Certification Report EAL 2 Evaluation of Ministry of Health Common Criteria Protection Profile for Secure Communication Module for Water Tracking System V1.5 (SCM_WTS PP V1.5) issued by Turkish Standards Institution Common Criteria Certification Scheme Certificate Number: TSE-CCCS/PP-009 BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ TEST VE BELGELENDİRME DAİRESİ BAŞKANLIĞI / INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES TEST AND CERTIFICATION DEPARTMENT Doküman No BTBD-03-01-FR-01 CCCS CERTIFICATION REPORT Yayın Tarihi 30/07/2015 RevizyonTarihi 28/08/2015 No 01 Sayfa 2/18 Bu dokümanın güncelliği, elektronik ortamda TSE Doküman Yönetim Sisteminden takip edilmelidir. Basım tarih ve saati: 13.10.2016 16:45 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................................................................................................................................2 DOCUMENT INFORMATION .........................................................................................................................................................................................3 DOCUMENT CHANGE LOG ............................................................................................................................................................................................3 DISCLAIMER .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................3 FOREWORD......................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 RECOGNITION OF THE CERTIFICATE............................................................................................................................................................................5 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...............................................................................................................................................................................................6 2 CERTIFICATION RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................................................................8 2.1 PP IDENTIFICATION..................................................................................................................................................................................................8 2.2 SECURITY POLICY......................................................................................................................................................................................................8 2.3 ASSUMPTIONS AND CLARIFICATION OF SCOPE.................................................................................................................................................9 2.4 ARCHITECTURAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................................................................14 2.5 SECURITY FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ..........................................................................................................................................................15 2.6 SECURITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................................................................................17 2.7RESULTS OF THE EVALUATION .............................................................................................................................................................................17 2.9 EVALUATOR COMMENTS / RECOMMENDATIONS..........................................................................................................................................17 3 PP DOCUMENT...........................................................................................................................................................................................................18 4 GLOSSARY ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................18 5 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................18 6 ANNEXES .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................18 BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ TEST VE BELGELENDİRME DAİRESİ BAŞKANLIĞI / INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES TEST AND CERTIFICATION DEPARTMENT Doküman No BTBD-03-01-FR-01 CCCS CERTIFICATION REPORT Yayın Tarihi 30/07/2015 RevizyonTarihi 28/08/2015 No 01 Sayfa 3/18 Bu dokümanın güncelliği, elektronik ortamda TSE Doküman Yönetim Sisteminden takip edilmelidir. Basım tarih ve saati: 13.10.2016 16:45 Document Information Date of Issue 14.10.2015 Version of Report 1 Author İbrahim Halil Kırmızı / Halime Eda Bitlisli Technical Responsible Zümrüt Müftüoğlu Approved Mariye Umay Akkaya Date Approved 15.10.2015 Certification Report Number 21.0.01/15-068 Sponsor and Developer Ministry of Health Evaluation Lab TÜBİTAK BİLGEM OKTEM PP Name Common Criteria Protection Profile for Secure Communication Module for Water Tracking System V1.5 Pages 18 Document Change Log Release Date Pages Affected Remarks/Change Reference V1 15.10.2015 All Final Released DISCLAIMER This certification report and the PP defined in the associated Common Criteria document has been evaluated at an accredited and licensed evaluation facility conformance to Common Criteria for IT Security Evaluation, version 3.1 revision 4, using Common Methodology for IT Products Evaluation, version 3.1 revision 4. This certification report and the associated Common Criteria document apply only to the identified version and release of the PP in its evaluated configuration. Evaluation has been conducted in accordance with the provisions of the CCCS, and the conclusions of the evaluation facility in the evaluation report are consistent with the evidence adduced. This report and its associated Common Criteria document are not an endorsement of the PP by the Turkish Standardization Institution, or any other organization that recognizes or gives effect to this report and its associated Common Criteria document, and no warranty is given for the PP by the Turkish Standardization Institution, or any other organization that recognizes or gives effect to this report and its associated Common Criteria document. BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ TEST VE BELGELENDİRME DAİRESİ BAŞKANLIĞI / INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES TEST AND CERTIFICATION DEPARTMENT Doküman No BTBD-03-01-FR-01 CCCS CERTIFICATION REPORT Yayın Tarihi 30/07/2015 RevizyonTarihi 28/08/2015 No 01 Sayfa 4/18 Bu dokümanın güncelliği, elektronik ortamda TSE Doküman Yönetim Sisteminden takip edilmelidir. Basım tarih ve saati: 13.10.2016 16:45 FOREWORD The Certification Report is drawn up to submit the Certification Commission the results and evaluation information upon the completion of a Common Criteria evaluation service performed under the Common Criteria Certification Scheme. Certification Report covers all non-confidential security and technical information related with a Common Criteria evaluation which is made under the ITCD Common Criteria Certification Scheme. This report is issued publicly to and made available to all relevant parties for reference and use. The Common Criteria Certification Scheme (CCSS) provides an evaluation and certification service to ensure the reliability of Information Security (IS) products. Evaluation and tests are conducted by a public or commercial Common Criteria Evaluation Facility (CCTL) under CCCS’ supervision. CCEF is a facility, licensed as a result of inspections carried out by CCCS for performing tests and evaluations which will be the basis for Common Criteria certification. As a prerequisite for such certification, the CCEF has to fulfill the requirements of the standard ISO/IEC 17025 and should be accredited by accreditation bodies. The evaluation and tests related with the concerned PP have been performed by TÜBİTAK BİLGEM OKTEM, which is a public/commercial CCTL. A Common Criteria Certificate given to a PP means that such PP meets the security requirements defined in its PP document that has been approved by the CCCS. PP document is where requirements defining the scope of evaluation and test activities are set forth. Along with this certification report, the user of the PP should also review the PP document in order to understand any assumptions made in the course of evaluations, the environment where the PP will run, security requirements of the PP and the level of assurance provided by the PP. This certification report is associated with the Common Criteria Certificate issued by the CCCS for Common Criteria Protection Profile for Secure Communication Module for Water Tracking System(PP version: 1.5) whose evaluation was completed on 12.10.2015 and whose evaluation technical report was drawn up by OKTEM (as CCTL), and with the PP document with version no1.5 The certification report, certificate of PP evaluation and PP document are posted on the ITCD Certified Products List at bilisim.tse.org.tr portal and the Common Criteria Portal (the official web site of the Common Criteria Project). BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ TEST VE BELGELENDİRME DAİRESİ BAŞKANLIĞI / INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES TEST AND CERTIFICATION DEPARTMENT Doküman No BTBD-03-01-FR-01 CCCS CERTIFICATION REPORT Yayın Tarihi 30/07/2015 RevizyonTarihi 28/08/2015 No 01 Sayfa 5/18 Bu dokümanın güncelliği, elektronik ortamda TSE Doküman Yönetim Sisteminden takip edilmelidir. Basım tarih ve saati: 13.10.2016 16:45 RECOGNITION OF THE CERTIFICATE The Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement logo is printed on the certificate to indicate that this certificate is issued in accordance with the provisions of the CCRA. The CCRA has been signed by the Turkey in 2003 and provides mutual recognition of certificates based on the CC evaluation assurance levels up to and including EAL4. The current list of signatory nations and approved certification schemes can be found on: http://www.commoncriteriaportal.org. BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ TEST VE BELGELENDİRME DAİRESİ BAŞKANLIĞI / INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES TEST AND CERTIFICATION DEPARTMENT Doküman No BTBD-03-01-FR-01 CCCS CERTIFICATION REPORT Yayın Tarihi 30/07/2015 RevizyonTarihi 28/08/2015 No 01 Sayfa 6/18 Bu dokümanın güncelliği, elektronik ortamda TSE Doküman Yönetim Sisteminden takip edilmelidir. Basım tarih ve saati: 13.10.2016 16:45 1 - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report states the outcome of Common Criteria APE Assurance Class evaluation of Common Criteria Protection Profile for Secure Communication Module for Water Tracking System (SCM_WTS PP). The evaluation was performed by TÜBİTAK-BİLGEM-OKTEM that is approved Common Criteria Testing Laboratory and was completed in October 2015. OKTEM used Common Criteria for IT Security Evaluation Version 3.1 Revision 4 for evaluation. The information that provided in this report mainly derived from Evaluation Technical Report (ETR) prepared by OKTEM and Certification Body founded that SCM_WTS PP meets the requirements of all APE work units. TOE Description The Secure Communication Module (TOE) of the Water Tracking System may serve various functionalities like collecting, communication, security and storage. The TOE collects the data of the quality of water in different metrics, such as conductivity of water, pH degree, temperature of water used in carboy cleaning, flow speed of water source, and carboy identification. It stores measurement related data, and provides the security of this data against physical attacks (such as tampering), cryptographic operations and access control functions and generates audit data about TOE’s operational processes.  Sensing Modules are responsible for measuring water in terms of different metrics and transferring the data to the TOE. These functionalities include conductivity of water, pH degree, carboy cleaning water temperature, water source flow speed.  TOE is responsible for most of the functionalities excluding the Sensing Module functions defined above. It receives data from different number of Sensing Modules, formats it into in a suitable form of data and stores the data for a while and then transmits the data to the DMC over a secure channel established by TLS. TOE also may receive data from an external ID-reader that reads RFID tags and 2D barcodes to identify the carboy. TOE outputs data in TCP/IP form. TOE is also responsible for generation of audit records of any received and sent data. It has data store capability and real time clock. Following figure depicts the general overview of the Water Tracking System Infrastructure where TOE is placed. BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ TEST VE BELGELENDİRME DAİRESİ BAŞKANLIĞI / INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES TEST AND CERTIFICATION DEPARTMENT Doküman No BTBD-03-01-FR-01 CCCS CERTIFICATION REPORT Yayın Tarihi 30/07/2015 RevizyonTarihi 28/08/2015 No 01 Sayfa 7/18 Bu dokümanın güncelliği, elektronik ortamda TSE Doküman Yönetim Sisteminden takip edilmelidir. Basım tarih ve saati: 13.10.2016 16:45 Sensing Modules Internet Data Management Center 1 n ….. TCP/IP Secure Communication Module (TOE) RS232 People Health Agency RFID / 2D Barcode Reader Figure 1 TOE and Its Operational Environment The major functional features of the TOE are described below:  TOE receives input data from sensing modules and stores measurement related data.  TOE provides a Local Interface for reading and configuration operations.  TOE provides a Remote Interface for communication and configuration operations.  TOE supports firmware update operation via its Remote and Local Interface.  The remote interface of TOE sends or receives packets in the form of TCP/IP packet. The major security features of the TOE are described below:  TOE implements tamper resistant, tamper evident and tamper respondent mechanisms (Electro- mechanic Seal).  Sub-modules of TOE which store integrity have mesh cover mechanism to detect any physical attack.  TOE implements access control mechanisms for both Remote and Local Interfaces.  TOE supports TLS connections between DMC and TOE.  TOE provides storage integrity.  TOE provides self-test functionality for security functions.  TOE generates audit data and informs users, when any of the security anomalies are detected. BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ TEST VE BELGELENDİRME DAİRESİ BAŞKANLIĞI / INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES TEST AND CERTIFICATION DEPARTMENT Doküman No BTBD-03-01-FR-01 CCCS CERTIFICATION REPORT Yayın Tarihi 30/07/2015 RevizyonTarihi 28/08/2015 No 01 Sayfa 8/18 Bu dokümanın güncelliği, elektronik ortamda TSE Doküman Yönetim Sisteminden takip edilmelidir. Basım tarih ve saati: 13.10.2016 16:45 2 CERTIFICATIONRESULTS 2.1 PP Identification Certificate Number TSE-CCCS/PP-009 PP Name and Version Common Criteria Protection Profile for Secure Communication Module for Water Tracking System V1.5 (SCM_WTS PP V1.5) PP Document Title Common Criteria Protection Profile for Secure Communication Module for Water Tracking System PP Document Version V1.5 PP Document Date 12.10.2015 Assurance Level EAL 2 Criteria Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Part 1: Introduction and General Model,CCMB- 2012-09-001, Version 3.1, Revision 4, September 2012 Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Part 2: Security Functional Components,CCMB- 2012-09-002, Version 3.1, Revision 4, September 2012 Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation,Part 3: Security Assurance Requirements,CCMB- 2012-09-003,Version 3.1, Revision 4, September 2012 Methodology Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Evaluation Methodology; CCMB-2012-09-004, v3.1 rev4, September 2012 Protection Profile Conformance None Common Criteria Conformance CC Part 2 Extended CC Part 3 Conformant Sponsor and Developer Ministry of Health Evaluation Facility TÜBİTAK-BİLGEM-OKTEM Certification Scheme Turkish Standards Institution Common Criteria Certification Scheme Table 1 Information for the PP identification 2.2 Security Policy TOE shall comply with the following Organizational Security Policies. OSP.PKI: The Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) that supply certificate and private key shall be trusted and operate properly. BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ TEST VE BELGELENDİRME DAİRESİ BAŞKANLIĞI / INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES TEST AND CERTIFICATION DEPARTMENT Doküman No BTBD-03-01-FR-01 CCCS CERTIFICATION REPORT Yayın Tarihi 30/07/2015 RevizyonTarihi 28/08/2015 No 01 Sayfa 9/18 Bu dokümanın güncelliği, elektronik ortamda TSE Doküman Yönetim Sisteminden takip edilmelidir. Basım tarih ve saati: 13.10.2016 16:45 OSP.Sym_Key: It is ensured that the cryptographic keys are generated securely and the security of the keys is guaranteed in the life cycle. 2.3 Assumptions and Clarification of Scope This part describes assumptions that must be satisfied by TOE. A.Trusted_Entities: It is assumed that authorized and authenticated external entities are trustworthy. They do not allow any damage to received data because of carelessness and abuse. A.Trusted_Admins: It is assumed that the DMC Administrator, the Local Administrator and the Maintenance Agent are trustworthy and well-trained. During operation by using Local Interface, Local Administrator does not allow eavesdropping and modification between terminal and TOE local port. A. Authorized_Firmware: It is assumed that TOE firmware is controlled and certified by an authorized authority. A. Network: It is assumed that network connection with a sufficient reliability and bandwidth for the individual situation is available between TOE-and-DMC or TOE-and-remote Maintenance Agent. A. Control: It is assumed that DMC controllers perform periodic and random controls on TOE. They check TOE’s functional and physical reliability during controls. A.Trusted_Manufacturer: It is assumed that manufacturing is done by trusted manufacturers. A.Trusted_Designer: It is assumed that TOE is designed and implemented by trusted designers. They design and implement it maintaining IT security. A.Protected_Input_Device: It is assumed that TOE receives input data from input devices located in a physically protected environment which is defined in [1]. BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ TEST VE BELGELENDİRME DAİRESİ BAŞKANLIĞI / INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES TEST AND CERTIFICATION DEPARTMENT Doküman No BTBD-03-01-FR-01 CCCS CERTIFICATION REPORT Yayın Tarihi 30/07/2015 RevizyonTarihi 28/08/2015 No 01 Sayfa 10/18 Bu dokümanın güncelliği, elektronik ortamda TSE Doküman Yönetim Sisteminden takip edilmelidir. Basım tarih ve saati: 13.10.2016 16:45 The PP includes following threats averted by TOE and its environment. Two kinds of attackers are considered when the threats are being identified.  Local Attacker: Attackers who have physical access to TOE. They might try to attack TOE by physical tampering. They can also abuse TOE’s Local Interface.  Remote Attacker: Attackers who are away from TOE. Remote Attackers try to conquer TOE by cyber- attacks and try to compromise the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of data when transmitted between TOE-to-DMC or TOE-to-Maintenance Agent that are connected to TOE via remote interface. They also try any attack concepts which does not need physical access to TOE: T.Transfer_Modification: A remote attacker may try to modify (i.e. alter, delete, insert, replay); Output Data, Event Log Data, TOE IP Access List, and TOE Firmware when transmitted between TOE-to-DMC or TOE-to-remote Maintenance Agent. Attacker may mislead DMC or Maintenance Agent by any modification. When trying to modify Output Data, attacker may compromise the genuine data to a fake data which creates false information. Attacker may also lead to malfunctions on TOE by modifying; firmware, IP Access List and Clock information during data transfer from DMC to TOE. Attacker may exploit misleading of DMC/remote Maintenance Agent and malfunction of TOE to get advantages for more specific attacks. T.Local_Modification: A local attacker may try to modify Data Information, Event Information, Fabrication Parameters and TSF Data via local interface of TOE. Attacker may mislead DMC and Local Administrator by any modification. When trying to modify any data mentioned above, attacker may compromise the genuine data to a fake data which creates false information. Attacker may also lead to malfunctions on TOE by modifying; TOE Firmware, DMC Parameters, Fabrication Parameters, IP Access List and Time. These malfunctions may be used to get advantages for more specific attacks. T.Transfer_Disclosure: A remote attacker may try to intercept the data transmitted between TOE-to-DMC or TOE-to-remote Maintenance Agent. When disclosing Output Data between TOE-to-DMC, attacker may try to violate the data privacy of the company. When disclosing the data between TOE-to-remote Maintenance Agent attacker can get some specific information about device functionality. BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ TEST VE BELGELENDİRME DAİRESİ BAŞKANLIĞI / INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES TEST AND CERTIFICATION DEPARTMENT Doküman No BTBD-03-01-FR-01 CCCS CERTIFICATION REPORT Yayın Tarihi 30/07/2015 RevizyonTarihi 28/08/2015 No 01 Sayfa 11/18 Bu dokümanın güncelliği, elektronik ortamda TSE Doküman Yönetim Sisteminden takip edilmelidir. Basım tarih ve saati: 13.10.2016 16:45 T.Local_Disclosure: A Local Attacker may try to obtain:  Output Data  TOE Private Key, and TLS session Keys. When Output Data is disclosed, the attacker may try to violate the data privacy of the company. When TOE Private Key, and TLS session Keys are disclosed, the attacker can by-pass TOE security mechanism for more specific attacks. Also attacker can compromise the genuine data to a fake data which creates false information. T.Initialization: A local attacker may try to initialize TOE by using his/her own fake keys. When the attacker initializes TOE, he/she may modify and disclose all user/TSF Data during TOE operation. T.Physical_Tamper: A local attacker may try to reach TOE internal processor and storage memory by physical tampering and manipulation. When these components are reached, attacker may modify and disclose all user/TSF Data. T.Counterfeit_Data: A remote or local attacker may imitate TOE to respond DMC. Attacker may mislead DMC by sending fake Output Data. T.Skimming: A remote attacker may imitate DMC to get the Output Data from the TOE. When Output Data is disclosed, attacker may try to violate the privacy of the company. Attacker may modify Access IP List for more specific attacks. T.Update: A remote or local attacker may try to update TOE Firmware by using a malicious or old version to get advantages for more specific attacks. When the attacker updates TOE, he/she may modify and disclose all user/TSF Data. T.Non-Repudiation A remote or local authenticated user may try to deny his/her access and the operations performed on the TOE. BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ TEST VE BELGELENDİRME DAİRESİ BAŞKANLIĞI / INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES TEST AND CERTIFICATION DEPARTMENT Doküman No BTBD-03-01-FR-01 CCCS CERTIFICATION REPORT Yayın Tarihi 30/07/2015 RevizyonTarihi 28/08/2015 No 01 Sayfa 12/18 Bu dokümanın güncelliği, elektronik ortamda TSE Doküman Yönetim Sisteminden takip edilmelidir. Basım tarih ve saati: 13.10.2016 16:45 T.Battery_Disable: A remote or local attacker may use up internal battery by sending operation requests continuously. If TOE does not have internal battery, tamper detection mechanisms become out of order without line voltage. So, it cannot detect physical tampers. Attackers may chance to modify and disclosure all user/TSF Data by this way. T.Abuse_Function: An attacker may try to use functions of the TOE which shall not be used in TOE operational phase in order to disclose or manipulate sensitive User Data or TSF Data, manipulate the TOE's software or manipulate (explore, bypass, deactivate or change) security features or functions of the TOE. T.Cyber_Attack: A remote attacker may try to modify Access Control and Authentication so it’s possible that the attacker increase his/her privileges. Event logs are also can be modified. Firewall settings could be changed as well. Attackers may try to modify, disclose and unavailable all assets by this way. T.Residual_Data: There might be critical parameters in terms of confidentiality on TOE which became out of order. Attackers may perform attacks on User/TSF Data by using this information. Security Objectives for the TOE O.Access_Control: The TOE shall control restriction of access to functions and data. O.Event: TOE shall record important events about security problem and device configuration as listed in Hata! Başvuru kaynağı bulunamadı.. O.Storage_Integrity: TOE shall provide integrity check of the data which is stored in the internal memory. O.Authentication: TOE shall authenticate connected entities (users and systems). It shall provide authentication verification and MAC addition. O.Transfer: TOE shall provide encryption and integrity protection for transfer operation between TOE-to-DMC or TOE-to- remote Maintenance Agent. BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ TEST VE BELGELENDİRME DAİRESİ BAŞKANLIĞI / INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES TEST AND CERTIFICATION DEPARTMENT Doküman No BTBD-03-01-FR-01 CCCS CERTIFICATION REPORT Yayın Tarihi 30/07/2015 RevizyonTarihi 28/08/2015 No 01 Sayfa 13/18 Bu dokümanın güncelliği, elektronik ortamda TSE Doküman Yönetim Sisteminden takip edilmelidir. Basım tarih ve saati: 13.10.2016 16:45 O.Protect: TOE shall have self-test mechanism to control security functions in case of malfunction. TOE shall also delete information which is not necessary for future operations. O.Physical_Tamper TOE shall have mechanisms to resist and respond physical attacks. TOE should force attacker to leave evidence any physical attack attempt. O.Battery_Control TOE shall control battery level and respond under a definite level. TOE shall interpret as an attack and enter Maintenance mode under a more critical level. O.Abuse_Function: The TOE shall prevent the functions of the TOE which shall not be used in TOE operational phase. O.Update: TOE shall only accept controlled, authenticated and signed firmware by the authority. TOE shall control firmware version and accept only more recent version. O.Separate_IF: TOE shall have different physical interfaces for local and remote operations. O.Firewall: TOE accepts interaction only definite IP numbers which are appointed before. Security Objectives for the Operational Environment OE.Trusted_Entities: Authorized and authenticated external entities should be trustworthy. They do not let any damage to data that they receive because of carelessness and abuse. OE.Trusted_Admin: DMC Administrator and the Local Administrator shall be trustworthy and well-trained. Local Administrator must not let eavesdropping and modification action between terminal and TOE local port during operation by using Local Interface. OE.Upgrade_Software: TOE firmware shall be controlled and certified by an authorized entity. OE.Network: BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ TEST VE BELGELENDİRME DAİRESİ BAŞKANLIĞI / INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES TEST AND CERTIFICATION DEPARTMENT Doküman No BTBD-03-01-FR-01 CCCS CERTIFICATION REPORT Yayın Tarihi 30/07/2015 RevizyonTarihi 28/08/2015 No 01 Sayfa 14/18 Bu dokümanın güncelliği, elektronik ortamda TSE Doküman Yönetim Sisteminden takip edilmelidir. Basım tarih ve saati: 13.10.2016 16:45 A network connection with a sufficient reliability and bandwidth shall be available between TOE-and-DMC or TOE-and-remote Maintenance Agent. OE.Keyman: Generation and transportation of cryptographic parameters shall be secure. OE.Development: Developers shall ensure that they design and implement TOE, maintain IT security during development. They also do not introduce any security hole intentionally. OE.Manufacturing: Manufacturer should ensure that TOE is manufactured maintaining IT security. They also do not introduce any security hole intentionally. OE.Control: DMC controllers should perform periodic and random controls on TOE. They check TOE’s functional and physical reliability during controls. OE.Physical_Security: The physical security of sensing modules and TOE shall be satisfied by the structure defined in [1]. 2.4 Architectural Information Sensing Modules Internet Data Management Center 1 n TLS TOE People Health Agency RFID / 2D Barcode Reader TLS  Root Public Key  TOE Certificate  TOE Private Key Figure 2 Sensing Module - TOE - DMC Communication Scenario BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ TEST VE BELGELENDİRME DAİRESİ BAŞKANLIĞI / INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES TEST AND CERTIFICATION DEPARTMENT Doküman No BTBD-03-01-FR-01 CCCS CERTIFICATION REPORT Yayın Tarihi 30/07/2015 RevizyonTarihi 28/08/2015 No 01 Sayfa 15/18 Bu dokümanın güncelliği, elektronik ortamda TSE Doküman Yönetim Sisteminden takip edilmelidir. Basım tarih ve saati: 13.10.2016 16:45 2.5 Security Functional Requirements Following table describes the Security Functional Requirements of the TOE FAU: Security Audit FAU_ARP.1 Security alarms for log FAU_GEN.1 Audit data generation FAU_GEN.2 User identity association FAU_SAA.1 Potential violation analysis FAU_SAR.1 Audit review FAU_STG.1 Protected audit trail storage FAU_STG.4/SEC_HIGH Prevention of audit data loss - high critical security log FAU_STG.4/ SEC_LOW Prevention of audit data loss - low critical security log FAU_STG.4/REGULAR Prevention of audit data loss - regular log FAU_STG.4/SYS Prevention of audit data loss - system log FCS: Cryptographic Support FCO_NRO.2 Enforced proof of origin FCS_COP.1/ENC-DEC Cryptographic operation - Encryption/Decryption FCS_COP.1/INT-AUTH Cryptographic operation - Integrity/Authenticity FCS_COP.1/SIGN-VER Cryptographic operation - signature verification FCS_COP.1/TLS Cryptographic operation -TLS FCS_CKM.1/TLS_AES Cryptographic AES key generation for TLS FCS_CKM.1/TLS_HMAC Cryptographic HMAC key generation for TLS FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FCS_RNG.1 Random number generation FDP: User Data Protection FDP_ACC.1 Subset access control FDP_ACF.1 Security attribute based access control BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ TEST VE BELGELENDİRME DAİRESİ BAŞKANLIĞI / INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES TEST AND CERTIFICATION DEPARTMENT Doküman No BTBD-03-01-FR-01 CCCS CERTIFICATION REPORT Yayın Tarihi 30/07/2015 RevizyonTarihi 28/08/2015 No 01 Sayfa 16/18 Bu dokümanın güncelliği, elektronik ortamda TSE Doküman Yönetim Sisteminden takip edilmelidir. Basım tarih ve saati: 13.10.2016 16:45 FDP_IFC.2 Complete information flow control FDP_IFF.1 Simple security attributes FDP_ITC.1 Import of User Data without security attributes FDP_ITC.2 Import of User Data with security attributes FDP_ETC.1 Export of User Data without security attributes FDP_ETC.2 Export of User Data with security attributes FDP_RIP.1 Subset residual information protection FDP_SDI.2 Stored data integrity monitoring and action FDP_UIT.1 Data exchange integrity FDP_UCT.1 Basic data exchange confidentiality FIA: Identification and Authentication FIA_ATD.1 User attribute definition FIA_AFL.1 Authentication failure handling FIA_UAU.2 User authentication before any action FIA_UAU.5 Multiple authentication mechanisms FIA_UAU.6 Re-authenticating FIA_UID.2 User identification before any action FIA_USB.1 User-subject binding FMT: Security Management FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions FMT_SMR.1 Security roles FMT_LIM.1 Limited Capabilities FMT_LIM.2 Limited availability FMT_MTD.1/INI Management of TSF Data - Initialization Data FMT_MTD.1/TIME Management of TSF Data - Date and Time FMT_MTD.1/IP_LIST Management of TSF Data - IP Access List FMT_MTD.1/SECRET_READ Management of TSF Data - Secret Read FMT_MTD.1/FIRMWARE Management of TSF Data Secure Communication Module Firmware FMT_MSA.1 Management of security attributes for Secure Communication Module Access Control SFP BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ TEST VE BELGELENDİRME DAİRESİ BAŞKANLIĞI / INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES TEST AND CERTIFICATION DEPARTMENT Doküman No BTBD-03-01-FR-01 CCCS CERTIFICATION REPORT Yayın Tarihi 30/07/2015 RevizyonTarihi 28/08/2015 No 01 Sayfa 17/18 Bu dokümanın güncelliği, elektronik ortamda TSE Doküman Yönetim Sisteminden takip edilmelidir. Basım tarih ve saati: 13.10.2016 16:45 FMT_MSA.3 Static attribute initialization for Secure Communication Module access SFP FPT: Protection of TSF FPT_FLS.1 Failure with preservation of secure state FPT_PHP.2 Notification of physical attack FPT_PHP.3 Resistance to physical attack FPT_TST.1 TSF testing FPT_RPL.1 Replay detection FPT_STM.1 Reliable time stamps FPT_TDC.1 Inter-TSF basic TSF Data consistency FTP: Trusted Path/Channel FTP_ITC.1 Inter-TSF trusted channel for DMC Table 2 List of SFRs 2.6 Security Assurance Requirements Assurance requirements of Common Criteria Protection Profile for Secure Communication Module for Water Tracking Systemv1.5 (SCM_WTS v1.5) are consistent with assurance components in CC Part 3 and evaluation assurance level is “EAL 2”. 2.7 Results of the Evaluation The evaluation was conducted based upon the assurance activities specified in Common Criteria Protection Profile for Secure Communication Module for Water Tracking System v1.5, in conjunction with version 3.1, revision 4 of CC and CEM. The evaluation team’s assessment of evidence provided by OKTEM is that it satisfies all requirements of APE class of CC. Therefore, final verdict on APE is pass. 2.8 Evaluator Comments / Recommendations There are no recommendations concerning the Common Criteria Protection Profile for Secure Communication Module for Water Tracking Systemv1.5 (SCM_WTS v1.5). BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ TEST VE BELGELENDİRME DAİRESİ BAŞKANLIĞI / INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES TEST AND CERTIFICATION DEPARTMENT Doküman No BTBD-03-01-FR-01 CCCS CERTIFICATION REPORT Yayın Tarihi 30/07/2015 RevizyonTarihi 28/08/2015 No 01 Sayfa 18/18 Bu dokümanın güncelliği, elektronik ortamda TSE Doküman Yönetim Sisteminden takip edilmelidir. Basım tarih ve saati: 13.10.2016 16:45 3. PP DOCUMENT Information about the Protection Profile document associated with this certification report is as follows: Name of Document: Common Criteria Protection Profile for Secure Communication Module for Water Tracking System (SCM_WTS) Version: v1.5 Date of Document: 12.10.2015 4 GLOSSARY AES : Advanced Encryption Standard CC : Common Criteria CCMB : Common Criteria Management Board DMC : Data Management Center EAL : Evaluation Assurance Level (defined in CC) OSP : Organizational Security Policy PP : Protection Profile PKI : Public Key Infrastructure SFR : Security Functional Requirements TLS - CA : Transport Layer Security - Client Authentication TOE : Target of Evaluation TSF : TOE Security Functionality (defined in CC) TSE WTS : Turkish Standards Institute : Water Tracking System 5 BIBLIOGRAPHY [1]Damacana Takip Sistemi Projesi Korumalı Sensör Birimi Sistem Gerekleri Dokümanı, Version 1.0. 6 ANNEXES Not applicable.