name |
Remote Communication Gate Application Software 3.34 |
Remote Communication Gate Application Software 3.34 |
category |
Network and Network-Related Devices and Systems |
Network and Network-Related Devices and Systems |
scheme |
JP |
JP |
status |
archived |
archived |
not_valid_after |
07.10.2013 |
07.10.2013 |
not_valid_before |
28.06.2006 |
28.06.2006 |
cert_link |
None |
None |
report_link | | |
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None |
manufacturer |
Ricoh Company, Ltd. |
Ricoh Company, Ltd. |
manufacturer_web |
None | |
security_level |
EAL3 |
EAL3 |
dgst |
16c85272260e72be |
c507f899f7088d31 |
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- cert_id: JISEC-CC-CRP-C0048
- certification_date: 2006-06-01
- claim: EAL3
- enhanced:
- assurance_level: EAL3
- cc_version: 2.1
- cert_link:
- description: PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Remote Communication Gate Type N/L/BN1/BM1 (hereafter "RC Gate") is a communication device, which connects image I/O devices to a remote server. RC Gate is used primarily in business offices and offers the maintenance services such as machine trouble notification, automatic counter checking, ordering supplies like toner and firmware upgrading for the image I/O device. The TOE is application software embedded in the RC Gate. The security features of RC Gate are identification and authentication of operators, access control facilities for operators, identification and authentication of the server based on a digital certificate, and encrypted communication to protect information from Internet or telephone line threats.
- evaluation_facility: Mizuho Information & Research Institute, Inc. Center for Evaluation of Information Security
- product: Remote Communication Gate Application Software
- product_type: IT Product (Software for remote service appliance)
- report_link:
- target_link:
- toe_version: 3.34
- expiration_date: 2013-10-01
- revalidations: [frozendict({'date': '2008-08', 'link': ''})]
- supplier: Ricoh Company, Ltd.
- toe_japan_name: Remote Communication Gate Application Software 3.34
- toe_overseas_link:
- toe_overseas_name: Remote Communication Gate Application Software 3.57
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