name |
CELES-c001 Machine Readable Electronic Document ICAO Application - Basic Access Control, version 1 (CELES-c001_1) |
Veridos Suite v4.0 - cryptovision ePasslet Suite - Java Card applet configuration providing Machine-Readable Electronic Documents „ICAO Application”, Extended Access Control with PACE |
category |
ICs, Smart Cards and Smart Card-Related Devices and Systems |
ICs, Smart Cards and Smart Card-Related Devices and Systems |
scheme |
ES |
NL |
status |
active |
active |
not_valid_after |
11.07.2025 |
12.01.2029 |
not_valid_before |
11.07.2020 |
12.01.2024 |
cert_link | | |
report_link | | |
st_link | | |
manufacturer |
HID Global |
Veridos GmbH - Identity Solutions by Giesecke & Devrient and Bundesdruckerei |
manufacturer_web | | |
security_level |
ALC_DVS.2, EAL4+ |
dgst |
bb451edc9c5eb8a2 |
16f65b56de23fe80 |
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2017-17-INF-3169 |
NSCIB-CC-2300087-01-CR |
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BSI-DSZ-CC-1107-V3-2022 |
heuristics/scheme_data |
- category: Network Access Control Devices
- certification_date: 28.11.2017
- enhanced:
- category: Network Access Control Devices
- cc_version: Common Criteria 3.1 release 4
- cert_link:
- certification_date: 28.11.2017
- description: The physical TOE is comprised of the following parts:• the integrated circuit chip (microcontroller) programmed with the operating systemand with the ICAO application (Embedded Software).• the guidance documentation, composed by:o the Initialization Guidance for the Initialization Agent [AGDINI].o the Pre-personalization guidance for the Pre-personalization Agent [AGDPRE],o the Personalization Guidance for the Personalization Agent [AGDPERS], ando The Operational User Guidance for the User (Inspection System) [AGDOPE].The Embedded Software of the TOE comprises the following software componentsstored in the non-volatile memory units of the microcontroller:• operating system• file system• e-Document applications• security data objects
- evaluation_facility: Applus Laboratories
- level: EAL4 + ALC_DVS.2
- manufacturer: HID Global / Arjo Systems
- report_link:
- status: Certified
- target_link:
- type: Product
- manufacturer: HID Global / Arjo Systems
- product: SOMA-c007 Machine Readable Electronic Document Basic Access Control (SOMA-c007_2) version 2
- product_link:
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{} |
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BSI-DSZ-CC-1107-V3-2022, NSCIB-CC-2300005-01-CR |
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BSI-DSZ-CC-0891-V3-2018, BSI-DSZ-CC-0891-V2-2016 |
BSI-DSZ-CC-1107-V3-2022, NSCIB-CC-2300005-01-CR |
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- EF.DG1: 7
- EF.DG14: 5
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- EF.SOD: 8
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- FIPS 180-4: 1
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- FIPS 46-3: 3
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- FIPS PUB 197: 1
- FIPS PUB 46-3: 1
- ISO:
- ISO/IEC 14443: 2
- ISO/IEC 7816-2: 2
- ISO/IEC 7816-4: 1
- RFC:
- BSI:
- AIS 20: 2
- AIS20: 3
- AIS31: 1
- CC:
- CCMB-2017-04-001: 2
- CCMB-2017-04-002: 2
- CCMB-2017-04-003: 2
- CCMB-2017-04-004: 2
- FIPS 186-3: 3
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- FIPS PUB 46-3: 1
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- FIPS180-4: 1
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- ISO:
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- ISO/IEC 9796-2: 1
- ISO/IEC7816-2: 1
- PKCS#15: 2
- PKCS#3: 8
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- RFC:
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- RFC 5639: 1
- RFC3369: 1
- RFC4493: 1
- X509:
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- OutOfScope:
- These data are protected by means of Extended Access Control, which is out of scope of this ST: 1
- optional according to [R17]. These data are protected by means of Extended Access Control, which is out of scope of this ST. CELES-c001 Security Target Basic Access Control PUBLIC Version: 1.0 Date: 2020-03-10: 1
- out of scope: 1
- OutOfScope:
- No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ROL.1/FIREWALL No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall: 1
- No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.2/FIREWALL-JCVM No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall: 1
- No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1/Installer No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- No contradiction to this ST. FPT_RCV.3/Installer No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- 1 Implicitly used for this ST. No contra- diction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1/APDU No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1/GlobalArray FDP_RIP.1: 1
- 19 of 93 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FDP_RIP.1/ADEL No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1/ADEL No correspondence: 1
- 20 of 93 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FMT_SMR.1/CM No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FTP_ITC.1/CM No correspondence: 1
- ADEL) policy on security aspects outside the runtime. FDP_ACC.2/ADEL No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- Implicitly used for this ST. No contra- diction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1/TRANSIENT No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ROL.1/FIREWALL No: 1
- LOAD No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.INTEG-JCS-CODE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to: 1
- No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. O.CARD-MANAGEMENT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. OT.SCP.IC OT.Prot_Phys-Tamper The objectives are related. No con-: 1
- O.ALARM No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. Veridos Suite v4.0 - cryptovision ePasslet Suite / PP0056v2 based: 1
- O.REALLOCATION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. O.RESOURCES No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this: 1
- O.TRANSACTION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. O.OBJ-DELETION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to: 1
- Out of scope: 77
- Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall). The resulting requirements for applets are reflected in the User: 2
- Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. ADELG Security Functional: 1
- Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1/Installer No: 1
- Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_RCV.3/Installer No: 1
- Platform Threat Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks T.CONFID-APPLI-DATA No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.CONFID-JCS-CODE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to: 1
- SID.2 No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.EXE-CODE.1 No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.EXE-CODE.2 No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this: 1
- ST. O. ARRAY_VIEWS_INTEG OT.Data-Integrity No contradiction to this ST. O.NATIVE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. O.OPERATE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST: 1
- ST. O.DELETION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. O.LOAD No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. O: 1
- ST. T.INSTALL No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.OBJ-DELETION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to: 1
- ST. T.INTEG-JCS-DATA No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.SID.1 No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST: 1
- T.DELETION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.SECURE_DELETION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to: 1
- T.Information_Leakage No contradiction to this ST. T.INTEG-APPLI-CODE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. Veridos Suite v4.0 - cryptovision ePasslet Suite / PP0056v2 based: 1
- T.NATIVE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.RESOURCES No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this: 1
- The objectives are related. No con- tradiction to this ST. O.SCP.SUPPORT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. Table 4: Assessment of the platform objectives. 2.3.4 Assessment of: 1
- Threat Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks T.INTEG-APPLI-CODE.LOAD No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.INTEG-APPLI-DATA T.Forgery No contradiction to this ST. T: 1
- chapter in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2/FIREWALL No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall: 1
- chapter in platform ST) FIA_ATD.1/AID No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- complement Java Card OS mechanisms. No contradiction to this ST. FPT_TDC.1 No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_TST.1 FPT_TST.1 Self-testing: 1
- contradictions. O.RNG No correspondence No contradiction to this ST. O.KEY-MNGT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. O.PIN-MNGT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this: 1
- initial start-up. Aid Management (chapter in platform ST) FIA_ATD.1/AID No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.2/AID No correspondence: 1
- internal Java Card Fire- wall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1/JCRE No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall: 1
- internal Java Card Fire- wall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1/JCVM No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.2/FIREWALL-JCVM No: 1
- internal Java Card Fire- wall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1 No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall: 1
- internal Java Card Fire- wall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1 No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall). No contradiction to this ST. Veridos Suite v4.0 - cryptovision: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFC.2/CM No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1/CM No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_UIT.1/CM No correspondence: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_UIT.1/CM No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.1/CM No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1/CM No correspondence: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_USB.1/AID No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_USB.1/AID No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MTD.1/JCRE No correspondence: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1/ADEL No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1/CM No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3/ADEL No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1/ADEL No correspondence: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3/CM No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1/CM No correspondence: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MTD.3/JCRE No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MTD.3/JCRE No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. INSTG Security Functional: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1/ADEL No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1/CM No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1/ADEL No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1/ADEL No correspondence: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1/ADEL No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FTP_ITC.1/CM No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Virtual Machine). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1/JCVM No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Virtual Machine: 1
- internal Java Virtual Machine). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1/OBJECTS No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1/JCRE No correspondence Out: 1
- manager (ADEL) policy on security aspects outside the runtime. FDP_ACC.2/ADEL No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1/ADEL No correspondence: 1
- objectives for the TOE and are covered by SFRs in the platform ST. FTP_ITC.1/CMGR No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. SCPG Security Functional: 1
- objectives. Platform Objective Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks O.SID No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. O.FIREWALL No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this: 1
- of the TOE. No contradic- tion to this ST. FDP_ACF.1/FIREWALL No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall). The resulting requirements for applets are reflected in the User: 1
- of the TOE. No contradic- tion to this ST. FDP_IFC.1/JCVM No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Virtual Machine). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1/JCVM No correspondence Out: 1
- of the TOE. No contradic- tion to this ST. FMT_MSA.3/FIREWALL No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall). The resulting requirements for applets are reflected in the User: 1
- of the TOE. No contradic- tion to this ST. FMT_MSA.3/JCVM No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1 No correspondence Out of: 1
- platform ST) Firewall Policy (chapter in platform ST) FDP_ACC.2/FIREWALL No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall). The resulting requirements for applets are reflected in the User: 1
- verified, or that has been modified after bytecode verification. FCO_NRO.2/CM No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFC.2/CM No correspondence: 1
- which addresses security aspects outside the runtime. FDP_ITC.2/Installer No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1/Installer No: 1
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