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https://csrc.nist.gov/CSRC/media/projects/cryptographic-module-validation-program/documents/certificates/February 2022_010322_0121_Signed.pdf |
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21.09.2026 |
web_data/description |
The WatchKey ProX USB Token is a USB-based PKI, two-factor authentication token device. It provides digital signature generation/verification for online authentications and data encryption/decryption for online transactions. The user's private and public key pairs can be generated and stored on the embedded chip. |
The WatchKey ProX USB Token is a USB-based PKI, two-factor authentication token device. It provides digital signature generation/verification for online authentications and data encryption/decryption for online transactions. The user’s private and public key pairs can be generated and stored on the embedded chip. |
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Multi-Chip Stand Alone |
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WatchKey ProX USB Token Cryptographic Module |
WatchKey ProX USB Token Cryptographic Module |
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Hardware |
Hardware |
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None |
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[] |
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- date: 17.02.2022
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- date: 23.06.2015
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WatchData Technologies Pte Ltd |
WatchData Technologies Pte Ltd |
web_data/vendor_url |
http://www.watchdata.com |
http://www.watchdata.com |