McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client Version 4.1 (formerly SafeBoot Client Version 4.1) FIPS 140-1 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Level 1 Validation Revision 1.4, June 2008 McAfee, Inc. 3965 Freedom Circle Santa Clara, CA 95054, 888.847.8766 © 2008 McAfee, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 2 Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................3 1.1 PURPOSE ...........................................................................................................................................3 1.2 REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................................3 1.3 DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION .............................................................................................................3 2 MCAFEE ENDPOINT ENCRYPTION................................................................................................4 2.1 MCAFEE ENDPOINT ENCRYPTION FOR PCS CLIENT..........................................................................4 2.2 MODULE INTERFACES .......................................................................................................................5 2.3 ROLES AND SERVICES .......................................................................................................................6 2.4 PHYSICAL SECURITY.........................................................................................................................7 2.5 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT ..............................................................................................8 2.5.1 Key generation.............................................................................................................................8 2.5.2 Key entry and output....................................................................................................................8 2.5.3 Key storage ..................................................................................................................................8 2.5.4 Protection of key material............................................................................................................8 2.5.5 Zeroization of key material..........................................................................................................8 2.6 CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS ........................................................................................................9 2.7 SELF-TESTS ......................................................................................................................................9 2.7.1 Power-up self-tests.....................................................................................................................10 2.7.2 Conditional self-tests .................................................................................................................10 3 FIPS MODE...........................................................................................................................................10 3 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose This is the non-proprietary FIPS 140-1 security policy for the McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client product. This Security Policy details the secure operation of the McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client as required in Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-1 (FIPS 140-1) as published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of the United States Department of Commerce. Throughout this document the terms McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client refers to the cryptographic module while McAfee Endpoint Encryption refers to the family of products of which the McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client is one product. 1.2 References For more information on McAfee Endpoint Encryption please visit For more information on NIST and the cryptographic module validation program, please visit 1.3 Document Organization This Security Policy document is one part of the complete FIPS 140-1 Submission Package. In addition to this document, the complete Submission Package contains: ♦ Vendor Evidence Document ♦ Finite State Machine ♦ Source Code Listing ♦ Other supporting documentation as additional references This document outlines the functionality provided by the module and gives high-level details on the means by which the module satisfies FIPS 140-1 requirements. With the exception of this Non-Proprietary Security Policy, the FIPS 140-1 Submission Documentation may be McAfee, Inc. proprietary or otherwise controlled and releasable only under appropriate non-disclosure agreements. For access to these documents, please contact McAfee, Inc. 4 2 McAfee Endpoint Encryption McAfee Endpoint Encryption is a Personal Computer (PC) security system that prevents the data stored on a PC’s hard disk from being read or used by an unauthorized person. In simple terms, the McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client takes control of a user’s hard disk away from the operating system. McAfee Endpoint Encryption encrypts data written to the disk, and decrypts data read from the disk. If the hard disk drive is read directly, one would find only encrypted data, even in the Windows swap file and temporary file areas. McAfee Endpoint Encryption supports centralized management of McAfee Endpoint Encryption protected machines. McAfee Endpoint Encryption components include the McAfee Endpoint Encryption Administrator, McAfee Endpoint Encryption Server, McAfee Endpoint Encryption Object Database, McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client, McAfee Endpoint Encryption File Encryptor and McAfee Endpoint Encryption Connector Manager. Every time a McAfee Endpoint Encryption protected machine boots, and optionally every time the user initiates a dial-up connection or after a set period of time, McAfee Endpoint Encryption tries to contact its "Object DataBase". This is a central store of configuration information for both machines and users, and is managed by McAfee Endpoint Encryption Administrators. The Object DataBase could be on the users local hard disk (if the user is working completely stand-alone), or could be in some remote location and accessed over Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) via a secure McAfee Endpoint Encryption Server (in the case of a centrally managed enterprise). The McAfee Endpoint Encryption protected machine queries the Object Database for any updates to its configuration, and if needed downloads and applies them. Typical updates could be a new user assigned to the machine by an administrator, a change in password policy, or an upgrade to the McAfee Endpoint Encryption operating system or a new file specified by the administrator. At the same time McAfee Endpoint Encryption uploads details like the latest audit information, any user password changes, and security breaches to the Object DataBase. In this way, transparent synchronization of the enterprise becomes possible. McAfee Endpoint Encryption has the option of being configured in different ways. At installation, the McAfee Endpoint Encryption Administrator can specify how the hard disk can be encrypted by choosing one of three encryption modes: full, partial, or none. Full encryption mode encrypts an entire partition. Partial encryption mode encrypts only a portion of a partition or hard disk. None encryption mode leaves the partition in plaintext with no encryption. (Refer to section 3 for FIPS compliant configuration.) 2.1 McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client The McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client consists of a boot Operating System (OS) (the McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client OS), a Basic Input Output System (BIOS) hook, Windows drivers, a system tray application and a set of Windows Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs). These components comprise the validated module. McAfee Endpoint Encryption installs a mini-operating system on the users hard drive, this is what the user sees when they boot the PC. McAfee Endpoint Encryption looks and feels like Microsoft Windows, with mouse and keyboard support, moveable windows etc. The McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client OS is completely contained and does not need to access any other files or programs on the hard disk, and is responsible for allowing the user to authenticate. 5 Once the user has entered the correct authentication information, the McAfee Endpoint Encryption operating system starts a driver in memory and boots the protected machine’s original operating system. From this point on the machine will look and behave as if McAfee Endpoint Encryption was not installed. 2.2 Module Interfaces The McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client is classified as a multi-chip standalone module for FIPS 140-1 purposes. As such, the module includes a computer running an operating system (OS) and interfacing with the computer keyboard, mouse, screen, LAN ports, floppy drive, CD-ROM drive, speaker, disk drive, microphone inputs, serial ports, parallel ports, and power plug. McAfee Endpoint Encryption provides a logical interface via an Application Programming Interface (API) and a Graphical User Interface (GUI). This logical interface exposes services (described in section 2.3) that the User, the operating system and McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client applications may utilize directly. The logical interfaces provided by the McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client are mapped onto the FIPS 140-1 logical interfaces: data input, data output, control input, and status output as follows: • Data Input – Input to all driver functions • Data Output – Output from all driver functions • Control Input – Input from TCP/IP interface, IPC interface, GUI • Status Output – Return codes from driver functions, Show Status GUI option The Data Input and Data Output interfaces are the interfaces through which data is encrypted with the chosen algorithm (more information found in section 2.6) prior to being written to a disk and encrypted data is decrypted when read from a disk. The Control Input interface is the means by which the client is configured. All configuration information is applied via synchronization operations with the associated Object Database. Synchronization can be initiated by several means, including: TCP/IP connections to/from the management software, IPC (inter-process communications) functions and GUI options on the system tray application. The Status Output interface consists of text information displayed in a dialog box when the “Show Status” option is selected on the system tray application menu. 6 2.3 Roles and Services The McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client meets all FIPS 140-1 level 2 requirements for Roles and Services, implementing both a Crypto Officer role and a User role. The module performs identity-based authentication for User operators and role-based authentication for Crypto Officer operators. The following table summarizes the services available to each role. Role Purpose Services Crypto Officer Module configuration - Connect to module via an encrypted session to transmit control data User Usage of module functionality - Utilize hard disk encryption services - Initiate synchronization with management software - View status Table 1 Roles The following table lists each service and the corresponding role that can utilize the service: Service User Crypto Officer Synchronization X X Encryption/Decryption X X Show Status Functions X X Self-test Functions X X User/machine recovery requests X Change User Password X Configuration X File Updates X Manage McAfee Endpoint Encryption (Cryptographic & Key Management Functions) X Software Updates X User/machine recovery X Set User Attributes (passwords, access rights, etc.) X Change User Attributes X Create User Groups X Modify User Groups X Delete User Groups X Create Users X Modify Users X Delete Users X Table 2 Services 7 The User role is assumed when a McAfee Endpoint Encryption protected machine is booted and proper username and password is entered into the login prompt displayed by the boot McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client OS. Once authenticated, user specific information and key material are loaded from the SBFS (McAfee Endpoint Encryption File System) and the original operating system (with McAfee Endpoint Encryption drivers installed) is launched. The necessary key material and machine state information is loaded into the drivers and the transparent encryption/decryption of disk-based information begins. A system tray application, which may be configured to start automatically, may be used to view the status of the module or to initiate a synchronization operation. The Crypto Officer role may be assumed by establishing an authenticated encrypted session with the McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client for purposes of configuring the module. All communications between the management software and the client are encrypted using DES (with a session key generated using Diffie-Hellman key agreement). DSA is also used during the Diffie-Hellman key agreement to authenticate the server to prevent server spoofing. 2.4 Physical Security The McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client is a software module intended for use with the Microsoft Windows 95 SR2 operating system but will operate under Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 or Microsoft Windows 2000. For FIPS 140-1 purposes, the module was validated against Level-1 FIPS 140-1 physical security requirements when running on a standard Intel-compatible personal computer with the Windows 95 SR2 operating system. This platform meets all Level-1 FIPS 140-1 physical security requirements, providing a multi-chip standalone module with production grade equipment, standard passivation, and a strong enclosure. Although the McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client consists entirely of software, the FIPS 140-1 validated platform is a standard PC which has been tested for and meets applicable Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements for business use as defined in Subpart B of FCC Part 15. 8 2.5 Cryptographic Key Management The module uses a variety of keys, including: hard disk encryption key, user encryption keys, session keys, recovery keys, database key (when used with a local Object Database only), integrity check keys and server public key. The following table lists all keys. Currently, AES is the only approved encryption algorithm in the McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client product and all encryption keys are AES keys. The server public key is a DSA key. Key type Purpose Hard disk encryption key To encrypt hard disk contents; to authenticate client to the Object Database; to encrypt database key (when local Object Database is used) User encryption keys To encrypt secure user attributes Server public key To authenticate the Crypto Officer communications Machine recovery key Encryption key used to recover the hard disk User recovery keys To recover user encryption keys Database key Used only with local Object Database to protect certain attributes Integrity check key Used to perform module integrity check Session keys To encrypt traffic between client and remote server Diffie-Hellman Keys Used to establish session keys Table 3 Keys used by McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client 2.5.1 Key generation The McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client generates symmetric key material using a FIPS 186-2 Appendix 3.3 compliant pseudo-random number generator. 2.5.2 Key entry and output All key material, excluding recovery key information, is entered and output from the module in encrypted form. Recovery key information can be entered manually in plaintext form, electronically in plaintext form or electronically in plaintext form. When entered manually, correct key entry is verified using a checksum. 2.5.3 Key storage Key material is stored in the McAfee Endpoint Encryption File System (SBFS). All key material is encrypted using a FIPS-approved algorithm prior to storage. All sectors of the SBFS feature a checksum to guard against modification. 2.5.4 Protection of key material The McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client securely manages key material for the lifetime of the key. All key material is encrypted with AES prior to storage in the SBFS and prior to export. 2.5.5 Zeroization of key material All key material mentioned in table 3 above (the complete list of unprotected CSPs), associated with a machine is zeroized when the McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client is uninstalled. All user encryption key material associated with users is zeroized when the user is deleted. 9 2.6 Cryptographic Algorithms The McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client supports the following algorithms: • FIPS-approved algorithms: AES, DSA, and SHA-1. • Non FIPS-approved algorithms: Diffie-Hellman 2.7 Self-Tests The McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client implements both power-up and conditional self tests as required by FIPS 140-1. The following two sections outline the tests that are performed. 10 2.7.1 Power-up self-tests The following power-up self-tests performed by the module: SHA-1 known answer test DSA pair-wise consistency test AES known answer test Critical Functions (Configuration file signature verification test) Software Firmware load test (Signature verification) Each of these tests are executed when the computer is turned on and the module first executes. If any of these tests fail, the module will not load. The module must be reset to re-execute these tests. 2.7.2 Conditional self-tests There are two conditional tests that are run by the module. A continuous random number generator test is run every time the module requests a random number. Failure of this test may result in keys not being generated and an appropriate error message will be given. A test is also done when a software update occurs. All files are digitally signed and this signature is checked prior to any update of the software. There is also a manual key entry test that verifies correct entry of the user recovery keys and machine recovery key. More information on this test can be found in chapter 18 of the Administrator’s Guide. 3 FIPS Mode The following two criteria must be met to operate the McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client product in a FIPS approved mode: 1. The McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client must be installed using a FIPS approved algorithm. You can check which algorithms are certified by looking in the file changes.html” in the root of the install CD, or by checking NIST’s web site. The AES crypto algorithm is certified for use in FIPS 140-1 implementations. The validated version of the McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client presents AES the only option for the encryption algorithm. 2. All data and operating system partitions on the machines where the McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client has been installed MUST be fully encrypted. You can check the conformance to this issue by viewing the McAfee Endpoint Encryption for PCs Client status window – if any drives are highlighted in red then they are not fully encrypted.