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ST31-K330A Secure microcontroller revision F for Dual mode version (contact and contactless) or contactless-only version, optionally including the NesLib cryptographic library revision 3.2 |
ST31P450 B02 including optional cryptographic library Neslib version 6.4.7 and optional technology MIFARE Plus® EV1 version 1.1.2 |
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- cert_item: ST31-K330A Secure microcontroller revision F for Dual mode version (contact and contactless) or contactless-only version, optionally including the NesLib cryptographic library revision 3.2
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- cert_lab: Serma Technologies 30 Avenue Gustave Eiffel, 33608 Pessac Cedex, France
- developer: STMicroelectronics 190 avenue Celestin Coq, ZI de Rousset, 13106 Rousset, France Sponsor STMicroelectronics 190 avenue Celestin Coq, ZI de Rousset, 13106 Rousset, France
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- cert_lab: THALES / CNES 290 allée du Lac, 31670 Labège, France
- developer: STMicroelectronics 190 avenue Célestin Coq, ZI de Rousset, 13106 Rousset Cedex, France Commanditaire STMicroelectronics 1 190 avenue Célestin Coq, ZI de Rousset, 13106 Rousset Cedex, France
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- ES) is in User ROM. The ES is not part of the TOE and is out of scope of the evaluation, except Neslib when it is embedded: 1
- out of scope: 1
- OutOfScope:
- ES) is in User NVM. 47 Note: The ES is not part of the TOE and is out of scope of the evaluation, except NesLib and MIFARE Plus EV1 when they are embedded: 1
- Level. Proximity Check, Virtual Card Architecture, data access of sectors in SL3 or SL1SL3Mix, are out of scope. • Security level 3 (SL3): The card user can access the data and value blocks in the TOE after an: 1
- Security IC Embedded Software (ES) is in User NVM. 47 Note: The ES is not part of the TOE and is out of scope of the evaluation, except NesLib and MIFARE Plus EV1 when they are embedded. 1.6.3 TOE: 1
- is never in scope of the evaluation. Proximity Check, Virtual Card Architecture are also out of scope. Personalization and Originality Check are in scope. • Security level 1 (SL1): Different: 1
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False |
True |
state/cert/pdf_hash |
Different |
Different |
state/cert/txt_hash |
Different |
Different |
state/report/convert_garbage |
False |
False |
state/report/convert_ok |
True |
True |
state/report/download_ok |
True |
True |
state/report/extract_ok |
True |
True |
state/report/pdf_hash |
Different |
Different |
state/report/txt_hash |
Different |
Different |
state/st/convert_garbage |
False |
False |
state/st/convert_ok |
True |
True |
state/st/download_ok |
True |
True |
state/st/extract_ok |
True |
True |
state/st/pdf_hash |
Different |
Different |
state/st/txt_hash |
Different |
Different |