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- cert_id: BSI-DSZ-CC-1077-V2-2024
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- developer: Giesecke+Devrient ePayments GmbH
- match_rules: ['(BSI-DSZ-CC-.+?) (?:for|For) (.+?) from (.*)']
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- H13, Revision 4.4, 30 November 2023, Infineon Technologies AG, BSI-DSZ-CC- 1110-V6-2023 (confidential document) Security Target Lite of the underlying hardware platform, Common Criteria Public Security Target: 1
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- eAT C2, STARCOS 3.7 ID ePass C2, Version 1.0, 3 May 2024, SRC Security Research & Consulting GmbH (confidential document) [15] Configuration List BSI-DSZ-CC-1077-V2-2024, Configuration List STARCOS 3.7 ID ePA C2, STARCOS: 1
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- and supports this process by cryptographic means. In particular, the updated TOE software is out of scope of this ST. No assumption is made on the quality and security of the update. To make the point: 1
- of the user data accessible using the different terminal types Other terminals than the above are out of scope of this ST. In particular, terminals using Basic Access Control (BAC) are functionally supported by: 1
- out of scope: 2
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