Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 1 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Juniper Networks, Inc. Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Document Version: 1.1 Last update: 08-28-2024 Prepared by: Prepared for: atsec information security corporation Juniper Networks, Inc. 4516 Seton Center Pkwy, Suite 250 1133 Innovation Way Austin, TX 78759 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 2 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Table of Contents 1 General ................................................................................................................................ 6 1.1 Overview........................................................................................................................ 6 1.1.1 How this Security Policy was prepared ....................................................................... 6 1.2 Security Levels .............................................................................................................. 6 1.3 Additional Information [O] ............................................................................................. 6 2 Cryptographic Module Specification..................................................................................... 6 2.1 Description .................................................................................................................... 6 2.2 Tested and Vendor Affirmed Module Version and Identification .................................... 8 2.3 Excluded Components ................................................................................................... 8 2.4 Modes of Operation ....................................................................................................... 8 2.5 Algorithms ..................................................................................................................... 9 2.6 Security Function Implementations ............................................................................. 11 2.7 Algorithm Specific Information .................................................................................... 16 2.7.1 AES XTS .................................................................................................................... 16 2.8 RBG and Entropy ......................................................................................................... 16 2.9 Key Generation............................................................................................................ 16 2.10 Key Establishment ..................................................................................................... 17 2.11 Industry Protocols ...................................................................................................... 17 2.12 Additional Information [O] ......................................................................................... 17 3 Cryptographic Module Interfaces ....................................................................................... 17 3.1 Ports and Interfaces..................................................................................................... 17 3.2 Trusted Channel Specification [O] ............................................................................... 18 3.3 Control Interface Not Inhibited [O]............................................................................... 18 3.4 Additional Information [O] ........................................................................................... 18 4 Roles, Services, and Authentication ................................................................................... 18 4.1 Authentication Methods............................................................................................... 18 4.2 Roles............................................................................................................................ 18 4.3 Approved Services....................................................................................................... 18 4.4 Non-Approved Services................................................................................................ 22 4.5 External Software/Firmware Loaded............................................................................ 22 4.6 Bypass Actions and Status [O]..................................................................................... 22 4.7 Cryptographic Output Actions and Status [O].............................................................. 23 4.8 Additional Information [O] ........................................................................................... 23 5 Software/Firmware Security ............................................................................................... 23 5.1 Integrity Techniques .................................................................................................... 23 Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 3 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 5.2 Initiate on Demand ...................................................................................................... 23 5.3 Open-Source Parameters [O]....................................................................................... 23 5.4 Additional Information [O] ........................................................................................... 23 6 Operational Environment ................................................................................................... 23 6.1 Operational Environment Type and Requirements ...................................................... 23 6.2 Configuration Settings and Restrictions [O]................................................................. 24 6.3 Additional Information [O] ........................................................................................... 24 7 Physical Security ................................................................................................................ 24 7.1 Mechanisms and Actions Required [O] ........................................................................ 24 7.2 User Placed Tamper Seals [O] ..................................................................................... 24 7.3 Filler Panels [O]............................................................................................................ 24 7.4 Fault Induction Mitigation [O] ...................................................................................... 24 7.5 EFP/EFT Information [O]............................................................................................... 24 7.6 Hardness Testing Temperature Ranges [O]................................................................. 25 7.7 Additional Information [O] ........................................................................................... 25 8 Non-Invasive Security......................................................................................................... 25 8.1 Mitigation Techniques [O]............................................................................................ 25 8.2 Effectiveness [O] ......................................................................................................... 25 8.3 Additional Information [O] ........................................................................................... 25 9 Sensitive Security Parameters Management...................................................................... 25 9.1 Storage Areas .............................................................................................................. 25 9.2 SSP Input-Output Methods........................................................................................... 26 9.3 SSP Zeroization Methods ............................................................................................. 26 9.4 SSPs............................................................................................................................. 27 9.5 Transitions [O] ............................................................................................................. 29 9.6 Additional Information [O] ........................................................................................... 29 10 Self-Tests ......................................................................................................................... 29 10.1 Pre-Operational Self-Tests ......................................................................................... 29 10.2 Conditional Self-Tests ................................................................................................ 30 10.3 Periodic Self-Test Information.................................................................................... 39 10.4 Error States................................................................................................................ 42 10.5 Operator Initiation of Self-Tests [O] ........................................................................... 43 10.6 Additional Information [O] ......................................................................................... 43 11 Life-Cycle Assurance ........................................................................................................ 43 11.1 Installation, Initialization, and Startup Procedures..................................................... 43 11.2 Administrator Guidance ............................................................................................. 43 Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 4 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 11.3 Non-Administrator Guidance...................................................................................... 44 11.4 Design and Rules [O] ................................................................................................. 44 11.5 Maintenance Requirements [O] ................................................................................. 44 11.6 End of Life [O]............................................................................................................ 44 11.7 Additional Information [O] ......................................................................................... 44 12 Mitigation of Other Attacks .............................................................................................. 44 12.1 Attack List [O]............................................................................................................ 44 12.2 Mitigation Effectiveness [O]....................................................................................... 44 12.3 Guidance and Constraints [O].................................................................................... 44 12.4 Additional Information [O] ......................................................................................... 44 Appendix A. Glossary and Abbreviations............................................................................... 45 Appendix B. References ........................................................................................................ 46 Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 5 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 List of Tables Table 1: Security Levels .......................................................................................................... 6 Table 2: Tested Module Identification – Software, Firmware, Hybrid (Executable Code Sets). 8 Table 3: Tested Operational Environments - Software, Firmware, Hybrid............................... 8 Table 4: Modes List and Description........................................................................................ 9 Table 5: Approved Algorithms............................................................................................... 11 Table 6: Non-Approved, Not Allowed Algorithms................................................................... 11 Table 7: Security Function Implementations ......................................................................... 16 Table 8: Entropy Certificates................................................................................................. 16 Table 9: Entropy Sources ...................................................................................................... 16 Table 10: Ports and Interfaces............................................................................................... 17 Table 11: Roles...................................................................................................................... 18 Table 12: Approved Services................................................................................................. 22 Table 13: Non-Approved Services ......................................................................................... 22 Table 14: EFP/EFT Information .............................................................................................. 25 Table 15: Hardness Testing Temperatures............................................................................ 25 Table 16: Storage Areas........................................................................................................ 26 Table 17: SSP Input-Output Methods..................................................................................... 26 Table 18: SSP Zeroization Methods ....................................................................................... 26 Table 19: SSP Table 1............................................................................................................ 28 Table 20: SSP Table 2............................................................................................................ 29 Table 21: Pre-Operational Self-Tests ..................................................................................... 29 Table 22: Conditional Self-Tests............................................................................................ 38 Table 23: Pre-Operational Periodic Information..................................................................... 39 Table 24: Conditional Periodic Information............................................................................ 42 Table 25: Error States ........................................................................................................... 42 List of Figures Figure 1: Block Diagram.......................................................................................................... 7 Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 6 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 1 General 1.1 Overview This document is the non-proprietary FIPS 140-3 Security Policy for version 2.0 of the Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module module. It contains the security rules under which the module must operate and describes how this module meets the requirements as specified in FIPS PUB 140-3 (Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-3) for an overall Security Level 1 module. This Non-Proprietary Security Policy may be reproduced and distributed, but only whole and intact and including this notice. Other documentation is proprietary to their authors. 1.1.1 How this Security Policy was prepared In preparing the Security Policy document, the laboratory formatted the vendor-supplied documentation for consolidation without altering the technical statements therein contained. The further refining of the Security Policy document was conducted iteratively throughout the conformance testing, wherein the Security Policy was submitted to the vendor, who would then edit, modify, and add technical contents. The vendor would also supply additional documentation, which the laboratory formatted into the existing Security Policy, and resubmitted to the vendor for their final editing. 1.2 Security Levels Section Security Level 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 N/A 8 N/A 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 N/A Table 1: Security Levels 1.3 Additional Information [O] Not applicable. 2 Cryptographic Module Specification 2.1 Description Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 7 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Purpose and Use: The Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module (hereafter referred to as “the module”) is a software module running as part of the operating system kernel that provides general purpose cryptographic services. It is bound to the Junos OS Evolved OpenSSL Cryptographic Module Version 3.0.8 validated under FIPS certificate #4775 to check the integrity of its static kernel binary file. Module Type: Software Module Embodiment: MultiChipStand Module Characteristics: Cryptographic Boundary: The cryptographic boundary of the module is defined as the kernel binary and the fips_chk_hmac binary, which verifies the integrity of the static kernel binary using the bound OpenSSL module HMAC service. In addition, the cryptographic boundary contains the .hmac files which store the expected integrity values for each of the software components. Tested Operational Environment’s Physical Perimeter (TOEPP) [O]: The TOEPP of the module is defined as the general-purpose computer on which the module is installed. Figure 1: Block Diagram Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 8 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 2.2 Tested and Vendor Affirmed Module Version and Identification Tested Module Identification – Hardware: N/A for this module. Tested Module Identification – Software, Firmware, Hybrid (Executable Code Sets): Package or File Name Software/ Firmware Version Features Integrity Test /usr/bin/fips_chk_hmac (makes use of HMAC service from bound OpenSSL module) 2.0 N/A HMAC-SHA2-256 /soft/current/bzImage- re-64b.bin 2.0 N/A HMAC-SHA2-256 Table 2: Tested Module Identification – Software, Firmware, Hybrid (Executable Code Sets) Tested Module Identification – Hybrid Disjoint Hardware: N/A for this module. Tested Operational Environments - Software, Firmware, Hybrid: Operating System Hardware Platform Processors PAA/PAI Hypervisor or Host OS Version(s) Junos OS Evolved version 22.4 Juniper Networks® Packet Transport Router Model PTX10001- 36MR Intel(R) Xeon(R) D- 2163IT With and without AES- NI, SHA Extensions (PAA) 2.0 Table 3: Tested Operational Environments - Software, Firmware, Hybrid Vendor-Affirmed Operational Environments - Software, Firmware, Hybrid: N/A for this module. The module is not tested in any vendor-affirmed operational environment. 2.3 Excluded Components There are no components within the cryptographic boundary excluded from the FIPS 140-3 requirements. 2.4 Modes of Operation Modes List and Description: Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 9 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Mode Name Description Type Status Indicator Approved mode Automatically entered whenever an approved service is requested Approved Equivalent to the indicator of the requested service as defined in Section 4.3 Non- approved mode Automatically entered whenever a non-approved service is requested Non- Approved Equivalent to the indicator of the requested service as defined in Section 4.3 Table 4: Modes List and Description After passing all pre-operational self-tests and cryptographic algorithm self-tests executed on start-up, the module automatically transitions to the approved mode. Mode Change Instructions and Status [O]: The module automatically switches between the approved and non-approved modes depending on the services requested by the operator. The status indicator of the mode of operation is equivalent to the indicator of the service that was requested. Degraded Mode Description [O]: The module does not implement a degraded mode of operation. 2.5 Algorithms Approved Algorithms: Algorithm CAVP Cert Properties Reference AES-CBC A3599 - SP 800-38A AES-CMAC A3599 - SP 800-38B AES-CTR A3599 - SP 800-38A AES-ECB A3599 - SP 800-38A AES-XTS Testing Revision 2.0 A3599 - SP 800-38E Counter DRBG A3599 - SP 800-90A Rev. 1 Hash DRBG A3599 - SP 800-90A Rev. 1 HMAC DRBG A3599 - SP 800-90A Rev. 1 HMAC-SHA-1 A3599 - FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA2-224 A3599 - FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA2-256 A3599 - FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA2-384 A3599 - FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA2-512 A3599 - FIPS 198-1 SHA-1 A3599 - FIPS 180-4 SHA2-224 A3599 - FIPS 180-4 SHA2-256 A3599 - FIPS 180-4 SHA2-384 A3599 - FIPS 180-4 SHA2-512 A3599 - FIPS 180-4 AES-CBC A3600 - SP 800-38A AES-CTR A3600 - SP 800-38A AES-ECB A3600 - SP 800-38A Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 10 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Algorithm CAVP Cert Properties Reference AES-XTS Testing Revision 2.0 A3600 - SP 800-38E Counter DRBG A3600 - SP 800-90A Rev. 1 Hash DRBG A3600 - SP 800-90A Rev. 1 HMAC DRBG A3600 - SP 800-90A Rev. 1 AES-CBC A3601 - SP 800-38A AES-CMAC A3601 - SP 800-38B AES-CTR A3601 - SP 800-38A AES-ECB A3601 - SP 800-38A AES-XTS Testing Revision 2.0 A3601 - SP 800-38E Counter DRBG A3601 - SP 800-90A Rev. 1 Hash DRBG A3601 - SP 800-90A Rev. 1 HMAC DRBG A3601 - SP 800-90A Rev. 1 AES-CBC A3602 - SP 800-38A AES-CMAC A3602 - SP 800-38B AES-CTR A3602 - SP 800-38A AES-ECB A3602 - SP 800-38A AES-XTS Testing Revision 2.0 A3602 - SP 800-38E Counter DRBG A3602 - SP 800-90A Rev. 1 Hash DRBG A3603 - SP 800-90A Rev. 1 HMAC DRBG A3603 - SP 800-90A Rev. 1 HMAC-SHA-1 A3603 - FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA2-224 A3603 - FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA2-256 A3603 - FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA2-384 A3603 - FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA2-512 A3603 - FIPS 198-1 SHA-1 A3603 - FIPS 180-4 SHA2-224 A3603 - FIPS 180-4 SHA2-256 A3603 - FIPS 180-4 SHA2-384 A3603 - FIPS 180-4 SHA2-512 A3603 - FIPS 180-4 Hash DRBG A3604 - SP 800-90A Rev. 1 HMAC DRBG A3604 - SP 800-90A Rev. 1 HMAC-SHA-1 A3604 - FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA2-224 A3604 - FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA2-256 A3604 - FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA2-384 A3604 - FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA2-512 A3604 - FIPS 198-1 SHA-1 A3604 - FIPS 180-4 SHA2-224 A3604 - FIPS 180-4 SHA2-256 A3604 - FIPS 180-4 SHA2-384 A3604 - FIPS 180-4 SHA2-512 A3604 - FIPS 180-4 Hash DRBG A3605 - SP 800-90A Rev. 1 HMAC DRBG A3605 - SP 800-90A Rev. 1 HMAC-SHA-1 A3605 - FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA2-224 A3605 - FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA2-256 A3605 - FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA2-384 A3605 - FIPS 198-1 Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 11 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Algorithm CAVP Cert Properties Reference HMAC-SHA2-512 A3605 - FIPS 198-1 SHA-1 A3605 - FIPS 180-4 SHA2-224 A3605 - FIPS 180-4 SHA2-256 A3605 - FIPS 180-4 SHA2-384 A3605 - FIPS 180-4 SHA2-512 A3605 - FIPS 180-4 HMAC-SHA2-256 A4249 - FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA2-256 A4246 - FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA2-256 A4247 - FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA2-256 A4248 - FIPS 198-1 Table 5: Approved Algorithms Vendor-Affirmed Algorithms: N/A for this module. Non-Approved, Allowed Algorithms: N/A for this module. Non-Approved, Allowed Algorithms with No Security Claimed: N/A for this module. Non-Approved, Not Allowed Algorithms: Name Use and Function AES- GCM Authenticated Encryption and Decryption RSA RSA Encryption and Decryption primitives RSA RSA Signature Verification RSA Signature Generation and Signature Verification primitives with PKCS#1 v1.5 padding Table 6: Non-Approved, Not Allowed Algorithms 2.6 Security Function Implementations Name Type Description Properties Algorithms Symmetric encryption BC-UnAuth Symmetric encryption AES-CBC:128, 192, 256-bit keys with 128- 256 bits key strength AES-CTR:128, 192, 256-bit keys with 128- 256 bits key strength AES-ECB:128, AES-CBC AES-CBC AES-CBC AES-CBC AES-CTR AES-CTR AES-CTR AES-CTR AES-ECB AES-ECB AES-ECB Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 12 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Name Type Description Properties Algorithms 192, 256-bit keys with 128- 256 bits key strength AES-XTS Testing Revision 2.0:128, 256-bit keys with 128, 256 bits key strength AES-ECB AES-XTS Testing Revision 2.0 AES-XTS Testing Revision 2.0 AES-XTS Testing Revision 2.0 AES-XTS Testing Revision 2.0 Message authentication MAC Message authentication AES-CMAC:128, 192, 256-bit keys with 128- 256 bits key strength HMAC-SHA- 1:112-524288 bit keys with 128-256 bits key strength HMAC-SHA2- 224:112-256 bit keys with 128- 256 bits key strength HMAC-SHA2- 256:112-256 bit keys with 128- 256 bits key strength HMAC-SHA2- 384:112-256 bit keys with 128- 256 bits key strength HMAC-SHA2- 512:112-256 bit keys with 128- 256 bits key strength AES-CMAC AES-CMAC AES-CMAC HMAC-SHA-1 HMAC-SHA-1 HMAC-SHA-1 HMAC-SHA-1 HMAC-SHA2- 224 HMAC-SHA2- 224 HMAC-SHA2- 224 HMAC-SHA2- 224 HMAC-SHA2- 256 HMAC-SHA2- 256 HMAC-SHA2- 256 HMAC-SHA2- 256 HMAC-SHA2- 384 HMAC-SHA2- 384 HMAC-SHA2- 384 HMAC-SHA2- 384 HMAC-SHA2- 512 HMAC-SHA2- 512 HMAC-SHA2- 512 HMAC-SHA2- 512 Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 13 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Name Type Description Properties Algorithms Random number generation DRBG Random number generation Counter DRBG:128, 192, 256 bits HMAC DRBG:128, 256 bits Hash DRBG:128, 256 bits Counter DRBG Counter DRBG Counter DRBG Counter DRBG HMAC DRBG HMAC DRBG HMAC DRBG HMAC DRBG HMAC DRBG HMAC DRBG Hash DRBG Hash DRBG Hash DRBG Hash DRBG Hash DRBG Hash DRBG Message digest SHA Message digest SHA-1:N/A SHA2-224:N/A SHA2-256:N/A SHA2-384:N/A SHA2-512:N/A SHA-1 SHA-1 SHA-1 SHA-1 SHA2-224 SHA2-224 SHA2-224 SHA2-224 SHA2-256 SHA2-256 SHA2-256 SHA2-256 SHA2-384 SHA2-384 SHA2-384 SHA2-384 SHA2-512 SHA2-512 SHA2-512 SHA2-512 Symmetric decryption BC-UnAuth Symmetric decryption AES-CBC:128, 192, 256-bit keys with 128- 256 bits key strength AES-CTR:128, 192, 256-bit keys with 128- 256 bits key strength AES-ECB:128, 192, 256-bit keys with 128- 256 bits key AES-CBC AES-CBC AES-CBC AES-CBC AES-CTR AES-CTR AES-CTR AES-CTR AES-ECB AES-ECB AES-ECB AES-ECB AES-XTS Testing Revision 2.0 Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 14 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Name Type Description Properties Algorithms strength AES-XTS Testing Revision 2.0:128, 256-bit keys with 128, 256 bits key strength AES-XTS Testing Revision 2.0 AES-XTS Testing Revision 2.0 AES-XTS Testing Revision 2.0 Authenticated encryption BC-Auth Encrypt and authenticate a plaintext Key size(s):AES- CBC/AES-CTR: 128, 192, 256 bits with 128- 256 bits of security strength; HMAC: 112-524288 bit keys with 128- 256 bits key strength AES-CBC AES-CBC AES-CBC AES-CBC AES-CTR AES-CTR AES-CTR AES-CTR HMAC-SHA-1 HMAC-SHA-1 HMAC-SHA-1 HMAC-SHA-1 HMAC-SHA2- 224 HMAC-SHA2- 224 HMAC-SHA2- 224 HMAC-SHA2- 224 HMAC-SHA2- 256 HMAC-SHA2- 256 HMAC-SHA2- 256 HMAC-SHA2- 256 HMAC-SHA2- 384 HMAC-SHA2- 384 HMAC-SHA2- 384 HMAC-SHA2- 384 HMAC-SHA2- 512 HMAC-SHA2- 512 HMAC-SHA2- 512 Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 15 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Name Type Description Properties Algorithms HMAC-SHA2- 512 Authenticated decryption BC-Auth Decrypt and authenticate a ciphertext Key size(s):AES- CBC/AES-CTR: 128, 192, 256 bits with 128- 256 bits of security strength; HMAC: 112-524288 bit keys with 128- 256 bits key strength AES-CBC AES-CBC AES-CBC AES-CBC AES-CTR AES-CTR AES-CTR AES-CTR HMAC-SHA-1 HMAC-SHA-1 HMAC-SHA-1 HMAC-SHA-1 HMAC-SHA2- 224 HMAC-SHA2- 224 HMAC-SHA2- 224 HMAC-SHA2- 224 HMAC-SHA2- 256 HMAC-SHA2- 256 HMAC-SHA2- 256 HMAC-SHA2- 256 HMAC-SHA2- 384 HMAC-SHA2- 384 HMAC-SHA2- 384 HMAC-SHA2- 384 HMAC-SHA2- 512 HMAC-SHA2- 512 HMAC-SHA2- 512 HMAC-SHA2- 512 (OpenSSL) Message authentication MAC HMAC-SHA2- 256 used in fips_chk_hmac integrity check Key Size:256-bit Key HMAC-SHA2- 256 HMAC-SHA2- 256 Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 16 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Name Type Description Properties Algorithms HMAC-SHA2- 256 HMAC-SHA2- 256 Table 7: Security Function Implementations 2.7 Algorithm Specific Information 2.7.1 AES XTS The length of a single data unit encrypted or decrypted with AES XTS shall not exceed 220 AES blocks, that is 16MB, of data per XTS instance. An XTS instance is defined in Section 4 of SP 800-38E. To meet the requirement stated in IG C.I, the module implements a check to ensure that the two AES keys used in AES XTS mode are not identical. The XTS mode shall only be used for the cryptographic protection of data on storage devices. It shall not be used for other purposes, such as the encryption of data in transit. 2.8 RBG and Entropy Cert Number Vendor Name E50 Juniper Networks, Inc. Table 8: Entropy Certificates Name Type Operational Environment Sample Size Entropy per Sample Conditioning Component SP 800-90B compliant ENT(NP) (ESV cert. E50) Non- Physical Junos OS Evolved version 22.4 on Juniper Networks® Packet Transport Router Model PTX10001-36MR 64 bits 59.76 bits Linear-Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) Table 9: Entropy Sources The module employs the Deterministic Random Bit Generator (DRBG) based on [SP800- 90Arev1] for the random number generation. The DRBG supports the Hash_DRBG, HMAC_DRBG and CTR_DRBG mechanisms. The module obtains an entropy input string from the SP800-90B compliant ENT(NP), whose length depends on each DRBG mechanism, meeting the requirements of SP800-90Arev1 (128 to 384 bits). The module loads by default the DRBG using the HMAC_DRBG mechanism with SHA2-256 without prediction resistance. When instantiated, these DRBGs can be used to generate random numbers for external usage. The module uses the Kernel CPU Time Jitter RNG as an entropy source to seed the DRBG. 2.9 Key Generation Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 17 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 The module does not provide key generation. 2.10 Key Establishment The module does not provide key establishment. 2.11 Industry Protocols The module does not claim cipher suites in compliance to industry protocols. 2.12 Additional Information [O] Not applicable. 3 Cryptographic Module Interfaces 3.1 Ports and Interfaces Physical Port Logical Interface(s) Data That Passes As a software-only module, the module does not have physical ports. Physical ports are interpreted to be the physical ports of the hardware platform on which it runs. Data Input API input parameters from kernel system calls, AF_ALG type socket As a software-only module, the module does not have physical ports. Physical ports are interpreted to be the physical ports of the hardware platform on which it runs. Data Output API output parameters from kernel system calls, AF_ALG type socket As a software-only module, the module does not have physical ports. Physical ports are interpreted to be the physical ports of the hardware platform on which it runs. Control Input API function calls, API input parameters for control from kernel system calls, AF_ALG type socket, kernel command line As a software-only module, the module does not have physical ports. Physical Ports are interpreted to be the physical ports of the hardware platform on which it runs. Status Output API return codes, AF_ALG type socket, kernel logs Table 10: Ports and Interfaces The logical interfaces are the API through which kernel components request services, and the AF_ALG type socket that allows the applications running in the user space to request cryptographic services from the module. These logical interfaces are logically separated from each other by the API design. Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 18 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 3.2 Trusted Channel Specification [O] The module does not implement a trusted channel. 3.3 Control Interface Not Inhibited [O] The module does not implement a control output interface. 3.4 Additional Information [O] Not applicable. 4 Roles, Services, and Authentication 4.1 Authentication Methods N/A for this module. The module does not implement authentication. 4.2 Roles Name Type Operator Type Authentication Methods Crypto Officer Role CO None Table 11: Roles The module supports the Crypto Officer role only. This sole role is implicitly and always assumed by the operator of the module. No support is provided for multiple concurrent operators. 4.3 Approved Services Name Descripti on Indicator Inputs Outputs Security Functions SSP Acce ss Message digest Compute SHA hashes crypto_shash_init returns 0 Message Digest value Message digest Crypt o Office r Symmetric encryption Perform AES encryption crypto_skcipher_s etkey returns 0 AES key, plaintext Cipherte xt Symmetric encryption Crypt o Office r - AES key: W,E Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 19 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Name Descripti on Indicator Inputs Outputs Security Functions SSP Acce ss Symmetric decryption Perform AES decryption crypto_skcipher_s etkey returns 0 AES key, ciphertex t Plaintext Symmetric decryption Crypt o Office r - AES key: W,E Random number generation Generate random numbers crypto_rng_get_by tes returns 0 Output length Random bytes Random number generation Crypt o Office r - DRBG entro py input string : W,E - DRBG seed: G,E - DRBG intern al state (V, Key): G,W,E - DRBG intern al state (V, C): G,W,E Message authenticat ion Compute HMAC/AES -based CMAC crypto_shash_init returns 0 AES: AES key, message ; HMAC: HMAC key, message MAC tag Message authenticat ion Crypt o Office r - AES key: W,E - HMAC Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 20 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Name Descripti on Indicator Inputs Outputs Security Functions SSP Acce ss key: W,E Authenticat ed encryption Encrypt and authentica te a plaintext crypto_aead_setke y returns 0 AES key, plaintext Cipherte xt, MAC tag Authenticat ed encryption Crypt o Office r - AES key: W,E - HMAC key: W,E Authenticat ed decryption Decrypt and authentica te a ciphertext crypto_aead_setke y returns 0 AES key, ciphertex t, MAC tag Plaintext or failure Authenticat ed decryption Crypt o Office r - AES key: W,E - HMAC key: W,E Error detection code Compute an EDC (crc32c, crct10dif) None Message EDC None Crypt o Office r Memory copy operation Copy operation None Source, destinati on, offset, amount Return codes and/or log message s None Crypt o Office r Generic system call Use the kernel to perform various non- cryptograp hic operations None Identifier , various argumen ts Various return values None Crypt o Office r Show status Return the module status None N/A Module status None Crypt o Office r Self-tests Perform the CASTs None N/A Pass/fail Symmetric encryption Crypt o Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 21 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Name Descripti on Indicator Inputs Outputs Security Functions SSP Acce ss and the integrity test Message authenticat ion Random number generation Message digest Symmetric decryption Authenticat ed encryption Authenticat ed decryption (OpenSSL) Message authenticat ion Office r Zeroization Zeroize all SSPs None Any SSP N/A None Crypt o Office r - AES key: Z - HMAC key: Z - DRBG entro py input string : Z - DRBG intern al state (V, Key): Z - DRBG Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 22 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Name Descripti on Indicator Inputs Outputs Security Functions SSP Acce ss intern al state (V, C): Z - DRBG seed: Z Show version Return the module name and version None N/A Name and version informati on None Crypt o Office r Table 12: Approved Services The table above lists the approved services. The following convention is used to specify access rights to SSPs: • Generate (G): The module generates or derives the SSP. • Read (R): The SSP is read from the module (e.g. the SSP is output). • Write (W): The SSP is updated, imported, or written to the module. • Execute (E): The module uses the SSP in performing a cryptographic operation. • Zeroize (Z): The module zeroizes the SSP. 4.4 Non-Approved Services Name Description Algorithms Role Authenticated encryption Perform AES-GCM encryption AES-GCM CO Authenticated decryption Perform AES-GCM decryption AES-GCM CO RSA encryption primitive Compute the raw RSA encryption of a number RSA CO RSA decryption primitive Compute the raw RSA decryption of a number RSA CO RSA signature generation primitive Generate a digital signature for a pre- hashed message RSA CO RSA signature verification primitive Verify a digital signature for a pre- hashed message RSA CO RSA signature verification Verify RSA-based signature RSA CO Table 13: Non-Approved Services 4.5 External Software/Firmware Loaded The module does not load external software or firmware. 4.6 Bypass Actions and Status [O] Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 23 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 The module does not implement a bypass capability. 4.7 Cryptographic Output Actions and Status [O] The module does not implement a self-initiated cryptographic output capability. 4.8 Additional Information [O] Not applicable. 5 Software/Firmware Security 5.1 Integrity Techniques The module verifies its integrity through the following mechanisms: • The integrity of the static kernel binary is ensured with the HMAC-SHA2-256 value stored in the corresponding .hmac file that is computed at kernel build time. During Pre-Operational Self-Tests, the module invokes the fips_chk_hmac utility to calculate the HMAC value of the static kernel binary file (relying on the HMAC service provided by the bound OpenSSL module), and then compares it with the pre-stored one. If the two HMAC values do not match, the kernel panics to indicate that the test fails and the module enters the error state. • The integrity of the fips_chk_hmac utility itself is performed before the integrity tests of the static kernel binary, and ensured with the HMAC-SHA2-256 value stored in the corresponding .hmac file that is computed at the utility build time. The utility makes use of OpenSSL’s HMAC service to calculate the HMAC value, and then compares it with the pre-stored one. If the two HMAC values do not match, the kernel panics to indicate that the test fails and the module enters the error state. 5.2 Initiate on Demand Integrity tests are performed as part of the pre-operational self-tests, which are executed when the module is initialized. The integrity tests can be invoked on demand by unloading and subsequently re-initializing the module, which will perform (among others) the software integrity tests. 5.3 Open-Source Parameters [O] Not applicable. 5.4 Additional Information [O] Not applicable. 6 Operational Environment 6.1 Operational Environment Type and Requirements Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 24 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Type of Operational Environment: Modifiable How Requirements are Satisfied [O]: The operating system provides process isolation and memory protection mechanisms that ensure appropriate separation for memory access among the processes on the system. Each process has control over its own data and uncontrolled access to the data of other processes is prevented. 6.2 Configuration Settings and Restrictions [O] The module shall be installed as stated in Section 11.1. Instrumentation tools like the ptrace system call, gdb and strace, as well as other tracing mechanisms offered by the Linux environment such as ftrace or systemtap, shall not be used in the operational environments. The use of any of these tools implies that the cryptographic module is running in a non-validated operational environment. 6.3 Additional Information [O] Not applicable. 7 Physical Security 7.1 Mechanisms and Actions Required [O] N/A for this module. The module is comprised of software only and therefore this section is not applicable. 7.2 User Placed Tamper Seals [O] Not applicable. 7.3 Filler Panels [O] Not applicable. 7.4 Fault Induction Mitigation [O] Not applicable. 7.5 EFP/EFT Information [O] Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 25 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Temp/Voltage Type Temperature or Voltage EFP or EFT Result LowTemperature HighTemperature LowVoltage HighVoltage Table 14: EFP/EFT Information Not applicable. 7.6 Hardness Testing Temperature Ranges [O] Temperature Type Temperature LowTemperature HighTemperature Table 15: Hardness Testing Temperatures Not applicable. 7.7 Additional Information [O] Not applicable. 8 Non-Invasive Security 8.1 Mitigation Techniques [O] This module does not implement any non-invasive security mechanism and therefore this section is not applicable. 8.2 Effectiveness [O] Not applicable. 8.3 Additional Information [O] Not applicable. 9 Sensitive Security Parameters Management 9.1 Storage Areas Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 26 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Storage Area Name Description Persistence Type RAM Temporary storage for SSPs used by the module as part of service execution. The module does not perform persistent storage of SSPs Dynamic Table 16: Storage Areas The module does not perform persistent storage of SSPs. The SSPs are temporarily stored in the RAM in plaintext form. SSPs are provided to the module by the calling process and are destroyed when released by the appropriate zeroization function calls. 9.2 SSP Input-Output Methods Name From To Format Type Distributio n Type Entry Type SFI or Algorith m API input parameter s Operator calling applicatio n (TOEPP) Cryptographi c module Plaintex t Manual Electroni c AF_ALG type sockets (input) Operator calling applicatio n (TOEPP) Cryptographi c module Plaintex t Manual Electroni c Table 17: SSP Input-Output Methods 9.3 SSP Zeroization Methods Zeroization Method Description Rationale Operator Initiation Wipe and Free memory block allocated Zeroizes the SSPs contained within the cipher handle. Memory occupied by SSPs is overwritten with zeroes and then it is released, which renders the SSP values irretrievable. The completion of the zeroization routine indicates that the zeroization procedure succeeded. By calling the cipher related zeroization APIs: appropriate zeroization functions: AES key: crypto_free_skcipher and crypto_free_aead; HMAC key: crypto_free_shash and crypto_free_ahash; DRBG entropy input string, DRBG seed, DRBG internal state: crypto_free_rng Module Reset De-allocates the volatile memory used to store SSPs Volatile memory used by the module is overwritten within nanoseconds when power is removed. By unloading and reloading the module Table 18: SSP Zeroization Methods All data output is inhibited during zeroization. Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 27 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 9.4 SSPs Name Description Size - Strength Type - Categor y Generate d By Establishe d By Used By AES key AES key used for encryption, decryption, and computing MAC tags. 128, 192, 256 bits - 128, 192, 256 bits Symmetri c key - CSP Symmetric encryption Symmetric decryption Message authenticati on Authenticate d encryption Authenticate d decryption HMAC key HMAC key used for: Message authenticatio n, Authenticate d encryption, Authenticate d decryption. 112-524288 bits - 112- 256 bits Symmetri c key - CSP Message authenticati on Authenticate d encryption Authenticate d decryption DRBG entrop y input string DRBG entropy input used for: Random number generation. Compliant with IG D.L. 128-384 bits - 119- 358 bits Entropy Input - CSP Random number generation DRBG seed DRBG seed derived from entropy input. Compliant with IG D.L. CTR_DRBG: 128, 192, 256 bits; Hash_DRBG : 128, 256 bits; HMAC_DRB G: 128, 256 bits - CTR_DRBG: 128, 192, 256 bits; Hash_DRBG : 128, 256 bits; HMAC_DRB Seed - CSP Random number generatio n Random number generation Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 28 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Name Description Size - Strength Type - Categor y Generate d By Establishe d By Used By G: 128, 256 bits DRBG intern al state (V, Key) DRBG internal state (V, Key) for HMAC and CTR DRBG. Compliant with IG D.L. CTR_DRBG: 128, 192, 256 bits; HMAC_DRB G: 128, 256 bits - CTR_DRBG: 128, 192, 256 bits; HMAC_DRB G: 128, 256 bits Internal state - CSP Random number generatio n Random number generation DRBG intern al state (V, C) DRBG internal state (V, C) for Hash DRBG. Compliant with IG D.L. Hash_DRBG : 128, 256 bits - Hash_DRBG : 128, 256 bits Internal state - CSP Random number generatio n Random number generation Table 19: SSP Table 1 Name Input - Output Storage Storage Duration Zeroization Related SSPs AES key API input parameters AF_ALG type sockets (input) RAM:Plaintext Until cipher handled is freed or module powered off Wipe and Free memory block allocated Module Reset HMAC key API input parameters AF_ALG type sockets (input) RAM:Plaintext Until cipher handled is freed or module powered off Wipe and Free memory block allocated Module Reset DRBG entropy input string RAM:Plaintext Until cipher handled is freed or module powered off Wipe and Free memory block allocated Module Reset DRBG seed:Derives DRBG seed RAM:Plaintext Until cipher handled is freed or module powered off Wipe and Free memory block allocated Module Reset DRBG entropy input string:Derived From DRBG internal state (V, Key):Derives DRBG internal Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 29 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Name Input - Output Storage Storage Duration Zeroization Related SSPs state (V, C):Derives DRBG internal state (V, Key) RAM:Plaintext Until cipher handled is freed or module powered off Wipe and Free memory block allocated Module Reset DRBG seed:Derived From DRBG internal state (V, C) RAM:Plaintext Until cipher handled is freed or module powered off Wipe and Free memory block allocated Module Reset DRBG seed:Derived From Table 20: SSP Table 2 9.5 Transitions [O] The SHA-1 algorithm as implemented by the module will be non-approved for all purposes except signature verification, starting January 1, 2031. 9.6 Additional Information [O] Not applicable. 10 Self-Tests 10.1 Pre-Operational Self-Tests Algorithm or Test Test Properties Test Method Test Type Indicator Details HMAC- SHA2-256 (A4246) 128-bit key Message Authentication SW/FW Integrity Module becomes operational and services are available for use. Integrity test for static kernel binary. HMAC- SHA2-256 (A4246) 128-bit key Message Authentication SW/FW Integrity Module becomes operational and services are available for use. Integrity test for fips_chk_hmac. Table 21: Pre-Operational Self-Tests The pre-operational software integrity tests are performed automatically when the module is powered on, before the module transitions into the operational state. The algorithms used for the integrity test (i.e., HMAC-SHA2-256) run their CASTs before the integrity test is performed. While the module is executing the self-tests, services are not available, and data output (via the data output interface) is inhibited until the pre-operational software integrity Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 30 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 self-tests are successfully completed. The module transitions to the operational state only after the pre-operational self-tests are passed successfully. 10.2 Conditional Self-Tests Algorithm or Test Test Properties Test Method Test Type Indicator Details Conditions SHA-1 (A3599) 0-8184 bit messages KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message digest Module initialization SHA-1 (A3603) 0-8184 bit messages KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message digest Module initialization SHA-1 (A3604) 0-8184 bit messages KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message digest Module initialization SHA-1 (A3605) 0-8184 bit messages KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message digest Module initialization SHA2-224 (A3599) 0-8184 bit messages KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message digest Module initialization SHA2-224 (A3603) 0-8184 bit messages KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message digest Module initialization SHA2-224 (A3604) 0-8184 bit messages KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message digest Module initialization SHA2-224 (A3605) 0-8184 bit messages KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message digest Module initialization SHA2-256 (A3599) 0-8184 bit messages KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message digest Module initialization SHA2-256 (A3603) 0-8184 bit messages KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message digest Module initialization SHA2-256 (A3604) 0-8184 bit messages KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message digest Module initialization SHA2-256 (A3605) 0-8184 bit messages KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message digest Module initialization SHA2-384 (A3599) 0-8184 bit messages KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message digest Module initialization SHA2-384 (A3603) 0-8184 bit messages KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message digest Module initialization Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 31 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Algorithm or Test Test Properties Test Method Test Type Indicator Details Conditions SHA2-384 (A3604) 0-8184 bit messages KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message digest Module initialization SHA2-384 (A3605) 0-8184 bit messages KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message digest Module initialization SHA2-512 (A3599) 0-8184 bit message KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message digest Module initialization SHA2-512 (A3603) 0-8184 bit message KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message digest Module initialization SHA2-512 (A3604) 0-8184 bit message KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message digest Module initialization SHA2-512 (A3605) 0-8184 bit message KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message digest Module initialization AES-ECB (A3599) 128, 192, 256 bit keys; encrypt and decrypt KAT CAST Module becomes operational Symmetric operation Module initialization AES-ECB (A3600) 128, 192, 256 bit keys; encrypt and decrypt KAT CAST Module becomes operational Symmetric operation Module initialization AES-ECB (A3601) 128, 192, 256 bit keys; encrypt and decrypt KAT CAST Module becomes operational Symmetric operation Module initialization AES-ECB (A3602) 128, 192, 256 bit keys; encrypt and decrypt KAT CAST Module becomes operational Symmetric operation Module initialization AES-CBC (A3599) 128, 192, 256 bit keys; encrypt and decrypt KAT CAST Module becomes operational Symmetric operation Module initialization AES-CBC (A3600) 128, 192, 256 bit keys; encrypt and decrypt KAT CAST Module becomes operational Symmetric operation Module initialization AES-CBC (A3601) 128, 192, 256 bit keys; encrypt and decrypt KAT CAST Module becomes operational Symmetric operation Module initialization AES-CBC (A3602) 128, 192, 256 bit keys; KAT CAST Module becomes operational Symmetric operation Module initialization Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 32 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Algorithm or Test Test Properties Test Method Test Type Indicator Details Conditions encrypt and decrypt AES-CTR (A3599) 128, 192, 256 bit keys; encrypt and decrypt KAT CAST Module becomes operational Symmetric operation Module initialization AES-CTR (A3600) 128, 192, 256 bit keys; encrypt and decrypt KAT CAST Module becomes operational Symmetric operation Module initialization AES-CTR (A3601) 128, 192, 256 bit keys; encrypt and decrypt KAT CAST Module becomes operational Symmetric operation Module initialization AES-CTR (A3602) 128, 192, 256 bit keys; encrypt and decrypt KAT CAST Module becomes operational Symmetric operation Module initialization AES-XTS Testing Revision 2.0 (A3599) 128 and 256 bit keys; encrypt and decrypt KAT CAST Module becomes operational Symmetric operation Module initialization AES-XTS Testing Revision 2.0 (A3600) 128 and 256 bit keys; encrypt and decrypt KAT CAST Module becomes operational Symmetric operation Module initialization AES-XTS Testing Revision 2.0 (A3601) 128 and 256 bit keys; encrypt and decrypt KAT CAST Module becomes operational Symmetric operation Module initialization AES-XTS Testing Revision 2.0 (A3602) 128 and 256 bit keys; encrypt and decrypt KAT CAST Module becomes operational Symmetric operation Module initialization AES-CMAC (A3599) 128 and 256 bit keys; encrypt and decrypt KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message authentication Module initialization AES-CMAC (A3601) 128 and 256 bit keys; encrypt and decrypt KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message authentication Module initialization AES-CMAC (A3602) 128 and 256 bit keys; KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message authentication Module initialization Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 33 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Algorithm or Test Test Properties Test Method Test Type Indicator Details Conditions encrypt and decrypt HMAC- SHA-1 (A3599) SHA-1 with 32-64 bit keys KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message authentication Module initialization HMAC- SHA-1 (A3603) SHA-1 with 32-64 bit keys KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message authentication Module initialization HMAC- SHA-1 (A3604) SHA-1 with 32-64 bit keys KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message authentication Module initialization HMAC- SHA-1 (A3605) SHA-1 with 32-64 bit keys KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message authentication Module initialization HMAC- SHA2-224 (A3599) SHA2-224 with 32- 1048 bit keys KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message authentication Module initialization HMAC- SHA2-224 (A3603) SHA2-224 with 32- 1048 bit keys KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message authentication Module initialization HMAC- SHA2-224 (A3604) SHA2-224 with 32- 1048 bit keys KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message authentication Module initialization HMAC- SHA2-224 (A3605) SHA2-224 with 32- 1048 bit keys KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message authentication Module initialization HMAC- SHA2-256 (A3599) SHA2-256 with 32-64 bit keys KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message authentication Module initialization HMAC- SHA2-256 (A3603) SHA2-256 with 32-64 bit keys KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message authentication Module initialization HMAC- SHA2-256 (A3604) SHA2-256 with 32-64 bit keys KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message authentication Module initialization HMAC- SHA2-256 (A3605) SHA2-256 with 32-64 bit keys KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message authentication Module initialization HMAC- SHA2-384 (A3599) SHA2-384 with 32- 1048 bit keys KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message authentication Module initialization HMAC- SHA2-384 (A3603) SHA2-384 with 32- KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message authentication Module initialization Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 34 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Algorithm or Test Test Properties Test Method Test Type Indicator Details Conditions 1048 bit keys HMAC- SHA2-384 (A3604) SHA2-384 with 32- 1048 bit keys KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message authentication Module initialization HMAC- SHA2-384 (A3605) SHA2-384 with 32- 1048 bit keys KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message authentication Module initialization HMAC- SHA2-512 (A3599) SHA2-512 with 32- 1048 bit keys KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message authentication Module initialization HMAC- SHA2-512 (A3603) SHA2-512 with 32- 1048 bit keys KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message authentication Module initialization HMAC- SHA2-512 (A3604) SHA2-512 with 32- 1048 bit keys KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message authentication Module initialization HMAC- SHA2-512 (A3605) SHA2-512 with 32- 1048 bit keys KAT CAST Module becomes operational Message authentication Module initialization Counter DRBG (A3599) 128, 192, 256 bit keys With DF, With/without PR; Health test per section 11.3 of SP 800- 90Arev1 KAT CAST Module becomes operational Compliant with SP 800-90Ar1 Module initialization Counter DRBG (A3600) 128, 192, 256 bit keys With DF, With/without PR; Health test per section 11.3 of SP 800- 90Arev1 KAT CAST Module becomes operational Compliant with SP 800-90Ar1 Module initialization Counter DRBG (A3601) 128, 192, 256 bit keys With DF, With/without PR; Health KAT CAST Module becomes operational Compliant with SP 800-90Ar1 Module initialization Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 35 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Algorithm or Test Test Properties Test Method Test Type Indicator Details Conditions test per section 11.3 of SP 800- 90Arev1 Counter DRBG (A3602) 128, 192, 256 bit keys With DF, With/without PR; Health test per section 11.3 of SP 800- 90Arev1 KAT CAST Module becomes operational Compliant with SP 800-90Ar1 Module initialization Hash DRBG (A3599) SHA-1, SHA2-256, SHA2-512 With/without PR; Health test per section 11.3 of SP 800- 90Arev1 KAT CAST Module becomes operational Compliant with SP 800-90Ar1 Module initialization Hash DRBG (A3600) SHA-1, SHA2-256, SHA2-512 With/without PR; Health test per section 11.3 of SP 800- 90Arev1 KAT CAST Module becomes operational Compliant with SP 800-90Ar1 Module initialization Hash DRBG (A3601) SHA-1, SHA2-256, SHA2-512 With/without PR; Health test per section 11.3 of SP 800- 90Arev1 KAT CAST Module becomes operational Compliant with SP 800-90Ar1 Module initialization Hash DRBG (A3603) SHA-1, SHA2-256, SHA2-512 With/without PR; Health test per section 11.3 of SP 800- 90Arev1 KAT CAST Module becomes operational Compliant with SP 800-90Ar1 Module initialization Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 36 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Algorithm or Test Test Properties Test Method Test Type Indicator Details Conditions Hash DRBG (A3604) SHA-1, SHA2-256, SHA2-512 With/without PR; Health test per section 11.3 of SP 800- 90Arev1 KAT CAST Module becomes operational Compliant with SP 800-90Ar1 Module initialization Hash DRBG (A3605) SHA-1, SHA2-256, SHA2-512 With/without PR; Health test per section 11.3 of SP 800- 90Arev1 KAT CAST Module becomes operational Compliant with SP 800-90Ar1 Module initialization HMAC DRBG (A3599) HMAC-SHA- 1, HMAC- SHA2-256, HMAC-SHA2- 512 With/without PR; Health test per section 11.3 of SP 800- 90Arev1 KAT CAST Module becomes operational Compliant with SP 800-90Ar1 Module initialization HMAC DRBG (A3600) HMAC-SHA- 1, HMAC- SHA2-256, HMAC-SHA2- 512 With/without PR; Health test per section 11.3 of SP 800- 90Arev1 KAT CAST Module becomes operational Compliant with SP 800-90Ar1 Module initialization HMAC DRBG (A3601) HMAC-SHA- 1, HMAC- SHA2-256, HMAC-SHA2- 512 With/without PR; Health test per section 11.3 KAT CAST Module becomes operational Compliant with SP 800-90Ar1 Module initialization Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 37 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Algorithm or Test Test Properties Test Method Test Type Indicator Details Conditions of SP 800- 90Arev1 HMAC DRBG (A3603) HMAC-SHA- 1, HMAC- SHA2-256, HMAC-SHA2- 512 With/without PR; Health test per section 11.3 of SP 800- 90Arev1 KAT CAST Module becomes operational Compliant with SP 800-90Ar1 Module initialization HMAC DRBG (A3604) HMAC-SHA- 1, HMAC- SHA2-256, HMAC-SHA2- 512 With/without PR; Health test per section 11.3 of SP 800- 90Arev1 KAT CAST Module becomes operational Compliant with SP 800-90Ar1 Module initialization HMAC DRBG (A3605) HMAC-SHA- 1, HMAC- SHA2-256, HMAC-SHA2- 512 With/without PR; Health test per section 11.3 of SP 800- 90Arev1 KAT CAST Module becomes operational Compliant with SP 800-90Ar1 Module initialization ENT (NP) 1024 samples RCT CAST Module becomes operational and services are available for use. Entropy source start-up test Entropy source initialization ENT (NP) 1024 samples APT CAST Module becomes operational and services are Entropy source start-up test Entropy source initialization Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 38 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Algorithm or Test Test Properties Test Method Test Type Indicator Details Conditions available for use. ENT (NP) Cutoff C = 61 RCT CAST Entropy source is operational Entropy source continuous test Continuously ENT (NP) Cutoff C = 355 APT CAST Entropy source is operational Entropy source continuous test Continuously HMAC- SHA2-256 (A4249) SHA2-256 with 256 bit key KAT CAST Module becomes operational and services are available for use. Message authentication. Makes use of HMAC from bound OpenSSL module. Module initialization. Before integrity test. HMAC- SHA2-256 (A4248) SHA2-256 with 256 bit key KAT CAST Module becomes operational and services are available for use. Message authentication. Makes use of HMAC from bound OpenSSL module. Module initialization. Before integrity test. HMAC- SHA2-256 (A4247) SHA2-256 with 256 bit key KAT CAST Module becomes operational and services are available for use. Message authentication. Makes use of HMAC from bound OpenSSL module. Module initialization. Before integrity test. HMAC- SHA2-256 (A4246) SHA2-256 with 256 bit key KAT CAST Module becomes operational and services are available for use. Message authentication. Makes use of HMAC from bound OpenSSL module. Module initialization. Before integrity test. Table 22: Conditional Self-Tests The module performs self-tests on all approved cryptographic algorithms as part of the approved services supported in the approved mode of operation, using the tests shown in the table above. Services are not available, and data output (via the data output interface) is inhibited during the conditional self-tests. If any of these tests fails, the module transitions to the Error State. Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 39 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 10.3 Periodic Self-Test Information Algorithm or Test Test Method Test Type Period Periodic Method HMAC-SHA2- 256 (A4246) Message Authentication SW/FW Integrity On demand Manually HMAC-SHA2- 256 (A4246) Message Authentication SW/FW Integrity On demand Manually Table 23: Pre-Operational Periodic Information Algorithm or Test Test Method Test Type Period Periodic Method SHA-1 (A3599) KAT CAST On Demand Manually SHA-1 (A3603) KAT CAST On Demand Manually SHA-1 (A3604) KAT CAST On Demand Manually SHA-1 (A3605) KAT CAST On Demand Manually SHA2-224 (A3599) KAT CAST On Demand Manually SHA2-224 (A3603) KAT CAST On Demand Manually SHA2-224 (A3604) KAT CAST On Demand Manually SHA2-224 (A3605) KAT CAST On Demand Manually SHA2-256 (A3599) KAT CAST On Demand Manually SHA2-256 (A3603) KAT CAST On Demand Manually SHA2-256 (A3604) KAT CAST On Demand Manually SHA2-256 (A3605) KAT CAST On Demand Manually SHA2-384 (A3599) KAT CAST On Demand Manually SHA2-384 (A3603) KAT CAST On Demand Manually SHA2-384 (A3604) KAT CAST On Demand Manually SHA2-384 (A3605) KAT CAST On Demand Manually SHA2-512 (A3599) KAT CAST On Demand Manually SHA2-512 (A3603) KAT CAST On Demand Manually SHA2-512 (A3604) KAT CAST On Demand Manually SHA2-512 (A3605) KAT CAST On Demand Manually AES-ECB (A3599) KAT CAST On Demand Manually Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 40 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Algorithm or Test Test Method Test Type Period Periodic Method AES-ECB (A3600) KAT CAST On Demand Manually AES-ECB (A3601) KAT CAST On Demand Manually AES-ECB (A3602) KAT CAST On Demand Manually AES-CBC (A3599) KAT CAST On Demand Manually AES-CBC (A3600) KAT CAST On Demand Manually AES-CBC (A3601) KAT CAST On Demand Manually AES-CBC (A3602) KAT CAST On Demand Manually AES-CTR (A3599) KAT CAST On Demand Manually AES-CTR (A3600) KAT CAST On Demand Manually AES-CTR (A3601) KAT CAST On Demand Manually AES-CTR (A3602) KAT CAST On Demand Manually AES-XTS Testing Revision 2.0 (A3599) KAT CAST On Demand Manually AES-XTS Testing Revision 2.0 (A3600) KAT CAST On Demand Manually AES-XTS Testing Revision 2.0 (A3601) KAT CAST On Demand Manually AES-XTS Testing Revision 2.0 (A3602) KAT CAST On Demand Manually AES-CMAC (A3599) KAT CAST On Demand Manually AES-CMAC (A3601) KAT CAST On Demand Manually AES-CMAC (A3602) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC-SHA-1 (A3599) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC-SHA-1 (A3603) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC-SHA-1 (A3604) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC-SHA-1 (A3605) KAT CAST On Demand Manually Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 41 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Algorithm or Test Test Method Test Type Period Periodic Method HMAC-SHA2- 224 (A3599) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC-SHA2- 224 (A3603) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC-SHA2- 224 (A3604) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC-SHA2- 224 (A3605) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC-SHA2- 256 (A3599) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC-SHA2- 256 (A3603) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC-SHA2- 256 (A3604) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC-SHA2- 256 (A3605) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC-SHA2- 384 (A3599) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC-SHA2- 384 (A3603) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC-SHA2- 384 (A3604) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC-SHA2- 384 (A3605) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC-SHA2- 512 (A3599) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC-SHA2- 512 (A3603) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC-SHA2- 512 (A3604) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC-SHA2- 512 (A3605) KAT CAST On Demand Manually Counter DRBG (A3599) KAT CAST On Demand Manually Counter DRBG (A3600) KAT CAST On Demand Manually Counter DRBG (A3601) KAT CAST On Demand Manually Counter DRBG (A3602) KAT CAST On Demand Manually Hash DRBG (A3599) KAT CAST On Demand Manually Hash DRBG (A3600) KAT CAST On Demand Manually Hash DRBG (A3601) KAT CAST On Demand Manually Hash DRBG (A3603) KAT CAST On Demand Manually Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 42 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Algorithm or Test Test Method Test Type Period Periodic Method Hash DRBG (A3604) KAT CAST On Demand Manually Hash DRBG (A3605) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC DRBG (A3599) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC DRBG (A3600) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC DRBG (A3601) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC DRBG (A3603) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC DRBG (A3604) KAT CAST On Demand Manually HMAC DRBG (A3605) KAT CAST On Demand Manually ENT (NP) RCT CAST On demand Manually ENT (NP) APT CAST On demand Manually ENT (NP) RCT CAST On demand Manually ENT (NP) APT CAST On demand Manually HMAC-SHA2- 256 (A4249) KAT CAST On demand Manually HMAC-SHA2- 256 (A4248) KAT CAST On demand Manually HMAC-SHA2- 256 (A4247) KAT CAST On demand Manually HMAC-SHA2- 256 (A4246) KAT CAST On demand Manually Table 24: Conditional Periodic Information 10.4 Error States Name Description Conditions Recovery Method Indicator Error State The Linux kernel immediately stops executing Any self-test failure Restart of the module Kernel Panic Table 25: Error States In the Error State, the output interface is inhibited, and the module accepts no more inputs or requests (as the module is no longer running). The error can be recovered by a restart (i.e., powering off and powering on) of the module. Further details on how to recover from error state can be found in the evo-backup-snapshot documentation1. 1 URL: evo/topics/topic-map/evo-backup-snapshot.html Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 43 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 10.5 Operator Initiation of Self-Tests [O] All self-tests, with the exception of the continuous health tests, can be invoked on demand by unloading and subsequently re-initializing the module. 10.6 Additional Information [O] Not applicable. 11 Life-Cycle Assurance 11.1 Installation, Initialization, and Startup Procedures The module is pre-installed in the junos-evo-install-ptx-fixed-x86-64-22.4R2.11-S1-EVO.iso image. The procedures on how to mount and install the image are listed in the software- install-and-upgrade-overview-evo documentation2. The Crypto Officer shall follow this Security Policy to configure the operational environment and to operate the module as a FIPS 140-3 validated module. To configure the operating environment to run in the approved mode, the following shall be performed with the root privilege: 1. Enter CLI configuration mode. 2. Configure FIPS level to 1: set system fips level 1 3. Commit changes: commit 4. Exit configuration mode to enter operational mode: exit 5. Reboot the system with the new settings (answer yes to prompt): request system reboot The Crypto Officer should check the existence of the file, /proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled, and that it contains “1”. If the file does not exist or does not contain “1”, the operating environment is not configured to operate properly in the approved mode. 11.2 Administrator Guidance In order to run in the Approved mode, the module must be operated using the approved services, with their corresponding approved and allowed cryptographic algorithms provided in this Security Policy. In addition, key sizes must comply with [SP800-131Ar2]. Once the OE is properly configured, the operator is responsible to verify that the installation and configuration is completed. For such purpose, the following command “cat /proc/sys/fips_version” must return: Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module 2.0 2 URL: evo/topics/concept/software-install-and-upgrade-overview-evo.html Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 44 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 11.3 Non-Administrator Guidance There is no non-administrator guidance. 11.4 Design and Rules [O] Not applicable for this module. 11.5 Maintenance Requirements [O] There are no maintenance requirements. 11.6 End of Life [O] As a first step for the secure sanitization, the module needs to be powered off which will erase the SSPs in the volatile memory. Then, the files listed related to the static kernel binary and fips_chk_hmac utility must be deleted using the command “shred -zu ”. Then, for the actual deprecation, the module will be upgraded to a newer version that is approved. 11.7 Additional Information [O] Not applicable. 12 Mitigation of Other Attacks 12.1 Attack List [O] The module does not offer mitigation of other attacks and therefore this section is not applicable. 12.2 Mitigation Effectiveness [O] Not applicable. 12.3 Guidance and Constraints [O] Not applicable. 12.4 Additional Information [O] Not applicable. Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 45 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Appendix A. Glossary and Abbreviations AES Advanced Encryption Standard API Application Programming Interface CAST Cryptographic Algorithm Self-Test CAVP Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program CBC Cipher Block Chaining CMAC Cipher-based Message Authentication Code CMVP Cryptographic Module Validation Program CSP Critical Security Parameter CTR Counter DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator ECB Electronic Code Book ENT (NP) Non-physical Entropy Source FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards GCM Galois Counter Mode HMAC Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code KAT Known Answer Test MAC Message Authentication Code NIST National Institute of Science and Technology PAA Processor Algorithm Acceleration PKCS Public-Key Cryptography Standards RSA Rivest, Shamir, Addleman SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SSP Sensitive Security Parameter XTS XEX-based Tweaked-codebook mode with cipher text Stealing Junos OS Evolved Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Juniper Networks, Inc. Juniper Networks, Inc. o +1 408 745 2000 46 1133 Innovation Way f +1 408 745 2100 Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Appendix B. References FIPS 140-3 FIPS PUB 140-3 - Security Requirements For Cryptographic Modules March 2019 FIPS 140-3 IG Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-3 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program 140-3-ig-announcements FIPS 180-4 Secure Hash Standard (SHS) March 2012 FIPS 198-1 The Keyed Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) July 2008 PKCS#1 Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #1: RSA Cryptography Specifications Version 2.1 February 2003 SP 800-38A Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation Methods and Techniques December 2001 SP 800-38B Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The CMAC Mode for Authentication May 2005 SP 800-38E Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The XTS AES Mode for Confidentiality on Storage Devices January 2010 SP 800-90Ar1 Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators June 2015 SP 800-90B Recommendation for the Entropy Sources Used for Random Bit Generation January 2018 SP 800- 131Ar2 Transitioning the Use of Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Lengths March 2019 131Ar2.pdf