UNCLASSIFIED / NON CLASSIFIÉ CCCS-PP-008-CR COMMON CRITERIA CERTIFICATION REPORT PP-Configuration for Peripheral Sharing Device, Analog Audio Output Devices, Keyboard/Mouse Devices, and Video/Display Devices, version 1.0, 19 July 2019 9 July 2021 2 UNCLASSIFIED / NON CLASSIFIÉ FOREWORD This certification report is an UNCLASSIFIED publication, issued under the authority of the Chief, Communications Security Establishment (CSE). The PP Configuration identified in this certification report has been evaluated at an approved testing laboratory established under the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS). This certification report applies only to the identified version and release of the PP Configuration. The evaluation has been conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Canadian CC Scheme, and the conclusions of the testing laboratory in the evaluation report are consistent with the evidence adduced. If your organization has identified a requirement for this certification report and would like more detailed information, please contact: Canadian Centre for Cyber Security Contact Centre and Information Services contact@cyber.gc.ca | 1-833-CYBER-88 (1-833-292-3788) 3 UNCLASSIFIED / NON CLASSIFIÉ OVERVIEW The Canadian Common Criteria Scheme provides a third-party evaluation service for determining the trustworthiness of Information Technology (IT) security products. Evaluations are performed by a commercial Common Criteria Testing Laboratory (CCTL) under the oversight of the Certification Body, which is managed by the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security. A CCTL is a commercial facility that has been approved by the Certification Body to perform Common Criteria evaluations; a significant requirement for such approval is accreditation to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025, the General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories. This certification report is posted to the Common Criteria portal (the official website of the International Common Criteria Program). 4 UNCLASSIFIED / NON CLASSIFIÉ TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................................................5 1 Identification .......................................................................................................................................................6 2 PP-Configuration Description................................................................................................................................7 3 Security Problem Description and Objectives .........................................................................................................8 3.1 Assumptions................................................................................................................................................8 3.2 Threats........................................................................................................................................................9 3.3 Organizational Security Policies ...................................................................................................................10 3.4 Security Objectives .....................................................................................................................................10 4 Security Requirements........................................................................................................................................13 4.1 Base Security Functional Requirements.........................................................................................................13 4.2 Optional Security Functional Requirements....................................................................................................15 4.3 Selection-Based Security Functional Requirements ........................................................................................16 4.4 Security Assurance Requirements ................................................................................................................17 5 Results of the Evaluation ....................................................................................................................................19 6 References........................................................................................................................................................20 5 UNCLASSIFIED / NON CLASSIFIÉ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report documents the results of the evaluation of the PP-Configuration for Peripheral Sharing Device, Analog Audio Output Devices, Keyboard/Mouse Devices, and Video/Display Devices, version 1.0 (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0). It presents a summary of the PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0 together with the evaluation results. This PP-Configuration defines (by reference to the Supporting Documents for the included PP-Modules) how to evaluate a TOE that claims conformance to the following: • Protection Profile for Peripheral Sharing Device Version 4.0; • PP-Module for Analog Audio Output Devices Version 1.0; • PP-Module for Keyboard/Mouse Devices Version 1.0; and • PP-Module for Video/Display Devices Version 1.0. In order to promote thoroughness and efficiency, the evaluation of the PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0 was performed concurrent with the first product evaluation against the PP-Configuration’s requirements. In this case the Target of Evaluation (TOE) for this first product was the Belkin F1DN104KVM-UNN4, F1DN204KVM-UNN4, F1DN102KVM-UNN4, F1DN202KVM-UNN4 Firmware Version 44404-E7E7 Peripheral Sharing Devices (hereafter referred to as “Belkin KVM Devices”). The evaluation was performed by the EWA-Canada Common Criteria Testing Laboratory and was completed in April 2021. This evaluation addressed the base requirements of PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0, as well as most of the requirements contained in Appendices A and B. An additional evaluation of the PP-Configuration was performed by the EWA-Canada Common Criteria Testing Laboratory to confirm that it meets the claimed ACE assurance requirements. The evaluations determined that the PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0 is both Common Criteria Part 2 Extended and Part 3 Conformant. The PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0 was evaluated at an approved Common Criteria Testing Laboratory using the Common Methodology for IT Security Evaluation (version 3.1, revision 5) for conformance to the Common Criteria for IT Security Evaluation (version 3.1, revision 5). The Canadian Centre for Cyber Security, as the Certification Body, found that the evaluations demonstrated that the PP- Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0 meets the requirements of the ACE components. The conclusions of the testing laboratory in the Assurance Activity Report (AAR) are consistent with the evidence produced. 6 UNCLASSIFIED / NON CLASSIFIÉ 1 IDENTIFICATION The evaluation of the PP-Configuration for Peripheral Sharing Device, Analog Audio Output Devices, Keyboard/Mouse Devices, User Authentication Devices, and Video/Display Devices, version 1.0 (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) was performed concurrently with the first product evaluation against the PP-Configuration. The Target of Evaluation (TOE) was the Belkin F1DN104KVM-UNN4, F1DN204KVM-UNN4, F1DN102KVM-UNN4, F1DN202KVM-UNN4 Firmware Version 44404- E7E7 Peripheral Sharing Devices (hereafter referred to as “Belkin KVM Devices”). The evaluation was performed by the EWA- Canada Common Criteria Testing Laboratory and was completed in July 2021. The PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0 contains a set of “base” requirements, comprised of “base” requirement that all conformant STs must include, and additionally contains “Optional” and “Selection-based” requirements. The PP- Configuration contains Implementation-Dependent Optional Requirements that are dependent on the TOE implementing a particular function. The Selection-based requirements are additional requirements based on selections made within the PP- Configuration; if certain selections are made, then additional requirements will need to be included. The following identifies the PP-Configuration that was the subject of the evaluation and certification, together with supporting information from the base evaluation performed against this PP-Configuration. PP-Configuration PP-Configuration for Peripheral Sharing Device, Analog Audio Output Devices, Keyboard/Mouse Devices, and Video/Display Devices, version 1.0 Base-PP Protection Profile for Peripheral Sharing Device, version 4.0 (PP_PSD_v4.0) PP-Modules in PP- Configuration PP-Module for Analog Audio Output Devices Version 1.0 (MOD_AO_v1.0) PP-Module for Keyboard/Mouse Devices Version 1.0 (MOD_KM_v1.0) PP-Module for Video/Display Devices Version 1.0 (MOD_VI_v1.0) Security Target Belkin F1DN104KVM-UNN4, F1DN204KVM-UNN4, F1DN102KVM-UNN4, F1DN202KVM-UNN4 Firmware Version 44404-E7E7 Peripheral Sharing Devices Security Target, Version 1.9, 8 July 2021 CC Version Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 3.1, Revision 5 Conformance Result CC Part 2 Extended, CC Part 3 Conformant CC Testing Lab EWA-Canada 7 UNCLASSIFIED / NON CLASSIFIÉ 2 PP-CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION The PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0 describes common security requirements for Peripheral Sharing Devices (PSDs). That includes functionality for analog audio devices, keyboard/mouse devices, and video/display devices. The PSD can share these peripherals between multiple computers or support a single connected computer. 8 UNCLASSIFIED / NON CLASSIFIÉ 3 SECURITY PROBLEM DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES 3.1 ASSUMPTIONS The specific conditions listed here are assumed to exist in the TOE’s Operational Environment. These assumptions include both practical realities in the development of the TOE security requirements and the essential environmental conditions on the use of the TOE. Table 1: Assumptions Assumption Name Assumption Definition From PP_PSD_v4.0 A.NO_TEMPEST Computers and peripheral devices connected to the PSD are not TEMPEST approved. A.PHYSICAL The environment provides physical security commensurate with the value of the TOE and the data it processes and contains. A.NO_WIRELESS_DEVICES The environment includes no wireless peripheral devices. A.TRUSTED_ADMIN PSD Administrators and users are trusted to follow and apply all guidance in a trusted manner. A.TRUSTED_CONFIG Personnel configuring the PSD and its operational environment follow the applicable security configuration guidance. A.USER_ALLOWED_ACCESS All PSD users are allowed to interact with all connected computers. It is not the role of the PSD to prevent or otherwise control user access to connected computers. Computers or their connected network shall have the required means to authenticate the user and to control access to their various resources. From MOD_AO_v1.0 A.NO_MICROPHONES Users are trained not to connect a microphone to the TOE audio output interface. From MOD_VI_v1.0 A.NO_SPECIAL_ANALOG_ CAPABILITIES The computers connected to the TOE are not equipped with special analog data collection cards or peripherals such as analog to digital interface, high performance audio interface, digital signal processing function, or analog video capture function. 9 UNCLASSIFIED / NON CLASSIFIÉ 3.2 THREATS TOEs conforming to the PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0 counter the following threats. Table 2: Threats Threat Name Threat Definition From PP_PSD_v4.0 T.DATA_LEAK A connection via the PSD between one or more computers may allow unauthorized data flow through the PSD or its connected peripherals. T.SIGNAL_LEAK A connection via the PSD between one or more computers may allow unauthorized data flow through bit‐by‐bit signaling. T.RESIDUAL_LEAK A PSD may leak (partial, residual, or echo) user data between the intended connected computer and another unintended connected computer. T.UNINTENDED_USE A PSD may connect the user to a computer other than the one to which the user intended to connect. T.UNAUTHORIZED_DEVICES The use of an unauthorized peripheral device with a specific PSD peripheral port may allow unauthorized data flows between connected devices or enable an attack on the PSD or its connected computers. T.LOGICAL_TAMPER An attached device (computer or peripheral) with malware, or otherwise under the control of a malicious user, could modify or overwrite code or data stored in the PSD’s volatile or non‐volatile memory to allow unauthorized information flows. T.PHYSICAL_TAMPER A malicious user or human agent could physically modify the PSD to allow unauthorized information flows. T.REPLACEMENT A malicious human agent could replace the PSD during shipping, storage, or use with an alternate device that does not enforce the PSD security policies. T.FAILED Detectable failure of a PSD may cause an unauthorized information flow or weakening of PSD security functions. From MOD_AO_v1.0 T.MICROPHONE_USE A malicious agent could use an unauthorized peripheral device such as a microphone, connected to the TOE audio out peripheral device interface to eavesdrop or transfer data across an air‐gap through audio signaling. T.AUDIO_REVERSED A malicious agent could repurpose an authorized audio output peripheral device by converting it to a low‐gain microphone to eavesdrop on the surrounding audio or transfer data across an air‐gap through audio signaling. 10 UNCLASSIFIED / NON CLASSIFIÉ 3.3 ORGANIZATIONAL SECURITY POLICIES No organizational security policies have been identified that are specific to Peripheral Sharing Devices. 3.4 SECURITY OBJECTIVES The following table contains security objectives for the TOE. Table 3: TOE Security Objectives TOE Security Objective TOE Security Objective Definition From PP_PSD_v4.0 O.COMPUTER_INTERFACE _ISOLATION The PSD shall prevent unauthorized data flow to ensure that the PSD and its connected peripheral devices cannot be exploited in an attempt to leak data. The TOE‐Computer interface shall be isolated from all other PSD‐Computer interfaces while TOE is powered. (Addressed by: FDP_APC_EXT.1) O.COMPUTER_INTERFACE _ISOLATION_TOE_UNPOWERED The PSD shall not allow data to transit a PSD‐Computer interface while the PSD is unpowered. (Addressed by: FDP_APC_EXT.1) O.USER_DATA_ISOLATION The PSD shall route user data, such as keyboard entries, only to the computer selected by the user. The PSD shall provide isolation between the data flowing from the peripheral device to the selected computer and any non‐selected computer. (Addressed by: FDP_APC_EXT.1) O.NO_USER_DATA_RETENTION The PSD shall not retain user data in non‐volatile memory after power up or, if supported, factory reset. (Addressed by: FDP_RIP_EXT.1, FDP_RIP_EXT.2 (optional)) O.NO_OTHER_EXTERNAL _INTERFACES The PSD shall not have any external interfaces other than those implemented by the TSF. (Addressed by: FDP_PDC_EXT.1) O.LEAK_PREVENTION_SWITCHING The PSD shall ensure that there are no switching mechanisms that allow signal data leakage between connected computers. (Addressed by: FDP_SWI_EXT.1, FDP_SWI_EXT.2 (selection‐ based)) O.AUTHORIZED_USAGE The TOE shall explicitly prohibit or ignore unauthorized switching mechanisms, either because it supports only one connected computer or because it allows only authorized mechanisms to switch between connected computers. Authorized switching mechanisms shall require express user action restricted to console buttons, console switches, console touch screen, wired remote control, and peripheral devices using a guard. Unauthorized switching mechanisms include keyboard shortcuts, also known as “hotkeys,” automatic port scanning, control through a connected computer, and control through keyboard shortcuts. Where applicable, the results of the switching activity shall be indicated by the TSF so that it is clear to the user that the switching mechanism was engaged as intended. A conformant TOE may also provide a management function to configure some aspects of the TSF. If the TOE provides this functionality, it shall ensure that whatever management functions it provides can only be performed by authorized administrators and that an audit trail of management activities is 11 UNCLASSIFIED / NON CLASSIFIÉ TOE Security Objective TOE Security Objective Definition generated. (Addressed by: FAU_GEN.1 (optional), FDP_SWI_EXT.1, FDP_SWI_EXT.2 (selection‐ based), FIA_UAU.2 (optional), FIA_UID.2 (optional), FMT_MOF.1 (optional), FMT_SMF.1 (optional), FMT_SMR.1 (optional), FPT_STM.1 (optional), FTA_CIN_EXT.1 (selection‐based)) O.PERIPHERAL_PORTS_ISOLATION The PSD shall ensure that data does not flow between peripheral devices connected to different PSD interfaces. (Addressed by: FDP_APC_EXT.1) O.REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED _PERIPHERAL The PSD shall reject unauthorized peripheral device types and protocols. (Addressed by: FDP_PDC_EXT.1) O.REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED _ENDPOINTS The PSD shall reject unauthorized peripheral devices connected via a Universal Serial Bus (USB) hub. (Addressed by: FDP_PDC_EXT.1) O.NO_TOE_ACCESS The PSD firmware, software, and memory shall not be accessible via its external ports. (Addressed by: FPT_NTA_EXT.1) O.TAMPER_EVIDENT_LABEL The PSD shall be identifiable as authentic by the user and the user must be made aware of any procedures or other such information to accomplish authentication. This feature must be available upon receipt of the PSD and continue to be available during the PSD deployment. The PSD shall be labeled with at least one visible unique identifying tamper‐evident marking that can be used to authenticate the device. The PSD manufacturer must maintain a complete list of manufactured PSD articles and their respective identification markings’ unique identifiers. (Addressed by: FPT_PHP.1) O.ANTI_TAMPERING The PSD shall be physically enclosed so that any attempts to open or otherwise access the internals or modify the connections of the PSD would be evident, and optionally thwarted through disablement of the TOE. Note: This applies to a wired remote control as well as the main chassis of the PSD. (Addressed by: FPT_PHP.1, FPT_PHP.3 (optional)) O.SELF_TEST The PSD shall perform self‐tests following power up or powered reset. (Addressed by: FPT_TST.1) O.SELF_TEST_FAIL_TOE_DISABLE The PSD shall enter a secure state upon detection of a critical failure. (Addressed by: FPT_FLS_EXT.1, FPT_TST_EXT.1) O.SELF_TEST_FAIL_INDICATION The PSD shall provide clear and visible user indications in the case of a self‐test failure. (Addressed by: FPT_TST_EXT.1) From MOD_AO_v1.0 O.UNIDIRECTIONAL_AUDIO_OUT The PSD shall enforce the unidirectional flow of audio data from the analog audio computer interface to the analog audio peripheral interface. O.COMPUTER_TO_AUDIO_ ISOLATION The PSD shall isolate the analog audio output function from all other TOE functions. From MOD_KM_v1.0 12 UNCLASSIFIED / NON CLASSIFIÉ TOE Security Objective TOE Security Objective Definition O.EMULATED_INPUT The TOE shall emulate the keyboard and/or mouse functions from the TOE to the connected computer. O.UNIDIRECTIONAL_INPUT The TOE shall enforce unidirectional keyboard and/or mouse device’s data flow from the peripheral device to only the selected computer. From MOD_VI_v1.0 O.PROTECTED_EDID The TOE shall read the connected display Extended Display Identification Data (EDID) once during the TOE power up or reboot sequence and prevent any EDID channel write transactions that connected computers initiate. O.UNIDIRECTIONAL_VIDEO The TOE shall enforce unidirectional video data flow from the connected computer video interface to the display interface only. The following table contains security objectives for the Operational Environment. Table 4: Environmental Security Objectives Environmental Security Obj. Environmental Security Objective Definition From PP_PSD_v4.0 OE.NO_TEMPEST The operational environment will not use TEMPEST approved equipment OE.PHYSICAL The operational environment will provide physical security, commensurate with the value of the PSD and the data that transits it. OE.NO_WIRELESS_DEVICES The operational environment will not include wireless keyboards, mice, audio, user authentication, or video devices. OE.TRUSTED_ADMIN The operational environment will ensure that trusted PSD Administrators and users are appropriately trained. OE.TRUSTED_CONFIG The operational environment will ensure that administrators configuring the PSD and its operational environment follow the applicable security configuration guidance. From MOD_AO_v1.0 OE.NO_MICROPHONES The operational environment is expected to ensure that microphones are not plugged into the TOE audio output interfaces. From MOD_VI_v1.0 OE.NO_SPECIAL_ANALOG_ CAPABILITIES The operational environment will not have special analog data collection cards or peripherals such as analog to digital interface, high performance audio interface, or a component with digital signal processing or analog video capture functions. 13 UNCLASSIFIED / NON CLASSIFIÉ 4 SECURITY REQUIREMENTS 4.1 BASE SECURITY FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS The following table contains the “base” requirements that are levied by the PP_PSD_v4.0 and were certified as part of the Belkin KVM Devices evaluation activity. Table 5: “Base” Security Functional Requirements for the PP_PSD_v4.0 Requirement Class Requirement Component Verified By FDP: User Data Protection FDP_APC_EXT.1: Active PSD Connections ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FDP_PDC_EXT.1: Peripheral Device Connection ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FDP_RIP_EXT.1: Residual Information Protection ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FDP_SWI_EXT.1: PSD Switching ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FPT: Protection of the TSF FPT_FLS_EXT.1: Failure with Preservation of Secure State ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FPT_NTA_EXT.1: No Access to TOE ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FPT_PHP.1: Passive Detection of Physical Attack ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FPT_TST.1: TSF Testing ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FPT_TST_EXT.1: TSF Testing ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) The PP Modules that comprise this PP-configuration levy the following additional “base” requirements that were certified as part of the Belkin KVM Devices evaluation activity. 14 UNCLASSIFIED / NON CLASSIFIÉ Table 6: “Base” Security Functional Requirements for the PP-Modules Requirement Class Requirement Component Verified By For MOD_AO_v1.0 FDP: User Data Protection FDP_AFL_EXT.1: Audio Filtration ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FDP_APC_EXT.1/AO: Active PSD Connections ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FDP_PDC_EXT.2/AO: Peripheral Device Connection (Audio Output) ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FDP_PUD_EXT.1: Powering Unauthorized Devices ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FDP_UDF_EXT.1/AO: Unidirectional Data Flow (Audio Output) ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) For MOD_KM_v1.0  FDP: User Data Protection FDP_APC_EXT.1/KM: Active PSD Connections ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FDP_PDC_EXT.2/KM: Authorized Devices (Keyboard/Mouse) ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FDP_PDC_EXT.3/KM: Authorized Connection Protocols (Keyboard/Mouse) ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FDP_UDF_EXT.1/KM: Unidirectional Data Flow (Keyboard/Mouse) ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) For MOD_VI_v1.0  FDP: User Data Protection FDP_APC_EXT.1/VI: Active PSD Connections ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FDP_PDC_EXT.2/VI: Peripheral Device Connection (Video Output) ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FDP_PDC_EXT.3/VI: Authorized Connection Protocols (Video Output) ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FDP_UDF_EXT.1/VI: Unidirectional Data Flow (Video Output) ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) 15 UNCLASSIFIED / NON CLASSIFIÉ 4.2 OPTIONAL SECURITY FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS The following table contains the “optional” requirements that are specified within the PP_PSD_v4.0 and were certified as part of the Belkin KVM Devices evaluation activity. Table 7: “Optional” Security Functional Requirements for the PP_PSD_v4.0 Requirement Class Requirement Component Verified By FAU: Security Audit FAU_GEN.1: Audit Data Generation ACE Evaluation FDP: User Data Protection FDP_RIP_EXT.2: Purge of Residual Information ACE Evaluation FIA: Identification and Authentication FIA_UAU.2: User Authentication Before Any Action ACE Evaluation FIA_UID.2: User Identification Before Any Action ACE Evaluation FMT: Security Management FMT_MOF.1: Management of Security Functions Behaviour ACE Evaluation FMT_SMF.1: Specification of Management Functions ACE Evaluation FMT_SMR.1: Security Roles ACE Evaluation FPT: Protection of the TSF FPT_PHP.3: Resistance to Physical Attack ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FPT_STM.1: Reliable Time Stamps ACE Evaluation The PP Modules that comprise this PP-configuration levy the following additional “optional” requirements, that were certified as part of the Belkin KVM Devices evaluation activity. Table 8: “Optional” Security Functional Requirements for the PP-Modules Requirement Class Requirement Component Verified By For MOD_KM_v1.0 FDP: User Data Protection FDP_FIL_EXT.1/KM: Device Filtering (Keyboard/Mouse) ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FDP_RDR_EXT.1: Re-Enumeration Device Rejection ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) 16 UNCLASSIFIED / NON CLASSIFIÉ 4.3 SELECTION-BASED SECURITY FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS The following table contains the “selection-based” requirements that are specified within the PP_PSD_v4.0 and were certified as part of the Belkin KVM Devices evaluation activity. Table 9: “Selection-Based” Security Functional Requirements for the PP_PSD_v4.0 Requirement Class Requirement Component Verified By FDP: User Data Protection FDP_SWI_EXT.2: PSD Switching Methods ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FTA: TOE Access FTA_CIN_EXT.1 : Continuous Indications ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) The PP Modules that comprise this PP-configuration levy the following additional “selection-based” requirements. Some of these requirements were certified as part of the Belkin KVM Devices evaluation activity, and the remainder were certified as part of the independent ACE evaluation activity. Table 10: “Selection-Based” Security Functional Requirements for the PP-Modules Requirement Class Requirement Component Verified By For MOD_KM_v1.0 FDP: User Data Protection FDP_RIP.1/KM: Residual Information Protection (Keyboard Data) ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FDP_SWI_EXT.3: Tied Switching ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) For MOD_VI_v1.0 FDP: User Data Protection FDP_CDS_EXT.1: Connected Displays Supported ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FDP_IPC_EXT.1: Internal Protocol Conversion ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FDP_SPR_EXT.1/DP: Sub-Protocol Rules (DisplayPort Protocol) ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) FDP_SPR_EXT.1/DVI-D: Sub-Protocol Rules (DVI-D Protocol) ACE Evaluation FDP_SPR_EXT.1/DVI-I: Sub-Protocol Rules (DVI-I Protocol) ACE Evaluation FDP_SPR_EXT.1/HDMI: Sub-Protocol Rules (HDMI Protocol) ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) 17 UNCLASSIFIED / NON CLASSIFIÉ Requirement Class Requirement Component Verified By FDP_SPR_EXT.1/USB: Sub-Protocol Rules (USB-C Protocol) ACE Evaluation FDP_SPR_EXT.1/VGA: Sub-Protocol Rules (VGA Protocol) ACE Evaluation 4.4 SECURITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The following are the assurance requirements contained in the PP_PSD_v4.0. None of the PP Modules comprising the PP- configuration levied any additional assurance requirements. Table 11: Security Assurance Requirements Requirement Class Requirement Component Verified By ASE: Security Target ASE_CCL.1: Conformance Claims ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) ASE_ECD.1: Extended Components Definition ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) ASE_INT.1: ST Introduction ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) ASE_OBJ.2: Security Objectives ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) ASE_REQ.2: Derived Security Requirements ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) ASE_SPD.1: Security Problem Definition ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) ASE_TSS.1: TOE Summary Specification ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) ADV: Development ADV_FSP.1: Basic Functional Specification ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) AGD: Guidance Documents AGD_OPE.1: Operational User Guidance ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) AGD_PRE.1: Preparative Procedures ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) 18 UNCLASSIFIED / NON CLASSIFIÉ Requirement Class Requirement Component Verified By ALC: Life Cycle Support ALC_CMC.1: Labeling of the TOE ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) ALC_CMS.1: TOE CM Coverage ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) ATE: Tests ATE_IND.1: Independent Testing – Conformance ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) AVA: Vulnerability Assessment AVA_VAN.1: Vulnerability Survey ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD-AO-KM-VI_v1.0) 19 UNCLASSIFIED / NON CLASSIFIÉ 5 RESULTS OF THE EVALUATION Note that for ACE elements and work units identical to ASE elements and work units, the testing laboratory performed the ACE work units concurrent to the ASE work units. In addition, the testing laboratory performed an independent ACE evaluation of the PP-Modules that comprised the PP-Configuration. Table 12: Evaluation Results ACE Requirement Evaluation Verdict Verified By ACE_INT.1: PP-Module Introduction Pass • ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD- AO-KM-VI_v1.0) • ACE Evaluation ACE_CCL.1: PP-Module Conformance Claims Pass • ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD- AO-KM-VI_v1.0) • ACE Evaluation ACE_SPD.1: PP-Module Security Problem Definition Pass • ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD- AO-KM-VI_v1.0) • ACE Evaluation ACE_OBJ.1: PP-Module Security Objectives Pass • ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD- AO-KM-VI_v1.0) • ACE Evaluation ACE_ECD.1: PP-Module Extended Components Definition Pass • ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD- AO-KM-VI_v1.0) • ACE Evaluation ACE_REQ.1: PP-Module Security Requirements Pass • ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD- AO-KM-VI_v1.0) • ACE Evaluation ACE_MCO.1: PP-Module Consistency Pass • ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD- AO-KM-VI_v1.0) • ACE Evaluation ACE_CCO.1: PP-Configuration Consistency Pass • ST: Belkin KVM Devices (PP-Config. for PSD- AO-KM-VI_v1.0) • ACE Evaluation 20 UNCLASSIFIED / NON CLASSIFIÉ 6 REFERENCES Reference Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 3.1 Revision 5, April 2017. Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation, CEM, Version 3.1 Revision 5, April 2017. Protection Profile for Peripheral Sharing Device, Version 4.0, 19 July 2019. PP-Module for Analog Audio Output Devices, Version 1.0, 19 July 2019 PP-Module for Keyboard/Mouse Devices, Version 1.0, 19 July 2019 PP-Module for Video/Display Devices, Version 1.0, 19 July 2019 PP-Configuration for Peripheral Sharing Device, Analog Audio Output Devices, Keyboard/Mouse Devices, and Video/Display Devices, Version 1.0, 19 July 2019. Supporting Document: Mandatory Technical Document PP-Module for Analog Audio Output Devices, Version 1.0, 19 July 2019 Supporting Document: Mandatory Technical Document PP-Module for Keyboard/Mouse Devices, Version 1.0, 19 July 2019 Supporting Document: Mandatory Technical Document PP-Module for Video/Display Devices, Version 1.0, 19 July 2019 Belkin F1DN104KVM-UNN4, F1DN204KVM-UNN4, F1DN102KVM-UNN4, F1DN202KVM-UNN4 Firmware Version 44404-E7E7 Peripheral Sharing Devices Security Target, Version 1.9, 8 July 2021. Assurance Activity Report Belkin F1DN104KVM-UNN4, F1DN204KVM-UNN4, F1DN102KVM-UNN4, F1DN202KVM- UNN4 Firmware Version 44404-E7E7 Peripheral Sharing Devices, Version 1.2, 8 July 2021.