name |
Carte VITALE 2 - Application ADELE: Composant SB23ZL48 masqué par le logiciel SESAM VITALE v1.0.4 avec correctif version 4 |
Carte VITALE 2 - Application VITALE: Composant SB23ZL48 masqué par le logiciel SESAM VITALE v1.0.4 avec correctif version 4 |
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ICs, Smart Cards and Smart Card-Related Devices and Systems |
ICs, Smart Cards and Smart Card-Related Devices and Systems |
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MORPHO / ST Microelectronics |
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state/report/txt_hash |
Different |
Different |
state/st/convert_garbage |
False |
False |
state/st/convert_ok |
True |
True |
state/st/download_ok |
True |
True |
state/st/extract_ok |
True |
True |
state/st/pdf_hash |
Different |
Different |
state/st/txt_hash |
Different |
Different |