PalmSource Cryptographic Provider Manager and FIPS Provider (CPM+F) FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 1.8 July 2005 Copyright 2005 PalmSource, Inc. This document may be reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright notice. 2 Version Description 1.0 Initial 1.1 Added more detail to section 8.0 1.2 Cleaned up modifications from TechPubs 1.3 Added Cryptographic boundary diagram 1.4 More modifications from TechPubs 1.5 Removed unnecessary sections 1.6 Added HMAC-SHA1 certificate number 1.7 Updated version to 5.6.0 1.8 Updated due to comments Copyright 2005 PalmSource, Inc. This document may be reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright notice. 3 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction.....................................................................................................4 1.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................4 1.2 Identification .............................................................................................4 1.3 Design.........................................................................................................4 1.3.1 Cryptographic Boundary.......................................................................4 1.3.2 Cryptographic Provider Manager..........................................................6 1.3.3 Approved Mode of Operation................................................................6 2.0 Interfaces .....................................................................................................7 3.0 Roles and Services ......................................................................................7 3.1 Operator Roles............................................................................................7 3.2 Access Control Policy..................................................................................8 4.0 Physical Security..........................................................................................8 5.0 Operational Environment..............................................................................8 6.0 Cryptographic Key Management..................................................................9 7.0 Self-Tests.....................................................................................................9 8.0 Secure Operation.........................................................................................9 9.0 Mitigation Against Other Attacks ................................................................10 Acronyms............................................................................................................10 Copyright 2005 PalmSource, Inc. This document may be reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright notice. 4 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Purpose This document specifies the security policy for the Cryptographic Provider Manager and FIPS Provider (CPM+F) as described in FIPS PUB 140-2. This security policy describes how the CPM+F meets the security requirements of FIPS 140-2 and how to place the module in a secure mode of operation. 1.2 Identification Name: Cryptographic Provider Manager and FIPS Provider (CPM+F) Software Version: 5.6.0 1.3 Design The FIPS Provider for the Cryptographic Provider Manager (CPM) is a FIPS 140- 2 Level 1 compliant, software-based, cryptographic module. The FIPS Provider encapsulates several different cryptographic algorithms accessible via the CPM API. 1.3.1 Cryptographic Boundary The FIPS Provider consists of a single shared library named FIPSProvider.prc (software version 5.6.0), which comprises the module's logical boundary. The cryptographic boundary for the FIPS Provider is defined as the enclosure of the computer system on which the cryptographic module is to be executed. The physical configuration of the module, as defined in FIPS PUB 140-2, is Multi-Chip Standalone. The following block diagram depicts the FIPS Provider cryptographic boundary: Copyright 2005 PalmSource, Inc. This document may be reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright notice. 5 PalmSource CPM+F Block Diagram Cryptographic Boundary CPM FIPS Provider Other Providers (SSL, RSA, etc) Other Apps (Note Pad) (Documents) (Expense) API API API SHS RNG AES TDES HMAC FIPS Provider Function Calls API Copyright 2005 PalmSource, Inc. This document may be reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright notice. 6 1.3.2 Cryptographic Provider Manager The Cryptographic Provider Manager (CPM) provides cryptographic functionality for applications. The CPM is designed in such a way as to allow applications to make use of cryptographic functionality without involving the complexity of cryptography. A good example is a diary application that wants to protect a diary entry with a password. The CPM allows the application to perform some password-based encryption without specifying the details of the encryption itself. The CPM does not provide any cryptographic functionality by itself. The CPM provides a high-level interface for cryptography that is in turn handled by providers. The CPM loads various providers in the system. The providers implement the actual cryptographic functionality. Providers are free to allow arbitrary or unspecified parameters or require more stringent adherence to cryptographic inputs. The CPM provides the only interface to providers; there is no direct interface to any provider. The CPM loads the providers found on the system in an arbitrary order. The list of providers, therefore, is not ordered in any particular way. An application may order the list in a particular way by calling a series of functions to enumerate the current list of providers and set providers to the default. A default provider is the "first" provider in the list of providers. As cryptographic calls are made by the application, the CPM routes the calls to the list of providers sequentially, one after another, until one provider reports that it handled the call. For initial cryptographic contexts, the CPM evaluates whether the provider supports the basic operation (Encrypt, Message Digest, etc.) before allowing the provider a chance to handle the call. If the provider does handle the call, the rest of the provider list is skipped. If the provider does not handle the call, the next provider in the list is allowed a chance to handle the call. All subsequent calls into the CPM within the same cryptographic context are routed to the provider that handled the initial context. There is no direct interface into the cryptographic boundary of the FIPS provider. The only interface is through the CPM. 1.3.3 Approved Mode of Operation The FIPS provider itself only has one mode of operation and it is the approved mode of operation. Using the FIPS Provider is an implicit approved mode of operation. The CPM interface allows multiple providers for cryptographic algorithms. The CPM maintains a list of providers and iterates through the list to determine which provider will satisfy the cryptographic operation. Once a provider satisfies an initial cryptographic operation within a particular cryptographic context (e.g. Init), that provider is the only provider that handles subsequent cryptographic operations within that same cryptographic context. To ensure that the FIPS Copyright 2005 PalmSource, Inc. This document may be reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright notice. 7 Provider is the first handler in the list and therefore gets the first chance to handle all the cryptographic operations, an application must call: CPMLibSetDefaultProvider((UInt32)'fips'); To verify that the FIPS Provider is the first provider in the list, and therefore the provider that will handle all operations first, enumerate the providers and check that the first provider in the enumeration is the provider with id of 'fips'. The following code shows how to do this: UInt16 numProviders = 0; UInt32 pIDs[]; CPMLibEnumerateProviders(NULL, &numProviders); /* now numProviders contains the number of providers */ pIDs = MemPtrNew(sizeof(UInt32) * numProviders); CPMLibEnumerateProviders(pIDs, &numProviders); if (pIDs[0] == ((UInt32)'fips')) { /* FIPS provider is first */ } Once the FIPS provider is set as the default and determined to be the first provider in the list of providers, cryptographic operations can begin. To ensure that the approved mode of operation is maintained, only the approved cryptographic algorithms are allowed. These approved cryptographic algorithms include and are limited to: SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, AES, 3DES and HMAC-SHA-1. CPM cryptographic functions that use one of the approved algorithms are within the approved mode of operation. 2.0 Interfaces Interfaces to the CPM and FIPS Provider take the form of APIs. 3.0 Roles and Services 3.1 Operator Roles The only roles supported by the CPM and FIPS Provider are the User Role and the Crypto Officer Role. The User Role allows cryptographic operations to be performed using the FIPS Provider. The Crypto Officer Role can perform all of the User Role operations and can manage cryptographic parameters and the cryptographic module itself (including self tests and reload of the cryptographic module). Operators assume roles implicitly by the services they access via the cryptographic module. The CPM and FIPS Provider does not support a maintenance role. Copyright 2005 PalmSource, Inc. This document may be reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright notice. 8 The services available to operators are shown in the table below: Service Class Role Key Generation User, Crypto Officer Message Digest User, Crypto Officer Encryption/Decryption User, Crypto Officer Message Authentication User, Crypto Officer Module Load/Unload Crypto Officer Module Configuration Crypto Officer Provider Management Crypto Officer Import/Export Cryptographic Parameters Crypto Officer Self-Test Crypto Officer 3.2 Access Control Policy Access to services is controlled as shown in the table below. Service Class CSP Type of Access Key Generation 3DES, AES, SHS Read/Write Message Digest SHS Read/Write Encryption/Decryption 3DES, AES Read Message Authentication HMAC Read Module Load/Unload N/A N/A Module Configuration N/A N/A Provider Management N/A N/A Import/Export Cryptographic Parameters 3DES, AES, SHS, HMAC Read/Write Self-Test N/A N/A 4.0 Physical Security The CPM and FIPS Provider is a software module. Physical security is the responsibility of the operator of the device upon which the module is loaded. The FIPS 140-2 physical security requirements do not apply to this module. 5.0 Operational Environment The operating environment for the CPM and FIPS Provider is Palm OS version 5.2.1 running on a Palm Tungsten™ C platform.”. Copyright 2005 PalmSource, Inc. This document may be reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright notice. 9 6.0 Cryptographic Key Management The CPM and FIPS Provider support the following FIPS Approved algorithms: Algorithm Modes Certificate Number 3DES ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB, 226 SHS SHA-1 202 SHS 224, 256, 384, 512 303 AES ECB, CBC, CFB 114 HMAC-SHA-1 FIPS 198 46 PRNG X9.31 A.2.4 63 Key Storage The CPM and FIPS Provider does not store any keys in the module. Keys are generated for each session and then destroyed. Key Zeroization There are no restrictions on when plaintext secret and private cryptographic keys and CSP's can be zeroized. Any time any of the Release functions are called, the associated cryptographic keys and CSP's are zeroized. 7.0 Self-Tests The module performs self-tests upon power-up. 1. 3DES Known Answer Test 2. SHA-1 Known Answer Test 3. SHA-2 Known Answer Tests 4. AES Known Answer Tests 5. HMAC-SHA-1 Known Answer Test 6. RNG Known Answer Test The module performs a continuous random number and a software integrity conditional test. 8.0 Secure Operation Due to the sensitive nature of the cryptographic module, care must be taken to ensure the secure initialization and start-up of the module. • Initialization To initialize the CPM+F library, call the standard Palm OS API for loading a shared library (SysLibLoad). This returns a reference number to be used in all subsequent calls into the CPM+F. Copyright 2005 PalmSource, Inc. This document may be reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright notice. 10 • Start-up To start using the cryptographic module, a call to CPMLibOpen is required. This initializes the list of providers. After calling CPMLibOpen the FIPS provider must be set as the default provider by calling CPMLibSetDefaultProvider and specifying the FIPS provider (as 'fips'). If the call to CPMLibSetDefaultProvider returns cpmErrProviderNotFound, start-up failed and no further operations should be attempted. • Shutdown All successful calls to CPMLibOpen require a call to CPMLibClose to finalize the cryptographic module library and allow cryptographic contexts to zeroized and freed. 9.0 Mitigation Against Other Attacks The module does not mitigate against any other attacks. Acronyms API Application Programmer Interface CPM Cryptographic Provider Manager CSP Critical Security Parameter