BlackBerry 5810 Wireless Handheld™ BlackBerry 5820 Wireless Handheld™ BlackBerry® Software Version S/MIME Support Package Version 1.5 Hardware Version 1.0 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Document Version 3.3 BlackBerry® Security Team Research In Motion © 2004 Research In Motion Limited. All Rights Reserved. This document may be freely reproduced whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. Document and Contact Information Version Date Author Description 1.0 14 February 2003 Corsec Security Document creation. 2.0 7 March 2003 Corsec Security 2.1 13 August 2003 Corsec Security 3.0 28 January 2004 Dave MacFarlane Major revisions to content and format due to comments received from CMVP. 3.1 4 February 2004 Dave MacFarlane Clarified RSA implemented for signature generation and verification. 3.2 13 February 2004 Dave MacFarlane Revisions due to editorial review. 3.3 10 March 2004 Dave MacFarlane Correction to ALT-CAP-BACKSPACE key combination. Contact Corporate Office BlackBerry® Security Team (519) 888-7465 ext. 2921 Research In Motion Limited 175 Columbia Street West Waterloo ON Canada N2L 5Z5 Contents Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................1 Cryptographic Module Specification.............................................................................................................................2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces ..................................................................................................................4 Roles, Services and Authentication ...............................................................................................................................5 Physical Security ...........................................................................................................................................................7 Cryptographic Keys and Critical Security Parameters ..................................................................................................8 Self-Tests.....................................................................................................................................................................10 Mitigation of Other Attacks.........................................................................................................................................16 FIPS 140-2 Mode of Operation ...................................................................................................................................17 BlackBerry Security Functions................................................................................................................................17 BlackBerry® Handheld Password...........................................................................................................................17 Key Store Password.................................................................................................................................................17 BlackBerry® Enterprise Server...............................................................................................................................17 Tamper Evident Seals..............................................................................................................................................18 Glossary.......................................................................................................................................................................19 List of Tables Table 1. Module Ports and Interfaces...........................................................................................................................4 Table 2. Module Roles and Services ............................................................................................................................6 Table 3. Cryptographic Keys and CSPs........................................................................................................................8 Table 4. Module Self-Tests.........................................................................................................................................10 Table 5. IT Policy Configuration for FIPS Mode of Operation..................................................................................17 BlackBerry® 5800 Series of wireless handhelds © 2004 Research In Motion Limited Page 1 of 1 Introduction BlackBerry® is the leading wireless enterprise solution that allows users to stay connected with secure, wireless access to e-mail, corporate data, phone, web and organiser features. BlackBerry is a totally integrated package that includes hardware, software, and service, providing a complete end-to-end solution. BlackBerry Wireless Handhelds™ support e-mail messaging and additionally support direct messaging between BlackBerry® handhelds, called PIN-to-PIN1 messaging. By default, users can send and receive plaintext e-mail and PIN-to-PIN messages, but with the inclusion of the S/MIME software they may also send and receive S/MIME e- mail and PIN-to-PIN messages. S/MIME messages may be encrypted using AES-128, AES-192, AES-256, CAST5-128, RC2 or Triple DES and may be signed using RSA, DSA or ECDSA. BlackBerry® handhelds protect all message types with Triple DES encryption during wireless transport. In other words, before BlackBerry® handhelds send a message it is encrypted using Triple DES, regardless of whether or not the message is already encrypted by the user using the S/MIME software. The BlackBerry® 5800 Series of wireless handhelds are identical in functionality and both operate on Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) and General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) wireless networks, but at different frequencies. The BlackBerry 5810™ operates at 1900 MHz and targets the North American market, while the BlackBerry 5820™ operates at 900/1800 MHz and targets the European market. The BlackBerry 5810™ and BlackBerry 5820™ are hereafter referred to as the cryptographic module or module. 1 Each BlackBerry® handheld is uniquely identified by a personal identification number (PIN). BlackBerry® 5800 Series of wireless handhelds © 2004 Research In Motion Limited Page 2 of 2 Cryptographic Module Specification The plastic casing of the BlackBerry 5810™ and BlackBerry 5820™ establishes the cryptographic boundary of the module, but only the cryptographic functionality is considered herein. The module implements the following FIPS-Approved2 security functions: ƒ AES-128, AES-192 and AES-256, as specified in FIPS PUB 197. The ECB, CBC, CFB-8, CFB-128 and OFB modes of operation are supported. The implementation has been awarded AES validation certificate # 83. ƒ Triple DES, as specified in FIPS PUB 46-3. The ECB, CBC, CFB-8, CFB-64 and OFB modes of operation are supported. The implementation has been awarded Triple DES validation certificate # 200. ƒ DES, as specified in FIPS PUB 46-3. The ECB, CBC, CFB-8, CFB-64 and OFB modes of operation are supported. The implementation has been awarded DES validation certificate # 228. ƒ DSA, as specified in FIPS PUB 186-2. The implementation has been awarded DSS validation certificate # 93. ƒ ECDSA, as specified in ANSI X9.62. The implementation is vendor affirmed to be correct. ƒ RSA (signature generation and verification), as specified in PKCS #1. The implementation is vendor affirmed to be correct. ƒ RSA (signature generation and verification), as specified in ANSI X9.31. The implementation is vendor affirmed to be correct. ƒ SHA-1, as specified in FIPS PUB 180-2. The implementation has been awarded SHS validation certificate # 147. ƒ Triple DES CBC MAC, as specified in FIPS PUB 81. In conjunction with Triple DES validation certificate # 200, the implementation is vendor affirmed to be correct. ƒ DES CBC MAC, as specified in FIPS PUB 81. In conjunction with DES validation certificate # 228, the implementation is vendor affirmed to be correct. ƒ HMAC SHA-1, as specified in FIPS PUB 198. In conjunction with SHS validation certificate # 147, the implementation is vendor affirmed to be correct. ƒ Pseudo-Random Number Generator, as specified in FIPS PUB 186-2 Appendix 3.1. The module implements the following non-Approved security functions: ƒ Skipjack, as specified in SKIPJACK and KEA Algorithm Specifications, version 2.0, 29 May 1998. The ECB, CBC, CFB-8, CFB-64, OFB and X modes of operation are supported. While Skipjack is an Approved algorithm, this implementation has not been validated and is thus considered non-Approved. ƒ ARC4, as specified in Applied Cryptography, 1996, 2nd edition, pp. 397-398. ƒ RC2, as specified in RFC 2268. ƒ RC5, as specified in RFC 2040. 2 A cryptographic algorithm is FIPS-Approved if it is explicitly listed in FIPS 140-2 Annex A: Approved Security Functions for FIPS PUB 140-2. BlackBerry® 5800 Series of wireless handhelds © 2004 Research In Motion Limited Page 3 of 3 ƒ CAST5-128, as specified in RFC 2144. ƒ Rijndael. ƒ KEA, as specified in SKIPJACK and KEA Algorithm Specifications, version 2.0, 29 May 1998. ƒ Diffie-Hellman, as specified in PKCS #3. ƒ EC Diffie-Hellman, as specified in IEEE P1363 Draft 13. ƒ ECMQV, as specified in IEEE P1363 Draft 13. ƒ ECNR, as specified in IEEE P1363 Draft 13. ƒ ElGamal, as specified in Applied Cryptography, 1996, 2nd edition, pp. 476-479. ƒ SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512, as specified in FIPS PUB 180-2. ƒ MD2, as specified in RFC 1319. ƒ MD4, as specified in RFC 1320. ƒ MD5, as specified in RFC 1321. ƒ RIPEMD-128, as specified in RIPEMD-160: A Strengthened Version of RIPEMD, 18 April 1996. ƒ RIPEMD-160, as specified in RIPEMD-160: A Strengthened Version of RIPEMD, 18 April 1996. ƒ CBC MAC, as specified in FIPS PUB 81 for the following symmetric algorithms: AES, CAST5-128, RC2, RC5 and Skipjack. ƒ HMAC, as specified in FIPS PUB 198 for the following message digest algorithms: SHA-256, SHA- 384, SHA-512, MD2, MD4, MD5, RIPEMD-128 and RIPEMD-160. ƒ RSA OAEP, as specified in Advances in Cryptology – Eurocrypt ’94, pp. 92-111. ƒ RSA PSS, as specified in PKCS #1, version 2.1. ƒ X Mode of Operation for the AES-128, AES-192, AES-256, Triple DES and DES algorithms. BlackBerry® 5800 Series of wireless handhelds © 2004 Research In Motion Limited Page 4 of 4 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces The following table describes the module implementation of the FIPS 140-2 ports and interfaces: Table 1. Module Ports and Interfaces Interface Module Implementation Data Input Keyboard, serial port, internal radio modem, audio port Data Output Serial port, internal radio modem, audio port, liquid crystal display (LCD) Control Input Keyboard, trackwheel, reset button, escape button Status Output Light-emitting diode (LED), LCD Power Input Serial port BlackBerry® 5800 Series of wireless handhelds © 2004 Research In Motion Limited Page 5 of 5 Roles, Services and Authentication The module supports a User role and a Crypto Officer role. The module does not support a Maintenance role. Role selection is performed implicitly and is dependent on the service performed by the operator. The following services are available to the operator: ƒ Inject Master Key – Replaces the existing Master Key on the handheld with a new Master Key. ƒ Configure Handheld Password – Creates the initial handheld password or changes the existing handheld password. ƒ Configure Key Store Password – Creates the initial key store password or changes the existing key store password. ƒ Reset Module – Resets the module. ƒ Power On/Off Module – Powers the module on or off. ƒ View Status – Displays the status of the module. ƒ Send E-mail Message – Sends a plaintext or S/MIME e-mail message. Once invoked by the user, the module automatically generates a Session Key and uses it to encrypt the message. The Session Key is then encrypted with the Master Key and the encrypted message and Session Key are sent. ƒ Receive E-mail Message – Receives a plaintext or S/MIME e-mail message. This service is performed automatically by the module on behalf of the user. The module receives the encrypted message and Session Key, decrypts the Session Key with the Master Key, and then decrypts the message with the Session Key. ƒ Send PIN-to-PIN Message – Sends a plaintext or S/MIME PIN-to-PIN message. Once invoked by the user, the module automatically generates a Session Key and uses it to encrypt the message. The Session Key is then encrypted with the PIN-to-PIN Master Key and the encrypted message and Session Key are sent. ƒ Receive PIN-to-PIN Message – Receives a plaintext or S/MIME PIN-to-PIN message. This service is performed automatically by the module on behalf of the user. The module receives the encrypted message and Session Key, decrypts the Session Key with the PIN-to-PIN Master Key, and then decrypts the message with the Session Key. ƒ Encrypt S/MIME Message – Encrypts an S/MIME e-mail or PIN-to-PIN message. ƒ Decrypt S/MIME Message – Decrypts an S/MIME e-mail or PIN-to-PIN message. ƒ Sign S/MIME Message – Generates a signature of an S/MIME e-mail or PIN-to-PIN message. ƒ Verify S/MIME Message – Verifies the signature of a received S/MIME e-mail or PIN-to-PIN message. ƒ Perform Self Tests – Executes the module self-tests, as described in Self-Tests on page 10. The following table summarises implicit role selection based on service and the associated access to critical security parameters (CSPs): BlackBerry® 5800 Series of wireless handhelds © 2004 Research In Motion Limited Page 6 of 6 Table 2. Module Roles and Services Service Role Implicitly Selected Affected Keys and CSPs Access to Keys and CSPs Inject Master Key Crypto Officer Master Key Write Configure Handheld Password User Handheld Password Write Configure Key Store Password User Key Store Password Write Reset Module User N/A N/A Power On/Off Module User N/A N/A View Status User N/A N/A Master Key Execute Send E-mail Message User Session Key Write, Execute Master Key Execute Receive E-mail Message User Session Key Execute PIN-to-PIN Master Key Execute Send PIN-to-PIN Message User Session Key Write, Execute PIN-to-PIN Master Key Execute Receive PIN-to-PIN Message User Session Key Execute Encrypt S/MIME Message User AES Key / Triple DES Key Execute Decrypt S/MIME Message User AES Key / Triple DES Key Execute Sign S/MIME Message User RSA Private Key / DSA Private Key / ECDSA Private Key Execute Verify S/MIME Message User RSA Public Key / DSA Public Key / ECDSA Public Key Execute Perform Self-Tests User N/A N/A The module does not support multiple or concurrent operators and is intended for use by a single operator, thus it always operates in a single-user mode of operation. The operator uniquely authenticates to the module through a password mechanism. Passwords are alphanumeric and, when the module is configured as specified in FIPS 140-2 Mode of Operation on page 17, are a minimum length of five characters, making the probability of guessing the correct password less than one in 1,000,000. The module stores the SHA-1 hash of the handheld password, and the operator successfully authenticates to the module if and only if the SHA-1 hash of the supplied password matches the stored hash. BlackBerry® 5800 Series of wireless handhelds © 2004 Research In Motion Limited Page 7 of 7 Physical Security The module is a multi-chip standalone module contained within an opaque, hard plastic casing. Evidence of tampering is provided through the use of tamper evident seals that contain a hidden graphic. During normal use of the seals the graphic is not visible, but becomes visible when attempts are made to remove the seal. Refer to Tamper Evident Seals on page 18 for instructions on applying and using the tamper evident seals. BlackBerry® 5800 Series of wireless handhelds © 2004 Research In Motion Limited Page 8 of 8 Cryptographic Keys and Critical Security Parameters The following table describes the cryptographic keys, key components, and CSPs utilised by the module while in a FIPS mode of operation: Table 3. Cryptographic Keys and CSPs Key / CSP Description Handheld Password The SHA-1 hash of the alphanumeric password used to authenticate the operator to the BlackBerry® handheld. Key Store Password The SHA-1 hash of the alphanumeric password used to access the handheld key store. Master Key A 2-key Triple DES key used to encrypt and decrypt Session Keys that are used to encrypt and decrypt e-mail messages. PIN-to-PIN Master Key A 2-key Triple DES key used to encrypt and decrypt Session Keys that are used to encrypt and decrypt PIN-to-PIN messages. Session Key A 2-key Triple DES key used to encrypt and decrypt an e-mail or PIN-to- PIN message. The module generates Session Keys using the pseudo- random number generator (PRNG) specified in FIPS PUB 186-2 Appendix 3.1. Software Integrity Key An RSA public key used to verify the integrity of the module software. DES Key A symmetric key used to encrypt and decrypt data using the DES algorithm. Triple DES Key A symmetric key used to encrypt and decrypt data using the Triple DES algorithm. AES Key A symmetric key used to encrypt and decrypt data using the AES algorithm. DSA Key Pair A public/private key pair used to calculate and verify digital signatures using the DSA algorithm. ECDSA Key Pair A public/private key pair used to calculate and verify digital signatures using the ECDSA algorithm. RSA Key Pair A public/private key pair used to calculate and verify digital signatures using the RSA algorithm. DES CBC MAC Key A DES key used to calculate and verify a message authentication code using the DES algorithm in the CBC mode of operation. Triple DES CBC MAC Key A Triple DES key used to calculate and verify a message authentication code using the Triple DES algorithm in the CBC mode of operation. HMAC SHA-1 Key A key used to calculate and verify a keyed message authentication code using the HMAC SHA-1 algorithm. The following keys, key components and CSPs correspond to the non-Approved security functions supported by the module. Consequently, they may not be utilised while the module operates in a FIPS mode of operation: ƒ RC2 Key ƒ RC5 Key ƒ Skipjack Key BlackBerry® 5800 Series of wireless handhelds © 2004 Research In Motion Limited Page 9 of 9 ƒ CAST5-128 Key ƒ ARC4 Key ƒ Rijndael Key ƒ Diffie-Hellman Key Pair ƒ EC Diffie-Hellman Key Pair ƒ ElGamal Key Pair ƒ CBC MAC Keys for use with AES-128, AES-192, AES-256, CAST5-128, RC2, RC5 or Skipjack ƒ HMAC Keys for use with SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, MD2, MD4, MD5, RIPEMD-128 or RIPEMD-160 BlackBerry® 5800 Series of wireless handhelds © 2004 Research In Motion Limited Page 10 of 10 Self-Tests The following table describes the self-tests implemented by the module: Table 4. Module Self-Tests Test Description Software Integrity Test The module implements an integrity test for the module software by verifying its 1024-bit RSA signature. The software integrity test passes if and only if the signature verifies successfully using the Software Integrity Key. AES Known Answer Test The module implements a known answer test (KAT) for the decrypt operation of AES-128 in the ECB mode of operation. The test passes if and only if the calculated plaintext equals the known plaintext. The AES KAT must execute successfully before the operator can access AES or Rijndael functionality. Triple DES Known Answer Test The module implements a KAT for the encrypt and decrypt operations of Triple DES in the ECB mode of operation. The test passes if and only if the calculated output equals the known output for both operations. The Triple DES KAT must execute successfully before the operator can access Triple DES functionality. Triple DES CBC Known Answer Test The module implements a Triple DES KAT for the CBC mode of operation using known input and output. The KAT passes if and only if the calculated output equals the known output. DES Known Answer Test The module implements a KAT for the encrypt and decrypt operations of DES in the ECB mode of operation. The test passes if and only if the calculated output equals the known output for both operations. The DES KAT must execute successfully before the operator can access DES functionality. Skipjack Known Answer Test The module implements a KAT for the encrypt and decrypt operations of Skipjack in the ECB mode of operation. The test passes if and only if the calculated output equals the known output for both operations. The Skipjack KAT must execute successfully before the operator can access Skipjack functionality. ARC4 Known Answer Test The module implements a KAT for the encrypt operation of ARC4. The test passes if and only if the calculated ciphertext equals the known ciphertext. The ARC4 KAT must execute successfully before the operator can access ARC4 functionality. BlackBerry® 5800 Series of wireless handhelds © 2004 Research In Motion Limited Page 11 of 11 Test Description CAST5-128 Known Answer Test The module implements a KAT for the encrypt and decrypt operations of CAST5-128. The test passes if and only if the calculated output equals the known output for both operations. The KAT must execute successfully before the operator can access CAST5-128 functionality. RC2 Known Answer Test The module implements a KAT for the encrypt and decrypt operations of RC2. The test passes if and only if the calculated output equals the known output for both operations. The KAT must execute successfully before the operator can access RC2 functionality. RC5 Known Answer Test The module implements a KAT for the encrypt and decrypt operations of RC5. The test passes if and only if the calculated output equals the known output for both operations. The KAT must execute successfully before the operator can access RC5 functionality. RSA Known Answer Test The module implements a KAT for the encrypt operation of RSA. The test passes if and only if the calculated ciphertext equals the known ciphertext. The KAT must execute successfully before the operator can access RSA functionality. RSA Pair-Wise Consistency Test The module implements a pair-wise consistency test for each newly created RSA key pair. The RSA public key is used to encrypt a plaintext value and the resulting ciphertext is compared to the original plaintext. Next, the RSA private key is used to decrypt the ciphertext value and the resulting plaintext is compared to the original plaintext. The test passes if and only if the first comparison returns false and the second returns true. The RSA pair-wise consistency test must execute successfully in order for the key pair to be used by the operator. ElGamal Known Answer Test The module implements separate KATs for the encrypt and decrypt operations of ElGamal. Each test passes if and only if the calculated output equals the known output for the corresponding operation. The KAT for either operation must execute successfully before the operator can access the corresponding ElGamal functionality. SHA-1 Known Answer Test The module implements a SHA-1 KAT using known input and output. The KAT passes if and only if the calculated output equals the known output. SHA-256 Known Answer Test The module implements a KAT for SHA-256. The test passes if and only if the calculated message digest equals the known message digest. The KAT must execute successfully before the operator can access the SHA-256 functionality. BlackBerry® 5800 Series of wireless handhelds © 2004 Research In Motion Limited Page 12 of 12 Test Description SHA-384 Known Answer Test The module implements a KAT for SHA-384. The test passes if and only if the calculated message digest equals the known message digest. The KAT must execute successfully before the operator can access SHA-384 functionality. SHA-512 Known Answer Test The module implements a KAT for SHA-512. The test passes if and only if the calculated message digest equals the known message digest. The KAT must execute successfully before the operator can access SHA-512 functionality. MD2 Known Answer Test The module implements a KAT for MD2. The test passes if and only if the calculated message digest equals the known message digest. The KAT must execute successfully before the operator can access MD2 functionality. MD4 Known Answer Test The module implements a KAT for MD4. The test passes if and only if the calculated message digest equals the known message digest. The KAT must execute successfully before the operator can access MD4 functionality. MD5 Known Answer Test The module implements a KAT for MD5. The test passes if and only if the calculated message digest equals the known message digest. The KAT must execute successfully before the operator can access MD5 functionality. RIPEMD-128 Known Answer Test The module implements a KAT for RIPEMD-128. The test passes if and only if the calculated message digest equals the known message digest. The KAT must execute successfully before the operator can access RIPEMD-128 functionality. RIPEMD-160 Known Answer Test The module implements a KAT for RIPEMD-160. The test passes if and only if the calculated message digest equals the known message digest. The KAT must execute successfully before the operator can access RIPEMD-160 functionality. HMAC Known Answer Test The module implements an HMAC SHA-1 KAT using known input and output. The KAT passes if and only if the calculated output equals the known output. The KAT must execute successfully before the operator can access HMAC functionality for use with any supported algorithm, such as SHA-1 or SHA-256. CBC MAC Known Answer Test The module implements a KAT for CBC MAC using DES. The test passes if and only if the calculated DES CBC MAC equals the known DES CBC MAC. The KAT must execute successfully before the operator can access CBC MAC functionality for use with any supported algorithm, such as DES or Triple DES. BlackBerry® 5800 Series of wireless handhelds © 2004 Research In Motion Limited Page 13 of 13 Test Description Diffie-Hellman Known Answer Test The module implements a KAT for Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol. Using known input, a shared secret is generated. The test passes if and only if the calculated shared secret equals the known shared secret. The KAT must execute successfully before the operator can access Diffie-Hellman key agreement functionality. Diffie-Hellman and ElGamal Pair-Wise Consistency Test The module implements a pair-wise consistency test for each newly created Diffie-Hellman and ElGamal key pair. Using a known public/private key pair, the newly created key pair is used to generate a shared secret. The test passes if and only If the same shared secret is calculated with both key pairs. The Diffie-Hellman and ElGamal pair-wise consistency test must execute successfully in order for the newly created key pair to be used by the operator. KEA Known Answer Test The module implements a KAT for KEA protocol. Using known input, a shared secret is generated. The test passes if and only if the calculated shared secret equals the known shared secret. The KAT must execute successfully before the operator can access KEA functionality. KEA Pair-Wise Consistency Test The module implements a pair-wise consistency test for each newly created KEA key pair. Using a known public/private key pair, the newly created key pair is used to generate a shared secret. The test passes if and only If the same shared secret is calculated with both key pairs. The KEA pair-wise consistency test must execute successfully in order for the newly created key pair to be used by the operator. DSA Known Answer Test The module implements a KAT for DSA. Using a known key pair, the DSA signature of known data is generated and then verified. The test passes if and only if the signature verifies successfully. The DSA KAT must execute successfully before the operator can access DSA functionality. DSA Pair-Wise Consistency Test The module implements a pair-wise consistency test for each newly created DSA key pair. A DSA signature is generated and then verified. The test passes if and only if the signature verifies successfully. The DSA pair-wise consistency test must execute successfully in order for the key pair to be used by the operator. ECDSA Known Answer Test The module implements a KAT for ECDSA over the curve EC163K1. Using a known key pair, the signature of known data is generated and then verified. The test passes if and only if the signature verifies successfully. The ECDSA KAT must execute successfully before the operator can access any elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) functionality. BlackBerry® 5800 Series of wireless handhelds © 2004 Research In Motion Limited Page 14 of 14 Test Description Elliptic Curve Cryptography Known Answer Test The module implements a KAT for ECC over the curve specified by the operator. The supported ECC curves are EC160R1, EC163K1, EC163K2, EC163R2, EC192R1, EC224R1, EC233K1, EC233R1, EC239K1, EC256R1, EC283K1, EC283R1, EC384R1, EC409K1, EC409R1, EC521R1, EC571K1 and EC571R1. Using known input, a shared secret is generated using ECDH. The test passes if and only if the calculated shared secret equals the known shared secret. The ECC KAT must execute successfully before the operator can access any ECC functionality on the specified curve. ECC Pair-Wise Consistency Test The module implements a pair-wise consistency test for each newly created ECC key pair. An ECDSA signature is generated and then verified. The test passes if and only if the signature verifies successfully. The ECC pair-wise consistency test must execute successfully in order for the key pair to be used by the operator. Continuous RNG Test The module implements a continuous RNG test, as specified in FIPS 140-2, for the FIPS 186-2 Appendix 3.1 PRNG. RNG Statistical Test The Monobit, Poker, Runs and Long Runs statistical tests, as specified in FIPS 140-2, are executed on 20,000 bits of output generated by the FIPS PUB 186-2 Appendix 3.1 PRNG. The module executes the following self-tests, as described in Table 4 and, during power-up without requiring operator input or action: Š Software Integrity Test Š AES KAT Š Triple DES KAT Š Triple DES CBC KAT Š DES KAT Š Skipjack KAT Š RSA KAT Š SHA-1 KAT Š SHA-256 KAT Š SHA-384 KAT Š SHA-512 KAT Š HMAC KAT Š CBC MAC KAT BlackBerry® 5800 Series of wireless handhelds © 2004 Research In Motion Limited Page 15 of 15 Š DSA KAT Š ECDSA KAT Š RNG Statistical Test The operator may initiate the self-tests by performing a hard reset of the module by either pressing the reset button or the ALT-CAP-BACKSPACE key combination, or by power cycling the device. The Software Integrity Test is the first test executed during power up. BlackBerry® 5800 Series of wireless handhelds © 2004 Research In Motion Limited Page 16 of 16 Mitigation of Other Attacks The module is not designed to mitigate any specialised attacks. BlackBerry® 5800 Series of wireless handhelds © 2004 Research In Motion Limited Page 17 of 17 FIPS 140-2 Mode of Operation In order to operate the module in a FIPS-Approved manner, the following conditions must be met. BlackBerry Security Functions Only FIPS-Approved security functions may be employed while the module is operating in a FIPS mode of operation. Refer to Cryptographic Module Specification on page 2 for the list of FIPS-Approved security functions provided by the module. BlackBerry® Handheld Password During initial configuration of the BlackBerry® handheld, the operator must configure a handheld password by performing the following steps: 1. Select the Options icon in the home screen. 2. Select Security in the Options screen. 3. Set the Password option to Enabled, if it is currently set to Disabled. 4. Set the Password Timeout option to a value no greater than 10 minutes. 5. Click the thumbwheel to display the Security menu and select Save. 6. Enter the handheld password in the New Password dialog that appears. 7. Re-enter the handheld password in the Verify New Password dialog that appears. Key Store Password During initial configuration of the BlackBerry® handheld, the operator must configure a key store password by performing the following steps: 1. Select the Options icon in the home screen. 2. Select Handheld Key Store in the Options screen. 3. Enter the key store password in the New Key Store Password dialog that appears. 4. Re-enter the key store password in the Verify Key Store Password dialog that appears. BlackBerry® Enterprise Server The following IT Policies must be configured on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server that serves the module, as shown: Table 5. IT Policy Configuration for FIPS Mode of Operation IT Policy Value Description Password Required True Forces the operator to use a handheld password. Minimum Password Length 5 Sets a minimum length on the handheld password. User Can Disable Password False Disallows the operator from disabling the handheld password. Enable WAP Config. False Disables the WAP browser. BlackBerry® 5800 Series of wireless handhelds © 2004 Research In Motion Limited Page 18 of 18 IT Policy Value Description Suppress Password Echo True Prevents the password characters from being displayed when the operator is attempting to authenticate to the handheld. Disallow Third Party Application Downloads True Prevents additional software from being loaded onto the handheld. Allow External Connections False Prevents external connections from the handheld. TLS Restrict FIPS Ciphers True Forces the use of FIPS-Approved algorithms when using TLS. SMIME Require FIPS Ciphers True Forces the use of FIPS-Approved algorithms when creating and sending S/MIME e-mail or PIN-to-PIN messages. Tamper Evident Seals For the purposes of applying the tamper-evident seals, the front of the BlackBerry® handheld is the side of the device with the LCD and keyboard. The tamper-evident seals must be applied, as follows: 1. Ensure the ambient air temperature is above 10°C. 2. Clean the enclosure of any grease, dirt, or oil. Alcohol-based cleaning pads are recommended for this purpose. 3. Select an exposed screw on the back of the BlackBerry® handheld. 4. Place a tamper-evident seal over the selected screw so that it is no longer exposed. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4. 6. Allow one hour for the adhesive on the tamper-evident seal to properly cure. The tamper evident seals should be examined periodically for the following signs of tampering: ƒ Seal is missing ƒ Seal appearance is distorted ƒ Hidden graphic is visible BlackBerry® 5800 Series of wireless handhelds © 2004 Research In Motion Limited Page 19 of 19 Glossary AES Advanced Encryption Standard ANSI American National Standards Institute ARC Alleged Rivest Cipher CBC Cipher Block Chaining CFB Cipher Feedback CSP critical security parameter DES Data Encryption Standard DH Diffie-Hellman DSA Digital Signature Algorithm DSS Digital Signature Standard EC elliptic curve ECB Electronic Codebook ECC elliptic curve cryptography ECMQV elliptic curve Menezes-Qu-Vanstone ECNR elliptic curve Nyberg-Rueppel FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard GPRS General Packet Radio Service GSM Global System for Mobile communication HMAC Keyed-Hashed Message Authentication Code IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers KAT known answer test KEA Key Exchange Algorithm LCD liquid crystal display LED light emitting diode MAC Message Authentication Code MD Message Digest OAEP Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding OFB Output Feedback PIN personal identification number PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standard PRNG pseudo-random number generator RC Rivest Cipher RFC Request For Comment RIM Research In Motion BlackBerry® 5800 Series of wireless handhelds © 2004 Research In Motion Limited Page 20 of 20 RIPE Race Integrity Primitives Evaluation RNG random number generator RSA Rivest, Shamir, Adleman S/MIME Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SHS Secure Hash Standard TLS Transport Layer Security WAP Wireless Application Protocol