FIPS 140-2 Security Policy – Cryptographic Support Library Page 1 of 17 © Copyright 2007 Giritech FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy for the Giritech Cryptographic Support Library CryptFacility, version 1.0.485 Level 1 Validation Document Version: Version 1.18 July 1, 2007 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy – Cryptographic Support Library Page 2 of 17 © Copyright 2007 Giritech REVISION HISTORY The table below provides revision history of this document. Version Date Author(s) Comments 1.0 August 15, 2006 Apex Assurance Group Template / draft Module Interfaces detail 1.1 August 21, 2006 Giritech Added Product Overview 1.2 August 30, 2006 Giritech Added Officer role descriptions 1.3 September 15, 2006 Giritech Minor editorials 1.4 September 19, 2006 Giritech Introduction updated, cryptographic boundary definition added, services added, reference to algorithm certificates added and Crypto++ use confirmed. 1.5 September 24, 2006 Apex Assurance Group Reviewed content of document, inserted comments, inserted or reordered sections, added/modified text 1.6 September 26, 2006 Giritech Added figures and updated tables 1.7 September 26, 2006 Giritech Added section on cryptographic key management and self tests. 1.8 September 28, 2006 Apex Assurance Group Clarified details for self tests, added general comments and added/modified text 1.9 September 29, 2006 Giritech Updated with final design details 1.10 October 2, 2006 Apex Assurance Group Final updates for submission to SAIC 1.11 October 3, 2006 Apex Assurance Group Re-embedded block diagram image 1.12 November 3, 2006 Giritech Updated with SAIC comments 1.13 November 7, 2006 Giritech Further Clarifications added 1.14 November 30, 2006 Giritech / Apex Assurance Group Clarifications 1.15 December 8, 2006 Apex Assurance Group Address SAIC comments, update module digest value 1.16 December 14, 2006 Apex Assurance Group Correct algorithm certificate table and minor formatting 1.17 June 7, 2007 Giritech Minor updates according to NIST comments 1.18 July 1, 2007 Apex Assurance Group Further clarification on NIST comments Table 1 - Security Policy Revision History FIPS 140-2 Security Policy – Cryptographic Support Library Page 3 of 17 © Copyright 2007 Giritech TABLE OF CONTENTS REVISION HISTORY....................................................................................................................................2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ...............................................................................................................................3 DOCUMENT INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................4 BACKGROUND.............................................................................................................................................4 FURTHER INFORMATION ..............................................................................................................................4 COPYRIGHT NOTICE ....................................................................................................................................4 RELATIONSHIP TO THE GIRITECH G/ON PRODUCT LINE.................................................................................4 GIRITECH CRYPTOGRAPHIC SUPPORT LIBRARY.................................................................................5 GIRITECH PRODUCT LINE OVERVIEW ...........................................................................................................5 VALIDATION LEVEL ......................................................................................................................................6 MODULE DEFINITION ...................................................................................................................................6 MODULE PORTS AND INTERFACES ...............................................................................................................8 ROLES AND SERVICES.................................................................................................................................8 Crypto Officer Role...............................................................................................................................8 User Role..............................................................................................................................................9 Available Services ................................................................................................................................9 PHYSICAL SECURITY .................................................................................................................................11 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT ....................................................................................................................11 CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS..................................................................................................................11 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT .........................................................................................................12 SELF-TESTS .............................................................................................................................................14 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS................................................................................................................15 SECURE OPERATION OF THE CRYPTOGRAPHIC SUPPORT LIBRARY ............................................16 FIPS MODE OF OPERATION.......................................................................................................................16 CRYPTO OFFICER GUIDANCE – MODULE INITIALIZATION AND CONFIGURATION .............................................16 USER GUIDANCE.......................................................................................................................................16 DEFINITION LIST .......................................................................................................................................17 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy – Cryptographic Support Library Page 4 of 17 © Copyright 2007 Giritech DOCUMENT INTRODUCTION Background Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-2 — Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules specifies requirements for cryptographic products to be deployed in a Sensitive but Unclassified environment. More information about the FIPS 140-2 standard and validation program is available on the NIST website at . This non-proprietary Cryptographic Module Security Policy for the Cryptographic Support Library (“the Module” otherwise referred to as “CryptFacility”) from Giritech provides an overview of the product line using the module and a high-level description of how the module meets the security requirements of FIPS 140-2. This document contains details on the module’s cryptographic keys and critical security parameters. This Security Policy concludes with instructions and guidance on running the module in FIPS 140-2 mode of operation. Further Information The Giritech website ( contains information on the full line of products from Giritech, including a detailed overview of the G/On product line that is using the CryptFacility library. The NIST Cryptographic Module Validation Program website ( contains Giritech contact information for answers to technical or sales-related questions. Copyright Notice All information available in the Giritech FIPS 140-2 documentation pertaining to the Giritech Cryptographic Support Library (the “Module” otherwise referred to as “CryptFacility”) is the sole property of Giritech A/S and as such is confidential. However it is specifically mentioned that this document (the Security Policy) may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification (including this Copyright Notice). Relationship to the Giritech G/On Product Line The Cryptographic Support Library from Giritech is designed for use inside the full range of Giritech products, including G/On. As such the module implements the security relevant functions of Giritech’s products. The typical “users” of the module are therefore other Giritech software processes referred to as “calling daemons” in the following text. The Cryptographic Support Library is also referred to as “CryptFacility” and is validated for FIPS 140-2. FIPS 140-2 Security Policy – Cryptographic Support Library Page 5 of 17 © Copyright 2007 Giritech GIRITECH CRYPTOGRAPHIC SUPPORT LIBRARY Giritech Product Line Overview As a developer and manufacturer of remote connectivity solutions, Giritech has developed the G/On product line which covers most of the aspects needed to provide a complete all-in-one solution to typical connectivity needs of enterprises. G/On thus implements the connection itself, unique authentication of end-users and devices, limits dependence on endpoint state, control of access to the company and connection to individual applications, all in one integrated solution. G/On combines: - Encryption of data to make them inaccessible for everyone except the intended users. - Mutual authentication of client and server, thus avoiding “man-in-the-middle” attacks. - Authentication of users (username and password) integrated with existing Microsoft Active Directory to simplify user administration and to obtain single sign-on. - An intelligent way of avoiding the security challenge from insecure computers when connecting from unknown IT infrastructures. - Minimizes the risk for and potential consequences of attacks on the company’s internal IT infrastructure. As an all-in-one remote connectivity solution, G/On contains a range of advanced cryptographic functions to enable secure connections to be established, maintained and removed. All executables in the G/On product line (see Figure 1 below for an overview) thus uses a software entity called “E connector” when connecting to each other through a network (e.g. the Internet). Inside the “E connector” all operations performing cryptographic tasks are using the standard Giritech Cryptographic Support library, “CryptFacility”, also referred to as the “module.” © 2006 Giritech A/S. All rights reserved Overall Architecture and Cryptographic boundary The .exe files EMCADS GonAdmin GonBuilder USync CxRulesAdmin EClient TClient GRDPClient GICAClient GUpdate Internet E con- nector E con- nector E con- nector E con- nector E con- nector E con- nector Crypt Facility E connector All cryptograhic functionality is embedded in the ”CryptFacility” library inside the ”E Connector” software module. E con- nector Towards Giritech license server Figure 1: G/On software architecture and CryptFacility cryptographic boundary FIPS 140-2 Security Policy – Cryptographic Support Library Page 6 of 17 © Copyright 2007 Giritech All these cryptographic tasks (key generation, encryption, etc.) of G/On are thus embedded in the module and it is this module that has been FIPS 140-2 validated. This document describes the details of the module and how it interfaces with and is used by other software solutions in the Giritech product-line, among others. A block diagram of the module can be seen on Figure 3. Validation Level The validation levels refer to the 4 levels of validation in the FIPS 140-2 standards. Giritech is targeting level 1 for all relevant parts of the CryptFacility library. The following table lists the level of validation for each of the areas in FIPS 140-2 for the module: Section No. Area Title Level 1 Cryptographic Module Specification 1 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 4 Finite State Model 1 5 Physical Security N/A 6 Operational Environment 1 7 Cryptographic Key management 1 8 Electromagnetic Interface/Electromagnetic Compatibility 1 9 Self-Tests 1 10 Design Assurance 1 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Table 2 – Validation Level by Section Physical security is not relevant as the module is a pure software-based solution. The “Mitigation of Other Attacks” section is also not relevant as the module does not implement any countermeasures towards special attacks. Module Definition The Cryptographic Support Module is classified as a multi-chip standalone cryptographic module. As such, it has a well-defined physical and logical boundary. The physical boundary includes the generic, General Purpose Computer (GPC) upon which the module executes. The module’s logical cryptographic boundary includes the executable image of the module stored on the PC hard drive and running from Random Access Memory (RAM). There exists a distinct set of interfaces for each boundary definition. FIPS 140-2 Security Policy – Cryptographic Support Library Page 7 of 17 © Copyright 2007 Giritech Figure 2: Physical Boundary The overall block diagram of the module is very simple and basically summarizes the services (classes) available inside the CryptFacility module. Figure 3: CryptFacility Block Diagram FIPS 140-2 Security Policy – Cryptographic Support Library Page 8 of 17 © Copyright 2007 Giritech Note that the Giritech CryptFacility module is using a FIPS validated (certificate number 562, encryption/decryption library called “Crypto++” from Wei Dai. CryptFacility will ensure correct version and correct configuration and setup of Crypto++ according to the Crypto Officer guidelines in the Security Policy of Crypto++ to ensure FIPS approved mode of operation. Module Ports and Interfaces The interfaces (ports) for the physical boundary include the computer keyboard port, CDROM drive, floppy disk, mouse, network port, parallel port, USB ports, monitor port and power plug. When operational, the module does not transmit any information across these physical ports because it is a software cryptographic library. Therefore, the module’s interfaces are purely logical and are provided through the Application Programming Interface (API) that a calling daemon can operate. The logical interfaces expose services that applications directly call, and the API provides functions that may be called by a referencing application (see Roles and Services for the list of available functions). The API provided by the module is mapped onto the FIPS 140- 2 logical interfaces: data input, data output, control input, and status output. Each of the FIPS 140- 2 logical interfaces relates to the Module's callable interface, as follows: FIPS 140-2 Logical Interfaces Module Logical Interfaces GPC Physical Ports Data Input Input arguments to API functions Standard GPC input ports (e.g., keyboard) Data Output Return values or output parameters from API functions Standard GPC output ports (e.g., monitor) Control Input Calls to API functions Standard GPC input ports (e.g., keyboard) Status Output Information returned via exceptions (such as return or exit codes) Standard GPC output ports (e.g., monitor) Power N/A Standard GPC power port (e.g., power connector) Table 3 – Cryptographic Support Library Logical Interface Mapping Roles and Services The module supports a Crypto Officer and a User role. The Crypto Officer can access all services in the module and perform initialization while the User role can only access the services of the module. The module supports no Maintenance role. The Module does not implement authentication of the two roles. Roles are implicitly selected via the services being called and the situation in which they are called as described below. There are also no internal audit trails tracking any of the events or data generated or used by the module during FIPS approved mode of operation. Crypto Officer Role The Crypto Officer role is responsible only for the initialization of the module. The Crypto Officer role has no special access to keys or data inside the module except for generating the shared secret at initialization time. The Crypto Officer role is implicitly selected or assumed when initializing module. FIPS 140-2 Security Policy – Cryptographic Support Library Page 9 of 17 © Copyright 2007 Giritech User Role The User role includes all the calling daemons (other software modules outside CryptFacility) using the Module as part of their normal operation. The user role can access all services in the module, but should not be allowed to set the mode of operation (initializing the service “CryptFacilityService”), generate the preshared secret (using the sub-service “generateClientServerKnownSecret” of the service “SessionKeyExchange”) or setting the preshared secret(using the sub-services “createFromMessage” and constructor of the service “SessionKeyExchange”) when the module is operating in FIPS approved mode. The User role is implicitly selected or assumed when calling any services on the module API when using the module during normal operations. Available Services The services available to the User and Crypto Officer roles in the Module consist of the following: FIPS 140-2 Security Policy – Cryptographic Support Library Page 10 of 17 © Copyright 2007 Giritech Service Description Roles Class name Session key exchange The session-key-exchange exchange the public key of a public/private session key pair. The key’s are to be used later in the key exchange process. Both server and client generate a key pair and distribute the public key to the other part. User SessionKeyExchange Client Information and Facility exchange The CIF-exchange exchange client facility and identification information and key/iv to use for the upstream cipher. The facility information contains a list of available ciphers, key lengths and hashids (see Table 6). The identification information contain G/On-usb-key id and other information to identify the client. Notice that all identification information is seen as data and is not used inside the module. User CIFExchange Cryptexchange The crypt-exchange exchange the cipher for up- and down-stream, the symmetric downstream key and holds a hash (SHA-1) of the server-key message to test up- and downstream ciphers. User CryptExchange Cryptvalidator This class contains methods to validate the up- and down-stream ciphers. User CryptStreamValidator Message encryption and decryption This class handles encryption and decryption of individual messages. User Crypter Collection of basic services This service includes: • GenerateRandomNumber (This call generates a random number based on the PRNG function inside the Crypto++ library) • Hashing of messages (using SHA1 based on Crypto++ service) User CryptFactory Initialization of module Initializes and tests the module upon power-on and include calls that implement on-demand status verification of the module: • initialize (this service runs the built-in selftests, see page 14, and specifies what mode of operation the module is operating in: FIPS approved or non-FIPS approved) • getIntegrityHash (this call verifies the integrity of the module by calculating a HMAC SHA-1 hash on the .dll) • isReady, isModeOfOperationFIPS, getVersionInfo (provides module status information) Crypto Officer CryptFacilityService Table 4 – User Services and Descriptions The services accessing the Critical Service Parameters (CSPs), the type of access and which role accesses the CSPs are listed in Table 6. Note that all keys and ciphers are directly derived from the embedded Crypto++ module. However the Crypto++ library is not directly available on any CryptFacility APIs. Note that all conditional self-tests are not separate service calls on the external API but are embedded in the relevant other services and performed as part of calling the above mentioned services. FIPS 140-2 Security Policy – Cryptographic Support Library Page 11 of 17 © Copyright 2007 Giritech Physical Security The Giritech CryptFacility module is a software-only module and does not provide any physical security mechanisms. Therefore, this section is not applicable. Operational Environment The Giritech CryptFacility module operates on a general purpose computer (GPC) running on a modern version of the Microsoft Windows general purpose operating system (GPOS), including Microsoft Windows XP and Microsoft Windows 2003 Server. For FIPS purposes, Giritech CryptFacility is running on Microsoft Windows in single user mode and does not require any additional configuration to meet the FIPS requirements. The Giritech CryptFacility module was tested on the Microsoft Windows XP Professional. The GPC(s) used during testing met Federal Communications Commission (FCC) FCC Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements for business use as defined by 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part15, Subpart B. While the module was tested on Microsoft Windows XP Professional, FIPS 140-2 validation compliance is maintained when the module is operated on other versions of the Microsoft Windows GPOS running in single user mode, assuming that the requirements outlined in NIST IG G.5 are met. Cryptographic Algorithms The module implements the FIPS-approved algorithms as listed in Table 5. As the module uses an already FIPS approved encryption library (Crypto++, refer to from Wei Dai, ver. 5.2.31) the Giritech module’s cryptographic algorithm implementations leverage the same certifications as this module. In general all approved algorithms and modes from the Crypto++ library are supported in the CryptFacility module, the list below only summarizes the by Giritech recommended modes. The module does not use any non-FIPS approved algorithms. 1 FIPS certificate 562, obviously used according to guidelines and recommendations in the Crypto++ Security Policy ( to ensure it is only used in FIPS validated mode. FIPS 140-2 Security Policy – Cryptographic Support Library Page 12 of 17 © Copyright 2007 Giritech Algorithm Recommended Mode Standard Certificate Number AES CBC FIPS 197 216 TDES CBC FIPS 46-3 309 Skipjack CBC FIPS 185 14 ECDSA EC2N-SHA FIPS 186-2 5 DSA n/a FIPS 186-2 79 SHA-1 SHA FIPS 180-2 134 HMAC-SHA-1 SHA FIPS 198 26 RNG DES-EDE32 ANSI X9.31-1998-App.A 61 RSAES OAEP ANSI X9.31-1998-App.A 5623 Table 5 – FIPS-approved Cryptographic Algorithms Please note that the listed symmetric algorithms (AES, TDES and Skipjack) are all available for generic crypto services offered by the "Crypter" service. However during "CIFExchange"/"CryptExchange" AES is always selected for both up- and downstream ciphers. Note that the listed symmetric algorithms (AES, TDES and Skipjack) are the ones available for selection in the “CIFExchange” service. “CIFExchange” allows a client implementation of the module to list these three algorithms for the server implementation of the module to select from. The actual selection of ciphers is however outside the scope of the CryptFacility module, but CryptFacility must offer all three modes for selection and ensures that only FIPS approved algorithms (as listed) can be used. Cryptographic Key Management The module is using a FIPS validated library (Crypto++), therefore please refer to the documentation on this library for the further details on Crypto++ key management. Besides the functionality described in that module, the CryptFacility module implements additional key management procedures as described below. Table 6 provides is a complete list of critical security parameters used within the module. 2 The RNG algorithm is seeded using the CryptGenRandom API provided by the Windows OS. 3 Note that, according to the security policy for Crypto++ page 3, 1/140sp/140sp562.pdf, there is no FIPS approved key exchange method. However the CMVP allows the use of RSAES in FIPS approved mode of operation. Refer to FIPS 140-2 annex D. FIPS 140-2 Security Policy – Cryptographic Support Library Page 13 of 17 © Copyright 2007 Giritech Key / CSP Name Type Use Generation Storage Zeroization User Privileges Crypto Officer Privileges PRNG Seed System Entropy Seed the X9.31 PRNG Internal to Crypto++ library RAM (plaintext) Generating a new seed R R Client/Server known secret ECDSA (EC2N- SHA) For signing of public key from Server key pair and signing of CIF from client (“SessionKeyExch ange” and “CIFExchange”) Pre-defined shared secret4 RAM (plaintext) At termination of service (“SessionKeyExc hange” and “CIFExchange”) R R W D Client key pair RSAES For en/de-crypting the CIF (“CIFExchange”) Generated by the module using RNG service RAM (plaintext) At termination of service (“CIFExchange”) R R Server key pair RSAES Selection of cipher (“CryptExchange”) Generated by the module using RNG service RAM (plaintext) At termination of service (“CryptExchange ”) R R Upstream key/iv pair Selected cipher (AES 256) En/de-crypting messages (“Crypter”, “CryptValidator”) Generated by the module using RNG service RAM (plaintext) At termination of service (“Crypter”) R R Downstream key/iv pair Selected cipher (AES 256) En/de-crypting messages (“Crypter”, “CryptValidator”) Generated by the module using RNG service RAM (plaintext) At termination of service (“Crypter”) R R Recipe SHA-1 Hash used to validate up- and down-stream ciphers (“CryptStreamVali dator”) Generated by hashing the CryptExchang e message RAM (plaintext) At termination of service (“CryptExchange ”) R R Key/IV pair TDES and Skipjack En/de- crypting"(“Crypter” , “CryptValidator”) Generated by the module using RNG service RAM (plaintext) At termination of service (“Crypter”) R R Table 6 –Critical Security Parameters Zeroization has been implemented to ensure no traces are left in memory (RAM, HardDrives or elsewhere) of any CSP’s upon termination of the service using the CSP. Zeroization has been implemented by overwriting the allocated memory buffer with zeros before freeing the memory to other uses. Any service using a CSP will zeroize the CSP upon normal termination and when transitioning into error states. Note 4 Shared secret key pair is generated by the CryptoOfficer at install time as part of the basic initialization process as part of the ”SessionKeyExchange” service. As there are no authentication implemented in the module, the module itself does not limit the ”User” role from gaining write privileges to the shared secret, but as matter of definition only the CryptoOfficer role should be allowed to change and/or generated the shared secret when operating in FIPS approved mode. FIPS 140-2 Security Policy – Cryptographic Support Library Page 14 of 17 © Copyright 2007 Giritech that the CryptFacility module does not implement key establishment. Zeroization is initiated by terminating the process and powering off the module. Self-Tests Two basic sets of tests are run by the module: Power-on self-tests and conditional self-tests. Power-on self-tests are run upon every initialization of the module and if any of the tests fail, the module will not initialize. The module will enter an error state and no services can be accessed by the users. Conditional self-tests are on-demand tests and tests run continuously during operation of the module. If any of these tests fail, the module will enter and error state and will power off. No services can be accessed by the users. The available power-on self-tests are as follows: Power-on Self Test Description AES Known Answer Test Executed via the associated Crypto++ self-tests. If the test fails, CryptFacility will fail and enter an error state TDES Known Answer Test Executed via the associated Crypto++ self-tests. If the test fails, CryptFacility will fail and enter an error state SkipJack Known Answer Test Executed via the associated Crypto++ self-tests. If the test fails, CryptFacility will fail and enter an error state RSAES Known Answer Test Executed via the associated Crypto++ self-tests. If the test fails, CryptFacility will fail and enter an error state ECDSA Known Answer Test Executed via the associated Crypto++ self-tests. If the test fails, CryptFacility will fail and enter an error state SHA-1 Known Answer Test Executed via the associated Crypto++ self-tests. If the test fails, CryptFacility will fail and enter an error state HMAC Known Answer Test Executed via the associated Crypto++ self-tests. If the test fails, CryptFacility will fail and enter an error state Random Number Generator Known Answer Test Executed via the associated Crypto++ self-tests. If the test fails, CryptFacility will fail and enter an error state Integrity Check The Crypto++ integrity is verified as part of above mentioned power-on test while the CryptFacility module performs its own integrity check using HMAC-SHA-1and entering into error state when/if failing. The integrity test verifies the integrity of the executable code Table 7 – Power-on Self Tests The Power-on self-tests can be run on demand by reinitializing the module in FIPS approved Mode of Operation or by calling the corresponding service on the API. The available conditional self-tests are as follows: FIPS 140-2 Security Policy – Cryptographic Support Library Page 15 of 17 © Copyright 2007 Giritech Conditional Self Test Description RSAES Pairwise Consistency Check Test generated each time a key is generated. Executed via CryptFacility. ECDSA Pairwise Consistency Check Test generated each time a key is generated. Executed via CryptFacility. Continual Random Number Generator Test If the test fails, CryptFacility will fail and enter an error state. Executed via the associated Crypto++ self-tests. Table 8 – Conditional Self Tests The status of all tests are output from the module towards the calling daemons via the standard API to enable users to verify results and status and to initiate tests on-demand where relevant. Note that the complete module halts when a test fails. Mitigation of Other Attacks The module does not claim to mitigate any other attacks in FIPS-approved mode of operation. FIPS 140-2 Security Policy – Cryptographic Support Library Page 16 of 17 © Copyright 2007 Giritech SECURE OPERATION OF THE CRYPTOGRAPHIC SUPPORT LIBRARY This section describes how to configure the module for FIPS-approved mode of operation. Operating the module without maintaining the following settings will remove the module from the FIPS-approved mode of operation. FIPS Mode of Operation The module allows operation in FIPS approved mode of operation via initialization of the service “CryptFacilityService”, as described below, and by adhering to the guidelines in the section on Operational Environment. Crypto Officer Guidance – Module Initialization and Configuration The Crypto Officer must configure and enforce the following initialization procedures in order to operate in FIPS approved mode of operation: 1. Ensure that the service CryptFacilityService is initialized for FIPS approved mode of operation, which ensures self-tests are run upon module initialization. a. The module is initialized by using the sub-service Giritech::CryptFacility::CryptFacilityService::getInstanc e().initialize(CryptFacilityService:: modeofoperation_fips) of the of the CryptFacilityService. 2. Verify that the software version of the CryptFacility module is 1.0.485, using the sub-service Giritech::CryptFacility::CryptFacilityService::getInstance().g etVersionInfo of the service CryptFacilityService. 3. Verify the hash of the module using the sub-service Giritech::CryptFacility::CryptFacilityService::getInstance().g etIntegrityHash of the service CryptFacilityService. The hash value should be: A00E2C493591FE3A58CD320C43DFF70691EA5E30 4. Verify that the module is ready and operating in FIPS approved mode using the sub-services Giritech::CryptFacility::CryptFacilityService::getInstance().i sReady and Giritech::CryptFacility::CryptFacilityService::getInstance().i sModeOfOperationFIPS of the service CryptFacilityService. By ensuring the calling daemons conforms to these requirements during the initialization procedure, the Crypto Officer can unambiguously verify that the complete module is operating in FIPS approved mode of operation. Note that the Crypto Officer explicitly performs each of the steps above. User Guidance CryptFacility is not distributed as a standalone library and is only used in conjunction with the Giritech G/On solution. As such, there is no direct User Guidance. FIPS 140-2 Security Policy – Cryptographic Support Library Page 17 of 17 © Copyright 2007 Giritech DEFINITION LIST AES Advanced Encryption Standard ANSI American National Standards Institute API Application Programming Interface CIF Client Identity Facility CMVP Cryptographic Module Validation Program CSP Critical Security Parameter D Delete DES Data Encryption Standard DSA Digital Signature Algorithm ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm EMC ElectroMagnetic Compatibility EMI ElectroMagnetic Interference FCC Federal Communications Commission FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard G/On The primary product line from Giritech that deploys the CryptFacility module GPC General Purpose Computer GPOS General Purpose Operating System HMAC Hashed MAC (see MAC) KAT Known Answer Test MAC Message Authentication Code NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology PRNG Pseudo-Random Number Generator R Read RAM Random Access Memory RNG Random Number Generator SHA Secure Hash Algorithm TDES Triple DES USB Universal Serial Bus VPN Virtual Private Network W Write