name |
NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P5CD080V0B, P5CC080V0B, P5CN080V0B, P5CC073V0B each with specific IC Dedicated Software |
NXP Secure Smart Card Controller N7121 with IC Dedicated Software and Crypto Library |
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ICs, Smart Cards and Smart Card-Related Devices and Systems |
ICs, Smart Cards and Smart Card-Related Devices and Systems |
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NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH Business Line Identification |
NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH, Business Unit Security and Connectivity |
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- cert_lab: BSI
- developer: NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH
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- cert_id: BSI-DSZ-CC-1040-2019
- cert_item: NXP Secure Smart Card Controller N7121 with IC Dedicated Software and Crypto Library
- cert_lab: BSI
- developer: NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH
- match_rules: ['(BSI-DSZ-CC-.+?) (?:for|For) (.+?) from (.*)']
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- 8-bit Smart Card Controller, BSIDSZ-CC-0700, T-Systems GEI GmbH, Version 1.41, 15. September 2011 (confidential document) 8 specifically • AIS 20, Version 1, 2 December 1999, Funktionalitätsklassen und: 1
- Card Controller, NXP Semiconductors, Business Unit Identification, Version 2.3, 5. August 2011 (confidential document) [7] Security Target Lite, Evaluation of the P5CD080V0B, P5CN080V0B, P5CC080V0B,P5CN080V0B Secure: 1
- Data Sheet, NXP Semiconductors, Revision 3.8, Document Number: 126538, 17. June 2011 (confidential document) [13] Configuration List for composite evaluation of the P5Cx012/02x/040/073/080/144V0B family, NXP: 1
- Report BSI-DSZ-CC-0700 NXP P5CD080V0B Secure Smart Card Controller, Version 1.6, 20. October 2011, (confidential document) [9] Smart Card IC Platform Protection Profile, Version 1.0, July 2001, registered at the German: 1
- family, NXP Semiconductors, Version 1.9, Document Number: 129919, 31. May 2011 (confidential document) [12] Data Sheet, P5Cx02x/040/073/080/144 family, Secure Dual Interface PKI Smart Card Controller: 1
- ConfidentialDocument:
- 2018, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [13] NXP Secure Smart Card Controller N7121 Chip Health Mode, Revision 3.0, 23 November 2018, NXP: 1
- 2018, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [15] NXP Secure Smart Card Controller N7121 MMU Configuration and NXP Firmware Interface: 1
- 23] N7121 Crypto Library, KeyStoreMgr Library. Revision 1.1, 19 September 2018, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [24] N7121 Crypto Library. RSA Library. Revision 1.4, 28 March 2019, NXP Semiconductors: 1
- 29] N7121 Crypto Library. UtilsAsym Library. Revision 1.3, 13 April 2018, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [30] N7121 Crypto Library. Information on Guidance and Operation. Revision 3.0, 29 May 2019, NXP: 1
- 32] N7121_Digital_Design_Source_CW1810_MRA_FM_x413B_r43732.csv, 21 June 2018, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [33] NXP Secure Smart Card, Controller N7121, Common Criteria CIL, 6 July, 2018, NXP: 1
- Crypto Library (N7121), BSI-DSZ-CC-1040-2019, Version 8.0, 31 May 2019, Brightsight (confidential document) [8] Security IC Platform Protection Profile with Augmentation Packages Version 1.0, 13 January: 1
- Crypto Library Security Target, BSI-DSZ-CC-1040-2019, Rev. 1.5, 31 May 2019, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [7] Evaluation Technical Report NXP Secure Smart Card Controller N7121 with IC Dedicated Software: 1
- Crypto Library. RSA Key Generation Library. Revision 1.3, 11 October 2018, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [26] N7121 Crypto Library. SHA Library. Revision 1.1, 20 March 2018, NXP Semiconductors: 1
- Library. Symmetric Cipher Library (SymCfg). Revision 1.4, 19 September 2018, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [28] N7121 Crypto Library. Utils Library. Revision 1.1, 02 February 2018, NXP Semiconductors: 1
- May 2019, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [19] NXP Secure Smart Card Controller N7121 NXP System Mode OS, Revision 3.2, 8 February 2019, NXP: 1
- NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [12] NXP Secure Smart Card Controller N7121 Platform Instruction Set Manual, Revision 3.0, 23: 1
- Revision 3.2, 8 February 2019, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [16] NXP Secure Smart Card Controller N7121 Flashloader OS, Revision 3.0, 1 November 2018, NXP: 1
- Semiconductors (confidential document) [18] NXP Secure Smart Card Controller N7121 Information on Guidance and Operation, Revision 3.2: 1
- Software and Crypto Library (N7121), BSI-DSZ-CC-1040-2019, Version 8.0, 31 May 2019, Brightsight (confidential document) [11] NXP Secure Smart Card Controller N7121 Overview, Product data sheet, Revision 3.2, 31 May: 1
- being maintained, is not given any longer. In particular, prior to the dissemination of confidential documentation and information related to the TOE or resulting from the evaluation and certification: 1
- confidential document) [14] NXP Secure Smart Card Controller N7121 Peripheral Configuration and Use, Revision 3.1, 20: 1
- confidential document) [17] NXP Secure Smart Card Controller N7121 Shared OS Libraries, Revision 3.0, 1 November 2018: 1
- confidential document) [20] N7121 Crypto Library. ECC over GF(p). Revision 2.1, 28 March 2019, NXP Semiconductors: 1
- confidential document) [31] N7121_Firmware_Sources_CW1810_MRA_FM_x413B_r140220.csv, 21 June 2018, NXP Semiconductors: 1
- confidential document) [34] N7121 Crypto Library, Configuration Item List, 07 April 2018, NXP Semiconductors: 1
- document) [21] N7121 Crypto Library. Hash Library. Revision 1.2, 20 March 2018, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) [22] N7121 Crypto Library. RNG Library. Revision 1.2, 09 November 2018, NXP Semiconductors: 1
- document) [35] Evaluation Reference List, v1.3, 31 May 2019, NXP Semiconductors (confidential document) 25 / 35 Certification Report BSI-DSZ-CC-1040-2019 C. Excerpts from the Criteria For the meaning: 1
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- /Alternative descriptive title: Security Target Lite
- /Author: NXP Semiconductors
- /CertificationID: BSI-DSZ-CC-0700
- /Comments:
- /Company: NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH
- /Copyright date: 2011
- /CreationDate: D:20110805132404+02'00'
- /Creator: Acrobat PDFMaker 9.1 for Word
- /Descriptive title: Security Target Lite
- /Division: NXP Semiconductors
- /Keywords: Security Target Lite; SmartMX; P5CD080V0B; P5CN080V0B; P5CC080V0B; P5CC073V0B; NXP; EAL5+; AVA_VLA.4; BSI-DSZ-CC-0410;BSI-DSZ-CC-700; AES; DES
- /Manager:
- /ModDate: D:20110805132450+02'00'
- /Modification date: 05 August 2011
- /Producer: Adobe PDF Library 9.0
- /Revision: Rev. 2.3
- /Security status: PUBLIC
- /SourceModified: D:20110805112336
- /Specification status: Evaluation Documentation
- /Status:
- /Subject: Common Criteria Evaluation of SmatMX Crypto Controller
- /Template date: 1 October 2006
- /Template version: 2.8.1
- /Title: Security Target Lite - P5CD080V0B/ P5CN080V0B/ P5CC080V0B/ P5CC073V0B
- /docpath: T:\IAR\P5CD144_80_40\CD080\ST\2_0
- /list_of_authors: Hans-Gerd Albertsen, Falk Hoffmann, Marek Klaczynski, C. Rehder
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- /text_developer_long: NXP Semiconductors, Business Unit Identification
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- /text_product_long: NXP P5CD080V0B Secure Smart Card Controller
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- /text_product_short: P5CD080V0B
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- /text_sponsor_short: NXP
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