name |
OPENLiMiT SignCubes base components 2.5, Version |
secunet konnektor 2.1.0, Version 5.1.2:2.1.0 |
category |
Products for Digital Signatures |
Other Devices and Systems |
scheme |
DE |
DE |
status |
archived |
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01.09.2019 |
08.09.2027 |
not_valid_before |
31.07.2009 |
09.09.2022 |
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| |
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st_link | | |
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OpenLimit SignCubes AG |
Secunet Security Networks AG |
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d74d188c34e99ddf |
df0c04c3b3dd10a9 |
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BSI-DSZ-CC-1202-2022 |
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BSI-DSZ-CC-0494-2008 |
BSI-DSZ-CC-1190-2022 |
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BSI-DSZ-CC-0585-2009 |
{} |
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BSI-DSZ-CC-0413-2007, BSI-DSZ-CC-0367-2006, BSI-DSZ-CC-0494-2008, BSI-DSZ-CC-0432-2007, BSI-DSZ-CC-0374-2006, BSI-DSZ-CC-0423-2007 |
BSI-DSZ-CC-1190-2022, BSI-DSZ-CC-1184-2022 |
heuristics/scheme_data |
- category: eHealth
- cert_id: BSI-DSZ-CC-1202-2022
- certification_date: 09.09.2022
- enhanced:
- applicant: secunet Security Networks AG Kurfürstenstraße 58 45138 Essen
- assurance_level: EAL3,AVA_VAN.3,ALC_TAT.1,ALC_FLR.2,ADV_TDS.3,ADV_IMP.1,ADV_FSP.4
- cert_link:
- certification_date: 09.09.2022
- description: The Target of evaluation (TOE) is a software product consisting of the Netzkonnektor and the Anwendungskonnektor as specified in the Protection Profile BSI-CC-PP-0098. The Netzkonnektor includes the security functionality of a Firewall, a VPN-client, an NTP Server, a name service (DNS) and a DHCP service. The TOE also includes the basic functions for establishment of secure TLS connections to other IT products. The TOE is part of the Konnektor and it is delivered pre-installed on exactly one hardware-configuration. The security functionality of the Anwendungskonnektor comprises the signature service, encryption and decryption of documents, a card terminal service and a smart card service. Together with the network connector, the Anwendungskonnektor also enables secure communication between the connector and the client system and between Fachmodulen and Fachdiensten.
- entries: [frozendict({'id': 'BSI-DSZ-CC-1202-2022-MA-01 (Ausstellungsdatum / Certification Date 21.11.2022) Maintenance Report', 'description': 'is part of the Konnektor and it is delivered pre-installed on exactly one hardware-configuration. The security functionality of the Anwendungskonnektor comprises the signature service, encryption and decryption of documents, a card terminal service and a smart card service. Together with the network connector, the Anwendungskonnektor also enables secure communication between the connector and the client system and between Fachmodulen and Fachdiensten.'}), frozendict({'id': 'BSI-DSZ-CC-1202-2022 (Ausstellungsdatum / Certification Date 09.09.2022, gültig bis / valid until 08.09.2027)', 'description': 'Certificate'})]
- evaluation_facility: SRC Security Research & Consulting GmbH
- expiration_date: 08.09.2027
- product: secunet konnektor 2.1.0, Version 5.1.2:2.1.0
- protection_profile: Common Criteria Schutzprofil (Protection Profile) Schutzprofil 2: Anforderungen an den Konnektor, Version 1.6, BSI-CC-PP-0098-V3-2021-MA-01 vom 30.02.2022
- report_link:
- target_link:
- product: secunet konnektor 2.1.0, Version 5.1.2:2.1.0
- subcategory: Software
- url:
- vendor: secunet Security Networks AG
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{} |
{} |
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BSI-DSZ-CC-0494-2008 |
{} |
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{} |
{} |
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BSI-DSZ-CC-0494-2008 |
{} |
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- DE:
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- cert_item: secunet konnektor 2.1.0, Version 5.1.2:2.1.0
- cert_lab: BSI
- developer: secunet Security Networks AG
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- BSI.02110.TE.xx.200x, T-Systems GEI GmbH(confidential document) [8] Configuration list for the OPENLiMiT SignCubes base components v2.5, Version 1
- OPENLiMiT SignCubes AG (confidential document) 13.2 Guidance documentation [9] OPENLiMiT SignCubes base components v2.5 user guidance, Version 2: 1
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