Low Assurance Protection Profile for an Office Based Photocopier, Version 1.3

CSV information ?

Status: active
Certification date: 2005-07-08 00:00:00
Scheme: 🇩🇪
Category: Other Devices and Systems
Security level: EAL1

Frontpage information ?

Protection Profile ID: BSI-PP-0015
Title: Low Assurance Protection Profile for an Office Based Photocopier Device
Version: 1.3
Security level: 1

Protection profile ?

Extracted keywords

Protection profiles
Security Functional Requirements (SFR)

References ?

No references are available for this protection profile.

Raw data

  "_id": "c6d5361443f21b37d9b2",
  "csv_scan": {
    "cc_archived_date": null,
    "cc_category": "Other Devices and Systems",
    "cc_certification_date": "2005-07-08 00:00:00",
    "cc_pp_name": "Low Assurance Protection Profile for an Office Based Photocopier, Version 1.3",
    "cc_pp_version": "1.3",
    "cc_security_level": "EAL1",
    "cert_status": "active",
    "link_pp_document": "https://www.commoncriteriaportal.org/files/ppfiles/PP0015b.pdf",
    "link_pp_report": "https://www.commoncriteriaportal.org/files/ppfiles/PP0015a.pdf",
    "maintainance_updates": [],
    "scheme": "DE"
  "frontpage_scan": [
      "cc_security_level": "1",
      "match_rules": [
        "Document information Date of issue (?P\u003cpp_date\u003e.+)?Author\\(s\\) (?P\u003cpp_authors\u003e.+)?Version number report (?P\u003cpp_version_number\u003e.+)?Certification ID (?P\u003cpp_id\u003e.+)?Scheme.+?Sponsor (?P\u003cpp_sponsor\u003e.+)?Sponsor address.+?CC-EAL number (?P\u003ccc_security_level\u003e.+)?Classification (?P\u003cpp_general_status\u003e.+)?Report title (?P\u003cpp_title\u003e.+)?Report reference name"
      "pp_authors": "Rob Hunter Dirk-Jan Out",
      "pp_date": "6th April 2005",
      "pp_general_status": "Final",
      "pp_id": "BSI-PP-0015",
      "pp_registrator_simplified": "BSI",
      "pp_sponsor": "TNO-ITSEF BV",
      "pp_title": "Low Assurance Protection Profile for an Office Based Photocopier Device",
      "pp_version_number": "1.3"
  "keywords_scan": {
    "block_cipher_modes": {},
    "rules_IC_data_groups": {},
    "rules_cert_id": {},
    "rules_certification_process": {},
    "rules_cplc": {},
    "rules_crypto_algs": {},
    "rules_crypto_engines": {},
    "rules_crypto_libs": {},
    "rules_defenses": {},
    "rules_device_id": {},
    "rules_ecc_curves": {},
    "rules_javacard": {},
    "rules_os": {},
    "rules_other": {},
    "rules_protection_profiles": {
      "BSI-(?:CC[-_]|)PP[-_]*.+?": {
        "BSI-PP-0015": {
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    "rules_security_assurance_components": {},
    "rules_security_functional_components": {
      "FDP_[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z](?:\\.[0-9]|)": {
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          "count": 1
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          "count": 2
    "rules_security_level": {
      "EAL[ ]*[0-9+]+?": {
        "EAL 1": {
          "count": 1
        "EAL1": {
          "count": 3
    "rules_standard_id": {},
    "rules_technical_reports": {},
    "rules_vendor": {},
    "rules_vulnerabilities": {}
  "pp_analysis": {
    "separate_profiles": []
  "processed": {
    "cc_pp_csvid": [],
    "cert_id": ""