Biometric Verification Mechanisms Protection Profile
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
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© Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik 2008
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Table of content
1. PP introduction..................................................................................................................................5
1.1 PP Reference.................................................................................................................................5
1.2 PP Overview..................................................................................................................................5
2. TOE Description................................................................................................................................6
2.1 Description of biometric processes................................................................................................6
2.2 Wording in context of Common Criteria.......................................................................................7
2.3 TOE configuration and TOE environment.....................................................................................7
2.4 TOE boundary...............................................................................................................................8
3. Conformance Claims.......................................................................................................................11
3.1 CC Conformance Claims.............................................................................................................11
3.2 PP Claim......................................................................................................................................11
3.3 Package Claim.............................................................................................................................11
4. Security Problem Definition ...........................................................................................................12
4.1 Subjects.......................................................................................................................................12
4.2 Assets..........................................................................................................................................12
4.3 Assumptions................................................................................................................................13
4.4 Threats.........................................................................................................................................14
4.5 OSPs............................................................................................................................................16
5. Security Objectives..........................................................................................................................17
5.1 Security Objectives for the TOE..................................................................................................17
5.2 Security objectives for the TOE or its operational environment..................................................18
5.3 Security objectives for the operational environment....................................................................18
5.4 Security Objectives rationale.......................................................................................................21
5.4.1 Overview................................................................................................................................21
5.4.2 Coverage of the security objectives........................................................................................21
5.4.3 Coverage of the assumptions, coverage of security objectives for the environment...............22
5.4.4 Countering the threats.............................................................................................................22
5.4.5 Coverage of organisational security policies...........................................................................23
6. Extended Component definition......................................................................................................24
7. Security Requirements.....................................................................................................................25
7.1 Security Functional Requirements for the TOE...........................................................................26
7.2 Security Assurance Requirements for the TOE...........................................................................36
7.2.1 Additional guidance for Guidance documents........................................................................37
7.2.2 Additional guidance for tests..................................................................................................37
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7.2.3 Additional guidance for Vulnerability Assessment ................................................................38
7.3 Security Requirements rationale.................................................................................................38
7.3.1 Security Functional Requirements rationale...........................................................................38
7.3.2 Security Assurance Requirements rationale............................................................................41
7.4 Glossary.......................................................................................................................................42
7.5 References...................................................................................................................................45
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1. PP introduction
1.1 PP Reference
Title: Protection Profile for Biometric Verification Mechanisms (BVMPP)
Version 1.3
Date 2008-08-07
Author Nils Tekampe, Boris Leidner, TÃœV Informationstechnik GmbH
Registration Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI)
Federal Office for Information Security Germany
Certfication-ID BSI-CC-PP-0043
CC-Version 3.1 Revision 2
Keywords authentication; biometric; iris-recognition; face-recognition; fingerprint-
recognition; identification; Protection Profile; verification; voice-recognition
1.2 PP Overview
The scope of this Protection Profile is to describe the functionality of a biometric verification system
in terms of [CC] and to define functional and assurance requirements for such a system.
In this context the major scope of a biometric verification system is to verify or reject the claimed
identity of a human being using unique characteristics of his body.
This Protection Profile aims to be applicable to any biometric verification system, independent of the
used biometric modality. It is therefore written in a generic way. However, where a certain biometric
modality had to be considered, this PP focusses on fingerprint recognition.
Please note that inside this Protection Profile the enrolment and the identification process of a
biometric system (see also chapter 2.1) are not considered. Chapter 2 gives a more details overview
about the design of the TOE and its boundaries.
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2. TOE Description
Biometric products, which claim to be conformant to this Protection Profile, provide a verification
process for the claimed identity of a human being using a unique characteristic of their body.
This PP covers the biometric verification process on a generic level and should be applicable to any
biometric verification system. Therefore the descriptions of the requirements for the TOE are kept on a
very generic level so that the development of conformant products is possible for various IT
environments. Where a relation to a certain biometric characteristic has been necessary, fingerprint
recognition has been used in this PP.
The basic processes of a biometric system are described in chapter 2.1.
This PP describes a biometric system that operates in a verification mode only. Biometric
Identification is not addressed within this PP. Furthermore the enrolment process is out of scope of
this PP and it is assumed that all authorized users have been enrolled. Last but not least a biometric
verification system that is conformant to this PP aims to verify the identity of a user for the purpose of
controlling access to a portal.
Such a portal can be a physical or logical point beyond which information or assets are protected by
the biometric system. With failed verification, the portal stays closed for the user. Only after
successful verification, the portal will be opened. Therefore, such a portal requires one of two states
after biometric verification: failed or successful authentication of the user. The final decision on the
claimed identity of the user (resulting from a biometric probabilistic message into a boolean value) is
considered to be part of the TOE. Everything beyond the portal and the control of the portal itself (I.e.
which users have access to the portal) is out of the scope of the TOE.
Beside the biometric verification process every biometric system that is conformant to this PP includes
mechanisms to identify and authenticate an administrator of the system with other means than the
biometric mechanism and to limit the access to administrative functions. This is specifically important
to limit the ability to change security relevant settings of the biometric functionality to an authorized
2.1 Description of biometric processes
The core functionality of biometric systems can be divided into three processes:
● Enrolment1
Usually, the enrolment process is the first contact of a user with a biometric system. This
process is necessary because a biometric verification system has to ‘learn’ to verify the
identity of a each user based on their biometric characteristic.
During the enrolment process the system captures the biometric characteristic of a user and
extracts the features it is working with. This feature vector is then combined with the identity
of the user to a biometric reference and stored in a database.
The quality of the biometric reference has to be assured and quality proofed. In the case of
inadequate biometric characteristics or lower reference quality, the person to be enrolled has
to repeat the process or is not possible to be enrolled. Additionally, it is useful to be able to
update a user biometric reference considering possible physiology changes. Only an
administrator should be allowed to start the enrolment process. He has to observe the whole
process to ensure a correct enrolment. Furthermore, the administrator has to ensure that the
user claims his correct identity to the system during the enrolment process.
● Biometric Verification: The verification process is the major functionality of a biometric
system in context of this PP. Its objective is to verify or refuse a claimed identity of a user.
1As mentioned before: Within this PP is is assumed that the enrolment process for all users has already been
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Therefore the user has to claim an identity to the system. The system gets the biometric
reference associated with this identity from the database and captures the biometric
characteristic of the user. If the Biometric Live Record (BLR) that is extracted from the
characteristic and the biometric reference from the database are similar enough, the claimed
identity of the user is verified.
Otherwise or if no biometric reference was found for the user, the claimed identity is refused.
The matching component of a biometric system that decides whether a biometric reference
and BLR are similar enough usually uses a threshold value for this decision that can be
configured by an administrator. If the matcher finds that the BLR and the biometric reference
are more similar than demanded by the threshold, it returns successful verification, otherwise
failed verification.
● Biometric Identification: The objective of a biometric identification process is quite similar
to a verification process. However, in contrast to a verification process there is no claimed
identity for the user. The system directly captures the biometric characteristic of a user and
compares it to all biometric references in the database. If at least one biometric reference is
found to be similar enough, the system returns this as the found (and verified) identity of the
user. Biometric identification systems introduce many additional issues in the context of
security evaluations. The possibility to find more than one biometric reference that matches or
the higher error rates of those systems are only two of them.
Please note that a biometric system as defined in this PP only offers a process for biometric
2.2 Wording in context of Common Criteria
In context of [CC] identification usually means the statement of a claimed identity while
authentication means the confirmation of this identity. In context of biometric technology
identification usually means a process as described in chapter 2.1 Because biometric identification is
out scope of this PP there should not be any conflict in wording. To avoid any misunderstanding: the
wording in this PP is as follows:
1. Identification: As defined in [CC]
2. Authentication: As defined in [CC]
3. (Biometric) Verification: biometric verification as described in chapter 2.1
2.3 TOE configuration and TOE environment
Beside the fact that many biometric characteristics could be used to build a biometric verification
system that conforms to this PP, a biometric system in general could be realized in two major
● A Stand-alone solution: The stand-alone solution is not integrated into another network and
works with one database
● A Network-integrated solution: The network-integrated solution is embedded into an
existing network.
This PP describes a biometric verification system as a stand alone solution but should be applicable to
network integrated solutions as well.
The security related problems of those distributed systems should then be considered via:
1. Assumptions for the TOE environment: e.g. firewall, Virus and Trojan protection, trustworthy
internal network environment, physical protection
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2. Requirements for additional functionality: e.g. encrypted transmission, encrypted storage,
clear memory, etc.
The performance of biometric systems depends on physical environmental conditions in its
environment. Those environmental factors that could influence a biometric system are dependent on
the used biometric modality and on the used capture device. Because the capture device is not
necessarily part of the TOE and assumed to work within acceptable ranges, those factors are not
mentioned here in more detail. However, the author of a ST of has to describe the environment of the
TOE in more detail. It has to be specified, which capture devices are suitable to be used with the TOE
and how the environment has to be for these devices.
It is likely that the TOE is not able to run stand-alone. In this case the ST author shall specify the IT
components which are necessary to run the TOE (e.g. a PC with a specific operating system).
2.4 TOE boundary
A simplified model of the biometric verification system and its boundaries is shown in Figure 1.
Because the capture device is not necessarily part of the TOE the biometric verification system as
described in this PP may be a pure software system. However, it should be noted that the ST author
has the option to decide that the capture device is part of the TOE. This may be necessary in cases
where the capture device contributes to the Security Functionality of the TOE.
The functionality to perform an audit review is not part of the TOE but of the environment.
Nevertheless, the TOE of course has to include functionality for auditing.
Furthermore, the database where the biometric references and other information is stored in, is not part
of the TOE. The TOE has to provide an interface to this database that ensures a correct and secure
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Figure 1: Generic TOE design
● Get ID: This component is responsible for getting the user's claimed identity. Its functionality
is security relevant because the system uses the claimed ID to determine, which biometric
reference has to be used for comparison. Furthermore, this component provides a mandatory
user visible interface.
● GetRef: This component is responsible for getting the stored (already enrolled) biometric
reference related to a claimed user's identity.
● Extraction: In preparation of the verification process a feature vector has to be extracted from
the captured data. This is the objective of this component. Optionally, the biometric data may
be compressed.
● Check: This component ensures the minimum quality requirements regarding the biometric
references. It can be differentiated into integrity and authenticity check during the process of
getting the biometric reference as well as the quality check of the biometric information
during the processing of the live biometric characteristics.
● AuthAdmin: This component is responsible for identification and authentication of the
administrator with other means than the biometric verification mechanism itself. This
mechanism is a classical identification and authentication component that could for example
be realized via a SmartCard/PIN based mechanism. It is necessary to authenticate an
administrator before he is allowed to configure security relevant settings of the TOE.
● Configure: This component provides an interface for the administrator to set security relevant
TOE parameters. This component is especially used to configure the threshold setting for the
comparator component and to determine audit events.
● Comparator (also called Matcher): This is an important component regarding the scope of
this Protection Profile. It compares the enrolled biometric reference with the Biometric Live
Record (BLR) and includes the determination whether these records match or not. A
comparator produces a value that shows how well the biometric reference and BLR match. To
get a successful/failed return value from the biometric system, the comparator considers a
threshold during the matching process. If the biometric reference and the BLR are more
similar than demanded by the threshold, the return value is success, otherwise it is fail. An
“Exact match” comparison should not result in a positive verification as it may be a replay
attempt and should be recorded in the audit log.
● Clear memory: In order to protect against attacks, this component clears the content of
memory after use. The information that has to be cleared is not limited to the verification
result but especially includes the biometric reference, BLR or any biometric raw data as well
as authentication data for the administrator authentication. Because the memory that has to be
cleared could belong to every other component no lines are drawn into the figure for this
● Audit: This component of the TOE records security relevant events to ensure that information
exists to support effective security management (e.g. verification protocol, retry counter, etc.).
Some security related components, functions and interfaces of the TOE environment should be
considered here:
● Capture Device: This component that is also called sensor is responsible for capturing the
biometric characteristic from the user and forwards it into the biometric system. Depending on
the used sensor technology also additional processes as a liveness detection or an image
enhancement could be performed by this device.
● Policy manager: The result of the biometric verification process is passed on to the policy
manager of the environment. This component is responsible for checking the user’s rights and
opening the portal if the user has sufficient privileges and was successfully verified by the
TOE and is therewith realizing an access control mechanism for the portal.
● Storage: The environment has to provide a database to be used by the TOE. This is used to
store the biometric reference of a user but it can be used to store additional information too.
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● Portal: The physical or logical point beyond which information or assets are protected by a
biometric system is controlled by the TOE environment policy management, which gets the
verification results (verification "failed" or "successful") related to the user identity from the
● Auditing: The environment may provide additional audit functionalities and has to provide a
mechanism for audit review of the TOE audit logs.
● Transmission / Storage: The environment cares for a secure communication and storing
where security relevant data is transferred to or from the TOE.
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3. Conformance Claims
3.1 Conformance statement
The PP requires strict conformance of any PPs/STs to this PP.
3.2 CC Conformance Claims
● This PP has been developed using Version 3.1 R2 of Common Criteria [CC]
● This PP is conform to part II and III of [CC]; no extended components have been defined
3.3 PP Claim
● This PP does not claim conformance to any other Protection Profile.
3.4 Package Claim
● This Protection Profile conforms to assurance package EAL2 as defined in Common Criteria
Part 3.
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4. Security Problem Definition
4.1 External entities
The following external entities interact with the TOE:
TOE administrator: The TOE administrator is authorised to perform the administrative TOE
operations and able to use the administrative functions of the TOE.
The administrator is also responsible for the installation and maintenance of
the TOE.
Depending on the concrete implementation of a TOE there may be more than
one administrator and also more than one administrative role.
User: A person who wants access to the portal, which is protected by a biometric
Authorised user: An enrolled user with an assigned identity.
Unauthorised user: A not enrolled user.
Attacker: An attacker is any individual who is attempting to subvert the operation of the
biometric system. The intention may be to gain unauthorized access to the
assets protected by the portal.
4.2 Assets
The following assets are defined in the context of this Protection Profile.
Primary assets: The primary assets which are protected against unauthorised access do not
belong to the TOE itself. The portal in the environment permits access only
after successful authentication as a result of the biometric verification. The
primary assets, either physical or logical systems, are behind that portal.
Secondary assets: Assets (i.e. TSF data), which are generated by the TOE itself (e.g.: passwords
to protect security relevant TOE settings and biometric references). The
following assets should be explicitly mentioned:
● Biometric Reference Record (BRR): This object includes the
enrolled biometric data linked with the identity of a user. It is
produced during the enrolment process and assumed to be given and
quality checked.
● Biometric Live Record (BLR): This record includes the live (actual)
biometric data (actual biometric characteristic and claimed user
identity) to be verified against the biometric reference.
● The claimed identity of a user
● Security relevant system configuration data: This type of
assets specifically includes the threshold level that is used by the
TOE for the authentication of users.
● User related security attributes and authentication data for non
biometric authentication
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4.3 Assumptions
A.ADMINISTRATION The TOE administrator is well trained and non hostile. He reads the
guidance documentation carefully, completely understands and applies
The TOE administrator is responsible to accompany the TOE
installation and oversees the biometric system requirements regarding
the TOE as well as the TOE settings and requirements.
A.CAPTURE The capture device as user visible interface operates inside its regular
range and is suitable to be used with the TOE2
. It is assumed that all
environmental factors (e.g. lightning) are appropriate with respect to the
used capture device and biometric modality.
Furthermore, it is assumed that bypassing the capture device in a
technical manner is not possible. This assumption does not prevent an
attacker from presenting an imitated or recorded biometric characteristic
to the capture device because even in a guarded environment (and the
TOE is primarily unguarded) such a misuse of the system would be
possible. Because the capture device has to be accessible for each user a
moderate physical robustness is presupposed.
A.ENROLMENT The enrolment is assumed to be already performed and therefore, the
biometric reference for each authorized user is assumed to be given. The
generated reference is of sufficient quality and is linked to the correct
Additionally, it is assumed that all biometric references are stored in a
way that ensures the authenticity and integrity of this data.
A.ENVIRONMENT It is assumed, that necessary TOE operating equipment and adequate
infrastructure is available (e.g.: operating system, database, LAN, public
telephone, and guardian).
Specifically the following things are assumed:
● It is assumed that the direct environment of the TOE supports
the functionality of the biometric system (e.g.: integration of a
GINA replacement, audit functionality). Regarding the request
of the claimed identity, which is necessary for the biometric
authentication, the environment offers the possibility to
integrate a claimed identity into the biometric verification
● The TOE environment provides a database for the biometric
reference of enrolled users, whereby integrity and authenticity
are ensured. Also in case of user controlled references (e.g.
stored on SmartCard or token), measures exist to protect the
authenticity and integrity of the biometric reference.
● The environment ensures a secure communication of security
relevant data from and to the TOE.
● It is assumed that the environment provides a functionality to
2Application Note (ST): The author of a ST has to specify one or more capture devices which are allowed to be
used with the TOE and has to clearly define the range of operation. Furthermore, he has to provide evidences
that the captures devices will work with the TOE. The TOE will have to be used with one of the specified
capture devices in order to be in its certified configuration.
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review the audit information of the TOE and to ensures that
only authorized administrators have access to the audit logs.
● It is assumed that the TOE environment is free of viruses,
trojans, and malicious software.
A.PHYSICAL It is assumed that the TOE and its components are physically protected
against unauthorized access or destruction. Physical access to the
hardware that is used by the TOE is only allowed for authorized
administrators. This does not cover the capture device that has to be
accessible for every user.
A.FALLBACK It is assumed that a fall-back mechanism for the biometric verification
system is available that reaches at least the same level of security as the
biometric verification system does. This fall-back system is used in
cases where an authorized user is rejected by the biometric verification
system (False Rejection).
4.4 Threats
T.BRUTEFORCE An attacker may perform a brute force attack in order to get verified by the
TOE using the identity of another user.
In this way the attacker is trying to get access to the assets residing in the
environment that should be protected with the support of the TOE.
This threat considers two different threat agents and corresponding adverse
● A not really hostile user who just tries to get verified with a wrong
claimed identity a few times. The motivation of such a user is
usually just curiosity. He does not need specific knowledge about
the TOE to perform this attack.
 A real attacker who uses a large amount of biometric characteristics
and who really wants to get unauthorized access to the portal. This
type of threat agent is supposed to have further public knowledge
on biometric verification systems.
T.MODIFY_ASSETS An attacker may try to modify secondary assets like biometric references or
other security-relevant system configuration data.
Such attacks could compromise the integrity of the user security attributes
resulting in an incorrect result that might give unauthorized access to the
This threat covers a number of distinct types of attacks:
● An attacker may attempt to modify the threshold level used by the
biometric system to authenticate users. If the attacker is able to
change the threshold (for one or more authorised users), the ability
to verify the user(s) will be compromised and he may succeed in
gaining access to the portal or an authorised user may be denied
entry to the portal.
● An attacker may attempt to modify the biometric authentication
data (the Biometric Reference Record) of an authorised user with
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the aim of enabling an attacker to masquerade as the authorised
user and gain access to the portal. Alternatively, an authorised user
may be denied access to the portal. The attacker may be able to
insert a new biometric reference, containing biometric data
belonging to an attacker, with the aim of enabling the impostor to
gain access to the portal.
This kind of attack presupposes that the attacker has further knowledge
about the TOE and maybe special equipment.
T.REPRODUCE An attacker may try to record and replay, imitate, or generate the biometric
characteristic of an authorised user.
In this way the attacker is trying to get access to the assets residing in the
environment that should be protected with the support of the TOE.
The attacker will need further knowledge on biometric verification systems
and the used biometric modality. He may use technical equipment for
analysing and generation of the biometric characteristics.3
The attacker may also be supported by an authorized user of the TOE (e.g.
to imitate his biometric characteristic).
T.RESIDUAL An attacker may try to take advantage of unprotected residual security
relevant data (e.g. biometric data and settings) during a user's session or
from a previous, already authenticated user.
In this way the attacker tries to get access to the security relevant settings of
the TOE.
This threat covers several scenarios including:
● An attacker takes advantage of the verification memory content
(e.g. by reading the memory content, cache or relevant temporary
data) using a flaw in a user visible interface of the TOE.4
● An attacker may take advantage of residual images at the capture
device. These are likely to be limited to cases where physical
contact with the biometric capture device is necessary for the
biometric modality (e.g. fingerprints 5
The attacker needs further knowledge about the TOE to find and exploit a
vulnerability regarding residual data in memory.
T.ROLES An already enrolled and authenticated user may try to exceed their
privileges. Two types of this threat are possible within the scope of this PP:
1. If more than one portal is secured by the TOE, an authorized user
3Fingerprint and hand geometry systems are known to be vulnerable to artefacts. The setup costs are often low
making the production of artefacts worthwhile for impostors for common use biometric technologies.
4A physical access to the components of the TOE is not possible for an attacker due to the Assumption
5The author of this PP is aware of the fact that the capture device is primarily part of the environment. But in an
unguarded environment it is impossible to prevent an attacker from exploiting a residual characteristic that
remains on the sensor. In the scope of this PP, this threat is therefore included. If the capture device of a TOE is
not vulnerable to this kind of attack, this part of the threat may be countered implicitly be the use of a certain
sensor technology.
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may try to get access to a portal where he has no rights for.
2. An authorized user may try to get administrator privileges in order
to modify the threshold settings of the system or other secondary
No special knowledge is needed by the attacker to identify the general
possibility because each authorized user of the system knows (after his own
enrolment process) that an administrator account with higher privileges
4.5 OSPs
OSP.ERROR The TOE shall meet recognised national and/or international criteria for its
security relevant error rates (e.g. False Accept Rate (FAR) and False
Rejection Rate (FRR)).
OSP.USERLIMIT Impostors must be prevented from gaining access to the portal by making
repeated verification attempts using one or more claimed user IDs.
Therefore the TOE shall be able to limit the maximum number of
unsuccessful verification attempts.
Application Note: Reasonable requirements on error rates are highly dependent on other
characteristics of the biometric authentication mechanism. Characteristics
that shall be considered to decide on the acceptable values include (but are
not limited to):
– The number of allowed unsuccessful authentication attempts,
– The time that is needed to process one authentication attempt,
– The concrete environment of the TOE
The ST author should consider [19795] in order to identify the security
relevant error rates and provide a justification for the choice of security
relevant error rates.
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5. Security Objectives
5.1 Security Objectives for the TOE
O.AUDIT_REACTION The TOE shall ensure that all users can be held accountable for their
security relevant actions.
In this context the TOE shall log all security relevant events and react
in order to keep the TOE in a secure state.
The TOE shall specifically (but not exclusively) audit and react to:
● An unusual high amount of unsuccessful verification attempts
against the same or different user identities (via the biometric
authentication mechanism) could be caused by a brute force
attack. In this case the system should block any further
verification attempts for a specified time and should inform an
● Unsuccessful authentication attempts to one or more
administrator account(s) may be caused by an attack. The TOE
should lock the authentication mechanism if a configurable
number of unsuccessful authentication attempts has been
In the context of this functionality it is to mind, that no feedback
information is provided, which may assist an impostor in gaining
O.ROLES The TOE shall restrict its management functionality to authenticated
and authorised TOE administrators. Other users are not allowed to
manage the TOE.
O.BIO_VERIFICATION The TOE shall provide a biometric verification mechanism to ensure
access to a portal with an adequate reliability.
The TOE shall ensure that only suitable biometric references (I.e.
records that have been created by the TOE itself or biometric
references coming from a trustworthy source and following a
standardised format) are processed.
An “Exact match”6
comparison should not be counted as a positive
verification as it may be a replay attempt and should be recorded in the
audit log.
The TOE shall meet national and/or international criteria for its
security relevant error rates.
O.AUTH_ADMIN The TOE shall provide a mechanism to authenticate an administrator
with other means than the biometric verification process. This
authentication process may be realized via a user name/password or a
smartcard/pin based mechanism.
O.RESIDUAL The TOE shall ensure that no residual or unprotected security relevant
data remains after operations are completed.
6The term “Exact match” in this context refers to a result of the comparison that is so “good” that it is likely that
it is the result of a replay attack.
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Application Note: It is often useful for a biometric system to provide feedback to legitimate users
in order to help them to be verified by the system. For example, a fingerprint
system may provide an image of the captured fingerprint to the user in order to
facilitate the correct positioning of the finger and the generation of a good
However, this feedback shall not be such, as to help impostors to gain
unauthorised access; for example by providing “scores” which might allow
impostors to train themselves on the system and observe how close they are to
being identified or verified by the system.
5.2 Security objectives for the TOE or its operational environment
Due to the broad spectrum of biometric technology it is not possible to specify on the level of this PP
whether some aspects of threats are countered by the TOE itself or the environment or a combination
of both. Parts of the threat T.RESIDUAL (exploiting residual data at the capture device) and the threat
T.REPRODUCE can optionally be countered in the environment of the TOE.
Therefore, the following objectives (that serve to counter those threats) have neither been assigned to
the TOE nor its environment. The ST author is in charge of describing whether the TOE or the
environment is responsible for these objectives. For cases where the TOE is able to fulfil theses
objectives it is of course preferable to fulfil theses objectives with requirements for the TOE. In this
case the ST author is in charge of defining those objectives in form of appropriate SFRs. The PP
author provides a recommendation for SFRs used to model those objectives in chapter 8.1.
Please note that it should be specifically considered to assign those objectives to the TOE in cases
where the capture device is part of the TOE.
OE.NO_REPRODUCE Recorded and replayed, imitated or generated biometric data must not
be accepted as legitimate by the biometric system. This includes
forgery of complete biometric samples.
OE.RESIDUAL_CAPTURE It has to be assured that residual data that may remain at a capture
device after use cannot be used to gain access.
Application Note: In some biometric technologies the capture device is responsible to perform a
check against recorded and replayed, imitated or generated biometric data.
Because the capture device is not part of the TOE as specified in this PP it is
here not possible to determine whether the TOE or its environment have to
counter these kinds of attacks. If possible with the specific technology, the ST
author is in charge of defining this objective as an objective for the TOE.
Application Note: In general the capture device that is outside the TOE is responsible to ensure
that no residual data remains after it has been used. But in some biometric
technologies it is also possible that residual data remains at the capture device
but the TOE is able to detect and prohibit the use of this data.
5.3 Security objectives for the operational environment
OE.ADMINISTRATION It has to be ensured that the TOE administrator is well trained and
18 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
non-hostile. He has to read the guidance documentation carefully,
completely understand and apply it.
The TOE administrator shall be responsible to accompany the TOE
installation and oversees the biometric system requirements regarding
the TOE as well as the TOE settings and requirements.
OE.CAPTURE It shall be ensured that the capture device as user visible interface
operates inside its regular range and is suitable for to be used with the
. This includes that all environmental factors (e.g. lightning) are
appropriate with respect to the used capture device and biometric
Furthermore, it has to be ensured that bypassing the capture device in
a technical manner is not possible. Because the capture device has to
be accessible for each user a moderate physical robustness has to be
OE.ENROLMENT The enrolment shall be already performed and therefore, the
biometric reference for each authorized user is given. The generated
references shall be of sufficient quality and linked to the correct user.
Additionally, all biometric references shall be stored in a way that
ensure the authenticity and integrity of this data.
OE.ENVIRONMENT The TOE operating equipment and adequate infrastructure shall be
available (e.g.: operating system, database, LAN, public telephone,
and guardian).
Specifically the following things have to be ensured:
● The direct environment of the TOE has to support the
functionality of the biometric system (e.g.: integration of a
GINA replacement, audit functionality). Regarding the
request of the claimed identity, which is necessary for the
biometric authentication, the environment shall offer the
possibility to integrate a claimed identity into the biometric
verification process.
● The TOE environment shall provide a database for the
biometric references of enrolled users, whereby integrity and
authenticity have to be ensured. Also, in case of user
controlled biometric references (e.g. stored on SmartCard or
token), measures shall exist to protect the authenticity and
integrity of the biometric reference.
● The environment has to implement the access control
functionality for the protected portal. Specifically, if the
environment has more than one portal that is secured using
the services of the TOE the environment has to ensure that
after authentication of a user (by the TOE) a portal is only
opened if the user has the necessary permission.
● The environment shall ensure a secure communication of
security relevant data from and to the TOE.
7Application Note (ST): The author of a ST has to specify one or more capture devices which are allowed to be
used with the TOE and has to clearly define the range of operation. Furthermore, he has to provide evidences
that the captures devices will adequately work with the TOE. The TOE will only be in its certified configuration
when one of the specified capture devices is used.
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik 19
● The environment shall provide a functionality to review the
audit information of the TOE and to ensure that only
authorized administrators have access to the audit logs.
● The TOE environment has to be free of viruses, trojan
horses, and other malicious software.
● The TOE environment shall provide reliable time stamps.
OE.PHYSICAL The TOE and its components shall be physically protected against
unauthorized access or destruction. Physical access to the hardware
that is used by the TOE may only be allowed for authorized
administrators. This may not cover the capture device that has to be
accessible for every user.
OE.FALLBACK A fall-back mechanism for the biometric verification system shall
available that reaches at least the same level of security as the
biometric verification system does. This fall-back system is used in
cases where an authorized user is rejected by the biometric
verification system (False Rejection).
5.4 Security Objectives rationale
5.4.1 Overview
The following table gives an overview, how the assumptions, threats, and organisational security
policies are addressed by the security objectives. The text of the following subchapters justifies this
more detailed.
20 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
5.4.2 Coverage of the security objectives
The TOE security objective O.AUDIT_REACTION can be traced back to the threats
T.BRUTEFORCE (to log the amount/values of the attack and the attacked user identity and to keep
the system in a secure state in such a situation), T.REPRODUCE, T.RESIDUAL,
T.MODIFY_ASSETS (each to log that an unsuccessful impostor attempt happened), T.ROLES
(because it audits every unsuccessful authentication attempt to an administrators account and locks the
system in insecure states), and OSP.USERLIMIT because the demanded user limit from
The TOE security objective O.ROLES (the TOE shall limit access to administrative functions) can be
traced back to the threat T.ROLES as directly follows and to T.MODIFY_ASSETS as the role concept
supports the limitation of management function to administrators.
The TOE security objective O.BIO_VERIFICATION as the core objective for the biometric system
can be traced back to the threats T.BRUTEFORCE (to be resistant against brute force attacks) and
OSP.ERROR because O.BIO_VERIFCATION requires that the biometric verification mechanism
meets the limits for the security relevant error rates as required by OSP.ERROR.
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik 21
The TOE security objective O.AUTH_ADMIN (the TOE shall be able to authenticate an
administrator by a non biometric mechanism) can be traced to the threats T.ROLES because it
describes the role concept of the TOE and T.MODIFY_ASSETS because this objective is responsible
for authentication of the administrator which is important to enforce the limitation of administrative
operations to administrators.
The TOE security objective O.RESIDUAL can be traced back to the threat T.RESIDUAL as directly
The TOE security objective OE.NO_REPRODUCE (the TOE shall be resistant against fake and
similar attacks) can be traced back to the threat T.REPRODUCE as directly follows.
The TOE security objective OE.RESIDUAL_CAPTURE can be traced back to the threat
T.RESIDUAL as T.RESIDUAL has the aspect that an attacker may use residual data that remains on
the capture device.
5.4.3 Coverage of the assumptions, coverage of security objectives for the environment
The assumption A.ADMINISTRATION is covered by security objective OE.ADMINISTRATION
as directly follows.
The assumption A.CAPTURE is covered by security objective OE.CAPTURE as directly follows.
The assumption A.ENROLMENT is covered by security objective OE.ENROLMENT as directly
The assumption A.ENVIRONMENT is covered by security objectives OE.ENVIRONMENT as
directly follows.
The assumption A.PHYSICAL is covered by security objective OE.PHYSICAL as directly follows.
The assumption A.FALLBACK is covered by objective OE.FALLBACK as directly follows
For all assumptions, the corresponding objectives are stated in a way, which directly correspond to the
description of the assumption. It is clear from the description of each objective that the corresponding
assumption is covered, if the objective is valid. Nevertheless some objectives exceed the statements of
the assumptions they cover.
5.4.4 Countering the threats
The threat T.ROLES is fully countered by a security objective combination of
O.AUTH_ADMIN ensures a secure authentication of administrators. O.ROLES ensures that only
authorized administrators are allowed to perform the administration of the TOE via limiting access to
security relevant data of the TOE to administrators. O.AUDIT_REACTION logs every impostor
attempt. Regarding the part of the threat that a user may try to gain access to another portal as he has
rights for, this threat is covered by the environment via OE.ENVIRONMENT because the decision
whether a user gets access to a portal is done by the policy management of the environment.
The threat T.BRUTEFORCE (using a large amount of possible biometric data to verify against a
wrong claimed id) is fully countered by a security objective combination of O.AUDIT_REACTION
and O.BIO_VERIFICATION. O.BIO_VERIFICATION ensures that the verification process itself is
done with an appropriate reliability and that the chance of impostor brute force attempts is less then
the specified limit for the assurance claim of the TOE. O.AUDIT_REACTION records an unusual
high amount of verification attempts to one claimed ID or an unusual high amount of unsuccessful
verification attempts against different IDs and reacts via blocking the verification function system for
a specific time or informing an administrator.
22 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
The threat T.RESIDUAL is fully countered by a security objective combination of O.RESIDUAL,
memory attacks as described in T.RESIDUAL, OE.RESIDUAL_CAPTURE counters the possibility
to use residual data from the capture device and O.AUDIT_REACTION audits a potential impostor
The threat T.REPRODUCE is fully countered by a security objective combination of
OE.NO_REPRODUCE (as directly follows from the security objective definition) and
O.AUDIT_REACTION because the impostor attempt is logged.
The threat T.MODIFY_ASSETS is countered by a combination of the objectives O.ROLES,
limit the access to security relevant objects of the TOE to authorized administrators.
O.AUTH_ADMIN is responsible to authenticate the administrator. O.AUDIT_REACTION is logging
an impostor attempt. OE.ENVIRONMENT prevents tampering with the database containing the
5.4.5 Coverage of organisational security policies
The organisational security policy OSP.ERROR (the TOE must meet criteria for security relevant
error rates) is directly met by O.BIO_VERIFICATION as this objective describes that the biometric
verification mechanism has to reach the security relevant error rates as required by OSP.ERROR.
The organisational security policy OSP.USERLIMIT is met by O.AUDIT_REACTION because this
objective ensures that unsuccessful verification attempts to one or more claimed IDs are logged and
that the TOE reacts to keep itself in a secure state after a configurable number of those attempts
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik 23
6. Extended Component definition
This PP does not use any extended functional or assurance components.
24 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
7. Security Requirements
This chapter describes the security functional and the assurance requirements which have to be
fulfilled by the TOE. Those requirements comprise functional components from part 2 of [CC] and the
assurance components as defined for the Evaluation Assurance Level 2 part 3 of [CC].
The following notations are used:
● Refinement operation (denoted by bold text): is used to add details to a requirement, and thus
further restricts a requirement.
● Selection operation (denoted by underlined text): is used to select one or more options
provided by the [CC] in stating a requirement.
● Assignment operation (denoted by italicised text): is used to assign a specific value to an
unspecified parameter, such as the length of a password. Showing the value in square brackets
indicates assignment.
● Iteration operation: are identified with a number inside parentheses (e.g. “(1)”)
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik 25
7.1 Security Functional Requirements for the TOE
The following table summarises all TOE functional requirements of this PP:
Class FAU: Security Audit
FAU_GEN.1 Audit Data Generation
FAU_GEN.2 User Identity Association
Class FDP: User Data Protection
FDP_RIP.2 Full residual information protection
Class FIA: Identification and Authentication
FIA_AFL.1(1) Authentication failure handling for users accounts
FIA_AFL.1(2) Authentication failure handling for administrators accounts
FIA_ATD.1 User attribute definition
FIA_UAU.2(1) User authentication before any action
FIA_UAU.2(2) User authentication before any action
FIA_UAU.5 Multiple authentication mechanisms
FIA_UAU.7 Protected authentication feedback
FIA_UID.2(1) User identification before any action
FIA_UID.2(2) User identification before any action
Class FMT: Security Management
FMT_MOF.1 Management of Security Functions behaviour
FMT_MTD.1 Management of TSF data
FMT_MTD.3 Secure TSF data
FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions
FMT_SMR.1 Security roles
Class FPT: Protection of the TSF
FPT_RPL.1(1) Replay Detection
Table 1:Security Functional Requirements
26 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
BVMPP Security audit (FAU)
Security audit data generation (FAU_GEN)
FAU_GEN.1 Audit data generation
FAU_GEN.1.1 The TSF shall be able to generate an audit record of the following auditable events:
a) Start-up and shutdown of the audit functions;
b) All auditable events for the [basic] level of audit; and
c) [assignment: other specifically defined auditable events or none].
FAU_GEN.1.2 The TSF shall record within each audit record at least the following information:
a) Date and time of the event, type of event, subject identity (if applicable), and the
outcome (success or failure) of the event; and
b) For each audit event type, based on the auditable event definitions of the
functional components included in the PP/ST, [assignment: other audit relevant
Hierarchical to: No other components
Dependencies: FPT_STM.1
FAU_GEN.2 User identity association
FAU_GEN.2.1 For audit events resulting from actions of identified users, the TSF shall be able to
associate each auditable event with the identity of the user that caused the event.
Hierarchical to: No other components
Dependencies: FAU_GEN.1
Application Note: It should be noted that O.AUDIT_REACTION defines that the TOE has to be
able to react to detected attacks in order to keep the system in a secure state.
This reactive aspect of O.AUDIT_REACTION has been modelled in form of
FIA_AFL.1(1) and FIA_AFL.1(2) as the examples in O.AUDIT_REACTION
focus on brute force attacks against users or administrators accounts.
If additional reactive capabilities should be needed by a TOE the ST author
should consider to model those capabilities and extend the set of SFRs by
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik 27
BVMPP User data protection (FDP)
Residual information protection (FDP_RIP)
FDP_RIP.2 Full residual information protection
FDP_RIP.2.1 The TSF shall ensure that any previous information content of a resource is
made unavailable upon the [deallocation of the resource from] all objects.
Hierarchical to: FDP_RIP.1
Dependencies: No dependencies Identification and authentication (FIA)
Authentication failures (FIA_AFL)
FIA_AFL.1(1) Authentication failure handling for users accounts
FIA_AFL.1.1(1) The TSF shall detect when [an administrator configurable positive integer
within [assignment: range of acceptable values]] unsuccessful authentication
attempts occur related to [the biometric verification of one or more users].
FIA_AFL.1.2(1) When the defined number of unsuccessful authentication attempts has been
[selection: met, surpassed], the TSF shall [disable the biometric verification
for the corresponding user and [assignment: list of other actions]].
Hierarchical to: No other components
Dependencies: FIA_UAU.1
FIA_AFL.1(2) Authentication failure handling for administrators accounts
FIA_AFL.1.1(2) The TSF shall detect when [an administrator configurable positive integer
within [assignment: range of acceptable values]] unsuccessful authentication
attempts occur related to [the authentication of one or more administrators
FIA_AFL.1.2(2) When the defined number of unsuccessful authentication attempts has been
[selection: met, surpassed], the TSF shall [disable the verification for the
corresponding administrator account and [assignment: list of other actions]].
Hierarchical to: No other components
Dependencies: FIA_UAU.1
28 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Application Note: The range of acceptable values for unsuccessful authentication attempts and
the action to be taken in case this valued is met or surpassed is highly
depending on the used biometric technology and the concrete application of the
biometric system. Specifically, parallel attacks on multiple accounts have to be
considered here and those are dependent on the workload of the respective
TOE. As such the open operations in FIA_AFL.1(1) and FIA_AFL.1(2) are
left to the ST author.
User attribute definition (FIA_ATD)
FIA_ATD.1 User attribute definition
FIA_ATD.1.1 The TSF shall maintain the following list of security attributes belonging to
individual users: [
● user ID or name
● biometric reference
● role
● [assignment: other attributes or none]].
Hierarchical to: No other components
Dependencies: No dependencies
User authentication (FIA_UAU)
FIA_UAU.2(1) User authentication before any action
FIA_UAU.2.1(1) For biometric verification, Tthe TSF shall require each user to be
successfully authenticated before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on
behalf of that user.
Hierarchical to: FIA_UAU.1
Dependencies: FIA_UID.1
Application Note: The security relevant error rates of the biometric verification function that is
used to realize this authentication has to be lower than or equal to the value for
those rates demanded by OSP.ERROR.
FIA_UAU.2(2) User authentication before any action
FIA_UAU.2.1(2) For non biometric verification, Tthe TSF shall require each user to be
successfully authenticated before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on
behalf of that user.
Hierarchical to: FIA_UAU.1
Dependencies: FIA_UID.1
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik 29
Application Note: Typically, authentication is a function provided by a TOE whose main purpose
is entirely different (e.g. office automation network, a numerical analysis
system, etc.). In this case, however, authentication is assumed to be the prime
purpose of the TOE. This security functional requirements (FIA_UAU.2(1)),
therefore, expresses the primary objective of the TOE.
FIA_UAU.5 Multiple authentication mechanisms
FIA_UAU.5.1 The TSF shall provide [
● a biometric verification mechanism and
● a non biometric verification mechanism
] to support user authentication.
FIA_UAU.5.2 The TSF shall authenticate any user's claimed identity according to the[following
● users shall be authenticated using the biometric verification mechanism
● administrators shall be authenticated using the non biometric verification
mechanism (FIA_UAU.2(2))
● [assignment: other rules describing how the multiple authentication
mechanisms provide authentication or none].
Hierarchical to: No other components
Dependencies: No dependencies
FIA_UAU.7 Protected authentication feedback
FIA_UAU.7.1 The TSF shall provide only [a message indicating that verification efforts are
in progress] to the user while the biometric authentication is in progress.
Hierarchical to: No other components
Dependencies: FIA_UAU.1
30 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
User identification (FIA_UID)
FIA_UID.2(1) User identification before any action
FIA_UID.2.1(1) For biometric verification, Tthe TSF shall require each user to be successfully
identified before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user.
Hierarchical to: FIA_UID.1
Dependencies: No dependencies
FIA_UID.2(2) User identification before any action
FIA_UID.2.1(2) For non biometric verification, Tthe TSF shall require each user to be
successfully identified before allowing any other TSF-mediated actions on behalf
of that user.
Hierarchical to: FIA_UID.1
Dependencies: No dependencies Security management (FMT)
Management of functions in TSF (FMT_MOF)
FMT_MOF.1 Management of security function behaviour
FMT_MOF.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to [determine the behaviour of, disable,
enable, modify the behaviour of] the functions [
● Audit mechanism,
● [assignment: other functions or none]
to [TOE administrators].
Hierarchical to: No other components
Dependencies: FMT_FMR.1
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik 31
Management of TSF data (FMT_MTD)
FMT_MTD.1 Management of TSF data
FMT_MTD.1.1 The TSF shall restrict the ability to [change_default, query, modify, delete,
clear, [assignment: other operations or none]] the [
● [assignment: list of security parameters which control the performance of
the biometric system]
● [assignment: user security attributes]
● [assignment: other attributes or none]
] to [TOE administrators].
Hierarchical to: No other components
Dependencies: FMT_SMR.1
FMT_MTD.3 Secure TSF data
FMT_MTD.3.1 The TSF shall ensure that only secure values are accepted for [
● biometric reference records
● [assignment: list of other TSF data or none]
Hierarchical to: No other components
Dependencies: FMT_MTD.1
Specification of Management Functions (FMT_SMF)
FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions
FMT_SMF.1.1 The TSF shall be capable of performing the following management functions: [
● unlock a blocked user or administrator account
● [assignment: list of other management functions to be provided by the
TSF or none]
Hierarchical to: No other components
Dependencies: No dependencies
Application Note: To allow this PP being applied to a wide variety of biometric technology and
application cases many SFRs do have open assignments and selections that
have to be completed by the ST author. As such it is not possible to finally
decide, which of the SFRs do require dedicated management functionality to
be defined in FMT_SMF.1.
32 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
The following table summarizes the recommendations from part II of [CC]
with respect to the management functionality that may be required by the SFRs
as used in this PP. This table should be used as a guideline for completion of
the assignment in FMT_SMF.1
SFR Management aspect to be considered
FIA_AFL.1 ● management of the threshold for unsuccessful authentication attempts;
● management of actions to be taken in the event of an authentication
FIA_UAU.2 ● management of the authentication data by an administrator;
● management of the authentication data by the user associated with this
FIA_UID.2 ● the management of the user identities.
FMT_MOF.1 ● managing the group of roles that can interact with the functions in the
FMT_MTD.1 ● managing the group of roles that can interact with the TSF data.
FMT_SMR.1 ● managing the group of users that are part of a role.
FPT_RPL.1(1) ● management of the list of identified entities for which replay shall be
● management of the list of actions that need to be taken in case of replay.
Security management roles (FMT_SMR)
FMT_SMR.1 Security roles
FMT_SMR.1.1 The TSF shall maintain the roles [
● user
● TOE administrator
● [assignment: additional roles or none]].
FMT_SMR.1.2 The TSF shall be able to associate users with roles.
Hierarchical to: No other components
Dependencies: FIA_UID.1
Application Note: The roles as defined in FMT_SMR.1 do only represent a very simple concept
of users and administrators. Depending on the concrete focus and application
case of a TOE it may be necessary for the ST author to add additional roles
or even to restructure the existing concept of roles. In any case the ST author
will have to ensure an appropriate separation of administrative roles from
standard users.
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik 33
BVMPP Protection of the TSF (FPT)
Replay detection (FPT_RPL)
FPT_RPL.1(1) Exact match Replay detection
FPT_RPL.1.1(1) The TSF shall detect exact match replays for the following entities: [biometric
authentication data].
FPT_RPL.1.2(1) The TSF shall perform [ignore the replayed data] when replay is detected.
Hierarchical to: No other components
Dependencies: No dependencies
34 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
7.2 Security Assurance Requirements for the TOE
The minimum Evaluation Assurance Level for this Protection Profile is EAL 2.
The following table lists the assurance components which are therefore applicable to this PP.
Assurance Class Assurance Component Additional guidance available
Development ADV_ARC.1 -
Guidance documents AGD_OPE.1 See chapter 7.2.1
AGD_PRE.1 See chapter 7.2.1
Life-cycle support ALC_CMC.2 -
Security Target Evaluation ASE_CCL.1 -
Tests ATE_COV.1 See chapter 7.2.2
ATE_FUN.1 See chapter 7.2.2
ATE_IND.2 See chapter 7.2.2
Vulnerability Assessment AVA_VAN.2 See chapter 7.2.3
Table 2: Assurance Requirements
Due to the special character of biometric technology, the following chapters provide the evaluators
with some additional guidance for specific aspects of assurance classes. By the time this Protection
Profile has been developed, no comprehensive methodology for evaluations of biometric technology
has been available in the scheme of Common Criteria. Once such a methodology is available it may
supersede the recommendations of the following chapters.
7.2.1 Additional guidance for Guidance documents
The following aspects of biometric technology may require special consideration during the
development and the evaluation of the guidance documentation:
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik 35
● Biometric system operation is greatly affected by physical environmental influences (e.g. light
and sound levels, dust, humidity, and cleanliness of the biometric capture device) and those
can affect the accuracy of the verification processes. Hence, guidance documentation should
include information on environmental influences and ways of minimising those influences.
Specific attention shall be paid to the descriptions of the limits of the environmental
conditions under which the TOE is able to operate.
● Where it is possible to modify security relevant settings of the biometric functionality (e.g. the
matching thresholds used in the comparison process), the documentation shall include a
description of the effects when changing these values and the importance of those values in
the context of security. If the certified version of a product only includes a subset of all
possible settings of an important parameter this shall be clearly identified and the
administrator shall be advised to ensure that the TOE is only operated using those values.
● Biometric information shall in principle be treated as personal information and aspects of
privacy in the context of collecting, storing and handling biometric data shall be addressed in
the guidance documentation.
7.2.2 Additional guidance for tests
The tests of the developer and the evaluators shall include statistic performance testing of the security
relevant error rates. Such a test comprises three important steps:
1) The security relevant error rates will have to be identified and their maximum values have to
be claimed by the developer
2) The security relevant error rates will have to be tested by the developer
3) The test of the developer shall be reviewed and (partly) repeated by the evaluator.
The evaluator shall seek guidance on those tests in relevant documentation. Specifically the evaluator
shall consider the information given in [19792] and [19795].
Those error rates that have been identified to be relevant for the TOE and their maximum values (the
tests have to show that the TOE does not exceed those values) shall be reported in the ST.
7.2.3 Additional guidance for Vulnerability Assessment
While biometric verification systems solve some of the problems that classical authentication
mechanisms that are based on knowledge (e.g. a PIN) are facing, the nature of biometric technology
leads to some specific vulnerabilities that are inherent for this kind of technology.
As such each evaluation of a biometric system will have to consider those vulnerabilities like the use
of fakes or the imitation of biometric characteristics. Some of those vulnerabilities are addressed by
the description of the threats in this PP.
In the context of this PP the evaluator should seek their primary guidance for vulnerability assessment
in public sources listing typical vulnerabilities of biometric technology. Those sources should include
(but not be limited to) [19792] and [BEM] or their successor versions.
Each of the identified vulnerabilities will have to be considered during the analysis. While it may be
easy for some of the potential vulnerabilities to argue that they are not relevant on a theoretical level
the assessment of other vulnerabilities may require penetration testing or deeper information about the
system architecture.
36 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
7.3 Security Requirements rationale
7.3.1 Security Functional Requirements rationale Fulfilment of the Security Objectives
This chapter proves that the set of security requirements (TOE) is suited to fulfil the security
objectives described in chapter 4 and that each SFR can be traced back to the security objectives. At
least one security objective exists for each security requirement.
FIA_AFL.1(1) X
FIA_AFL.1(2) X
FIA_UAU.2(1) X
FIA_UAU.2(2) X
FIA_UID.2(1) X
FIA_UID.2(2) X
FPT_RPL.1(1) X
Table 3:Fulfilment of Security Objectives
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik 37
The following paragraphs contain more details on this mapping.
● FAU_GEN.1 defines that the TOE has to capture all the events as required by
● FAU_GEN.2 ensures that events can be traced back to the identity of a user if the event was
caused by a user.
● FIA_AFL.1(1) ensures that reaching a threshold of unsuccessful authentication attempts for
the biometric authentication mechanism is recognized to be a security relevant state.
● FIA_AFL.1(2) ensures that reaching a threshold of unsuccessful authentication attempts for
the authentication mechanism for the administrator is recognized to be a security relevant
● FIA_ATD.1 defines that the role of a user is a user attribute.
● FMT_MOF.1 limits the ability to modify the behaviour of audit functions and other relevant
functions to administrators,
● FMT_MTD.1 restricts the ability to control the relevant settings of the TOE to administrators.
● FMT_SMF.1 defines that the TOE has to provide some specific management functions to
control the security relevant attributes and
● FMT_SMR.1 ensures that the TOE maintains roles and that each user can be associated with
a role.
● FIA_ATD.1 defines the user attributes that are also used for the biometric verification.
● FIA_UAU.2(1) states that each user has to be successfully authenticated by the biometric
mechanism before performing any action.
● FIA_UAU.5 defines that the TOE has a different authentication mechanism for administrators
beside the biometric verification process.
● FIA_UAU.7 ensures that no harmful authentication feedback is given to a potential attacker.
● FIA_UID.2(1) states that the each user has to be identified before performing any action.
● FPT_RPL.1(1) ensures that the TOE ignores biometric authentication data that matches to a
biometric reference too well as such an “exact match” is likely to be the result of a replay
● FMT_MTD.3 assures that only secure values are accepted for TSF data that is used by the
biometric verification process.
● FIA_ATD.1 defines the user attributes that are also used for the authentication of an
● FIA_UAU.2(2) states that administrators have to be successfully authenticated before
performing any action.
● FIA_UAU.5 defines that the TOE has a different authentication mechanism for administrators
beside the biometric verification process.
● FIA_UID.2(2) states that administrators have to be identified before performing any action.
● This objective is completely covered by FDP_RIP.2 as directly follows.
38 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
BVMPP Fulfilment of the dependencies
The following table summarises all TOE functional requirements dependencies of this PP and
demonstrates that they are fulfilled.
SFR Dependencies Fulfilled by
FAU_GEN.1 FPT_STM.1 See chapter
FDP_RIP.2 - -
FIA_ATD.1 - -
FIA_UAU.5 - -
FIA_UID.2(1) - -
FIA_UID.2(2) - -
FMT_SMF.1 - -
FMT_SMR.1 FIA_UID.1 FIA_UID.2(1) and FIA_UID.2(1)
FPT_RPL.1(1) - -
Table 4:Security Functional Requirements Justification for missing dependencies
The functional component FAU_GEN.1 has an identified dependency on FPT_STM.1. This
dependency is not satisfied by any TOE functional requirement as the functionality of reliable time
stamps is provided by the TOE environment (see OE.ENVIRONMENT).
7.3.2 Security Assurance Requirements rationale
The assurance level EAL2 has been chosen for this Protection Profile and additional guidance has
been provided for some of the assurance components due to the special nature of the biometric
EAL2 has been chosen because it provides a basic assurance that the TOE operates as specified in the
ST. Further it is expected that the special characteristics of the biometric technology may cause
problems and lead to a complex evaluation and certification process when evaluated on higher EALs.
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik 39
BVMPP Dependencies of assurance components
The dependencies of the assurance requirements taken from EAL2 are fulfilled automatically.
8. Appendix
If the ST author decides to include OE.NO_REPRODUCE and OE.RESIDUAL_CAPTURE into the
scope of the TOE, then the following SFRs should be used to model the security functionality. Both
SFRs do not have any dependencies. As such they can be added to the scope of the TOE without
considering any additional SFRs.
Unforgeable authentication (FIA_UAU.3)
FIA_UAU.3 Unforgeable authentication
FIA_UAU.3.1 The TSF shall [selection: detect and prevent, or just prevent] use of authentication
data that has been forged by any user of the TSF.
FIA_UAU.3.2 The TSF shall [selection: detect and prevent, or just prevent] use of authentication
data that has been copied from any other user of the TSF.
Hierarchical to: No other components
Dependencies: No dependencies
Replay detection (FPT_RPL)
FPT_RPL.1(2) Extended replay detection
FPT_RPL.1.1(2) The TSF shall detect replay for the following entities: [biometric
authentication data residing on the capture device].
FPT_RPL.1.2(2) The TSF shall perform [ignore the replayed data] when replay is detected.
Hierarchical to: No other components
Dependencies: No dependencies
Application Note: FPT_RPL.1(2) refers to replay attacks which are not exact matches of the
biometric references but can be discovered by other means (e.g. biometric
fake detection).
Application Note: FIA_UAU.3 can be traced back to OE.NO_REPRODUCE and
OE.RESIDUAL_CAPTURE. FPT_RPL.1(2) can be traced back to
40 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
8.2 Glossary
Term Desription
Attacker An attacker is any individual who is attempting to subvert the operation of the
biometric system. The intention may be either to subsequently gain illegal
entry to the portal or to deny entry to legitimate users.
Attempt The submission of a biometric sample to a biometric system for identification
or verification. A biometric system may allow more than one attempt to
identify or verify.
Authentication Determination of authenticity; confirmation of the identity of a user. Generic
term for the processes of the identification and verification.
Biometric A measurable physical characteristic or personal behavioural trait used to
recognise the identity of a user or verify a claimed identity.
biometric recognition
automated recognition of individuals based on their behavioural and
biological characteristics
Biometric data Extracted information taken from a biometric sample and used either to build
a biometric reference on enrolment, or to compare against a previously
created reference.
Biometric feature A representation from a biometric sample extracted by the extraction system.
Biometric reference one or more stored biometric samples, biometric templates or biometric
models attributed to a biometric data subject and used for comparison
Biometric Reference
Record (BRR)
An object containing a Biometric Reference
Biometric sample analog or digital representation of biometric characteristics prior to biometric
feature extraction and obtained from a biometric capture device or biometric
capture subsystem
Biometric system An automated system capable of capturing a biometric sample from a user,
extracting biometric data from the sample, comparing the data with one or
more biometric references, deciding on how well they match, and indicating
whether or not an identification or verification of identity has been achieved.
Note that in [CC] evaluation terms, a biometric system may be a product or
part of a system.
BLR Biometric Live Record - includes the actual biometric data (actual biometric
characteristic and user identity) to be verified against the biometric reference
Brute Force Attack A brute force attack is an attack that requires trying all or a large fraction of
all possible values until the right value is found.
CC Common Criteria - Common Criteria for Information Technology Security
CEM Common Evaluation Methodology
Comparison The process of comparing biometric data with a previously stored biometric
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik 41
Term Desription
EAL Evaluation Assurance Level
FAR False Accept Rate (FAR) - proportion of verification transactions with
wrongful claims of identity that are incorrectly confirmed
FRR False Rejection Rate (FRR) - proportion of verification transactions with
truthful claims of identity that are incorrectly denied
GINA Graphical Identification and Authentication as part of an operating system
Identification system Biometric system that provides an identification function (see also
LAN Local Area Network
Live processing Direct enrolment/identification of potential users via the normal biometric
capture process.
Matching Score A measure of similarity or dissimilarity between the biometric data and a
stored template, used in the comparison process.
Multimodal biometris A biometric system, which uses information from different biometrics - e.g.
fingerprint and hand shape; or fingerprints from two separate fingers.
OS Operating system
Portal The physical or logical point beyond which information or assets are
protected by a biometric system.
PP Protection Profile - An implementation-independent set of security
requirements for a category of TOEs that meet specific consumer needs.
Replay attack An attack in which a valid data transmission is maliciously or fraudulently
repeated, either by the originator or by an adversary who intercepts the data
and retransmits it, possibly as part of an impostor attack.
Sensor The physical hardware device used for biometric capture. Also called capture
SmartCard A credit card sized chip card with embedded integrated circuits. Often used to
store keys for authentication.
ST Security Target – A set of implementation-dependent security requirements
for a specific TOE.
Threshold A parametric value used to convert a matching score to a decision.
TOE Target of Evaluation
TSF TOE Security Functionality.
Verification See chapter 2.1.
Verification system A biometric system that provides a verification functionality.
WAN Wide Area Network
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
42 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
8.3 References
[19795] ISO/IEC 19795, Biometric performance testing and reporting- Part 1:Principles and
[19792] ISO/IEC 19792, Security Evaluation of Biometrics, 3rd Committee Draft
[BEM] Biometrics Evaluation Methodology Supplement, Version 1.0, August 2002
[CC] Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation –
● Part 1: Introduction and general model, dated September 2006, version 3.1 R1
● Part 2: Security functional requirements, dated September 2007, version 3.1, R2
● Part 3: Security assurance requirements, dated September 2007, version 3.1, R2
[CEM] Common Evaluation Methodology for Information Technology Security – Evaluation
Methodology, dated September 2007, version 3.1 R2
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik 43