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JavaCard Platform GXP3.2-E64PK-CC with GemSAFE V2 Version 1.0 |
eTravel v2.2 EAC/BAC on MultiApp v4.0.1 platform with Filter Set 1.0 version 1.0 |
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ICs, Smart Cards and Smart Card-Related Devices and Systems |
ICs, Smart Cards and Smart Card-Related Devices and Systems |
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- 25.01.2005, Gemplus (confidential document [27] Data List (DAL01A10190G), Version A02, 30.09.2004, Gemplus (confidential document) [28] Card: 1
- 36K, Version A24, 15.09.2004, Gemplus (confidential document) [19] Personalization Constraints For GXP3-CC GemSafe V2, Version A03, 20.09.2005, Gemplus: 1
- Configuration Check for GXP3-CC, Version A07, 2.05.05, Gemplus (confidential document) [29] Configuration Items History G148 (CI_History_G148_G146_for_TUVIT.xls), 02.08.2005, Gemplus: 1
- GemSafe V2, Product - GXP3.2-E64PK-CC, SSCD Type 2 (option a) and SSCD Type 3 (option b), Gemplus (confidential document) [7] Security Target BSI-DSZ-CC-0281, Version 1.0, 14.11.2005, ASE - Security Target, TOE - GXP3: 1
- Gemplus [24] Technical Design Specification For T=G protocol, Version A00, 30.08.2005, Gemplus (confidential document) [25] Configuration Management, TOE - GXP3.2-E64PK-CC GemSAFE V2, Product - GXP3.2-E64PK-CC: 1
- Initialization Specification For GemXpresso Pro R3.2 E64 PK CC, Version A13, 20.09.2005, Gemplus (confidential document) [18] Functional Requirements Specification Initialization flow description for GXP3.2-E64PK-CC and: 1
- Report, Version 2, Document ID: 20642118_TÜViT_24.2, 10.11.2005, Evaluation Technical Report (ETR) (confidential document) B-32 Certification Report BSI-DSZ-CC-0281-2005 [9] Security Target BSI-DSZ-CC-0315, Version 1.2: 1
- TOE - GXP3.2- E64PK-CC GemSAFE V2, Product - GXP3.2-E64PK-CC, Version 0.5, 20.09.2005, Gemplus (confidential document) [21] MPCOS Applet 2.0 Reference Manual, Version 1.0, 11.10.2002, Gemplus [22] GemID Reference: 1
- TOE - GXP3.2-E64PK-CC GemSAFE V2, Product - GXP3.2-E64PK-CC, Version 0.3, 09.08.2005, Gemplus (confidential document) [14] Administrator & User Guidance GemSafe V2, TOE - GXP3.2-E64PK-CC GemSAFE V2, Product - GXP3: 1
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