Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 1 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Sophos Ltd. Sophos Cryptographic Module FIPS 140‐3 Non‐Proprietary Security Policy Document Version 1.0 October 21, 2024 Prepared for: Prepared by: Sophos Ltd. The Pentagon Abingdon Science Park Abingdon OX14 3YP United Kingdom Corsec Security, Inc. 12600 Fair Lakes Circle Suite #210 Fairfax, VA 22033 United States +1 703.267.6050 FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 2 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Table of Contents 1 General ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5 1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 1.2 Security Levels................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 2 Cryptographic Module Specification...................................................................................................................................................................................5 2.1 Description ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 2.2 Tested and Vendor Affirmed Module Version and Identification..................................................................................................................................................... 7 2.3 Excluded Components....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 2.4 Modes of Operation.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 2.5 Algorithms......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 2.6 Security Function Implementations ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14 2.7 Algorithm Specific Information ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 2.8 RBG and Entropy ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 20 2.9 Key Generation................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20 2.10 Key Establishment........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 2.11 Industry Protocols ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 3 Cryptographic Module Interfaces......................................................................................................................................................................................21 3.1 Ports and Interfaces ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21 4 Roles, Services, and Authentication ..................................................................................................................................................................................21 4.1 Authentication Methods................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21 4.2 Roles................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21 4.3 Approved Services........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21 4.4 Non‐Approved Services................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 4.5 External Software/Firmware Loaded .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 26 5 Software/Firmware Security .............................................................................................................................................................................................26 5.1 Integrity Techniques........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 26 5.2 Initiate on Demand.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 5.3 Open‐Source Parameters................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 26 6 Operational Environment..................................................................................................................................................................................................26 6.1 Operational Environment Type and Requirements ........................................................................................................................................................................ 26 7 Physical Security................................................................................................................................................................................................................26 8 Non‐Invasive Security........................................................................................................................................................................................................27 9 Sensitive Security Parameters Management ....................................................................................................................................................................27 9.1 Storage Areas .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27 FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 3 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. 9.2 SSP Input‐Output Methods ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27 9.3 SSP Zeroization Methods................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27 9.4 SSPs ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27 9.5 Additional Information.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34 10 Self‐Tests .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................35 10.1 Pre‐Operational Self‐Tests .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35 10.2 Conditional Self‐Tests...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35 10.3 Periodic Self‐Test Information......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37 10.4 Error States...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 39 10.5 Operator Initiation of Self‐Tests...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 39 11 Life‐Cycle Assurance......................................................................................................................................................................................................39 11.1 Installation, Initialization, and Startup Procedures......................................................................................................................................................................... 39 11.2 Administrator Guidance.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 39 11.3 Non‐Administrator Guidance.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 39 11.4 Design and Rules ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 39 12 Mitigation of Other Attacks...........................................................................................................................................................................................40 12.1 Attack List........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 40 12.2 Mitigation Effectiveness.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 40 12.3 Guidance and Constraints ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40 FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 4 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. List of Tables Table 1: Security Levels........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Table 2: Tested Module Identification – Software, Firmware, Hybrid (Executable Code Sets).............................................................................................................. 7 Table 3: Tested Operational Environments ‐ Software, Firmware, Hybrid ............................................................................................................................................7 Table 4: Modes List and Description ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Table 5: Approved Algorithms ‐ Cipher .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Table 6: Approved Algorithms ‐ Key agreement..................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Table 7: Approved Algorithms ‐ Key derivation.................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Table 8: Approved Algorithms ‐ Key management............................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Table 9: Approved Algorithms ‐ Key transport..................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Table 10: Approved Algorithms ‐ Message authentication..................................................................................................................................................................12 Table 11: Approved Algorithms ‐ Message digest................................................................................................................................................................................ 12 Table 12: Approved Algorithms ‐ Random ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Table 13: Approved Algorithms ‐ Signature.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Table 14: Vendor‐Affirmed Algorithms ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14 Table 15: Security Function Implementations...................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Table 16: Ports and Interfaces.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21 Table 17: Roles...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Table 18: Approved Services ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 25 Table 19: Storage Areas........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 27 Table 20: SSP Input‐Output Methods................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Table 21: SSP Zeroization Methods ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Table 22: SSP Table 1............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 32 Table 23: SSP Table 2............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 33 Table 24: Pre‐Operational Self‐Tests.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35 Table 25: Conditional Self‐Tests ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Table 26: Pre‐Operational Periodic Information .................................................................................................................................................................................. 37 Table 27: Conditional Periodic Information.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 38 Table 28: Error States ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 39 List of Figures Figure 1: Block Diagram.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 5 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. 1 General 1.1 Overview This document defines the Non‐Proprietary Security Policy for the Sophos Cryptographic Module by Sophos Ltd., hereafter denoted the Module. The Module meets FIPS 140‐3 overall Level 1 requirements, with security levels as shown in Section 1.2. In accordance with AS02.05, ISO/IEC 19790:2012 §7.7 Physical Security is optional and does not apply to the Module. 1.2 Security Levels Section Title Security Level 1 General 1 2 Cryptographic module specification 1 3 Cryptographic module interfaces 1 4 Roles, services, and authentication 1 5 Software/Firmware security 1 6 Operational environment 1 7 Physical security N/A 8 Non‐invasive security N/A 9 Sensitive security parameter management 1 10 Self‐tests 1 11 Life‐cycle assurance 3 12 Mitigation of other attacks 1 Overall Level 1 Table 1: Security Levels 2 Cryptographic Module Specification 2.1 Description Purpose and Use: The Module is a cryptographic software library, intended for use by US and Canadian Federal agencies and other markets that require FIPS 140‐3 validated cryptographic functionality. The Module design corresponds to the Module security rules. Security rules enforced by the Module are described in the appropriate context of this document. Module Type: Software Module Embodiment: MultiChipStand FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 6 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Cryptographic Boundary: Figure 1 depicts the Module operational environment, with the cryptographic boundary highlighted in red inclusive of all Module entry points (API calls). The Module is defined as a Software module per AS02.03. The pre‐operational approved integrity test is performed over all components within the cryptographic boundary. Tested Operational Environment’s Physical Perimeter (TOEPP): The General Purpose Computer is the TOEPP. Figure 1: Block Diagram FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 7 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. 2.2 Tested and Vendor Affirmed Module Version and Identification Tested Module Identification – Software, Firmware, Hybrid (Executable Code Sets): Package or File Name Software/ Firmware Version Features Integrity Test 3.0.10 with KP_1.2 N/A HMAC‐SHA2‐256 #A4481 over the complete module file image Table 2: Tested Module Identification – Software, Firmware, Hybrid (Executable Code Sets) Tested Operational Environments ‐ Software, Firmware, Hybrid: Operating System Hardware Platform Processors PAA/PAI Hypervisor or Host OS Version(s) SFOS 20.0 XGS 3100 AMD Ryzen Embedded V1780B Yes 3.0.10 with KP_1.2 SFOS 20.0 XGS 3100 AMD Ryzen Embedded V1780B No 3.0.10 with KP_1.2 Table 3: Tested Operational Environments ‐ Software, Firmware, Hybrid 2.3 Excluded Components N/A for this Module. 2.4 Modes of Operation Modes List and Description: Mode Name Description Type Status Indicator Nominal Approved mode of operation Approved Table 4: Modes List and Description The Module only supports an Approved mode of operation. The conditions for using the Module in the Approved mode of operation are: 1. Installation of the Module as described in Section 11.1 results in the settings described below, which are required for operation in the Approved mode: a. security‐checks = 1 Enforce minimum key strengths and approved curve names. b. allow‐plaintext‐csp‐output = 1 Enforce the AS09.16 and AS09.17 requirement for a second independent action to output CSPs as a result of calls that produce CSPs, such as key generation, key unwrap (or decapsulate) and shared secret calculation. c. conditional‐errors = 1 Enforce the Module entering the error state on conditional test errors such as PCT failure. 2. The Module is a cryptographic library used by a calling application. The calling application is responsible for: a. Use of the primitives in the correct sequence. FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 8 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. b. Use of keys in accordance with SP 800‐140D Rev. 2 (as the keys used by the Module for cryptographic purposes are provided over the call stack by the calling application). c. Use of a SP 800‐90B compliant entropy source outside the Module boundary with at least 256 bits of security strength. Entropy is supplied to the Module via callback functions. The callback functions shall return an error if the minimum entropy strength cannot be met. 2.5 Algorithms Approved Algorithms: Cipher Algorithm CAVP Cert Properties Reference AES‐CBC A4481 Direction ‐ Decrypt, Encrypt Key Length ‐ 128, 192, 256 SP 800‐38A AES‐CBC‐CS1 A4481 Direction ‐ decrypt, encrypt Key Length ‐ 128, 192, 256 SP 800‐38A AES‐CBC‐CS2 A4481 Direction ‐ decrypt, encrypt Key Length ‐ 128, 192, 256 SP 800‐38A AES‐CBC‐CS3 A4481 Direction ‐ decrypt, encrypt Key Length ‐ 128, 192, 256 SP 800‐38A AES‐CCM A4481 Key Length ‐ 128, 192, 256 SP 800‐38C AES‐CFB1 A4481 Direction ‐ Decrypt, Encrypt Key Length ‐ 128, 192, 256 SP 800‐38A AES‐CFB128 A4481 Direction ‐ Decrypt, Encrypt Key Length ‐ 128, 192, 256 SP 800‐38A AES‐CFB8 A4481 Direction ‐ Decrypt, Encrypt Key Length ‐ 128, 192, 256 SP 800‐38A AES‐CTR A4481 Direction ‐ Decrypt, Encrypt Key Length ‐ 128, 192, 256 SP 800‐38A AES‐ECB A4481 Direction ‐ Decrypt, Encrypt Key Length ‐ 128, 192, 256 SP 800‐38A AES‐GCM A4481 Direction ‐ Decrypt, Encrypt IV Generation ‐ External, Internal IV Generation Mode ‐ 8.2.1 Key Length ‐ 128, 192, 256 SP 800‐38D AES‐KW A4481 Direction ‐ Decrypt, Encrypt Key Length ‐ 128, 192, 256 SP 800‐38F AES‐KWP A4481 Direction ‐ Decrypt, Encrypt Key Length ‐ 128, 192, 256 SP 800‐38F FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. 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Algorithm CAVP Cert Properties Reference AES‐OFB A4481 Direction ‐ Decrypt, Encrypt Key Length ‐ 128, 192, 256 SP 800‐38A AES‐XTS Testing Revision 2.0 A4481 Direction ‐ Decrypt, Encrypt Key Length ‐ 128, 256 SP 800‐38E Table 5: Approved Algorithms ‐ Cipher Key agreement Algorithm CAVP Cert Properties Reference KAS‐ECC CDH‐Component SP800‐56Ar3 (CVL) A4481 Curve ‐ B‐233, B‐283, B‐409, B‐571, K‐233, K‐283, K‐409, K‐571, P‐224, P‐256, P‐384, P‐521 SP 800‐56A Rev. 3 KAS‐ECC‐SSC Sp800‐56Ar3 A4481 Domain Parameter Generation Methods ‐ B‐233, B‐283, B‐409, B‐571, K‐233, K‐283, K‐409, K‐571, P‐224, P‐256, P‐384, P‐521 Scheme ‐ ephemeralUnified ‐ KAS Role ‐ initiator, responder SP 800‐56A Rev. 3 KAS‐FFC‐SSC Sp800‐56Ar3 A4481 Domain Parameter Generation Methods ‐ FB, FC, ffdhe2048, ffdhe3072, ffdhe4096, ffdhe6144, ffdhe8192, modp‐2048, modp‐3072, modp‐4096, modp‐6144, modp‐8192 Scheme ‐ dhEphem ‐ KAS Role ‐ initiator, responder SP 800‐56A Rev. 3 KAS‐IFC‐SSC A4481 Modulo ‐ 2048, 3072, 4096, 6144, 8192 Key Generation Methods ‐ rsakpg1‐basic, rsakpg1‐crt, rsakpg1‐prime‐factor, rsakpg2‐basic, rsakpg2‐crt, rsakpg2‐prime‐factor Scheme ‐ KAS1 ‐ KAS Role ‐ initiator, responder KAS2 ‐ KAS Role ‐ initiator, responder SP 800‐56A Rev. 3 Table 6: Approved Algorithms ‐ Key agreement Key derivation Algorithm CAVP Cert Properties Reference KDA HKDF SP800‐56Cr2 A4481 Derived Key Length ‐ 2048 Shared Secret Length ‐ Shared Secret Length: 224‐8192 Increment 8 HMAC Algorithm ‐ SHA‐1, SHA2‐224, SHA2‐256, SHA2‐384, SHA2‐512, SHA2‐512/224, SHA2‐512/256, SHA3‐224, SHA3‐256, SHA3‐384, SHA3‐512 SP 800‐56C Rev. 2 KDA OneStep SP800‐56Cr2 A4481 Derived Key Length ‐ 2048 Shared Secret Length ‐ Shared Secret Length: 224‐8192 Increment 8 SP 800‐56C Rev. 2 FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. 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Algorithm CAVP Cert Properties Reference KDA TwoStep SP800‐56Cr2 A4481 MAC Salting Methods ‐ default, random KDF Mode ‐ feedback Derived Key Length ‐ 2048 Shared Secret Length ‐ Shared Secret Length: 224‐8192 Increment 8 SP 800‐56C Rev. 2 KDF ANS 9.42 (CVL) A4481 KDF Type ‐ DER Hash Algorithm ‐ SHA‐1, SHA2‐224, SHA2‐256, SHA2‐384, SHA2‐512, SHA2‐512/224, SHA2‐512/256, SHA3‐ 224, SHA3‐256, SHA3‐384, SHA3‐512 Key Data Length ‐ Key Data Length: 8‐4096 Increment 8 SP 800‐135 Rev. 1 KDF ANS 9.63 (CVL) A4481 Hash Algorithm ‐ SHA2‐224, SHA2‐256, SHA2‐384, SHA2‐512 Key Data Length ‐ Key Data Length: 128, 4096 SP 800‐135 Rev. 1 KDF SP800‐108 A4481 KDF Mode ‐ Counter, Feedback Supported Lengths ‐ Supported Lengths: 8, 72, 128, 776, 3456, 4096 SP 800‐108 Rev. 1 KDF SSH (CVL) A4481 Cipher ‐ AES‐128, AES‐192, AES‐256 Hash Algorithm ‐ SHA‐1, SHA2‐224, SHA2‐256, SHA2‐384, SHA2‐512 SP 800‐135 Rev. 1 PBKDF A4481 Iteration Count ‐ Iteration Count: 1‐10000 Increment 1 Password Length ‐ Password Length: 8‐128 Increment 8 SP 800‐132 TLS v1.2 KDF RFC7627 (CVL) A4481 Hash Algorithm ‐ SHA2‐256, SHA2‐384, SHA2‐512 SP 800‐135 Rev. 1 TLS v1.3 KDF (CVL) A4481 HMAC Algorithm ‐ SHA2‐256, SHA2‐384 KDF Running Modes ‐ DHE, PSK, PSK‐DHE SP 800‐135 Rev. 1 Table 7: Approved Algorithms ‐ Key derivation Key management Algorithm CAVP Cert Properties Reference DSA KeyGen (FIPS186‐4) A4481 L ‐ 2048, 3072 N ‐ 224, 256 FIPS 186‐4 DSA PQGGen (FIPS186‐4) A4481 L ‐ 2048, 3072 N ‐ 224, 256 Hash Algorithm ‐ SHA2‐224, SHA2‐256, SHA2‐384, SHA2‐512, SHA2‐512/224, SHA2‐512/256 FIPS 186‐4 DSA PQGVer (FIPS186‐4) A4481 L ‐ 1024, 2048, 3072 N ‐ 160, 224, 256 Hash Algorithm ‐ SHA‐1, SHA2‐224, SHA2‐256, SHA2‐384, SHA2‐512, SHA2‐512/224, SHA2‐512/256 FIPS 186‐4 ECDSA KeyGen (FIPS186‐4) A4481 Curve ‐ B‐233, B‐283, B‐409, B‐571, K‐233, K‐283, K‐409, K‐571, P‐224, P‐256, P‐384, P‐521 Secret Generation Mode ‐ Testing Candidates FIPS 186‐4 ECDSA KeyVer (FIPS186‐4) A4481 Curve ‐ B‐163, B‐233, B‐283, B‐409, B‐571, K‐163, K‐233, K‐283, K‐409, K‐571, P‐192, P‐224, P‐256, P‐384, P‐521 FIPS 186‐4 EDDSA KeyGen A4481 Curve ‐ ED‐25519, ED‐448 FIPS 186‐5 EDDSA KeyVer A4481 Curve ‐ ED‐25519, ED‐448 FIPS 186‐5 FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. 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Algorithm CAVP Cert Properties Reference Safe Primes Key Generation A4481 Safe Prime Groups ‐ ffdhe2048, ffdhe3072, ffdhe4096, ffdhe6144, ffdhe8192, modp‐2048, modp‐3072, modp‐4096, modp‐6144, modp‐8192 SP 800‐56A Rev. 3 Safe Primes Key Verification A4481 Safe Prime Groups ‐ ffdhe2048, ffdhe3072, ffdhe4096, ffdhe6144, ffdhe8192, modp‐2048, modp‐3072, modp‐4096, modp‐6144, modp‐8192 SP 800‐56A Rev. 3 RSA KeyGen (FIPS186‐4) A4481 Key Generation Mode ‐ B.3.3 Modulo ‐ 2048, 3072, 4096 Primality Tests ‐ Table C.2 Private Key Format ‐ Standard FIPS 186‐4 Table 8: Approved Algorithms ‐ Key management Key transport Algorithm CAVP Cert Properties Reference KTS‐IFC A4481 Modulo ‐ 2048, 3072, 4096, 6144 Key Generation Methods ‐ rsakpg1‐basic, rsakpg1‐crt, rsakpg1‐prime‐factor, rsakpg2‐basic, rsakpg2‐crt, rsakpg2‐prime‐factor Scheme ‐ KTS‐OAEP‐basic ‐ KAS Role ‐ initiator, responder Key Transport Method ‐ Key Length ‐ 1024 SP 800‐56B Rev. 2 Table 9: Approved Algorithms ‐ Key transport Message authentication Algorithm CAVP Cert Properties Reference AES‐CMAC A4481 Direction ‐ Generation, Verification Key Length ‐ 128, 192, 256 SP 800‐38B AES‐GMAC A4481 Direction ‐ Decrypt, Encrypt IV Generation ‐ External, Internal IV Generation Mode ‐ 8.2.1 Key Length ‐ 128, 192, 256 SP 800‐38D HMAC‐SHA‐1 A4481 Key Length ‐ Key Length: 112‐2048 Increment 8 FIPS 198‐1 HMAC‐SHA2‐224 A4481 Key Length ‐ Key Length: 112‐2048 Increment 8 FIPS 198‐1 HMAC‐SHA2‐256 A4481 Key Length ‐ Key Length: 112‐2048 Increment 8 FIPS 198‐1 HMAC‐SHA2‐384 A4481 Key Length ‐ Key Length: 112‐2048 Increment 8 FIPS 198‐1 HMAC‐SHA2‐512 A4481 Key Length ‐ Key Length: 112‐2048 Increment 8 FIPS 198‐1 HMAC‐SHA2‐512/224 A4481 Key Length ‐ Key Length: 112‐2048 Increment 8 FIPS 198‐1 HMAC‐SHA2‐512/256 A4481 Key Length ‐ Key Length: 112‐2048 Increment 8 FIPS 198‐1 FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. 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Algorithm CAVP Cert Properties Reference HMAC‐SHA3‐224 A4481 Key Length ‐ Key Length: 112‐2048 Increment 8 FIPS 198‐1 HMAC‐SHA3‐256 A4481 Key Length ‐ Key Length: 112‐2048 Increment 8 FIPS 198‐1 HMAC‐SHA3‐384 A4481 Key Length ‐ Key Length: 112‐2048 Increment 8 FIPS 198‐1 HMAC‐SHA3‐512 A4481 Key Length ‐ Key Length: 112‐2048 Increment 8 FIPS 198‐1 KMAC‐128 A4481 Message Length ‐ Message Length: 0‐65536 Increment 8 Key Data Length ‐ Key Data Length: 128‐1024 Increment 8 SP 800‐185 KMAC‐256 A4481 Message Length ‐ Message Length: 0‐65536 Increment 8 Key Data Length ‐ Key Data Length: 128‐1024 Increment 8 SP 800‐185 Table 10: Approved Algorithms ‐ Message authentication Message digest Algorithm CAVP Cert Properties Reference SHA‐1 A4481 Message Length ‐ Message Length: 0‐65528 Increment 8 Large Message Sizes ‐ 1, 2, 4, 8 FIPS 180‐4 SHA2‐224 A4481 Message Length ‐ Message Length: 0‐65528 Increment 8 Large Message Sizes ‐ 1, 2, 4, 8 FIPS 180‐4 SHA2‐256 A4481 Message Length ‐ Message Length: 0‐65528 Increment 8 Large Message Sizes ‐ 1, 2, 4, 8 FIPS 180‐4 SHA2‐384 A4481 Message Length ‐ Message Length: 0‐65528 Increment 8 Large Message Sizes ‐ 1, 2, 4, 8 FIPS 180‐4 SHA2‐512 A4481 Message Length ‐ Message Length: 0‐65528 Increment 8 Large Message Sizes ‐ 1, 2, 4, 8 FIPS 180‐4 SHA2‐512/224 A4481 Message Length ‐ Message Length: 0‐65528 Increment 8 Large Message Sizes ‐ 1, 2, 4, 8 FIPS 180‐4 SHA2‐512/256 A4481 Message Length ‐ Message Length: 0‐65528 Increment 8 Large Message Sizes ‐ 1, 2, 4, 8 FIPS 180‐4 SHA3‐224 A4481 Message Length ‐ Message Length: 0‐65536 Increment 8 Large Message Sizes ‐ 1, 2, 4, 8 FIPS 202 SHA3‐256 A4481 Message Length ‐ Message Length: 0‐65536 Increment 8 Large Message Sizes ‐ 1, 2, 4, 8 FIPS 202 SHA3‐384 A4481 Message Length ‐ Message Length: 0‐65536 Increment 8 Large Message Sizes ‐ 1, 2, 4, 8 FIPS 202 SHA3‐512 A4481 Message Length ‐ Message Length: 0‐65536 Increment 8 Large Message Sizes ‐ 1, 2, 4, 8 FIPS 202 SHAKE‐128 A4481 Output Length ‐ Output Length: 16‐65536 Increment 8 FIPS 202 SHAKE‐256 A4481 Output Length ‐ Output Length: 16‐65536 Increment 8 FIPS 202 Table 11: Approved Algorithms ‐ Message digest FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. 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Random Algorithm CAVP Cert Properties Reference Counter DRBG A4481 Prediction Resistance ‐ Yes Mode ‐ AES‐128, AES‐192, AES‐256 Derivation Function Enabled ‐ No, Yes SP 800‐90A Rev. 1 Hash DRBG A4481 Prediction Resistance ‐ Yes Mode ‐ SHA‐1, SHA2‐224, SHA2‐256, SHA2‐384, SHA2‐512, SHA2‐512/224, SHA2‐512/256 SP 800‐90A Rev. 1 HMAC DRBG A4481 Prediction Resistance ‐ Yes Mode ‐ SHA‐1, SHA2‐224, SHA2‐256, SHA2‐384, SHA2‐512, SHA2‐512/224, SHA2‐512/256 SP 800‐90A Rev. 1 Table 12: Approved Algorithms ‐ Random Signature Algorithm CAVP Cert Properties Reference ECDSA SigGen (FIPS186‐4) A4481 Component ‐ No, Yes Curve ‐ B‐233, B‐283, B‐409, B‐571, K‐233, K‐283, K‐409, K‐571, P‐224, P‐256, P‐384, P‐521 Hash Algorithm ‐ SHA2‐224, SHA2‐256, SHA2‐384, SHA2‐512, SHA2‐512/224, SHA2‐512/256 FIPS 186‐4 ECDSA SigVer (FIPS186‐4) A4481 Component ‐ No Curve ‐ B‐163, B‐233, B‐283, B‐409, B‐571, K‐163, K‐233, K‐283, K‐409, K‐571, P‐192, P‐224, P‐256, P‐384, P‐521 Hash Algorithm ‐ SHA‐1, SHA2‐224, SHA2‐256, SHA2‐384, SHA2‐512, SHA2‐512/224, SHA2‐512/256 FIPS 186‐4 DSA SigGen (FIPS186‐4) A4481 L ‐ 2048, 3072 N ‐ 224, 256 Hash Algorithm ‐ SHA2‐224, SHA2‐256, SHA2‐384, SHA2‐512, SHA2‐512/224, SHA2‐512/256 FIPS 186‐4 DSA SigVer (FIPS186‐4) A4481 L ‐ 1024, 2048, 3072 N ‐ 160, 224, 256 Hash Algorithm ‐ SHA‐1, SHA2‐224, SHA2‐256, SHA2‐384, SHA2‐512, SHA2‐512/224, SHA2‐512/256 FIPS 186‐4 EDDSA SigGen A4481 Curve ‐ ED‐25519, ED‐448 FIPS 186‐5 EDDSA SigVer A4481 Curve ‐ ED‐25519, ED‐448 FIPS 186‐5 RSA SigGen (FIPS186‐4) A4481 Signature Type ‐ ANSI X9.31, PKCS 1.5, PKCSPSS Modulo ‐ 2048, 3072, 4096 FIPS 186‐4 RSA SigGen (FIPS186‐5) A4481 Modulo ‐ 2048, 3072, 4096 Signature Type ‐ pkcs1v1.5, pss FIPS 186‐5 RSA Signature Primitive (CVL) A4481 Private Key Format ‐ crt FIPS 186‐4 RSA SigVer (FIPS186‐4) A4481 Signature Type ‐ ANSI X9.31, PKCS 1.5, PKCSPSS Modulo ‐ 1024, 2048, 3072, 4096 FIPS 186‐4 RSA SigVer (FIPS186‐5) A4481 Modulo ‐ 2048, 3072, 4096 Signature Type ‐ pkcs1v1.5, pss FIPS 186‐5 Table 13: Approved Algorithms ‐ Signature FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 14 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Vendor‐Affirmed Algorithms: Name Properties Implementation Reference CKG Section 4 KeyPair FIPS Provider for OpenSSL 3 NIST, SP 800‐133 Rev. 2 CKG Section 5 KeyPair FIPS Provider for OpenSSL 3 NIST, SP 800‐133 Rev. 2 CKG Section 6.2 KeyPair FIPS Provider for OpenSSL 3 NIST, SP 800‐133 Rev. 2 Hash DRBG with SHA3‐256, SHA3‐512 KeyPair FIPS Provider for OpenSSL 3 NIST, SP 800‐90A Rev. 1 HMAC DRBG with SHA3‐256, SHA3‐512 KeyPair FIPS Provider for OpenSSL 3 NIST, SP 800‐90A Rev. 1 Table 14: Vendor‐Affirmed Algorithms Non‐Approved, Allowed Algorithms: N/A for this module. Non‐Approved, Allowed Algorithms with No Security Claimed: N/A for this Module. Non‐Approved, Not Allowed Algorithms: N/A for this Module. 2.6 Security Function Implementations Name Type Description Properties Algorithms Cipher (Unauth) BC‐UnAuth AES ciphers AES‐CBC AES‐CBC‐CS1 AES‐CBC‐CS2 AES‐CBC‐CS3 AES‐CFB1 AES‐CFB128 AES‐CFB8 AES‐CTR AES‐ECB AES‐OFB AES‐XTS Testing Revision 2.0 Cipher (Auth) BC‐Auth Authenticated ciphers AES‐CCM AES‐GCM AES‐KW AES‐KWP CKG Section 4 CKG Using the Output of a Random Bit Generator CKG Section 4 FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 15 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Name Type Description Properties Algorithms CKG Section 5 CKG Generation of Key Pairs for Asymmetric‐Key Algorithms CKG Section 5 CKG Section 6.2 CKG Derivation of Symmetric Keys CKG Section 6.2 Key agreement KAS‐SSC Key agreement KAS:KAS‐ECC‐SSC provides between 112 and 256 bits of encryption strength; KAS‐FFC‐ SSC provides between 112 and 200 bits of encryption strength; KAS‐IFC‐SSC provides between 112 and 200 bits of encryption strength KAS‐ECC CDH‐Component SP800‐56Ar3 KAS‐ECC‐SSC Sp800‐56Ar3 KAS‐FFC‐SSC Sp800‐56Ar3 KAS‐IFC‐SSC Key derivation KAS‐135KDF KAS‐56CKDF KBKDF PBKDF KAS‐KDF HKDF SP800‐56Cr2 KAS‐KDF OneStep SP800‐56Cr2 KAS‐KDF TwoStep SP800‐56Cr2 KDF ANS 9.42 KDF ANS 9.63 KDF SP800‐108 KDF SSH PBKDF TLS v1.2 KDF RFC7627 TLS v1.3 KDF Key management ECC AsymKeyPair‐KeyGen AsymKeyPair‐KeyVer ECDSA KeyGen (FIPS186‐4) ECDSA KeyVer (FIPS186‐4) Key management Edwards AsymKeyPair‐KeyGen AsymKeyPair‐KeyVer EDDSA KeyGen EDDSA KeyVer Key management FFC AsymKeyPair‐KeyGen DSA KeyGen (FIPS186‐4) DSA PQGGen (FIPS186‐4) DSA PQGVer (FIPS186‐4) Safe Primes Key Generation Safe Primes Key Verification Key management IFC AsymKeyPair‐KeyGen RSA KeyGen (FIPS186‐4) Key transport KTS‐Encap KTS:2048, 3072, 4096 or 6144‐ bit keys provide between 112 and 176 bits of encryption strength KTS‐IFC KTS (Cipher w/ CMAC, GMAC, HMAC, KMAC) BC‐Auth BC‐UnAuth MAC SP 800‐38F Section 3.1 Provisions KTS:128, 192 or 256‐bit keys provide between 128 and 256 bits of encryption strength AES‐CBC AES‐CBC‐CS1 AES‐CBC‐CS2 AES‐CBC‐CS3 FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 16 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Name Type Description Properties Algorithms AES‐CFB1 AES‐CFB128 AES‐CFB8 AES‐CTR AES‐ECB AES‐OFB AES‐CCM AES‐GCM AES‐GMAC AES‐CMAC HMAC‐SHA‐1 HMAC‐SHA2‐224 HMAC‐SHA2‐256 HMAC‐SHA2‐384 HMAC‐SHA2‐512 HMAC‐SHA2‐512/224 HMAC‐SHA2‐512/256 HMAC‐SHA3‐224 HMAC‐SHA3‐256 HMAC‐SHA3‐384 HMAC‐SHA3‐512 KMAC‐128 KMAC‐256 KTS (AES KW, KWP) BC‐Auth KTS:128, 192 or 256‐bit keys provide between 128 and 256 bits of encryption strength AES‐KW AES‐KWP MAC AES (CMAC, GMAC) MAC AES‐GMAC AES‐CMAC MAC HMAC MAC HMAC‐SHA‐1 HMAC‐SHA2‐224 HMAC‐SHA2‐256 HMAC‐SHA2‐384 HMAC‐SHA2‐512 HMAC‐SHA2‐512/224 HMAC‐SHA2‐512/256 HMAC‐SHA3‐224 HMAC‐SHA3‐256 HMAC‐SHA3‐384 HMAC‐SHA3‐512 FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 17 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Name Type Description Properties Algorithms MAC KMAC (XOF) XOF KMAC‐128 KMAC‐256 Message Digest SHA SHA‐1 SHA2‐224 SHA2‐256 SHA2‐384 SHA2‐512 SHA2‐512/224 SHA2‐512/256 SHA3‐224 SHA3‐256 SHA3‐384 SHA3‐512 Message Digest (XOF SHAKE) XOF SHAKE‐128 SHAKE‐256 Random DRBG Counter DRBG Hash DRBG HMAC DRBG Signature DSA DigSig‐SigGen DigSig‐SigVer DSA SigGen (FIPS186‐4) DSA SigVer (FIPS186‐4) Signature ECDSA DigSig‐SigGen DigSig‐SigVer ECDSA SigGen (FIPS186‐4) ECDSA SigVer (FIPS186‐4) Signature EDDSA DigSig‐SigGen DigSig‐SigVer EDDSA SigGen EDDSA SigVer Signature RSA DigSig‐SigGen DigSig‐SigVer RSA SigGen (FIPS186‐4) RSA SigGen (FIPS186‐5) RSA Signature Primitive RSA SigVer (FIPS186‐4) RSA SigVer (FIPS186‐5) Table 15: Security Function Implementations FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 18 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. 2.7 Algorithm Specific Information AES‐GCM: The Module supports internal IV generation using the Approved DRBG. The IV is at least 96 bits in length per SP 800‐38D Section 8.2.2, and the Approved DRBG generates outputs such that the (key, IV) pair collision probability is less than 2‐32 per SP 800‐38D Section 8. AES‐GCM IVs shall be used in compliance with FIPS 140‐3 IG C.H scenario 1a (TLS/DTLS 1.2, per RFC 5288), 1d (SSHv2, per RFC 5647) and 5 (TLS 1.3, per RFC 8446). The Module is compatible with TLS/DTLS 1.2 protocol and provides the primitives to support the AES GCM ciphersuites from SP 800‐52 Rev. 1 Section 3.3.1. The Module’s implementation of AES‐GCM is used together with one or more applications outside the Module’s cryptographic boundary that implement the specified protocols; these protocols have not been reviewed or tested by the CAVP and CMVP. In each of the protocols, if the Module’s power is lost and then restored, the key used for the AES GCM encryption/decryption shall be re‐distributed. This condition is not enforced by the Module but is met implicitly. The Module does not retain any state across reset or power‐cycles: AES‐GCM key/IVs are not stored in non‐volatile persistent memory (i.e., disk), hence no re‐connection can occur without a fresh key establishment operation and the associated SSPs. The Module explicitly ensures that the counter (the nonce_explicit part of the IV) does not exhaust the maximum number of possible values of 264 ‐1 for a given session key. If this exhaustion condition is observed, the Module returns an error indication to the calling application, which will then need to either abort the connection, or trigger a handshake to establish a new encryption key. XTS‐AES: In accordance with SP 800‐38E, the XTS‐AES algorithm is to be used for confidentiality on storage devices. The Module complies with FIPS 140‐3 IG C.I by:  Generating Key_1 and Key_2 independently according to the rules for component symmetric keys from SP 800‐133 Rev. 2, Section 6.3.  Explicitly checking that Key_1 ≠ Key_2 before using the keys in the XTS‐AES algorithm to process data with them. Key Agreement: The Module implements the following Approved key agreement methods which have been CAVP tested and validated:  KAS‐ECC‐SSC per SP 800‐56A Rev. 3 (FIPS 140‐3 IG D.F Scenario 2, path 1).  KAS‐FFC‐SSC per SP 800‐56A Rev. 3 (FIPS 140‐3 IG D.F Scenario 2, path 1).  KAS‐IFC‐SSC per SP 800‐56B Rev. 2 (FIPS 140‐3 IG D.F Scenario 1, path 1). The Module obtains the FIPS 140‐3 IG D.F required key agreement assurances:  SP 800‐56A Rev. 3 in accordance with Section 5.6.2.  SP 800‐56B Rev. 2 in accordance with Section 6.4. FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 19 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. PBKDF: The implemented PBKDF uses Option 1a specified in SP 800‐132 Section 5.4. FIPS 140‐3 IG D.N SP 800‐132 Password‐Based Key Derivation for Storage Applications notes that: The strength of the Data Protection Key is based on the strength of the Password and/or Passphrase used in key derivation. SP 800‐132 does not impose any strictly defined requirements on the strength of a password. It says that “passwords should be strong enough so that it is infeasible for attackers to get access by guessing a password.” The choice to use the PBKDF with a password or passphrase is entirely outside the scope of the Module, managed by the calling application – and potentially would need to accommodate not only application‐level considerations, but end use environment considerations and policies as well. As examples, the end use environment may impose policies to reject words found in a dictionary, to use specific types of characters (upper case, lower case, punctuation) and so on. The Module does not enforce a reduced character space (referring to the set of allowed characters), and as such, any policy to restrict the character space weakens the potential strength of the derived Data Protection Key (KD_PW_PBKDF). In the summary of password strength guidance below, the term useful refers to characters which are not simply padding the string, for example with some combination of repetitive characters – such means of skirting organizational policies are not recommended. The phrase character space refers to the set of characters that a password or passphrase is constrained to. The printable character space is assumed to be 95 printable characters. Integrators making use of PBKDF with this Module shall determine password policy and input length based on the intended output key size and strength, taking into consideration the probability of guessing KD_PW_PBKDF. The following examples are provided to guide parameter selection:  1/(2256 ) = 8.6E‐78 for a 32‐byte KD_PW_PBKDF field with no character space restriction (equivalent to a 256‐bit symmetric key).  1/(9518 ) = 2.5E‐36 for KD_PW_PBKDF with 18 useful printable characters (better than a 112‐bit symmetric key, i.e. 1/(2112 ) = 1.9E‐34).  1/(9520 ) = 3.4E‐48 for KD_PW_PBKDF with 20 useful printable characters (better than a 128‐bit symmetric key, i.e. 1/(2128 ) = 2.9E‐39).  1/(9540 ) = 7.8E‐80 for KD_PW_PBKDF with 40 useful printable characters (better than a 256‐bit symmetric key, i.e. 1/(2256 ) = 8.6E‐78). In accordance with SP 800‐132 and FIPS 140‐3 IG D.N, keys derived from passwords are only to be used in storage applications. The iteration count shall be selected as large as possible, as long as the time required to generate the key using the entered password is acceptable for the users. The Module enforces the following SP 800‐132 compliance checks:  The iteration count is at least 1000.  The salt length is at least 128 bits.  The derived key length is at least 112 bits. RSA: The Module complies with FIPS 140‐3 IG C.F as follows:  RSA Key Generation, Signature Generation and Signature Verification have been tested and validated with all implemented modulus lengths for which CAVP testing is available: k = 1024 (legacy Signature Verification only), k = 2048, k = 3072, and k = 4096.  The Module also supports RSA Key Generation, Signature Generation and Signature Verification with modulus lengths for which CAVP testing is not available: k > 4096. FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 20 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. SHA‐3 and SHAKE: The Module complies with FIPS 140‐3 IG C.C as follows:  All implemented SHA‐3 and SHAKE functions have been tested and validated on all of the Module’s operating environments.  Vendor affirmation is claimed for use of the SHA3‐256 and SHA3‐512 hash functions as part of the Hash DRBG and HMAC DRBG, for which CAVP testing with SHA‐3 is not available. 2.8 RBG and Entropy N/A for this Module. The calling application is responsible for use of a SP 800‐90B compliant entropy source outside the Module boundary providing at least 256 bits of security strength. Entropy is supplied to the Module via callback functions. The following caveat applies per FIPS 140‐3 IG 9.3.A: No assurance of the minimum strength of generated SSPs (e.g., keys). 2.9 Key Generation The Module:  Produces random values in accordance with SP 800‐133 Rev. 2 Section 4, in that the DRBG output is provided directly as the random output.  Does not provide any service beyond random value generation for symmetric key generation. SSPs used with symmetric key algorithms are provided by the calling application.  Produces asymmetric keys in accordance with SP 800‐133 Rev. 2 Section 5, in that all asymmetric keys generated by the Module (the Key management service) provide the output of the approved key generation algorithm with no post‐processing or manipulation of the generated key pairs. As noted in the previous item, random values used in the asymmetric key generation algorithms are direct outputs of the DRBG. Keys produced by the Module use an internal Counter DRBG for which the minimum key size and equivalent security strength is 128 bits.  Supports symmetric key derivation in accordance with SP 800‐133 Rev. 2 Section 6.2, using the approved and CAVP listed KDF algorithms. 2.10 Key Establishment The Module implements key agreement methods compliant with FIPS 140‐3 IG D.F and key transport methods compliant with FIPS 140‐3 IG D.G. Strengths are provided in Section 2.6. 2.11 Industry Protocols The Module conforms to FIPS 140‐3 IG D.C References to the Support of Industry Protocols: while it provides SP 800‐56A Rev. 3 conformant schemes and API entry points oriented to TLS usage, the Module does not contain the full implementation of TLS. The following caveat is required: No parts of the TLS protocol, other than the approved cryptographic algorithms and the KDFs, have been tested by the CAVP and CMVP. FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 21 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. 3 Cryptographic Module Interfaces 3.1 Ports and Interfaces Physical Port Logical Interface(s) Data That Passes N/A (API ‐ input) Control Input Data Input API input: stack frame including non‐sensitive parameters. N/A (API ‐ output) Data Output Status Output API output: output parameters and return value resulting from call execution. Table 16: Ports and Interfaces The Module does not interact with physical ports. The Control Output interface is not applicable, as the Module does not control other components. 4 Roles, Services, and Authentication 4.1 Authentication Methods N/A for this Module. 4.2 Roles Name Type Operator Type Authentication Methods CO Role CO Table 17: Roles The Module supports the mandatory Cryptographic Officer (CO) operational role only (implicitly identified), and does not support a maintenance role or a bypass capability. The Module does not provide an authentication or identification method of its own. The CO role is assumed by meeting the conditions of Section 11 of this document and in associated Guidance Documentation. 4.3 Approved Services Name Description Indicator Inputs Outputs Security Functions SSP Access Cipher Encrypt or decrypt data, including AEAD modes (CCM, GCM). FIPS_OK Encryption or decryption key; plaintext or ciphertext data; flags. Status return. Plaintext or ciphertext data. Cipher (Unauth) Cipher (Auth) CO ‐ SC_EDK_AES: W,E ‐ SC_EDK_XTS: W,E Get capabilities Reports information on the requested capabilities. FIPS_OK Provider context, capability, callback pointer and arguments. Description of capabilities. Initialize Module initialization, including instantiation of the opaque (managed within the FIPS_OK Core handle, dispatch in and out, provider context. Initialization status (1 = pass, 0 = fail). Random MAC HMAC CO ‐ DRBG_EI: W,E,Z ‐ DRBG_Seed: G,E,Z FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 22 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Name Description Indicator Inputs Outputs Security Functions SSP Access module) Counter DRBG instance. ‐ DRBG_Key: G,W,E ‐ DRBG_V: G,W,E Key agreement Perform key agreement primitives on behalf of the calling process (does not establish keys into the module). FIPS_OK Key structs (key agreement keys); flags. Status return; key agreement shared secret. CKG Section 5 Key agreement CO ‐ KAS_Private_ECC: W,E ‐ KAS_Public_ECC: W,E ‐ KAS_Private_FFC: W,E ‐ KAS_Public_FFC: W,E ‐ KAS_Private_IFC: W,E ‐ KAS_Public_IFC: W,E ‐ KAS_SS_ECC: G,R ‐ KAS_SS_FFC: G,R ‐ KAS_SS_IFC: G,R Key derivation Derive keying material from a shared secret. FIPS_OK Key agreement shared secret; flags. Status return; derived keying material. Key derivation CKG Section 6.2 CO ‐ KD_DKM_KDF: G,R ‐ KD_PW_PBKDF: W,E ‐ KD_DKM_PBKDF: G,R ‐ KD_SK: W,E Key management Generate asymmetric key pairs. FIPS_OK ECDSA, EdDSA: curve identifier. DSA, RSA: domain parameter targets. Status return; general digital signature private and public keys. Key management ECC Key management Edwards Key management FFC Key management IFC CKG Section 4 CO ‐ DRBG_C: G,W,E ‐ DRBG_Key: W,G,E ‐ DRBG_V: W,G,E ‐ GKP_Private_ECC: G,R ‐ GKP_Public_ECC: G,R ‐ GKP_Private_Edwards: G,R ‐ GKP_Public_Edwards: G,R ‐ GKP_Private_FFC: G,R ‐ GKP_Public_FFC: G,R ‐ GKP_Private_IFC: G,R ‐ GKP_Public_IFC: G,R Key transport Encapsulate or decapsulate key material on behalf of the calling process. FIPS_OK Key encapsulation/decapsulation key or Key wrap/unwrap key. Status return; key transport shared secret. CKG Section 5 Key transport KTS (Cipher w/ CMAC, GMAC, HMAC, KMAC) CO ‐ KTS_KDK_IFC: W,E ‐ KTS_KEK_IFC: W,E ‐ KTS_SS_IFC: G,R FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 23 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Name Description Indicator Inputs Outputs Security Functions SSP Access KTS (AES KW, KWP) Message authentication Generate or verify data integrity. FIPS_OK Keyed hash key. Status return; MAC output value. MAC AES (CMAC, GMAC) MAC HMAC MAC KMAC (XOF) CO ‐ KH_Key_AES‐CMAC: W,E ‐ KH_Key_AES‐GMAC: W,E ‐ KH_Key_HMAC: W,E ‐ KH_Key_KMAC: W,E Message digest Generate a message digest. FIPS_OK Message; flags. Status return; Hash output value. Message Digest Message Digest (XOF SHAKE) Query Report available crypto operations. FIPS_OK Provider context, operation ID. Array of available operations. Random Generate random bits using the DRBG. FIPS_OK DRBG struct (RBG State); DRBG_Seed. Status return; Random value. Random CKG Section 4 CO ‐ DRBG_C: W,E ‐ DRBG_EI: W,E,Z ‐ DRBG_Seed: G,E,Z ‐ DRBG_Key: W,E ‐ DRBG_V: W,E Self‐test Perform the self‐test sequence. FIPS_OK Provider context. Status (1 = pass, 0 = fail). Show module name and versioning information Return module name and versioning information. FIPS_OK Provider context, parameter types (array). Parameter types (array) with: Name, Version. Show status OpenSSL core metadata (Gettable parameters; Get parameters). FIPS_OK Provider context, parameter types (array). Parameter types with: BuildInfo, Status, SecurityChecks; Status return. Signature Generate or verify digital signatures. (SSPs are passed in by the calling process.) FIPS_OK Sign: signing key; message. Verify: signature value; flags; sizes. Status return; Signature value. CKG Section 5 Signature DSA Signature ECDSA Signature EDDSA Signature RSA CO ‐ DS_SGK_ECC: W,E ‐ DS_SVK_ECC: W,E ‐ DS_SGK_Edwards: W,E ‐ DS_SVK_Edwards: W,E ‐ DS_SGK_FFC: W,E FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 24 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Name Description Indicator Inputs Outputs Security Functions SSP Access ‐ DS_SVK_FFC: W,E ‐ DS_SGK_IFC: W,E ‐ DS_SVK_IFC: W,E Teardown Uninstantiate the module; zeroizes internal CTR DRBG state (DRBG_Key, DRBG_V). FIPS_OK Provider context. None. CO ‐ DRBG_Key: Z ‐ DRBG_V: Z Zeroize Zeroization of allocated key structures using openssl_cleanse. FIPS_OK Memory pointer. Void. CO ‐ DRBG_C: Z ‐ DRBG_EI: Z ‐ DRBG_Key: Z ‐ DRBG_Seed: Z ‐ DRBG_V: Z ‐ DS_SGK_ECC: Z ‐ DS_SGK_Edwards: Z ‐ DS_SGK_FFC: Z ‐ DS_SGK_IFC: Z ‐ DS_SVK_ECC: Z ‐ DS_SVK_Edwards: Z ‐ DS_SVK_FFC: Z ‐ DS_SVK_IFC: Z ‐ GKP_Private_ECC: Z ‐ GKP_Private_Edwards: Z ‐ GKP_Private_FFC: Z ‐ GKP_Private_IFC: Z ‐ GKP_Public_ECC: Z ‐ GKP_Public_Edwards: Z ‐ GKP_Public_FFC: Z ‐ GKP_Public_IFC: Z ‐ KAS_Private_ECC: Z ‐ KAS_Private_FFC: Z ‐ GKP_Private_ECC: Z ‐ KAS_Private_IFC: Z ‐ KAS_Public_ECC: Z ‐ KAS_Public_FFC: Z ‐ KAS_Public_IFC: Z FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 25 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Name Description Indicator Inputs Outputs Security Functions SSP Access ‐ KAS_SS_ECC: Z ‐ KD_DKM_KDF: Z ‐ KD_DKM_PBKDF: Z ‐ KD_SK: Z ‐ KH_Key_AES‐CMAC: Z ‐ KH_Key_AES‐GMAC: Z ‐ KH_Key_HMAC: Z ‐ KH_Key_KMAC: Z ‐ KTS_KDK_IFC: Z ‐ KTS_KEK_IFC: Z ‐ KTS_SS_IFC: Z ‐ KAS_SS_ECC: Z ‐ SC_EDK_AES: Z ‐ SC_EDK_XTS: Z Table 18: Approved Services All services implemented by the Module correspond to the functionality described by the fips_query function, which returns available services based on an operation_id input. The fips_get_params function provides access to the current status of the Module as well as the name and version; this information correlates to the validation listing. A 1 value returned in status indicates the Module is running without error (FIPS_OK); a 0 return indicates an error (with additional error details indicated as described in the release specific API documentation). Services are only operational in the running state. Any attempts to access services in any other state will result in an error being returned. If the integrity test or any CAST fails then any attempt to access any service will result in an error being returned. The OpenSSL toolkit OSSL_PROVIDER_get_params function is used to invoke fips_get_params, when called with the Module’s global handle and a pointer to a parameter structure (initialized using provider_gettable_params or the equivalent). Regarding the Indicator of approved security services, the Module conforms to FIPS 140‐3 IG 2.4.C Approved Security Service Indicator, similar to example 2. Each service provides context sensitive status responses as described in the OpenSSL 3 API manual pages; generally, functions of return type int return the value 1 for success with other error codes as appropriate for the call (described in API documentation). The Module’s name and version parameters (as cited in Section 2) along with the Module’s internal indicators of the security‐check and conditional‐errors settings are used to confirm the Module is the validated Module operating in the approved mode with only approved security services. Note that the caller provides the KAS_Private and KAS_Public keys for shared secret computation; the caller’s exchange and assurance of PSPs with the remote participant is outside the scope of the Module. FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 26 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. 4.4 Non‐Approved Services N/A for this Module. 4.5 External Software/Firmware Loaded N/A for this Module. 5 Software/Firmware Security 5.1 Integrity Techniques The Module uses HMAC‐SHA2‐256 as the approved integrity technique; the file contains the integrity reference value. The Module is provided in an executable form (as shared object for use in Linux environments). 5.2 Initiate on Demand The operator can initiate the integrity test on demand by calling fips_self_test (invoked using OSSL_PROVIDER_self_test called with the Module’s global handle) or reloading the Module. 5.3 Open‐Source Parameters In accordance with ISO/IEC 19790:2012 Annex B, as the Module is open source, the tools used to build the Module as tested are:  gcc version 9.3.0  perl v5.30.0  gnu make v4.2.1 6 Operational Environment 6.1 Operational Environment Type and Requirements Type of Operational Environment: Modifiable No operational environment restrictions are required for operation in the approved mode. All conditions for operation of the Module in the approved mode are given in Section 2.4. The Module conforms to FIPS 140‐3 IG 2.3.C Processor Algorithm Accelerators (PAA) and Processor Algorithm Implementation (PAI). The AES‐NI functions are identified by FIPS 140‐3 IG 2.3.C as a known PAA. 7 Physical Security N/A for this Module. FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 27 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. 8 Non‐Invasive Security N/A for this Module. 9 Sensitive Security Parameters Management 9.1 Storage Areas Storage Area Name Description Persistence Type RAM R: Random access memory Dynamic Table 19: Storage Areas 9.2 SSP Input‐Output Methods Name From To Format Type Distribution Type Entry Type SFI or Algorithm I Calling process Call stack (API) input parameters Plaintext Manual Electronic O Call stack (API) output parameters Calling process Plaintext Manual Electronic Table 20: SSP Input‐Output Methods 9.3 SSP Zeroization Methods Zeroization Method Description Rationale Operator Initiation C C (Cleanse): Caller invocation of openssl_cleanse. Overwrites with zeros Caller invocation of openssl_cleanse T T (Teardown): Module unload ‐ invokes cleanse internally. Overwrites with zeros Occurs when module is unloaded Table 21: SSP Zeroization Methods All SSPs are zeroized (overwritten with 0s) when they are no longer needed: ● CSPs and PSPs with a lifetime associated with an OpenSSL object (e.g., EVP_PKEY) are zeroized when freed or reinitialized. The OPENSSL_cleanse function is used to zeroize CSPs and PSPs owned by the caller. ● CSPs with a lifetime associated with the Module are zeroized on Module uninstantiation (the Teardown operation). 9.4 SSPs Name Description Size ‐ Strength Type ‐ Category Generated By Established By Used By DRBG_C Element of Hash DRBG state. Size: 440‐888 ‐ Strength: 160 ≤ s ≤ 256 Hash_DRBG_C ‐ CSP Random Random FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 28 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Name Description Size ‐ Strength Type ‐ Category Generated By Established By Used By DRBG_EI Entropy input from an external source used for DRBG seeding. Size: 128‐2^35 ‐ Strength: 128 ≤ s ≤ 256 Other ‐ CSP Random DRBG_Key Element of CTR DRBG or HMAC DRBG state. Size: 128‐256, 128‐256 ‐ Strength: 128 ≤ s ≤ 256, 160 ≤ s ≤ 256 CTR_DRBG_Key, HMAC_DRBG_Key ‐ CSP Random Random DRBG_Seed Seed used for DRBG Instantiation and Reseed. Size: 128‐256 ‐ Strength: 128 ≤ s ≤ 256 Other ‐ CSP Random Random DRBG_V Element of CTR, Hash or HMAC DRBG state. Size: 128‐256, 128‐256, 128‐256 ‐ Strength: 128 ≤ s ≤ 256, 128 ≤ s ≤ 256, 128 ≤ s ≤ 256 CTR_DRBG_Key, Hash_DRBG_Key, HMAC_DRBG_Key ‐ CSP Random Random DS_SGK_ECC SigGen (private) key. Size: 233, 283, 409, 571, 233, 283, 409, 571, 224, 256, 384, 521 ‐ Strength: s = 112, s = 128, s = 192, s = 256, s = 112, s = 128, s = 192, s = 256, s = 112, s = 128, s = 192, s = 256 B‐233, B‐283, B‐409, B‐571, K‐233, K‐283, K‐409, K‐571, P‐224, P‐256, P‐384, P‐521 ‐ CSP Signature ECDSA DS_SGK_Edwards SigGen (private) key. Size: 255, 448 ‐ Strength: s = 128, s = 224 Edwards25519, Edwards448 ‐ CSP Signature EDDSA DS_SGK_FFC SigGen (private) key. Size: 2048, 2048, 3072 ‐ Strength: s = 112, s = 112, s = 128 L=2048/N=224, L=2048/N=256, L=3072/N=256 ‐ CSP Signature DSA DS_SGK_IFC SigGen (private) key. Size: 2048, 3072, 4096, 6144, 8192 ‐ Strength: s = 112, s = 128, s = 152, s = 176, s = 200 k=2048, k=3072, k=4096, k=6144, k=8192 ‐ CSP Signature RSA DS_SVK_ECC SigVer (public) key. Size: 163, 233, 283, 409, 571, 163, 233, 283, 409, 571, 192, 224, 256, 384, 521 ‐ Strength: s < 112, s = 112, s = 128, s = 192, s = 256, s < 112, s = 112, s = 128, s = 192, s = 256, s < 112, s = 112, s = 128, s = 192, s = 256 B‐163, B‐233, B‐283, B‐409, B‐571, K‐163, K‐233, K‐283, K‐409, K‐571, P‐192, P‐224, P‐256, P‐384, P‐521 ‐ PSP Signature ECDSA FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 29 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Name Description Size ‐ Strength Type ‐ Category Generated By Established By Used By DS_SVK_Edwards SigVer (public) key. Size: 255, 448 ‐ Strength: s = 128, s = 224 Edwards25519, Edwards448 ‐ PSP Signature EDDSA DS_SVK_FFC SigVer (public) key. Size: 1024, 2048, 2048, 3072 ‐ Strength: s < 112, s = 112, s = 112, s = 128 L=1024/N=160, L=2048/N=224, L=2048/N=256, L=3072/N=256 ‐ PSP Signature DSA DS_SVK_IFC SigVer (public) key. Size: 1024, 2048, 3072, 4096, 6144, 8192 ‐ Strength: s ≤ 112, s = 112, s = 128, s = 152, s = 176, s = 200 k=1024, k=2048, k=3072, k=4096, k=6144, k=8192 ‐ PSP Signature RSA GKP_Private_ECC General ECDSA (private) key. Size: 233, 283, 409, 571, 233, 283, 409, 571, 224, 256, 384, 521 ‐ Strength: s = 112, s = 128, s = 192, s = 256, s = 112, s = 128, s = 192, s = 256, s = 112, s = 128, s = 192, s = 256 B‐233, B‐283, B‐409, B‐571, K‐233, K‐283, K‐409, K‐571, P‐224, P‐256, P‐384, P‐521 ‐ CSP Key management ECC Key management ECC GKP_Private_Edwards General EdDSA (private) key. Size: 255, 448 ‐ Strength: s = 128, s = 224 Edwards25519, Edwards448 ‐ CSP Key management Edwards Key management Edwards GKP_Private_FFC General FFC (private) key. Size: 2048, 2048, 3072 ‐ Strength: s = 112, s = 112, s = 128 L=2048/N=224, L=2048/N=256, L=3072/N=256 ‐ CSP Key management FFC Key management FFC GKP_Private_IFC General RSA (private) key. Size: 2048, 3072, 4096, 6144, 8192 ‐ Strength: s = 112, s = 128, s = 152, s = 176, s = 200 k=2048, k=3072, k=4096, k=6144, k=8192 ‐ CSP Key management IFC Key management IFC GKP_Public_ECC General ECDSA (public) key. Size: 233, 283, 409, 571, 233, 283, 409, 571, 224, 256, 384, 521 ‐ Strength: s = 112, s = 128, s = 192, s = 256, s = 112, s = 128, s = 192, s = 256, s = 112, s = 128, s = 192, s = 256 B‐233, B‐283, B‐409, B‐571, K‐233, K‐283, K‐409, K‐571, P‐224, P‐256, P‐384, P‐521 ‐ PSP Key management ECC Key management ECC GKP_Public_Edwards General EdDSA (public) key. Size: 255, 448 ‐ Strength: s = 128, s = 224 Edwards25519, Edwards448 ‐ PSP Key management Edwards Key management Edwards FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 30 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Name Description Size ‐ Strength Type ‐ Category Generated By Established By Used By GKP_Public_FFC General FFC (public) key. Size: 2048, 2048, 3072 ‐ Strength: s = 112, s = 112, s = 128 L=2048/N=224, L=2048/N=256, L=3072/N=256 ‐ PSP Key management FFC Key management FFC GKP_Public_IFC General RSA (public) key. Size: 2048, 3072, 4096, 6144, 8192 ‐ Strength: s = 112, s = 128, s = 152, s = 176, s = 200 k=2048, k=3072, k=4096, k=6144, k=8192 ‐ PSP Key management IFC Key management IFC KAS_Private_ECC Key pair component used for shared secret generation. Size: 233, 283, 409, 571, 233, 283, 409, 571, 224, 256, 384, 521 ‐ Strength: s = 112, s = 128, s = 192, s = 256, s = 112, s = 128, s = 192, s = 256, s = 112, s = 128, s = 192, s = 256 B‐233, B‐283, B‐409, B‐571, K‐233, K‐283, K‐409, K‐571, P‐224, P‐256, P‐384, P‐521 ‐ CSP Key agreement KAS_Private_FFC Key pair component used for shared secret generation. Size: 2048, 3072, 4096, 6144, 8192 ‐ Strength: s = 112, 112 ≤ s ≤ 128, 112 ≤ s ≤ 152, 112 ≤ s ≤ 176, 112 ≤ s ≤ 200 ffdhe2048, ffdhe3072, ffdhe4096, ffdhe6144, ffdhe8192 ‐ CSP Key agreement KAS_Private_IFC Key pair component used for shared secret generation. Size: 2048, 3072, 4096, 6144, 8192 ‐ Strength: s = 112, s = 128, s = 152, s = 176, s = 200 k=2048, k=3072, k=4096, k=6144, k=8192 ‐ CSP Key agreement KAS_Public_ECC Peer key pair component used for shared secret generation. Size: 233, 283, 409, 571, 233, 283, 409, 571, 224, 256, 384, 521 ‐ Strength: s = 112, s = 128, s = 192, s = 256, s = 112, s = 128, s = 192, s = 256, s = 112, s = 128, s = 192, s = 256 B‐233, B‐283, B‐409, B‐571, K‐233, K‐283, K‐409, K‐571, P‐224, P‐256, P‐384, P‐521 ‐ PSP Key agreement KAS_Public_FFC Peer key pair component used for shared secret generation. Size: 2048, 3072, 4096, 6144, 8192 ‐ Strength: s = 112, 112 ≤ s ≤ 128, 112 ≤ s ≤ 152, 112 ≤ s ≤ 176, 112 ≤ s ≤ 200 ffdhe2048, ffdhe3072, ffdhe4096, ffdhe6144, ffdhe8192 ‐ PSP Key agreement KAS_Public_IFC Peer key pair component used for Size: 2048, 3072, 4096, 6144, 8192 ‐ k=2048, k=3072, k=4096, k=6144, k=8192 ‐ PSP Key agreement FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 31 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Name Description Size ‐ Strength Type ‐ Category Generated By Established By Used By shared secret generation. Strength: s = 112, s = 128, s = 152, s = 176, s = 200 KAS_SS_ECC Shared secret calculation z output value (for KDF). Size: 112 ‐ 256 ‐ Strength: 112 ‐ 256 Other ‐ CSP Key agreement Key agreement KAS_SS_FFC Shared secret calculation z output value (for KDF). Size: 112 ‐ 256 ‐ Strength: 112 ‐ 200 Other ‐ CSP Key agreement Key agreement KAS_SS_IFC Shared secret calculation z output value (for KDF). Size: 112 ‐ 256 ‐ Strength: 112 ‐ 200 Other ‐ CSP Key agreement Key agreement KD_DKM_KDF Key derivation derived keying material. Size: 128 ‐ 256 ‐ Strength: 128 ‐ 256 Other ‐ CSP Key derivation Key derivation KD_DKM_PBKDF PBKDF derived key material Size: 128 ‐ Strength: 128 Other ‐ CSP Key derivation Key derivation KD_PW_PBKDF PBKDF password input. Size: 128 ‐ Strength: 128 Other ‐ CSP Key derivation Key derivation KD_SK Key derivation source key material. Size: 128 ‐ 256 ‐ Strength: 128 ‐ 256 Other ‐ CSP Key derivation KH_Key_AES‐CMAC Keyed Hash key. Size: 128, 192, 256 ‐ Strength: s = 128, s = 192, s = 256 AES‐128, AES‐192, AES‐256 ‐ CSP MAC AES (CMAC, GMAC) KH_Key_AES‐GMAC Keyed Hash key. Size: 128, 192, 256 ‐ Strength: s = 128, s = 192, s = 256 AES‐128, AES‐192, AES‐256 ‐ CSP MAC AES (CMAC, GMAC) KH_Key_HMAC Keyed Hash key. Size: 112 ‐ 2048 ‐ Strength: 112 ‐ 256 Other ‐ CSP MAC HMAC KH_Key_KMAC Keyed Hash key. Size: 128, 256 ‐ Strength: 112 ≤ s ≤ 128, 112 ≤ s ≤ 256 KMAC128, KMAC256 ‐ CSP MAC KMAC (XOF) KTS_KDK_IFC RSA key de‐ encapsulation Key (key transport). Size: 2048, 3072, 4096, 6144 ‐ Strength: s = 112, s = 128, s = 152, s = 176 Other ‐ CSP Key transport KTS_KEK_IFC RSA key encapsulation Key (key transport). Size: 2048, 3072, 4096, 6144 ‐ Strength: s = 112, s = 128, s = 152, s = 176 Other ‐ PSP Key transport FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 32 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Name Description Size ‐ Strength Type ‐ Category Generated By Established By Used By KTS_SS_IFC RSA key transport shared secret. Size: 112 ‐ 256 ‐ Strength: s = 112 ‐ s = 176 Other ‐ CSP Key transport Key transport SC_EDK_AES Symmetric encryption and decryption. Size: 128, 192, 256 ‐ Strength: s = 128, s = 192, s = 256 AES‐128, AES‐192, AES‐256 ‐ CSP Cipher (Unauth) Cipher (Auth) SC_EDK_XTS Symmetric encryption and decryption. Size: 256, 512 ‐ Strength: s = 128, s = 256 XTS‐128, XTS‐256 ‐ CSP Cipher (Unauth) Table 22: SSP Table 1 Name Input ‐ Output Storage Storage Duration Zeroization Related SSPs DRBG_C I O RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C DRBG_Seed:Derived From DRBG_V:Used with DRBG_EI I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C DRBG_Seed:Constituent DRBG_Key I O RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime (module up time for internal DRBG) C T DRBG_Seed:Derived From DRBG_V:Used with DRBG_Seed RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C DRBG_C:Derives DRBG_Key:Derives DRBG_V:Derives DRBG_EI:Incorporates DRBG_V I O RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime (module up time for internal DRBG) C T DRBG_Seed:Derived From DRBG_Key:Used with DS_SGK_ECC I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C DS_SVK_ECC:Paired With DS_SGK_Edwards I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C DS_SVK_Edwards:Paired With DS_SGK_FFC I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C DS_SVK_FFC:Paired With DS_SGK_IFC I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C DS_SVK_IFC:Paired With DS_SVK_ECC I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C DS_SGK_ECC:Paired With DS_SVK_Edwards I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C DS_SGK_Edwards:Paired With DS_SVK_FFC I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C DS_SGK_FFC:Paired With DS_SVK_IFC I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C DS_SGK_IFC:Paired With GKP_Private_ECC O RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C GKP_Public_ECC:Paired With GKP_Private_Edwards O RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C GKP_Public_Edwards:Paired With GKP_Private_FFC O RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C GKP_Public_FFC:Paired With GKP_Private_IFC O RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C GKP_Public_IFC:Paired With GKP_Public_ECC O RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C GKP_Private_ECC:Paired With GKP_Public_Edwards O RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C GKP_Private_Edwards:Paired With FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 33 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Name Input ‐ Output Storage Storage Duration Zeroization Related SSPs GKP_Public_FFC O RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C GKP_Private_FFC:Paired With GKP_Public_IFC O RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C GKP_Private_IFC:Paired With KAS_Private_ECC I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C KAS_Public_ECC:Paired With KAS_Private_FFC I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C KAS_Public_FFC:Paired With KAS_Private_IFC I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C KAS_Public_IFC:Paired With KAS_Public_ECC I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C KAS_Private_ECC:Paired With KAS_Public_FFC I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C KAS_Private_FFC:Paired With KAS_Public_IFC I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C KAS_Private_IFC:Paired With KAS_SS_ECC O RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C KAS_Private_ECC:Calculated From KAS_Public_ECC:Calculated From KAS_SS_FFC O RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C KAS_Private_FFC:Calculated From KAS_Public_FFC:Calculated From KAS_SS_IFC O RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C KAS_Private_IFC:Calculated From KAS_Public_IFC:Calculated From KD_DKM_KDF O RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C KD_SK:Derived From KD_DKM_PBKDF O RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C KD_PW_PBKDF:Derived From KD_PW_PBKDF I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C KD_DKM_PBKDF:Derives KD_SK I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C KD_DKM_KDF:Derives KH_Key_AES‐CMAC I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C KH_Key_AES‐GMAC I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C KH_Key_HMAC I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C KH_Key_KMAC I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C KTS_KDK_IFC I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C KTS_SS_IFC:Unwraps KTS_KEK_IFC I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C KTS_SS_IFC:Wraps KTS_SS_IFC O RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C KTS_KDK_IFC:Unwrapped By KTS_KEK_IFC:Wrapped By SC_EDK_AES I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C SC_EDK_XTS I RAM:Plaintext Call lifetime C Table 23: SSP Table 2 Keys used for CASTs and the temporary value used in the integrity test are not SSPs; however, the latter is deleted after use as required by AS05.10. The Module maintains only the Counter DRBG state used for key generation as a persistent CSP; this DRBG instance is used exclusively for approved services. FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 34 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. 9.5 Additional Information Key/Algorithm Type Equivalent Strengths: Reference sources for the strengths provided in SSP Table 1 are specified below. Equivalent strength is given for each key or algorithm type (as some algorithms do not use or produce keys). Block Cipher (and related functions):  AES (AES‐128, AES‐192, AES‐256): SP 800‐57 Part 1 Rev. 5 Table 2. Digital Signature:  ECC (B‐163, B‐233, B‐283, B‐409, B‐571, K‐163, K‐233, K‐283, K‐409, K‐571, P‐192, P‐224, P‐256, P‐384, P‐521): SP 800‐186 Table 1 (provides approximate elliptic curve security strengths). SP 800‐186 and FIPS 140‐3 IG C.K indicate that the Binary (B‐) and Koblitz (K‐) curves are deprecated.  EdDSA (ED‐25519, ED‐448): SP 800‐186 Table 1.  FFC (DSA: L=1024/N=160, L=2048/N=224, L=2048/N=256, L=3072/N=256): SP 800‐57 Part 1 Rev. 5 Table 2. Security strength for L=2048/N=256 is determined in accordance with FIPS 140‐3 IG D.B Strength of SSP Establishment Methods as y = min(x, N/2), where x is 112 and therefore y = min(112, 128) = 112.  IFC (RSA: k=1024, k=2048, k=3072, k=4096): SP 800‐57 Part 1 Rev. 5 Table 2. In Digital Signature applications, security strength is primarily associated with the asymmetric key pair specification. The hash function used must have equivalent strength equal to or greater than the security strength of the associated key pair. Secure Hash (and related functions):  SHA‐1, SHA2 (SHA2‐224, SHA2‐256, SHA2‐384, SHA2‐512, SHA2‐512/224, SHA2‐512/256): SP 800‐107 Rev. 1 Table 1.  SHA3 (SHA3‐224, SHA3‐256, SHA3‐384, SHA3‐512): SP 800‐57 Part 1 Rev. 5 Table 3.  SHAKE (SHAKE128, SHAKE256): SP 800‐185 Section 8.1. Preimage resistance strength applies to hash algorithms used in DRBG, KDFs. Described also in SP 800‐57 Part 1 Rev. 5 Table 3. Message Authentication:  KMAC (KMAC128, KMAC256): SP 800‐56C Rev. 2 Table 3. Key Agreement:  KAS‐ECC‐SSC (B‐233, B‐283, B‐409, B‐571, K‐233, K‐283, K‐409, K‐571, P‐224, P‐256, P‐384, P‐521): SP 800‐56A Rev. 3 Table 24.  KAS‐FFC‐SSC (FB, FC, ffdhe2048, ffdhe3072, ffdhe4096, ffdhe6144, ffdhe8192, modp‐2048, modp‐3072, modp‐4096, modp‐6144, modp‐8192): SP 800‐56A Rev. 3 Tables 25 and 26.  KAS‐IFC‐SSC (k=2048, k=3072, k=4096, k=6144, k=8192): SP 800‐56B Rev. 2 Table 4 (provides approximate security strengths). Key Agreement Key Derivation:  KDA OneStep: SP 800‐56C Rev. 2 Table 1 (hash), Table 2 (HMAC) and Table 3 (KMAC). FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 35 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. 10 Self‐Tests 10.1 Pre‐Operational Self‐Tests Algorithm or Test Test Properties Test Method Test Type Indicator Details SW Integrity HMAC‐SHA2‐256 #A4481 HMAC over the complete module file image SW/FW Integrity FIPS_OK or PROV_R_FIPS_MODULE_IN_ERROR_STATE Table 24: Pre‐Operational Self‐Tests 10.2 Conditional Self‐Tests Algorithm or Test Test Properties Test Method Test Type Indicator Details Conditions AES‐ECB 128‐bit KAT CAST FIPS_OK Encrypt Performed on module load. AES‐ECB 128‐bit KAT CAST FIPS_OK Decrypt Performed on module load. AES‐GCM 256‐bit KAT CAST FIPS_OK Encrypt Performed on module load. AES‐GCM 256‐bit KAT CAST FIPS_OK Decrypt Performed on module load. Counter DRBG AES‐128 with derivation function KAT CAST FIPS_OK Instantiate, Generate, Reseed Performed on module load. DSA SigGen (FIPS186‐4) 2048‐bit with SHA2‐384 KAT CAST FIPS_OK Sign Performed on module load. DSA SigVer (FIPS186‐4) 2048‐bit with SHA2‐384 KAT CAST FIPS_OK Verify Performed on module load. ECDSA SigGen (FIPS186‐4) P‐224 with SHA2‐512 KAT CAST FIPS_OK Sign Performed on module load. ECDSA SigVer (FIPS186‐4) P‐224 with SHA2‐512 KAT CAST FIPS_OK Verify Performed on module load. EDDSA ED448 SigGen Edwards448 SigGen with SHA2‐ 256 KAT CAST FIPS_OK Sign Performed on module load. EDDSA ED448 SigVer Edwards448 SigVer with SHA2‐ 256 KAT CAST FIPS_OK Verify Performed on module load. EDDSA ED25519 SigGen Edwards25519 SigGen with SHA2‐512 KAT CAST FIPS_OK Sign Performed on module load. EDDSA ED25519 SigVer Edwards25519 SigVer with SHA2‐512 KAT CAST FIPS_OK Verify Performed on module load. Hash DRBG SHA2‐256 KAT CAST FIPS_OK Instantiate, Generate, Reseed Performed on module load. HMAC DRBG SHA‐1 KAT CAST FIPS_OK Instantiate, Generate, Reseed Performed on module load. HMAC‐SHA2‐256 SHA2‐256 with a 256‐bit key KAT CAST FIPS_OK Generate Performed on module load. FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 36 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Algorithm or Test Test Properties Test Method Test Type Indicator Details Conditions KAS‐ECC‐SSC Sp800‐56Ar3 P‐256 KAT CAST FIPS_OK Ephemeral Unified Shared Secret (Z) Computation Performed on module load. KAS‐FFC‐SSC Sp800‐56Ar3 L=2048/N=256 KAT CAST FIPS_OK dhEphem Shared Secret (Z) Computation Performed on module load. KAS‐IFC‐SSC k=2048 KAT CAST FIPS_OK SP 800‐56B Rev. 2 Section 8.2.2 RSA Primitive Computation Performed on module load. KAS‐KDF OneStep SP800‐ 56Cr2 SHA2‐224 KAT CAST FIPS_OK SP 800‐56C Rev. 2 Section 4 OneStep KDF (AKA OpenSSL single‐ step or SS‐KDF) Performed on module load. KAS‐KDF TwoStep SP800‐ 56Cr2 SHA2‐256 KAT CAST FIPS_OK SP 800‐56C Rev. 2 Section 5 TwoStep KDF (HKDF variant) Performed on module load. KDF ANS 9.42 Fixed input KAT KAT CAST FIPS_OK SP 800‐135 Rev. 1 Section 5.1 ANSI X9.42‐2001 KDF KAT Performed on module load. KDF ANS 9.63 Fixed input KAT KAT CAST FIPS_OK SP 800‐135 Rev. 1 Section 5.1 X9.63‐2001 KDF KAT Performed on module load. KDF SP800‐108 HMAC‐SHA2‐256 KAT CAST FIPS_OK SP 800‐108 Rev. 1 Section 4.1 KAT for a Counter Mode KDF Performed on module load. KDF SSH Fixed input KAT KAT CAST FIPS_OK SP 800‐135 Rev. 1 Section 5.2 SSHv2 KDF KAT Performed on module load. KTS‐IFC k=2048 KAT CAST FIPS_OK SP 800‐56B Rev. 2 Decrypt for CRT Performed on module load. KTS‐IFC k=2048 KAT CAST FIPS_OK SP 800‐56B Rev. 2 Encrypt for Basic Performed on module load. KTS‐IFC k=2048 KAT CAST FIPS_OK SP 800‐56B Rev. 2 Decrypt for Basic Performed on module load. PBKDF SHA2‐256, 24‐byte password, 36‐byte salt, iteration count of 4096 KAT CAST FIPS_OK SP 800‐132 Section 5.3 KAT of Master Key derivation Performed on module load. RSA SigGen (FIPS186‐4) k=2048 with SHA2‐256 KAT CAST FIPS_OK Sign Performed on module load. RSA SigVer (FIPS186‐4) k=2048 with SHA2‐256 KAT CAST FIPS_OK Verify Performed on module load. SHA‐1 SHA‐1 KAT CAST FIPS_OK Simple SHA KAT Performed on module load. SHA2‐512 SHA2‐512 KAT CAST FIPS_OK Simple SHA KAT Performed on module load. SHA3‐256 SHA3‐256 KAT CAST FIPS_OK Simple SHA KAT Performed on module load. TLS v1.2 KDF RFC7627 Fixed input KAT KAT CAST FIPS_OK SP 800‐135 Rev. 1 Section 4.2.2 TLS 1.2 KAT Performed on module load. FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 37 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Algorithm or Test Test Properties Test Method Test Type Indicator Details Conditions TLS v1.3 KDF Fixed input KAT KAT CAST FIPS_OK RFC8446 Section 7.1 TLS v1.3 KDF KAT Performed on module load. DSA KeyGen (FIPS186‐4) PCT performed using the generated key pair PCT PCT FIPS_OK Sign, Verify Performed on FFC (DSA, KAS‐FFC‐SSC) key pair generation, prior to returning the key pair on conclusion of the call. ECDSA KeyGen (FIPS186‐4) PCT performed using the generated key pair PCT PCT FIPS_OK Sign, Verify Performed on ECC (ECDSA) key pair generation, prior to returning the key pair on conclusion of the call. EDDSA KeyGen PCT performed using the generated key pair PCT PCT FIPS_OK Sign, Verify Performed on Edwards (EdDSA) key pair generation, prior to returning the key pair on conclusion of the call. RSA KeyGen (FIPS186‐4) PCT performed using the generated key pair PCT PCT FIPS_OK Sign, Verify Performed on IFC (RSA, KAS‐IFC‐SSC, KTS‐IFC) key pair generation, prior to returning the key pair on conclusion of the call. Table 25: Conditional Self‐Tests The intended usage of asymmetric key pairs generated by the Module is not known at the time when the key pair is generated and the pairwise consistency test (PCT) is performed. In all cases, a sign and verify PCT is performed. 10.3 Periodic Self‐Test Information Algorithm or Test Test Method Test Type Period Periodic Method SW Integrity HMAC over the complete module file image SW/FW Integrity On demand Module load Table 26: Pre‐Operational Periodic Information Algorithm or Test Test Method Test Type Period Periodic Method AES‐ECB KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset AES‐ECB KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset AES‐GCM KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset AES‐GCM KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset Counter DRBG KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset DSA SigGen (FIPS186‐4) KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset DSA SigVer (FIPS186‐4) KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset ECDSA SigGen (FIPS186‐4) KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset ECDSA SigVer (FIPS186‐4) KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset EDDSA ED448 SigGen KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 38 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Algorithm or Test Test Method Test Type Period Periodic Method EDDSA ED448 SigVer KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset EDDSA ED25519 SigGen KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset EDDSA ED25519 SigVer KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset Hash DRBG KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset HMAC DRBG KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset HMAC‐SHA2‐256 KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset KAS‐ECC‐SSC Sp800‐56Ar3 KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset KAS‐FFC‐SSC Sp800‐56Ar3 KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset KAS‐IFC‐SSC KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset KAS‐KDF OneStep SP800‐56Cr2 KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset KAS‐KDF TwoStep SP800‐56Cr2 KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset KDF ANS 9.42 KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset KDF ANS 9.63 KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset KDF SP800‐108 KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset KDF SSH KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset KTS‐IFC KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset KTS‐IFC KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset KTS‐IFC KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset PBKDF KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset RSA SigGen (FIPS186‐4) KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset RSA SigVer (FIPS186‐4) KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset SHA‐1 KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset SHA2‐512 KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset SHA3‐256 KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset TLS v1.2 KDF RFC7627 KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset TLS v1.3 KDF KAT CAST On demand On power on or reset DSA KeyGen (FIPS186‐4) PCT PCT On demand On power on or reset ECDSA KeyGen (FIPS186‐4) PCT PCT On demand On power on or reset EDDSA KeyGen PCT PCT On demand On power on or reset RSA KeyGen (FIPS186‐4) PCT PCT On demand On power on or reset Table 27: Conditional Periodic Information FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 39 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. 10.4 Error States Name Description Conditions Recovery Method Indicator Self‐test failure The self‐test failure error state If one of the KATs fails or integrity test fails Reload the Module into memory PROV_R_FIPS_MODULE_IN_ERROR_STATE Table 28: Error States 10.5 Operator Initiation of Self‐Tests Each time the Module is powered up it tests that the cryptographic algorithms still operate correctly and that sensitive data has not been damaged. The pre‐operational self‐tests are available on demand by reloading the Module. On instantiation, the Module performs the pre‐operational self‐test and all CASTs. All KATs must complete successfully prior to any other use of cryptography by the Module. The fips_self_test function (inclusive of software integrity verification) can also be called on demand, fulfilling AS05.11. 11 Life‐Cycle Assurance 11.1 Installation, Initialization, and Startup Procedures During the manufacturing process, Sophos Ltd. executes the build and installation instructions for the Module. The Module is pre‐installed and configured in supported Sophos Ltd. solutions. The approved mode is enabled by default. There are no additional installation, configuration, or usage instructions for operators intending to use the Module. 11.2 Administrator Guidance Guidance Documentation is inclusive of all information required per ISO/IEC 19790:2012 Section 7.11.9. 11.3 Non‐Administrator Guidance N/A for this Module. 11.4 Design and Rules The inherent properties of the Module are: 1. Manual key entry is not supported. 2. Data output is inhibited during self‐tests, zeroization, SSP generation, and error states. 3. The Module does not perform any cryptographic function if any self‐test has failed. FIPS 140‐3 Security Policy Sophos Cryptographic Module Copyright © 2024 Sophos Ltd. Page 40 of 40 This non‐proprietary Security Policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. 12 Mitigation of Other Attacks 12.1 Attack List The Module implements mitigations for constant‐time implementations and blinding attacks. 12.2 Mitigation Effectiveness Constant‐time implementations protect cryptographic implementations in the Module against timing analysis since such attacks exploit differences in execution time depending on the cryptographic operation, and constant‐time implementations ensure that the variations in execution time cannot be traced back to the key, CSP or secret data. Numeric blinding protects the RSA, DSA and ECDSA algorithms from timing attacks. These algorithms are vulnerable to such attacks since attackers can measure the time of signature operations or RSA decryption. To mitigate this, the Module generates a random blinding factor which is provided as an input to the decryption/signature operation and is discarded once the operation has completed and resulted in an output. This makes it difficult for attackers to attempt timing attacks on such operations without the knowledge of the blinding factor, and therefore the execution time cannot be correlated to the RSA/DSA/ECDSA key. 12.3 Guidance and Constraints The mitigation mechanisms described in Section 12.2 are inherent within the validated algorithms. No other guidance or constraints are specified.