name |
CELES-c001 Machine Readable Electronic Document ICAO Application - EAC-PACE-AA, version 1 (CELES-c001_1) |
SECORA™ ID X Applet Collection with ePasslet Suite v3.5 by cryptovision GmbH, version 1.0 – Java Card applet configuration providing Machine Readable Travel Document with „ICAO Application”, Extended Access Control with PACE |
category |
ICs, Smart Cards and Smart Card-Related Devices and Systems |
ICs, Smart Cards and Smart Card-Related Devices and Systems |
scheme |
ES |
NL |
status |
active |
active |
not_valid_after |
11.07.2025 |
13.07.2026 |
not_valid_before |
11.07.2020 |
13.07.2021 |
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manufacturer |
HID Global |
Infineon Technologies AG |
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dgst |
7452c6ed22b8d263 |
c538f626139e5d5c |
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2017-18-INF-3170 |
NSCIB-CC-0189587-CR |
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- category: Smart Cards and similiar devices
- certification_date: 29.11.2017
- enhanced:
- category: Smart Cards and similiar devices
- cc_version: Common Criteria 3.1 release 4
- cert_link:
- certification_date: 29.11.2017
- description: The physical TOE is comprised of the following parts:• the integrated circuit chip (microcontroller) programmed with the operating systemand with the ICAO application (Embedded Software).• the guidance documentation, composed by:o the Initialization Guidance for the Initialization Agent [AGDINI].o the Pre-personalization guidance for the Pre-personalization Agent [AGDPRE],o the Personalization Guidance for the Personalization Agent [AGDPERS], ando The Operational User Guidance for the User (Inspection System) [AGDOPE].The Embedded Software of the TOE comprises the following software componentsstored in the non-volatile memory units of the microcontroller:
- evaluation_facility: Applus Laboratories
- level: EAL5 + ALC_DVS.2 + AVA_VAN.5
- manufacturer: HID Global / Arjo Systems
- report_link:
- status: Certified
- target_link:
- type: Product
- manufacturer: HID Global / Arjo Systems
- product: SOMA-c007 Machine Readable Electronic Document EAC-PACE-AA (SOMA-c007_2) version 2
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{} |
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{} |
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- RFC 3369: 1
- RFC2119: 1
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- OutOfScope:
- No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ROL.1/FIREWALL No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall: 1
- No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.2/FIREWALL-JCVM No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall: 1
- No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1/Installer No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1/Installer No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- 1 Implicitly used for this ST. No contra- diction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1/APDU No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1/bArray FDP_RIP.1: 1
- 20 of 95 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FMT_MSA.3/ADEL No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1/ADEL No correspondence: 1
- 21 of 95 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FMT_SMF.1/SD No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1/SD No correspondence: 1
- 22 of 95 Platform Objective Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks O.SID No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. O.FIREWALL No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this: 1
- 95 Platform Objective Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks O.SCP.SUPPORT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. O.SCP.RNG No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST: 1
- 95 Platform SFR Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks FDP_ACC.2/FIREWALL No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall). The resulting requirements for applets are reflected in the User: 1
- ADEL) policy on security aspects outside the runtime. FDP_ACC.2/ADEL No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- Implicitly used for this ST. No contra- diction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1/TRANSIENT No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ROL.1/FIREWALL No: 1
- No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. O.CARD-MANAGEMENT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. O.COMMUNICATION OT.Prot_Phys-Tamper The objectives are related. No: 1
- No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.PHYSICAL No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.RNG No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST: 1
- O.ALARM No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. O.CIPHER No correspondence Indirectly relevant for the correct: 1
- O.REALLOCATION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. O.RESOURCES No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this: 1
- O.TRANSACTION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. O.OBJ-DELETION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to: 1
- Out of scope: 94
- Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall). The resulting requirements for applets are reflected in the User: 2
- Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. ADELG Security Functional: 1
- Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1/Installer No: 1
- Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_RCV.3/Installer No: 1
- Platform Threat Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks T.CONFID-APPLI-DATA No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.CONFID-JCS-CODE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to: 1
- SID.2 No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.EXE-CODE.1 No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.EXE-CODE.2 No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this: 1
- ST. O.DELETION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. O.LOAD No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. O: 1
- ST. O.GLOBAL_ARRAYS_INTEG OT.Data-Integrity No contradiction to this ST. O.NATIVE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. O.OPERATE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST: 1
- ST. T.INTEG-JCS-DATA No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.SID.1 No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST: 1
- ST. T.UNAUTHORIZED_CARD_MNGT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.LIFE_CYCLE T.Phys-Tamper No contradiction to this ST. T: 1
- Security Functional Requirements (chapter 7.2.6 in platform ST) FDP_UIT.1/CCM No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ROL.1/CCM No correspondence: 1
- T.DELETION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. SECORA™ ID X Applet Collection / PP0056v2 based Security Target Lite: 1
- T.INTEG-APPLI-DATA T.Forgery No contradiction to this ST. T.INTEG-APPLI-DATA.LOAD No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.INTEG-JCS-CODE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to: 1
- T.Information_Leakage No contradiction to this ST. T.INTEG-APPLI-CODE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.INTEG-APPLI-CODE.LOAD No correspondence Out of scope. No: 1
- T.NATIVE No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.RESOURCES No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this: 1
- The objectives are related. No con- tradiction to this ST. O.SCP.RECOVERY No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. SECORA™ ID X Applet Collection / PP0056v2 based Security Target Lite: 1
- chapter 7.2.6 in platform ST) FDP_UIT.1/CCM No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- complement Java Card OS mechanisms. No contradiction to this ST. FPT_TDC.1 No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_ATD.1/AID No correspondence: 1
- internal Java Card Fire- wall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1/JCRE No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall: 1
- internal Java Card Fire- wall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1/JCVM No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.2/FIREWALL-JCVM No: 1
- internal Java Card Fire- wall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1 No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall: 1
- internal Java Card Fire- wall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1 No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall). No contradiction to this ST. FCS_CKM.1 (FCS_CKM.1.1/RSA, FCS_CKM.1: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FCO_NRO.2/SC No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FCS_COP.1/DAP No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FCS_COP.1/DAP No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACC.1/SD No correspondence: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1/SD No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1/SD No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1/SD No correspondence: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFC.2/SC No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1/SC No correspondence: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1/SC No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1/ADEL No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1/ADEL No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1/ADEL No correspondence: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_ATD.1/AID No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UAU.1/SC No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UAU.4/SC No correspondence: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UAU.4/SC No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.1/SC No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.2/AID No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_USB.1/AID No correspondence: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_USB.1/AID No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1/SC No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3/SC No correspondence: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3/SC No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3/SD No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.3/SD No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. SECORA™ ID X Applet Collection: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MTD.1/JCRE No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MTD.3/JCRE No correspondence: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MTD.3/JCRE No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1/ADEL No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1/SC No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FIA_UID.1/SC No correspondence: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1/ADEL No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1/ADEL No correspondence: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1/SD No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1/ADEL No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FTP_ITC.1/SC No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FCO_NRO.2/SC No correspondence: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FTP_ITC.2/CCM No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality: 1
- internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FTP_ITC.2/CCM No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FPT_FLS.1/CCM No correspondence: 1
- internal Java Virtual Machine). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1/JCVM No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Virtual Machine: 1
- internal Java Virtual Machine). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_RIP.1/OBJECTS No correspondence. Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_MSA.1/JCRE No correspondence Out: 1
- managed within Java Card OS). No contradiction to this ST. FCS_CKM.3 No correspondence Out of scope (managed within Java Card OS: 1
- manager (ADEL) policy on security aspects outside the runtime. FDP_ACC.2/ADEL No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_ACF.1/ADEL No correspondence: 1
- no corresponding objectives for the TOE of this ST. No contradictions. O.KEY-MNGT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. O.PIN-MNGT No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this: 1
- of 95 Platform Threat Correspondence in this ST References/Remarks T.INSTALL No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to this ST. T.COMMUNICATION No correspondence Out of scope. No contradiction to: 1
- of the TOE. No contradic- tion to this ST. FDP_ACF.1/FIREWALL No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall). The resulting requirements for applets are reflected in the User: 1
- of the TOE. No contradic- tion to this ST. FDP_IFC.1/JCVM No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Virtual Machine). No contradiction to this ST. FDP_IFF.1/JCVM No correspondence Out: 1
- of the TOE. No contradic- tion to this ST. FMT_MSA.3/FIREWALL No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall). The resulting requirements for applets are reflected in the User: 1
- of the TOE. No contradic- tion to this ST. FMT_MSA.3/JCVM No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card Fire- wall). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMF.1 No correspondence Out of: 1
- of the platform ST. There are no contradictions to this ST. FCS_CKM.2 No correspondence Out of scope (managed within Java Card OS). No contradiction to this ST. FCS_CKM.3 No correspondence Out of: 1
- which addresses security aspects outside the runtime. FDP_ITC.2/Installer No correspondence Out of scope (internal Java Card func- tionality). No contradiction to this ST. FMT_SMR.1/Installer No: 1
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