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The Christie IMB-S3 is a DCI-compliant solution to enable the playback of the video, audio and timed text essence on a Christie digital cinema projector with the CineLife architecture. The IMB-S3 permits the playback of alternative content and High Frame Rate (HFR) material. |
The Christie IMB-S3 is a DCI-compliant solution to enable the playback of the video, audio and timed text essence on a Christie digital cinema projector with the CineLife architecture. The IMB-S3 permits the playback of alternative content and High Frame Rate (HFR) material. |
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Christie IMB-S3 4K Integrated Media Block (IMB) |
Christie IMB-S3 4K Integrated Media Block (IMB) |
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Christie Digital Systems Canada Inc. |
Christie Digital Systems Canada Inc. |
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http://www.christiedigital.com |
http://www.christiedigital.com |