name |
NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P5CD080V0B, P5CC080V0B, P5CN080V0B, P5CC073V0B each with specific IC Dedicated Software |
Infineon smart card IC (Security Controller) IFX_CCI_000003h, 000005h, 000008h, 00000Ch, 000013h, 000014h, 000015h, 00001Ch, 00001Dh, 000021h, 00022Dh, design step H13 with optional libraries CIPURSE™ CL, RSA2048/4096, EC, Toolbox, HSL, MCS, SCL and with specific IC dedicated software |
category |
ICs, Smart Cards and Smart Card-Related Devices and Systems |
ICs, Smart Cards and Smart Card-Related Devices and Systems |
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DE |
DE |
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09.09.2014 |
26.09.2023 |
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25.10.2011 |
26.09.2018 |
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NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH Business Line Identification |
Infineon Technologies AG |
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EAL6+, ALC_FLR.1 |
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BSI-DSZ-CC-0891-V2-2016, BSI-DSZ-CC-0782-2012, BSI-DSZ-CC-0945-V2-2018, BSI-DSZ-CC-0945-2017, BSI-DSZ-CC-0891-2015 |
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- /CreationDate: D:20181012084920+02'00'
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- /Keywords: "Common Criteria, Certification, Zertifizierung, 0945-V3, SmartCard, Security IC, Infineon, PP-0084"
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- /Subject: Infineon smart card IC (Security Controller) IFX_CCI_000003h, 000005h, 000008h, 00000Ch, 000013h, 000014h, 000015h, 00001Ch, 00001Dh, 000021h, 00022Dh, design step H13 with optional libraries CIPURSE™ CL, RSA2048/4096, EC, Toolbox, HSL, MCS, SCL and with specific IC dedicated software
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- cert_id: BSI-DSZ-CC-0700-2011
- cert_item: NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P5CD080V0B, P5CC080V0B, P5CN080V0B and P5CC073V0B each with specific IC Dedicated Software
- cert_lab: BSI
- developer: NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH
- match_rules: ['(BSI-DSZ-CC-.+?) (?:for|For) (.+?) from (.*)']
- DE:
- cc_security_level: Common Criteria Part 3 conformant EAL 6 augmented by ALC_FLR.1
- cc_version: PP conformant plus product specific extensions Common Criteria Part 2 extended
- cert_id: BSI-DSZ-CC-0945-V3-2018
- cert_item: Infineon smart card IC (Security Controller) IFX_CCI_000003h, 000005h, 000008h, 00000Ch, 000013h, 000014h, 000015h, 00001Ch, 00001Dh, 000021h, 00022Dh, design step H13 with optional libraries CIPURSE™ CL, RSA2048/4096, EC, Toolbox, HSL, MCS, SCL and with specific IC dedicated software
- cert_lab: BSI
- developer: Infineon Technologies AG
- match_rules: ['(BSI-DSZ-CC-.+?) (?:for|For) (.+?) from (.*)']
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- ConfidentialDocument:
- 8-bit Smart Card Controller, BSIDSZ-CC-0700, T-Systems GEI GmbH, Version 1.41, 15. September 2011 (confidential document) 8 specifically • AIS 20, Version 1, 2 December 1999, Funktionalitätsklassen und: 1
- Card Controller, NXP Semiconductors, Business Unit Identification, Version 2.3, 5. August 2011 (confidential document) [7] Security Target Lite, Evaluation of the P5CD080V0B, P5CN080V0B, P5CC080V0B,P5CN080V0B Secure: 1
- Data Sheet, NXP Semiconductors, Revision 3.8, Document Number: 126538, 17. June 2011 (confidential document) [13] Configuration List for composite evaluation of the P5Cx012/02x/040/073/080/144V0B family, NXP: 1
- Report BSI-DSZ-CC-0700 NXP P5CD080V0B Secure Smart Card Controller, Version 1.6, 20. October 2011, (confidential document) [9] Smart Card IC Platform Protection Profile, Version 1.0, July 2001, registered at the German: 1
- family, NXP Semiconductors, Version 1.9, Document Number: 129919, 31. May 2011 (confidential document) [12] Data Sheet, P5Cx02x/040/073/080/144 family, Secure Dual Interface PKI Smart Card Controller: 1
- ConfidentialDocument:
- IFX_CCI_00001Dh, IFX_CCI_000021h, IFX_CCI_000022h design step H13”, Infineon Technologies AG (confidential document) [7] Evaluation Technical Report for the Product BSI-DSZ-CC-0945-V3-2018, v3.03, 2018-09-24: 1
- Technical Report - Summary”, T-Systems International GmbH, (confidential document) [8] Security IC Platform Protection Profile with Augmentation Packages Version 1.0, 13 January: 1
- Version 3.02, 2018-09-24, ETR for composite evaluation (EFC), T- Systems International GmbH (confidential document) [11] 16-Bit Security Controller - V01, Security Guidelines, Rev. 1.00-1854, Infineon Technologies: 1
- being maintained, is not given any longer. In particular, prior to the dissemination of confidential documentation and information related to the TOE or resulting from the evaluation and certification: 1
- OutOfScope:
- 2.04.002, 2018-01-15 Table 2: Deliverables of the TOE Please note that Mifare functionality is out of scope of this evaluation, hence no TOE guidance documentation applies. However, respective developer: 1
- and symmetric cryptography libraries and the supporting Toolbox libraries (note: Toolbox library is out of scope of the certification). The Flash Loader is a firmware located in the ROM and enables the download: 1
- context, are solely relevant in the GBIC context and not in the CC context (hence for CC these are out of scope). As a result of the evaluation the verdict PASS is confirmed for the following assurance: 1
- hence for CC these are out of scope: 1
- note: Toolbox library is out of scope of the certification: 1
- out of scope: 3
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- /Keywords: "Common Criteria, Certification, Zertifizierung, NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P5CD080V0B, P5CC080V0B, P5CN080V0B and P5CC073V0B each with specific IC Dedicated Software, NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH"
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- FCS_COP.1.1: 2
- FCS_RND.1: 5
- FCS_RND.1.1: 1
- FDP:
- FDP_ACC.1: 33
- FDP_ACC.1.1: 2
- FDP_ACF.1: 30
- FDP_ACF.1.1: 2
- FDP_ACF.1.2: 2
- FDP_ACF.1.3: 2
- FDP_ACF.1.4: 2
- FDP_IFC.1: 10
- FDP_ITC: 1
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- FDP_ITT.1: 6
- FDP_SDI.1: 1
- FMT:
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- FMT_LIM.2: 3
- FMT_MSA.1: 29
- FMT_MSA.1.1: 2
- FMT_MSA.2: 6
- FMT_MSA.3: 22
- FMT_MSA.3.1: 2
- FMT_MSA.3.2: 2
- FMT_SMF.1: 14
- FMT_SMF.1.1: 1
- FMT_SMR.1: 8
- FPT:
- FPT_AMT.1: 1
- FPT_FLS.1: 7
- FPT_ITT.1: 6
- FPT_PHP.3: 7
- FPT_SEP.1: 15
- FPT_SEP.1.1: 1
- FPT_SEP.1.2: 1
- FRU:
- FAU:
- FAU_SAS: 3
- FAU_SAS.1: 12
- FAU_SAS.1.1: 1
- FCS:
- FCS_CKM: 151
- FCS_CKM.1: 37
- FCS_CKM.2: 7
- FCS_CKM.4: 43
- FCS_COP: 167
- FCS_COP.1: 38
- FCS_RNG: 42
- FCS_RNG.1: 16
- FDP:
- FDP_ACC: 16
- FDP_ACC.1: 30
- FDP_ACC.1.1: 1
- FDP_ACF: 16
- FDP_ACF.1: 27
- FDP_ACF.1.1: 1
- FDP_ACF.1.2: 1
- FDP_ACF.1.3: 1
- FDP_ACF.1.4: 1
- FDP_IFC.1: 20
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- FDP_ITC.2: 35
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- FDP_SDC: 1
- FDP_SDC.1: 12
- FDP_SDC.1.1: 1
- FDP_SDI.1: 1
- FDP_SDI.2: 20
- FDP_SDI.2.1: 1
- FDP_SDI.2.2: 1
- FDP_UCT.1: 13
- FDP_UCT.1.1: 1
- FDP_UIT.1: 13
- FDP_UIT.1.1: 1
- FIA:
- FIA_API: 4
- FIA_API.1: 15
- FIA_API.1.1: 1
- FIA_SOS.2: 2
- FIA_SOS.2.1: 1
- FIA_SOS.2.2: 1
- FMT:
- FMT_LIM: 37
- FMT_LIM.1: 10
- FMT_LIM.2: 9
- FMT_MSA.1: 19
- FMT_MSA.1.1: 1
- FMT_MSA.2: 3
- FMT_MSA.3: 23
- FMT_MSA.3.1: 1
- FMT_MSA.3.2: 1
- FMT_SMF.1: 17
- FMT_SMF.1.1: 1
- FMT_SMR.1: 6
- FPT:
- FPT_FLS: 16
- FPT_FLS.1: 30
- FPT_ITT.1: 23
- FPT_PHP: 16
- FPT_PHP.3: 29
- FPT_TST: 5
- FPT_TST.1: 11
- FPT_TST.2: 31
- FPT_TST.2.1: 1
- FRU:
- FTP:
- FTP_ACF: 1
- FTP_ITC.1: 19
- FTP_ITC.1.1: 1
- FTP_ITC.1.2: 1
- FTP_ITC.1.3: 1
- FTP_TRP.1: 3
pdf_data/st_keywords/cc_claims |
- O:
- O.HW_AES: 7
- O.MF_FW: 7
- O.RND: 3
- T:
- O:
- O.AES: 9
- O.RND: 4
- O.TDES: 7
- T:
pdf_data/st_keywords/vendor |
- NXP:
- NXP: 89
- NXP Semiconductors: 25
- Philips:
- Infineon:
- Infineon: 19
- Infineon Technologies: 24
- Infineon Technologies AG: 16
pdf_data/st_keywords/eval_facility |
pdf_data/st_keywords/symmetric_crypto |
- AES_competition:
- DES:
- 3DES:
- TDEA: 3
- Triple-DEA: 1
- Triple-DES: 10
- DES:
- AES_competition:
- DES:
- 3DES:
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- Key agreement: 3
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pdf_data/st_keywords/side_channel_analysis |
- FI:
- Malfunction: 10
- fault injection: 4
- malfunction: 2
- physical tampering: 1
- SCA:
- DPA: 2
- Leak-Inherent: 14
- Physical Probing: 2
- physical probing: 1
- timing attacks: 2
- FI:
- DFA: 3
- Malfunction: 13
- fault induction: 1
- fault injection: 5
- malfunction: 1
- SCA:
- DPA: 2
- Leak-Inherent: 12
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- BSI:
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- CCMB-2005-08-001: 2
- CCMB-2005-08-002: 2
- CCMB-2005-08-003: 2
- CCMB-2005-08-004: 1
- FIPS PUB 197: 3
- FIPS PUB 46: 1
- FIPS PUB 46-3: 3
- BSI:
- AIS 31: 2
- AIS31: 24
- AIS32: 10
- CC:
- CCMB-2017-04-001: 2
- CCMB-2017-04-002: 2
- CCMB-2017-04-003: 2
- FIPS 140-2: 2
- FIPS 197: 2
- FIPS PUB 186-4: 1
- FIPS PUB 197: 2
- ISO:
- ISO/IEC 11770-3: 1
- ISO/IEC 14443-4: 4
- ISO/IEC 14888-3: 1
- ISO/IEC 18033: 10
- ISO/IEC 18033-3: 10
- ISO/IEC 18092: 2
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- SP 800-67: 2
- RFC:
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- OutOfScope:
- Security Target Common Criteria v3.1 - EAL6 augmented / EAL6+ environment is in both cases out of scope. The CIPURSE™ CL is delivered as object code and in this way integrated in the user software. The: 1
- certification. The user operating system and further applications implemented on the TOE are also out of scope of this certification. To summarize, if used with the PCD software the certification view equals to: 1
- out of scope: 2
pdf_data/st_metadata |
- /Alternative descriptive title: Security Target Lite
- /Author: NXP Semiconductors
- /CertificationID: BSI-DSZ-CC-0700
- /Comments:
- /Company: NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH
- /Copyright date: 2011
- /CreationDate: D:20110805132404+02'00'
- /Creator: Acrobat PDFMaker 9.1 for Word
- /Descriptive title: Security Target Lite
- /Division: NXP Semiconductors
- /Keywords: Security Target Lite; SmartMX; P5CD080V0B; P5CN080V0B; P5CC080V0B; P5CC073V0B; NXP; EAL5+; AVA_VLA.4; BSI-DSZ-CC-0410;BSI-DSZ-CC-700; AES; DES
- /Manager:
- /ModDate: D:20110805132450+02'00'
- /Modification date: 05 August 2011
- /Producer: Adobe PDF Library 9.0
- /Revision: Rev. 2.3
- /Security status: PUBLIC
- /SourceModified: D:20110805112336
- /Specification status: Evaluation Documentation
- /Status:
- /Subject: Common Criteria Evaluation of SmatMX Crypto Controller
- /Template date: 1 October 2006
- /Template version: 2.8.1
- /Title: Security Target Lite - P5CD080V0B/ P5CN080V0B/ P5CC080V0B/ P5CC073V0B
- /docpath: T:\IAR\P5CD144_80_40\CD080\ST\2_0
- /list_of_authors: Hans-Gerd Albertsen, Falk Hoffmann, Marek Klaczynski, C. Rehder
- /philips_smx_cl_docpath: D:\Documents and Settings\dep08747\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates
- /relBibilioPath: ..\..\..\Bibliography.doc
- /text_TOE_name_long: P5CD080/ P5CN080/ P5CC080/ P5CC073V0B
- /text_cert_body_long: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
- /text_cert_body_short: BSI
- /text_developer_long: NXP Semiconductors, Business Unit Identification
- /text_developer_short: NXP
- /text_product_cc073: P5CC073V0B
- /text_product_cc080: P5CC080V0B
- /text_product_cn080: P5CN080V0B
- /text_product_letter: B
- /text_product_long: NXP P5CD080V0B Secure Smart Card Controller
- /text_product_minor: V0B
- /text_product_short: P5CD080V0B
- /text_sponsor_long: NXP Semiconductors, Business Unit Identification
- /text_sponsor_short: NXP
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