Apani Kernel Crypto Module Security Policy Page 1 of 6 Apani Kernel Crypto Module Security Policy for FIPS 140-2 Validation Module version V1.0.1 Document version 1.0.5 June 7, 2010 © 2010 Apani Networks. This Security Policy is non-proprietary. It may only be reproduced in its entirety without revision. Table of Contents 1. Introduction............................................................................................................................ 1 2. Module Overview ................................................................................................................... 1 3. Roles and Services................................................................................................................ 2 4. Physical Security................................................................................................................... 3 5. Cryptographic Key Management ......................................................................................... 3 6. Self-Tests................................................................................................................................ 4 6.1 Power-Up Self-Tests ...................................................................................................... 4 6.1.1 Cryptographic Algorithm Known Answer Tests ......................................................... 5 6.1.2 Software Integrity Tests ............................................................................................. 5 6.2 Conditional Self-Tests .................................................................................................... 5 7. Mitigation of Attacks ............................................................................................................. 5 8. Crypto Officer Guidance ....................................................................................................... 6 8.1 Crypto Officer Responsibilities....................................................................................... 6 8.2 Installing the AKCM in EpiForce Agents ........................................................................ 6 9. User Guidance ....................................................................................................................... 6 9.1 Use of the AKCM in EpiForce Agents............................................................................ 6 10. Acronyms ............................................................................................................................... 6 1. Introduction This document describes the FIPS 140-2 Security Policy for the Apani Kernel Crypto Module (AKCM) and how the AKCM meets all the requirements as specified in the FIPS 140-2 Level 1 requirements. This Security Policy forms part of the submission to the cryptographic module testing lab. 2. Module Overview The AKCM is classified as a multi-chip standalone cryptographic module consisting of 1) a commercially available general purpose computer, 2) a commercially available operating system and 3) the AKCM. The AKCM is a software library that runs on a wide variety of computing platforms and performs encryption, hashing and message authentication generation functions. The cryptographic boundary is defined as the AKCM itself: a binary software library for general Apani Kernel Crypto Module Security Policy Page 2 of 6 purpose computers. The format of this library on Windows is a kernel dynamic link library (akcm.sys). The physically contiguous cryptographic boundary is defined as the outer enclosure of the general purpose computing system. The block diagram for the module is shown below. The AKCM is validated at Security Level 1 for all the Security Requirements sections documented in the FIPS 140-2 Security Requirements For Cryptographic Modules document except for Physical Security and Mitigation of Other Attacks which do not apply. The AKCM is validated on the following platforms: Operating System Processor Configuration Microsoft® Windows® XP® Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 32 bit Microsoft Windows XP Intel Core 2 Duo 64 bit Microsoft Windows Server® 2003 Intel Core 2 Duo 32 bit Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Intel Core 2 Duo 64 bit Microsoft Windows Server® 2008 Intel Core 2 Duo 32 bit Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Intel Core 2 Duo 64 bit Microsoft, Windows, Windows XP and Windows Server are a registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Intel and Core are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States and other countries. The AKCM always operates in a FIPS approved mode of operation. The AKCM is validated for each operating system when running in a single-user mode of operation. 3. Roles and Services The AKCM implicitly recognizes the Crypto Officer and User roles where specific services are available as described in the following table: Role Service Description Either Module Load Instruct the operating system to load Host Operating System AKCM Memory CPU Network Disk Cryptographic Boundary Data Status Control Physical Boundary Apani Kernel Crypto Module Security Policy Page 3 of 6 the AKCM from a disk file Initialization Initialize the AKCM Self-Test Perform the AKCM self-test and integrity test functions Module Unload Instruct the operating system to unload the AKCM Show Status Return the AKCM device state Crypto Officer Connect Attach an AKCM session to the AKCM Disconnect Detach an AKCM session from the AKCM User Encryption Encrypt data using AES or Triple DES with a key Decryption Decrypt data using AES or Triple DES with a key Message Digest Compute SHA digest of data MAC Compute HMAC digest of data with a key Zeroization Set an AKCM token, key, digest or data buffer to 0 Services that do not access critical security parameters can be executed in either Crypto Officer role or the User role. Authentication of the implicit Crypto Officer role is made by calling the connect function. Authentication of the implicit User role is accomplished by the Crypto Officer supplying a valid token to the connect function. All encryption, decryption, digest and MAC services require a valid token. AKCM does not meet all the requirements for role-based authentication. For the AKCM, token is required to be 20 bytes in length yielding a single random login attempt probability of success of 1 in 10^48. This exceeds a one minute random login probability of one in 100,000 for as long as the host computer cannot attempt more than 10^43 login attempts per minute. 4. Physical Security The FIPS 140-2 Physical Security requirements are not applicable to this software only module. 5. Cryptographic Key Management All keys are imported in plain text from the invoking program running on the same computer. All keys are kept only in memory (RAM) and are not stored between invocations of the cryptographic module. Service Critical Security Parameter Role, Type of Access Encryption Symmetric keys User, RW Decryption Symmetric keys User, RW Message Digest None User, NA MAC HMAC Keys User, RW Self-Test None Either, NA Show Status None Either, NA Zeroization All User, W Connect Token CO, RW or User, RO Disconnect Token CO, RW Initialization None Either, NA Apani Kernel Crypto Module Security Policy Page 4 of 6 Module Load None Either, NA Module Unload None Either, NA Zeroization functions are made available for externally managed keys and tokens. Zeroization functions overwrite memory containing keys with a constant. The following events are generated by the crypto module for audit by the caller: • Malformed requests • Authentication failures • Failed crypto operation attempts The following algorithms are implemented by the Cryptographic Module: Algorithm Key Size FIPS Approved Encryption and Decryption Triple DES (#915) 168 X AES (#1313) 128 X AES (#1313) 192 X AES (#1313) 256 X Message Digest SHA-1 (#1201) X SHA-256 (#1201) X SHA-384 (#1201) X SHA-512 (#1201) X MAC HMAC SHA-1 (#764) ≥ 8 X HMAC SHA-256 (#764) ≥ 8 X HMAC SHA-384 (#764) ≥ 8 X HMAC SHA-512 (#764) ≥ 8 X The AKCM does not create secret, public or private keys. The following table provides a detailed list of key establishment methods: Service Cryptographic Keys and CSPs Key Length Key Strength FIPS Approved Establishment Mechanism Types of Access Key State Within Module Encryption Triple DES 168 112 NA RW Ephemeral Decryption Triple DES 168 112 NA RW Ephemeral Encryption AES 128 128 NA RW Ephemeral Decryption AES 128 128 NA RW Ephemeral Encryption AES 192 192 NA RW Ephemeral Decryption AES 192 192 NA RW Ephemeral Encryption AES 256 256 NA RW Ephemeral Decryption AES 256 256 NA RW Ephemeral MAC HMAC Keys ≥ 8 ≥ 8 NA RW Ephemeral 6. Self-Tests 6.1Power-Up Self-Tests The following power-up self-tests are run at module load. If any self-test fails, the module will enter an error state. That error state is detectable through status functions and the cryptographic module will not perform any cryptographic functions while in the error state. The error state is cleared by reloading the module. Apani Kernel Crypto Module Security Policy Page 5 of 6 6.1.1 Cryptographic Algorithm Known Answer Tests Known answer tests (KAT) for encryption/decryption or hashing process a buffer for which the calculated output is known and stored within the cryptographic module. An encryption or hashing test passes when the freshly calculated output matches the expected value. A test fails when the calculated output does not match the expected value. A decryption test passes when the freshly calculated output matches the plaintext value or fails when the calculated output does not match the expected value. The AKCM performs the following KATs: Algorithm Operation Key Size Message Size Output Size Triple DES Encrypt 168 64 64 Triple DES Decrypt 168 64 64 AES Encrypt 128 128 128 AES Decrypt 128 128 128 AES Encrypt 192 128 128 AES Decrypt 192 128 128 AES Encrypt 256 128 128 AES Decrypt 256 128 128 SHA-1 512 160 SHA-256 512 256 SHA-384 1024 384 SHA-512 1024 512 HMAC SHA-1 1024 1024 96 (truncated) HMAC SHA-256 3200 1024 192 (truncated) HMAC SHA-384 2048 1024 384 HMAC SHA-512 3072 1024 512 6.1.2 Software Integrity Tests The module performs an integrity test using a FIPS approved algorithm to verify the module is the same as when it was delivered. The test uses the FIPS validated HMAC SHA-512 algorithm with a 2048 bit key. 6.2Conditional Self-Tests The Apani Kernel Crypto Module does not perform conditional self-tests since the AKCM does not perform the following cryptographic operations: • Generate public or private keys • Load software or firmware components into the Crypto Module • Accept manually entered keys • Generate random numbers • Implement a bypass capability 7. Mitigation of Attacks The Apani Kernel Crypto Module has not been designed to mitigate specific attacks outside the scope of FIPS 140-2. Apani Kernel Crypto Module Security Policy Page 6 of 6 8. Crypto Officer Guidance 8.1Crypto Officer Responsibilities The Crypto Officer is responsible for the following steps: • Installing the AKCM in EpiForce Agents • Configuring the AKCM EpiForce Systems 8.2 Installing the AKCM in EpiForce Agents The AKCM is installed as part of the EpiForce Agent installation. No special steps are required to install the AKCM beyond the steps required to install the standard EpiForce Agent product. 9. User Guidance 9.1 Use of the AKCM in EpiForce Agents In EpiForce systems where a supported FIPS 140-2 verified cryptographic algorithm is configured, Agents that participate in an cryptographic exchange with other Agents that support the AKCM will automatically use the AKCM FIPS 140-2 verified cryptographic algorithms. Keys and tokens should be zeroized when they are not longer needed. 10. Acronyms Acronym Definition AES Advanced Encryption Standard AKCM Apani Kernel Crypto Module CPU Central Processing Unit CO Crypto Officer CSP Critical Security Parameter DES Data Encryption Standard FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard HMAC Hash-Based Message Authentication Code KAT Known Answer Test MAC Message Authentication Code R Read Access RAM Random Access Memory RO Read Only Access SHA Secure Hash Algorithm W Write Access