Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) Version 2.0 October, 8th 2021 Federal Offce for Information Security Post Box 20 03 63 D-53133 Bonn Phone: +49 22899 9582-0 E-Mail: Internet: © Federal Offce for Information Security 2018 Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 PP Introduction 4 1.1 PP Overview 4 2 TOE Description 6 2.1 Biometric Processes and terminology 7 2.2 The base TOE 13 2.3 Functional package: Biometric Verification 13 2.4 Functional Package: PAD 13 2.5 Functional Package: Identification and Authentication for administrators 14 2.6 Functional Package: Enrolment protection 14 2.7 TOE configuration and TOE environment 14 2.8 TOE boundary 15 3 Conformance Claims 17 3.1 Conformance statement 17 3.2 CC Conformance Claims 17 3.3 PP Claim 17 Claim 17 3.4 Package 4 Security Problem Definition 18 4.1 External entities 18 4.2 Assets 18 19 4.3 Assumptions 4.4 Threats 20 4.5 Organizational Security Policies 21 5 Security Objectives 22 5.1 Security Objectives for the TOE 22 5.2 Security objectives for the operational environment 22 5.3 Security Objectives rationale 24 6 Extended Component definition 26 6.1 Presentation attack detection (FPT_PAD) 26 6.2 Biometric Verification (FIA_BVR) 28 6.3 Enrolment of biometric reference (FIA_EBR) 31 7 Security Requirements 34 7.1 Security Functional Requirements for the TOE 34 7.2 Security Assurance Requirements for the TOE 39 7.3 Security Requirements rationale 40 8 Functional Packages 43 8.1 Overview and allowed combinations of functional packages 43 8.2 Functional Package: Biometric Verification 44 8.3 Functional Package: PAD 49 8.4 Functional Package: Identification and Authentication for administrators 53 8.5 Functional Package: Enrolment Protection 56 Reference Documentation 60 Federal Offce for Information Security 2 Figures : TOE Overview...........................................................................................................................5 Figure 1 Figure 2: FPT_PAD.1 Presentation attack detection, detects presentation attacks for biometrics.................24 Figure 3: Component leveling FIA_BVR...................................................................................................25 Figure 4: Component leveling for FIA_EBR..............................................................................................29 Tables Table 1: Identifcation of PP........................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Table 2: Biometric Processes....................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Table 3: Terms and Defnitions.................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Table 4: Overview of important error rates.......................................................................................................................................12 Table 5: Security Objectives Rationale.................................................................................................................................................23 Table 6: Security Functional Requirements......................................................................................................................................32 Table 7: Assurance Requirements.......................................................................................................................................................... 34 Table 8: Security Functional Requirements Rationale Overview............................................................................................36 Table 9: Dependencies of functional requirements for base PP..............................................................................................36 Table 10: Dependencies of assurance components.......................................................................................................................37 Table 11: Possible combinations of functional packages............................................................................................................39 Table 12: Identifcation of Functional Package Biometric Verifcation................................................................................40 Table 13: Security Objectives Rationale for functional package biometric verifcation...............................................42 Table 14: Security Functional Requirements Rationale Overview.........................................................................................43 Table 15: Dependencies of functional requirements for functional package “Biometric Verifcation”................44 Table 16: Identifcation of Functional Package: PAD....................................................................................................................44 Table 17: Security Objectives Rationale for functional package PAD...................................................................................46 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47 Table 18: Dependencies of functional requirements for functional package “Presentation Attack Detection” Table 19: Identifcation of Functional Package: Identifcation and Authentication for administrators...............47 Table 20: Dependencies of functional requirements for functional package “Identifcation and Authentication for Administrators”..........................................................................................................................49 Table 21: Identifcation of Functional Package: Enrolment Protection...............................................................................50 Table 22: Security Objectives Rationale for functional package biometric verifcation...............................................51 Table 23: Security Functional Requirements Rationale Overview.........................................................................................52 Table 24: Dependencies of functional requirements for functional package “Enrolment Protection”................52 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 1 PP Introduction Table 1: Identifcation of PP Title: Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) Version: 2.0 Date: October, 8th 2021 Sponsor: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) Federal Offce for Information Security Germany Editor: Nils Tekampe, konfdas GmbH Registration: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) Federal Offce for Information Security Germany Certifcation-ID: BSI-CC-PP-0118 CC-Version: 3.1 Revision 5 Keywords: biometric; fngerprint-recognition; Protection Profle; presentation attack detection; PAD 1.1 PP Overview The scope of this Protection Profle is to describe the functionality of a biometric system in terms of [CC] and to defne functional and assurance requirements for such a system. Thereby, the Protection Profle utilizes a modular approach that allows the description of the major functionality that can make up a biometric system by means of Common Criteria. This specifcally includes the biometric verifcation mechanism on the one hand and a mechanism for Presentation Attack Detection (PAD) on the other hand. Therefore, this Protection Profle is structured into the following areas: • The base PP contains all threats, OSPs, assumptions, objectives and SFRs that concern the biometric system in general. The base PP must not to be used alone but only in combination with at least one of the additional functional packages. With other words: The base PP must not be used alone but each Security Target claiming compliance to this Protection Profle shall at least use one of the following functional packages. • A functional package for biometric verifcation: The package for biometric verifcation contains all threats, OSPs, assumption, objectives and SFRs that shall be used if a biometric verifcation mechanism is part of the TOE. • A functional package for PAD: The package for PAD contains all threats, OSPs, assumption, objectives and SFRs that shall be used if Presentation Attack Detection is part of the TOE. • A functional package for enrolment protection: The package for enrolment protection contains assumptions, threats, objectives and SFRs that shall be used if the biometric system shall contain functionality to protect its enrolment process against certain attacks. Federal Offce for Information Security 4 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) • A functional package for I&A: This package contains functionality for the authentication of the administrator and the role management for users. It shall be used if the TOE supports functionality for the authentication of the administrator. Federal Offce for Information Security 5 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 2 TOE Description The Target of Evaluation (TOE) described in this PP is a biometric system. Depending on the use of the functional packages of this PP, the TOE may provide biometric verifcation and/or functionality for Presentation Attack Detection. The biometric functionality may be augmented by functionality for the identifcation and authentication of administrators or for the protection of the enrolment process. In addition, the TOE must provide the functionality from the base PP that includes • Security Management, • Audit and • Residual Information Protection The following fgure shows the overall architecture of the TOE. It should be noted that this fgure displays a TOE with the use of all functional packages. Figure 1: TOE Overview The basis of the design of the TOE as described in Figure 1 has been borrowed from [ISO19989-1] and [ISO30107-1]. It has been adopted to the needs of this document by assigning the functional units to the packages/structure of this Protection Profle and by augmenting it by aspects of the immediate environment of the base PP. The Administration Subsystem is responsible for providing the basic supporting functionality, specifcally audit and security management. It represents the functionality that is defned in the base PP of this document. Federal Offce for Information Security 6 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) The Data Capture Subsystem that primarily comprises the sensor devices, is the primary point of contact of the TOE with the user. The system acquires the biometric information about the biometric characteristic of the user (or the attacker) and turns it into a signal usable by the rest of the system. The Signal Processing Subsystem belongs to the functional area of biometric verifcation. It includes functionality like quality check and biometric feature extraction but also the functionality for enrolment of users (i.e. reference creation). The Presentation Attack Detection Subsystem comprises the functionality to detect whether an attempt to the system is a genuine attempt or a presentation attack. The Comparison Subsystem compares the biometric reference information of a user with the information extracted from the biometric characteristic of a verifcation attempt. The outcome of this subsystem is usually a similarity score that describes, how similar both records are. The Decision Subsystem takes the outcome of the comparison subsystem and decides whether reference record and data extracted from the verifcation attempt are similar enough for a successful verifcation. For this decision, the subsystem utilizes information that is typically referred to as threshold setting. It should be noted that this overall architecture is described on a generic level and independent of any specifc implementation. Thus, it should not be seen as a mandatory architecture of a TOE seeking compliance to this Protection Profle. It falls into the responsibility of the ST author to provide an architecture specifc to the TOE. The following paragraphs provide more information on how the subsystems of the overall architecture relate to the functional packages of this Protection Profle. The requirements from the base PP are refected in the Administration subsystem. The Administration subsystem is also responsible for the requirements from the functional package for Identifcation and Authentication for administrators. The requirements from the functional package for PAD are refected in the PAD Subsystem (for the actual PAD functionality) and the Data Capture Subsystem for the acquisition of the information about the biometric modality. Depending on the specifc implementation, the Signal Processing Subsystem may be needed or not. The requirements from the functional package for biometric verifcation are refected in the Data Capture Subsystem for the acquisition of the information about the biometric modality, the Signal Processing Subsystem, the Comparison Subsystem and the Decision Subsystem. The requirements from the functional package for biometric verifcation and integrated PAD are refected in all Subsystems of the overall architecture. The same holds for the functional package for biometric verifcation, integrated PAD and enrolment protection. 2.1 Biometric Processes and terminology The following subchapters provide information on the biometric processes and terminology that are used in the context of this PP. Federal Offce for Information Security 7 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 2.1.1 Biometric Processes The following table provides an overview over the relevant biometric processes. Table 2: Biometric Processes Process Defnition Enrolment Act of creating and storing a biometric enrolment data record in accordance with an (adopted from enrolment policy [ISO2382-37]) In enrolment, a transaction by a user is processed by the system in order to generate and store a biometric template for that individual. Enrolment typically involves: • biometric sample acquisition, • segmentation and biometric feature extraction, • quality checks, (which may reject the sample/features as being unsuitable for creating a template, and require acquisition of further samples), • biometric template creation (which may require features from multiple samples), possible conversion into a biometric data interchange format and storage, • test verifcation or identifcation attempts to ensure that the resulting enrolment is usable • and should the initial enrolment be deemed unsatisfactory, repeat enrolment attempts may be allowed (dependent on the enrolment policy). Biometric Process of confrming a biometric claim through biometric comparison. Verifcation (adopted from [ISO2382-37]) In a biometric verifcation, a transaction of a user is processed by the system in order to verify a positive specifc claim about the users enrolment (e.g. “I am enrolled as subject X”). Biometric verifcation will either accept or reject the claim. The verifcation decision outcome is considered to be erroneous if either a false claim is accepted (false accept) or a true claim is rejected (false reject). Biometric verifcation typically involves: • biometric sample acquisition, • segmentation and biometric feature extraction, • quality checks, (which may reject the sample/features as being unsuitable for comparison, and require acquisition of further samples), • comparison of the sample features against the biometric template for the claimed identity producing a similarity score, • judgment on whether the sample features match the biometric template based on whether the similarity score exceeds a threshold, and • a verifcation decision based on the match result of one or more attempts as dictated by the decision policy. Presentation Automated discrimination between bona-fde and biometric presentation Attack Detection ( [ISO2382-37]) Federal Offce for Information Security 8 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) Application Note 1 It should be noted that the list of typical steps involved in biometric enrolment and biometric verifcation is present for explanatory reasons and should not be seen as a requirements for a TOE claiming compliance to this Protection Profle. Alternative processes and steps are possible. Federal Offce for Information Security 9 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 2.1.2 Terms and Defnitions The following table provides an overview over the relevant biometric processes. Table 3: Terms and Defnitions Term Source Defnition artefact [ISO30107-1] artifcial object or representation presenting a copy of biometric characteristics or synthetic biometric patterns biometric features [ISO2382-37] numbers or labels extracted from biometric samples and used for comparison biometric impostor attack [ISO2382-37] presentation of biometric characteristics to impersonate another individual biometric sample [ISO2382-37] analog or digital representation of biometric characteristics prior to biometric feature extraction biometric template [ISO2382-37] set of stored biometric features comparable directly to probe biometric features bona-fde presentation [ISO2382-37] biometric presentation without the goal of interfering with the operation of the biometric system capture attempt [ISO2382-37] actions by the biometric capture subject interacting with the biometric capture subsystem with the intent of producing a captured biometric sample capture transaction [ISO19795-1] one or more capture attempts with the intent of acquiring all of the biometric data from a biometric capture subject necessary to produce either a biometric reference or a biometric probe comparison score [ISO2382-37] numerical value (or set of values) resulting from a comparison confdence interval [ISO19795-1] a lower estimate L and an upper estimate U for a parameter x such that the probability of the true value of x being between L and U is the stated value (e.g. 95 %) presentation attack [ISO30107-1] presentation to the biometric data capture subsystem with the goal of interfering with the operation of the biometric system presentation attack instrument [ISO2382-37] biometric characteristic or object used in a biometric presentation attack test subject [ISO19795-1] user whose biometric data is intended to be enrolled or compared as part of the evaluation variance [ISO19795-1] measure of the spread of a statistical distribution Federal Offce for Information Security 10 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 2.1.3 Error Rates It is well known that biometric processes have associated error rates. These error rates are important in the context of a security evaluation as they can be used as a metric that describes, how likely an attacker has success. It should be noted however, that the concept of error rates can also be misleading. Often, concrete and also impressive numbers for error rates are reported and discussed without consideration of important side aspects. Most of the error rates of biometric systems correlate with an antagonistic error rate via a threshold setting of the system. For example, the FMR rate of a biometric system can easily be tuned close to zero as long as one accepts that the FNMR (which is the antagonistic error rate in this case) raises. Also, testing of error rates at low values requires a high amount of independent attempts to the system during the testing phase. However, as testing is expensive, tests of biometric systems often do not reach the size and therewith do not reach the confdence that would be desired. More details on these questions, are provided and discussed in [PADEG]. The following table provides an overview over the error rates that are of specifc importance in the context of this PP. Federal Offce for Information Security 11 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) Table 4: Overview of important error rates Error Rate Source Defnition false match rate (FMR) [ISO19795-1] The false match rate is the proportion of a specifed set of completed non-mated comparison trials that result in a comparison decision of “match”. false non match rate (FNMR) 19795 [ISO19795-1] The false non-match rate is the proportion of completed mated comparison trials that result in a comparison decision of “non-match”. false reject rate (FRR) [ISO19795-1] The false reject rate is the proportion of a specifed set of verifcation transactions with true biometric claims erroneously rejected. A transaction may consist of one or more attempts depending on the decision policy. false accept rate (FAR) [ISO19795-1] The false accept rate is the proportion of a specifed set of transactions with false biometric claims erroneously accepted. A transaction may consist of one or more attempts depending on the decision policy. attack presentation classifcation error rate (APCER) [ISO30107-3] proportion of attack presentations using the same PAI species incorrectly classifed as bona-fde presentations by a PAD subsystem in a specifc scenario bona fde presentation classifcation error rate (BPCER) [ISO30107-3] proportion of bona-fde presentations incorrectly classifed as presentation attacks in a specifc scenario attack presentation non-response rate (APNRR) [ISO30107-3] proportion of attack presentations using the same PAI species that cause no response at the PAD subsystem or data capture subsystem bona fde presentation non- response rate (BPNRR) [ISO30107-3] proportion of bona fde presentations that cause no response at the PAD subsystem or data capture subsystem Failure-to-enrol rate (FTER) [ISO19795-1] The failure-to-enrol rate is the proportion of the population for whom the system fails to complete the enrolment process. The failure-to-enrol rate shall include: • those unable to present the required biometric characteristic; • those unable to produce a sample of suffcient quality at enrolment; and • those who cannot reliably produce a match decision with their newly created template during attempts to confrm the enrolment is usable. It should be noted that the error rates listed in table 4 are only an excerpt of important error rates and do not claim to provide a complete overview. Please refer to [ISO19795-1] and [ISO30107-1] for more details. It should also be noted that this Protection Profle does not follow the complete approach for testing (based on metrics) as outlined in [ISO30107-3]. This decision has been deliberately taken as metrics are not suitable for a security certifcation as described by the methodology behind this Protection Profle. The introduction of [ISO30107-3] contains some valuable information on the reasons behind this decision. Federal Offce for Information Security 12 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 2.2 The base TOE The base TOE that is described in this Protection Profle forms the basis for functionality of biometric verifcation and/or Presentation Attack Detection. It ensures that the TOE provides all the general functionality that is required. This functionality specifcally includes: • Security Management: the base TOE provides functionality to manage relevant TSF data. This specifcally (but not only) refers to the parameters that are involved in biometric verifcation and/or Presentation Attack Detection. The TOE ensures that only secure values are accepted for those parameters • Residual Information Protection: in order to prevent the leakage of information the TOE deletes relevant information if not longer in use. • Audit: the TOE produces audit events for security relevant events. Application Note 2 It should be noted that the base TOE as described in this Protection Profle must not be used in isolation. The author of the ST shall use at least one of the functional packages that are defned in chapter 8. The allowed combinations of the base PP with the packages are defned in chapter 8.1 2.3 Functional package: Biometric Verifcation Products claiming to be conformant to the functional package for biometric verifcation as described in this Protection Profle shall provide a biometric verifcation process for the claimed identity of a user using a unique characteristic of their body. The functional package covers the biometric verifcation process on a generic level and should be applicable to any biometric verifcation system. Development of conformant products should be possible for various IT environments. The functional package describes a biometric system that operates in a verifcation mode only. Biometric identifcation is not addressed within this PP. A biometric verifcation system that is conformant to this PP aims to verify the identity of a user for the purpose of controlling access to a portal. Such a portal can be a physical or logical point beyond which information or assets are protected by the biometric system. With failed verifcation, the portal stays closed for the user. Only after successful verifcation, the portal will be opened. Therefore, such a portal requires one of two states after biometric verifcation: failed or successful authentication of the user. The fnal decision on the claimed identity of the user (resulting from a biometric probabilistic message into a boolean value) is considered to be part of the TOE. In order to allow for a biometric verifcation a TOE claiming conformance to this functional package shall also provide the required functionality for the biometric enrollment of users. In enrolment, a transaction by the user is processed by the TOE in order to generate and store a biometric template for that individual. Everything beyond the portal and the control of the portal itself (i.e. which users have access to the portal) is out of the scope of the TOE. 2.4 Functional Package: PAD Biometric systems are often subject to a well known and easy kind of attack: Attackers can use artefacts (e.g. fngers built out of gummy or silicone) that carry the characteristics of a known user in order to get recognized by a biometric system. As an alternative a user of a biometric system may use an artefact in order Federal Offce for Information Security 13 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) to disguise their identity. Countermeasures against those attacks may be implemented by a set of dedicated hardware and software, the so called Presentation Attack Detection (PAD). The functional package for PAD as defned in this PP describes a system that provides Presentation Attack Detection. The TOE that is conformant to this functional package determines whether an attempt to the biometric system is a bona-fde presentation or a presentation attack. For this purpose the TOE acquires PAD evidences for a presented biometric characteristic using a sensor device. This sensor can either be part of the capture device that is used to capture the biometric sample of the user (or even be identical to it) or be a separate sensor device (or more than one) that is completely dedicated to PAD. The services that are defned in this functional package can either be provided in order to protect the TOE against presentation attacks (which means that a biometric verifcation is part of the TOE) or can be used to protect a biometric system in the environment of the TOE. 2.5 Functional Package: Identifcation and Authentication for administrators This functional package shall be used if the TOE provides functionality for the identifcation and authentication of administrators. The functional package contains requirements • for the timing of identifcation and authentication and • the management of Security Roles 2.6 Functional Package: Enrolment protection According to the description in the functional package biometric verifcation (see chapter 8.2), the TOE described in this document relies on the environment to ensure that the enrolment is suffciently secured. This way specifc attacks that are directed against the enrolment process are mitigated by the environment. This specifcally includes (but is not limited to) the environment ensuring that • The biometric reference and the biometric samples that are used to create it, belong to the correct user identity, • the biometric sample that is used to create the reference does not contain any information from other user(s), • the biometric reference is of suffcient quality. While a biometric system will always have to rely on the environment to secure certain aspects of the enrolment process, a TOE can also contribute to this by implementing or contributing to two items from the aforementioned list and ensuring that • the biometric sample that is used to create the reference does not contain any information from other user(s), • the biometric reference is of suffcient quality. The functionality of the TOE that protects these aspects of the enrolment process is described by this functional package. 2.7 TOE confguration and TOE environment A biometric system in general could be realized in two major confgurations: • An integrated solution: All relevant parts of the TOE are integrated into one physical unit. • A distributed solution: Relevant parts of the TOE are implemented in physically separated parts. Federal Offce for Information Security 14 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) This PP (i.e. the base PP and the functional packages) describes a TOE as an integrated solution but should be applicable to distributed solutions as well. However, if applied to a distributed TOE additional aspects of security shall be considered by the author of the Security Target in form of: • assumptions for the TOE environment, • requirements for additional functionality: e. g. encrypted transmission. It is known that environmental factors may infuence the performance and therewith the protection provided by a biometric system. Therefore the author of a Security Target claiming compliance to this PP shall clearly identify the relevant environmental factors and their acceptable range for the operation of the TOE. 2.8 TOE boundary A basic design of the TOE and its boundaries is shown in Figure 1. The following chapters provide more details about the physical and logical boundaries of the TOE. 2.8.1 Physical boundary Depending on the use of its functional packages, this PP defnes functionality for • biometric verifcation and/or • Presentation Attack Detection, • Enrolment protection • the identifcation and authentication of administrators. The TOE shall comprise all parts of a product (hardware and software) that contribute to this functionality or any of the additional functionality outlined in chapters 2.3 to 2.6. In particular these are: • the capture device for biometric acquisition, • additional sensor devices for acquisition of PAD evidences (if applicable), • necessary software. The TOE shall be able to generate audit data. This audit data can be used for security audit, quality assurance or statistics. However, functionality for storage, protection and review of audit records is assumed to be provided by the environment of the TOE. In its environment, the TOE relies on the typical services of an operating system. Please refer to chapter 5.2 for more details. 2.8.2 Logical boundary The logical boundaries of the TOE can be defned by the functionality that it provides. This functionality depends on the use of the functional packages as defned in this Protection Profle as follows. For the Base-PP • Security Management: the TOE provides functionality to manage its relevant parameters. This specifcally (but not only) refers to the parameters that are involved in the biometric verifcation and/or PAD. The TOE ensures that only secure values for those parameters are accepted to ensure the constant operation of the primary functionality. • Residual Information Protection: in order to prevent the leakage of information the TOE deletes relevant information if not longer in use. • Audit: the TOE produces audit events for security relevant events. Federal Offce for Information Security 15 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) For biometric verifcation • Biometric verifcation: the TOE provides functionality to verify the claimed identity of the user based on a biometric characteristic. • Biometric enrolment: the TOE provides functionality to enroll users into the TOE. In enrolment, a transaction by the user is processed by the TOE in order to generate and store a biometric template for that individual. Storage of the biometric template is handled by the environment of the TOE. For PAD • PAD: the TOE provides a functionality for the automated detection of a presentation attack. It should be clearly mentioned that in the context of this PP a TOE is always required to decide about the presented characteristic in form of a yes/no decision. It is not considered to be suffcient if a TOE would return a value that would need further interpretation by the environment. For Identifcation and authentication for administrators • I&A: the TOE provides functionality for the secure authentication of administrators that is distinct from the biometric verifcation. The TOE also provides functionality to distinguish separate roles for users. For Enrolment protection • Enrolment protection: the TOE provides functionality to protect the enrolment process against certain attacks and does not solely rely on the environment for this aspect. From the environment The following functionality shall be provided by the environment to support the operation of the TOE: • Access control: the environment provides access control for primary and secondary assets and any software parts of the TOE. • Identifcation and Authentication: The environment provides a mechanisms for the secure authentication of administrators and to distinguish separate roles for users. Please note that this functionality may also be provided by the TOE in form of the functional package for identifcation and authentication. • Transmission / Storage: the environment provides a secure communication and storage for data where security relevant data is transferred to or from the TOE. • Auditing: the environment may provide additional audit functionality. In any case it will provide reliable time stamps for auditing, storage for the audit records that are produced by the TOE and mechanisms for review of audit logs. The developer will probably have to consider privacy concerns (in case that personal information is part of the audit logs). Applicable data protection laws and protection mechanisms might have to be considered. Federal Offce for Information Security 16 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 3 Conformance Claims 3.1 Conformance statement The PP requires demonstrable conformance of any PPs/STs to this PP. 3.2 CC Conformance Claims • This PP has been developed using Version 3.1 R5 of Common Criteria ([CC]) • The conformance of this Protection Profle is Common Criteria ([CC]) Part II conformant • The conformance of this Protection Profle is Common Criteria ([CC]) Part III conformant Application Note 3 Please note that this PP uses functional packages that refer to extended components. As such, it is likely that a Security Target claiming compliance to this Protection Profle will have an extended conformance claim with respect to Common Criteria ([CC]) Part II. 3.3 PP Claim • This PP does not claim conformance to any other Protection Profle. 3.4 Package Claim This PP does not claim conformance to any assurance package (i.e. EAL) as defned in Common Criteria ([CC]) Part III. Instead, this PP defnes an explicit assurance package that bases on EAL 2. However, in contrast to EAL 2 as defned in Common Criteria ([CC]) Part III , the assurance package in this PP does not contain any AVA_VAN component. It further includes the assurance component ALC_FLR.1. This explicit assurance level allows a purely functional evaluation. Such an evaluation will allow to determine whether the functionality of a biometric system is suffcient to with respect to the defned Security Functional Requirements. An evaluation using this explicit assurance level is deliberately ignoring the fact that an attacker could try to circumvent the functionality of the TOE (e.g. by using different/innovative presentation attacks in addition to the predefned set used for ATE_IND.1) and focuses on the basic functionality of the TOE. A system claiming compliance to this Protection Profle is therefore suitable for the use in application cases in which an assurance about the basic functionality of a system is suffcient. The complete list of the assurance components of the explicit assurance package can be found in chapter 7.2. It should further be noted that this Protection Profle heavily utilizes the concept of functional packages. Indeed, it shall not be possible to use this Protection Profle without one or more additional functional packages. Please refer to chapter 8.1 for an overview over the available functional packages and the possible combinations. Federal Offce for Information Security 17 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 4 Security Problem Defnition 4.1 External entities The following external entities interact with the TOE: 4.1.1 TOE administrator The TOE administrator is authorized to perform administrative TOE operations and able to use the administrative functions of the TOE. The administrator is also responsible for the installation and maintenance of the TOE. Depending on the concrete implementation of a TOE there may be more than one administrator and consequently also more than one administrative role. 4.1.2 User A person who uses a biometric system to get enrolled or verifed. 4.1.3 Attacker An attacker in the context of this PP is any individual who is attempting to subvert the operation of the TOE. In the case that the TOE only provides PAD, it may also be the objective of the attacker to subvert the operation of a biometric system in the environment of the TOE. It should be noted that this Protection Profle assumes a very specifc attacker when it comes to the PAD mechanism. Due to the special nature of the mechanism, it is assumed that the attacker does focus on the obvious PAD attacks which are also considered during evaluation. 4.2 Assets The following assets are defned in the context of this Protection Profle. 4.2.1 Primary assets Formally, the decision that is taken by the TOE can be considered being the primary asset. Depending on the functional package(s) used in this PP, this can either be the result of biometric verifcation or the result of the Presentation Attack Detection functionality (or both). 4.2.2 Secondary assets Secondary assets (i.e. TSF data) are information which are used by the TOE to provide its core services and which consequently will need to be protected. The following assets should be explicitly mentioned for the TOE. Please note that some of the assets may only be relevant in case a concrete TOE uses a certain functional package. • Biometric verifcation parameters (BVP): These confguration data include all information that are required for the process of biometric verifcation. This includes (but is not limited to) the threshold settings for biometric verifcation. BVP shall be protected with respect to their integrity. BVP are relevant if the functional package for Biometric Verifcation is chosen. • PAD parameters (PADP): These confguration data include the settings necessary to Presentation Attack Detection, e. g., temperature limits, general threshold settings, typical movement patterns. These parameters may be specifc for a claimed identity. The parameters are partly produced during development of the TOE but may be adjusted during installation, maintenance and enrolment. The Federal Offce for Information Security 18 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) integrity and confdentiality of these parameters shall be protected. PAD is only relevant if the functional package for PAD has been chosen. • PAD evidence (PADE): This data is acquired by the capture device and/or separated dedicated sensor devices for the purpose of PAD. The TOE decides about an attempt being a presentation attack instrument (PAI) or bona-fde presentation based on this data. The integrity and confdentiality of this data have to be protected. PAD evidence is only relevant if the functional package for PAD has been chosen. • Audit data (AD): This data comprises the audit information that is generated by the TOE. The integrity, confdentiality and authenticity of the information has to be protected. AD is relevant for all available combinations of functional packages. • Biometric sample: analog or digital representation of biometric characteristics prior to biometric feature extraction. The biometric sample shall be – per minimum – integrity protected. Biometric sample is only relevant if the functional package for biometric verifcation has been chosen. • Biometric template: set of stored biometric features comparable to a biometric sample. The biometric template shall be – per minimum – integrity protected. Biometric template is only relevant if the functional package for biometric verifcation has been chosen. 4.3 Assumptions 4.3.1 A.ADMINISTRATION It is assumed that the TOE administrator is well trained and non hostile. He reads the guidance documentation carefully, completely understands and applies it. The TOE administrator is responsible to accompany the TOE installation and oversees the biometric system requirements regarding the TOE as well as the TOE settings and requirements. 4.3.2 A.CAPTURE • It is assumed that all environmental factors (e.g. lightning) are appropriate with respect to the used capture device and biometric modality. • Furthermore, it is assumed that bypassing the capture device in a technical manner is not possible. 4.3.3 A.ENVIRONMENT It is assumed, that necessary TOE operating equipment and adequate infrastructure is available (e.g.: operating system, database, LAN, public telephone, and guardian). Specifcally the following aspects are assumed: • It is assumed that the direct environment of the TOE supports the functionality of the biometric system. Regarding the request of the claimed identity, which is necessary for the biometric verifcation, the environment offers the possibility to integrate a claimed identity into the biometric verifcation process. • The TOE environment provides a database for the biometric reference of enrolled users, audit information and other TSF data, whereby integrity and authenticity are ensured. • The environment ensures a secure communication of security relevant data from and to the TOE. • The environment ensures that no residual information remains on the sensor device that may be usable by an attacker. • It is assumed that the environment provides reliable time stamps for audit logs, a functionality to review the audit information of the TOE and to ensures that only authorized administrators have access to the audit logs. • It is assumed that the TOE environment is free of viruses, trojans, and malicious software Federal Offce for Information Security 19 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 4.3.4 A.I&A It is assumed that the environment provides functionality that allows the TOE to distinguish roles of different users. This also includes that the environment is assumed to provide a secure authentication mechanism for the administrator. Application Note 4 The assumption A.I&A shall be removed from the base PP if the functional package for I&A has been chosen, as it will be replaced by a respective OSP. 4.3.5 A.PHYSICAL It is assumed that the TOE and its components are physically protected against unauthorized access or destruction. Physical access to the hardware that is used by the TOE is only allowed for authorized administrators. This does not cover the capture device that has to be accessible for every user. 4.3.6 A.FALLBACK It is assumed that a fall-back mechanism for the TOE is available that reaches at least the same level of security as the TOE does. This fall-back system is used in cases where an authorized user is rejected by the biometric verifcation system or by the mechanism for PAD (False Rejection). 4.4 Threats 4.4.1 T.TSFDATA An attacker may try to modify TSF data like the parameters used for PAD or biometric verifcation in order to compromise the functionality of the TOE. Such an attack could compromise the integrity of secondary assets resulting in an incorrect operation of the TOE and therewith allowing the attacker to overcome or bypass another security function. This kind of attack usually presupposes that the attacker has further knowledge about the TOE and may require special equipment. It should be noted that many attack paths for this threat are already countered by assumptions for the environment of the TOE. However, the author of the PP decided to add this threat following the philosophy of “defense in depth”. 4.4.2 T.RESIDUAL An attacker may try to take advantage of unprotected residual security relevant data (e.g. PAD parameters and PAD evidences) that remain in the memory of the TOE from a previous usage. In this way the attacker tries to get access to information about a user or the security relevant settings of the TOE. Such information may contain sensitive information or can be used to prepare an attack. This kind of attack usually presupposes that the attacker has further knowledge about the TOE and may require special equipment in order to perform the attack via a visible interface of the TOE. It should be noted that many attack paths for this threat are already countered by assumptions for the environment of the TOE. However, the author of the PP decided to add this threat following the philosophy of “defense in depth”. Federal Offce for Information Security 20 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 4.5 Organizational Security Policies 4.5.1 OSP.AUDIT In order to • generate statistics that can be used to adjust the parameters for better quality (maintenance), • trace modifcation, and • trace possible attacks the TOE shall record security-relevant events. Federal Offce for Information Security 21 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 5 Security Objectives 5.1 Security Objectives for the TOE 5.1.1 O.AUDIT The TOE shall produce audit records at least for the following security relevant events: • every use of a management function, • all parameters modifed by the management functions, • additional events based on the functional package chosen for the TOE. 5.1.2 O.RESIDUAL The TOE shall ensure that no residual or unprotected security relevant data remain in memory after operations are completed. 5.1.3 O.MANAGEMENT The TOE shall provide the necessary management functionality for the modifcation of security relevant parameters to TOE administrators only. As part of this management functionality the TOE shall only accept secure values for security relevant parameters to ensure the correct operation of the TOE. 5.2 Security objectives for the operational environment 5.2.1 OE.ADMINISTRATION The TOE administrator shall be well trained and non hostile. He reads the guidance documentation carefully, completely understands and applies it. The TOE administrator is responsible to accompany the TOE installation and oversees the biometric system requirements regarding the TOE as well as the TOE settings and requirements. 5.2.2 OE.CAPTURE It shall be ensured that all environmental factors (e.g. lightning) are appropriate with respect to the used capture device and biometric modality. Furthermore, it shall be ensured that bypassing the capture device in a technical manner is not possible. 5.2.3 OE.ENVIRONMENT It shall be ensured, that necessary TOE operating equipment and adequate infrastructure is available (e.g.: operating system, database, LAN, public telephone, and guardian). Specifcally the following aspects are to be provided: • the direct environment of the TOE shall support the functionality of the biometric system. Regarding the request of the claimed identity, which is necessary for the biometric verifcation, the environment shall offer the possibility to integrate a claimed identity into the biometric verifcation process. • The TOE environment shall provide a database for the biometric reference of enrolled users, audit information and other TSF data, whereby integrity and authenticity are ensured. Federal Offce for Information Security 22 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) • The environment shall ensure that no residual information remains on the sensor device that may be usable by an attacker. • The environment shall ensure a secure communication of security relevant data from and to the TOE. • The environment shall provide reliable time stamps for audit logs, functionality to review the audit information of the TOE and to ensures that only authorized administrators have access to the audit logs. • The TOE environment is free of viruses, trojans, and malicious software 5.2.4 OE.I&A The environment shall provide functionality that allows the TOE to distinguish roles of different users. This also includes that the environment shall provide a secure authentication mechanism for the administrator. Application Note 5 This security objective shall be removed from the base PP if the functional package for the identifcation and authentication of administrators has been chosen, as it will be replaced by a security objective for the TOE by this package. 5.2.5 OE.PHYSICAL The TOE and its components shall be physically protected against unauthorized access or destruction. Physical access to the hardware that is used by the TOE is only allowed for authorized administrators. This does not cover the capture device that has to be accessible for every user. 5.2.6 OE.FALLBACK A fall-back mechanism for the TOE shall available that reaches at least the same level of security as the TOE does. This fall-back system is used in cases where an authorized user is rejected by the biometric verifcation system or by the mechanism for PAD (False Rejection). Federal Offce for Information Security 23 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 5.3 Security Objectives rationale 5.3.1 Overview Table 5: Security Objectives Rationale O.AUDIT O.RESIDUAL O.MANAGEMENT OE.ADMINISTRATION OE.CAPTURE OE.ENVIRONMENT OE.I&A OE.PHYSICAL OE.FALLBACK T.TSFDATA X X X T.RESIDUAL X X OSP.AUDIT X A.ADMINISTRATION X A.CAPTURE X A.ENVIRONMENT X A.I&A X A.PHYSICAL X A.FALLBACK X 5.3.2 Justifcation for coverage of assumptions A.ENVIRONMENT is fulflled by OE.ENVIRONMENT as directly follows. A.ADMINISTRATION is fulflled by OE.ADMINISTRATION as directly follows. A.CAPTURE is fulflled by OE.CAPTURE as directly follows. A.I&A is fulflled by OE.I&A as directly follows. A.PHYSICAL is fulflled by OE.PHYSICAL as directly follows A.FALLBACK is followed by OE.FALLBACK as directly follows. All security objectives for the environment are a direct and 1:1 re-instantiation of their corresponding assumptions so that the coverage is obvious. Federal Offce for Information Security 24 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 5.3.3 Justifcation for coverage of threats The threat T.TSFDATA which describes that an attacker may try to modify TSF data is mitigated by O.MANAGEMENT which restricts management of TSF data to authorized administrators. OE.ADMINISTRATION and OE.ENVIRONMENT also contribute towards the mitigation of this threat. OE.ADMINISTRATION is required as the administrator has to be well trained and non-hostile in order to mitigate T.TSFDATA. In addition, the secure environment of the TOE as described in OE.ENVIRONMENT is a prerequisite to mitigate this threat. The threat T.RESIDUAL which describes that an attacker may take advantage of residual information is directly and completely mitigated by O.RESIDUAL as the objective ensures that no residual information will be existing in memory. The aspect of T.RESIDUAL that addresses residual information on the sensor device is mitigated by OE.ENVIRONMENT as the environment ensures that no residual information is existing. 5.3.4 Justifcation for coverage of OSPs OSP.AUDIT is fulflled by O.AUDIT as directly follows. Federal Offce for Information Security 25 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 6 Extended Component defnition The following chapters contain the defnition of the extended components that have been used in the context of this PP. These defnitions have been taken from [ISO19989-1]. In accordance with the typographic conventions used in this document, the names of the SFRs in this chapter have been marked by the suffx “- EXT” compared to [ISO19989-1]. 6.1 Presentation attack detection (FPT_PAD) 6.1.1 Family behaviour This family defnes functional requirements to detect biometric presentation attacks. 6.1.2 Component leveling: Figure 2: FPT_PAD.1 Presentation attack detection, detects presentation attacks for biometrics. 6.1.3 Management: FPT_PAD-EXT.1 The following actions could be considered for the management functions in FMT: a) management of the parameters used for presentation attack detection. 6.1.4 Audit: FPT_PAD-EXT.1 The following actions should be auditable if FAU_GEN Security audit data generation is included in the PP/ST: a) Basic: presentation attack detected b) Basic: no presentation attack detected Federal Offce for Information Security 26 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 6.1.5 Presentation Attack Detection (FPT_PAD-EXT.1) Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: FMT_MTD.3 Secure TSF data FMT_SMF.1 Specifcation of Management Functions FPT_PAD-EXT.1.1 The TSF shall be able to distinguish between bona-fde presentations and attack presentations for [assignment: presentation attack instrument]. FPT_PAD-EXT.1.2 If a presentation attack is detected, the following action(s) shall be performed: [assignment: list of actions]. FPT_PAD-EXT.1.3 If no presentation attack is detected, the following action(s) shall be performed: [assignment: list of actions]. FPT_PAD-EXT.1.4 Along with the feedback about presentation attack status, detected or not detected, the TOE shall deliver the following information: [assignment: list of information]. 6.1.6 Justifcation for the defnition of functional family FPT_PAD PAD functionality describes mechanisms that protect biometric verifcation systems against specifc threats. It therefore provides protection of the TSF which is subject of the functional class FPT. There is no family in FPT that deals with detection of presentation attacks or biometric functionality at all, therefore a new family has been defned. Federal Offce for Information Security 27 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 6.2 Biometric Verifcation (FIA_BVR) 6.2.1 Family behaviour This family defnes biometric verifcation mechanisms supported by the TSF. This family also defnes the required attributes on which the biometric verifcation mechanisms must be based. 6.2.2 Component leveling: Figure 3: Component leveling FIA_BVR FIA_BVR-EXT.1 Biometric verifcation with high performance, requires the TSF to limit FAR and FRR respectively within a specifed rate. FIA_BVR-EXT.2 Timing of the user authentication with biometric verifcation, allows a user to perform certain actions prior to the user authentication with biometric verifcation of the user's identity. FIA_BVR-EXT.3 User authentication with biometric verifcation before any action, requires that users are authenticated with biometric verifcation before any other action will be allowed by the TSF. FIA_BVR-EXT.4 Biometric verifcation not accepting presentation attack instruments, requires the biometric verifcation mechanism to be able to prevent the successful use of presentation attack instrument in a verifcation attempt. Application Note 6 It should be highlighted here that FIA_BVR-EXT.1 does only require the TOE to provide a biometric verifcation mechanism. However, in contrast to other requirements from the class FIA, FIA_BVR- EXT.1 does not act in any way based on the result of the biometric verifcation. The decision about what follows out of the result of a biometric verifcation is left to another part of the TOE or the environment. 6.2.3 Management of FIA_BVR-EXT.1 The following action could be considered for the management functions in FMT: a) the management of the TSF data (including the threshold values) by an administrator. Federal Offce for Information Security 28 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 6.2.4 Management of FIA_BVR-EXT.2 The following actions could be considered for the management functions in FMT: a) the management of the TSF data (including the threshold values) by an administrator; b) managing of the list of the actions that can be taken before the user is authenticated. 6.2.5 Management of FIA_BVR-EXT.3 The following action could be considered for the management functions in FMT: a) the management of the TSF data (including the threshold values) by an administrator. 6.2.6 Management of FIA_BVR-EXT.4 The following action could be considered for the management functions in FMT: a) the management of the TSF data (setting values for detecting artifcial presentation attack instruments and for checking quality to generate biometric samples) by an administrator. 6.2.7 Audit of FIA_BVR-EXT.1 The following actions should be auditable if FAU_GEN Security audit data generation is included in the PP/ST: a) Minimal: Unsuccessful use of the biometric verifcation mechanism; b) Basic: All use of the biometric verifcation mechanism; c) Detailed: Identifcation of the changes to the TSF data (setting threshold values for biometric comparison scores used in biometric verifcation). 6.2.8 Audit of FIA_BVR-EXT.2 The following actions should be auditable if FAU_GEN Security audit data generation is included in the PP/ST: a) Minimal: Unsuccessful use of the user authentication mechanism with biometric verifcation; b) Basic: All use of the user authentication mechanism with biometric verifcation; c) Detailed: Identifcation of the changes to the TSF data (setting threshold values for biometric comparison scores used in biometric verifcation) and all TSF mediated user actions performed before authentication with biometric verifcation of the user. 6.2.9 Audit of FIA_BVR-EXT.3 The following actions should be auditable if FAU_GEN Security audit data generation is included in the PP/ST: a) Minimal: Unsuccessful use of the user authentication mechanism with biometric verifcation; b) Basic: All use of the user authentication mechanism with biometric verifcation. c) Detailed: Identifcation of the changes to the TSF data (setting threshold values for biometric comparison scores used in biometric verifcation). 6.2.10 Audit of FIA_BVR-EXT.4 The following actions should be auditable if FAU_GEN Security audit data generation is included in the PP/ST: Federal Offce for Information Security 29 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) a) Minimal: Rejection by the TSF of data that is checked as low quality or detected as artifcial presentation attack instrument; b) Basic: Rejection or acceptance by the TSF of data that is quality checked or input to presentation attack detection subsystem; c) Detailed: Identifcation of the changes to the TSF data (setting threshold values for quality scores and detecting artifcial presentation attack instruments). 6.2.11 FIA_BVR-EXT.1 Biometric verifcation with high performance Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: FIA_EBR-EXT.1 Check of biometric samples for enrolment FIA_EBR-EXT.2 Biometric enrolment with low failure to enroll rate FIA_BVR-EXT.1.1 The TSF shall provide a biometric verifcation mechanism for [assignment: biometric characteristic] to the user with the [selection: FMR, FAR] not exceeding [assignment: defned value] and [selection: FNMR, FRR] not exceeding [assignment: defned value]. 6.2.12 FIA_BVR-EXT.2 Timing of the user authentication with biometric verifcation Hierarchical to: FIA_BVR-EXT.1 High accuracy biometric verifcation Dependencies: FIA_UID.1 Timing of identifcation FIA_EBR-EXT.1 Check of biometric samples for enrolment FIA_EBR-EXT.2 Biometric enrolment with low failure to enroll rate FIA_BVR-EXT.2.1 The TSF shall allow [assignment: list of TSF mediated actions] on behalf of the user to be performed before the user is authenticated with biometric verifcation based on [assignment: biometric characteristic]. FIA_BVR-EXT.2.2 The TSF shall provide a user authentication mechanism with biometric verifcation based on [assignment: biometric characteristic] to the user with the [selection: FMR, FAR] not exceeding [assignment: defned value] and [selection: FNMR, FRR] not exceeding [assignment: defned value] to require each user to be successfully authenticated before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. Federal Offce for Information Security 30 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 6.2.13 FIA_BVR-EXT.3 User authentication with biometric verifcation before any action Hierarchical to: FIA_BVR-EXT.2 Timing of the user authentication with biometric verifcation Dependencies: FIA_UID.1 Timing of identifcation FIA_EBR-EXT.1 Check of biometric samples for enrolment FIA_EBR-EXT.2 Biometric enrolment with low failure to enroll rate FIA_BVR-EXT.3.1 The TSF shall provide a user authentication mechanism with biometric verifcation based on [assignment: biometric characteristic] to the user with the [selection: FMR, FAR] not exceeding [assignment: defned value] and [selection: FNMR, FRR] not exceeding [assignment: defned value] to require each user to be successfully authenticated before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. 6.2.14 FIA_BVR-EXT.4 Biometric verifcation not accepting presentation attack instruments Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: FIA_EBR-EXT.1 Check of biometric samples for enrolment FIA_BVR-EXT.4.1 The TSF shall prevent presentation of [assignment: biometric characteristic], which result in biometric samples of low quality from being successful in the biometric verifcation. FIA_BVR-EXT.4.2 The TSF shall prevent use of artifcial presentation attack instruments for [assignment: biometric characteristic] from being successfully verifed. 6.2.15 Justifcation for the defnition of functional family FIA_BVR FIA_BVR describes mechanisms for biometric verifcation. Biometric verifcation is a mean for user authentication which is described in the class FIA. There is no family in FIA that deals with biometric verifcation. Therefore, the new family has been defned within that class. 6.3 Enrolment of biometric reference (FIA_EBR) 6.3.1 Family behaviour This family defnes enrolment mechanisms for biometric verifcation supported by the TSF. This family also defnes the required attributes on which the biometric enrolment mechanisms must be based. Federal Offce for Information Security 31 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) Figure 4: Component leveling for FIA_EBR 6.3.2 Component leveling: FIA_EBR.1 Quality check of biometric samples for enrolment, requires the TSF to prevent enrolment if artifcial presentation attack instruments are presented or biometric characteristics are presented in such a way that the biometric characteristics result in biometric samples of low quality. FIA_EBR.2 Biometric enrolment with low failure to enroll rate, requires the TSF to ensure enrolling only such biometric references of extremely good quality in order to achieve apparent good performance in biometric verifcation afterwards. 6.3.3 Management of FIA_EBR-EXT.1 The following actions could be considered for the management functions in FMT: a) the management of the TSF data (setting threshold values for quality scores to generate biometric reference) by an administrator; b) the management of the TSF data (setting values for detecting artifcial presentation attack instruments) by an administrator. 6.3.4 Management of FIA_EBR-EXT.2 The following action could be considered for the management functions in FMT: a) the management of the TSF data (setting threshold values for quality scores to generate biometric reference) by an administrator. Federal Offce for Information Security 32 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 6.3.5 Audit of FIA_EBR-EXT.1 The following actions should be auditable if FAU_GEN Security audit data generation is included in the PP/ST: a) Minimal: Rejection by the TSF of data that is checked as low quality or detected as artifcial presentation attack instrument; b) Basic: Rejection or acceptance by the TSF of data that is quality checked or input to presentation attack detection subsystem; c) Detailed: Identifcation of the changes to the TSF data (setting threshold values for quality scores and detecting artifcial presentation attack instruments). 6.3.6 Audit of FIA_EBR-EXT.2 The following actions should be auditable if FAU_GEN Security audit data generation is included in the PP/ST: a) Minimal: rejection by the TSF of data that is checked as low quality; b) Basic: Rejection or acceptance by the TSF of data that is quality checked; c) Detailed: Identifcation of the changes to the TSF data (setting threshold values for quality scores of biometric data for enrolment). 6.3.7 FIA_EBR-EXT.1 Check of biometric samples for enrolment Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: FPT_PAD-EXT.1 FIA_EBR-EXT.1.1 The TSF shall prevent use of [assignment: biometric characteristic] which result in biometric samples of low quality for enrolment that has been presented by any user of the TSF. FIA_EBR-EXT.1.2 The TSF shall prevent use of artifcial presentation attack instruments for enrolment of [assignment: biometric characteristic] that has been presented by any user of the TSF. 6.3.8 FIA_EBR-EXT.2 Biometric enrolment with low failure to enroll rate Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: No dependencies FIA_EBR-EXT.2.1 The TSF shall provide a mechanism to enroll biometric reference information for [assignment: biometric characteristic] with the FTER not exceeding [assignment: defned value]. 6.3.9 Justifcation for the defnition of functional family FIA_EBR FIA_BVR describes mechanisms for biometric enrolment. Biometric enrolment is a supportive mean for user authentication which is described in the class FIA. There is no family in FIA that deals with biometric enrolment. Therefore, the new family has been defned within that class. Federal Offce for Information Security 33 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 7 Security Requirements This chapter describes the security functional and the assurance requirements which have to be fulflled by the TOE. Those requirements comprise functional components from Common Criteria ([CC]) Part II and assurance components from Common Criteria ([CC]) part III. The following notations are used to mark operations that have been performed: • Selection operations (used to select one or more options provided by the [CC] in stating a requirement.) are denoted by underlined text • Assignment operation (used to assign a specifc value to an unspecifed parameter, such as the length of a password) are denoted by italicized text. • Extended SFR are marked by the suffx “-EXT” • No Refnements have been performed • No Iterations have been performed. 7.1 Security Functional Requirements for the TOE The following table summarizes all security functional requirements of this PP: Table 6: Security Functional Requirements Class FAU: Security Audit FAU_GEN.1 Audit Data Generation Class FDP: User Data Protection FDP_RIP.2 Full residual information protection Class FMT: Security Management FMT_MTD.3 Secure TSF data FMT_SMF.1 Specifcation of Management Functions Federal Offce for Information Security 34 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 7.1.1 Security audit (FAU) Security audit data generation (FAU_GEN) FAU_GEN.1 Audit data generation FAU_GEN.1.1 The TSF shall be able to generate an audit record of the following auditable events: a) Start-up and shutdown of the audit functions; b) All auditable events for the [basic] level of audit; and c) [assignment: other specifcally defned auditable events]. FAU_GEN.1.2 The TSF shall record within each audit record at least the following information: a) Date and time of the event, type of event, subject identity (if applicable), and the outcome (success or failure) of the event; and b) For each audit event type, based on the auditable event defnitions of the functional components included in the PP/ST, [assignment: other audit relevant information]. Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: FPT_STM.1 Application Note 7 The audit events that shall be recorded by the TOE depend on the use of the functional packages as defned in this PP. For the base PP, the following events shall be audited: • Every use of a management function (FMT_SMF.1), • All parameters rejected by the management functions (FMT_SMF.3), If the functional package for biometric verifcation is used, the following events shall be audited in addition: • all use of the biometric verifcation mechanism; (FIA_BVR-EXT.1), • rejection or acceptance by the TSF of data that is quality checked (FIA_EBR-EXT.2), If the functional package for PAD is used, the following events shall be audited in addition: • presentation attack detected (FPT_PAD-EXT.1), • no presentation attack detected (FPT_PAD-EXT.1), If useful in the context of a concrete technology the ST author should consider to audit additional information (e.g. a score or a claimed identity). If the functional package for Identifcation and Authentication of administrators is used, the following events shall be audited in addition: • All use of the authentication mechanism (FIA_UAU.1) • All use of the user identifcation mechanism, including the user identity provided (FIA_UID.1) • modifcations to the group of users that are part of a role (FMT_SMR.1) If the functional package for Enrolment Protection is used, the following events shall be audited in addition: Federal Offce for Information Security 35 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) • Rejection or acceptance by the TSF of data that is quality checked or input to presentation attack detection subsystem (FIA_EBR-EXT.1) Federal Offce for Information Security 36 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 7.1.2 User data protection (FDP) Residual information protection (FDP_RIP) FDP_RIP.2 Full residual information protection FDP_RIP.2.1 The TSF shall ensure that any previous information content of a resource is made unavailable upon the [deallocation of the resource from] all objects. Hierarchical to: FDP_RIP.1 Dependencies: No dependencies 7.1.3 Security management (FMT) Management of TSF data (FMT_MTD) FMT_MTD.3 Secure TSF data FMT_MTD.3.1 The TSF shall ensure that only secure values are accepted for [ • [assignment: list of PAD parameters or none], • [assignment: list of parameters for biometric verifcation or none], • [assignment: list of other TSF data or none]] Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: FMT_MTD.1 Application Note 8 The assignment in FMT_MTD.3.1 shall be executed under consideration of the used functional package. If the functional package for biometric verifcation is used, the second part of the assignment shall not be “none”. If the functional package for PAD is used, the frst part of the assignment shall not be “none”. Specifcation of Management Functions (FMT_SMF.1) FMT_SMF.1 Specifcation of Management Functions FMT_SMF.1.1 The TSF shall be capable of performing the following management functions: [assignment: list of management functions to be provided by the TSF]. Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: No dependencies Application Note 9 Federal Offce for Information Security 37 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) The assignment in FMT_SMF.1.1 shall be executed under consideration of the used functional package. If the functional package for biometric verifcation is used, the following management activities shall be considered: • the management of the TSF data as used by FIA_EBR-EXT.2 (setting threshold values for quality scores to generate biometric reference) by an administrator, • the management of the TSF data as used by FIA_BVR-EXT.1 (including the threshold values) by an administrator; If the functional package for PAD is used, the following management activities shall be considered: • management of the parameters used for presentation attack detection as defned in FPT_PAD- EXT.1 If the functional package for Identifcation and Authentication of administrators is used, the following management activities shall be considered: • management of the authentication data by an administrator (FIA_UAU.1) • management of the authentication data by the associated user (FIA_UAU.1) • managing the list of actions that can be taken before the user is authenticated (FIA_UAU.1) • the management of the user identities (FIA_UID.1) • if an authorised administrator can change the actions allowed before identifcation, the managing of the action lists (FIA_UID.1) • managing the group of users that are part of a role (FMT_SMR.1) If the functional package for Enrolment Protection is used, the following management activities shall be considered: • the management of the TSF data (setting threshold values for quality scores to generate biometric reference) by an administrator (FIA_EBR-EXT.1) Federal Offce for Information Security 38 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 7.2 Security Assurance Requirements for the TOE Due to the special character of the technology described in this PP, the following explicit assurance package has been defned for the TOE based on EAL 2. In contrast to EAL 2, it does not contain AVA_VAN.2 but is augmented by ALC_FLR.1. The following table lists the assurance components which are chosen for this PP. Table 7: Assurance Requirements Assurance Class Assurance Component Title Development ADV_ARC.1 Security architecture description ADV_FSP.2 Security-enforcing functional specifcation ADV_TDS.1 Basic Design Guidance documents AGD_OPE.1 Operational User Guidance AGD_PRE.1 Preparative Procedures Life-cycle support ALC_CMC.2 Use of a CM system ALC_CMS.2 Parts of the TOE CM coverage ALC_DEL.1 Delivery procedures ALC_FLR.1 Basic faw remediation Security Target Evaluation ASE_CCL.1 Conformance claims ASE_ECD.1 Extended component defnition ASE_INT.1 ST introduction ASE_OBJ.2 Security Objectives ASE_REQ.2 Derived Security Requirements ASE_SPD.1 Security problem defnition ASE_TSS.1 TOE summary specifcation Tests ATE_COV.1 Evidence of coverage ATE_FUN.1 Functional testing ATE_IND.2 Independent testing - sample Due to the special character of the technology described in this PP, the PAD Evaluation Methodology [PADEG] shall be applied during evaluation. This methodology will provide the evaluator with additional information and guidance for some assurance requirements. Federal Offce for Information Security 39 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 7.3 Security Requirements rationale 7.3.1 Security Functional Requirements rationale Table 8: Security Functional Requirements Rationale Overview O.AUDIIT O.RESIDUAL O.MANAGEMENT FAU_GEN.1 X FDP_RIP.2 X FMT_SMF.1 X FMT_MTD.3 X O.AUDIT is directly and completely implemented by the use of FAU_GEN.1. O.RESIDUAL is directly and completely implemented by the use of FDP_RIP.2. O.MANAGEMENT has two major aspects. The aspect that the TOE shall provide the necessary management functionality is realized by the use of FMT_SMF.1. The fact that the TOE shall only accept secure values for TSF data is implemented by the use of FMT_MTD.3. Application Note 10 FMT_MTD.3 and FMT_SMF.1 leave parts of their operations open to the ST author. This has been necessary as concrete aspects of the implementation may have an effect on the assignments. The aforementioned rationale has been written in a generic manner accordingly. However, as the ST author has to complete the assignments, they shall also specify the rationale for fulflling the security objectives (specifcally O.MANAGEMENT) in a more concrete manner (rather than simply referencing this Protection Profle). Federal Offce for Information Security 40 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) Security Functional Requirements Dependency Rationale Table 9: Dependencies of functional requirements for base PP SFR Dependencies Fulflment FAU_GEN.1 FPT_STM.1 The requirements on FPT_STM.1 that requires the TOE to provide secure time stamps to be used in the context of its audit functionality is satisfed by the environment of the TOE (see A.ENVIRONMENT). FDP_RIP.2 - - FMT_MTD.3 FMT_MTD.1 The TOE relies on its environment for storage and control of its TSF data. As such, the dependency on FMT_MTD.1 is not fulflled by the TOE but by the environment. FMT_SMF.1 Application Note 11 This PP describes only the minimum requirements for a biometric system. Therefore, the TOE also relies on its environment and some of the dependencies from Common Criteria ([CC]) Part II are not met. The ST author shall therefore consider whether these requirements can be fulflled by a concrete TOE. If this is the case, the SFRs that are needed to fulfll the dependencies shall be added to the ST. 7.3.2 Security Assurance Requirements rationale Due to the special character of the technology described in this PP, an explicit assurance package has been defned for the TOE. It has been chosen for this Protection Profle as it should focus on application cases for which it is suffcient to determine whether the security functionality claimed by a TOE is working correctly without performing a dedicated vulnerability assessment. The defned assurance package has been developed based on EAL 2. In contrast to EAL 2, it does not contain AVA_VAN.2 but has been augmented by the assurance component ALC_FLR.1. ALC_FLR.1 has been included as biometric systems are supposed to have faws that will be found in future and that will then have to be addressed. Additional guidance has been provided for some of the assurance components due to the special nature of the biometric technology in form of [PADEG]. Federal Offce for Information Security 41 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) Dependencies of assurance components The dependencies of the assurance requirements are fulflled as shown in table 10: Table 10: Dependencies of assurance components Assurance Class Assurance Component Dependencies Fulflment Development ADV_ARC.1 ADV_FSP.1, ADV_TDS.1 ADV_FSP.2, ADV_TDS.1 ADV_FSP.2 ADV_TDS.1 ADV_TDS.1 ADV_TDS.1 ADV_FSP.2 ADV_FSP.2 Guidance documents AGD_OPE.1 ADV_FSP.1 ADV_FSP.2 AGD_PRE.1 No dependencies - Life-cycle support ALC_CMC.2 ALC_CMS.1 ALC_CMS.2 ALC_CMS.2 No dependencies - ALC_DEL.1 No dependencies - ALC_FLR.1 No dependencies - Security Target Evaluation ASE_CCL.1 ASE_INT.1, ASE_ECD.1, ASE_REQ.1 ASE_INT.1, ASE_ECD.1, ASE_REQ.2 ASE_ECD.1 No dependencies - ASE_INT.1 No dependencies - ASE_OBJ.2 ASE_SPD.1 ASE_SPD.1 ASE_REQ.2 ASE_OBJ.2, ASE_ECD.1 ASE_OBJ.2, ASE_ECD.1 ASE_SPD.1 No dependencies - ASE_TSS.1 ASE_INT.1, ASE_REQ.1 ADV_FSP.1 ASE_INT.1, ASE_REQ.2 ADV_FSP.2 Tests ATE_COV.1 ADV_FSP.2, ATE_FUN.1 ADV_FSP.2, ATE_FUN.1 ATE_FUN.1 ATE_COV.1 ATE_COV.1 ATE_IND.2 ADV_FSP.2, AGD_OPE.1, AGD_PRE.1, ATE_COV.1, ATE_FUN.1 ADV_FSP.2, AGD_OPE.1, AGD_PRE.1, ATE_COV.1, ATE_FUN.1 Federal Offce for Information Security 42 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 8 Functional Packages 8.1 Overview and allowed combinations of functional packages This Protection Profle utilizes the concept of functional packages . For the use of this PP, some limitations shall apply. First of all, the base PP shall never be used alone and any functional package from this PP shall never be used without the base PP. Per minimum one functional package shall be used. The following table therefore identifes the combinations in which the functional packages can be used to achieve the description of certain use cases that have been considered during the development of this Protection Profle. No other combinations than the ones identifed in the following table must be used as only those combinations make sense. An “X” in the table stands for a mandatory use of a functional package for a certain use case while an “O” indicates an optional use. Table 11: Possible combinations of functional packages Use Case Functional Package Biometric Verifcation PAD Enrolment Protection I&A for Administrators TOE for presentation attack detection (PAD) X O TOE for biometric verifcation X O TOE for biometric verifcation and integrated PAD X X O TOE for biometric verifcation, integrated PAD and enrolment protection X X X O Federal Offce for Information Security 43 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 8.2 Functional Package: Biometric Verifcation 8.2.1 Package Identifcation Table 12: Identifcation of Functional Package Biometric Verifcation Title: Biometric Verifcation Functional Package Version: This functional package inherits the version of the base PP. Please refer to chapter 1. Date: This functional package inherits the date of the base PP. Please refer to chapter 1. Sponsor: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) Federal Offce for Information Security Germany Editor: Nils Tekampe, konfdas GmbH Registration/owner: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) Federal Offce for Information Security Germany Certifcation-ID: This functional package inherits the certifcation-ID of the base PP. Please refer to chapter 1. CC-Version: 3.1 Revision 5 Conformance Claim: • The conformance of this package is Common Criteria ([CC]) Part II extended • The conformance of this package is Common Criteria ([CC]) Part III conformant 8.2.2 Package Overview This functional package shall be used if the TOE provides functionality for biometric verifcation as described in chapter 2.3. 8.2.3 Security Problem Defnition Assumptions The following assumptions shall be added to the ST if this functional package is chosen. A.PROTECTION It is assumed that the immediate environment of the TOE ensures that presentation attacks against the biometric verifcation functionality of the TOE would be detected or are made impossible with a suffcient reliability. Application Note 12 The assumption A.PROTECTION shall only be added to the ST if the functional package for PAD as defned in chapter 8.2 cannot be chosen. Federal Offce for Information Security 44 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) A.ENROLMENT It is assumed that the environment ensures that the biometric reference that is created during enrolment is of suffcient quality and cannot be used for any attacks against the biometric system. Specifcally, it is assumed that • The biometric reference and the biometric samples that are used to create it, belong to the correct user identity, • the biometric sample that is used to create the reference does not contain any information from other user(s), • the biometric reference is of suffcient quality. It is assumed that these assumptions are either achieved by a supervised enrolment process or by having a certifed enrolment system in the environment. Application Note 13 The assumption A.ENROLMENT shall only be added to the ST if the functional package for enrolment protection as defned in chapter 8.5 cannot be chosen, as it will be replaced by a similar assumption and functionality provided by the TOE. Threats The following threats shall be added to the ST if this functional package is chosen. T.BRUTEFORCE An attacker may perform a brute force attack in order to get verifed by the biometric verifcation functionality of the TOE using the identity of another user. In this way the attacker is trying to get access to the assets residing in the environment that should be protected with the support of the TOE. This threat considers two different threat agents and corresponding adverse actions: • A not really hostile user who just tries to get verifed with a wrong claimed identity a few times. The motivation of such a user is usually just curiosity. He does not need specifc knowledge about the TOE to perform this attack. • A real attacker who uses a large amount of biometric characteristics and who really wants to get unauthorized access to the portal. This type of threat agent is supposed to have further public knowledge on biometric verifcation systems. OSP This package does not contain any OSP. 8.2.4 Security objectives for the TOE The following security objectives shall be added to the ST if this functional package is chosen. Federal Offce for Information Security 45 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) O.BIO_VERIFICATION The TOE shall provide a biometric verifcation mechanism to ensure access to a logical or physical portal with an adequate reliability1. The TOE shall ensure that only suitable biometric references (i.e. records that have been created by the TOE itself or biometric references coming from a trustworthy source and following standardized format) are processed. The TOE shall meet national and/or international criteria for its security relevant error rates. O.ENROLMENT The TOE shall provide a mechanism to enroll the biometric characteristic of a user into the system. 8.2.5 Security objectives for the environment The following security objectives for the environment shall be added to the ST if this functional package is chosen. OE.PROTECTION The immediate environment of the TOE shall ensure that presentation attacks against the biometric verifcation functionality of the TOE would be detected or are made impossible with a suffcient reliability. Application Note 14 OE.PROTECTION shall only be added to the ST if the functional package for PAD as defned in chapter 8.3 cannot be chosen, as it will be replaced by a similar objective for the environment and functionality provided by the TOE. OE.ENROLMENT The environment shall ensure that the biometric reference that is created during enrolment is of suffcient quality and cannot be used for any attacks against the biometric system. Specifcally, it shall be ensured that • the biometric reference and the biometric samples that are used to create it, belong to the correct user identity, • the biometric sample that is used to create the reference does not contain any information from other user(s), • the biometric reference is of suffcient quality. These objectives can either be achieved by a supervised enrolment process or by having a certifed enrolment system in the environment. Application Note 15 The objective OE.ENROLMENT shall only be added to the ST if the functional package for enrolment protection as defned in chapter 8.5 cannot be chosen. 1 The term „adequate reliability“ here refers to the error rates mentioned later in the objective and in the corresponding SFR. Federal Offce for Information Security 46 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 8.2.6 Rationale for added assumptions, threats and objectives Table 13: Security Objectives Rationale for functional package biometric verifcation O.BIO_VERIFCATION O.ENROLMENT OE.PROTECTION OE.ENROLMENT T.BRUTEFORCE X X A.PROTECTION X A.ENROLMENT X T.BRUTEFORCE is mitigated by a combination of O.BIO_VERIFICATION and O.ENROLMENT. While O.BIO_VERIFICATION contains the defnition of the biometric verifcation mechanism that works against the attack as described in T.BRUTEFORCE, O.ENROLMENT provides the necessary enrolment functionality as a pre-requisite for biometric verifcation. A.PROTECTION is fulflled by OE.PROTECTION as directly follows. A.ENROLMENT is fulflled by OE.ENROLMENT as directly follows. 8.2.7 Security Functional Requirements The following Security Functional Requirements shall be added to the ST if this functional package is chosen. FIA_BVR-EXT.1 Biometric verifcation with high performance FIA_BVR-EXT.1.1 The TSF shall provide a biometric verifcation mechanism for [assignment: biometric characteristic] to the user with the [selection: FMR, FAR] not exceeding [assignment: defned value] and [selection: FNMR, FRR] not exceeding [assignment: defned value]. Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: FIA_EBR-EXT.1 Check of biometric samples for enrolment FIA_EBR-EXT.2 Biometric enrolment with low failure to enroll rate FIA_EBR-EXT.2 Biometric enrolment with low failure to enroll rate FIA_EBR-EXT.2.1 The TSF shall provide a mechanism to enroll biometric reference information for [assignment: biometric characteristic] with the FTER not exceeding [assignment: defned value]. Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: No dependencies Federal Offce for Information Security 47 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) Security Functional Requirements Rationale Table 14: Security Functional Requirements Rationale Overview O.BIO_VERIFICATION O.ENROLMENT FIA_BVR-EXT.1 X FIA_EBR-EXT.2 X O.BIO_VERIFICATION is directly and completely implemented by the use of FIA_BVR-EXT.1. O.ENROLMENT is directly and completely implemented by the use of FIA_EBR-EXT.2. Security Functional Requirements Dependency Rationale Table 15: Dependencies of functional requirements for functional package “Biometric Verifcation” SFR Dependencies Fulflment FIA_BVR- EXT.1 FIA_EBR-EXT.1 FIA_EBR-EXT.2 The dependency of FIA_BVR-EXT.1 to FIA_EBR-EXT.1 shall prevent the use of biometric characteristics that would result in low quality templates and presentation attacks during enrolment. In the context of this PP, this is already fulflled by the environment. Therefore, the dependency on FIA_EBR-EXT.1 is not met within the TOE itself. Please note that this can be changed by choosing the functional package from chapter 8.5 on enrolment protection. FIA_EBR-EXT.2 FIA_EBR- EXT.2 - - Federal Offce for Information Security 48 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 8.3 Functional Package: PAD 8.3.1 Package Identifcation Table 16: Identifcation of Functional Package: PAD Title: Biometric Presentation Attack Detection Functional Package Version: This functional package inherits the version of the base PP. Please refer to chapter 1. Date: This functional package inherits the date of the base PP. Please refer to chapter 1. Sponsor: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) Federal Offce for Information Security Germany Editor: Nils Tekampe, konfdas GmbH Registration/owner: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) Federal Offce for Information Security Germany Certifcation-ID: This functional package inherits the certifcation-ID of the base PP. Please refer to chapter 1. CC-Version: 3.1 Revision 5 Conformance Claim: • The conformance of this package is Common Criteria ([CC]) Part II extended • The conformance of this package is Common Criteria ([CC]) Part III conformant 8.3.2 Package Overview This functional package shall be used if the TOE provides functionality for presentation attack detection as described in chapter 2.4. 8.3.3 Security Problem Defnition Assumptions The following assumptions shall be added to the ST if this functional package is chosen. A.BIOMETRIC_SYSTEM The PAD functionality described in this functional package is a protection mechanism for a specifc threat against a biometric system. However, it can only address threats based on presentation attacks. The biometric system that is protected by the TOE therefore ensures that all other threats that are not related to PAD are appropriately handled. Further, the biometric system ensures that the functionality of the TOE is invoked/used in order to protected the biometric system against presentation attacks. Federal Offce for Information Security 49 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) Application Note 16 The assumption A.BIOMETRIC_SYSTEM shall only be added to the ST if the functional package for biometric verifcation as defned in chapter 8.2 cannot be chosen. If the functional package for biometric verifcation is chosen, the aspects described in A.BIOMETRIC_SYSTEM shall be addressed by the TOE (based on the requirements from the functional package for biometric verifcation). Threats The following threats shall be added to the PP if this functional package is chosen. T.PA An attacker may try to use a Presentation Attack Instrument in order to circumvent the functionality of a biometric system. The protected system in this context may be an enrolment and/or verifcation system. This threat is directed against the primary asset of the TOE, namely the decision of the PAD function. The concrete aim of the attacker is highly depending on the concrete application case but will usually be • The impersonation of a specifc user of the protected biometric system, • The impersonation of any user of the protected system or • A disguise of their own identity As this kind of attack is directed against the primary functionality of the biometric system it does not require specifc knowledge about the system to identify the possibility for such an attack. However, depending on the concrete aim the attacker may need specifc knowledge, skills and equipment for preparing and performing this attack. OSP This package does not contain any OSP. 8.3.4 Security objectives for the TOE The following security objectives shall be added to the ST if this functional package is chosen. O.PAD The TOE shall be able to detect whether an attempt to a biometric system is a presentation attack or a bona- fde presentation . The PAD evidence may be extracted from the data provided by the same sensor that is used to acquire the biometric characteristic for verifcation, or it may be retrieved using sensors which are solely dedicated to PAD. 8.3.5 Security objectives for the environment The following security objectives for the environment shall be added to the ST if this functional package is chosen. OE.BIOMETRIC_SYSTEM The PAD functionality described in this functional package is a protection mechanism for a specifc threat against a biometric system. However, it can only address threats based on presentation attacks. The biometric system that is protected by the TOE therefore shall ensure that all other threats that are not related to PAD are appropriately handled. Further, the biometric system ensures that the functionality of the TOE is invoked/used in order to protected the biometric system against presentation attacks. Federal Offce for Information Security 50 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) Application Note 17 OE.BIOMETRIC_SYSTEM shall only be added to the ST if the functional package for biometric verifcation as defned in chapter8.2 cannot be chosen. If the functional package for biometric verifcation is chosen, the aspects described in OE.BIOMETRIC_SYSTEM shall be addressed by the TOE (based on the requirements from the functional package for biometric verifcation). 8.3.6 Rationale for added assumptions, threats and objectives Table 17: Security Objectives Rationale for functional package PAD O.PAD OE.BIOMETRIC_SYSTEM T.PA X A.BIOMETRIC_SYSTEM X T.PA is countered by O.PAD as directly follows. The mechanism for PAD as described in O.PAD is the direct countermeasure to presentation attack as described in T.PA. A.BIOMETRIC_SYSTEM is fulflled by OE.BIOMETRIC_SYSTEM as directly follows. 8.3.7 Security Functional Requirements The following Security Functional Requirements shall be added to the ST if this functional package is chosen. Federal Offce for Information Security 51 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) Presentation Attack Detection (FPT_PAD-EXT.1) FPT_PAD-EXT1.1 The TSF shall be able to distinguish between bona-fde presentations and attack presentations for [assignment: presentation attack instrument]. FPT_PAD-EXT.1.2 If a presentation attack is detected, the following action(s) shall be performed: [assignment: list of actions]. FPT_PAD-EXT.1.3 If no presentation attack is detected, the following action(s) shall be performed: [assignment: list of actions]. FPT_PAD-EXT.1.4 Along with the feedback about presentation attack status, detected or not detected, the TOE shall deliver the following information: [assignment: list of information]. Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: FMT_MTD.3 Secure TSF data FMT_SMF.1 Specifcation of Management Functions Security Functional Requirements Rationale O.PAD is directly and completely implemented by the use of FPT_PAD-EXT.1 Security Functional Requirements Dependency Rationale Table 18: Dependencies of functional requirements for functional package “Presentation Attack Detection” SFR Dependencies Fulflment FPT_PAD-EXT.1 FMT_MTD.3 FMT_SMF.1 Both dependencies are contained in the required base PP. Federal Offce for Information Security 52 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 8.4 Functional Package: Identifcation and Authentication for administrators 8.4.1 Package Identifcation Table 19: Identifcation of Functional Package: Identifcation and Authentication for administrators Title: Identifcation and Authentication for Administrators Functional Package Version: This functional package inherits the version of the base PP. Please refer to chapter 1. Date: This functional package inherits the date of the base PP. Please refer to chapter 1. Sponsor: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) Federal Offce for Information Security Germany Editor: Nils Tekampe, konfdas GmbH Registration/owner: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) Federal Offce for Information Security Germany Certifcation-ID: This functional package inherits the certifcation-ID of the base PP. Please refer to chapter 1. CC-Version: 3.1 Revision 5 Conformance Claim: • The conformance of this package is Common Criteria ([CC]) Part II conformant • The conformance of this package is Common Criteria ([CC]) Part III conformant 8.4.2 Package Overview This functional package shall be used if the TOE provides functionality for the identifcation and authentication as described in chapter 2.5. 8.4.3 Security Problem Defnition Assumptions The assumption A.I&A from the base PP shall not be copied into an ST if this package is chosen. Threats This functional package contains no threats. OSP The following new OSP shall be added to the ST if this package is chosen. OSP.I&A The TOE shall provide functionality to distinguish roles of different users. This also includes that the TOE shall provide a secure authentication mechanism for the administrator. Federal Offce for Information Security 53 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 8.4.4 Security objectives for the TOE The following security objectives shall be added to the ST if this functional package is chosen. O.I&A The TOE shall provide functionality to distinguish roles of different users. This also includes that the TOE shall provide a secure authentication mechanism for the administrator. 8.4.5 Security objectives for the environment The security objective OE.I&A from the base PP shall not be copied into an ST if this package is chosen. 8.4.6 Rationale for added assumptions, threats and objectives Removing the assumption A.I&A and the corresponding objective for the environment is necessary as this objective describes the functionality which is now required by O.I&A. O.I&A completely implements the functionality as required by OSP.I&A. 8.4.7 Security Functional Requirements The following Security Functional Requirements shall be added to the ST if this functional package is chosen. FIA_UAU.1: Timing of authentication FIA_UAU.1.1 The TSF shall allow [assignment: list of TSF mediated actions] on behalf of the user to be performed before the user is authenticated. FIA_UAU.1.2 The TSF shall require each user to be successfully authenticated before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FIA_UID.1 Timing of identifcation FIA_UID.1: Timing of identifcation FIA_UID.1.1 The TSF shall allow [assignment: list of TSF-mediated actions] on behalf of the user to be performed before the user is identifed. FIA_UID.1.2 The TSF shall require each user to be successfully identifed before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user. Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: No dependencies Federal Offce for Information Security 54 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) FMT_SMR.1: Security Roles FMT_SMR.1.1 The TSF shall maintain the roles [assignment: the authorised identifed roles]. FMT_SMR.1.2 The TSF shall be able to associate users with roles. Hierarchical to: No other components. Dependencies: FIA_UID.1 Timing of identifcation Security Functional Requirements Rationale O.I&A is directly and completely implemented by the use of FIA_UAU.1, FIA_UID.1 and FMT_SMR.1 Security Functional Requirements Dependency Rationale Table 20: Dependencies of functional requirements for functional package “Identifcation and Authentication for Administrators” SFR Dependencies Fulflment FIA_UAU.1 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UID.1 - - FMT_SMR.1 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UID.1 Federal Offce for Information Security 55 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 8.5 Functional Package: Enrolment Protection 8.5.1 Package Identifcation Table 21: Identifcation of Functional Package: Enrolment Protection Title: Enrolment Protection Functional Package Version: This functional package inherits the version of the base PP. Please refer to chapter 1. Date: This functional package inherits the date of the base PP. Please refer to chapter 1. Sponsor: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) Federal Offce for Information Security Germany Editor: Nils Tekampe, konfdas GmbH Registration/owner: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) Federal Offce for Information Security Germany Certifcation-ID: This functional package inherits the certifcation-ID of the base PP. Please refer to chapter 1. CC-Version: 3.1 Revision 5 Conformance Claim: • The conformance of this package is Common Criteria ([CC]) Part II extended • The conformance of this package is Common Criteria ([CC]) Part III conformant 8.5.2 Package Overview This functional package shall be used if the TOE provides functionality for enrolment protection as described in chapter 2.6. 8.5.3 Security Problem Defnition Assumptions The following assumptions shall be added to the ST if this functional package is chosen. It shall replace A.ENROLMENT from the functional package from biometric verifcation. A.ENROLMENT It is assumed that the biometric reference and the biometric samples that are used to create the biometric reference, belong to the correct user identity and that the biometric sample that is used to create the reference does not contain any information from other user(s). Threats The following threats shall be added to the ST if this functional package is chosen. Federal Offce for Information Security 56 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) T.ENROLMENT An attacker may perform an attack against the enrolment process. The overall objective of the attacker is to later attack the biometric verifcation decision but the attacker prepares this via an attack to the enrolment process. This threat specifcally covers • An attacker trying to enroll an artefact into the biometric system • an attacker trying to enroll a biometric sample that has carries characteristics from more than one user. OSP This package does not contain any OSP. 8.5.4 Security objectives for the TOE The following security objectives shall be added to the ST if this functional package is chosen. This security objective replaces the objective O.ENROLMENT from the functional package for biometric verifcation as described in chapter 8.2. O.ENROLMENT The TOE shall provide a mechanism to enroll the biometric characteristic of a user into the system. The TOE shall provide functionality to protect the enrolment process in cooperation with its immediate environment. Specifcally, the TOE shall ensure that • the biometric reference is of suffcient quality • the biometric reference is not created from an artefact. 8.5.5 Security objectives for the environment The following security objectives for the environment shall be added to the ST if this functional package is chosen. It replaces the objective OE.ENROLMENT from the package for biometric verifcation. OE.ENROLMENT It shall be ensured that the biometric reference and the biometric samples that are used to create the biometric reference belong to the correct user identity and that the biometric sample that is used to create the reference does not contain any information from other user(s). Federal Offce for Information Security 57 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) 8.5.6 Rationale for added assumptions, threats and objectives Table 22: Security Objectives Rationale for functional package biometric verifcation O.ENROLMENT OE.ENROLMENT T.ENROLMENT X A.ENROLMENT X T.ENROLMENT is mitigated completely by O.ENROLMENT. A.ENROLMENT is fulflled by OE.ENROLMENT as directly follows. 8.5.7 Security Functional Requirements The following Security Functional Requirements shall be added to the ST if this functional package is chosen. FIA_EBR-EXT.1 Check of biometric samples for enrolment FIA_EBR-EXT.1.1 The TSF shall prevent use of [assignment: biometric characteristic] which result in biometric samples of low quality for enrolment that has been presented by any user of the TSF. FIA_EBR-EXT.1.2 The TSF shall prevent use of artifcial presentation attack instruments for enrolment of [assignment: biometric characteristic] that has been presented by any user of the TSF. Hierarchical to: No other components Dependencies: FPT_PAD-EXT.1 Application Note 18 It should be noted that the functionality as required by FIA_EBR-EXT.1 is explicitly expected to detect and prohibit so called morphing attacks in which an attacker tries to create a biometric template that matches multiple users. Federal Offce for Information Security 58 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) Security Functional Requirements Rationale Table 23: Security Functional Requirements Rationale Overview O.ENROLMENT FIA_EBR-EXT.1 X O.ENROLMENT is directly and completely implemented by the use of FIA_EBR-EXT.1. Security Functional Requirements Dependency Rationale Table 24: Dependencies of functional requirements for functional package “Enrolment Protection” SFR Dependencies Fulflment FIA_EBR- EXT.1 FPT_PAD-EXT.1 FPT_PAD-EXT.1 Federal Offce for Information Security 59 Biometric Mechanisms Protection Profle (BMPP) Reference Documentation CC Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation – • Part 1: Introduction and general model, dated April 2017, version 3.1 R5 • Part 2: Security functional requirements, dated April 2017, version 3.1, R5 • Part 3: Security assurance requirements, dated April 2017, version 3.1, R5 ISO19989-1 ISO/IEC 19989-1:2020 — Information technology — Security techniques — Criteria and methodology for security evaluation of biometric systems — Part 1: Framework ISO30107-1 ISO/IEC 30107 Information technology — Biometric presentation attack detection —Part 1: Framework ISO19795-1 ISO/IEC 19795 Information technology — Biometric performance testing and reporting —Part 1: Principles and framework ISO2382-37 ISO/IEC: ISO/IEC 2382-37 Information technology — Vocabulary — Part 37: Biometrics PADEG PAD evaluation guidance, BSI ISO30107-3 ISO/IEC 30107 Information technology — Biometric presentation attack detection —Part 1: Framework Federal Offce for Information Security 60