Version 5.4 3e Technologies International, Inc. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Level 2 Validation 3e-523-F2 & 3e-523-3 Secure Multi-function Wireless Data Points HW Versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.0 FW Versions 4.3.2 Security Policy Version 5.6 December 2009 Copyright ©2009 by 3e Technologies International. This document may freely be reproduced and distributed in its entirety. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 5.4 2 GLOSSARY OF TERMS................................................................................................. 3 1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................... 4 1.1. PURPOSE .............................................................................................................. 4 1.2. DEFINITION.......................................................................................................... 5 1.3. PORTS AND INTERFACES ...................................................................................... 5 1.4. SCOPE .................................................................................................................. 6 2. ROLES, SERVICES, AND AUTHENTICATION................................................ 6 2.1.1. Roles & Services ......................................................................................... 6 2.1.2. Authentication Mechanisms and Strength ................................................ 10 3. SECURE OPERATION AND SECURITY RULES ........................................... 11 3.1. SECURITY RULES ............................................................................................... 11 3.2. PHYSICAL SECURITY TAMPER EVIDENCE........................................................... 13 3.2.1. 3E-523-F2...................................................................................................... 13 3.2.2. 3E-523-3........................................................................................................ 14 4. SECURITY RELEVANT DATA ITEMS ............................................................ 15 4.1. CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS ......................................................................... 15 4.2 SELF-TESTS ........................................................................................................ 16 4.3 BYPASS MODE.................................................................................................... 17 4.4 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEYS AND SRDIS................................................................... 17 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 5.4 3 Glossary of terms AP Access Point CO Cryptographic Officer DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DMZ De-Militarized Zone IP Internet Protocol EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard HTTPS Secure Hyper Text Transport Protocol LAN Local Area Network MAC Medium Access Control NAT Network Address Translation PRNG Pseudo Random Number Generator RSA Rivest, Shamir, Adleman SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SRDI Security Relevant Data Item SSID Service Set Identifier TLS Transport Layer Security WAN Wide Area Network WLAN Wireless Local Area Network FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 5.4 4 1. Introduction The definition of the cryptographic boundaries is as follows: The 3e-523-F2 cryptographic boundary includes the Level 2 enclosure of the product and everything inside it. The 3e-523-3 cryptographic boundary includes the Level 2 enclosure of the product and everything inside it. 1.1. Purpose This document describes the non-proprietary cryptographic module security policy for 3e Technologies International‘s wireless universal products, the 3e-523-F2 & 3e-523-3 Secure Multi-function Wireless Data Points (3e-523-F2 & 3e-523-3) (Hardware Versions: HW V1.0, V1.1, V1.2 (3e-523-F2) V2.0 (3e-523-3); Firmware Versions: 4.3.2). This policy was created to satisfy the requirements of FIPS 140-2 Level 2. This document defines 3eTI’s security policy and explains how the 3e-523-F2 and the 3e-523- 3 meet the FIPS 140-2 security requirements. The figure below shows the 3e-523-F2. Figure 1 – 3e-523-F2 The figure below shows the 523-3. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 5.4 5 Figure 2 – 3e-523-3 The 3e-523-3 basically contains the same printed circuit board as a 3e-523-F2, but the PCB is housed in a weatherproof, ruggedized enclosure. The firmware is the same between the 3e-523-F2 and the 3e-523-3. The cryptographic module security policy consists of a specification of the security rules, under which the cryptographic module shall operate, including the security rules derived from the requirements of the standard. Please refer to FIPS 140-2 (Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-2 — Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules available on the NIST website at 1.2. Definition The 3e-523-F2 and the 3e-523-3 are devices which consist of electronic hardware, embedded software and an enclosure. For purposes of FIPS 140-2, the module is considered to be a multi-chip standalone product. The 3e-523-F2 is physically bound by the mechanical enclosure, which is protected by tamper evident tape. 1.3. Ports and Interfaces The module provides one RJ45 Ethernet port and two RF antenna ports that connect to the same radio card inside the module. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 5.4 6 Ethernet port is meant to be plugged into a secure IT environment. Data packets coming in and going out of Ethernet port are in plaintext. Data packets coming in and going out of RF antenna ports are encrypted by AES/3DES/AES-CCM depending on configuration. For 523-F2 a. Status output: Ethernet port pins and LED pins b. Data output: Ethernet port pins and serial port pins and RF on antenna ports c. Data input: Ethernet port pins and serial port pins and RF on antenna ports d. Control input: Ethernet port pins and RF on antenna ports For 523-3 a. Status output: Ethernet port and LED b. Data output: Ethernet port and serial port and RF on antenna ports c. Data input: Ethernet port and serial port and RF on antenna ports d. Control input: Ethernet port and RF on antenna ports 1.4. Scope This document covers the secure operation of the 3e-523-F2 and 3e-523-3, including the initialization, roles and responsibilities of operating the product in a secure, FIPS- compliant manner, and a description of the Security Relevant Data Items (SRDIs). The term “product” in this document is used if both the 3e-523-F2 and the 3e-523-3 apply. 2. Roles, Services, and Authentication The product software supports three separate roles. The set of services available to each role is defined in this section. The product authenticates an operator’s role by verifying his/her PIN or access to a shared secret. 2.1.1. Roles & Services The product supports the following authorized roles for operators: Crypto Officer Role: The Crypto officer (CO) role performs all security functions provided by the product. This role performs cryptographic initialization and management functions (e.g., module initialization, input/output of cryptographic keys and SRDIs, audit functions and user management). The Crypto officer is also responsible for managing the Administrator users. The Crypto Officer authenticates to the product using a username and password. The Crypto Officer is responsible for managing (creating, deleting) Administrator users. Administrator Role: This role performs general product configuration. No CO security functions are available to the Administrator. The Administrator can also reboot the FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 5.4 7 product if deemed necessary. The Administrator authenticates to the product using a username and password. All Administrators are identical; i.e., they have the same set of services available. Device Role: The purpose of the device role is to describe other devices as they interact with this Cryptographic Module, including: - Other Access Points (connecting in Bridge mode) - WLAN Client - Security Server The Device Role has access to the following services: For Device Role (WLAN client) ¾ Apply Wireless Access Point Security on Data Packet ƒ No Encryption ƒ Triple-DES ƒ AES ƒ 802.11i AES-CCM For Device Role (AP) ¾ Apply Wireless Bridge Encryption on Data Packet ƒ No Encryption ƒ Triple-DES ƒ AES ¾ Communicate with Security Server for Authentication and Key Setting ƒ AES KeyWrap FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 5.4 8 The following table outlines the security-relevant cryptographic functionalities that are provided by the “operator” roles (Crypto Officer and Administrator): Table 1 – Operator Role Functionalities Operator Roles Categories Features CryptoOfficer Administrator Show 1 Set 2 Add 3 Delete 4 Zeroize 5 Default Reset 6 Show 7 Set 8 Add 9 Delete 10 Zeroize 11 Default Reset System Configuration Wireless Access Point • Security No Encryption(Bypass) Dynamic Key Exchange* Triple-DES AES (128-/192-256-bit) 802.11i (AES-CCM) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Wireless Bridge • Encryption No Encryption(Bypass) Triple-DES AES (128-/192-256-bit) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Monitoring / Reports • System Status Security Mode Current Encryption Mode Bridging encryption mode Network Access Logs X X X X X X X X System Administration FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 5.4 9 Operator Roles Categories Features CryptoOfficer Administrator Show 1 Set 2 Add 3 Delete 4 Zeroize 5 Default Reset 6 Show 7 Set 8 Add 9 Delete 10 Zeroize 11 Default Reset • Factory Defaults X X • Reboot (perform self- test) X X X X • Operating Mode Enable/Disable FIPS mode Select wireless operating mode among AP, bridge, AP&bridge, client modes X X X X X • Firmware Upgrade Upgrade firmware and bootloader if bootloader is included in upgrade package. Note: Only the FIPS-validated firmware version (4.3.2) can be loaded to the module. Otherwise, the module is not operating in FIPS mode. X X • Password Change password for Crypto Officer Change password for Administrator Change password policy for Crypto Officer Change password policy for Administrator X X X X X X X X X X X 1 The operator can view this setting 2 The operator can change this setting 3 The operator can add a required input. 4 The operator can delete a particular entry 5 The operator can zeroize these keys. 6 The operator can reset this setting to its factory default value. 7 The operator can view this setting 8 The operator can change this setting 9 The operator can add a required input. 10 The operator can delete a particular entry. 11 The operator can zeroize these keys. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 5.4 10 The following table outlines the security-relevant cryptographic functionalities that are provided to the Device Role: Table 2 – Device Role Functionalities Categories Features Device Role Show Apply Add Delete Zeroize Default Reset System Configuration Wireless Access Point • Security No Encryption Dynamic Key Exchange* Triple-DES AES (128-/192-256-bit) 802.11i (AES-CCM) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Wireless Bridge • Encryption No Encryption Triple-DES AES (128-/192-256-bit) X X X X X X X X X X X *The proprietary Dynamic Key Exchange (DKE) mode of operation uses Diffie-Hellman which is no longer approved by FIPS. DKE is provided for backward compatibility. 2.1.2. Authentication Mechanisms and Strength The following table summarizes the roles and the type of authentication supported for each role: Table 3 – Authentication versus Roles Role Type of Authentication Authentication Data Crypto Officer Role-based Userid and password Administrator Role-based Userid and password Device Wireless client AP Radius Server static key or 802.11i authentication between wireless client and Device 802.1x EAP protocol between security server and The possession of PTK The possession of the static key Key Wrapper key and authentication key FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 5.4 11 Device The following table identifies the strength of authentication for each authentication mechanism supported: Table 4 – Strength of Authentication Authentication Mechanism Strength of Mechanism Userid and password Minimum 8 characters => 94^8 = 6.096E15 PSK 128 bits => 2^128 = 3.40E38 Digital certificates Private keys in certificates => 128 bits => 2^128 = 3.40E38 Shared secret 128 bits => 2^128 = 3.40E38 Bridging static key 128 bits => 2^128 = 3.40E38 3. Secure Operation and Security Rules By factory default, the device is put in FIPS mode with NO security setting, and the radio is turned off. In order to operate the product securely, each operator shall be aware of the security rules enforced by the module and shall adhere to the physical security rules and secure operation rules detailed in this section. Note: The proprietary Dynamic Key Exchange (DKE) mode of operation uses Diffie- Hellman which is no longer approved by FIPS. DKE is provided for backward compatibility. 3.1. Security Rules The following product security rules must be followed by the operator in order to ensure secure operation: 1. Every operator (Crypto Officer or Administrator) has a user-id on the product. No operator shall violate trust by sharing his/her password associated with the user-id with any other operator or entity. 2. The Crypto Officer shall not share any key, or SRDI used by the product with any other operator or entity. 3. The Crypto Officer shall not share any MAC address filtering information used by the product with any other operator or entity. 4. The operators shall explicitly logoff by closing all secure browser sessions established with the product. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 5.4 12 5. The Crypto officer is responsible for inspecting the tamper evident seals. A compromised tape reveals message “OPENED” with visible red dots. Other signs of tamper include wrinkles, tears and marks on or around the label. 6. The Crypto Officer shall change the default password when configuring the product for the first time. The default password shall not be used. 7. The Crypto Officer shall login to make sure encryption is applied in the device. 8. The Crypto Officer shall login to make sure the device is in FIPS mode by logging in the Web UI and checking “Security Mode” in the page header. This header is available on every web GUI page. 9. The Crypto Officer shall not use DKE in the web GUI configuration. 10. The Crypto Officer shall not use an ASCII passphrase for the 802.11i PSK (Pre- Shared Key with Passphrase). Instead, the Crypto Officer must use either direct 802.11i PSK key input (Pre-Shared Key with Master Key) or EAP-TLS (802.1x) methods. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 5.4 13 3.2. Physical Security Tamper Evidence The difference between the 523-F2 and the 523-3 is that the 523-F2 is intended to be placed into a larger enclosure. The 523-3 has its own weatherproof enclosure and is a stand-alone unit. Functionally, the two modules operate identically. The material used to cover both modules is production grade and opaque within the visible spectrum. 3.2.1. 3e-523-F2 The physical security provided is intended to provide FIPS 140-2 Level 2 physical security (i.e. tamper evidence). The tamper evidence tape is applied at the factory. Crypto Officer should check the integrity of the tape. The picture below shows the physical interface side of 3e-523-F2 enclosure with tamper- evident seals. Figure 3 – 3e-523-F2 with tamper seals FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 5.4 14 3.2.2. 3e-523-3 The physical security provided is intended to provide FIPS 140-2 Level 2 physical security (i.e. tamper evidence). The figures below show the physical interface sides of 3e-523-3 enclosure with tamper- evident seals. Figure 4 – 3e-523-3 Physical Interface Side 1 Figure 5 – 3e-523-3 Physical Interface Side 2 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 5.4 15 4. Security Relevant Data Items This section specifies the product’s Security Relevant Data Items (SRDIs) as well as the product-enforced access control policy. 4.1. Cryptographic Algorithms The product supports the following FIPS-approved cryptographic algorithms. The algorithms are listed below, along with their corresponding CAVP certificate numbers. 3e Technologies International Inc. 3eTI CryptoLib (User Space Library) Algorithm Implementation 1.0 (RNG only) RNG: #583 3e Technologies International Inc. 3eTI OpenSSL Algorithm Implementation 0.9.7- beta3 TDES: #783 AES; #1022 SHS: #976 RSA: #490 HMAC: #571 3e Technologies International Inc. 3eTI CryptoLib (Kernel Module) Algorithm Implementation 1.0 TDES: #782 AES; #1021 SHS: #975 HMAC: #570 The product also supports the following non-Approved but FIPS allowed cryptographic algorithms: • RSA (key wrapping, key establishment methodology provides 80 bits of encryption strength) • MD5 hashing in HTTPS over TLS • AES (Cert. #1021, key wrapping) • Non-Approved RNG The product also supports the following non-Approved FIPS cryptographic algorithms: • RC4 (used in WEP/WPA) • MD5 hashing (used in MS-CHAP for PPPoE and SNMP agent) • DES CBC (non-compliant) (used in SNMP v3) • AES CFB (non-compliant) (used in SNMP v3) • Diffie-Hellman for Dynamic Key Exchange (DKE). DKE is provided in FIPS mode for backward compatibility and should not be used in FIPS mode. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 5.4 16 4.2 Self-tests POST (Power on Self Tests) is performed on each boot. A command to reboot the device is considered on-demand self test. Both “Crypto Officer” and “Administrator” roles can send reboot command from web GUI. 4.2.1 Power-on Self-tests OpenSSL Power-on Self Tests AES ECB - encrypt/decrypt KAT Triple-DES CBC – encrypt/decrypt KAT RSA KAT SHA-1 KAT HMAC-SHA-1 KAT Crypto-1.0 User Library Power-on Self Tests FIPS 186-2 (Appendix 3.1, 3.3) RNG KAT Kernel Crypto Module Power-on Self Tests Triple-DES ECB - encrypt/decrypt KAT AES ECB - encrypt/decrypt KAT AES CCM KAT SHA-1 KAT HMAC-SHA-1 KAT Software Integrity Power-on Self Tests SHA-1 Integrity Test for firmware SHA-1 Integrity Test for bootloader If any of the Power-on Self-tests fail, the system halts. The operator can attempt to power cycle the module to clear the error condition. Once the error condition has been cleared, the Crypto Officer or Administrator can view the logs to determine the type of failure. 4.2.2 Conditional Self-tests Whenever the module is configured by the Crypto-Officer to use an encryption algorithm and specific key, an exclusive bypass self test is performed on the configuration change before the modification takes effect. If this self test fails, the system halts. Whenever a firmware package is uploaded through HTTPS over TLS secure channel, the package integrity check is performed before the firmware can be FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 5.4 17 updated. The firmware package is wrapped in 3eTI proprietary format and HMAC-SHA1 hashed for integrity check. Whenever a random number is generated (both FIPS 186-2 Approved and non-Approved), a Continuous Random Number Generator test is performed to ensure the random number is not repeating. 4.2.3 Firmware Integrity Check by bootloader After device is powered on, the first thing done by bootloader is to check firmware integrity. If the integrity is broken, firmware won’t boot. Firmware integrity is also performed at POST (Power On Self Test) during firmware boot up. The bootloader integrity is done at POST, too. 4.3 Bypass mode When “no encryption” option is selected for wireless security, the device is in exclusive bypass mode. Data packets are in plaintext. User with Crypto Officer role can login the device to check whether it’s in bypass mode. The AP bypass information is in “Wireless Access Point”Æ”Security” page. The bridge bypass information is in “Wireless Bridge”Æ”Encryption” page. When wireless security is switched from bypass mode, a conditional self test is performed in the backend to make sure the encryption algorithm is working as configured. 4.4 Cryptographic Keys and SRDIs The module contains the following security relevant data items: Table 5 - SRDIs Non-Protocol Keys/CSPs Key/CSP Type Generation/ Input Output Storage Zeroization Use Operator passwords ASCII string Input encrypted (using TLS session key) Not output Plaintext Zeroized when reset to factory settings. Used to authenticate CO and Admin role operators Configuration file passphrase HMAC key (ASCII string) Input encrypted (using TLS session key) by Crypto Officer Not output Plaintext in RAM. Zeroized when a configuration file is uploaded after it is used. Used for downloaded configuration file message authentication FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 5.4 18 Firmware load key HMAC key (ASCII string) Embedded in firmware at compile time. Firmware upgrade is through encrypted (using TLS session key) Not output Plaintext in flash Zeroized when firmware is upgraded. Used for firmware load message authentication SNMP packet authentication keys, username HMAC key (ASCII string) Input encrypted (using TLS session key) Not output Ciphertext in flash, encrypted with “system config AES key” Zeroized when reset to factory settings. Use for SNMP message authentication system config AES key (256 bit) AES key (HEX string) Harcoded in FLASH Not output Plaintext in FLASH Zeroized when firmware is upgraded. Used to encrypt the configuration file RNG Keys/CSPs Key/CSP Type Generation/ Input Output Storage Zeroization Use FIPS 186-2 PRNG Seed Key 20-byte value RNG Seed Not output Plaintext in RAM Zeroized every time a new random number is generated using the FIPS PRNG after it is used. Used to initialize FIPS PRNG RNG Seed 20-byte value 512 bytes from system interrupt numbers hashed by HMAC-SHA1 Plaintext in RAM Zeroized every time a new random number is generated using the FIPS PRNG after it is used. Used as seed for Non- approved RNG which provides the seed key for the FIPS 186- 2 PRNG. 3eTI Static Protocol Keys/CSPs Key/CSP Type Generation/ Input Output Storage Zeroization Use AP / Client Static key 1. AES ECB (e/d; 128,192,256) 2. TDES (Triple-DES 192) Input encrypted (using TLS session key) Not output Ciphertext in flash, encrypted with “system config AES key” N/A Used to encrypt unicast, and broadcast/ multitcast traffic in support of static mode IEEE 802.11i Protocol Keys/CSPs (Common to PSK and EAP-TLS) Key/CSP Type Generation/ Input Output Storage Zeroization Use PMK Typed in directly as a Hex string Typed in directly as a Hex string. Input Not output If 802.11i PSK, then plaintext in flash Zeroized when local antennae Approved 802.11i PMK FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 5.4 19 If 802.11i EAP-TLS, then secret key (TLS master secret) encrypted using the TLS session key. If 802.11i EAP-TLS, then not input, instead derived (TLS master secret resulting from successful User EAP- TLS authentication ) For both 802.11i PSK and EAP-TLS, plaintext in RAM encrypting mode either reconfigured or changed from IEEE 802.11i mode to any other local antennae Approved encrypting mode (including from 802.11i PSK to 802.11i EAP- TLS, and 802.11i EAP- TLS to 802.11i PSK), to bypass mode. If 802.11i PSK, zeroized when reset to factory settings. PTK AES (key derivation; 256) Not input (derived from PMK) Not output Plaintext in RAM When 802.11i session ends. 802.11i PTK KCK HMAC key (128 bits from PTK) Not input (derived from PTK) Not output Plaintext in RAM When 802.11i session ends. 802.11i KCK KEK AES ECB(e/d; 128) Not input (derived from PTK) Not output Plaintext in RAM When 802.11i session ends. 802.11i KEK TK AES CCM (e/d; 128) Not input (derived from PTK) Not output Plaintext in RAM When 802.11i session ends. 802.11i TK TK (copy in driver) AES CCM (e/d; 128) Not input (derived from PTK) Not output Plaintext in RAM When 802.11i session ends. 802.11i TK GMK AES (key derivation; 256) Not input (RNG) Not output Plaintext in RAM Zeroized when local antennae Approved encrypting mode either reconfigured or changed from IEEE 802.11i mode to any other local antennae Approved encrypting mode (including from 802.11i PSK to 802.11i GMK FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 5.4 20 802.11i EAP- TLS, and 802.11i EAP- TLS to 802.11i PSK), to bypass mode. When re-key period expires GTK AES CCM (e/d; 128) Not input (derived from GMK) Output encrypted (using KEK) Plaintext in RAM Zeroized when local antennae Approved encrypting mode either reconfigured or changed from IEEE 802.11i mode to any other local antennae Approved encrypting mode (including from 802.11i PSK to 802.11i EAP- TLS, and 802.11i EAP- TLS to 802.11i PSK), to bypass mode. When re-key period expires 802.11i GTK 3eTI Security Server Keys/CSPs Key/CSP Type Generation/ Input Output Storage Zeroization Use Security Server password HMAC key (ASCII string) Input encrypted (using TLS session key) Not output Ciphertext in flash, encrypted with “system config AES key” N/A Authenticate module to Security Server in support of 802.11i EAP- TLS authentication Backend password HMAC key (ASCII string) Input encrypted (using TLS session key) Not output Ciphertext in flash, encrypted with “system config AES key” N/A Authenticate messages between module and security server in support of 802.11i EAP- TLS Backend key AES ECB key (d;128) Input encrypted (using TLS Not output Ciphertext in flash, encrypted N/A Decrypt TLS master secret returned to FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 5.4 21 session key) with “system config AES key” module by Security Server after successful User authentication in support of 802.11i EAP- TLS 3eTI Bridging Protocol Keys/CSPs Key/CSP Type Generation/ Input Output Storage Zeroization Use Bridging static key AES ECB (e/d; 128,192,256) TDES (Triple- DES 192) Input encrypted (using TLS session key) Not output Ciphertext in flash, encrypted with “system config AES key” N/A Used to encrypt bridged traffic between two modules RFC 2818 HTTPS Keys/CSPs Key/CSP Type Generation/ Input Output Storage Zeroization Use RSA private key RSA (1024) (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides 80- bits of encryption strength) Not input (installed at factory) Not output Plaintext in flash Zeroized when firmware is upgraded. Used to support CO and Admin HTTPS interfaces. TLS session key for encryption Triple-DES (192) Not input, derived using TLS protocol Not output Plaintext in RAM Zeroized when a page of the web GUI is served after it is used. Used to protect HTTPS session. The following is a table of cryptographic keys and key material that are unique to the product when it is operating in wireless Client mode: Table 6 – SRDIs in Client Mode Type ID Storage Location Form Zeroization Certificate Authority (CA) public key certificate “CA public key” FLASH Plaintext (inaccessible) Zeroized when a new certificate is uploaded Client public key certificate Wpaclt.der FLASH Plaintext Zeroized when a new certificate is uploaded Client private key RSA 1024 Wpaclt.pem FLASH Plaintext Zeroized when a new certificate is uploaded