name |
Bundesdruckerei Document Application with tamper-evident casing, Document Application Version 2.4.6; (Firmware Vers. 1.3.28, HW Vers. 0) |
Xerox Color 550/560 Printer Version:Controller ROM Ver. 1.203.1, IOT ROM Ver. 62.23.0, IIT ROM Ver. 6.13.0, ADF ROM Ver. 12.4.0 |
category |
Other Devices and Systems |
Multi-Function Devices |
scheme |
DE |
JP |
status |
active |
archived |
not_valid_after |
27.10.2026 |
04.07.2016 |
not_valid_before |
27.10.2021 |
23.06.2011 |
cert_link | |
report_link | | |
st_link | | |
manufacturer |
Bundesdruckerei GmbH |
Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. |
manufacturer_web | | |
security_level |
EAL3 |
EAL3+, ALC_FLR.2 |
dgst |
4be309edc35f4fe0 |
b12c1b95b13a9e98 |
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BSI-DSZ-CC-1181-2021 |
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1.3.28, 2.4.6 |
6.13.0, 12.4.0, 62.23.0, 1.203.1 |
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{} |
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- category: Electronic ID documents
- cert_id: BSI-DSZ-CC-1181-2021
- certification_date: 27.10.2021
- enhanced:
- applicant: Bundesdruckerei GmbH Kommandantenstraße 18 10969 Berlin
- assurance_level: EAL3
- cert_link:
- certification_date: 27.10.2021
- description: The Target of Evaluation (TOE) is the Bundesdruckerei Document Application with tamper-evident casing 2.4.6. The Document Application is running on a Document Management Terminal (DMT). It is used to read the German Passport (ePass), to read and update the electronic data of the German identification card (“Personalausweis (PA)”) and electronic resident permit (“elektronischer Aufenthaltstitel (eAT)”) as well as to verify the document’s authenticity and the integrity of its data. The TOE is operated by governmental organisations, e.g. municipal office, police, government or other state approved agencies. The TOE is specifically applied in registration offices to allow card holders to verify that their ePass, PA or eAT is working correctly. In case of PA and eAT it is further possible to update the address information of the card holder, the card holder’s PIN for eID applications, and the community ID (“Gemeindeschlüssel”). In addition, the eID application functionality of the PA or eAT can be activated or deactivated. Additionally the TOE ensures secure communication to external control software and provides a tamper-evident enclosure. Necessary protocols for the communication of the TOE with the electronic identity documents like the ePass, PA or eAT are described in [ICAO_9303], [TR-03110-1], [TR-03110-2], and [TR-03110-3].
- entries: [frozendict({'id': 'BSI-DSZ-CC-1181-2021-MA-02 (Ausstellungsdatum / Certification Date 23.05.2022)', 'description': '"Rest of the terminal firmware (including the Operating System)"'}), frozendict({'id': 'BSI-DSZ-CC-1181-2021-MA-01 (Ausstellungsdatum / Certification Date 09.03.2022)', 'description': 'Vers. 0) was changed due to an update of the Rest of the terminal firmware (including the Operating System). Configuration Management procedures required a change in the product identifier. Therefore the version number of the Firmware changed from 1.3.28 to 1.4.8. The changes also cover an minor update of the user guidance related to this version number.'}), frozendict({'id': 'BSI-DSZ-CC-1181-2021', 'description': 'Certificate'})]
- evaluation_facility: TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH
- expiration_date: 26.10.2026
- product: Bundesdruckerei Document Application with tamper-evident casing, Document Application Version 2.4.6; (Firmware Vers. 1.3.28, HW Vers. 0)
- protection_profile: Common Criteria Protection Profile for Document Management Terminal DMT-PP, BSI-CC-PP-0064-V2-2018, Version: 2.0, 2018-06-06, Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)
- report_link:
- target_link:
- product: Bundesdruckerei Document Application with tamper-evident casing, Document Application Version 2.4.6; (Firmware Vers. 1.3.28, …
- subcategory: Software with hardware
- url:
- vendor: Bundesdruckerei GmbH
- cert_id: JISEC-CC-CRP-C0294
- certification_date: 01.06.2011
- claim: EAL3+ ALC_FLR.2 PP
- enhanced:
- assurance_level: EAL3 Augmented with ALC_FLR.2
- cc_version: 3.1
- cert_link:
- description: PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Description of TOE The TOE is the Multi Function Device (MFD) that provides such functions as copy, print, scan, and fax. The TOE is assumed to be used at general office, from the control panel, public telephone line, clients (for general user and system administrator) and servers which are linked to the TOE via internal network, and general user client which is directly linked to the TOE. TOE security functionality To ensure the security of assets to be protected, the TOE provides the following security functions for using the above basic functions: - Hard Disk Data Overwrite A function to overwrite and delete the document data in the internal HDD. - Hard Disk Data Encryption A function to encrypt the document data before the data is stored into the internal HDD. - User Authentication A function to identify and authenticate users and permit the authorized users to use functions. This function also allows only owners of document data and system administrators to handle document data. - System Administrator's Security Management A function to allow only system administrators to configure the settings of security functions. - Customer Engineer Operation Restriction A function to allow only system administrators to configure the settings for restricting customer engineer operations. - Security Audit Log A function to generate audit logs of security events and allow only system administrators to refer to them. - Internal Network Data Protection A function to protect communication data by using encryption communication protocols. - Information Flow Security A function to restrict the unpermitted communication between the TOE interface and internal network. - Self test A function to verify the integrity of TSF executable code and TOE setting data.
- evaluation_facility: Information Technology Security Center Evaluation Department
- product: Xerox Color 550/560 Printer
- product_type: Multi Function Device
- protection_profile: IEEE Std 2600.1-2009
- report_link:
- target_link:
- toe_version: Controller ROM Ver. 1.203.1 IOT ROM Ver. 62.23.0 IIT ROM Ver. 6.13.0 ADF ROM Ver. 12.4.0
- vendor: Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.
- expiration_date: 01.07.2016
- supplier: Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.
- toe_japan_name: -----
- toe_overseas_link:
- toe_overseas_name: Xerox Color 550/560 Printer Controller ROM Ver. 1.203.1, IOT ROM Ver. 62.23.0, IIT ROM Ver. 6.13.0, ADF ROM Ver. 12.4.0
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{} |
{} |
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{} |
{} |
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{} |
{} |
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- Security (BSI) [9] Configuration list for the TOE, Version 1.37, 2021-09-29, Bundesdruckerei GmbH (confidential document) [10] Guidance documentation for the TOE, Version 1.195, 2021-09-17, VISOTEC® V- ÄNDERUNGSTERMINAL: 1
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