TNO Certification is an independent body with access to the expertise of the entire TNO-organization TNO Certification is a registered company with the Delft Chamber of Commerce under number 27241271 TNO CERTIFICATION Date September 6, 2010 Reference NSCIB-PP-09-25642-CR Subject Project number 25642 NSCIB-PP-09-25642 Certification Report Alcohol Interlock Protection Profile, version 1.0, dated August 31, 2010 Reproduction of this report is authorized provided the report is reproduced in its entirety. Laan van Westenenk 501 P.O. Box 541 7300 AM Apeldoorn The Netherlands Phone +31 55 5493468 Fax +31 55 5493288 E-mail: BTW/VAT NR NL8003.32.167.B01 Bank ING at Delft Bank account stating ‘TNO Certification’ BIC of the ING Bank: INGBNL2A IBAN: NL81INGB0667718141 TNO CERTIFICATION HEREBY DECLARES THAT EVALUATION HAS DEMONSTRATED THAT THE PRODUCT Alcohol Interlock Protection Profile, version 1.0, dated August 31, 2010, Assurance Package: EAL3 augmented with ALC_FLR.2 Product and version FROM Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management located in Den Haag, Netherlands Sponsor’s name and address COMPLIES WITH THE Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (CC), Version 3.1 Revision 3 Certification guidelines or standards AS DEMONSTRATED BY / EVALUATION PERFORMED BY Brightsight BV located in Delft, Netherlands Testing Laboratory APPLYING THE Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation (CEM), Version 3.1 Revision 3 NSCIB-PP-09-25642-CR Certification Report number THE CERTIFICATE HAS BEEN ISSUED ON September 6, 2010 Date September 6, 2015 Expiry Date ISSUED IN: Apeldoorn, Netherlands DIRECTOR TNO CERTIFICATION The protection profile identified in this certificate has been evaluated at an accredited and licensed/approved evaluation facility using the Common Methodology for IT Security Evaluation version 3.1 Revision 3 for conformance to the Common Criteria for IT Security Evaluation version 3.1 Revision 3. This certificate applies only to the specific version of the protection profile listed in this certificate and in conjunction with the complete Certification report. The evaluation has been conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Netherlands Scheme for Certification in the area of IT security [NSCIB] and the conclusions of the evaluation facility in the evaluation technical report are consistent with the evidence adduced. This certificate is not an endorsement of the protection profile by TNO Certification or by any other organisation that recognises or gives effect to this certificate, and no warranty of the profile by TNO Certification or by any other organisation that recognises or gives effect to this certificate, is either expressed or implied. CERTIFICATE NUMBER C09-25642 ACCREDITED BY THE COUNCIL FOR ACCREDITATION number page date NSCIB-PP-09-25642-CR 4 September 6, 2010 Table of contents Table of contents ...........................................................................................................................................4 Document Information ...................................................................................................................................4 Foreword.........................................................................................................................................................5 1 Executive Summary...............................................................................................................................6 1.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................6 1.2 Evaluation and Certification Details ................................................................................................6 1.3 Protection Profile Identification........................................................................................................6 2 Certification Results...............................................................................................................................7 2.1 Protection Profile Overview .............................................................................................................7 2.2 Security Functional Requirements ..................................................................................................8 2.3 Assurance Requirements ................................................................................................................8 2.4 Results of the PP-Evaluation...........................................................................................................8 2.5 Evaluator Comments/Recommendations.......................................................................................8 3 Protection Profile ...................................................................................................................................9 4 Definitions ..............................................................................................................................................9 5 Bibliography ...........................................................................................................................................9 Document Information Date of issue 6 September 2010 Author R.T.M. Huisman Version of report 1.0 Certification ID NSCIB-PP-09-25642 Sponsor Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat Evaluation Lab Brightsight BV TOE name Alcohol Interlock Protection Profile, version 1.0, dated August 31, 2010 Report title Certification Report Report reference name NSCIB- PP-08-10381-CR number page date NSCIB-PP-09-25642-CR 5 September 6, 2010 Foreword The Netherlands Scheme for Certification in the Area of IT Security (NSCIB) provides a third-party evaluation and certification service for determining the trustworthiness of Information Technology (IT) security products. Under this NSCIB, TNO Certification has the task of issuing certificates for IT security products as well as protection profiles. A part of the procedure is the technical examination (evaluation) of the product or protection profile according to the Common Criteria assessment guidelines published by the NSCIB. Evaluations are performed by an IT Security Evaluation Facility (ITSEF) under the oversight of the NSCIB Certification Body, which is operated by TNO Certification in cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. An ITSEF in the Netherlands is a commercial facility that has been licensed by TNO Certification to perform Common Criteria evaluations; a significant requirement for such a license is accreditation to the requirements of ISO Standard 17025, General requirements for the accreditation of calibration and testing laboratories. By awarding a Common Criteria certificate, TNO Certification asserts that the protection profile complies with the requirements for protection profile (PP) evaluation specified in the Common Criteria for Information Security Evaluation. A protection profile is an implementation-independent set of security requirements for a category of IT that meets specific consumer needs. The objective of a protection profile evaluation is to ensure that the protection profile is complete, consistent, technically sound and, therefore, suitable for use as the basis of security requirements for the relevant category of IT. Reproduction of this report is authorized provided the report is reproduced in its entirety. Recognition of the certificate The Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement and SOG-IS logos are printed on the certificate to indicate that this certificate is issued in accordance with the provisions of the CCRA and the SOG-IS agreement The CCRA has been signed by the Netherlands in May 2000 and provides mutual recognition of certificates based on the CC evaluation assurance levels up to and including EAL4. The current list of signatory nations and approved certification schemes can be found on: The European SOGIS-Mutual Recognition Agreement (SOGIS-MRA) version 3 from April 2010 provides mutual recognition of Common Criteria and ITSEC certificates at a basic evaluation level for all products. A higher recognition level for evaluation levels beyond EAL4 (resp. E3-basic) is provided for products in the technical domain of Smart cards and similar Devices. This agreement was initially signed by Finland, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. number page date NSCIB-PP-09-25642-CR 6 September 6, 2010 1 Executive Summary 1.1 Introduction This certification Report states the outcome of the Common Criteria security evaluation of the Alcohol Interlock Protection Profile, version 1.0, dated August 31, 2010 [PP]. It is intended to assist prospective consumers when judging the suitability of the Protection Profile for their particular requirements. 1.2 Evaluation and Certification Details The Alcohol Interlock Protection Profile, version 1.0, dated August 31, 2010 is developed by the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management (Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat) and they also act as the sponsor of the evaluation and certification. The protection profile has been evaluated by Brightsight B.V. located in Delft, The Netherlands and was completed on September 1, 2010, The certification procedure has been conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Netherlands Scheme for Certification in the Area of IT Security [NSCIB]. The certification was completed on September 6, 2010 with the preparation of this Certification Report. The results documented in the evaluation technical report [ETR]1 for this protection profile provide sufficient evidence that it meets the requirements for protection profile (PP) evaluations specified in the Common Criteria for Information Security Evaluation. The evaluation was conducted using the Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 3.1 Revision 3 [CEM], for conformance to the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, version 3.1 Revision 3 [CC]. TNO Certification, as the NSCIB Certification Body, declares that the evaluation of the Alcohol Interlock Protection Profile, version 1.0, dated August 31, 2010 meets all the conditions for international recognition of Common Criteria certificates and that the protection profile will be listed on the NSCIB Certified Protection Profile list. It should be noted that the certification results only apply to the specific version of the protection profile as evaluated. 1.3 Protection Profile Identification Title: Alcohol Interlock PP Version: 1.0, August 31, 2010 CC Version: 3.1 Revision 3 (July 2009) CC Conformance Claim: Part 2 conformant, Part 3 conformant, EAL 3 augmented with ALC_FLR.2 Required conformance: Conformance claims to this protection profile requires strict conformance 1 The Evaluation Technical Report contains information proprietary to the developer and/or the evaluator, and is not releasable for public review. number page date NSCIB-PP-09-25642-CR 7 September 6, 2010 2 Certification Results 2.1 Protection Profile Overview This Protection Profile “Alcohol Interlock Protection Profile, version 1.0, dated August 31, 2010” is developed by the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management (Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat) as a basis for the development of Security Targets in order to perform a certification of an IT-product (TOE). An Alcohol Interlock is a device that seeks to ensure that drivers are unable to use their car when they are intoxicated: before they are able to start their car they have to breathe into the Interlock and when this breath contains more than the allowed amount of alcohol, the car will not start. The Alcohol Interlock (the TOE) consists of three parts: Ø A Handset: this is located inside the driver compartment of the car, it contains an alcohol sensor, and is able to interact with the driver Ø An Onboard Unit (OBU): this is usually located inside the engine compartment of the car, and is used to store audit records and prevent the starting of the car without a successful alcohol test having been carried out. The OBU is connected to the car: these connections are considered to be part of the OBU. Ø A Readout Application: this is located inside a Garage (one Garage can serve thousands of cars fitted with interlocks). The Readout Application is used for functions such as calibration, adjustment and readout of the alcohol interlock, as well as for uploading settings to and recording data and observations in the alcohol interlock, or uploading data from the alcohol interlock to a Register or Broker. The TOE has the following major security features: Ø The Handset and OBU parts of the TOE are able to detect events (starting the car, failed breath test etc.) and store these events Ø Authenticated users can use the Readout Application of the TOE to read out these events and send them onwards. These users can also use the Readout Application to delete the events/erase the memory. Ø All parts of the TOE protect the events against unauthorized modification, deletion, insertion and disclosure. The Protection Profile defines five different classes of TOEs (A, B1, B2, C1 and C2), each of which has slightly different requirements and objectives. This difference in Classes is caused by the fact that: Ø The Register has a strictly defined format in which it wishes to store data. As there is no standard for this format yet, each country or organization will tend to use its own proprietary format. Ø The Handset/OBU may not be able to support all of these formats If the Handset/OBU does not support the required format, the files have to be converted somewhere: Ø either in the Readout Application, Ø or at the Broker. The assets to be protected by a TOE claiming conformance to this PP are defined in the Protection Profile [PP], section 3.1. Based on these assets the security problem is defined only in terms of Threats. This is outlined in the Protection Profile [PP], section 3.3. number page date NSCIB-PP-09-25642-CR 8 September 6, 2010 These Threats are split into Security Objectives to be fulfilled by a TOE claiming conformance to this PP and Security Objectives to be fulfilled by the Environment of a TOE claiming conformance to this PP. 2.2 Security Functional Requirements Based on the Security Objectives to be fulfilled by a TOE claiming conformance to this PP the security policy is expressed by the set of Security Functional Requirements to be implemented by a TOE. The TOE Security Functional Requirements (SFR) are outlined in the [PP], section 5.2. They are all selected from Common Criteria Part 2. Thus the SFR claim is called: Common Criteria Part 2 conformant. 2.3 Assurance Requirements The TOE security assurance requirements claimed in the Protection Profile are based entirely on the assurance components defined in part 3 of the Common Criteria. Thus the SAR claim is called: Common Criteria Part 3 conformant, EAL 3 augmented with ALC_FLR.2. (for the definition and scope of assurance packages according to CC see [CC], part 3 for details). 2.4 Results of the PP-Evaluation The evaluation lab determined that the claims as made in the Alcohol Interlock Protection Profile, version 1.0, dated August 31, 2010 are in conformance with the requirements for Protection Profiles as specified in class APE of the CC. The evaluation lab has performed all APE work units in accordance with the APE section of the CEM and recorded its findings in an Evaluation Technical Report [ETR]2 . 2.5 Evaluator Comments/Recommendations There are no specific Evaluator Comments or Recommendations. 2 The Evaluation Technical Report contains information proprietary to the developer and/or the evaluator, and is not releasable for public review. number page date NSCIB-PP-09-25642-CR 9 September 6, 2010 3 Protection Profile The Alcohol Interlock Protection Profile, version 1.0, dated August 31, 2010 is included here by reference. 4 Definitions This list of Acronyms and the glossary of terms contains elements that are not already defined by the CC or CEM: CC Common Criteria ITSEF IT Security Evaluation Facility NSCIB Nederlands Schema voor Certificatie op het gebied van IT-Beveiliging PP Protection Profile TNO Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research TOE Target of Evaluation 5 Bibliography This section lists all referenced documentation used as source material in the compilation of this report: [CC] Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Parts I, II and III, version 3.1 Revision 3, July 2009 [CEM] Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation, version 3.1 Revision 3, July 2009. [ETR] Evaluation Technical Report Alcohol Interlock Protection Profile version 1.0, September 1, 2010 (10-RPT-176 v1.0, ETR APE-Alcohol-Interlock PP). [NSCIB] Netherlands Scheme for Certification in the Area of IT Security / Nederlands schema voor certificatie op het gebied van IT-beveiliging, Version 1.2, 9 December 2004. [PP] Alcohol Interlock Protection Profile, version 1.0, dated August 31, 2010.