name |
Microcontrôleurs sécurisés SA23YL80 et SB23YL80, incluant la bibliothèque cryptographique NesLib v1.0, v2.0, v3.0 ou v3.1, en configuration SA ou SB |
Carte IAS ECC v1.0.1 : applet version 6179 sur ID-One Cosmo v7.0.1-n R2.0, masquée sur composants NXP P5CC081 et P5CD081, en configuration Standard ou Standard Dual |
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ICs, Smart Cards and Smart Card-Related Devices and Systems |
ICs, Smart Cards and Smart Card-Related Devices and Systems |
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STMicroelectronics |
Oberthur Technologies / NXP Semiconductors GmbH |
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- cert_item: Microcontrôleurs sécurisés SA23YL80 et SB23YL80, incluant la bibliothèque cryptographique NesLib v1.0, v2.0, v3.0 ou v3.1, en configuration SA ou SB
- cert_item_version: Référence maskset K2K0A, révision externe C, révision interne I
- cert_lab: SERMA Technologies 30 avenue Gustave Eiffel, 33608 PESSAC Cedex, France
- developer: STMicroelectronics 190 avenue Celestin Coq, ZI de Rousset, B.P. 2, 13106 ROUSSET, France Commanditaire STMicroelectronics 190 avenue Celestin Coq, ZI de Rousset, B.P. 2, 13106 ROUSSET, France
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- cert_item: Carte IAS ECC v1.0.1 : applet version 6179 sur ID-One Cosmo v7.0.1-n R2.0, masquée sur composants NXP P5CC081 et P5CD081, en configuration Standard ou Standard Dual
- cert_item_version: Applet version 6179 Plateforme Cosmo v7.0.1-n R2.0
- cert_lab: THALES (TCS – CNES) 18 avenue Edouard Belin, BPI1414, 31401 Toulouse Cedex 9, France
- developer: Oberthur Technologies 420 rue d’Estienne d’Orves, CS 40008 92705 Colombes Cedex, France NXP Semiconductors GmbH Stresemannallee 101 22529 Hamburg, Allemagne Commanditaire Oberthur Technologies 420 rue d’Estienne d’Orves, CS 40008 92705 Colombes Cedex
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Equal |
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state/report/convert_garbage |
False |
False |
state/report/convert_ok |
True |
True |
state/report/download_ok |
True |
True |
state/report/extract_ok |
True |
True |
state/report/pdf_hash |
Different |
Different |
state/report/txt_hash |
Different |
Different |
state/st/convert_garbage |
False |
False |
state/st/convert_ok |
True |
True |
state/st/download_ok |
True |
True |
state/st/extract_ok |
True |
True |
state/st/pdf_hash |
Different |
Different |
state/st/txt_hash |
Different |
Different |