name |
Security Threat Exclusion System SHIELD/ExLink-IA 1.0 |
Security Threat Exclusion System SHIELD/ExLink-IA 1.0 |
category |
Network and Network-Related Devices and Systems |
Network and Network-Related Devices and Systems |
scheme |
JP |
JP |
status |
archived |
archived |
not_valid_after |
07.10.2013 |
07.10.2013 |
not_valid_before |
22.03.2007 |
22.03.2007 |
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None |
None |
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manufacturer |
Hitachi Information Systems, Ltd |
Hitachi Information Systems, Ltd |
manufacturer_web |
| |
security_level |
EAL1 |
EAL1 |
dgst |
977c07af0c4fe4e1 |
bb848eb8e85077a4 |
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- cert_id: JISEC-CC-CRP-C0090
- certification_date: 01.03.2007
- claim: EAL1
- enhanced:
- assurance_level: EAL1
- description: PRODUCT DESCRIPTION This product is a network management software that collects security logs from monitored FWs (*1) and IPSs(*2), sends them to SOC(*3) for analysis, and changes the FW's settings based on the instructions from SOC. (*1) abbreviation of Firewall. Network server that protects internal network resources from external network. (*2) abbreviation of Intrusion Prevention System. Software tool that prevents unauthorized access to server and network. It extends a function of IDS to detect unauthorized access, and take countermeasures such as blocking connections in real-time when detected. (*3) abbreviation of Security Operation Center. Facilities that receives security logs from SHIELD/ExLink-IAs and maintains an application software called "i-Monitor" to issue instructions to change FW's settings to HIELD/ExLink-IAs.
- evaluation_facility: Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association, Information Technology Security Center (JEITA ITSEC)
- product: Security Threat Exclusion System SHIELD/ExLink-IA
- product_type: IT Product (Security Management Software)
- toe_version: 1.0
- vendor: Hitachi Information Systems, Ltd
- expiration_date: 01.10.2013
- supplier: Hitachi Information Systems, Ltd
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- toe_japan_name: Security Threat Exclusion System SHIELD/ExLink-IA 1.0
- toe_overseas_link: None
- toe_overseas_name: -----
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