© 2009 ERUCES, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. ERUCES, Inc. Tricryption Cryptographic Module Software Version: 7.0 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Level 1 Validation Document Version 0.9 Prepared for: Prepared by: ERUCES, Inc. Corsec Security, Inc. 11142 Thompson Avenue Lenexa, KS 66219 10340 Democracy Lane, Suite 201 Fairfax, VA 22030-2518 Phone: (913) 310-0888 Phone: (703) 267-6050 Fax: (913) 859-9797 Fax: (703) 267-6810 http://www.eruces.com http://www.corsec.com Security Policy, Version 0.9 February 9, 2009 Tricryption Cryptographic Module Page 2 of 22 © 2009 ERUCES, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Revision History Version Modification Date Modified By Description of Changes 0.1 2008-05-27 Xiaoyu Ruan Release version 0.2 2008-06-25 Xiaoyu Ruan Processors in Table 1 0.3 2008-07-16 Xiaoyu Ruan Minor changes in Section 2.7 0.4 2008-07-18 Xiaoyu Ruan Added classes ECKey, ECPoint, and RSAkey. Changes in Sections 2.1 and 2.2, Tables 6 and 7. 0.5 2008-08-20 Darryl Johnson Addressed lab comments post-functional testing 0.6 2008-09-29 Darryl Johnson Addressed final lab comments for CMVP submission 0.7 2008-10-02 Darryl Johnson Added cleanup items to final document 0.8 2009-01-08 Darryl Johnson Addressed CMVP comments 0.9 2009-02-09 Darryl Johnson Addressed CMVP comments Security Policy, Version 0.9 February 9, 2009 Tricryption Cryptographic Module Page 3 of 22 © 2009 ERUCES, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................5 1.1 PURPOSE ......................................................................................................................................................5 1.2 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................5 1.3 DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION.........................................................................................................................5 2 TRICRYPTION CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE ...........................................................................................6 2.1 OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................................................6 2.2 MODULE INTERFACES ..................................................................................................................................9 2.3 ROLES AND SERVICES ................................................................................................................................11 2.4 PHYSICAL SECURITY ..................................................................................................................................15 2.5 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT ...................................................................................................................15 2.6 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT........................................................................................................15 2.6.1 Key Generation .............................................................................................................................16 2.6.2 Key Input and Output....................................................................................................................16 2.6.3 CSP Storage..................................................................................................................................16 2.6.4 CSP Zeroization............................................................................................................................16 2.7 SELF-TESTS................................................................................................................................................16 2.8 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS ..............................................................................................................17 3 SECURE OPERATION....................................................................................................................................18 3.1 OPERATING SYSTEM CONFIGURATION .......................................................................................................18 3.2 INSTALLATION ...........................................................................................................................................18 3.2.1 Installation on Linux Platforms ....................................................................................................19 3.2.2 Installation on Windows Platforms...............................................................................................19 3.3 INITIALIZATION ..........................................................................................................................................19 3.4 AUTHENTICATION ......................................................................................................................................19 3.5 STATUS ......................................................................................................................................................19 3.6 MANAGEMENT ...........................................................................................................................................20 4 ACRONYMS......................................................................................................................................................21 Table of Figures FIGURE 1 – TRICRYPTION SOFTWARE COMPONENT ARCHITECTURE ..............................................................................6 FIGURE 2 – LOGICAL BLOCK DIAGRAM..........................................................................................................................7 FIGURE 3 – CLASSES IN THE MODULE ............................................................................................................................9 FIGURE 4 – PHYSICAL BLOCK DIAGRAM OF A TYPICAL SERVER ..................................................................................10 List of Tables TABLE 1 – BINARY FORM OF THE MODULE ....................................................................................................................7 TABLE 2 – SECURITY LEVEL PER FIPS 140-2 SECTION...................................................................................................8 TABLE 3 – LOGICAL INTERFACE, PHYSICAL PORT, AND MODULE MAPPING ................................................................10 TABLE 4 – ROLES AND SERVICES .................................................................................................................................11 TABLE 5 – CRYPTO-OFFICER SERVICES........................................................................................................................11 Security Policy, Version 0.9 February 9, 2009 Tricryption Cryptographic Module Page 4 of 22 © 2009 ERUCES, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. TABLE 6 – USER SERVICES...........................................................................................................................................13 TABLE 7 – LIST OF CSPS ..............................................................................................................................................15 TABLE 8 – ACRONYMS .................................................................................................................................................21 Security Policy, Version 0.9 February 9, 2009 Tricryption Cryptographic Module Page 5 of 22 © 2009 ERUCES, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose This is a non-proprietary Cryptographic Module Security Policy for the Tricryption Cryptographic Module from ERUCES, Inc. This Security Policy describes how the Tricryption Cryptographic Module meets the security requirements of Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Publication 140-2, which details the U.S. Government requirements for cryptographic modules. More information about the FIPS 140-2 standard and validation program is available on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC) Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) website at http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/index.html. This document also describes how to run the module in a secure FIPS 140-2 mode. This policy was prepared as part of the Level 1 FIPS 140-2 validation of the module. The Tricryption Cryptographic Module is referred to in this document as “the module”. 1.2 References This document deals only with the operations and capabilities of the module in the technical terms of a FIPS 140-2 cryptographic module security policy. More information is available on the module from the following sources:  The ERUCES website (http://www.eruces.com) contains information on the full line of products from ERUCES.  The CMVP website (http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/cmvp/documents/140-1/140val-all.htm) contains contact information for answers to technical-related or sales-related questions for the module. 1.3 Document Organization The Security Policy document is one document in a FIPS 140-2 submission package. In addition to this document, the submission package contains:  Vendor Evidence  Finite State Machine  Other supporting documentation as additional references This Security Policy and the other validation submission documentation have been produced by Corsec Security, Inc. under contract to ERUCES, Inc.. With the exception of this non-proprietary Security Policy, the FIPS 140-2 validation documentation is proprietary to ERUCES and is releasable only under appropriate non-disclosure agreements. For access to these documents, please contact ERUCES. Security Policy, Version 0.9 February 9, 2009 Tricryption Cryptographic Module Page 6 of 22 © 2009 ERUCES, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 2 Tricryption Cryptographic Module 2.1 Overview ERUCES is committed to providing innovative data security solutions that enable users without impeding their work procedures and workflows. ERUCES mission is to offer the most effective, secure, and operationally flexible software tools and products for the implementation of encryption and key management. ERUCES’ Tricryption products and software technologies provide enforceable security at the file and data level, while maintaining secure transparent implementation and operations for:  Users: collaborative operations without work flow disruption  IT (Information Technology) administrators: implementation & administrative ease  IT Security: policy enforcement and accessible monitoring ERUCES solutions efficiently and effectively integrate with existing security infrastructures and employ current state-of-the-art encryption algorithms and key control mechanisms. Application of our technologies is extremely cost-efficient, both initially and in terms of total cost of ownership. The Tricryption system is a key management and storage system developed by ERUCES. See Figure 1 – Tricryption Software Component Architecture. The Tricryption system includes a centralized symmetric key management server, Tricryption KeyServer, which manages automatic key generation, key storage and retrieval, key integrity checks and authorization and auditing of key usage. Tricryption KeyServer utilizes symmetric keys (AES1 or Triple DES2 ) to provide maximum performance and reliability. The Tricryption KeyServer offers a wide range of cryptography, authentication, and authorization options to allow customers to support virtually any global security standard. Using this software, customers can request encryption or decryption of data elements using the other ERUCES software components. The Tricryption KeyServer can be asked for a key, or can be asked to encrypt or decrypt information. The Tricryption KeyServer communicates with the Tricryption Desktop via Transport Layer Security (TLS) sessions. Figure 1 below depicts the functional components of the Tricryption KeyServer software. Note that only the CSP component of the software comprises the module, and not the entire Tricryption KeyServer software; thus, only the CSP component is within the module’s FIPS 140-2 logical cryptographic boundary. Figure 1 – Tricryption Software Component Architecture3 1 AES – Advanced Encryption Standard 2 DES – Data Encryption Standard 3 “CSP” in Figure 1 stands for Cryptographic Server Provider. In the remainder of this document, CSP refers to Critical Security Parameter. Security Policy, Version 0.9 February 9, 2009 Tricryption Cryptographic Module Page 7 of 22 © 2009 ERUCES, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. The logical cryptographic boundary surrounds just the library that provides cryptographic services to the software. The library is a dynamic link library (DLL) on Windows Server 2003 R2 or a user-space shared object (SO) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5. Figure 2 provides a logical block diagram of the module executing in memory, as well its interactions with surrounding components. Note that the logical cryptographic boundary surrounds only the Tricryption cryptographic module (this is represented in Figure 1 as the CSP). Tricryption Cryptographic Module (Software ver. 7.0) Operating System Client Application (e.g., Tricryption KeyServer) CPU OS translates intermediate language into machine code Module loaded at run-time Harddisk CPU loads OS, client application, DLL/SO into memory when needed OS translates intermediate language into machine code CPU runs machine code memory Cryptographic Boundary Encrypted Data Unencrypted Data Figure 2 – Logical Block Diagram The module implements all cryptographic functions for the Tricryption KeyServer. Table 1 shows the operating systems, processor architectures, and file names of the module. The signature files store 20-byte keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) fingerprints of the binary files. The fingerprints are used in the software integrity test. Table 1 – Binary Form of the Module Operating System Processor Binary File Name Signature File Name Windows Server 2003 R2 Intel Pentium 4 tcm-fips.dll tcm-fips.dll.hmac Security Policy, Version 0.9 February 9, 2009 Tricryption Cryptographic Module Page 8 of 22 © 2009 ERUCES, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Operating System Processor Binary File Name Signature File Name Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 AMD Opteron libtcm-fips.so libtcm-fips.so.hmac The module features only FIPS-approved and FIPS-allowed algorithms and always operates in an Approved mode of operation. Following is a list of FIPS-approved algorithms supported by the module when operating in a FIPS- approved mode of operation:  AES encryption/decryption: 128, 192, and 256 bits, in ECB4 and CBC5 modes (certificate #796)  Triple DES encryption/decryption: 112 and 168 bits, in ECB and CBC modes (certificate #684)  SHA6 -1, SHA-256, and SHA-384 (certificate #795)  HMAC-SHA-1, HMAC- SHA-256, and HMAC-SHA-384 (certificate #437)  ECDSA7 key generation, signature generation, and signature verification: all P, K, and B curves (certificate #88)  RSA8 PKCS9 #1 signature generation and verification: 1024, 2048, and 3072 bits (certificate #380)  RNG10 : ANSI11 X9.31 Appendix A.2.4 RNG with 112-bit Triple DES (certificate #457) The following functions implemented by the module are not FIPS-approved, but FIPS-allowed:  Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key agreement scheme: 1024 and 2048 bits for symmetric key establishment in TLS12 sessions. The ECDH key agreement implementations support elliptic curve sizes up to 571 bits that provide 256 bits of encryption strength.  RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 key wrap: 1024, 2048, and 3072 bits for symmetric key transport in TLS sessions. They provide 80, 112, and 128 bits of encryption strength, respectively. The module is validated at FIPS 140-2 section levels shown in Table 2. Note that in Table 2, EMI and EMC mean Electromagnetic Interference and Electromagnetic Compatibility, respectively, and N/A indicates “Not Applicable”. Table 2 – Security Level per FIPS 140-2 Section Section Section Title Level 1 Cryptographic Module Specification 1 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 4 Finite State Model 1 5 Physical Security N/A 6 Operational Environment 1 7 Cryptographic Key Management 1 8 EMI/EMC 1 4 Electronic Codebook 5 Cipher Block Chaining 6 Secure Hash Algorithm 7 Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm 8 Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman 9 Public Key Cryptography Standard 10 Random Number Generator 11 American National Standards Institute 12 Transport Layer Security Security Policy, Version 0.9 February 9, 2009 Tricryption Cryptographic Module Page 9 of 22 © 2009 ERUCES, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Section Section Title Level 9 Self-Tests 1 10 Design Assurance 1 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A 2.2 Module Interfaces See Figure 3 for a list of classes implemented by the Tricryption Cryptographic Module and their descriptions. The library module consists of 24 classes. Together, they provide a set of cryptographic services to ERUCES’ client applications, such as the Tricryption KeyServer. SRP stands for the Secure Remote Password protocol developed by Stanford University. See http://srp.stanford.edu/ for details. Figure 3 – Classes in the Module Figure 2 surrounds the classes listed above. The module’s interactions with surrounding components, including the CPU, hard-disk, memory, application, and the Operating System (OS) are also demonstrated in Figure 2. The module is validated for use on the platforms listed in the first column of Table 1. In addition to the binary, the physical device consists of the integrated circuits of the motherboard, the CPU, Random Access Memory (RAM), Read-Only Memory (ROM), computer case, keyboard, mouse, video interfaces, expansion cards, and other hardware components included in the computer such as hard disk, floppy disk, compact disc (CD) ROM drive, power supply, and fans. The physical cryptographic boundary of the module is the hard opaque metal and plastic enclosure of the server13 running the module. The block diagram for a server is shown in Figure 4, with the physical cryptographic boundary denoted by the dashed line. Note that in this figure, I/O means Input/Output, BIOS stands 13 The “server” here refers to device architecture and does not refer to the “Tricryption KeyServer”. Security Policy, Version 0.9 February 9, 2009 Tricryption Cryptographic Module Page 10 of 22 © 2009 ERUCES, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. for Basic Input/Output System, PCI stands for Peripheral Component Interconnect, ISA stands for Instruction Set Architecture, UART stands for Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter, and IDE represents Integrated Drive Electronics. Figure 4 – Physical Block Diagram of a Typical Server All of these physical ports are separated into logical interfaces defined by FIPS 140-2, as described in Table 3. Table 3 – Logical Interface, Physical Port, and Module Mapping Logical Interface Physical Port Mapping Module Mapping Data input Keyboard, mouse, CD-ROM, floppy disk, and serial/USB/parallel/network ports Arguments for Application Programming Interface (API) calls that contain data to be used or processed by the module Data output Hard disk, floppy disk, monitor, and serial/USB/parallel/network ports Arguments for API calls that contain module response data to be used or processed by the caller Control input Keyboard, CD-ROM, floppy disk, mouse, and serial/USB/parallel/network port API function calls Status output Hard disk, floppy disk, monitor, and serial/USB/parallel/network ports Arguments for API calls, function return values, error messages Security Policy, Version 0.9 February 9, 2009 Tricryption Cryptographic Module Page 11 of 22 © 2009 ERUCES, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 2.3 Roles and Services The module supports one Crypto-Officer role and one User role. The Crypto-Officer is responsible for the secure installation and initialization of the module, as well as performing key management functions. The User role has access to the module’s cryptographic services offered. All roles are implicitly assumed. As shown in Table 3, the module provides services through its 24 classes. Services from eight classes have been assigned to the Crypto-Officer role and services from the remaining 16 classes have been assigned to the User role. See Table 4 for assignment details. Table 4 – Roles and Services Role Services Crypto-Officer Install Module Initialize Module Show Status Execute Self-Tests Zeroize CSPs TC_OPENSSL::CryptFactory TC_OPENSSL::ECGenerator TC_IMPL::KeyManager TC_IMPL::KeyManagerFactory TC_OPENSSL::PKIFactory TC_OPENSSL::RNG TC_OPENSSL::RSAGenerator TC_OPENSSL::SkeyGenerator User Initialize Module Show Status Execute Self-Tests Zeroize CSPs TC_OPENSSL::Cipher TC_OPENSSL::Digest TC_OPENSSL::ECKey TC_OPENSSL::ECPoint TC_OPENSSL::Pkey TC_OPENSSL::PrivateKeyInfo TC_OPENSSL::RSAKey TC_OPENSSL::SecureSocket TC_OPENSSL::SecureSocketContext TC_OPENSSL::SocketContextFactory TC_IMPL::SRPContext TC_IMPL::SRPContextFactory TC_OPENSSL::SymmetricKey TC_OPENSSL::SymmetricKey::Factory TC_OPENSSL::X509Certificate TC_OPENSSL::X509Request Table 5 summarizes services for the Crypto-Officer role. The class names are shown in the first column (“Service”), and the corresponding functions are described in the second column (“Description”). Values given in the rightmost columns correspond to the values listed in Table 7. Table 5 – Crypto-Officer Services Service Description Input Output CSP Install Module Install the module on the target platform Service command None None Security Policy, Version 0.9 February 9, 2009 Tricryption Cryptographic Module Page 12 of 22 © 2009 ERUCES, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Service Description Input Output CSP Initialize Module Configure the module Service command None None Show Status Output the current status of the module Function call Status None Execute Self-Tests Perform module power- up self-tests Function call Status None Zeroize CSPs Zeroize plaintext secret and private keys Function call Status All plaintext secret and private CSPs - write TC_OPENSSL::CryptFactory Create objects for symmetric and asymmetric cipher and key generation Function call Status None TC_OPENSSL::ECGenerator Generate keypairs for ECDSA Function call, curve name Status, ECDSA keypair publicKey – write privKey – write TC_IMPL::KeyManager Create master keys Function call Status, master key masterKey – write Export master keys Function call, master key Status masterKey – write Create system keys Function call Status, system key systemKey – write Add system keys from database Function call, system key Status systemKey – write Create encryption keys Function call, algorithm name Status, encryption key encryptionKey – write Encrypt encryption keys Function call, encryption key Status, encrypted encryption key encryptionKey – read systemKey – read Decrypt encryption keys Function call, encrypted encryption key Status, decrypted encryption key encryptionKey – read systemKey – read Create keylinks Function call Status, unencrypted keylink, encrypted keylink systemKey – write Encrypt keylinks Function call, keylink Status, encrypted keylink systemKey – read Decrypt keylinks Function call, encrypted keylink Status, decrypted keylink systemKey – read TC_IMPL::KeyManagerFactory Create objects for KeyManager Function call, algorithm name Status None TC_OPENSSL::PKIFactory Create, initialize, and terminate objects for X509Certificate and X509Request Function call Status None Security Policy, Version 0.9 February 9, 2009 Tricryption Cryptographic Module Page 13 of 22 © 2009 ERUCES, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Service Description Input Output CSP TC_OPENSSL::RNG Generate random numbers Function call, seed, number of bits Status, random number RNGseed – write, delete TC_OPENSSL::RSAGenerator Generate keypairs for RSA Function call, number of bits Status, RSA keypair publicKey – write privKey – write TC_OPENSSL::SkeyGenerator Generate keys and initialization vectors (IVs) for AES and Triple DES Function call, algorithm name, number of bits Status, symmetric key, IV symmKey – write Table 6 summarizes services for the User role. Values given in the rightmost columns correspond to the values listed in Table 7. Notice that the module does not authenticate the User or the Crypto-Officer. The “password” variables listed in the rightmost column are not used to authenticate the User or the Crypto-Officer. They refer to the credentials used by the client applications to verify identities of users of the client application. Table 6 – User Services Service Description Input Output CSP Initialize Module Configure the module Service command None None Show Status Output the current status of the module Function call Status None Execute Self-Tests Perform module power-up self-tests Function call Status None Zeroize CSPs Zeroize plaintext secret and private keys Function call Status All plaintext secret and private CSPs - write TC_OPENSSL::Cipher Perform symmetric encryption Function call, algorithm, symmetric key, IV, plaintext Status, ciphertext symmKey – read Perform symmetric decryption Function call, algorithm, symmetric key, IV, ciphertext Status, plaintext symmKey – read TC_OPENSSL::Digest Perform HMAC hashing Function call, HMAC key, massage Status, HMAC digest HMACkey – read TC_OPENSSL::ECKey Compute TLS master secret with peer ECDH public key Function call, peer ECDH public key Status, TLS master secret TLSMS – write TLSecdhKey – read TC_OPENSSL::ECPoint Downcast abstract pointer to concrete PKey class Function call, pointer to an elliptic curve point Status None Security Policy, Version 0.9 February 9, 2009 Tricryption Cryptographic Module Page 14 of 22 © 2009 ERUCES, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Service Description Input Output CSP TC_OPENSSL::Pkey Perform digital signature generation Function call, private key, message Status, signature privKey – read Perform digital signature verification Function call, public key, message, signature Status, verification result publicKey – read TC_OPENSSL::PrivateKeyInfo Retrieve private key attributes Function call, private key Status, attributes privKey – read TC_OPENSSL::RSAKey Encrypt data using RSA Function call, RSA public key, plaintext data Status, encrypted data publicKey – read Decrypt data using RSA Function call, RSA private key, encrypted data Status, decrypted data privKey – read TC_OPENSSL::SecureSocket Establish TLS sessions Function call, X.509 certificates Status TLSasymmKey – read TLSecdhKey – write, read, delete TLSMS – write, read, delete TLSsessionKey – write, read, delete TC_OPENSSL::SecureSocketContext Initialize TLS contexts Function call, X.509 certificates Status None TC_OPENSSL::SocketContextFactory Create objects for SecureSocketCont ext Function call Status None TC_IMPL::SRPContext Set SRP passwords Function call, username, password Status password – write Perform SRP authentication on behalf of the caller Function call, username, password Status password – read TC_IMPL::SRPContextFactory Create objects for SRPContext Function call Status None TC_OPENSSL::SymmetricKey Encapsulates Cipher objects See entry for the Cipher class See entry for the Cipher class See entry for the Cipher class TC_OPENSSL::SymmetricKey::Factor y Create objects for SymmetricKey Function call Status None TC_OPENSSL::X509Certificate Set attributes for X.509 certificates Function call, X.509 certificate attributes, owner public key Status publicKey – read Security Policy, Version 0.9 February 9, 2009 Tricryption Cryptographic Module Page 15 of 22 © 2009 ERUCES, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Service Description Input Output CSP Get attributes from X.509 certificates Function call, X.509 certificate Status, X.509 certificate attributes, owner public key publicKey – write TC_OPENSSL::X509Request Sign a X.509 certificate request Function call, owner public key, CA private key Status, signed X.509 certificate publicKey – read CAprivKey – read 2.4 Physical Security The Tricryption Cryptographic Module is a multi-chip standalone module. The physical security requirements do not apply to this module, since it is purely a software module and does not implement any physical security mechanisms. Although the module is software, the FIPS 140-2 platform is a server that has been tested for and meets applicable Federal Communications Commission (FCC) EMI and EMC requirements for business use as defined in Subpart B of FCC Part 15. 2.5 Operational Environment The module was tested and validated on general-purpose Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 on Intel Pentium 4 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 on AMD Opteron. The operating system running the module must be configured in single user mode as per the instructions provided in Section 3.1 of this document. 2.6 Cryptographic Key Management The module supports the following CSPs: Table 7 – List of CSPs CSP Type Generation / Input Storage Zeroization Use AES key Generated by ANSI X9.31 RNG or input by caller Plaintext in volatile memory Upon return of the API call  Encrypt/decrypt operations Triple DES key Generated by ANSI X9.31 RNG or input by caller Plaintext in volatile memory Upon return of the API call  Encrypt/decrypt operations RSA keys Generated by ANSI X9.31 RNG or input by caller Plaintext in volatile memory Upon return of the API call  Encrypt/decrypt operations  Key wrapping  Signature generation/verification operations ECDSA keys Generated by ANSI X9.31 RNG or input by caller Plaintext in volatile memory Upon return of the API call  Encrypt/decrypt operations  Key wrapping  Signature generation/verification operations Security Policy, Version 0.9 February 9, 2009 Tricryption Cryptographic Module Page 16 of 22 © 2009 ERUCES, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. CSP Type Generation / Input Storage Zeroization Use ANSI X9.31 RNG Seed Gathered internally Plaintext in volatile memory Upon return of the API call  ANSI X9.31 RNG seeding material ANSI X9.31 RNG Seed Key Gathered internally Plaintext in volatile memory Upon return of the API call  ANSI X9.31 RNG seeding material HMAC key Generated by ANSI X9.31 RNG or input by caller Plaintext in volatile memory Upon return of the API call  Keyed hashing operations  Software Integrity Test Elliptical Curve Diffie-Hellman keys Generated by ANSI X9.31 RNG Plaintext in volatile memory Upon session termination  Negotiate TLS Master Secret 2.6.1 Key Generation The module uses an ANSI X9.31 RNG with 2-key Triple DES to generate cryptographic keys. This RNG is a FIPS 140-2 approved RNG as specified in Annex C to FIPS PUB 140-2. 2.6.2 Key Input and Output The cryptographic module itself does not support key entry or key output; however keys can be passed to the module as parameters from the application via the APIs. 2.6.3 CSP Storage All CSPs are stored in volatile memory in plaintext. 2.6.4 CSP Zeroization All CSPs are stored in volatile memory in plaintext. CSPs are zeroized when they are no longer needed. i.e., CSPs are zeroized by a C++ destruct routine. The module itself does not permanently store any CSPs. 2.7 Self-Tests The module performs the following power-up self-tests:  Software integrity test using HMAC-SHA1  Known Answer Test (KAT) for Triple DES encryption and decryption  KAT for AES encryption and decryption  KATs for HMAC-SHA message authentication  KATs for SHA hashing (tested as part of the HMAC-SHA KATs)  KAT for RSA signature generation and verification  KAT for RSA encryption and decryption  KAT for ANSI X9.31 RNG  Pair-wise consistency test for ECDSA signature generation and verification Note that these power-up self-tests can also be executed on-demand at any time by re-instantiation of the module from the hosting application. The module implements the following conditional self-tests:  Pair-wise consistency test for RSA signature generation and verification, performed when a new RSA keypair is generated.  Pair-wise consistency test for ECDSA signature generation and verification, performed when a new ECDSA keypair is generated. Security Policy, Version 0.9 February 9, 2009 Tricryption Cryptographic Module Page 17 of 22 © 2009 ERUCES, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice.  Continuous RNG test, performed when a new random number is generated. If a self-test fails, an exception will be thrown on the failure. The application is then alerted that a self-test has failed. The module will enter an error state and be unloaded. 2.8 Mitigation of Other Attacks The module does not claim to mitigate any attacks beyond the FIPS 140-2 level 1 requirements for this validation. Security Policy, Version 0.9 February 9, 2009 Tricryption Cryptographic Module Page 18 of 22 © 2009 ERUCES, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 3 Secure Operation The operator is responsible for installing, uninstalling, configuring, and managing the module and running the power-up self-tests when necessary. Before installing the module, the operator should make sure that the specific operating system is in single user mode. 3.1 Operating System Configuration The user of the module is a software application. FIPS 140-2 mandates that a cryptographic module be limited to a single user at a time. To meet this requirement, a single instantiation of an application must only access a single instantiation of the Tricryption Cryptographic Module. For enhanced security, it is recommended that the operator configure the operating system to disallow remote login. See the following instructions for details. Windows Server 2003 R2: To configure Windows Server 2003 R2 to disallow remote login, the operator should ensure that all remote guest accounts are disabled in order to ensure that only one human operator can log into Windows at a time. The services that need to be turned off for Windows are:  Fast-user switching (irrelevant if server is a domain member)  Terminal services  Remote registry service  Secondary logon service  Telnet service  Remote desktop and remote assistance service Once the Windows operating system has been configured to disable remote login, the operator can use the system “Administrator” account to install software, uninstall software, and administer the module. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5: The specific procedure to configure a Linux system for single user mode is described below. 1. Login as the “root” user. 2. Edit the system files /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow, and remove all the users except “root” and the pseudo- users. Make sure the password fields in /etc/shadow for the pseudo-users are either a star (*) or double exclamation mark (!!). This prevents login as the pseudo-users. 3. Edit the system file /etc/nsswitch.conf and make “files” the only option for “passwd”, “group”, and “shadow”. This disables Network Information Service and other name services for users and groups. 4. In the /etc/xinetd.d directory, edit the files “rexec”, “rlogin”, “rsh”, “rsync”, “telnet”, and “wu-ftpd”, and set the value of “disable” to “yes”. 5. Reboot the system for the changes to take effect. Once the Linux operating system has been configured to disable remote login, the operator can use the system “root” account to install software, uninstall software, and administer the module. 3.2 Installation The following sections provide guidance to ensure that the module is installed securely and executing in an FIPS- Approved mode of operation on the chosen platform. Security Policy, Version 0.9 February 9, 2009 Tricryption Cryptographic Module Page 19 of 22 © 2009 ERUCES, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 3.2.1 Installation on Linux Platforms 1. Install the module using the vendor-provided binary executable installer. This will copy the module file “libTCM_FIPS.so” and the corresponding HMAC value file “libTCM_FIPS.hmac” to the appropriate location on the target machine. 2. Select the chosen ERUCES application that will work with the module. (Please refer to the appropriate user guide for the ERUCES application being installed for further details.) 3. Restart the machine, and verify that the module is running correctly by executing the script “tcm_fips_status”, which will report “FIPS MODULE: OK” when the module has been invoked successfully. 3.2.2 Installation on Windows Platforms 1. Install the module using the vendor-provided binary executable installer. A Welcome window will appear advising you to exit all programs. 2. Exit the programs as instructed and select the Next button. 3. A window will appear containing the Tricryption FIPS Module End User License Agreement. Read the license agreement, select the “I accept the terms of the License Agreement” option and select the Next button. 4. Follow the instructions provided to choose a destination folder for the Tricryption FIPS Module Shared Libraries folder and select the Next button. 5. Choose a destination folder for the Tricryption FIPS Module Shared Library Test Application and select the Next button. 6. When the installation is completed, select the Finish button. 7. To verify that the module was installed correctly, select FIPS Test Application from the Start > All Programs > ERUCES > Tricryption Suite > FIPS Test Application program folder. This will launch the program “cmd_fips_status.exe”, which will report “FIPS MODULE: OK” when the module has been invoked successfully. 3.3 Initialization The Tricryption Cryptographic Module itself is not an end-user product. It is provided to the end-users as part of other associated ERUCES applications. As such, the required initialization procedures are described in the installation manual for the appropriate application. 3.4 Authentication This module does not provide authentication. 3.5 Status The module reports its working status to the client application through return values of function calls. Additionally, operators can ascertain the status of the module by performing step 3 of the installation instructions listed in Section 3.2 above. Security Policy, Version 0.9 February 9, 2009 Tricryption Cryptographic Module Page 20 of 22 © 2009 ERUCES, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 3.6 Management The operator does not perform any management of the module after installation and configuration. The module’s cryptographic functionality and security services are provided via the Tricryption KeyServer application. The management tasks are conducted by the application. End-users are not supposed to utilize the module without the Tricryption KeyServer application. Only the algorithms listed in Section 2.1 should be invoked by the application. End-user instructions and guidance are provided in the user manual and technical support documents of the application software. Security Policy, Version 0.9 February 9, 2009 Tricryption Cryptographic Module Page 21 of 22 © 2009 ERUCES, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 4 Acronyms Table 8 – Acronyms Acronym Definition AES Advanced Encryption Standard ANSI American National Standards Institute API Application Programming Interface BIOS Basic Input/Output System CBC Cipher Block Chaining CD Compact Disc CMVP Cryptographic Module Validation Program CPU Central Processing Unit CSEC Communications Security Establishment Canada CSP Cryptographic Server Provider CSP Critical Security Parameter DES Data Encryption Standard DLL Dynamic Link Library ECB Electronic Codebook ECDH Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EMI Electromagnetic Interference FCC Federal Communications Commission FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard HDD Hard Disk Drive HMAC (keyed-) Hash Message Authentication Code KAT Known Answer Test IDE Integrated Drive Electronics IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers I/O Input/Output IR Infrared ISA Instruction Set Architecture IT Information Technology IV Initialization Vector N/A Not Applicable NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology OS Operating System PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect Security Policy, Version 0.9 February 9, 2009 Tricryption Cryptographic Module Page 22 of 22 © 2009 ERUCES, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Acronym Definition PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standard RAM Random Access Memory RNG Random Number Generator ROM Read Only Memory RSA Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SO Shared Object SRP Secure Remote Password protocol TLS Transport Layer Security UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter USB Universal Serial Bus