Comparing certificates Experimental feature

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SwitchView SC Series Switches (Models SC420 (part number 520-753-601), SC440 (part number 520-721-601), and SC540 (part number 520-728-501)
Cybex SwitchView SC Series Switches (Models SC420 (part number 520-753-502), SC440 (part number 520-721-502), and SC540 (part number 520-728-502)
name SwitchView SC Series Switches (Models SC420 (part number 520-753-601), SC440 (part number 520-721-601), and SC540 (part number 520-728-501) Cybex SwitchView SC Series Switches (Models SC420 (part number 520-753-502), SC440 (part number 520-721-502), and SC540 (part number 520-728-502)
security_level ALC_FLR.2, EAL4+ ALC_FLR.2, EAL2+
dgst 64c34c16c66dbd6a 0f6658dd0a315cfd
heuristics/extracted_versions 501, 520, 753, 721, 728, 601 520, 753, 721, 502, 728
heuristics/protection_profiles {} d6bd4a332ea2c31c
protection_profile_links {}