HEWLETT ® PACKARD HP OpenCall HLR Cryptographic Module vE10.21 and vE10.22 Security Policy Version 1.1 2013-03-20 Open Call Business Unit HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Hewlett-Packard 10810 Farnam Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68154 TRADEMARKS or SERVICE MARKS The following are trademarks or service marks of Hewlett Packard Corporation: HEWLETT PACKARD, HP, OpenCall, OpenCall HLR. All other brand names and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. COPYRIGHT This document may be freely copied and distributed without the Author’s permission provided that it is copied and distributed in its entirety without modification. HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Document Control Below are the publication date, author’s initials, and reason for publication for the current and any previous versions of this document. Version Publication Date Author Reason for Publication 0.1 2009-09-09 nas Initial Draft 0.3 2010-01-15 Shw Release draft 0.4 2010-02-02 Shw Update 0.5 2010-03-04 SHW Updates 0.6 2010-03-04 SHW Update 0.7 2010-03-26 SHW Update from revision 1.0 2010-04-06 SHW First Release 1.1 2013-03-20 SHW Update for vE10.22 New and Changed Information The following table contains brief descriptions of any new or changed information and the number of the affected section. Section New/Changed Information HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. (This page left intentionally blank) HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. Table of Contents TRADEMARKS or SERVICE MARKS ..............................................................................................................ii COPYRIGHT......................................................................................................................................................ii DOCUMENT CONTROL............................................................................................... III NEW AND CHANGED INFORMATION ....................................................................... III 1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Audience..........................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Document organization ..................................................................................................................................1 1.3 References .......................................................................................................................................................1 1.4 Definitions .......................................................................................................................................................2 1.5 Acronyms.........................................................................................................................................................2 2. MODULE SPECIFICATION .................................................................................... 4 2.1 Description of the Module..............................................................................................................................4 2.2 Description of the Approved Mode of Operation ........................................................................................4 2.3 Ports and interfaces........................................................................................................................................6 2.4 Cryptographic module design........................................................................................................................6 2.5 Approved cryptographic algorithms...........................................................................................................12 2.6 Non-Approved cryptographic algorithms ..................................................................................................12 3. ROLES, SERVICES AND AUTHENTICATION..................................................... 13 3.1 Roles...............................................................................................................................................................13 3.2 Services..........................................................................................................................................................16 Table 3-3: Module Services.......................................................................................................................................19 3.3 Operator Authentication..............................................................................................................................19 4. OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT......................................................................... 20 4.1 Operational Environment Policy.................................................................................................................20 HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 5. PHYSICAL SECURITY.......................................................................................... 21 6. MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS................................................................... 22 7. CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY AND CSP MANAGEMENT ........................................... 23 7.1 RNG...............................................................................................................................................................25 7.2 Key Generation.............................................................................................................................................25 7.3 Key Establishment........................................................................................................................................26 7.4 Key Entry and Output .................................................................................................................................26 7.5 Key storage and Key Zeroization................................................................................................................26 8. SELF-TESTS .......................................................................................................... 27 8.1 Power-Up Tests.............................................................................................................................................27 8.2 Conditional Tests..........................................................................................................................................27 8.3 Continuous Tests...........................................................................................................................................27 9. DESIGN ASSURANCE ........................................................................................... 28 9.1 Configuration management .........................................................................................................................28 9.2 Guidance........................................................................................................................................................28 9.2.1 Secure installation ......................................................................................................................................28 9.2.2 Secrets distributions ...................................................................................................................................28 9.2.3 Initialization and start-up........................................................................................................................29 9.2.4 Operational rules......................................................................................................................................32 The FIPS Status file must not be edited or modified manually..........................................................32 Disabling Directory Browsing...........................................................................................................32 A firewall should be installed and configured to prevent unauthorized network access....................32 HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 1 1. Introduction This document is the FIPS 140-2 security policy for the HP OpenCall HLR cryptographic module to meet FIPS 140-2 level 1 requirements. This Security Policy details the secure operation of the HP OpenCall HLR cryptographic module version E10.21 developed by HEWLETT PACKARD as required in Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-2 as published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of the United States Department of Commerce. The GSM/UMTS functionality supported by the HP OpenCall HLR will possess the ability to run in FIPS mode on an NonStop Itanium or Blade system. The ANSI-41 functionality supported by the HP OpenCall HLR will not have the ability to run in FIPS mode or utilize the newly implemented cryptographic algorithms (e.g. AES-128 ECB). Note that FIPS mode support is not available on the NonStop S-Series version of the HP OpenCall HLR. 1.1 Audience This document is required as a part of the FIPS 140-2 validation process. It describes the HP OpenCall HLR cryptographic module in relation to FIPS 140-2 requirements. The companion document HP OpenCall HLR cryptographic module User Guide is a technical reference for service providers using and installing the OpenCall HLR cryptographic module. 1.2 Document organization This Security Policy document is one part of the FIPS 140-2 Submission Package. This document is the non-proprietary Security Policy. This document outlines the functionality provided by the module and gives high level details on the means by which the module satisfies FIPS 140-2 requirements. 1.3 References The following references were utilized in preparing this SP: 1. HP, FIPS 140-2 Security Level One Compliance FRS, v3.6, March 26, 2010. 2. FIPS 140-2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, May 25, 2001. 3. FIPS 186-3, Digital Signature Standard (DSS), June 2009. 4. NIST Special Publication 800-21, Guideline for Implementing Cryptography In the Federal Government, December 2005 (link) 5. NIST, Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program, Initial Release: March 28, 2003, Last Update: April 01, 2009. 6. NIST 800-57, Recommendation for Key Management – Part 1: General (Revised), March, 2007. HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 2 7. atsec, HP Authentication Center Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Readiness Assessment, v1.0, 2008-08-27. 8. IETF Keyprov Status Pages (http://tools.ietf.org/wg/keyprov/) 1.4 Definitions Cover To encrypt. Cryptoperiod The time span during which a specific key is authorized for use by legitimate entities, or the keys for a given system will remain in effect (reference [6]). Key Encryption KEK (KEK) A cryptographic key used for the encryption or decryption of other keys (reference [2]). Master Seed Key Secret values used for key derivation (reference [6]). 1.5 Acronyms ADS Application Database Synchronization AES Advanced Encryption Standard ANSI-41 American National Standards Institute-41 API Application Programming Interface AuC Authentication Center AV Authentication Vector CPU Central Processing Unit CM Cryptographic Module CSP Critical Security Parameter DES Data Encryption Standard DPA Dynamic Provisioning Architecture DSS Digital Signature Standard ECB Electronic Code Book EK Encryption Key EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EMI Electromagnetic Interference ERAD Exception Reporting And Distribution ESI Engineering Statement of Intent FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards GCI Generic Command Line Interface HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 3 GPRS General Packet Radio Service GSM Global System for Mobile Communications GUI Graphical User Interface HLR Home Location Register HP Hewlett Packard IETF Internet Engineering Task Force INS Intelligent Network Server KAT Known Answer Test KEK Key Encryption Key MSC Mobile Switching Center NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology RNG Random Number Generator RVU Release Version Update SDL Specification Description Language SECMON Security Monitor SGSN Serving GPRS Support Node SIM Subscriber Identity Module UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System USIM Universal SIM HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 4 2. Module Specification In this section the module is described and its function as part of the larger product is identified 2.1 Description of the Module The HP OpenCall Home Location Register (HLR) is a centralized data repository of static and transient subscriber profile information that manages subscriber network access, availability, and location in wireless networks defined by European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and American National Standards Institute no 41 (ANSI-41) standards. The ETSI-based HLR functionality is referred to as Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) and Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). The Authentication Center functionality present in the HP OpenCall HLR ensures that only legitimate subscribers obtain access to the GSM/UMTS or ANSI-41 wireless network. The HP OpenCall HLR protects sensitive subscriber data elements related to the information required to authenticate subscriber network access. The HP OpenCall HLR Cryptographic Module (CM) provides the cryptography required to protect the sensitive subscriber data elements. 2.2 Description of the Approved Mode of Operation HP OpenCall HLR CM.customers can operate the HP OpenCall HLR CM in a manner compliant to FIPS 140-2 Security Level One requirements. Note that the GSM/UMTS HLR functionality can operate in a FIPS 140-2 Security Level One compliant manner. The ANSI-41 HLR functionality does not currently have the ability to operate in a manner compliant to FIPS 140-2 Security Level One requirements. The GSM/UMTS functionality within the HP OpenCall HLR can utilize the CM operating in FIPS 140-2 approved mode. The ANSI-41 functionality within the HP OpenCall HLR can not utilize the CM operating in FIPS 140-2 approved mode. The HLR/AuC Call Processing component uses subscriber keys (for example, Ki) to generate AVs (Authentication Vectors) for GSM/UMTS subscriber authentication. In FIPS mode, FIPS 140-2 approved cryptographic algorithms are used for Authentication Vector generation. (An authentication vector, in the context of this reference, is security context data that enables a UMTS/GSM wireless network to authenticate a UMTS/GSM wireless subscriber. The HP OpenCall HLR utilizes a subscriber symmetric key (K/Ki) present in both the HLR and the subscriber's user equipment (UE) to generate the authentication vector. The HP OpenCall HLR and a USIM or SIM present in the UE contain the key value). The HLR/AuC Call Processing component uses the AV Generation API to generate AVs to isolate the exposure of the plaintext authentication key value. The AV Generation API supports the use of AES- 128. The CM Library uses the data encryption key to either decrypt or encrypt data (for example, subscriber keys to generate AVs). To retrieve a new data encryption key, the Service Provider’s personnel must HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 5 configure the new system-level key index and algorithm version values that the system uses as the basis for the generation of the new data encryption key. The FIPS Indicator Utility sets and queries the FIPS 140-2 Mode Indicator value, and the Cryptoperiod Expiration Warning Threshold, which is present in the FIPS Info data file. The FIPS Command Utility interfaces with runtime Cryptographic Module components to initiate self- tests compliant with FIPS 140-2 Security Level One; and it queries the FIPS Status file to obtain the CM status. CM status provides information whether the components within the CM can provide cryptographic services and whether all components are in FIPS mode. The utility presents the results of the initiated self-tests and the Cryptographic Module status query to the user. The FIPS Command Utility Self Test can act upon a categorical runtime component (e.g., provisioning or call processing) or the Cryptographic Module as a whole. FIPS 140-2 approved cryptographic algorithms (for example, AES-128 ECB) are used for cryptographic key protection, subscriber AV generation, and the protection of sensitive application data (for example, GSM/UMTS Ki values). In FIPS 140-2 approved mode, the system uses FIPS 140-2 approved key generation methods and RNGs. The feature supports a cryptographic key and subscriber key (for example, Ki) zeroization method that is FIPS 140-2 approved. In FIPS 140-2 approved mode, the HLR, via the Cryptographic Module, only uses FIPS 140-2 compliant cryptographic algorithms (for example, encryption/decryption algorithms, and RNGs) as well as adheres to all other FIPS 140-2 Security Level One requirements The Federal Information Processing Standard Publication 140-2 (FIPS 140-2) is a U.S. government computer security standard used to accredit cryptographic modules. It was issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Security Component Security Level Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services and Authentication 1 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security N/A Operational Environment 1 Cryptographic Key Management 1 EMI/EMC 1 HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 6 Self Tests 1 Design Assurance 1 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Table 2-1 Security Levels Manufacturer Model O/S & Ver. HP NB50000C/HP Integrity BL860C HP Nonstop v J06.08 Table 2-2 Platforms Tested 2.3 Ports and interfaces Function Port Control In CLI, API Status Out CLI, API Data In CLI, Disk, API, Network Data Out Network, Disk,, API, CLI Table 2-3 Ports and Interfaces 2.4 Cryptographic module design This section contains figures that illustrate the HP OpenCall HLR cryptographic module components followed by information containing the details of the components contained in the figures. The following figure illustrates the HP OpenCall HLR primary cryptographic module components. The figure references key material, key storage, utilities, and runtime components and depicts the relationships between the components. The lines in the figure show the paths data, statuis or control take between components. The type of information may be determined by color coding of the endpoints (please see table 2-4 below). HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 7 Figure 1: Primary Cryptographic Module Components The following table provides a brief summary of the components contained within the cryptographic module depicted in the previous figures. Component Brief Description Data Management Keys A new data file that contains KEKs and Master Seed Keys used to respectively cover and generate cryptographic keys in the Data Encryption Keys data file. Data Encryption Keys A new data file that contains cryptographic keys used by application components (e.g. HLR AC Call Processing) to protect sensitive data elements. Ekeys A legacy data file that contains cryptographic keys used by application components to protect sensitive data elements. HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 8 Transport Management Keys A new data file that contains KEKs used to cover the cryptographic keys stored in the Transport Encryption Keys data file. Transport Encryption Keys A new data file that contains cryptographic keys used to cover sensitive data elements transported over the DPA provisioning stream. The first entry in the Transport Encryption Keys data file contains a cryptographic key used to cover subsequent cryptographic key values during provisioning. All cryptographic key entries that proceed the first entry cover sensitive data elements over the provisioning stream. Subscriber Data SIM Data Legacy data file that contains sensitive data elements (e.g. K) covered by a cryptographic key stored in the Data Encryption Keys or EKeys data file. Data Key Material A new encrypted file generated by the Management Keys Generation Utility. The CM uses the file to securely install KEKs and Master Seed Keys into the Data Management Keys data file. Transport Key Material A new encrypted file generated by the Management Keys Generation Utility. The CM uses the file to securely install KEKs into the Transport Management Keys data file and the first entry in the Transport Encryption Keys data file. Management Keys Generation Utility Used to generate KEKs and Master Seed Keys for the Data Management Keys data file and KEKs for the Transport Management Keys and Transport Encryption Keys data files. Data Management Keys Utility Uses the Data Key Material to install KEKs and Master Seed Keys into the Data Management Keys data file. Data Encryption Key Generation Utility Uses the active Master Seed Key from the Data Management Keys data file to generate cryptographic keys for the Data Encryption Keys and EKeys data file. The utility uses the active KEK from the Data Management Keys data file to cover the generated cryptographic key stored in the Data Encryption Keys data file. Transport Management Keys Utility Uses the Transport Key Material to install KEKs into the Transport Management Keys data storage component and the first entry in the Transport Encryption Keys data storage component. Key Manager Distributes cryptographic keys, used to cover sensitive data attribute values, from the Data Encryption Keys and EKeys data files. Also distributes cryptographic keys, used to cover sensitive data transmitted over the provisioning stream, from the Transport Encryption Keys file. HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 9 CM Library Interfaces with the Key Manager to retrieve cryptographic keys and uses retrieved keys to encrypt and decrypt sensitive data elements stored in the Subscriber Data and SIM Data files as well as data elements transmitted over the provisioning stream. Also, provides routines that check the status of the CM module.. Cryptographic Library Provides the cryptographic algorithms (e.g. AES and SHA) used by the CM. Key Provisioning Manages the provisioning of subscriber AuC key values (e.g. K). AV Generation API Generates AVs for AuC related network traffic. Table 2-4: Brief CM Component Description HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 10 The next diagram identifies the cryptographic module components that use the FIPS Info file to determine whether the HLR must operate in FIPS mode. HP NonStop Server HP OpenCall HLR Application Cryptographic Module FIPS Info Key Manager FIPS Indicator Utility CM Library HLR/AuC Call Processing AV Generation API AuC Re- Encryption Utility DPA Provisioning Key Provisioning CM Library database CM runtime process utility application component API or concentrated processing external entity Figure 2: Cryptographic Module FIPS Mode Indicator Access The following table provides a brief summary of the components contained within or associated with the cryptographic module-related components depicted in Figure 2 above Component Brief Description FIPS Info A new data file that contains static FIPS information such as the indicator that determines whether the system must run in FIPS mode. FIPS Indicator Utility Maintains and queries the content of the FIPS Info data file. Table 2-5: Indicator Component Description HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 11 The next diagram illustrates the relationship of the CM-related components in regard to managing the availability or state of the CM. The components contained within the following figure will determine whether the CM will continue to provide cryptographic services or a component failed a self-test causing the CM to cease cryptographic operations and enter an error or unavailable state. Figure 3: Cryptographic Module FIPS Mode Status and Command Utility HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 12 The following table provides a brief summary of the components contained within or associated with the cryptographic module depicted in Figure 3. Subsequent subsections within this section provider greater detail of the components. Component Brief Description FIPS Status A new data file that contains runtime FIPS status information and helps in determining whether the components within the CM can provide cryptographic services. FIPS Command Utility Interfaces with the runtime CM components in order to initiate Self-Tests and queries the FIPS Status file to determine and obtain CM status. The utility will present the results of the initiated Self-Tests and the CM status query to the user. The utility can act upon a single CM runtime component or the CM as a whole. Table 2-6: Brief Component Description 2.5 Approved cryptographic algorithms • AES 128 ECB mode (cert #1308 ) • SHA 1 byte mode (cert #1196 ) • SHA 256 byte mode (cert #1196 ) • HMAC-SHA-1 (cert #760 ) • Random Number Generation (ANSI X9.31 AES 128) (cert #730 ) 2.6 Non-Approved cryptographic algorithms • HP Proprietary Algorithm – decryption only for recovery of legacy data HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 13 3. Roles, Services and Authentication 3.1 Roles This section contains a table that identifies the Cryptographic Module components and the CM roles that have access to or run the components. # Role Description 1 Crypto Officer The Crypto Officer role possesses the ability to install and update the CM components. Note that the Crypto Officer role can not run any of the CM components. 2 FIPS Mode Manager The FIPS Mode Manager role possesses the ability to use the FIPS Indicator Utility to alter and query the CM FIPS Mode indicator in the FIPS Info file. 3 Management Key Generation The Management Key Generation role possesses the ability to use the Management Keys Generation Utility to generate data and transport management key material. 4 Data Management Key Installation The Data Management Key Installation role possesses the ability to use the Data Management Keys Utility to install data management keys in the Data Management Keys file and to re-encrypt entries in the Data Encryption Keys file with the latest Data Management Keys file KEK. 5 Transport Management Key Installation The Transport Management Key Installation role possesses the ability to use the Transport Management Keys Utility to install transport management keys in the Transport Management Keys file, to install a KEK in the Transport Encryption Keys file default record and to re- encrypt the entries in the Transport Encryption Keys file. 6 Data Encryption Key Generation The Data Encryption Key Generation role possesses the ability to use the Data Encryption Key Generation Utility to generate data encryption keys and place the generated keys in the Data Encryption Keys file. 7 CM Operator The CM Operator role possesses the ability to run the Key Manager and Transport Key Manager runtime processes. 8 Crypto Library User The Crypto Library User role possess the ability to use the libraries associated with the CM. 9 Data Synchronization The Data Synchronization role possesses the ability to synchronize the CM Data Encryption Keys and Transport Encryption Keys files. Table 3-1: Cryptographic Module Roles HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 14 The following table illustrates the capabilities of each role in regard to each CM component. The end of the table contains a legend that identifies the abbreviations used in the cells of the table. The numbers starting in column two of the header rows correlate with the role numbers specified in Table 3-1 Component/Role # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FIPS Info File PCRW RW R R R R R R FIPS Status File PCRW R RW RW RW RW RW RW Data Management Keys PCRW RW R R Data Encryption Keys PCRW RW RW R RW EKeys PCRW RW R RW Transport Management Keys PCRW RW R Transport Encryption Keys PCRW RW RW RW Subscriber Data PCRW RW RW SIM Data PCRW RW RW Data Key Material WC RPC Transport Key Material WC RPC FIPS Indicator Utility PCRW E Management Keys Generation Utility PCRW E HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 15 Component/Role # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Data Management Keys Utility PCRW E Data Encryption Key Generation Utility PCRW E Transport Management Keys Utility PCRW E FIPS Command Utility PCRW E AuC Re- Encryption Utility PCRW WE Key Manager PCRW WE1 CM Library PCRWE E E Cryptographic Library PCRW E E Key Provisioning PCRW E E AV Generation API PCRW E E R – Read File Content W – Write, Delete, and Update File Content E – Execute File P – Purge File C – Create File 1 – Restriction by executable and process name. Table 3-2: Cryptographic Module Privileges by Role HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 16 3.2 Services Service Function Role (Numbers from Table 3-2 Cryptogr aphic Module Roles) CSPs Algorithm Service Ports I-In, O-Out C- Command D-Data S-Status CREATEKEY Create a key material file 3 AES 128 Key, AES 128 RNG Seed Key AES, SHA-256, ANSI X9.31 RNG CI, DI, SO DEKADD Add a key to the Data Encryption Key DB 6 AES 128 Key AES, SHA-256 CI, SO DEKREENCRYPT Re-encrypt the keys in the Data Encryption Key DB 4 AES 128 Key AES, SHA-256 DO, DI, CI, SO TEKREENCRYPT Re-encrypt the keys in the Transfer Encryption Key DB 5 AES 128 Key AES, SHA-256 DO, DI, CI, SO DEKREPORT Reports the keys in the Data Encryption Key database 6 N/A N/A DO, CI, SO DMKACTIVATE Activate a key (or keys) in the Data Management Key DB 4 N/A N/A CI, SO DMKADD Add a key to the Data Management Key DB 4 AES 128 Key AES, SHA-256 CI, DI, SO DMKDEACTIVAT E Deactivate a key (or keys) in 4 N/A N/A CI, SO HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 17 Service Function Role (Numbers from Table 3-2 Cryptogr aphic Module Roles) CSPs Algorithm Service Ports I-In, O-Out C- Command D-Data S-Status the Data Management Key DB DMKREPORT Reports the keys in the Data Management Key database 4 N/A N/A DO, CI, SO EKEYSREPORT Reports the keys in the EKEYs database 6 HP Proprietary Keys (read/decrypt use only) HP Proprietary Algorithm DO, CI, SO TEKADD Add a key to the Transport Encryption Key DB 5, 7 AES 128 Key N/A CI, SO TEKREPORT Reports the keys in the Transport Encryption Key database 5 N/A N/A DO, CI, SO TMKACTIVATE Activate a key (or keys) in the Transport Management Key DB 5 N/A N/A CI, SO TMKADD Add a key to the Transport Management Key DB 5 AES 128 Key N/A DI, CI, SO TMKDEACTIVAT E Deactivate a key (or keys) in the Transport Management Key DB 5 N/A N/A CI, SO TMKREPORT Reports the 5 N/A N/A DO, CI, SO HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 18 Service Function Role (Numbers from Table 3-2 Cryptogr aphic Module Roles) CSPs Algorithm Service Ports I-In, O-Out C- Command D-Data S-Status keys in the Transport Management Key database CM APIs Encrypt and decrypt data (via key index) Crypto_LI B_USER (8) AES 128 Key AES, SHA-256 DI, DO, SO FIPS Command Utility Initiate Self Tests, Start and Stop Module Crypto_LI B_USER (8) N/A AES, SHA-1, HMAC-SHA-1, SHA-256, AES based X9.31 RNG (for self tests) CI, SO Set up and Configure Module Install module, create files and roles CRYPTO _OFFICE R (1) N/A N/A CI, SO FIPS Indicator Utility Get Indicator, Set FIPS Status FIPS_MO DE_MGR 1 , CRYPTO _OFFICE R, All roles N/A N/A CI, SO DEKZeroize Zeroize all keys in the Data Encryption Keys DB Data Encryptio n Key Generatio n AES 128 Keys N/A CI, SO DMKZeroize Zeroize all keys in the Data Data Managem ent Key AES 128 Keys N/A CI, SO 1 All roles can query the status but only the FIPS Mode Manager can alter the FIPS Mode Indicator value. HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 19 Service Function Role (Numbers from Table 3-2 Cryptogr aphic Module Roles) CSPs Algorithm Service Ports I-In, O-Out C- Command D-Data S-Status Management Key DB Installatio n TMKZeroize Zeroize all keys in the Transfer Management Key DB Transport Managem ent Key Installatio n AES 128 Keys N/A CI, SO EKeysZeroize Zeroize all keys in the EKeys DB Data Encryptio n Key Generatio n HP Proprietary Keys HP Proprietary Algorithm CI, SO TEKZeroize Zeroize all keys in the TEK DB Transport Managem ent Key Installatio n AES 128 Keys N/A CI, SO Table 3-3: Module Services 3.3 Operator Authentication Operator authentication is implicit by assumption of the role. The Operating System controls access to the system. The SAFECOM utility is used to associate user IDs with Cryptographic Module roles. HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 20 4. Operational Environment This module will operate in a modifiable operational environment per the FIPS 140-2 specifications. 4.1 Operational Environment Policy • The operating system shall be restricted to a single operator at one time (i.e., concurrent operators are explicitly excluded). • The applications that make calls to the cryptographic module are the single user of the cryptographic module, even when the application is serving multiple clients. • The Operating System enforces authentication methods to prevent unauthorized access to Module services • The applications using the module services consist of one or more processes in which each process is utilizing a separate copy of the instance data (no data is shared between instances). • This module implements both approved and non-approved services, the non-approved services (an HP proprietary algorithm) are only used for decryption only to recover legacy data which is then re-encrypted using an approved algorithm HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 21 5. Physical Security This module is a security level 1 software module and offers no specific physical security as none is required. HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 22 6. Mitigation of Other Attacks No additional mitigations will be employed. HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 23 7. Cryptographic key and CSP management This section defines the cryptographic keys and CSPs present in the system and how they are managed over their lifetime. Key/CSP Type Purpose Location Algorithm Creation/input Lifetime Destruction Data Encryption Keys EK Data Encryption Key DB AES 128/SHA - 256 Locally Generated, or imported via an encrypted file and shared key Permanent in encrypted storage, ephemeral and zeroized after use when in plaintext Zeroization of KEK or record containing Key Transport Encryption Keys EK Transport Encryption Key DB AES 128/SHA - 256 Locally Generated, or imported via an encrypted file and shared key Permanent in encrypted storage, ephemeral and zeroized after use when in memory Zeroization of KEK or record containing Key Data Management Key KEK Data Management Key DB AES 128/SHA - 256 Manually input Permanent in obfuscated plaintext storage, ephemeral and zeroized after use when in memory Zeroization of record containing Key Transport Management KEK Transport Management AES 128/SHA - Manually input Permanent in Zeroization of record HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 24 Key/CSP Type Purpose Location Algorithm Creation/input Lifetime Destruction Key Key DB 256 obfuscated plaintext storage, ephemeral and zeroized after use when in memory containing Key Data Management Master Seed Key DRNG Seed Data Management Key DB AES 128/SHA - 256 for integrity and AES 128 (for use in ANSI X9.31 AES 128 based DRNG) Manually input Permanent in obfuscated plaintext storage, ephemeral and zeroized after use when in plaintext Zeroization of KEK or record containing Key HP Proprietary Keys (EKeys) EK (Read and Decrypt Only, uses Data Manage ment KEK ) EKeys DB HP Proprietary Algorithm Imported via encrypted file and shared key Permanent in encrypted storage, ephemeral and zeroized after use when in plaintext Zeroization of KEK or record containing Key SIM Data CSP SIM Data DB AES 128/SHA - 256 or HP Proprietary Algorithm, at first use, a record encrypted under the proprietary algorithm is re-encrypted Imported via encrypted file and shared key Permanent in encrypted storage, ephemeral and zeroized after use when in plaintext Zeroization of KEK or record containing Key HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 25 Key/CSP Type Purpose Location Algorithm Creation/input Lifetime Destruction under AES 128/SHA- 256. Subscriber Data (used for AV generation) CSP Subscriber Data DB AES 128/SHA - 256 or HP Proprietary Algorithm, at first use, a record encrypted under the proprietary algorithm is re-encrypted under AES 128/SHA- 256. Imported via encrypted file and shared key Permanent in encrypted storage, ephemeral and zeroized after use when in plaintext Zeroization of KEK or record containing Key HMAC-SHA- 1 keys for integrity checking HMAC- SHA-1 keys Executable file headers HMAC- SHA-1 Embedded at file creation Plaintext N/A HMAC-SHA- 1 keys for integrity checking HMAC- SHA-1 keys Management Keys DB HMAC- SHA-1 Derived on use Obfuscated Plaintext Zeroization of record containing Key Table 7-1: Keys and CSPs 7.1 RNG The cryptographic module will use a hardware source of entropy to seed an approved DRNG. The continuous test will be performed on both the seed source and the DRNG (ANSI X9.31 AES 128) output. 7.2 Key Generation AES keys are the only keys generated and are created using an approved random number generator per FIPS 140-2 section 4.7.2. HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 26 7.3 Key Establishment Key Establishment is not supported 7.4 Key Entry and Output Keys may be manually entered into the module in plaintext locally from the console terminal only. Those keys that are manually entered must be entered twice to verify integrity as required in FIPS 140-2 section 4.9.2 Keys may also be imported via an encrypted file under a shared key. 7.5 Key storage and Key Zeroization Persistent keys are always stored in files which are SHA -256 hashed and encrypted (with the exception of the master keys which are stored as obfuscated plaintext). The master keys may be zeroized by using the Zeroize commands (please see table 3-3 for the Zeroize commands), this effectively zeroizes all stored keys since the remaining keys are in files which were encrypted under the now zeroized master keys.. Ephemeral keys in memory are zeroized immediately after use The individual record containing a key may also be erased. HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 27 8. Self-Tests The HP OpenCall components designated as part of the Cryptographic Module will perform self-tests compliant with FIPS 140-2 security level one as described in section 4.9 of reference [2]. FIPS 140-2 security level one compliance requires HP to provide the ability to use power-up tests and conditional tests to validate the HP OpenCall HLR Cryptographic Module components present in the Service Provider’s environment. If any instance associated with the CM module fails the self-tests, the entire CM will enter an error state and post an error message via the FIPS Indicator Utility indicating that the CM is an error state. The CM module will not provide cryptographic services while in an error state. The module will also post a notice that can be automatically sent to subscribing administrators when any critical event occurs. 8.1 Power-Up Tests The power-up tests that apply to the HP OpenCall HLR Cryptographic Module include the Cryptographic algorithm test, the software integrity test, and the critical functions test. The HP OpenCall HLR Cryptographic Modules will perform cryptographic algorithm Known Answer Tests (KAT) to ensure the proper functioning of the encryption algorithms utilized by the HLR Cryptographic Module. The software/firmware integrity test involves delivering the Cryptographic Module executable files (e.g. Key Manager) with digital signatures (HMAC-SHA-1) embedded in the header of each executable file. Integrity verification is performed as part of power up tests.. 8.2 Conditional Tests The conditional tests that apply to the HP OpenCall HLR Cryptographic Module include the software/firmware load test, the manual key entry test, and the continuous random number generator test. Note that part of the implementation of this feature will involve an effort to determine any differences between the software/firmware load test specified as part of the conditional test and the software/firmware integrity test included as part of the power-up tests. 8.3 Continuous Tests The standard FIPS 140-2 required continuous test is performed during operation on both the seed source and the DRNG. HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 28 9. Design Assurance The HP OpenCall HLR team adheres to internal coding practices defined for use by the HP OpenCall HLR team. The software associated with the HP OpenCall HLR CM is isolated into specific software packages. APIs associated with the CM module provide external access to the cryptographic functions associated with the CM. The software in the CM does not share global data between CM module components or CM module components and entities external to the CM. The software associated with the cryptographic module is either of block-structured or object oriented structure. The software is written in C or C++ and compiled with a C++ compiler. The structure of the software is hierarchical. The software associated with the CM exists at a specific level (e.g. software package) in the overall software hierarchy. The functions and classes associated with the software perform specific tasks. Software developed for the HP OpenCall HLR CM module undergoes unit and independent-level testing. 9.1 Configuration management HP uses CollabNet to manage the software associated with the HP OpenCall Home Location Register (HLR) Cryptographic Module (CM). CollabNet is a leader in collaborative software development and the organization that supports the HP software management website. CollabNet utilizes the CollabNet CollabNet Enterprise Edition (CEE) software, which in turn utilizes the Subversion SCM tool. The CollabNet hosted solution encrypts all data stored on the external configuration management website. The encryption occurs on the database level and restricts data access to the CEE interface. The CEE limits software accessibility to users given visibility to the data stored on the website. Examples of accessibility range from read only access to full read and write access with additional access limitations associated with groupings of software. The configuration management structure of the HP OpenCall HLR software, including the CM, involves supporting a main thread of software referred to as a trunk and branching from the trunk in order to support and manage releases of the HP OpenCall HLR software. An HP OpenCall HLR configuration management group manages branches associated with software provided for use by HP customers. 9.2 Guidance 9.2.1 Secure installation For complete installation instructions please see: E10.21 OpenCall HLR Rollup Install Guide 9.2.2 Secrets distributions It is required that the customer will not synchronize the Data and Transport Management Keys files if they intend to operate the HP OpenCall HLR in a FIPS 140-2 Security Level One compliant mode. The synchronization of the files, which are protected by obfuscating plain text cryptographic keys, creates a scenario that does not meet FIPS 140-2 Security Level One compliance. Rather the Data and Transport Management Keys must be manually entered at the console of each system. HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 29 9.2.3 Initialization and start-up The following procedure describes how to turn on FIPS mode. Perform the following steps using the TACL prompt: 1.Log on as node.mgr 2.Run toolrun.opcon 3.Select your node from the list 4.ads 5.stopall Perform the following steps using the OSH prompt: 6.Disable directory browsing on the iTP Webserver by doing the following: a.cd /usr/tandem/webserver/conf b.vi httpd.config c.DirectoryIndex: 1.Search for DirectoryIndex in the Region/DirectoryIndex directive. 2.Comment out (insert a # character before) the DirectoryIndex d.save and exit (:wq) e.su super.super f../stop g../start Perform the following steps using the TACL prompt: 7.Use SAFECOM to add users and assign those users the roles the customer wants based on the information in the HLR Security Administrators Guide. A template exists in roles.rolesx. The following steps load that file: a.Log on as super.super b.Add specific system users c.Edit the roles template, adding the users to specific roles HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 30 d.Run bin.cmd e.Discover SGAPICmds f.Loadxml roles.rolesx 8.Log on as “FIPS Mode Manager” role 9.Run macs.fipsind a.setfipsindicator true b.exit 10.Log on as “CM Operator” role 11.Run cmodrun.keymonr The following two steps provide an example of how to perform the setup of encryption keys. For more information on the following commands, see the HLR Security Administrators Guide. 12.Set up Data Encryption keys as follows: a.Log on as “Management Key Generation” role b.Run macs.cmkeycli c.CREATEKEY –kt dmkek_dmmsk –start -expire -a aes128 –o d.Capture the key value from the CREATEKEY command (refer to it as KEY1). e.Exit f.Log on as “Data Management Key Installation” role g.Run macs.cmkeycli h.DMKADD –f -kmk i.Exit j.Log on as “Data Encryption Key Generation” role k.Run macs.cmkeycli l.DEKADD m.Exit HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 31 13.Set up Transport Encryption keys. The key configured in the following steps will be the default transport encryption key in the first entry of the Transport Encryption Keys data file. a.Log on as “Management Key Generation” role. b.Run macs.cmkeycli c.CREATEKEY –kt tmkek_tek –start -expire -a aes128 –o - k2 -k2ic < clear value of the Transport Encryption Key > d.Capture the key value from the CREATEKEY command (refer to it as KEY2). e.Exit f.Log on as “Transport Management Key Installation” role. g.Run macs.cmkeycli h.TMKADD –f -kmk i.Exit 14.Log on as node.mgr 15.Run toolrun.opcon 16.Select your node. 17.startall 18.ads Perform the following steps using the OSH prompt: 19.Change the password encryption policy to CM by doing the following: a.cd /usr/tandem/webserver/root//etc b.vi Master.Config c.Search for PasswordEncryptionPolicy d.Change it to CM e.Save and exit (:wq) For complete instructions on operating the module in FIPS 140-2 approved mode, please see: Feature Implementation Guide: FIPS 140-2 Security Level One Compliance HEWLETT ® PACKARD © 2010 Hewlett Packard /atsec information security. This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice. 32 9.2.4 Operational rules The FIPS Status file must not be edited or modified manually Disabling Directory Browsing The HP HLR/AuC DPA provisioning will ensure that directory browsing is disabled prior to accepting HLR/AuC provisioning requests. See step 6 in section 9.2.3 above for instructions. A firewall should be installed and configured to prevent unauthorized network access