name |
NXP Secure Smart Card Controller N7021 VA including IC Dedicated Software |
NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P6022y VB including IC Dedicated Software --- The certificate comprises four major configurations with two different EAL levels. For details see the ST. P6022P/X VB: EAL6 augmented by ALC_FLR.1, ASE_TSS.2 P6022M/D/J VB: EAL 5 augmented by AVA_VAN.5, ALC_DVS.2, ASE_TSS.2 |
category |
ICs, Smart Cards and Smart Card-Related Devices and Systems |
ICs, Smart Cards and Smart Card-Related Devices and Systems |
scheme |
DE |
DE |
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archived |
archived |
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31.07.2024 |
17.06.2021 |
not_valid_before |
31.07.2019 |
17.06.2016 |
cert_link | |
report_link | | |
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NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH, Business Unit Security and Connectivity |
NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH Business Line Identification |
manufacturer_web | | |
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dgst |
e9f7510c182a1fed |
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- developer: NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH
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- DE:
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- developer: NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH
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- ConfidentialDocument:
- 1.3, 2018-05-15, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [14] SmartMX3 N7021 Post Delivery Configuration Post Delivery Configuration, Objective data sheet: 1
- Data Sheet addendum, Version 1.5, 2017- 11-03, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [18] SmartMX3 N7021, Inter-Card Communication Functionality and additional APIs, Objective data: 1
- GmbH (confidential document) [8] Security IC Platform Protection Profile with Augmentation Packages Version 1.0, 13 January: 1
- Library Iron / Cobalt V1.0 on N7021 VA, Life Cycle, Version 1.3, 2017-03-07, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [30] P71D320 Crypto Library, Configuration Item List, Evaluation documentation, Version 1.0: 1
- Manual, Version 1.4, 2019-06-04, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [21] SmartMX3 N7021 FlashLoader, Product Data Sheet addendum, Version 1.3, 2018- 08-24, NXP: 1
- N7021 VA Security Target, BSI-DSZ-CC-0977- V2-2019, Version 2.3, 2019-06-04, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [7] Evaluation Technical Report N7021 VA, BSI-DSZ-CC-0977-V2, Version 4, 2019-07- 17, TÜV: 1
- NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [13] SmartMX3 family N7021 Wafer and delivery specification, Objective wafer specification: 1
- NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [16] SmartMX3 N7021 Peripheral Configuration and Use Peripheral Configuration and Use on the N7021: 1
- NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [25] N7021 Crypto Library RNG Library, Product user manual, Version 1.3, 2017-03-27, NXP: 1
- NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [31] NXP Secure Smart Card Controller 7021 VA Evaluation Reference List, Version 2.2, 2019-07-17: 1
- Objective data sheet addendum, Version 1.2, 2017-11-03, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [23] SmartMX3 N7021 NXP System Mode OS Interface UM configuration and applications, Objective data: 1
- Objective data sheet addendum, Version 1.4, 2017-11-03, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [17] SmartMX3 N7021 MMU configuration & FW interface Access / resource management and security: 1
- Semiconductors (confidential document) [32] NXP Secure Smart Card Controller N7021, Common Criteria CIL, Version 0.5, 2017-04-06, NXP: 1
- VA Information on Guidance and Operation, User manual, Version 2.0, 2018-11-15, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [28] Order Entry Form, Version 1.9, 2017-03-27, NXP Semiconductors 26 / 32: 1
- Version 1.1, 2017-03-22, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [15] SmartMX3 N7021 Chip Health Mode Chip Health Mode, Objective data sheet addendum, Version 1.0: 1
- addendum, Version 1.1, 2017-03-09, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [19] SmartMX3 N7021 NVM Operate Function, Data Sheet addendum, Version 1.0, 2017-01-13, NXP: 1
- addendum, Version 1.6, 2017-11-03, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [24] Crypto Library V1.0 on N7021 VA Symmetric Cipher Library (SymCfg), User manual, Version 1.2: 1
- and electrical characteristics, Product data sheet, Version 3.1, 2019-06-04, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [12] SmartMX3 N7021 Instruction Set Manual, Objective data sheet addendum, Version 1.4, 2016-09-29: 1
- being maintained, is not given any longer. In particular, prior to the dissemination of confidential documentation and information related to the TOE or resulting from the evaluation and certification: 1
- confidential document) 27 / 32 Certification Report BSI-DSZ-CC-0977-V2-2019 C. Excerpts from the Criteria For the: 1
- confidential document) [20] NXP Secure Smart Card Controller N7021 Information on Guidance and Operation, Guidance and: 1
- confidential document) [22] SmartMX3 N7021 Shared OS Libraries Memory, communication and CRC, including guidance and: 1
- confidential document) [26] N7021 Crypto Library Utils Library, User manual, Version 1.1, 2016-11-28, NXP Semiconductors: 1
- for the N7021 VA, BSI-DSZ-CC- 0977-V2 version 4, 2019-07-17, TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH (confidential document) 7 specifically • AIS1, Durchführung der Ortsbesichtigung in der Entwicklungsumgebung des: 1
- ConfidentialDocument:
- TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH, (confidential document) [8] Security IC Platform Protection Profile with Augmentation Packages Version 1.0, 13 January: 1
- 1.11, 2016-06-14, NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P6022y VB Security Target, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [7] Evaluation Technical Report, Version 2, 2016-06-14, EVALUATION TECHNICAL REPORT SUMMARY (ETR: 1
- Evaluation (ETR COMP) for the P6022y VB, version 2, 2016-06-14, TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH (confidential document) [11] Product Data Sheet - SmartMX2 family P6022y VB, Secure high-performance smart card controller: 1
- being maintained, is not given any longer. In particular, prior to the dissemination of confidential documentation and information related to the TOE or resulting from the evaluation and certification: 1
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- ISO/IEC 7816: 12
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- NIST SP 800-38B: 2
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- CCMB-2012-09-002: 2
- CCMB-2012-09-003: 2
- CCMB-2012-09-004: 2
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- ISO/IEC 18092: 2
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- /Author: NXP Semiconductors
- /CreationDate: D:20160614165343+02'00'
- /Creator: DITA Open Toolkit
- /Keywords: CC Security Evaluation, Security Target Lite, Functional Requirements, Security Functionality, Assurance Level 5+/6+, P6022y VB, P6022P VB, P6022X VB, P6022M VB, P6022D VB, P6022J VB
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- /PDFVersion: 1.4
- /Producer: Apache FOP Version 1.1
- /Subject: NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P6022y VB
- /Title: Security Target Lite
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