 Conformance Claims Security TargetePass Applet on JCOP 4 C1, of 104 Platform Threat Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks T.MODULE_EXEC No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.RESOURCES No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this, T.UNAUTHORIZED_CARD_MNGT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.COM_EXPLOIT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to, ST. T.LIFE_CYCLE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.OBJ-DELETION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to, ST. T.PHYSICAL T.Phys-Tamper No contradiction to this ST. T.OS_OPERATE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.RND T.Phys-Tamper No contradiction to this ST. T.CONFIG No, Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.SEC_BOX_BORDER No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.MODULE_REPLACEMENT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction

Side-channel analysis
physical probing, side channel, physical tampering, malfunction
Certification process
Out of scope, chapter in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2[FIREWALL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall, internal Java Virtual Machine). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1[JCVM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Virtual Machine, internal Java Card Firewall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[JCRE] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall, No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.2[FIREWALL- JCVM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall, internal Java Card Firew a l l ). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1 No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall, chapter in platform ST) FCS_CKM.1 No correspondence. Out of scope. The TOE uses the spe- cific Document Basic Access Key Derivation Algorithm, DRG.3) that can be used directly. FDP_RIP.1[ABORT] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[GlobalArray_Refin ed] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[KEYS] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ROL.1[FIREWALL] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall, chapter in platform ST) FIA_ATD.1[AID] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card fun tionality, internal Java Card fun tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_USB.1[AID] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card fun tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MTD.3[JCRE] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1[Installer] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func tionality, No contradiction to this ST. FPT_RCV.3[Installer] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality, internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[ADEL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality, internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[ADEL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality, internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[ADEL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality, internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[ADEL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality, No contradiction to this ST. FDP_UIT.1[CCMRefined] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[CCM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[SD] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[SD] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1[SD] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFC.2[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card func-tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card func-tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UAU.1[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FTP_ITC.1[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, chapter 7.2.7 in platform ST) FDP_ACC.1[EXT-MEM] No correspondence Out of scope since nomemory space different from that of the Java Card System is used by this TOE, chapter 7.2.8 in platform ST) FDP_IFC.2[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, chapter 7.2.9 in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2[SecureBox] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[SecureBox] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[SecureBox] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, chapter 7.2.10 in platform ST) FDP_IFC.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, No contradiction to this ST. FIA_ATD.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, chapter 7.2.11 in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1.1[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UAU.1[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, chapter 7.2.12 in platform ST) FAU_SAS.1[SCP] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, DRG.3) that can be used directly. FIA_AFL.1[PIN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality, together with additional countermeasures). FCS_CKM.2 No correspondence Out of scope (managed within Java Card OS, platform ST) Firewall Policy (chapter in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2[FIREWALL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall. The resulting requirements for applets are reflected in the User, of the TOE. No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[FIREWALL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall). The resulting requirements for applets are reflected in the User, of the TOE. No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFC.1[JCVM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Virtual Machine). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1[JCVM] No correspondence Out, internal Java Virtual Machine). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[OBJECTS] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[JCRE] No correspondence Out, of 104 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FMT_MSA.1[JCVM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.2[FIREWALL- JCVM] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall). The resulting requirements for applets are reflected in the User, of the TOE. No contradic- tion to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[FIREWALL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall). The resulting requirements for applets are reflected in the User, of the TOE. No contradic- tion to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[JCVM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firew a l l ). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1 No correspondence Out of, internal Java Card Firewall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1 No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall). No contradiction to this ST. Application Programming Interface, in platform ST) FCS_CKM.1 No correspondence. Out of scope. The TOE uses the spe- cific Document Basic Access Key Derivation Algorithm. There are no, a defined quality metric (DRG.3) that can be used directly. FDP_RIP.1[ABORT] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[APDU] No correspondence, functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[GlobalArray_Refin ed] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[bArray] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[KEYS] No correspondence, Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[TRANSIENT] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ROL.1[FIREWALL] No, complement Java Card OS mechanisms. No contradiction tothis ST. FPT_TDC.1 No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. AID Management (chapter in, ST) FIA_ATD.1[AID] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card fun tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.2[AID] No correspondence, internal Java Card fun tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_USB.1[AID] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MTD.1[JCRE] No correspondence, internal Java Card fun tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MTD.3[JCRE] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. INSTG Security Functional, which addresses security aspects outside the runtime. FDP_ITC.2[Installer] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1[Installer] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card func tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[Installer] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_RCV.3[Installer] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. ADELG Security Functional, of 104 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FDP_ACC.2[ADEL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[ADEL] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[ADEL] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[ADEL] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[ADEL] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[ADEL] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1[ADEL] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[ADEL] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. ODELG Security Functional, that owns the deleted objects by invoking a specific API method. FDP_RIP.1[ODEL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[ODEL] FPT_FLS.1, verified, or that has been modified after bytecode verification. FDP_UIT.1[CCM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_UIT.1[CCMRefined] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ROL.1[CCM] No correspondence, of 104 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FTP_ITC.2[CCM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[CCM] No correspondence, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACC.1[SD] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[SD] No correspondence, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[SD] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[SD] No correspondence, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[SD] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1[SD] No correspondence, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FCO_NRO.2[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFC.2[SC] No correspondence, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[SC] No correspondence, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func-tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[SC] No correspondence, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.1[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func-tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UAU.1[SC] No correspondence, 22 of 104 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FIA_UAU.4[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FTP_ITC.1[SC] No correspondence, Functional Requirements (chapter 7.2.7 in platform ST) FDP_ACC.1[EXT-MEM] No correspondence Out of scope since nomemory space different from that of the Java Card System is used by this TOE. No, to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[EXT-MEM] No correspondence Out of scope since nomemory space different from that of the Java Card System is used by this TOE. No, to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[EXT-MEM] No correspondence Out of scope since nomemory space different from that of the Java Card System is used by this TOE. No, to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[EXT-MEM] No correspondence Out of scope since nomemory space different from that of the Java Card System is used by this TOE. No, to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[EXT-MEM] No correspondence Out of scope since nomemory space different from that of the Java Card System is used by this TOE. No, Security Functional Requirements (chapter 7.2.8 in platform ST) FDP_IFC.2[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1[CFG] No correspondence, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1[CFG] No correspondence, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. 3 Conformance Claims Security, of 104 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FIA_UID.1[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. SecBoxG Security Functional, chapter 7.2.9 in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2[SecureBox] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[SecureBox] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[SecureBox] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[SecureBox] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[SecureBox] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. ModDesG Security Functional, chapter 7.2.10 in platform ST) FDP_IFC.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_ATD.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_USB.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[MODULAR- DESIGN] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. 3 Conformance Claims Security, SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FMT_SMF.1.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No, Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. RMG Security Functional, chapter 7.2.11 in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[RM] No correspondence, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1.1[RM] No correspondence, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1.1[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.1[RM] No correspondence, internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UAU.1[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. Further Security Functional, chapter 7.2.12 in platform ST) FAU_SAS.1[SCP] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. 3 Conformance Claims Security, with a defined quality metric (DRG.3) that can be used directly. FIA_AFL.1[PIN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_EMSEC.1 FPT_EMSEC.1 The, based on the platform SFR (together with additional countermeasures). FCS_CKM.2 No correspondence Out of scope (managed within Java Card OS). No contradiction to this ST. FCS_CKM.3 No correspondence Out of, Platform Objective Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks OT.SID No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.SID_MODULE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to, ST. OT.FIREWALL No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.GLOBAL_ARRAYS_CO NFID OT.Data-Confidentiality No contradiction to, OT.GLOBAL_ARRAYS_I NTEG OT.Data-Integrity No contradiction to this ST. OT.NATIVE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.OPERATE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this, OT.REALLOCATION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. 3 Conformance Claims Security TargetePass Applet on JCOP 4 C1, 104 Platform Objective Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks OT.RESOURCES No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.SENSITIVE_RESULT S_INTEG OT.Prot_Phys-Tamper The objectives are, No contradiction to this ST. OT.ALARM No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.CIPHER No correspondence Indirectly relevant for the correct, corresponding objectives for the TOE of this ST. No contradictions. OT.KEY-MNGT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.PIN-MNGT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this, OT.TRANSACTION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.OBJ-DELETION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to, ST. OT.APPLI-AUTH No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.DOMAIN-RIGHTS No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to, ST. OT.COMM_AUTH No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.COMM_INTEGRITY No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to, ST. OT.COMM_CONFIDENTI ALITY No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.EXT-MEM No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this, OT.CARD-MANAGEMENT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.SCP.IC OT.Prot_Phys-Tamper The objectives are related. No con-, The objectives are related. No contradiction to this ST. OT.SCP.SUPPORT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.IDENTIFICATION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to, ST. OT.SEC_BOX_FW No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to 3 Conformance Claims Security TargetePass Applet on JCOP 4 C1 /Version 1, objectives for the TOE of this ST. No contradictions. OT.CARD- CONFIGURATION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.ATTACK-COUNTER OT.Prot_Phys-Tamper The objectives are related. No, to this ST. OT.RESTRICTED-MODE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. 3.4.5 Assessment of Platform Threats The following table provides an, Platform Threat Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks T.CONFID-APPLI-DATA No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.CONFID-JCS-CODE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to, T.Information_Leakage No contradiction to this ST. T.INTEG-APPLI-CODE.LOAD No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.INTEG-APPLI-DATA T.Forgery No contradiction to this ST. T, LOAD No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.INTEG-JCS-CODE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to, ST. T.INTEG-JCS-DATA No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.SID.1 No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST, SID.2 No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.EXE-CODE.1 No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.EXE-CODE.2 No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this, T.NATIVE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. 3 Conformance Claims Security TargetePass Applet on JCOP 4 C1, of 104 Platform Threat Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks T.MODULE_EXEC No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.RESOURCES No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this, T.UNAUTHORIZED_CARD_MNGT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.COM_EXPLOIT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to, ST. T.LIFE_CYCLE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.OBJ-DELETION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to, ST. T.PHYSICAL T.Phys-Tamper No contradiction to this ST. T.OS_OPERATE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.RND T.Phys-Tamper No contradiction to this ST. T.CONFIG No, Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.SEC_BOX_BORDER No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.MODULE_REPLACEMENT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction

FIPS 180-298, FIPS 46-3, FIPS 180-2, FIPS197, FIPS 197, FIPS PUB 46-3, FIPS PUB 197, PKCS#3, PKCS1, AIS20, AIS31, AIS 20, AIS 31, RFC5639, RFC 5639, ISO/IEC 7816-2, ISO/IEC 14888-3, ISO/IEC 9796-2, ICAO, CCMB-2017-04-001, CCMB-2017-04-002, CCMB-2017-04-003

File metadata

Title Security Target
Subject ePass Applet on JCOP 4 C1
Keywords Version 1.3/Status 19.12.2023
Author G+D / stut
Creation date D:20231219183231+01'00'
Modification date D:20231219183231+01'00'
Pages 104
Creator Microsoft® Word für Microsoft 365
Producer Microsoft® Word für Microsoft 365


  • BSI-DSZ-CC-1107-V3-2022 - active - IFX_CCI_00002Dh, IFX_CCI_000039h, IFX_CCI_00003Ah, IFX_CCI_000044h, IFX_CCI_000045h, IFX_CCI_000046h, IFX_CCI_000047h, IFX_CCI_000048h, IFX_CCI_000049h, IFX_CCI_00004Ah, IFX_CCI_00004Bh, IFX_CCI_00004Ch, IFX_CCI_00004Dh, IFX_CCI_00004Eh design step T11 with firmware 80.306.16.0 & 80.306.16.1, optional NRG SW 05.03.4097, optional HSL v3.52.9708, UMSLC lib v01.30.0564, optional SCL v2.15.000 and v2.11.003, optional ACL v3.33.003 and v3.02.000, optional RCL v1.10.007, optional HCL v1.13.002 and guidance

Heuristics ?

Certificate ID: NSCIB-CC-2300097-01-CR

Extracted SARs


References ?

Updates ?

  • 22.08.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

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    • The st_keywords property was set to {'cc_cert_id': {'DE': {'BSI-DSZ-CC-1107-V3-2022': 1, 'BSI-DSZ-CC-1136-V3-2022-MA-01': 1}, 'NL': {'NSCIB-CC-180212': 1, 'NSCIB-CC-180212-5MA1': 1}}, 'cc_protection_profile_id': {'BSI': {'BSI-CC-PP-0099-V2-2020': 1, 'BSI-CC-PP-0055': 1, 'BSI-CC-PP-0056-V2-2012': 1, 'BSI-CC-PP-0068-V2-2011-MA-01': 1}}, 'cc_security_level': {'EAL': {'EAL5': 5, 'EAL4': 3, 'EAL 6': 1, 'EAL 5': 1, 'EAL 4': 1, 'EAL5+': 1, 'EAL5 augmented': 3, 'EAL4 augmented': 1, 'EAL 6 augmented': 1, 'EAL 5 augmented': 1, 'EAL 4 augmented': 1}}, 'cc_sar': {'AGD': {'AGD_PRE.1': 1}, 'ALC': {'ALC_DVS.2': 9, 'ALC_DEL.1': 1}, 'ATE': {'ATE_DPT.2': 3}, 'AVA': {'AVA_VAN.5': 7}, 'ASE': {'ASE_TSS.2': 1}}, 'cc_sfr': {'FAU': {'FAU_ARP.1': 1, 'FAU_SAS.1': 7, 'FAU_SAS': 3, 'FAU_SAS.1.1': 1, 'FAU_UAU.4': 1}, 'FCO': {'FCO_NRO.2': 1}, 'FCS': {'FCS_CKM.1': 18, 'FCS_CKM.4': 25, 'FCS_COP.1.1': 20, 'FCS_COP': 52, 'FCS_COP.1': 14, 'FCS_RNG.1': 2, 'FCS_CKM.2': 5, 'FCS_CKM.3': 1, 'FCS_CKM': 18, 'FCS_CKM.4.1': 1, 'FCS_RND.1': 6, 'FCS_RND.1.1': 1, 'FCS_CKM.1.1': 1}, 'FDP': {'FDP_ACC.2': 4, 'FDP_ACF.1': 35, 'FDP_IFC.1': 6, 'FDP_IFF.1': 4, 'FDP_RIP.1': 15, 'FDP_ROL.1': 2, 'FDP_SDI.2': 2, 'FDP_ITC.2': 12, 'FDP_UIT.1': 7, 'FDP_ACC.1': 17, 'FDP_IFC.2': 2, 'FDP_ACC': 9, 'FDP_ACF': 9, 'FDP_UCT': 4, 'FDP_UIT': 4, 'FDP_UCT.1': 6, 'FDP_ITC.1': 11, 'FDP_RIP.1.1': 1, 'FDP_RIP': 1, 'FDP_ACC.1.1': 1, 'FDP_ACF.1.1': 1, 'FDP_ACF.1.2': 1, 'FDP_ACF.1.3': 1, 'FDP_ACF.1.4': 1, 'FDP_UCT.1.1': 1, 'FDP_UIT.1.1': 1, 'FDP_UIT.1.2': 1}, 'FIA': {'FIA_ATD.1': 2, 'FIA_UID.2': 1, 'FIA_USB.1': 2, 'FIA_UID.1': 18, 'FIA_UAU.1': 10, 'FIA_UAU.4': 11, 'FIA_AFL.1': 8, 'FIA_AFL': 5, 'FIA_UID': 9, 'FIA_UAU': 39, 'FIA_UAU.6': 7, 'FIA_API.1': 4, 'FIA_API': 7, 'FIA_UAU.5': 10, 'FIA_UID.1.1': 1, 'FIA_UID.1.2': 1, 'FIA_UAU.1.1': 1, 'FIA_UAU.1.2': 1, 'FIA_UAU.4.1': 2, 'FIA_UAU.5.1': 1, 'FIA_UAU.5.2': 2, 'FIA_UAU.6.1': 1, 'FIA_AFL.1.1': 1, 'FIA_AFL.1.2': 1, 'FIA_API.1.1': 1, 'FIA_ACC.1.1': 1}, 'FMT': {'FMT_MSA.1': 9, 'FMT_MSA.2': 1, 'FMT_MSA.3': 14, 'FMT_SMF.1': 29, 'FMT_SMR.1': 22, 'FMT_MTD.1': 19, 'FMT_MTD.3': 7, 'FMT_SMF.1.1': 3, 'FMT_SMR.1.1': 2, 'FMT_MSA.1.1': 1, 'FMT_MTD': 49, 'FMT_LIM.1': 15, 'FMT_SMF': 3, 'FMT_LIM': 6, 'FMT_SMR': 11, 'FMT_LIM.2': 18, 'FMT_LIM.2.1': 8, 'FMT_LIM.1.1': 5, 'FMT_SMR.1.2': 1, 'FMT_MTD.3.1': 1}, 'FPR': {'FPR_UNO.1': 1}, 'FPT': {'FPT_FLS.1': 17, 'FPT_FLS': 8, 'FPT_PHP.3': 9, 'FPT_EMS.1': 7, 'FPT_TDC.1': 1, 'FPT_RCV.3': 1, 'FPT_TST.1': 4, 'FPT_EMS': 5, 'FPT_TST.1.1': 1, 'FPT_TST.1.2': 1, 'FPT_TST.1.3': 1, 'FPT_PHP.3.1': 1, 'FPT_EMS.1.1': 2, 'FPT_EMS.1.2': 2, 'FPT_FLS.1.1': 1, 'FPT_TST': 1}, 'FTP': {'FTP_ITC.2': 1, 'FTP_ITC.1': 9, 'FTP_ITC': 8, 'FTP_TRP.1': 4}}, 'cc_claims': {'T': {'T.CONFID-APPLI-DATA': 1, 'T.CONFID-JCS-CODE': 1, 'T.CONFID-JCS-DATA': 1, 'T.INTEG-APPLI-CODE': 2, 'T.INTEG-APPLI-DATA': 2, 'T.INTEG-JCS-CODE': 1, 'T.INTEG-JCS-DATA': 1, 'T.SID': 2, 'T.EXE-CODE': 2, 'T.NATIVE': 1, 'T.MODULE_EXEC': 1, 'T.RESOURCES': 1, 'T.UNAUTHORIZED_CARD_MNGT': 1, 'T.COM_EXPLOIT': 1, 'T.LIFE_CYCLE': 1, 'T.OBJ-DELETION': 1, 'T.PHYSICAL': 1, 'T.OS_OPERATE': 1, 'T.RND': 1, 'T.CONFIG': 1, 'T.SEC_BOX_BORDER': 1, 'T.MODULE_REPLACEMENT': 1, 'T.ATTACK-COUNTER': 1}, 'A': {'A.APPLET': 2, 'A.VERIFICATION': 1, 'A.USE_DIAG': 1, 'A.USE_KEYS': 1, 'A.PROCESS-SEC-IC': 1, 'A.APPS-PROVIDER': 3, 'A.VERIFICATION-': 1}, 'OT': {'OT.SID': 1, 'OT.SID_MODULE': 1, 'OT.FIREWALL': 1, 'OT.GLOBAL_ARRAYS_CO': 1, 'OT.GLOBAL_ARRAYS_I': 1, 'OT.NATIVE': 1, 'OT.OPERATE': 1, 'OT.REALLOCATION': 1, 'OT.RESOURCES': 1, 'OT.SENSITIVE_RESULT': 1, 'OT.ALARM': 1, 'OT.CIPHER': 1, 'OT.RNG': 2, 'OT.KEY-MNGT': 1, 'OT.PIN-MNGT': 1, 'OT.TRANSACTION': 1, 'OT.OBJ-DELETION': 1, 'OT.APPLI-AUTH': 1, 'OT.DOMAIN-RIGHTS': 1, 'OT.COMM_AUTH': 1, 'OT.COMM_INTEGRITY': 1, 'OT.COMM_CONFIDENTI': 1, 'OT.EXT-MEM': 1, 'OT.CARD-MANAGEMENT': 1, 'OT.SCP': 3, 'OT.IDENTIFICATION': 1, 'OT.SEC_BOX_FW': 1, 'OT.CARD-': 1, 'OT.ATTACK-COUNTER': 1, 'OT.RESTRICTED-MODE': 1}, 'OE': {'OE.APPLET': 1, 'OE.VERIFICATION': 1, 'OE.CODE-EVIDENCE': 1, 'OE.APPS-PROVIDER': 1, 'OE.VERIFICATION-AUTHORITY': 1, 'OE.KEY-CHANGE': 2, 'OE.SECURITY-DOMAINS': 1, 'OE.USE_DIAG': 1, 'OE.USE_KEYS': 1, 'OE.PROCESS_SEC_IC': 1}, 'OSP': {'OSP.VERIFICATION': 1, 'OSP.PROCESS-TOE': 1, 'OSP.KEY-CHANGE': 1, 'OSP.SECURITY-DOMAINS': 1, 'OSP.SECURE-BOX': 1}}, 'vendor': {'NXP': {'NXP': 9, 'NXP Semiconductors': 2}, 'Infineon': {'Infineon': 1}, 'GD': {'G+D': 5, 'Giesecke+Devrient': 6, 'Giesecke & Devrient': 3}}, 'eval_facility': {}, 'symmetric_crypto': {'AES_competition': {'AES': {'AES': 31}}, 'DES': {'DES': {'DES': 8}, '3DES': {'TripleDES': 2, '3DES': 3, 'Triple-DES': 15}}, 'constructions': {'MAC': {'CMAC': 6}}}, 'asymmetric_crypto': {'ECC': {'ECDH': {'ECDH': 8}, 'ECDSA': {'ECDSA': 6}, 'ECC': {'ECC': 4}}, 'FF': {'DH': {'Diffie-Hellman': 4, 'DH': 2}}}, 'pq_crypto': {}, 'hash_function': {'SHA': {'SHA1': {'SHA-1': 7}, 'SHA2': {'SHA-224': 3, 'SHA-256': 3, 'SHA-384': 2, 'SHA-512': 1}}}, 'crypto_scheme': {'MAC': {'MAC': 15}}, 'crypto_protocol': {'PACE': {'PACE': 114}}, 'randomness': {'RNG': {'RNG': 4, 'RND': 2}}, 'cipher_mode': {'CBC': {'CBC': 4}, 'CCM': {'CCM': 4}}, 'ecc_curve': {'NIST': {'P-224': 2, 'P-256': 2, 'P-384': 2, 'P-521': 4, 'secp256r1': 1, 'secp384r1': 1, 'secp521r1': 1}}, 'crypto_engine': {}, 'tls_cipher_suite': {}, 'crypto_library': {}, 'vulnerability': {}, 'side_channel_analysis': {'SCA': {'physical probing': 2, 'side channel': 2}, 'FI': {'physical tampering': 4, 'malfunction': 2}}, 'technical_report_id': {}, 'device_model': {}, 'tee_name': {}, 'os_name': {'JCOP': {'JCOP 4': 132, 'JCOP4': 12}}, 'cplc_data': {}, 'ic_data_group': {'EF': {'EF.DG15': 1, 'EF.DG1': 14, 'EF.DG2': 5, 'EF.DG5': 5, 'EF.DG16': 14, 'EF.DG3': 13, 'EF.DG4': 12, 'EF.DG14': 2, 'EF.COM': 8, 'EF.SOD': 13}}, 'standard_id': {'FIPS': {'FIPS 180-298': 1, 'FIPS 46-3': 2, 'FIPS 180-2': 1, 'FIPS197': 1, 'FIPS 197': 1, 'FIPS PUB 46-3': 2, 'FIPS PUB 197': 2}, 'PKCS': {'PKCS#3': 2, 'PKCS1': 2}, 'BSI': {'AIS20': 7, 'AIS31': 2, 'AIS 20': 1, 'AIS 31': 1}, 'RFC': {'RFC5639': 1, 'RFC 5639': 1}, 'ISO': {'ISO/IEC 7816-2': 7, 'ISO/IEC 14888-3': 4, 'ISO/IEC 9796-2': 1}, 'ICAO': {'ICAO': 2}, 'CC': {'CCMB-2017-04-001': 2, 'CCMB-2017-04-002': 2, 'CCMB-2017-04-003': 2}}, 'javacard_version': {}, 'javacard_api_const': {}, 'javacard_packages': {}, 'certification_process': {'OutOfScope': {'Out of scope': 142, 'chapter in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2[FIREWALL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall': 1, 'internal Java Virtual Machine). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1[JCVM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Virtual Machine': 1, 'internal Java Card Firewall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[JCRE] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall': 1, ' No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.2[FIREWALL- JCVM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall': 1, 'internal Java Card Firew a l l ). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1 No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall': 1, 'chapter in platform ST) FCS_CKM.1 No correspondence. Out of scope. The TOE uses the spe- cific Document Basic Access Key Derivation Algorithm': 1, 'DRG.3) that can be used directly. FDP_RIP.1[ABORT] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, ' No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[GlobalArray_Refin ed] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, 'internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[KEYS] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, ' No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ROL.1[FIREWALL] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall': 1, 'chapter in platform ST) FIA_ATD.1[AID] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card fun tionality': 1, 'internal Java Card fun tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_USB.1[AID] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, 'internal Java Card fun tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MTD.3[JCRE] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, ' No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1[Installer] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func tionality': 1, ' No contradiction to this ST. FPT_RCV.3[Installer] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality': 1, 'internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[ADEL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality': 1, 'internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[ADEL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality': 1, 'internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[ADEL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality': 1, 'internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[ADEL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality': 1, ' No contradiction to this ST. FDP_UIT.1[CCMRefined] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, 'internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[CCM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, 'internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[SD] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, 'internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[SD] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, 'internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1[SD] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, 'internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFC.2[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, 'internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, 'internal Java Card func-tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, 'internal Java Card func-tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UAU.1[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, 'internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FTP_ITC.1[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, 'chapter 7.2.7 in platform ST) FDP_ACC.1[EXT-MEM] No correspondence Out of scope since nomemory space different from that of the Java Card System is used by this TOE': 1, 'chapter 7.2.8 in platform ST) FDP_IFC.2[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, 'internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, 'internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, 'chapter 7.2.9 in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2[SecureBox] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, ' No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[SecureBox] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, ' No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[SecureBox] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, 'chapter 7.2.10 in platform ST) FDP_IFC.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, ' No contradiction to this ST. FIA_ATD.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, ' No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, ' No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, ' No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, 'chapter 7.2.11 in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, 'internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, 'internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1.1[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, 'internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UAU.1[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, 'chapter 7.2.12 in platform ST) FAU_SAS.1[SCP] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, 'DRG.3) that can be used directly. FIA_AFL.1[PIN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality': 1, 'together with additional countermeasures). FCS_CKM.2 No correspondence Out of scope (managed within Java Card OS': 1, 'platform ST) Firewall Policy (chapter in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2[FIREWALL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall. The resulting requirements for applets are reflected in the User': 1, 'of the TOE. No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[FIREWALL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall). The resulting requirements for applets are reflected in the User': 1, 'of the TOE. No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFC.1[JCVM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Virtual Machine). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1[JCVM] No correspondence Out': 1, 'internal Java Virtual Machine). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[OBJECTS] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[JCRE] No correspondence Out': 1, 'of 104 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FMT_MSA.1[JCVM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.2[FIREWALL- JCVM] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall). The resulting requirements for applets are reflected in the User': 2, 'of the TOE. No contradic- tion to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[FIREWALL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall). The resulting requirements for applets are reflected in the User': 1, 'of the TOE. No contradic- tion to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[JCVM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firew a l l ). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1 No correspondence Out of': 1, 'internal Java Card Firewall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1 No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall). No contradiction to this ST. Application Programming Interface': 1, ' in platform ST) FCS_CKM.1 No correspondence. Out of scope. The TOE uses the spe- cific Document Basic Access Key Derivation Algorithm. There are no': 1, 'a defined quality metric (DRG.3) that can be used directly. FDP_RIP.1[ABORT] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[APDU] No correspondence': 1, 'functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[GlobalArray_Refin ed] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[bArray] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[KEYS] No correspondence': 1, 'Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[TRANSIENT] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ROL.1[FIREWALL] No': 1, 'complement Java Card OS mechanisms. No contradiction tothis ST. FPT_TDC.1 No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. AID Management (chapter in': 1, 'ST) FIA_ATD.1[AID] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card fun tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.2[AID] No correspondence': 1, 'internal Java Card fun tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_USB.1[AID] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MTD.1[JCRE] No correspondence': 1, 'internal Java Card fun tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MTD.3[JCRE] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. INSTG Security Functional': 1, 'which addresses security aspects outside the runtime. FDP_ITC.2[Installer] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1[Installer] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card func tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[Installer] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_RCV.3[Installer] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. ADELG Security Functional': 1, 'of 104 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FDP_ACC.2[ADEL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[ADEL] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[ADEL] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[ADEL] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[ADEL] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[ADEL] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1[ADEL] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[ADEL] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. ODELG Security Functional': 1, 'that owns the deleted objects by invoking a specific API method. FDP_RIP.1[ODEL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[ODEL] FPT_FLS.1': 1, 'verified, or that has been modified after bytecode verification. FDP_UIT.1[CCM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_UIT.1[CCMRefined] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ROL.1[CCM] No correspondence': 1, 'of 104 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FTP_ITC.2[CCM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[CCM] No correspondence': 1, 'internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACC.1[SD] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[SD] No correspondence': 1, 'internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[SD] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[SD] No correspondence': 1, 'internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[SD] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1[SD] No correspondence': 1, 'internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FCO_NRO.2[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFC.2[SC] No correspondence': 1, 'internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[SC] No correspondence': 1, 'internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func-tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[SC] No correspondence': 1, 'internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.1[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func-tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UAU.1[SC] No correspondence': 1, '22 of 104 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FIA_UAU.4[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FTP_ITC.1[SC] No correspondence': 1, 'Functional Requirements (chapter 7.2.7 in platform ST) FDP_ACC.1[EXT-MEM] No correspondence Out of scope since nomemory space different from that of the Java Card System is used by this TOE. No': 1, 'to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[EXT-MEM] No correspondence Out of scope since nomemory space different from that of the Java Card System is used by this TOE. No': 1, 'to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[EXT-MEM] No correspondence Out of scope since nomemory space different from that of the Java Card System is used by this TOE. No': 1, 'to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[EXT-MEM] No correspondence Out of scope since nomemory space different from that of the Java Card System is used by this TOE. No': 1, 'to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[EXT-MEM] No correspondence Out of scope since nomemory space different from that of the Java Card System is used by this TOE. No': 1, 'Security Functional Requirements (chapter 7.2.8 in platform ST) FDP_IFC.2[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1[CFG] No correspondence': 1, 'internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1[CFG] No correspondence': 1, 'internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. 3 Conformance Claims Security': 1, 'of 104 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FIA_UID.1[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. SecBoxG Security Functional': 1, 'chapter 7.2.9 in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2[SecureBox] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[SecureBox] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[SecureBox] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[SecureBox] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[SecureBox] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. ModDesG Security Functional': 1, 'chapter 7.2.10 in platform ST) FDP_IFC.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_ATD.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_USB.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[MODULAR- DESIGN] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. 3 Conformance Claims Security': 1, 'SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FMT_SMF.1.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No': 1, 'Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. RMG Security Functional': 1, 'chapter 7.2.11 in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[RM] No correspondence': 1, 'internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1.1[RM] No correspondence': 1, 'internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1.1[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.1[RM] No correspondence': 1, 'internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UAU.1[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. Further Security Functional': 1, 'chapter 7.2.12 in platform ST) FAU_SAS.1[SCP] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. 3 Conformance Claims Security': 1, 'with a defined quality metric (DRG.3) that can be used directly. FIA_AFL.1[PIN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_EMSEC.1 FPT_EMSEC.1 The': 1, 'based on the platform SFR (together with additional countermeasures). FCS_CKM.2 No correspondence Out of scope (managed within Java Card OS). No contradiction to this ST. FCS_CKM.3 No correspondence Out of': 1, 'Platform Objective Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks OT.SID No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.SID_MODULE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to': 1, 'ST. OT.FIREWALL No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.GLOBAL_ARRAYS_CO NFID OT.Data-Confidentiality No contradiction to': 1, 'OT.GLOBAL_ARRAYS_I NTEG OT.Data-Integrity No contradiction to this ST. OT.NATIVE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.OPERATE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this': 1, 'OT.REALLOCATION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. 3 Conformance Claims Security TargetePass Applet on JCOP 4 C1': 1, '104 Platform Objective Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks OT.RESOURCES No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.SENSITIVE_RESULT S_INTEG OT.Prot_Phys-Tamper The objectives are': 1, 'No contradiction to this ST. OT.ALARM No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.CIPHER No correspondence Indirectly relevant for the correct': 1, 'corresponding objectives for the TOE of this ST. No contradictions. OT.KEY-MNGT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.PIN-MNGT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this': 1, 'OT.TRANSACTION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.OBJ-DELETION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to': 1, 'ST. OT.APPLI-AUTH No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.DOMAIN-RIGHTS No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to': 1, 'ST. OT.COMM_AUTH No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.COMM_INTEGRITY No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to': 1, 'ST. OT.COMM_CONFIDENTI ALITY No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.EXT-MEM No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this': 1, 'OT.CARD-MANAGEMENT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.SCP.IC OT.Prot_Phys-Tamper The objectives are related. No con-': 1, 'The objectives are related. No contradiction to this ST. OT.SCP.SUPPORT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.IDENTIFICATION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to': 1, 'ST. OT.SEC_BOX_FW No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to 3 Conformance Claims Security TargetePass Applet on JCOP 4 C1 /Version 1': 1, 'objectives for the TOE of this ST. No contradictions. OT.CARD- CONFIGURATION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.ATTACK-COUNTER OT.Prot_Phys-Tamper The objectives are related. No': 1, 'to this ST. OT.RESTRICTED-MODE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. 3.4.5 Assessment of Platform Threats The following table provides an': 1, 'Platform Threat Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks T.CONFID-APPLI-DATA No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.CONFID-JCS-CODE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to': 1, 'T.Information_Leakage No contradiction to this ST. T.INTEG-APPLI-CODE.LOAD No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.INTEG-APPLI-DATA T.Forgery No contradiction to this ST. T': 1, 'LOAD No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.INTEG-JCS-CODE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to': 1, 'ST. T.INTEG-JCS-DATA No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.SID.1 No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST': 1, 'SID.2 No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.EXE-CODE.1 No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.EXE-CODE.2 No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this': 1, 'T.NATIVE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. 3 Conformance Claims Security TargetePass Applet on JCOP 4 C1': 1, 'of 104 Platform Threat Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks T.MODULE_EXEC No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.RESOURCES No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this': 1, 'T.UNAUTHORIZED_CARD_MNGT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.COM_EXPLOIT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to': 1, 'ST. T.LIFE_CYCLE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.OBJ-DELETION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to': 1, 'ST. T.PHYSICAL T.Phys-Tamper No contradiction to this ST. T.OS_OPERATE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.RND T.Phys-Tamper No contradiction to this ST. T.CONFIG No': 1, 'Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.SEC_BOX_BORDER No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.MODULE_REPLACEMENT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction': 1}}}.
    • The cert_keywords property was set to {'cc_cert_id': {'NL': {'NSCIB-CC-2300097-01': 1, 'NSCIB-2300097-01': 1}}, 'cc_protection_profile_id': {'BSI': {'BSI-CC-PP-0055-2009': 1, 'BSI-CC-PP-0056-V2-2012': 1, 'BSI-CC-PP-0068-V2-2011-MA-01': 1}}, 'cc_security_level': {'EAL': {'EAL4': 1, 'EAL5': 1, 'EAL2': 1, 'EAL 7': 1, 'EAL4 augmented': 1, 'EAL5 augmented': 1}}, 'cc_sar': {'ALC': {'ALC_DVS.2': 2, 'ALC_FLR.3': 1, 'ALC_FLR': 1}, 'ATE': {'ATE_DPT.2': 1}, 'AVA': {'AVA_VAN.5': 1}}, 'cc_sfr': {}, 'cc_claims': {}, 'vendor': {'GD': {'Giesecke+Devrient': 2}}, 'eval_facility': {'SGS': {'SGS': 1, 'SGS Brightsight': 1}, 'BrightSight': {'Brightsight': 1}}, 'symmetric_crypto': {}, 'asymmetric_crypto': {}, 'pq_crypto': {}, 'hash_function': {}, 'crypto_scheme': {}, 'crypto_protocol': {'PACE': {'PACE': 3}}, 'randomness': {}, 'cipher_mode': {}, 'ecc_curve': {}, 'crypto_engine': {}, 'tls_cipher_suite': {}, 'crypto_library': {}, 'vulnerability': {}, 'side_channel_analysis': {}, 'technical_report_id': {}, 'device_model': {}, 'tee_name': {}, 'os_name': {'JCOP': {'JCOP 4': 1}}, 'cplc_data': {}, 'ic_data_group': {}, 'standard_id': {'ISO': {'ISO/IEC 15408-1': 2, 'ISO/IEC 18045': 4, 'ISO/IEC 18045:2008': 1}}, 'javacard_version': {}, 'javacard_api_const': {}, 'javacard_packages': {}, 'certification_process': {}}.
    • The st_filename property was set to NSCIB-CC-2300097-01_ST_v13.pdf.
    • The cert_filename property was set to NSCIB-CC-2300097-01-Cert.pdf.

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The st_references property was updated, with the {'directly_referencing': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['BSI-DSZ-CC-1107-V3-2022']}, 'indirectly_referencing': {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': ['BSI-DSZ-CC-1107-V3-2022']}} data.
    • The extracted_sars property was updated, with the {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_TSS', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'AGD_PRE', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_DEL', 'level': 1}]} values added.
  • 17.08.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The report_link was updated.

    • The new value is https://www.commoncriteriaportal.org/nfs/ccpfiles/files/epfiles/NSCIB-CC-2300097-01-CR.pdf.

    The st_link was updated.

    • The new value is https://www.commoncriteriaportal.org/nfs/ccpfiles/files/epfiles/NSCIB-CC-2300097-01_ST_v13.pdf.

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The st property was updated, with the {'download_ok': False, 'convert_ok': False, 'extract_ok': False, 'pdf_hash': None, 'txt_hash': None} data.

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The st_metadata property was set to None.
    • The st_keywords property was set to None.
    • The st_filename property was set to None.

    The computed heuristics were updated.

    • The st_references property was updated, with the {'directly_referencing': None, 'indirectly_referencing': None} data.
    • The extracted_sars property was updated, with the {'_type': 'Set', 'elements': [{'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ASE_TSS', 'level': 2}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'AGD_PRE', 'level': 1}, {'_type': 'sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR', 'family': 'ALC_DEL', 'level': 1}]} values discarded.
  • 12.08.2024 The certificate data changed.
    Certificate changed

    The state of the certificate object was updated.

    • The cert property was updated, with the {'download_ok': False, 'convert_ok': False, 'extract_ok': False, 'pdf_hash': None, 'txt_hash': None} data.

    The PDF extraction data was updated.

    • The cert_metadata property was set to None.
    • The cert_keywords property was set to None.
    • The cert_filename property was set to None.
  • 23.07.2024 The certificate was first processed.
    New certificate

    A new Common Criteria certificate with the product name ePass Applet on JCOP 4 C1 was processed.

Raw data

  "_type": "sec_certs.sample.cc.CCCertificate",
  "category": "ICs, Smart Cards and Smart Card-Related Devices and Systems",
  "cert_link": "https://www.commoncriteriaportal.org/nfs/ccpfiles/files/epfiles/NSCIB-CC-2300097-01-Cert.pdf",
  "dgst": "230051cf2dc712ed",
  "heuristics": {
    "_type": "sec_certs.sample.cc.CCCertificate.Heuristics",
    "annotated_references": null,
    "cert_id": "NSCIB-CC-2300097-01-CR",
    "cert_lab": [
    "cpe_matches": null,
    "direct_transitive_cves": null,
    "extracted_sars": {
      "_type": "Set",
      "elements": [
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          "level": 2
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          "family": "ATE_DPT",
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          "_type": "sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR",
          "family": "AGD_PRE",
          "level": 1
          "_type": "sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR",
          "family": "AVA_VAN",
          "level": 5
          "_type": "sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR",
          "family": "ALC_DEL",
          "level": 1
          "_type": "sec_certs.sample.sar.SAR",
          "family": "ASE_TSS",
          "level": 2
    "extracted_versions": {
      "_type": "Set",
      "elements": [
    "indirect_transitive_cves": null,
    "related_cves": null,
    "report_references": {
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      "directly_referenced_by": null,
      "directly_referencing": null,
      "indirectly_referenced_by": null,
      "indirectly_referencing": null
    "scheme_data": null,
    "st_references": {
      "_type": "sec_certs.sample.certificate.References",
      "directly_referenced_by": null,
      "directly_referencing": {
        "_type": "Set",
        "elements": [
      "indirectly_referenced_by": null,
      "indirectly_referencing": {
        "_type": "Set",
        "elements": [
    "verified_cpe_matches": null
  "maintenance_updates": {
    "_type": "Set",
    "elements": []
  "manufacturer": "Veridos GmbH - Identity Solutions by Giesecke \u0026 Devrient and Bundesdruckerei",
  "manufacturer_web": "https://www.veridos.com",
  "name": "ePass Applet on JCOP 4 C1",
  "not_valid_after": "2028-12-20",
  "not_valid_before": "2023-12-20",
  "pdf_data": {
    "_type": "sec_certs.sample.cc.CCCertificate.PdfData",
    "cert_filename": "NSCIB-CC-2300097-01-Cert.pdf",
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    "cert_keywords": {
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      "cc_cert_id": {
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          "NSCIB-CC-2300097-01": 1
      "cc_claims": {},
      "cc_protection_profile_id": {
        "BSI": {
          "BSI-CC-PP-0055-2009": 1,
          "BSI-CC-PP-0056-V2-2012": 1,
          "BSI-CC-PP-0068-V2-2011-MA-01": 1
      "cc_sar": {
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          "ALC_FLR": 1,
          "ALC_FLR.3": 1
        "ATE": {
          "ATE_DPT.2": 1
        "AVA": {
          "AVA_VAN.5": 1
      "cc_security_level": {
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          "EAL 7": 1,
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      "cc_sfr": {},
      "certification_process": {},
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      "device_model": {},
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          "SGS": 1,
          "SGS Brightsight": 1
      "hash_function": {},
      "ic_data_group": {},
      "javacard_api_const": {},
      "javacard_packages": {},
      "javacard_version": {},
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      "pq_crypto": {},
      "randomness": {},
      "side_channel_analysis": {},
      "standard_id": {
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          "ISO/IEC 18045": 4,
          "ISO/IEC 18045:2008": 1
      "symmetric_crypto": {},
      "technical_report_id": {},
      "tee_name": {},
      "tls_cipher_suite": {},
      "vendor": {
        "GD": {
          "Giesecke+Devrient": 2
      "vulnerability": {}
    "cert_metadata": {
      "/Author": "Denise Cater",
      "/CreationDate": "D:20240124180540+00\u002700\u0027",
      "/Creator": "Microsoft\u00ae Word 2021",
      "/ModDate": "D:20240124180540+00\u002700\u0027",
      "/Producer": "Microsoft\u00ae Word 2021",
      "/Title": "NSCIB Certificate",
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        "cert_item": "ePass Applet on JCOP 4 C1",
        "cert_lab": " SGS Brightsight B.V.",
        "developer": "Giesecke+Devrient Mobile Security GmbH"
    "report_keywords": {
      "asymmetric_crypto": {
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            "ECC": 1
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          "EAL5+": 2,
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      "cc_sfr": {},
      "certification_process": {
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      "/Creator": "Microsoft\u00ae Word 2021",
      "/ModDate": "D:20240124181550+00\u002700\u0027",
      "/Producer": "Microsoft\u00ae Word 2021",
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            "Diffie-Hellman": 4
      "cc_cert_id": {
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        "NL": {
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          "NSCIB-CC-180212-5MA1": 1
      "cc_claims": {
        "A": {
          "A.APPLET": 2,
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          "A.USE_KEYS": 1,
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          "T.CONFIG": 1,
          "T.EXE-CODE": 2,
          "T.INTEG-APPLI-CODE": 2,
          "T.INTEG-APPLI-DATA": 2,
          "T.INTEG-JCS-CODE": 1,
          "T.INTEG-JCS-DATA": 1,
          "T.LIFE_CYCLE": 1,
          "T.MODULE_EXEC": 1,
          "T.MODULE_REPLACEMENT": 1,
          "T.NATIVE": 1,
          "T.OBJ-DELETION": 1,
          "T.OS_OPERATE": 1,
          "T.PHYSICAL": 1,
          "T.RESOURCES": 1,
          "T.RND": 1,
          "T.SEC_BOX_BORDER": 1,
          "T.SID": 2,
      "cc_protection_profile_id": {
        "BSI": {
          "BSI-CC-PP-0055": 1,
          "BSI-CC-PP-0056-V2-2012": 1,
          "BSI-CC-PP-0068-V2-2011-MA-01": 1,
          "BSI-CC-PP-0099-V2-2020": 1
      "cc_sar": {
        "AGD": {
          "AGD_PRE.1": 1
        "ALC": {
          "ALC_DEL.1": 1,
          "ALC_DVS.2": 9
        "ASE": {
          "ASE_TSS.2": 1
        "ATE": {
          "ATE_DPT.2": 3
        "AVA": {
          "AVA_VAN.5": 7
      "cc_security_level": {
        "EAL": {
          "EAL 4": 1,
          "EAL 4 augmented": 1,
          "EAL 5": 1,
          "EAL 5 augmented": 1,
          "EAL 6": 1,
          "EAL 6 augmented": 1,
          "EAL4": 3,
          "EAL4 augmented": 1,
          "EAL5": 5,
          "EAL5 augmented": 3,
          "EAL5+": 1
      "cc_sfr": {
        "FAU": {
          "FAU_ARP.1": 1,
          "FAU_SAS": 3,
          "FAU_SAS.1": 7,
          "FAU_SAS.1.1": 1,
          "FAU_UAU.4": 1
        "FCO": {
          "FCO_NRO.2": 1
        "FCS": {
          "FCS_CKM": 18,
          "FCS_CKM.1": 18,
          "FCS_CKM.1.1": 1,
          "FCS_CKM.2": 5,
          "FCS_CKM.3": 1,
          "FCS_CKM.4": 25,
          "FCS_CKM.4.1": 1,
          "FCS_COP": 52,
          "FCS_COP.1": 14,
          "FCS_COP.1.1": 20,
          "FCS_RND.1": 6,
          "FCS_RND.1.1": 1,
          "FCS_RNG.1": 2
        "FDP": {
          "FDP_ACC": 9,
          "FDP_ACC.1": 17,
          "FDP_ACC.1.1": 1,
          "FDP_ACC.2": 4,
          "FDP_ACF": 9,
          "FDP_ACF.1": 35,
          "FDP_ACF.1.1": 1,
          "FDP_ACF.1.2": 1,
          "FDP_ACF.1.3": 1,
          "FDP_ACF.1.4": 1,
          "FDP_IFC.1": 6,
          "FDP_IFC.2": 2,
          "FDP_IFF.1": 4,
          "FDP_ITC.1": 11,
          "FDP_ITC.2": 12,
          "FDP_RIP": 1,
          "FDP_RIP.1": 15,
          "FDP_RIP.1.1": 1,
          "FDP_ROL.1": 2,
          "FDP_SDI.2": 2,
          "FDP_UCT": 4,
          "FDP_UCT.1": 6,
          "FDP_UCT.1.1": 1,
          "FDP_UIT": 4,
          "FDP_UIT.1": 7,
          "FDP_UIT.1.1": 1,
          "FDP_UIT.1.2": 1
        "FIA": {
          "FIA_ACC.1.1": 1,
          "FIA_AFL": 5,
          "FIA_AFL.1": 8,
          "FIA_AFL.1.1": 1,
          "FIA_AFL.1.2": 1,
          "FIA_API": 7,
          "FIA_API.1": 4,
          "FIA_API.1.1": 1,
          "FIA_ATD.1": 2,
          "FIA_UAU": 39,
          "FIA_UAU.1": 10,
          "FIA_UAU.1.1": 1,
          "FIA_UAU.1.2": 1,
          "FIA_UAU.4": 11,
          "FIA_UAU.4.1": 2,
          "FIA_UAU.5": 10,
          "FIA_UAU.5.1": 1,
          "FIA_UAU.5.2": 2,
          "FIA_UAU.6": 7,
          "FIA_UAU.6.1": 1,
          "FIA_UID": 9,
          "FIA_UID.1": 18,
          "FIA_UID.1.1": 1,
          "FIA_UID.1.2": 1,
          "FIA_UID.2": 1,
          "FIA_USB.1": 2
        "FMT": {
          "FMT_LIM": 6,
          "FMT_LIM.1": 15,
          "FMT_LIM.1.1": 5,
          "FMT_LIM.2": 18,
          "FMT_LIM.2.1": 8,
          "FMT_MSA.1": 9,
          "FMT_MSA.1.1": 1,
          "FMT_MSA.2": 1,
          "FMT_MSA.3": 14,
          "FMT_MTD": 49,
          "FMT_MTD.1": 19,
          "FMT_MTD.3": 7,
          "FMT_MTD.3.1": 1,
          "FMT_SMF": 3,
          "FMT_SMF.1": 29,
          "FMT_SMF.1.1": 3,
          "FMT_SMR": 11,
          "FMT_SMR.1": 22,
          "FMT_SMR.1.1": 2,
          "FMT_SMR.1.2": 1
        "FPR": {
          "FPR_UNO.1": 1
        "FPT": {
          "FPT_EMS": 5,
          "FPT_EMS.1": 7,
          "FPT_EMS.1.1": 2,
          "FPT_EMS.1.2": 2,
          "FPT_FLS": 8,
          "FPT_FLS.1": 17,
          "FPT_FLS.1.1": 1,
          "FPT_PHP.3": 9,
          "FPT_PHP.3.1": 1,
          "FPT_RCV.3": 1,
          "FPT_TDC.1": 1,
          "FPT_TST": 1,
          "FPT_TST.1": 4,
          "FPT_TST.1.1": 1,
          "FPT_TST.1.2": 1,
          "FPT_TST.1.3": 1
        "FTP": {
          "FTP_ITC": 8,
          "FTP_ITC.1": 9,
          "FTP_ITC.2": 1,
          "FTP_TRP.1": 4
      "certification_process": {
        "OutOfScope": {
          " No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[GlobalArray_Refin ed] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          " No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ROL.1[FIREWALL] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall": 1,
          " No contradiction to this ST. FDP_UIT.1[CCMRefined] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          " No contradiction to this ST. FIA_ATD.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          " No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          " No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          " No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[SecureBox] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          " No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.2[FIREWALL- JCVM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall": 1,
          " No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[SecureBox] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          " No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          " No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1[Installer] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func tionality": 1,
          " No contradiction to this ST. FPT_RCV.3[Installer] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality": 1,
          "104 Platform Objective Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks OT.RESOURCES No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.SENSITIVE_RESULT S_INTEG OT.Prot_Phys-Tamper The objectives are": 1,
          "22 of 104 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FIA_UAU.4[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FTP_ITC.1[SC] No correspondence": 1,
          " in platform ST) FCS_CKM.1 No correspondence. Out of scope. The TOE uses the spe- cific Document Basic Access Key Derivation Algorithm. There are no": 1,
          "DRG.3) that can be used directly. FDP_RIP.1[ABORT] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          "DRG.3) that can be used directly. FIA_AFL.1[PIN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          "Functional Requirements (chapter 7.2.7 in platform ST) FDP_ACC.1[EXT-MEM] No correspondence Out of scope since nomemory space different from that of the Java Card System is used by this TOE. No": 1,
          "Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[TRANSIENT] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ROL.1[FIREWALL] No": 1,
          "LOAD No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.INTEG-JCS-CODE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to": 1,
          "No contradiction to this ST. OT.ALARM No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.CIPHER No correspondence Indirectly relevant for the correct": 1,
          "OT.CARD-MANAGEMENT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.SCP.IC OT.Prot_Phys-Tamper The objectives are related. No con-": 1,
          "OT.GLOBAL_ARRAYS_I NTEG OT.Data-Integrity No contradiction to this ST. OT.NATIVE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.OPERATE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this": 1,
          "OT.REALLOCATION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. 3 Conformance Claims Security TargetePass Applet on JCOP 4 C1": 1,
          "OT.TRANSACTION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.OBJ-DELETION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to": 1,
          "Out of scope": 142,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall). The resulting requirements for applets are reflected in the User": 2,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card func tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[Installer] No": 1,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. ADELG Security Functional": 1,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[ADEL] No": 1,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[ADEL] No": 1,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[ADEL] No": 1,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[ADEL] No": 1,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1[ADEL] No": 1,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[ADEL] No": 1,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_RCV.3[Installer] No": 1,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. ODELG Security Functional": 1,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. 3 Conformance Claims Security": 1,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[KEYS] No correspondence": 1,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ROL.1[CCM] No correspondence": 1,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_ATD.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No": 1,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No": 1,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_USB.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No": 1,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No": 1,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[SecureBox] No": 1,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[MODULAR- DESIGN] No": 1,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[SecureBox] No": 1,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[SecureBox] No": 1,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No": 1,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. ModDesG Security Functional": 1,
          "Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. RMG Security Functional": 1,
          "Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.SEC_BOX_BORDER No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.MODULE_REPLACEMENT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction": 1,
          "Platform Objective Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks OT.SID No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.SID_MODULE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to": 1,
          "Platform Threat Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks T.CONFID-APPLI-DATA No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.CONFID-JCS-CODE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to": 1,
          "SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FMT_SMF.1.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No": 1,
          "SID.2 No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.EXE-CODE.1 No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.EXE-CODE.2 No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this": 1,
          "ST) FIA_ATD.1[AID] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card fun tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.2[AID] No correspondence": 1,
          "ST. OT.APPLI-AUTH No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.DOMAIN-RIGHTS No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to": 1,
          "ST. OT.COMM_AUTH No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.COMM_INTEGRITY No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to": 1,
          "ST. OT.COMM_CONFIDENTI ALITY No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.EXT-MEM No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this": 1,
          "ST. OT.FIREWALL No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.GLOBAL_ARRAYS_CO NFID OT.Data-Confidentiality No contradiction to": 1,
          "ST. OT.SEC_BOX_FW No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to 3 Conformance Claims Security TargetePass Applet on JCOP 4 C1 /Version 1": 1,
          "ST. T.INTEG-JCS-DATA No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.SID.1 No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST": 1,
          "ST. T.LIFE_CYCLE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.OBJ-DELETION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to": 1,
          "ST. T.PHYSICAL T.Phys-Tamper No contradiction to this ST. T.OS_OPERATE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.RND T.Phys-Tamper No contradiction to this ST. T.CONFIG No": 1,
          "Security Functional Requirements (chapter 7.2.8 in platform ST) FDP_IFC.2[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1[CFG] No correspondence": 1,
          "T.Information_Leakage No contradiction to this ST. T.INTEG-APPLI-CODE.LOAD No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.INTEG-APPLI-DATA T.Forgery No contradiction to this ST. T": 1,
          "T.NATIVE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. 3 Conformance Claims Security TargetePass Applet on JCOP 4 C1": 1,
          "T.UNAUTHORIZED_CARD_MNGT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.COM_EXPLOIT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to": 1,
          "The objectives are related. No contradiction to this ST. OT.SCP.SUPPORT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.IDENTIFICATION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to": 1,
          "a defined quality metric (DRG.3) that can be used directly. FDP_RIP.1[ABORT] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[APDU] No correspondence": 1,
          "based on the platform SFR (together with additional countermeasures). FCS_CKM.2 No correspondence Out of scope (managed within Java Card OS). No contradiction to this ST. FCS_CKM.3 No correspondence Out of": 1,
          "chapter in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2[FIREWALL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall": 1,
          "chapter in platform ST) FCS_CKM.1 No correspondence. Out of scope. The TOE uses the spe- cific Document Basic Access Key Derivation Algorithm": 1,
          "chapter in platform ST) FIA_ATD.1[AID] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card fun tionality": 1,
          "chapter 7.2.10 in platform ST) FDP_IFC.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          "chapter 7.2.10 in platform ST) FDP_IFC.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1[MODULAR- DESIGN] No": 1,
          "chapter 7.2.11 in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          "chapter 7.2.11 in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[RM] No correspondence": 1,
          "chapter 7.2.12 in platform ST) FAU_SAS.1[SCP] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          "chapter 7.2.12 in platform ST) FAU_SAS.1[SCP] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. 3 Conformance Claims Security": 1,
          "chapter 7.2.7 in platform ST) FDP_ACC.1[EXT-MEM] No correspondence Out of scope since nomemory space different from that of the Java Card System is used by this TOE": 1,
          "chapter 7.2.8 in platform ST) FDP_IFC.2[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          "chapter 7.2.9 in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2[SecureBox] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          "chapter 7.2.9 in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2[SecureBox] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[SecureBox] No": 1,
          "complement Java Card OS mechanisms. No contradiction tothis ST. FPT_TDC.1 No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. AID Management (chapter in": 1,
          "corresponding objectives for the TOE of this ST. No contradictions. OT.KEY-MNGT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.PIN-MNGT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this": 1,
          "functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[GlobalArray_Refin ed] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[bArray] No": 1,
          "internal Java Card Firew a l l ). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1 No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall": 1,
          "internal Java Card Firewall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[JCRE] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall": 1,
          "internal Java Card Firewall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1 No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall). No contradiction to this ST. Application Programming Interface": 1,
          "internal Java Card fun tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_USB.1[AID] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          "internal Java Card fun tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_USB.1[AID] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MTD.1[JCRE] No correspondence": 1,
          "internal Java Card fun tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MTD.3[JCRE] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          "internal Java Card fun tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MTD.3[JCRE] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. INSTG Security Functional": 1,
          "internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[ADEL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality": 1,
          "internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[ADEL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality": 1,
          "internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[ADEL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality": 1,
          "internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[ADEL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality": 1,
          "internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[CCM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          "internal Java Card func-tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UAU.1[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          "internal Java Card func-tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          "internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FCO_NRO.2[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFC.2[SC] No correspondence": 1,
          "internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACC.1[SD] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[SD] No correspondence": 1,
          "internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[SD] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          "internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFC.2[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          "internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[SC] No correspondence": 1,
          "internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[KEYS] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          "internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UAU.1[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          "internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UAU.1[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. Further Security Functional": 1,
          "internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.1[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func-tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UAU.1[SC] No correspondence": 1,
          "internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          "internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[SD] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[SD] No correspondence": 1,
          "internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          "internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1[CFG] No correspondence": 1,
          "internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          "internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1.1[RM] No correspondence": 1,
          "internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func-tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[SC] No correspondence": 1,
          "internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[SD] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          "internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1.1[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          "internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1.1[RM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.1[RM] No correspondence": 1,
          "internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          "internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. 3 Conformance Claims Security": 1,
          "internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[SD] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1[SD] No correspondence": 1,
          "internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1[SD] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          "internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FTP_ITC.1[SC] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality": 1,
          "internal Java Virtual Machine). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1[JCVM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Virtual Machine": 1,
          "internal Java Virtual Machine). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1[OBJECTS] No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[JCRE] No correspondence Out": 1,
          "objectives for the TOE of this ST. No contradictions. OT.CARD- CONFIGURATION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.ATTACK-COUNTER OT.Prot_Phys-Tamper The objectives are related. No": 1,
          "of 104 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FDP_ACC.2[ADEL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[ADEL] No": 1,
          "of 104 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FIA_UID.1[CFG] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. SecBoxG Security Functional": 1,
          "of 104 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FMT_MSA.1[JCVM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.2[FIREWALL- JCVM] No": 1,
          "of 104 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FTP_ITC.2[CCM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[CCM] No correspondence": 1,
          "of 104 Platform Threat Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks T.MODULE_EXEC No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.RESOURCES No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this": 1,
          "of the TOE. No contradic- tion to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[FIREWALL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall). The resulting requirements for applets are reflected in the User": 1,
          "of the TOE. No contradic- tion to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[JCVM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firew a l l ). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1 No correspondence Out of": 1,
          "of the TOE. No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[FIREWALL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall). The resulting requirements for applets are reflected in the User": 1,
          "of the TOE. No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFC.1[JCVM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Virtual Machine). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1[JCVM] No correspondence Out": 1,
          "platform ST) Firewall Policy (chapter in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2[FIREWALL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Firewall. The resulting requirements for applets are reflected in the User": 1,
          "that owns the deleted objects by invoking a specific API method. FDP_RIP.1[ODEL] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1[ODEL] FPT_FLS.1": 1,
          "to this ST. FDP_ACF.1[EXT-MEM] No correspondence Out of scope since nomemory space different from that of the Java Card System is used by this TOE. No": 1,
          "to this ST. FMT_MSA.1[EXT-MEM] No correspondence Out of scope since nomemory space different from that of the Java Card System is used by this TOE. No": 1,
          "to this ST. FMT_MSA.3[EXT-MEM] No correspondence Out of scope since nomemory space different from that of the Java Card System is used by this TOE. No": 1,
          "to this ST. FMT_SMF.1[EXT-MEM] No correspondence Out of scope since nomemory space different from that of the Java Card System is used by this TOE. No": 1,
          "to this ST. OT.RESTRICTED-MODE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. 3.4.5 Assessment of Platform Threats The following table provides an": 1,
          "together with additional countermeasures). FCS_CKM.2 No correspondence Out of scope (managed within Java Card OS": 1,
          "verified, or that has been modified after bytecode verification. FDP_UIT.1[CCM] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_UIT.1[CCMRefined] No": 1,
          "which addresses security aspects outside the runtime. FDP_ITC.2[Installer] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1[Installer] No": 1,
          "with a defined quality metric (DRG.3) that can be used directly. FIA_AFL.1[PIN] No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card functionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_EMSEC.1 FPT_EMSEC.1 The": 1
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          "Infineon": 1
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