Fortress Secure Client Version 4.1.1 Security Policy Version 1.3 March 2009 Prepared by the Fortress Technologies, Inc., Government Technology Group 4023 Tampa Rd. Suite 2000. Oldsmar, FL 34677 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies, Inc., 4023Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy ii Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 References 1 3.0 Document Organization 1 4.0 Security Rules 2 4.1 Introduction 2 4.2 Cryptographic Module 2 4.3 Module Interfaces 3 4.4 Roles and Services 5 4.4.1 Crypto Officer Role Services 5 4.4.2 User Role Services 6 4.5 Cryptographic Key Management 8 4.6 Cryptographic Algorithms 15 4.7 Mitigation of Other Attacks 16 5.0 Secure Operation of the Fortress Secure Client 17 5.1 System Requirements 17 5.2 Installing the Module 17 5.3 Configuring Modes of Operation 17 5.4 Powering-Up and Operating the Module 19 5.5 Power-Up and Conditional Test 19 5.6 Identifying FIPS-Relevant Failures 24 5.7 Performing Zeroization 28 5.8 CAC Suport 28 6.0 Contacting Fortress 29 6.1 Installation 29 6.2 Support and Service 29 Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy iii Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. List of Figures Figure 1: Cryptographic module components and interfaces ..............4 List of Tables Table 1: Crypto Officer Role services 5 Table 2: User Role services 7 Table 3: Keys and CSPs: Non-Protocol 8 Table 4: Fortress Technologies Approved PRNG’s: Keys and CSPs: PRNG 9 Table 5: Fortress Technologies Non-Approved PRNG’s: Keys and CSPs: PRNG 9 Table 6: Windows OS: Non-Approved PRNG’s: Keys and CSPs: PRNG 9 Table 7: Keys and CSPs: MSP Static Key Exchange 10 Table 8: Keys and CSPs: MSP Dynamic Key Exchanges’ 11 Table 9: Keys and CSPs: MSP Encrypted Unicast Traffic Data Exchange 12 Table 10: Keys and CSPs: MSP Group Key Exchange 13 Table 11: Keys and CSPs: MSP Encrypted Multicast/Broadcast Traffic Data Exchange 14 Table 12: Algorithms supported 15 Table 13: System requirements 17 Table 14: Power-Up Self Test 20 Table 15: Conditional Self Test 23 Table 16: FIPS-relevant audit records 25 Table 17: FIPS-relevant audit record error codes 26 Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy iv Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. This page is intentionally blank Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 1 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 1.0 Introduction This is a non-proprietary Fortress Secure Client security policy. This security policy defines all security rules the Fortress Secure Client version 4.1.1 (also referred to throughout the Security Policy as “Module”) must operate under and enforce. The Module complies with all FIPS 140-2 level 1 requirements. 2.0 References • Secure Client 4.1 User Guide • Fortress FC-X (X=250, 500 or 1000) • Fortress Gateway User Guide for the AirFortress 7500 or 2100. • Fortress MAPS User Guide • Fortress ES-520 User Guide • Compatible Radius vendors’ User Guides o See Fortress Secure Client User Guide for compatible Radius vendors • Compatible Smart Card vendors’ User Guides o See Fortress Secure Client User Guide for compatible Smart Card vendors 3.0 Document Organization This document is the FIPS 140-2 Security Policy is for the Fortress Secure Client version 4.1.1. Section 1.0 is a brief introduction of the module. Section 2 will call out the references needed to understand the module. Section 3.0 (this section) will summarize the document organization. Section 4.0 will describe the security rules under which this cryptographic module will operate. This includes a definition of the Module, its components, roles and services, key management and algorithms. Section 5.0 will detail the secure operation of the Module. And finally Section 6.0 will explain installation issues and how to contact Fortress if necessary. Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 2 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 4.0 Security Rules 4.1 Introduction The Fortress Secure Client is a cryptographic software application that operates as a multi-chip standalone cryptographic module. The cryptographic boundary of the module is the applicable drivers and compiled application executable. The physical boundary is the hardware platform, such as a typical PC, on which the module is installed. The module identifies network devices and encrypts and decrypts traffic transmitted to and from those devices. The module operates as an electronic encryption application designed to prevent unauthorized access to data transferred across a wireless network. The module encrypts and decrypts traffic transmitted over the network to protect data passing to and from the module on the wireless network. The module operates at the datalink layer of the OSI model, and is installed as an application and intermediate driver; the cryptographic processing is implemented without human intervention to prevent any chance of human error. 4.2 Cryptographic Module The module provides datalink layer (OSI Layer 2) security. To accomplish this, it was designed with the features described in the following sections. The following security design concepts guide the development of the module: 1. Use strong, proven encryption solutions such as; Triple-DES and AES. 2. Protects data at or below the level of the vulnerable TCP/IP layer 3 IP information. 3. Minimize the human intervention used to configure the module to implement secure connections. This will help to prevent human error and to ease the use and management of the module. 4. Secure all points where a LAN, WLAN, or WAN can be accessed by using a unique company Access ID, defined by the customer, to identify authorized devices as belonging to the protected wireless network The Mobile Security Protocol (MSP) architecture of the cryptographic engine ensures that cryptographic processing is secure on a wireless network and automates most security operations to prevent any chance of human error. Because MSP operates at the datalink layer, header information is less likely to be intercepted. In addition to applying standard strong encryption algorithms, MSP also compresses data, disguising the length of the data to prevent Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 3 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. analytical attacks and yielding a significant performance gain on network throughput. The module requires no special configuration to operate once correctly installed. Cryptographic Officers are, however, encouraged to change certain security settings, such as the Access ID for the device, to ensure that each customer has unique parameters that must be met for access. The module allows role-based access to user interfaces for access to the appropriate set of management and status monitoring tools. 4.3 Module Interfaces The module provides logical interfaces for input and output; it does not support separate ports for cryptographic key management or data authentication. Inbound and outbound traffic is received through the communication port of the hardware device on which the Client is installed. The information is processed by the driver then sent to the packet capture component, which identifies packets as incoming or outgoing and encrypts or decrypts the packets accordingly. This interface interacts with third-party applications installed on the computer that receives packets and with the device communication port (NIC, RJ-45 port, serial port, or other option). The module uses logical controls to handle the information flow of communication, which passes all communication into and out of the module. When in FIPS Mode, data is transmitted to the network as ciphertext, unless a trusted device or feature requiring clear text is configured. The module does not allow plaintext transmission of cryptographic keys, or critical security parameters across a LAN or WLAN. The module does not require physically separate entry and exit ports. The device communications port serves as both a data entry and exit port for secured network communications, as the data streams are bi-directional and conform to the real-time information exchange over the network. Figure 1 shows the cryptographic boundary for the module. The boundary will include FIPS relevant modules and non-FIPS relevant modules including Windows modules.1 1 The following modules are excluded from the cryptographic boundary: FTIGINA2.DLL, FSNOTIFY.DLL, FTISERVICE.EXE, MSPYMINI.SYS and FSVPNDRVR.SYS plus all Windows components. Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 4 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Figure 1: Cryptographic module components and interfaces Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 5 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 4.4 Roles and Services There are no unauthenticated services. There is a Crypto Officer role and a User role. 4.4.1 Crypto Officer Role Services Crypto Officers are authenticated by the operating system, not by the module. The Crypto Officer is the Windows Administrator. The module checks to see that the user is the Windows Administrator before allowing access to the sections of the Graphically User Interface (GUI) that configure the cryptographic module. In general the Crypto Officer can configure profiles, endpoints and other options. Crypto Officer Services are shown in Table 1. Table 1: Crypto Officer Role services Service Description Input Output Key/CSP Perform Power-up Self-tests Initiates the power-up self-tests of the module, which are run when the GPC is powered-on None Status of command None Global settings update2 Update information that is used in presentation of the GUI Commands and configuration data Status of commands and configuration data None Profiles update3 Update End Point connection information. Commands and configuration data Status of commands and configuration data None Endpoints update4 Update End Point connection organization information and End Point power-up connection state 5 Commands and configuration data Status of commands and configuration data Access ID (write) 2 Secure Client Interfaces to update Global settings include saving the Profile that should be loaded on power-up, the last Profile ID created, the last End Point ID created, the Device ID to be used for all Endpoints, as well as the interfaces described in section “Secure Client Options” of the Secure Client User Guide. 3 Secure Client Interfaces to configure Profiles can be found in section “Profiles” of the Secure Client User Guide. 4 Secure Client Interfaces to configure Endpoints can be found in section “Endpoints” of the Secure Client User Guide. 5 May contain 0 or 1 MSP Endpoints, or 0, 1, or 2 rMSP Endpoints. Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 6 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 4.4.2 User Role Services Users are authenticated by the use of the Access ID. Both sides must have the same Access ID in order for a secure connection to be made. The Access ID can only be configured by the Crypto Officer. The User can pick a profile, perform diagnostics or can exit the FIPS mode by turning off all encryption. User Services included are shown in Table 2. Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 7 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Table 2: User Role services Service Description Input Output Key/CSP Fortress (non- module) User Authentication6 Prompts operator for Fortress User Authentication information according to Gateway MSP configuration. Fortress User Authentication Credentials Status of commands None Select Profile7 Set Crypto Officer-configured Profile to use Commands Status of commands None Establish MSP connection8 Initiate MSP connection (perform initial key exchanges at OSI layer 2) Commands, Static Key Exchange parameters, Dynamic Key Exchange parameters, MSP inputs and data Status of commands and MSP connection information, MSP outputs and data The following keys/CSPs are used/generated as a result of executing this service: Access ID, Device ID, Hardkey, DH Static public and private keys, Static Secret Encryption Key, DH Dynamic public and private keys, Dynamic Secret Encryption Key Establish rMSP connection9 Initiate rMSP connection (perform initial key exchanges at OSI layer 3) Commands, Static Key Exchange parameters, Dynamic Key Exchange parameters, MSP and rMSP inputs and data Status of commands and MSP and rMSP connection information, MSP and rMSP outputs and data The following keys/CSPs are used/generated as a result of executing this service: Access ID, Device ID, Hardkey, DH Static public and private keys, Static Secret Encryption Key, DH Dynamic public and private keys, Dynamic Secret Encryption Key Winsock API (indirect interface to MSP) Perform re-key exchanges at OSI layer 2, and encrypt and decrypt packets at layer 2. Refresh Dynamic Key Exchange parameters, Encrypted Data Exchange parameters, MSP inputs and data MSP outputs and data The following keys/CSPs are used/generated as a result of executing this service: Static Secret Encryption Key, DH Dynamic public and private keys, Dynamic Secret Encryption Key Winsock API (indirect interface to rMSP) Perform re-key exchanges at OSI layer 3, and encrypt and decrypt packets at layer 2. Refresh Dynamic Key Exchange parameters, Encrypted Data Exchange parameters, MSP and rMSP inputs and data MSP and rMSP outputs and data The following keys/CSPs are used/generated as a result of executing this service: Static Secret Encryption Key, DH Dynamic public and private keys, Dynamic Secret Encryption Key Secure Client Monitoring10 View connection information and perform diagnostic tests. Commands Status of commands and MSP and rMSP connection information None 6 If the module’s Fortress GINA (Graphical Identification and Authentication library which is a component of the Microsoft Windows operating systems that provides secure authentication and interactive logon services) component has been installed, a pass-thru GINA works together with the Windows logon dialogs to authenticate Users to Gateways (not the module). If the module’s Fortress GINA component has not been installed, the module displays only its own dialogs to authenticate Users to Gateways (not the module). 7 Secure Client Interfaces to change profiles can be found in section “Switching Profiles” of the Secure Client User Guide. 8 Secure Client Interfaces to initiate MSP connections can be found in section “Connecting to Secure Networks” of the Secure Client User Guide. 9 Secure Client Interfaces to initiate rMSP connections can also be found in section “Connecting to Secure Networks” of the Secure Client User Guide. 10 Secure Client Interfaces to view MSP and rMSP connection information can be found in section “Monitoring the Secure Client Driver” of the Secure Client User Guide. Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 8 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 4.5 Cryptographic Key Management There are keys and CSPs that are not associated with any protocols. There are also keys and CSPs associated with the Fortress Secure Client’s PRNG and MSP protocol. Client keys and CSPs are identified and described in the tables below. Table 3: Keys and CSPs: Non-Protocol Key/CSP Type Generation/ Input Output Storage Zeroization Use Access ID 16- or 32 hex character string (only use 32 characters in FIPS mode) Input plaintext (using GUI)11 Not output Plaintext on disk Not actively zeroized by the module. Formatting of HD is method for zeroization Used as input to derive the Hardkey (a.k.a. Module Secret Key). Device ID 32 hex character string Not input (generated using PRNG during module installation) Not output Plaintext on disk Not actively zeroized by the module. Formatting of HD is method for zeroization The Device ID (along with the MAC address) are used to identify the module (but not the operator) to controllers as part of the MSP protocol. Machine Hardkey HMAC key Not input (derived using the Fortress- proprietary non- FIPS hardkey generation method) Not output Plaintext on disk Not actively zeroized by the module. Formatting of HD is method for zeroization Used as HMAC key to compute the HMAC-SHA- 256-based software integrity value used in the power-up self-test 11 It is recommended that the Access ID be a randomly generated value to increase security, since this would reduce the risk of repeating patterns being used for different Access IDs. Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 9 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Table 4: Fortress Technologies Approved PRNG’s: Keys and CSPs: PRNG Fortress Technologies Approved PRNG’s Algorithm Type Seed Uses X9.31 Triple- DES 2 Key Fortuna12 Generation of Diffie-Hellman components X9.31 Triple- DES 2 Key NFRandom13 Used as an event source for Fortuna. Table 5: Fortress Technologies Non-Approved PRNG’s: Keys and CSPs: PRNG Fortress Technologies Non-Approved PRNG’s Algorithm Type Seed Uses NFRandom 32 bit Time Inside Fortuna to pick a pool and to seed the X9.31 that is used as an event source for Fortuna. Fortuna 32 bit OS PRNG and X9.31 Used to seed the X9.31 when it is used for building keys. Table 6: Windows OS: Non-Approved PRNG’s: Keys and CSPs: PRNG Window Operating System Non-Approved PRNG’s Algorithm Type Uses FIPS.SYS 64 bit Used as an event source for Fortuna on Windows 2000 and Windows XP Crypto API 64 bit Used as an event source for Fortuna on Windows Vista 12 Fortuna is an implementation of a cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) devised by Bruce Schneier and Niels Ferguson named the Fortuna after the Roman goddess of chance. From Practical Cryptography (ISBN: 0-471-22357-3) 13 NFRandom is the "minimal standard random" routine by Stephen K. Park and Keith W. Miller, in "Random number generators: good ones are hard to find", in the Oct 1988 CACM (v.31, no.10). Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 10 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Table 7: Keys and CSPs: MSP Static Key Exchange Key/CSP Type Generation/ Input Output Storage Zeroization Use Hardkey (a.k.a. Module Secret Key AES CBC (e/d; 128, 192, 256) Triple-DES TCBC (e/d; KO 2) However, it is considered a CSP and not a key. Not input (derived from the Access ID using the Fortress- proprietary non- FIPS hardkey generation method) Not generated using an Approved method. Not output Plaintext in RAM Not actively zeroized by the module. Passively zeroized when power cycles. Used to support the correct operation of the first key exchange (called the Static Key Exchange) of the MSP protocol. Static key exchange – DH Static private key DH (512, 768, 1024, 1536, 2048) private key DH ECC (256, 384) private key Not input (generated using PRNG) Not output Plaintext in RAM Zeroized when a new MSP/rMSP policy (configuration) is loaded. Also zeroized when power cycles. Used as part of the first key exchange (called the Static Key Exchange) of the MSP protocol to establish the Static Secret Encryption Key. Static key exchange – DH Static public key DH (512, 768, 1024, 1536, 2048) private key DH ECC (256, 384) private key Not input. The value is calculated from the private key value using the DH equation. Output plaintext (during the first key exchange (called the Static Key Exchange) of the MSP protocol) Plaintext in RAM Zeroized when a new MSP/rMSP policy (configuration) is loaded. Also zeroized when power cycles. Used as part of the first key exchange (called the Static Key Exchange) of the MSP protocol to establish the Static Secret Encryption Key. Static key exchange – Static Secret Encryption Key AES CBC (e/d; 128, 192, 256) Triple-DES TCBC (e/d; KO 2) Not input. Derived using the result of an SP800-56A KDF based on the DH shared secret Not output Plaintext in RAM Zeroized when a new MSP/rMSP policy (configuration) is loaded. Also zeroized when power cycles. Used to encrypt the second key exchange (called the Dynamic Key Exchange) and subsequent key exchanges (called Refresh Dynamic Key Exchanges) of the MSP protocol. Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 11 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Table 8: Keys and CSPs: MSP Dynamic Key Exchanges’ Key/CSP Type Generation/ Input Output Storage Zeroization Use Static key exchange – Static Secret Encryption Key See table 7. See table 7. See table 7. See table 7. See table 7. See table 7. Dynamic key exchange – DH Dynamic private key DH (512, 768, 1024, 1536, 2048) private key DH ECC (256, 384) private key Not input (generated using PRNG) Not output Plaintext in RAM Zeroized when a new MSP/rMSP policy (configuration) is loaded. Also zeroized when a Refresh Dynamic Key Exchange occurs Also zeroized when power cycles. Used during the second key exchange (called the Dynamic Key Exchange, or Refresh Dynamic Key Exchange) of the MSP protocol to establish the Dynamic Secret Encryption Key. Dynamic key exchange – DH Dynamic public key DH (512, 768, 1024, 1536, 2048) private key DH ECC (256, 384) private key Not input. The value is calculated from the private key value using the DH equation. Output encrypted (using the Static Secret Encryption Key during the second key exchange (called the Dynamic Key Exchange) of the MSP protocol) Plaintext in RAM Zeroized when a new MSP/rMSP policy (configuration) is loaded. Also zeroized when a Refresh Dynamic Key Exchange occurs Also zeroized when power cycles. Used during the second key exchange (called the Dynamic Key Exchange, or Refresh Dynamic Key Exchange) of the MSP protocol to establish the Dynamic Secret Encryption Key. Dynamic key exchange – Dynamic Secret Encryption Key AES CBC (e/d; 128, 192, 256) Triple-DES TCBC (e/d; KO 2) Not input. Derived using the result of an SP800-56A KDF based on the DH shared secret Not output Plaintext in RAM Zeroized when a new MSP/rMSP policy (configuration) is loaded. Also zeroized when power cycles. Used to encrypt/decrypt unicast traffic at layer 2 during the protected data exchange (called the Encrypted Data Exchange) of the MSP protocol. Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 12 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Table 9: Keys and CSPs: MSP Encrypted Unicast Traffic Data Exchange Key/CSP Type Generation/ Input Output Storage Zeroization Use Dynamic key exchange – Dynamic Secret Encryption Key See table 8. See table 8. See table 8. See table 8. See table 8. See table 8. Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 13 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Table 10: Keys and CSPs: MSP Group Key Exchange Key/CSP Type Generation/ Input Output Storage Zeroization Use Group Static Common Key AES CBC (e/d; 128, 192, 256) Triple-DES TCBC (e/d; KO 2) However, it is considered a CSP and not a key. Not input (derived from the Access ID using the Fortress- proprietary non- FIPS hardkey generation method) Not output Plaintext in RAM Not actively zeroized by the module. Power cycling is method for zeroization. Used to support the correct operation of sending/receiving multicast/broadcast traffic as part of the MSP protocol. Group Dynamic Private Key DH (512, 768, 1024, 1536, 2048) private key DH ECC (256, 384) private key Not input (generated using PRNG) However, PRNG is seeded using the Access ID, not the RNG. Not output Plaintext in RAM Not actively zeroized by the module. Power cycling is method for zeroization. Used during the Group Key Exchange of the MSP protocol to establish the Group Dynamic Common Key. Group Dynamic Public Key DH (512, 768, 1024, 1536, 2048) private key DH ECC (256, 384) private key Not input The value is calculated from the private key value using the DH equation. Output plaintext (during the Group Key Exchange of the MSP protocol) Plaintext in RAM Not actively zeroized by the module. Power cycling is method for zeroization. Used during the Group Key Exchange of the MSP protocol to establish the Group Dynamic Common Key. Group Dynamic Common Key AES CBC (e/d; 128, 192, 256) Triple-DES TCBC (e/d; KO 2) Not input Derived using the result of an SP800- 56A KDF based on the DH shared secret Not output Plaintext in RAM Zeroized when a new MSP/rMSP policy (configuration) is loaded. Also zeroized when power cycles. Used to encrypt/decrypt multicast/broadcast traffic at layer 2 after the module determines it has the correct Group Dynamic Public Key. Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 14 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Table 11: Keys and CSPs: MSP Encrypted Multicast/Broadcast Traffic Data Exchange Key/CSP Type Generation/ Input Output Storage Zeroization Use Group Static Common Key See MSP Group Key Exchange Keys and CSPs description See table 10. See table 10. See table 10. See table 10. See table 10. Group Dynamic Common Key See MSP Group Key Exchange Keys and CSPs description See table 10. See table 10. See table 10. See table 10. See table 10. Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 15 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 4.6 Cryptographic Algorithms The Client implements the following cryptographic algorithms: Table 12: Algorithms supported Algorithm Supported Certificate Number FIPS Approved? Allowed in FIPS mode? AES CBC(e/d; 128,192,256) 975 Yes Yes HMAC-SHA-1 Key Size Ranges Tested: KS=BS 547 Yes Yes HMAC-SHA-256 Key Size Ranges Tested: KS=BS 547 Yes Yes HMAC-SHA-384 Key Size Ranges Tested: KS=BS 547 Yes Yes HMAC-SHA-512 Key Size Ranges Tested: KS=BS 547 Yes Yes ANSI X9.31 Triple-DES- 2Key 552 Yes Yes SHA-1 BYTE-only 944 Yes Yes SHA-256 BYTE-only 944 Yes Yes SHA-384 BYTE-only 944 Yes Yes SHA-512 BYTE-only 944 Yes Yes Triple-DES TCBC(e/d; KO 2) and ECB(e/d; KO 2) 768 Yes Yes DES N/A No No Diffie-Hellman (key agreement; key establishment methodology provides between 80 and 112 bits of encryption strength; non-compliant less than 80 bits of encryption strength) N/A No Yes EC Diffie-Hellman (key agreement; key establishment methodology provides 128 or 192 bits of encryption strength) N/A No Yes MD5 N/A No No RSA (non-compliant) N/A No No Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 16 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 4.7 Mitigation of Other Attacks The Fortress Secure Client is designed to mitigate several specific attacks: Man-in-the-middle (before encrypted data exchanges are performed) MSP (and rMSP by virtue of its encapsulation of MSP messages) performs two separate Diffie-Hellman key exchanges by default, providing defense against man-in-the-middle attacks. Diffie-Hellman key exchanges are performed before the module begins encrypting/decrypting packets. Man-in-the-middle (after encrypted data exchanges have been performed) MSP (and rMSP by virtue of its encapsulation of MSP messages) performs additional Diffie-Hellman key exchanges at Crypto Officer- configured intervals and at Controller-configured intervals, providing further defense against man-in-the-middle attacks. Diffie-Hellman key exchanges are performed after a MSP (or rMSP) connection has been established, after the module has been encrypting/decrypting packets, when either the module initiates a Diffie-Hellman key exchange at a configured interval, or when the Controller does the same. Denial-of-service MSP (and rMSP by virtue of its encapsulation of MSP messages) encrypts packet IP headers by default (the IP address in the rMSP UDP message is of the rMSP endpoint), providing a defense against denial of service attacks. IP headers are encrypted before the module sends the packets. Network eavesdropping MSP (and rMSP by virtue of its encapsulation of MSP messages) encrypts packets at the data link layer (OSI layer 2), providing defense against network eavesdropping. Packets are encrypted at layer 2 inside MSP messages before the module sends the packets. Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 17 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 5.0 Secure Operation of the Fortress Secure Client 5.1 System Requirements The Client must be installed and configured on an allowed Windows operating system. Windows must be configured to operate in Single- User Mode. System requirements are listed in the table below. Table 13: System requirements Component Version Windows operating system versions that testing was performed on Windows 2000 Professional SP 4 Windows XP Professional SP 2 Windows 2003 Server SP2 Windows Vista Ultimate Edition (32-bit) Fortress Secure Clients (in peer-to-peer configuration) Fortress Secure Clients version 4.1.1 Fortress Gateway See the FC-X (shown below) or other Fortress gateway users guide for information about compatible Fortress Secure Client versions. Module Configuration Maximum Active Devices FC-250 500 FC-500 1000 FC-1500 3300 Fortress Management Access Controller (MAPS) See the MAPS User Guide for information about compatible Fortress Secure Client versions. Fortress Bridge See the ES-520 user’s guide for information about compatible Fortress Secure Client versions. RADIUS servers (in EAP configurations) See Fortress Secure Client User Guide for compatible vendors Smart cards See Fortress Secure Client User Guide for compatible vendors 5.2 Installing the Module The module should be installed according to installation section of the Fortress Secure Client User Guide. 5.3 Configuring Modes of Operation The module supports several modes of operation, including Approved modes of operation for which only Approved algorithms shall be used/selected. There is a status output indicator on the “Status” tab called “FIPS mode” of the Fortress Secure Client GUI that indicates whether or not the Client is operating in an Approved mode. Additional modes of operation, including bypass modes, can be determined by Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 18 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. any operator of the module using additional tabs of the GUI to examine Client settings. The following are the modes of operation that the Fortress Secure Client supports: • Mode 1. MSP/rMSP Approved encrypting mode: o Both LAN and/or WLAN traffic is encrypted using Approved algorithms and settings described below. o No 802.1X traffic is allowed. o No trusted devices have been configured. • Mode 2. Exclusive bypass mode: o Neither LAN nor WLAN traffic is encrypted. • Mode 3. Alternating bypass mode: o LAN traffic is encrypted using Approved algorithms and settings described below but WLAN traffic is not (or vice versa), and/or o 802.1x traffic and/or trusted devices have been configured. The Approved modes of operation consist of allowed combinations of module configuration settings as follows: Mode 1. MSP/rMSP Approved encrypting mode configuration requirements: • On the “Endpoints” tab, the “All cards” option is set on the “Basic options” subtab. • On the “Endpoints” tab, neither “Trusted device IP addresses” nor “802.1x traffic” options are set on the “Advanced options” subtab. The “FIPS mode" indicator on the “Status” tab will read FIPS “Enabled” and the “All cards” option is set on the “Basic options” tab when the Client is operating in Mode 1 Mode 2. Exclusive bypass mode configuration configuration requirements: • On the “Status” tab, the “No Encryption” profile is selected. The “FIPS mode" indicator on the “Status” tab will read “Bypass” and the “Current profile” indicator on the “Status” tab will read “No Encryption” when the Client is operating in Mode 2. Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 19 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Mode 3. Alternating bypass mode configuration requirements: • On the “Endpoints” tab, the “All cards” option is not set on the “Basic options” subtab and there is both a LAN and WLAN card installed and/or • On the “Endpoints” tab, either “Trusted device IP addresses” or “802.1x traffic” options are set on the “Advanced options” subtab The “FIPS mode" indicator on the “Status” tab will read “Bypass” when the Client is operating in Mode 3. 5.4 Powering-Up and Operating the Module The Client operates at the datalink layer of the OSI model, and is installed as an application and intermediate driver; the cryptographic processing is implemented without human intervention to prevent any chance of human error. See the Fortress User Guide for information about how to perform module services in general. 5.5 Power-Up and Conditional Test The following tables will detail each of the self tests that is run by the Secure Client. Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 20 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Table 14: Power-Up Self Test Power-Up Self Tests Test Description Error Conditions Conditions to Exit File Integrity Self Tests During installation the packet driver binary, “fsvpndrvr.sys is loaded into memory and a SHA-256 Hmac is done using the Machine Hard Key. The resulting value is stored in the configuration database. Then when the Fortress Secure Client packet driver is loaded after powerup, the binary is again loaded into memory and another SHA-1 hmac is taken using the Machine Hard Key. If the results don’t match, the test fails and the error description is logged in the Windows Event Log and is displayed as an error in the Client GUI. If the test fails the network interfaces are forced into a blocked state and a error message is written to the Windows log and is displayed as an error in the Client GUI. Log in as Windows administrator and clear FIPS error by clicking Reset FIPS button. The "Reset FIPS state" button appears beneath the error message on the "Status" tab for Cryptographic Officer only (only the error message is displayed for Users).then reboot device. If device passes all FIPS test the module will operate normally. If the Crypto Officer want to rerun the Power On Self Test he can click the "Reset FIPS state" button or the User must reboots the secure client Triple-DES Self Test A known input is injected into the Triple-DES engines and results are checked against a known answer. If the results don’t match the known answers, the test fails and the error description is logged in the Windows Event Log and is displayed as an error in the Client GUI. If the test fails the network interfaces are forced into a blocked state and an audit record is generated. Log in as Windows administrator and clear FIPS error by clicking Reset FIPS button. The "Reset FIPS state" button appears beneath the error message on the "Status" tab for Cryptographic Officer only (only the error message is displayed for Users).then reboot device. If device passes all FIPS test the module will operate normally. If the Crypto Officer want to rerun the Power On Self Test he can click the "Reset FIPS state" button or the User must reboots the secure client AES (256 bit key) CBC Self Test A known input is injected into the AES engines and results are checked against a known answers. If the results don’t match the known answers, the test fails and the error description is logged in the Windows Event Log and is displayed as an error in the Client GUI. If the test fails the network interfaces are forced into a blocked state. Log in as Windows administrator and clear FIPS error by clicking Reset FIPS button. The "Reset FIPS state" button appears beneath the error message on the "Status" tab for Cryptographic Officer only (only the error message is displayed for Users).then reboot device. If device passes all FIPS test the module will operate normally. If the Crypto Officer want to rerun the Power On Self Test he can click the "Reset FIPS state" button or the User must reboots the secure client HMAC-MD5 Self Test A known input is injected into the HMAC-MD5 engines and results are checked against a known answers. If the results don’t match the known answers, the test fails and the error description is logged in the Windows Event Log and is displayed as an error in the Client GUI. If the test fails the network interfaces are forced into a blocked state. Log in as Windows administrator and clear FIPS error by clicking Reset FIPS button. The "Reset FIPS state" button appears beneath the error message on the "Status" tab for Cryptographic Officer only (only the error message is displayed for Users).then reboot device. If device Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 21 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Power-Up Self Tests Test Description Error Conditions Conditions to Exit passes all FIPS test the module will operate normally. If the Crypto Officer want to rerun the Power On Self Test he can click the "Reset FIPS state" button or the User must reboots the secure client HMAC-SHA-1 Self Test A known input is injected into the HMAC-SHA-1 engines and results are checked against a known answers. If the results don’t match the known answers, the test fails and the error description is logged in the Windows Event Log and is displayed as an error in the Client GUI. If the test fails the network interfaces are forced into a blocked state. The module needs to be uninstalled and then reinstalled before the network is serviceable again. Log in as Windows administrator and clear FIPS error by clicking Reset FIPS button. The "Reset FIPS state" button appears beneath the error message on the "Status" tab for Cryptographic Officer only (only the error message is displayed for Users).then reboot device. If device passes all FIPS test the module will operate normally. If the Crypto Officer want to rerun the Power On Self Test he can click the "Reset FIPS state" button or the User must reboots the secure client HMAC-SHA-256 Self Test A known input is injected into the HMAC-SHA-256 engines and results are checked against a known answers. If the results don’t match the known answers, the test fails and the error description is logged in the Windows Event Log and is displayed as an error in the Client GUI. If the test fails the network interfaces are forced into a blocked state. The module needs to be uninstalled and then reinstalled before the network is serviceable again. Log in as Windows administrator and clear FIPS error by clicking Reset FIPS button. The "Reset FIPS state" button appears beneath the error message on the "Status" tab for Cryptographic Officer only (only the error message is displayed for Users).then reboot device. If device passes all FIPS test the module will operate normally. If the Crypto Officer want to rerun the Power On Self Test he can click the "Reset FIPS state" button or the User must reboots the secure client HMAC-SHA-384 Self Test A known input is injected into the HMAC-SHA-384 engines and results are checked against a known answers. If the results don’t match the known answers, the test fails and the error description is logged in the Windows Event Log. If the test fails the network interfaces are forced into a blocked state. The module needs to be uninstalled and then reinstalled before the network is serviceable again. Log in as Windows administrator and clear FIPS error by clicking Reset FIPS button. The "Reset FIPS state" button appears beneath the error message on the "Status" tab for Cryptographic Officer only (only the error message is displayed for Users).then reboot device. If device passes all FIPS test the module will operate normally. If the Crypto Officer want to rerun the Power On Self Test he can click the "Reset FIPS state" button or the User must reboots the secure client HMAC-SHA-512 Self Test A known input is injected into the HMAC-SHA-512 engines and results are checked against a known answers. If the results don’t match the known answers, the test fails If the test fails the network interfaces are forced into a blocked state. The module needs to be uninstalled and then reinstalled before the network is serviceable Log in as Windows administrator and clear FIPS error by clicking Reset FIPS button. The "Reset FIPS state" button appears beneath the error message on the "Status" Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 22 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Power-Up Self Tests Test Description Error Conditions Conditions to Exit and the error description is logged in the Windows Event Log. again. tab for Cryptographic Officer only (only the error message is displayed for Users).then reboot device. If device passes all FIPS test the module will operate normally. If the Crypto Officer want to rerun the Power On Self Test he can click the "Reset FIPS state" button or the User must reboots the secure client FIPS Non- Deterministic CPRNGT (Test of the entropy engine) This checks to see if the CPRNGT generate the same random number in two consecutive numbers generated. If a number read from the CPRGT is the same as the last number read it’s an error Log in as Windows administrator and clear FIPS error by clicking Reset FIPS button. The "Reset FIPS state" button appears beneath the error message on the "Status" tab for Cryptographic Officer only (only the error message is displayed for Users).then reboot device. If device passes all FIPS test the module will operate normally. If the Crypto Officer want to rerun the Power On Self Test he can click the "Reset FIPS state" button or the User must reboots the secure client FIPS Deterministic X9.31 PRNG A known answer test is performed a random number received for a known seed are compared Random number does not match known answer the test fails. Log in as Windows administrator and clear FIPS error by clicking Reset FIPS button. The "Reset FIPS state" button appears beneath the error message on the "Status" tab for Cryptographic Officer only (only the error message is displayed for Users).then reboot device. If device passes all FIPS test the module will operate normally. If the Crypto Officer want to rerun the Power On Self Test he can click the "Reset FIPS state" button or the User must reboots the secure client Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 23 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Table 15: Conditional Self Test Conditional Self Test Test Description Error Conditions Conditions to Exit Deterministic CRNGT (Entropy Engine) The test will checks the first 8- byte block of every new random number with the old one. If the test fails the network interfaces are forced into a blocked state and a error message is written to the Windows log and is displayed as an error in the Client GUI. Note: A failure of this test does not necessary mean a problem. It’s statistically possible for the same random number to be generated. Log in as Windows administrator and clear FIPS error by clicking Reset FIPS button. The "Reset FIPS state" button appears beneath the error message on the "Status" tab for Cryptographic Officer only (only the error message is displayed for Users).then reboot device. If device passes all FIPS test the module will operate normally. If the Crypto Officer want to rerun the Power On Self Test he can click the "Reset FIPS state" button or the User must reboots the secure client Non-deterministic CRNGT X9.31 PRNG The module the X9.31 PRNG routine within FIPS.SYS. The test will checks the first 8-byte block of every new random number with the old one. If the test fails the network interfaces are forced into a blocked state and a error message is written to the Windows log and is displayed as an error in the Client GUI. Note: A failure of this test does not necessary mean a problem. It’s statistically possible for the same random number to be generated. Log in as Windows administrator and clear FIPS error by clicking Reset FIPS button. The "Reset FIPS state" button appears beneath the error message on the "Status" tab for Cryptographic Officer only (only the error message is displayed for Users).then reboot device. If device passes all FIPS test the module will operate normally. If the Crypto Officer want to rerun the Power On Self Test he can click the "Reset FIPS state" button or the User must reboots the secure client Bypass Test that checks the integrity of the current configuration before loading a new one A HMAC hash is taken using the HMAC key of the configuration file before a configuration changed is made, this is compared to the previously save hash. I f they equal everything is OK the new hash is saved in place of the old hash and the configuration change is allowed to happen. If they don’t equal a FIPS error occurs. If the test fails the network interfaces are forced into a blocked state and a error message is written to the Windows log and is displayed as an error in the Client GUI. Log in as Windows administrator and clear FIPS error by clicking Reset FIPS button. The "Reset FIPS state" button appears beneath the error message on the "Status" tab for Cryptographic Officer only (only the error message is displayed for Users).then reboot device. If device passes all FIPS test the module will operate normally. If the Crypto Officer want to rerun the Power On Self Test he can click the "Reset FIPS state" button or the User must reboots the secure client Bypass Test that performs a test encrypt/decrypt when a new configuration is loaded The test sequences are listed here as required by FIPS. The main purpose of this testing is: • to make sure that under certain precise circumstances If the test fails the network interfaces are forced into a blocked state and a error message is written to the Windows log and is displayed as an error in the Client GUI. Log in as Windows administrator and clear FIPS error by clicking Reset FIPS button. The "Reset FIPS state" button appears beneath the error message on the "Status" tab for Cryptographic Officer only (only the error message is displayed for Users).then Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 24 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Conditional Self Test Test Description Error Conditions Conditions to Exit specific clear text packets would be allowed to pass through or around the crypto engine to their specified destinations • while other, encrypted packets would not. The BPM test sequences are: 1. Add a fictitious partner to the existing database. 2.Bring that partner to “MSP or rMSP state” 3. Create bogus packet destined for the fictitious partner. 4. Verify that the packet gets sent out encrypted to that partner. 5. Remove that partner from the database. 6. Make sure that the packets go out clear. reboot device. If device passes all FIPS test the module will operate normally. If the Crypto Officer want to rerun the Power On Self Test he can click the "Reset FIPS state" button or the User must reboots the secure client 5.6 Identifying FIPS-Relevant Failures When a FIPS-relevant error occurs, the Fortress Secure Client (a.k.a. the “module”) either generates an audit record (a.k.a. an “event message”) and sends it to the operating system audit trail for storage and operator (both User and Crypto Officer) review or outputs an error message to the “Status” tab, or both. When the module generates audit records related to power-up self- tests (both software integrity self-test and cryptographic algorithm known-answer self-tests) and conditional self-tests and sends them to the Windows Event Log. The module sends event messages to the Windows application log specifically. The application log contains events logged by the Fortress Secure Client application in general (i.e. it includes both FIPS-relevant messages and non-FIPS-relevant messages). The FIPS-relevant errors include as shown Table 11: Audit Logs. Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 25 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Table 16: FIPS-relevant audit records Event ID Source Type Event Description 0xe100 FTIDrv Informational FIPS Message %114 0xe101 FTIDrv Error FIPS Error %1 0xe102 FTIDrv Warning FIPS: Conditional X9.31 Self-test: Failed continuous random number generator test, regenerating a new number. 0xe103 FTIDrv Warning FIPS: Conditional X9.31 Self-test: failed seed test, regenerating the seed. 0xe104 FTIDrv Error FIPS: Conditional Entropy Self-test: Failed continuous random number generator test. 0xe105 FTIDrv Error FIPS: Conditional TRNG Self-test: Failed continuous random number generator test. 0xe106 FTIDrv Error FIPS Conditional db self-test failed 0xe107 FTIDrv Error FIPS Conditional bypass self-test failed 0xe108 FTIDrv Informational FIPS Conditional bypass self-test success 0xe109 FTIDrv Error FIPS Power up self-test FAILED Encryption Engine Test: Encountered fatal error. 0xe10a FTIDrv Error FIPS Power up self-test FAILED Hash Engine Test: Encountered fatal error. 0xe10b FTIDrv Error FIPS Power up self-test FAILED PRNG Test: Encountered fatal error. 0xe10c FTIDrv Error FIPS Power up self-test FAILED entropy Test: Encountered fatal error. 0xe10d FTIDrv Error FIPS Power up self-test FAILED KeyAgreement Test: Encountered fatal error. 0xe10e FTIDrv Error Error generating hash during FIPS file integrity test for file %1. 0xe10f FTIDrv Error FIPS File Integrity Test failed for file %1 0xe110 FTIDrv Informational FIPS File Integrity Test success for file %1 0xe111 FTIDrv Error FIPS Power up self-test FAILED File Integrity Test. 0xe112 FTIDrv Error FIPS Power up self-test FAILED. 0xe113 FTIDrv Informational FIPS Power up self-test success. 0xe114 FTIDrv Informational FIPS Power up Self-tests completed. 14 This is the error code as shown in the next table. Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 26 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Table 17: FIPS-relevant audit record error codes Error Code (hex)Note Event Description 0x30f000000 FIPS_GENERAL 0x30f000001 FIPS_ENGINE_NOT_FOUND 0x30f000002 FIPS_FAILED_ENTROPY_MATERIAL 0x30f000003 FIPS_FILE_INTEGRITY_TEST 0x30f000004 FIPS_stub2 0x30f000005 FIPS_TOO_SMALL 0x30f000006 FIPS_RESOURCE_ERROR 0x30f000007 FIPS_SEEDING_ERROR 0x30f000008 FIPS_FAILED_SEED_TEST 0x30f000009 PRNG_NOT_SEEDED 0x30f0000f1 SELFTEST_KEY_AGREEMENT 0x30f0000f2 SELFTEST_HMAC 0x30f0000f3 SELFTEST_HASH 0x30f0000f4 SELFTEST_ENCRYPTION 0x30f0000f5 SELFTEST_X931PRNG 0x30f0000f6 SELFTEST_SEEDMGR 0x30f0000f9 SELFTEST_BYPASS 0x30f0000fA SELFTEST_DH_KEY 0x30f0000fB SELFTEST_ENTROPY 0x30f0000fC SELFTEST_UNIQUESERIALNO 0x30f0000fD SELFTEST_MIC 0x30f0000fE SELFTEST_X931_CONDITIONAL 0x30f0000ff SELFTEST_TRNG_CONDITIONAL Operators (both User and Crypto Officer) can view event messages generated by the module using the Windows Event Viewer as follows: 1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel. Click Performance and Maintenance, then click Administrative Tools, and then double- click Computer Management. Or, open the MMC containing the Event Viewer snap-in. 2. In the console tree, click Event Viewer. The Application, Security, and System logs are displayed in the Event Viewer window. How to View Event Details: 1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel. Click Performance and Maintenance, then click Administrative Tools, and then double- click Computer Management. Or, open the MMC containing the Event Viewer snap-in. 2. In the console tree, expand Event Viewer, and then click the log that contains the event that you want to view. Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 27 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 3. In the details pane, double-click the event that you want to view. The Event Properties dialog box containing header information and a description of the event is displayed. How to identify FIPS-relevant events: FIPS-relevant log entries are classified by type, and contains a description of the event as follows: • Date – The date the event occurred. • Time – The time the event occurred. • User – The user name of the user (User or Crypto Officer operator) that was logged on when the event occurred. • Computer – The name of the computer where the event occurred. • Event ID – An event number that identifies the event type. Event IDs corresponds to FIPS-relevant errors are listed in the table below. • Source – The source of the FIPS-relevant errors will always be “FTIDrv”. • Type – The type of event. Event types corresponding to FIPS- relevant errors are listed in the table below. • Category – FIPS-relevant log entries do not include “Category” fields. FIPS-relevant errors include as what is shown in the table above. Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 28 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 5.7 Performing Zeroization Ephemeral keys and CSPs are zeroized generally speaking when MSP sessions end and MSP key exchanges occur, and when the power is cycled, as described in section “Cryptographic Key Management”. Persistent keys and CSPs as identified in section “Cryptographic Key Management” require the hard drive to be formatted. To zeroize all keys and CSPs, format the hard drive and reboot. Both steps are required given the module loads and starts operating without operator intervention after the Windows kernel loading boot phase completes. 5.8 CAC Suport The Common Access Card (CAC) is a United States Department of Defense (DoD) smart card issued as standard identification for active-duty military personnel, reserve personnel, civilian employees, non-DoD other government employees and State Employees of the National Guard and eligible contractor personnel. Even through the CAC is supported by this version of Fortress Client software it should not be used in the FIPS mode of operation. The CAC was not submitted for FIPS testing. Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 29 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 6.0 Contacting Fortress 6.1 Installation All software installation and reinstallation for modules is performed by the Cryptographic Officer following the procedures defined by Fortress Technologies. Software troubleshooting to resolve an error state may require the product to be reinstalled by the Cryptographic Officer. 6.2 Support and Service Any issues concerning support or if help is needed contact: Fortress Technologies, Inc 4023 Tampa Road, Suite 2000 Oldsmar, Florida 34677 Tel: 813 288-7388 Or access the web site at Fortress Secure Client: Security Policy 30 Copyright © 2009 Fortress Technologies Inc., 4023 Tampa Rd., Suite 2000 Oldsmar, FL 34677 This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. End of document