PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 1 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). PQShield LTD PQCryptoLib Non-Proprietary FIPS 140-3 Security Policy Document Version: v1.0.0 Date: 26 July 2024 PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 2 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Table of Contents 1. Generals.................................................................................................................................................5 2. Cryptographic Module Specification ......................................................................................................6 2.1 Operational Environment............................................................................................................................. 6 2.2 Cryptographic Boundary .............................................................................................................................. 7 2.3 Modes of Operation..................................................................................................................................... 8 2.3.1 Configuration of the Approved mode of operation ................................................................................. 8 2.3.2 Configuration of the non-Approved modes of operation ........................................................................ 8 2.4 Security Functions........................................................................................................................................ 8 2.4.1 Industry protocols.................................................................................................................................. 15 2.5 Rules of Operation..................................................................................................................................... 15 3. Cryptographic Module Interfaces.........................................................................................................17 4. Roles, Services and Authentication ......................................................................................................18 4.1 Assumption of Roles and Related Services................................................................................................. 18 4.2 Authentication Methods............................................................................................................................ 21 4.3 Services...................................................................................................................................................... 21 5. Software/Firmware Security ................................................................................................................26 6. Operational Environment ....................................................................................................................27 7. Physical Security...................................................................................................................................28 8. Non-Invasive Security...........................................................................................................................28 9. Sensitive Security Parameter (SSP) Management ................................................................................28 9.1 Sensitive Security Parameters (SSP)........................................................................................................... 29 9.2 DRBG Entropy Source................................................................................................................................. 32 9.3 Zeroization of SSPs..................................................................................................................................... 33 10. Self-Tests ..........................................................................................................................................34 11. Life-CycleAssurance.........................................................................................................................38 11.1 Installation, initialization, startup and operation of the Module ............................................................... 38 11.2 Maintenance requirements ....................................................................................................................... 38 11.3 Administrator and non-Administrator guidance........................................................................................ 38 11.4 End of life procedure ................................................................................................................................. 38 12. Mitigation of Other Attacks..............................................................................................................39 PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 3 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 13. References and Definitions...............................................................................................................40 PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 4 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). List of Tables Table 1 – Security Levels................................................................................................................................5 Table 2– Tested Operational Environments ..................................................................................................6 Table 3 Executable Code Sets - Software/Firmware/Hybrid..........................................................................6 Table 4 – Vendor Affirmed Operational Environments .................................................................................6 Table 5 - Approved Algorithms......................................................................................................................8 Table 6 – Vendor Affirmed Algorithms ........................................................................................................10 Table 7 – Non-Approved Algorithms Allowed in the Approved Mode of Operation with No Security Claimed........................................................................................................................................................11 Table 8 - Security Function Implementations ..............................................................................................11 Table 9 – Ports and Interfaces .....................................................................................................................17 Table 10 – Roles, Service Commands, Input and Output.............................................................................18 Table 11 – Approved Services ......................................................................................................................21 Table 12 – Non-Approved Services..............................................................................................................24 Table 13 – SSPs ............................................................................................................................................29 Table 14 – Non-Deterministic Random Number Generation Specification .................................................33 Table 15 – Error states and indicators .........................................................................................................34 Table 16 – Pre-Operational Self-Test...........................................................................................................34 Table 17 – Conditional Self-Tests.................................................................................................................35 Table 18 – Service indicators .......................................................................................................................37 Table 19 – References..................................................................................................................................40 Table 20 – Acronyms and Definitions ..........................................................................................................41 List of Figures Figure 1 - Module Block Diagram...................................................................................................................7 PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 5 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 1. General This document defines the non-proprietary Security Policy for the PQShield PQCryptoLib module, hereafter denoted the Module. The Module is a library of cryptographic primitives with a C interface offering security against quantum adversaries. PQShield is a spin-out of the University of Oxford which provides expertise in the design and implementation of quantum-resistant cryptography for software and hardware applications. The FIPS 140-3 security levels for the Module are as follows: Table 1 – Security Levels ISO/IEC 24759 section 6. FIPS 140-3 Section Title Security Level 1 General 1 2 Cryptographic Module Specification 1 3 Cryptographic Module Interfaces 1 4 Roles, Services and, Authentication 1 5 Software/Firmware Security 1 6 Operational Environment 1 7 Physical Security N/A 8 Non-Invasive Security N/A 9 Sensitive Security Parameter Management 1 10 Self-Tests 1 11 Life-Cycle Assurance 1 12 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Overall 1 PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 6 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 2. Cryptographic Module Specification The Module is classified as a software cryptographic module. It is a software library of cryptographic primitives with unified and easy to use API. The Module is intended for use by US Federal agencies or other markets that require FIPS 140-3 validated general purpose cryptographic library running on GPC. 2.1 Operational Environment A. Software module PQCryptoLib cryptographic module is tested on the following operational environment. Table 2 – Tested Operational Environments # Operating System Hardware Platform Processor PAA/Acceleration 1 Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Dell PowerEdge 740 Intel® Xeon®Platinum 8276 CPU (SkyLake) with PAA 2 Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Dell PowerEdge 740 Intel® Xeon®Platinum 8276 CPU (SkyLake) without PAA Table 3 – Executable Code Sets - Software/Firmware/Hybrid # Package/File Names Software Version Non-Security Relevant Distinguishing Features [Optional] Hardware version if Hybrid [Optional] IntegrityTest Implemented 1 libpqcrypto.so.1.0.0 1.0.0 N/A N/A HMAC-SHA2-512 PQShield also performed testing of the module on the following Operational Environments: Table 4 – Vendor Affirmed Operational Environments # Operating System Hardware Platform 1 Debian 11 (bullseye) Dell PowerEdge 740 2 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Dell PowerEdge 740 Operational Environment listed in Table 4 were not tested. No claim is made as to the correct operation of the module or the security strengths of the generated keys when ported to an operational environment which is not listed on the validation certificate. PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 7 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 2.2 Cryptographic Boundary The Module is a software library providing cryptographic services through application program interface (API) for use by Applications running in the user space of underlying operating system. The Module’s embodiment is defined as multi-chip standalone. The Figure 1 shows the cryptographic boundary of the Module, its interfaces with the tested operational environment’s physical perimeter (TOEPP) and flow of information between the Module and operator (a calling function of an Application using services of the Module). The software library is called libpqcrypto.so.1.0.0 (software version 1.0.0) that is intended to link with the Application. The Module can run in a multi- threaded environment, it requires POSIX thread library (pthread). The Module may call the CPU directly, that is done by performance optimized functions and to get entropy from the CPU. The module performs no communications other than with the calling application, tested operational environment and the CPU. Figure 1 - Module Block Diagram: Logical relationship of the Module to the other hardware and software components of the GPC. PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 8 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 2.3 Modes of Operation The Module supports Approved mode of operation only. The Module does not support degraded mode and operates only in normal mode. 2.3.1 Configuration of the Approved Mode of Operation The Approved mode of operation is configured after the CO loads the module into memory, all self-tests are completed successfully, and only Approved algorithms are invoked. See Table 5 below for the list of approved algorithms. 2.3.2 Configuration of the Non-Approved Modes of Operation Non-approved mode of operation is not supported. 2.4 Security Functions The Module implements the Approved and Non-Approved but Allowed cryptographic functions listed in the tables below. Table 5 - Approved Algorithms CAVP Cert Algorithmand Standard Mode/Method Description/Key Size(s)/Key Strength(s) Use / Function A3011 CVL: TLS [IG 2.4.B]1) TLS v1.3 KDF, DHE and PSK-DHE running modes SHA2-(256, 384) Key derivation A3011 ECDSA [186] Key pair generation Curve: P-256, Security strength of 128-bits Asymmetric Key Generation A3011 ECDSA [186] Public key verification Curve: P-256, Security strength of 128-bits Public Key Verification A3011 ECDSA [186] 3) Signature generation Hash Algorithm: SHA2- 256 Curve: P-256, Security strength of 128-bits Signature generation A3011 ECDSA [186] 3) Signature verification Hash Algorithm: SHA2- 256 Curve: P-256, Security strength of 128-bits Signature verification A3011 Hash_DRBG [90A]2) Hash_DRBG [90A] Security strength of 256 bits Deterministic random bit generation A3011 HMAC [198]4) SHA2-(224,256,384,512) SHA3-(224,256,384,512) Security Strength of 192, 256 bits Message authentication A3011 KAS-ECC CDH- Component [56Ar3] CDH-Component Curve: P-256, Security strength of 128-bits Shared secret computation PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 9 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). CAVP Cert Algorithmand Standard Mode/Method Description/Key Size(s)/Key Strength(s) Use / Function A3011 KAS-ECC-SSC [56Ar3] 5) 6) Ephemeral Unified Curve: P-256, Security strength of 128-bits Key generation, Shared secret computation A3011 KDA HKDF [56Cr2] SP 800-56Cr2 Section 5 HKDF [RFC5869] key derivation Key sizes between 224 and 65336 (multiples of 8 bits) Key based key derivation. Used by TLSv1.3 KDF A3011 KDA Two-Step [56Cr2] SP 800-56Cr2 Section 5 Two-step key derivation using KDF mode Feed- back Key sizes between 224 and 65336 (multiples of 8 bits) Key based key derivation. A3011 KDF SP800- 108 [108] KDF SP800 HMAC SHA2 and SHA3 using 224, 256, 384 and 512 bits Key based key derivation A3011 SHA2 [180] SHA2- (224,256,384,512) Security strength of 112, 128, 192, 256 bits Message Length: 0- 65536 Message digest generation A3011 SHA3 [202] SHA3- (224,256,384,512) Security strength of 112, 128, 192, 256 bits Message Length: 0- 65536 Large Message Sizes: 1GB Message digest generation A3011 SHAKE [202] SHAKE-(128,256) Max security strength either 128 or 256 bits Variable size digest generation 1) No parts of this protocol, other than TLS v1.3 KDF, have been tested by the CAVP and CMVP. 2) Hash_DRBG is instantiated through the API. The security strength for random bit generation assumes that the random bit generator has been provided with at least 256-bits of entropy. 3) ECDSA always uses SHA2-256 for hashing the input message 4) Truncated HMAC is CAVP-validated, but not used by the Module 5) ECDH implements ECC CDH primitive from [56Ar3] by using curve P-256. No KDF is applied on the output. 6) If run as a recipient, implementation performs partial public key validation compatible with an algorithm specified in [56Ar3], section PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 10 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Table 6 – Vendor Affirmed Algorithms Algorithm Algorithm Properties OE Reference CKG [133] Sections 4 and 5.1 Asymmetric signature key generation using unmodified DRBG output Hardware Platform: Dell PowerEdge R740 Operating System: Ubuntu (version 20.04 LTS) Processor: Intel Xeon Platinum 8276 [133] [133] Sections 4 and 5.2 Asymmetric key establishment key generation using unmodified DRBG output Hardware Platform: Dell PowerEdge R740 Operating System: Ubuntu (version 20.04 LTS) Processor: Intel Xeon Platinum 8276 [133] [133] Sections 4 and 6.1 Direct symmetric key generation using unmodified DRBG output Hardware Platform: Dell PowerEdge R740 Operating System: Ubuntu (version 20.04 LTS) Processor: Intel Xeon Platinum 8276 [133] [133] Section 6.2.1 Derivation of symmetric keys from a key agreementsharedsecret Hardware Platform: Dell PowerEdge R740 Operating System: Ubuntu (version 20.04 LTS) Processor: Intel Xeon Platinum 8276 [133] [133] Section 6.2.2 Derivationof symmetric keys from a pre-shared key Hardware Platform: Dell PowerEdge R740 Operating System: Ubuntu (version 20.04 LTS) Processor: Intel Xeon Platinum 8276 [133] NOTE: The module does not implement any Non-Approved Algorithms Allowed in the Approved Mode of Operation. PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 11 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Table 7 – Non-Approved Algorithms Allowed in the Approved Mode of Operation with No Security Claimed Algorithm Caveat Use / Function Kyber KEM No security claimed Non-Approved cryptographic algorithm implementing non- security relevant service. This algorithm is meant to be used between two parties as a method to establish “auxiliary shared secret T” which is used for “hybrid” shared secret Z’ as mentioned in [56Cr2, section 2]. The value Z’ can only be used in the extraction step of the Two- Step Key Derivation process described in [56Cr2, section 5]. Internally, this step is implemented as HKDF-extract function as defined by [RFC5869]. Vendor claims no security over input values consumed by the algorithm and output values generated by the algorithm including value T. The algorithm uses Hash_DRBG for generating random byte strings. It also uses SHA3-{256,512} and SHAKE-{128,256} internally. The algorithm is not intended to be used as a security function and is not used internally by the Module. It must be accessed over API functions that are distinct from APIs used to access approved algorithms. NOTE: The module does not implement any Non-Approved Algorithms Not Allowed in the Approved Mode of Operation. Table 8 - Security Function Implementations Name Type Description SF Properties [Optional] Algorithms Algorithm Properties CKG Cryptographic KeyGeneration Sections 4 and 6.1 Direct symmetric key generation using unmodified DRBG output [133] DRBG Hash_DRBG KAS1 KAS Pair-wise Key- Establishment Schemes using Discrete Logarithm ECC Diffie-Hellman with TLS 1.3 KDF KAS (KAS-SSC Cert. #A3011, CVL Cert. #A3011; SSP establishment methodology provides 128 bits of encryption strength), [56Ar3]1, [IG] 2.4.B, [IG] D.F SHS DRBG KAS-SSC TLS 1.3 KDF SHA2-256 SHA2-384 P-256 Curve Hash_DRBG PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 12 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Name Type Description SF Properties [Optional] Algorithms Algorithm Properties KAS2 KAS Pair-wise Key- Establishment Schemes using Discrete Logarithm ECC Diffie- Hellman with KDA HKDF KAS (KAS-SSC Cert. #A3011, KDA Cert. #A3011; SSP establishment methodology provides 128 bits of encryption strength), [56Ar3]2, [56Cr2], [198], [IG] D.F, [IG] D.B, [133], [IG] C.C HMAC SHA3 SHS KDA HKDF P-256 Curve Hash_DRBG HMAC SHA2-224 HMAC SHA2-256 HMAC SHA2-384 HMAC SHA2-512 HMAC SHA3-224 HMAC SHA3-256 HMAC SHA3-384 HMAC SHA3-512 KAS3 KAS Pair-wise Key- Establishment Schemes using Discrete Logarithm ECC Diffie- Hellman with KDA TwoStep KAS (KAS-SSC Cert. #A3011, KDA Cert. #A3011; SSP establishment methodology provides 128 bits of encryption strength), [56Ar3]3, [56Cr2], [198], [IG] D.F, [IG] D.B, [133], [IG] C.C HMAC SHA3 SHS KDA TwoStep P-256 Curve Hash_DRBG HMAC SHA2-224 HMAC SHA2-256 HMAC SHA2-384 HMAC SHA2-512 HMAC SHA3-224 HMAC SHA3-256 HMAC SHA3-384 HMAC SHA3-512 KDA1 HKDF Key Derivation Algorithm [56Cr2] [198], [IG] C.C HMAC SHA3 SHS KDA HKDF HMAC SHA2-224 HMAC SHA2-256 HMAC SHA2-384 HMAC SHA2-512 HMAC SHA3-224 HMAC SHA3-256 HMAC SHA3-384 HMAC SHA3-512 PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 13 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Name Type Description SF Properties [Optional] Algorithms Algorithm Properties KDA2 TwoStep Key Derivation Algorithm [56Cr2] [198], [IG] C.C HMAC SHA3 SHS KDA TwoStep HMAC SHA2-224 HMAC SHA2-256 HMAC SHA2-384 HMAC SHA2-512 HMAC SHA3-224 HMAC SHA3-256 HMAC SHA3-384 HMAC SHA3-512 KDF1 Key Derivation Function TLS 1.3 KDF Key Derivation using TLS 1.3 KDF [IG] 2.4.B [IG] D.F [180] SHS TLS 1.3 KDF SHA2-256 SHA2- 384 KDF2 KDF [108] Key Based Key Derivation Function using Feedback method [108] [198] [IG] C.C HMAC SHA3 SHS KDF [108] – Feedback HMAC SHA2-224 HMAC SHA2-256 HMAC SHA2-384 HMAC SHA2-512 HMAC SHA3-224 HMAC SHA3-256 HMAC SHA3-384 HMAC SHA3-512 KeyGen Key generation ECDSA Key Generation [186] [133] ECDSA DRBG Hash_DRBG P- 256 Curve PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 14 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Name Type Description SF Properties [Optional] Algorithms Algorithm Properties KeyVer Public Key Verification ECDSA Public Key Verification [186] ECDSA P-256 Curve MAC Message Authentication Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code [198] [IG] C.B, [IG] C.C HMAC SHS SHA3 HMAC SHA2-224 HMAC SHA2-256 HMAC SHA2-384 HMAC SHA2-512 HMAC SHA3-224 HMAC SHA3-256 HMAC SHA3-384 HMAC SHA3-512 Hash Message Digest Secure Hash Standard Permutation-Based Hash and Extendable- Output Functions [180] [202] [IG] C.B [IG] C.C SHS SHA3 SHA2-224 SHA2- 256 SHA2-384 SHA2-512 SHA3- 224 SHA3-256 SHA3-384 SHA3- 512 SHAKE-128 SHAKE- 256 RNG Deterministic Random Bit Generators Random Number Generation [90A] [IG] D.L [IG] D.R DRBG Hash_DRBG PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 15 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Name Type Description SF Properties [Optional] Algorithms Algorithm Properties Shared Secret Establis hment1 KAS ECC CDH- Component Shared Secret Establishment Pair- wise Key- Establishment Scheme using Discrete Logarithm - ECC Diffie-Hellman [56Ar3] [IG] D.F [IG] D.A [IG] D.B [133] KAS ECC CDH DRBG Hash_DRBG P- 256 Curve Shared Secret Establis hment2 KAS ECC -SSC Shared Secret Establishment Pair- wise Key- Establishment Scheme using Discrete Logarithm - ECC Diffie-Hellman [56Ar3] [IG] D.F [IG] D.B [133] DRBG KAS- SSC P-256 Curve Hash_DRBG SigGen Signature generation Digital Signature Generation using ECDSA [186] [133] ECDSA DRBG SHS Hash_DRBG P- 256 Curve SHA2- 256 SigVer Signature verification Digital Signature Verification using ECDSA [186] SHS P-256 Curve SHA2- 256 1 Per [IG] D.F Scenario 2 path (2), [56Ar3] compliant key agreement scheme where testing is performed separately forthe shared secret computation and a KDF compliant with [135] without key confirmation. 2 Per [IG] D.F Scenario 2 path (2), [56Ar3] compliant key agreement scheme where testing is performed separately forthe shared secret computation and a KDF compliant with KDA without key confirmation. 3 Per [IG] D.F Scenario 2 path (2), [56Ar3] compliant key agreement scheme where testing is performed separately forthe shared secret computation and a KDF compliant with KDA without key confirmation. PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 16 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 2.4.1 Industry Protocols The Module supports KDF used by TLS protocol version 1.3. 2.5 Rules of Operation The Module is intended to link with the Application. To initialize the Module, the code of an application thatwishes to use the Module, must include pqcl.h and fips.h header files. This allows an application to use the Module Initialization service. The Module Initialization service must be used to initialize the Module. The Module is initialized after the Module Initialization service returns with success. The Module Initialization service automatically detects and enables PAA if available. After the Module is initialized, the PAA can be disabled by calling the Disable PAA service. This service can be called only after successful initialization of the Module. The Module Initialization service runs pre-operational and conditional self-tests and the Disable PAA service runs conditional self-tests. The Zeroize service zeroizes the state of internal DRBGs. It must be explicitly called by the CO before the Module is unloaded from the application using it. In addition, the CO can zeroize individual SSPs as described in Section 9.4. Overall Security Design • The Module provides one distinct operator role, namely Crypto Officer (CO). • The Module does not provide authentication. • The Module allows the operator to initiate power-up self-tests by power cycling power or reset- ting the Module. • Pre-Operational self-tests do not require any operator action. • Data output is inhibited during key generation, self-tests, zeroization, and error states. • Status information does not contain CSPs or sensitive data that if misused could lead to a compromise of the Module. • There are no restrictions on which keys or SSPs are zeroized by the zeroization service. • The Module does not support concurrent operators. • The Module does not support a maintenance interface or role. • The Module does not support manual SSP establishment method. • The Module does not have any proprietary external input/output devices used for entry/output of data. • The Module stores plaintext CSPs. • The Module does not output intermediate key values. • The Module does not provide bypass services. PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 17 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 3. Cryptographic Module Interfaces The Module is a software-only implementation. All keys, encrypted data, and control information are exchanged through calls to library functions (logical interfaces). As a software module, it has no access to the physical ports (physical covers, manual controls, physical status indicators) and hence those ports are the same as those of the GPC it runs on. The Module’s ports and associated FIPS defined logical interface categories are listed in Table 9. Table 9 – Ports and Interfaces Physical port Logical interface Data that passes over port/interface N/A Data in API input parameters that specify plaintext data; ciphertext or signed data; cryptographic keys, initialization vectors; kernel I/O. N/A Data out API output parameters that receive plaintext data, ciphertext data, digital signatures cryptographic keys and initialization vectors. API Return values. N/A Control in Function calls and control data (e.g., algorithms, algorithm modes, or module settings). Values stored in the CPU and read by the Module during initialization phase. N/A Control Out1) N/A N/A Status out API return values. PC Power Supply Port Power N/A 1) Not supported by the Module. All the services of the Module return either numeric values of type pqcl_result_t or nothing. The return values are defined and described in the header files of the module. The PQCL_SUCCESS is a return value indicates success and values prefixed with PQCL_ERROR_ indicate some sort of failure. There is one exception, namely the Status enquiry service returns state of the library. When the Module is performing self-tests, during zeroization or is in the error state, all output on the module’s logical data output and interfaces are inhibited. PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 18 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 4. Roles, Services and Authentication 4.1 Assumption of Roles and Related Services The Module implements a single instance of one authorized role: Crypto Officer (CO). The role is implicitly assumed by the entity accessing services implemented by the module and is authorized to access all services provided by the module. Only one concurrent user is allowed, namely, a CO is considered the owner of executing thread. The Module does not support a maintenance role or bypass capability. Table 10 lists all operator roles supported by the Module and their related services. Table 10 – Roles, Service Commands, Input and Output Role Service Input Output CO Disable PAA1 None Status code CO Hash_DRBG operationcontext cleanup Operation context. Algorithms: Hash_DRBG Operation context with SSPs deleted CO Hash_DRBG pseudorandom byte stream generation Operation context, output buffer, length of requested byte stream, optionally buffer with additional data. Algorithms: Hash_DRBG Stream of pseudo-random bytes, status code CO Hash_DRBG reseeding Operation context, buffers with entropy, nonce and personalization string together with sizes of those buffers, optionally buffer with additional data. Algorithms: Hash_DRBG Status code CO Hash_DRBG instantiationand seeding Operation context, buffers with entropy, nonce and personalization string together with sizes of those buffers. Algorithms: Hash_DRBG Status code CO Hashing Input data, input size. Hashfunctions: SHA2- (224, 256, 384, 512), SHA3-(224, 256, 384, 512). Digest, status code. CO KEMcontext cleanup Operation context. Algorithms: Kyber (non- approved) Operation context with SSPs deleted CO KEM decapsulation Operation context with KEM private key, ciphertext with byte length. Algorithms used: Kyber (non-approved) Shared secret, status code. CO KEM encapsulation Operation context with KEM public key. Algorithms used: Kyber (non-approved) Shared secret with byte length, ciphertext with byte length, status code CO KEM key-pair export Operation context, memory buffers to store public and/or private key. Algorithms: Kyber (non-approved) Public and/or private key stored in memory buffer, status code. PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 19 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Role Service Input Output CO KEMkey-pair generation Operation context. Algorithms: Kyber (non- approved) Key-pairstored inoperation context. Status code. CO KEM key-pair import Operation context, public key and/or private key in plaintext. Algorithms: Kyber (non- approved) Key-pairstored inoperation context, Status code. CO Key agreement Operation context, peers public key with byte length. Algorithms. ECDH (curve P256). Shared secret stored in a memory buffer, status code CO Key agreementkey- pair cleanup Operation context. Algorithms:ECDH (curve P-256). Operation context with SSPs deleted CO Key agreementkey- pair export Operation context, memory buffers to store public and/or private key. Algorithms: ECDH (curve P-256). Public and/or private key stored in memory buffer, status code. CO Key agreementkey- pair generation Operation context. Algorithms:ECDH (curve P-256) Key-pairstored inoperation context. Status code. CO Key agreementkey- pair import Operation context, public key and/or private key in plaintext. Algorithms: ECDH (curve P- 256). Key-pairstored inoperation context, Status code. CO Key derivation Operation context, key derivation key, salt, shared secret established by approved and auxiliary shared secret (56Cr2), algorithm ID, optional context binding value. Algorithms used: HKDF Derived key, status code. CO Keyexpansionin two-step key derivation Operation context, key-derivation key and its size, info label and its size. Algorithms used: KDF [108] Derived key, status code. CO Keyedhashcontext cleanup Operation context. Algorithms: HMAC Operation context with SSPs deleted CO Keyed hashkey import Operation context, buffer containing key and its size. Key sizes: 112-bits or more (multiple of 8 bits). Algorithms: HMAC Status code CO Keyed hash signing Operation context, input data, input size, buffer storing output and output size. Algorithms: HMAC An authentication tag, status code CO Keyedhash verification Operation context, input data, input size. Algorithms: HMAC Status code CO Module initialization 2) None Status code CO Name enquiry Pointer to the buffer Text "pqcryptolib" PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 20 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Role Service Input Output CO Randomnumber generation Entropy, output size, additional input. Algorithms used: Hash_DRBG. Stream of randomly generated bytes. Security strength of 256-bits. CO Randomness extraction Operation context, shared secret established by approved key agreement method (56Cr2) and its size, salt value and its size. Algorithms used: HKDF Key-derivation key, status code CO Randomness extraction with auxiliaryshared secret Operation context, shared secret established by approved key agreement method (56Cr2) and its size, salt value and its size, auxiliary shared secret and its size. Algorithms used: HKDF Key-derivation key, status code CO Signature generation Operation context, message to sign with byte length, memory buffer. Algorithms: ECDSA (curve P-256) Signature stored in the memory buffer. Status code CO Signature verification Operation context, message to verify with byte length. Algorithms: ECDSA (curve P-256) Operation context with SSPs deleted CO Signingkey-pair cleanup Operation context. Algorithms:ECDSA (curve P-256). Operation context with SSPs deleted CO Signing key-pair export Operation context, memory buffers to store public and/or private key. Algorithms: ECDSA (curve P-256). Public and/or private key stored in memory buffer. Status code. CO Signingkey-pair generation Operation context. Algorithms: ECDSA (curve P-256) Key-pairstored inoperation context. Status code. CO Signing key-pair import Operation context, public key and/or private key in plaintext. Algorithms: ECDSA (curve P- 256). Key-pairstored inoperation context. Status code. CO Status enquiry None Current state of the module CO Symmetrickey generation Buffer requested key size in bits. Algorithms: Hash_DRBG Symmetric key, status code CO TLS v1.3 KDF Operation context, key derivation key and its size, shared secret and authentication messages as defined by RFC8446, optionally pre-shared key and its size Status code and all traffic and handshake keys resulting from TLS v1.3 key derivation CO Version enquiry Pointer to the buffer Text "1.0.0" CO XOF Output size. Algorithms: SHAKE-128, SHAKE- 256 Output generated by XOF. CO Zeroize None None PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 21 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 1) Ensures PAA is disabled and runs set of self-tests. 2) Initializes internal structures, enables PAA if available. It runs integrity checks, critical function testing and set of self-tests. 4.2 Authentication Methods The Module does not support authentication. 4.3 Services All security services implemented by the Module are listed in Table 11 and Table 12 below. The SSPs modes of access are defined as: • G = Generate: The Module generates or derives the SSP. • R = Read: The SSP is read from the Module (e.g. the SSP is output). • W = Write: The SSP is updated, imported, or written to the Module. • E = Execute: The Module uses the SSP in performing a cryptographic operation. • Z = Zeroize: The Module zeroizes the SSP The “Indicator” column describes security service indicator (described in [IG] 2.4.C) used by the service. All the indicators are defined below in Table 18. Table 11 – Approved Services Service Description ApprovedSecurity Functions Keys and /or SSPs Roles Access Rights to Keys and/or SSPs Indicator Disable PAA Switch off PAA N/A N/A CO N/A N/A Hash_DRBG operation context cleanup Zeroize Hash_DRBG SSPs Hash_DRBG DRBG-S CO Z DSI Hash_DRBG pseudorandom byte stream generation Generate pseudo random byte strings and keys Hash_DRBG DRBG-S CO ERW DSI Hash_DRBG reseeding Seed Hash_DRBG instance with externally supplied entropy Hash_DRBG DRBG-EI, DRBG-N, DRBG-S, DRBG-SEED CO W, R, R, GW DSI Hash_DRBG instantiation and seeding Seed Hash_DRBG instance with externally supplied entropy Hash_DRBG DRBG-EI, DRBG-N, DRBG-S, DRBG-SEED CO W, R, R, GW DSI PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 22 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Service Description ApprovedSecurity Functions Keys and /or SSPs Roles Access Rights to Keys and/or SSPs Indicator Hashing Calculate amessage digest SHA2- (224,256,384,512) SHA3- (224,256,384,512) N/A CO N/A HSI Key agreement Calculate shared secret key from private and public keys ECDH ECDH-PRV, ECDH-PUB, ECDH-K-Z CO ER, ER, GW XSI Key agreement key-pair cleanup Zeroize SSPs ECDH ECDH-PRV, ECDH-PUB CO Z, Z XSI Key agreement key-pair export Exporta public and/or private ECDH key(s) ECDH ECDH-PRV, ECDH-PUB CO R, R XSI Key agreement key-pair generation Generate a key-pair for key agreement ECDH ECDH-PRV, ECDH-PUB CO EGW, GW, XSI Key agreement key-pair import Importa public and/or private ECDH key(s) ECDH ECDH-PRV, ECDH-PUB CO W, W XSI Key derivation Symmetrickey derivation from shared secret key KDA-HKDF SHA2- (224,256,384,512) SHA3- (224,256,384,512) , CKG HKDF-K, HKDF-KDK CO ER, EGWZ KSI Key expansion in two-step key derivation PRF-basedkey- derivation function [108] KDA-HKDF, KDF- SP800-108 SHA2- (224,256,38 4,512) SHA3- (224,256,38 4,512), CKG HKDF-KDK CO RE KSI PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 23 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Service Description ApprovedSecurity Functions Keys and /or SSPs Roles Access Rights to Keys and/or SSPs Indicator Keyedhash context cleanup Zeroize HMAC SSPs SHA2- (224,256,384,512) SHA3- (224,256,384,512) HMAC-K CO Z MSI Keyedhash key import Import a HMAC symmetric key into operation context HMAC, SHA2- (224,256,384,512), SHA3- (224,256,384,512) HMAC-K CO ER MSI Keyedhash signing Calculate an authentication tag on data HMAC, SHA2- (224,256,384,512) , SHA3- (224,256,384,512) HMAC-K CO ER MSI Keyedhash verification Validate an authentication tag on data HMAC, SHA2- (224,256,384,512), SHA3- (224,256,384,512) HMAC-K CO ER MSI Module initialization Initializes internal structure of the Module Hash_DRBG HMAC DRBG-EI, DRBG-SEED, DRBG-S, DRBG-N CO RE, WE, W, W N/A Name enquiry Returnsnameof the Module N/A N/A CO N/A N/A Random number generation Generate random byte strings and keys from the Module’s internal instance of Hash_DRBG Hash_DRBG DRBG-S CO ERW RSI Randomness extraction The randomness extraction step in two- step key derivation procedure as specified by [56Cr2] KDA-HKDF SHA2- (224,256,384,512) SHA3- (224,256,384,512) HKDF-K, HKDF-KDK CO ER, GW KSI PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 24 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Service Description ApprovedSecurity Functions Keys and /or SSPs Roles Access Rights to Keys and/or SSPs Indicator Randomness extractionwith auxiliary shared secret The randomness extraction step in two- step key derivation procedurewith auxiliary shared secret T as specified by [56Cr2] KDA-HKDF SHA2- (224,256,384,512) SHA3- (224,256,384,512) HKDF-K, HKDF-KDK CO ER, GW KSI Signature generation Calculate digital signature using a private key SHA2-(256), ECDSA ECDSA-PRV CO RE SSI Signature verification Verify digital signature using a public key SHA2-(256), ECDSA ECDSA-PUB CO RE SSI Signing key- pair cleanup Zeroize SSPs and deletes operation context ECDSA ECDSA-PRV, ECDSA-PUB CO Z, Z SSI Signing key- pair export Exporta public and/or private ECDSA key(s) ECDSA ECDSA-PRV, ECDSA-PUB CO R, R SSI Signing key- pair generation Generate a key-pair for signing and verification ECDSA ECDSA-PRV, ECDSA-PUB CO EGW, GW SSI Signing key- pair import Import a public and/or private asymmetric key into operation context ECDSA ECDSA-PRV, ECDSA-PUB CO W, W SSI Status enquiry Returnsstate of the Module N/A N/A CO N/A N/A PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 25 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Service Description ApprovedSecurity Functions Keys and /or SSPs Roles Access Rights to Keys and/or SSPs Indicator Symmetrickey generation Generates symmetrickey of size between 112 and 256 bits, multiple of 8. Hash_DRBG, CKG HMAC-K CO GW DSI TLS v1.3 KDF Expands key- derivation- key into secret key as specified bythe RFC8446 TLS KDF, CKG ECDH-K-Z, TLS-PSK, TLS-ES, TLS-HS, TLS-MS, TLS-EBK, TLS-RBK, TLS-CETS, TLS-EEMS, TLS-CHTS, TLS-SHTS, TLS-CATS, TLS-SATS, TLS-EMS, TLS-RMS, TLS-ZERO CO ER, ER, GW, GW, GW, GW, GW, GW, GW, GW, GW, GW, GW, GW, GW, ER TSI Version enquiry Returnsversionof the Module N/A N/A CO N/A N/A XOF Calculate output from XOF SHAKE-(128, 256) N/A CO N/A HSI Zeroize Destroysinternal state of Hash_DRBG Hash_DRBG DRBG-S CO Z ZSI The following table contains non-approved, allowed services running in approved mode of operation. All those services implement Key Encapsulation Mechanism but are non-security relevant. Namely we do not declare any security on the keys generated by those algorithms. PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 26 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Table 12 – Non-Approved Services Service Description Algorithm Accessed Role Indicator KEM context cleanup Non-security relevant service None CO ESI KEM decapsulation Non-security relevant service SHA3-{256,512}, SHAKE-{128, 256}, Kyber CO ESI KEM encapsulation Non-security relevant service Hash_DRBG, SHA3- {256,512}, SHAKE- {128, 256}, Kyber CO ESI KEM key-pair export Non-security relevant service Kyber CO ESI KEM key-pair generation Non-security relevant service Hash_DRBG, SHA3- {256,512}, SHAKE- {128, 256}, Kyber CO ESI KEM key-pair import Non-security relevant service Kyber CO ESI 5. Software/Firmware Security The Module is composed of the software component delivered as a library (dynamic loadable shared object library) in a binary form. The software component is protected with the HMAC-SHA2-512 integrity testing technique described in Table 17. The integrity tests are always performed upon module initialization phase (described in §2.5) and can be performed on demand by power cycling the Module. In case the integrity test fails, the library is moved into ERROR state and the Module needs to be unloaded from the memory of the Application that uses the Module. The method used for integrity testing is detailed in Table 17. PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 27 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 6. Operational Environment The Module operates under a modifiable operational environment as per the FIPS 140-3 definitions. The tested operational environment is listed in Table 2 above. In addition, PQShield claims that the Module can be ported on the operational environment listed in Table 4; no statement is made regarding the correct operation of the Module on the Vendor Affirmed Operational Environments. The Module runs on a GPC running one of the tested operational environments. Each tested operational environment manages processes in a logically separated manner, each process is assigned a private memory space, access to that space is restricted to the process running the Module and trusted parts of the operational environment. Process private memory space is used to store CSPs and SSPs. The CO role is considered the owner of the calling application that instantiates the module. PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 28 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 7. Physical Security Physical security is not applicable to software-only modules. 8. Non-Invasive Security The Module does not implement any mitigation method against non-invasive attack. 9. Sensitive Security Parameter (SSP) Management The SSPs generation column shown in Table 13 are defined as: • G1 = FIPS 186-4 compliant ECDSA key generation by testing candidate methods described in [186], subsection B.4.2. • G2 = Symmetric key generated by internal CAVP validated Hash_DRBG • G3 = Generated by the entropy source • G4 = Derived from internal state of Hash_DRBG • G5 = Generated by Hash_df hash derivation function of Hash_DRBG • G6 = KDK generated in two-step key derivation with HMAC used as PRF [56Cr2] • G7 = DKM generated by TLS v1.3 KDF [RFC8446] • G8 = Counter initialized to 0 and incremented during execution of an algorithm • G9 = Value modified during initialization and execution of the module The SSPs establishment column shown in Table 13 are defined as: • A1 = SP800-56A rev3 compliant ECDH key agreement (128 bit) • A2 = Derived using SP 800-108 compliant KDF The SSPs storage column shown in Table 13 are defined as: • S1 = Only stored in volatile memory (RAM) in plaintext • S2 = Publicly known value stored within the module code, validated by integrity check The SSPs import/export column shown in Table 13 are defined as: • E1 = Input in plaintext by the calling application • E2 = Public key output in plaintext • E3 = Secret key output in plaintext The SSPs zeroization column shown in Table 13 are defined as: • Z1 = Zeroized by Module power cycle or hard reset. • Z2 = Zeroized by the internal zeroization function by overwriting with a fixed pattern, that is octet- string filled with 0. • Z3 = Overwriting by new working state of Hash_DRBG during reseeding process PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 29 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 9.1 Sensitive Security Parameters (SSP) All SSPs used by the Module are described in this section. All usage of these SSPs by the Module is described in the services detailed in 4.3. Table 13 – SSPs Key/SSP Name/Type Strength Security Function and Cert. Number Generation Import/Export Establishment Storage Zeroization Use Related keys DRBG-EI 256 N/A G3 E1 N/A S1 Z1 Z2 Hash_DRBG [90A]entropy input DRBG-S, DRBG-N DRBG- SEED 256 DRBG (#A3011) G5 N/A N/A S1 Z1 Z2 Z3 Hash_DRBG [90A] initialization and reseeding DRBG-EI DRBG-N DRBG-S DRBG-S 256 DRBG (#A3011) G4 N/A N/A S1 Z1 Z2 Hash_DRBG [90A] working state (values V and C) derived from the seed DRBG-EI DRBG-SEED DRBG-N 256 DRBG (#A3011) G3 E1 N/A S1 Z1 Z2 Hash_DRBG [90A] nonce DRBG-EI DRBG-SEED DRBG-AI 128 DRBG (#A3011) N/A E3 N/A S1 Z1 Z2 DRBG additional input. When used for ECDSA signature generation, the input is a ECDSA secret key. ECDSA-PRV HMAC-K Between 128 and 256. Multiple of 8 bits HMAC (#A3011) G2 E1 N/A S1 Z1 Z2 HMAC [198] authentication key and OPAD value DRBG-S HKDF-K Between 224 and 65536. Multiple of 8 bits KDA-HKDF, Two-Step (#A3011) G2 E1 A1 S1 Z1 Z2 KDA-HKDF secret key DRBG-S PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 30 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Key/SSP Name/Type Strength Security Function and Cert. Number Generation Import/Export Establishment Storage Zeroization Use Related keys HKDF- KDK Between 8 and 4096. Multiple of 8 bits KDA-{HKDF, Two-Step} (#A3011) N/A E3 A2 S1 Z1 Z2 Key-derivation key resulting from the randomness- extraction step that is used in the key- expansion step during the execution of the key- derivation procedure specified in the [56Cr2] and/or [108] HMAC-K ECDH-K- PRV HKDF-CNT ECDSA- PRV 128 ECDSA (#A3011) G1 E1 E3 N/A S1 Z1 Z2 ECDSA signature generation key (P-256) DRBG-S DRBG-N DRBG-AI ECDH- PRV 128 EC Diffie Hellman Shared Secret Computation (#A3011) G1 E1 E3 N/A S1 Z1 Z2 ECDH key agreement private key (P- 256) DRBG-S DRBG-N ECC-PAR ECDH-K- Z 128 EC Diffie Hellman Shared Secret Computation (#A3011) N/A E1 E3 A1 S1 Z1 Z2 ECDH shared secret (P-256) used to derive session encryption key ECDH-K- PRV ECC-PAR TLS-PSK Between 112 and 256. Multiple of 8 bits TLS v1.3 KDF (#A3011) G6 E1 N/A S1 Z1 Z2 A TLS v1.3 pre- shared key, established externally or derived from TLS-RMS. TLS-RMS TLS-ES 256 or 384 bits TLSv1.3 KDF (#A3011) G6 N/A N/A S1 Z1 Z2 TLSv1.3 early secret TLS-PSK ECDH-K-Z TLS-HS 256 or 384 bits TLSv1.3 KDF (#A3011) G6 N/A N/A S1 Z1 Z2 TLS v1.3 handshake secret TLS-PSK ECDH-K-Z PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 31 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Key/SSP Name/Type Strength Security Function and Cert. Number Generation Import/Export Establishment Storage Zeroization Use Related keys TLS-MS 256 or 384 bits TLS v1.3 KDF (#A3011) G6 N/A N/A S1 Z1 Z2 TLS v1.3 master secret TLS-PSK ECDH-K-Z TLS-EBK 128 TLS v1.3 KDF (#A3011) G7 E3 N/A S1 Z1 Z2 TLS v1.3 binder secret for external PSKs TLS-ES TLS-RBK 128 TLS v1.3 KDF (#A3011) G7 E3 N/A S1 Z1 Z2 TLS v1.3 binder key for resumption PSKs TLS-ES TLS- CETS 128 TLS v1.3 KDF (#A3011) G7 E3 N/A S1 Z1 Z2 TLS v1.3 early traffic secret TLS-ES TLS- EEMS 128 TLS v1.3 KDF (#A3011) G7 E3 N/A S1 Z1 Z2 TLS v1.3 early master secret TLS-ES TLS- CHTS 128 TLS v1.3 KDF (#A3011) G7 E3 N/A S1 Z1 Z2 TLS v1.3 client handshake traffic secret TLS-HS TLS- SHTS 128 TLS v1.3 KDF (#A3011) G7 E3 N/A S1 Z1 Z2 TLS v1.3 server handshake traffic secret TLS-HS TLS- CATS 128 TLS v1.3 KDF (#A3011) G7 E3 N/A S1 Z1 Z2 TLS v1.3 client application traffic secret TLS-MS TLS- SATS 128 TLS v1.3 KDF (#A3011) G7 E3 N/A S1 Z1 Z2 TLS v1.3 server application traffic secret TLS-MS TLS-EMS 128 TLS v1.3 KDF (#A3011) G7 E3 N/A S1 Z1 Z2 TLS v1.3 exporter master secret TLS-MS TLS- RMS 128 TLS v1.3 KDF (#A3011) G7 E3 N/A S1 Z1 Z2 TLS v1.3 resumption master secret TLS-MS GLOB N/A N/A G9 N/A N/A S1 Z1 Globalstateof the cryptographic module N/A PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 32 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Key/SSP Name/Type Strength Security Function and Cert. Number Generation Import/Export Establishment Storage Zeroization Use Related keys HKDF- CNT N/A KDA-{HKDF, Two-Step} (#A3011) G8 N/A N/A S1 Z1 Z2 Counterused by KDF in feedback mode [108] HKDF-KDK ECC-PAR N/A ECDSA and EC Diffie Hellman Shared Secret Computation (#A3011) N/A N/A N/A S2 Z1 ECCdomain parameters ECDSA-PUB ECDH-PUB ECDSA-PRV ECDH-PRV ECDSA- PUB 128 ECDSA (#A3011) G1 E1, E2 N/A S1 Z1 Z2 ECDSA signature verificationkey (P-256) ECDSA-PRV ECC-PAR ECDH- PUB 128 EC Diffie Hellman Shared Secret Computation (#A3011) G1 E1, E2 N/A S1 Z1 Z2 ECDH key agreement public key (P- 256) ECDH-PRV ECC-PAR TLS-ZERO N/A TLS v1.3 KDF (#A3011) G9 N/A N/A S1 Z1 Internal value used by TLS v1.3 KDF in case PSK is not provided. 48-byte long buffer filled with 0. All TLS-* SSPs, except TLS- PSK 9.2 DRBG Entropy Source The RNG module leverages two different entropy sources, one provided by the CPU and the other provided by operational environment. The RDSEED is a CPU instruction, used to get entropy directly from the Intel CPU. Additionally, the Module uses the entropy from environmental noise. This is done by using getrandom system call. Returned bytes from both sources are XORd together and provided to the RNG initialization function as an entropy. In case entropy source fails to produce entropy, the RNG initialization procedure sets FSM to an ERROR state, resulting in the Module being not available for use in approved mode operation. The module conforms to FIPS 140-3 IG 9.3.A scenario 2b, thus the following caveat is applicable: No assurance of the minimum strength of generated SSPs (e.g., keys). PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 33 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Table 14 – Non-Deterministic Random Number Generation Specification Entropy Sources Minimumnumber of entropy bits Details RDSEED 256 The RDSEED is CPU instruction, that provides an access to the implementation of XOR-NRBG construction (as per [90C]). It uses AES/128-CBC-MAC conditioner (vetted conditioning component as per [90B]) and internal implementation of DRBG based on AES-CTR to produce full entropy output. RDSEED is used as the main entropy source, which provides 256 bits of entropy to seed DRBG. Construction is CAVP certified (Cert. #A1791). getrandom() 8 Additional entropy source. 9.3 Zeroization of SSPs SSPs are zeroized when the appropriate operation context is destroyed, after Zeroize service has completed an operation or on power cycling/reboot of host platform. Input and output interfaces are inhibited while zeroization is performed. The ZSI indicator must be used to check if zeroization was successful. Zeroization needs to be performed under the control of the Crypto Officer. SSPs are overwritten with fixed pattern (octet-string filled with 0) and hence are not retrievable upon zeroization. PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 34 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 10. Self-Tests The Module performs self-tests to ensure the proper operation. Per FIPS 140-3, these are categorized as either pre-operational self-tests or conditional self-tests. Pre-operational self–tests are available on demand by power cycling the Module and calling the Module Initialization service. The module uses critical functions, namely hash-based DRBG and HMAC-SHA2-512. The critical functions are tested both during pre-operational and conditional testing run. There is only one self-tests error state, and it is described in the table below: Table 15 – Error States and Indicators Error state Description Indicator ES1 The Module fails a KAT or PCT self-test. The module does not perform any cryptographic functions and all data output is inhibited in the error state. The Module needs to be power cycled to clear the error. The Module enters the ERROR state and outputs status of PQCL_STATE_ERROR The Module performs the following pre-operational self-tests: Table 16 – Pre-Operational Self-Test Security Function Method Type Description Error state DRBG KAT Critical function test DRBG Critical Function Tests (Instantiate, Generate and Reseed) ES1 HMAC Software integrity Software integrity test Integrity check of cryptographic module, using HMAC with SHA2-512 with fixed 256-bit key over various continuous segments of the Module binary image; tag compared against reference value stored in the binary ES1 The Module performs the following conditional self-tests: PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 35 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Table 17 – Conditional Self-Tests Security Function Method Type Description Error state DRBG KAT CAST Uses Hash_DRBG based on SHA2-256 for 256-bit security strength. Includes instantiate, generate, generate with additional input, reseed and reseed with additional input KATs. Doesn’t include prediction resistance. Performed before the first random data generation. Self-test is performed before being used in the Integrity test. ES1 ECDH Key Generation PCT PCT ECDH P-256 Key Generation Pairwise Consistency Test ES1 ECDSA KAT CAST ECDSA P-256 with SHA2-256 signature generation and verification. Uses 32-byte long message. ES1 ECDSA Key Generation PCT PCT ECDSAP-256 Key Generation Pairwise Consistency Test ES1 HMAC KAT CAST HMAC-SHA2-512 KAT with 16-byte long key over 32-byte long message. Self-test is performed before being used in the Integrity test. ES1 HMAC KAT CAST HMAC-SHA2-512 KAT with 16-byte long key over 32-byte long message. ES1 KAS-SSC KAT CAST ECC Diffie-Hellman shared secret generation with P-256 as per [IG] D.F ES1 PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 36 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Security Function Method Type Description Error state KDF [108] KAT CAST KDF with HMAC-SHA2-256 is used as PRF in feedback mode with an 8-bit counter located after fixed data, an 8-byte long Label string, and a 32-byte long IV set to buffer filled with random data. ES1 KDA HKDF KAT CAST HKDF with HMAC-SHA2-256 as an auxiliary function. An input is a 32-byte long value Z, 16- byte long salt and 52-byte long info string as described by the [56Cr2]. Output (DKM) is a 32- byte long derived key. ES1 KDA Two- Step KAT CAST Two-step KDF with HMAC-SHA2-384 as an auxiliary function and concatenation of shared Z and auxiliary secret T as described by the [56Cr2]. An input to the extract step is a 32-byte long value Z and a 16-byte value T. Extraction uses a 128-byte long salt filled with 0. It produces a 48-byte-long KDK. An expansion step uses feedback mode with 16-byte long IV and it does not use counter. An input to the expansion step is a KDK and info string. Info string is formatted as a concatenation of two, 16 bytes long buffers, value T, and a 4-byte long buffer containing a length of output in bits. Output (DKM) is a 32-byte long key. ES1 SHA3/SHAKE KAT CAST SHAKE128 using 16-byte message. Two separated self-tests with the same parameters run for AVX2 optimized and non- optimized implementation. ES1 SHS KAT CAST SHA2-256 KAT using 32-byte message. ES1 TLS KDF v1.3 KAT CAST Uses random 34-byte long shared secret Z (as defined in the [56Cr2]) and ClientHello, ServerHello, client Finished and server Finished (as defined in the [TLSACVP] and [RFC8446]) – all 34 byte-long. All key schedule secrets are generated and validated against the expected value. ES1 PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 37 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). The Module provides the operator dedicated query function to determine whether the current security service in use is approved. Security services implemented by the Module are grouped by type. The Module provides one query function for each type of service. Details of usage are described in the product documentation. Table 18 defines a mapping between the identifier of the service indicator (used in the tables above) and the type of service. Table 18 – Service Indicators Service Indicator Type of security service DSI Deterministic Random Number Generation HSI Hashing MSI Message Authentication Code KSI Key Derivation Function ESI Key Encapsulation Mechanism XSI Key Agreement RSI Random number generation SSI Digital Signature TSI TLS v1.3 KDF ZSI Zeroization PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 38 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). mkdir -p /opt/pqshield/pqcryptolib tar xvf pqcryptolib_v1.0.0.0_amd64_linux.tar.gz \ -C /opt/pqshield/pqcryptolib 11. Life-Cycle Assurance 11.1 Installation, Initialization, Startup and Operation of the Module The Module is delivered in a form of dynamically linkable software library and the API declared in the header files. The Module is intended to be linked with the Application. The library is delivered in a tarball file, that contains linkable software library and the API declared in the header files, as well as documentation. To install the library, an operator needs to unpack the tarball to target directory of its choice. Following command should be used: An application that wishes to use the Module includes pqcl.h and fips.h header files in its source code and link the application against binary file of the Module. The Module is initialized by the Application, by calling the Module Initialization service. That function must be called and finished before any other API function of the module is used. Error code returned by the function must be checked. In case of successful initialization, the function returns PQCL_SUCCESS code and any other code returned by the function indicates initialization failure. The deinitialization of the library is done by the Application by calling the Zeroization service. The initialization process automatically detects and enables PAA if available. To disable PAA operator must call the pqcl_disable_hwa() service. The service can be called only after successful initialization of the library. 11.2 Maintenance Requirements This software module has no specific requirements regarding maintenance. The module is disposed by deleting the binary file of the Module. 11.3 Administrator and Non-Administrator Guidance Both Administrator and non-Administrator guidance is provided in the Users Manual, which is delivered with the Module. 11.4 End of life Procedure When the Module is at end of life, the customers of the Module are informed via PQShield’s customer service capabilities. After the 6-month window, the access rights to the FIPS branch in a repository storing the source code of the Module are change to more restrictive, so that only administrators can access and read from the FIPS branch of the Module. This effectively makes it impossible to release new version of the Module. The Module does not possess persistent storage of SSPs. The SSP value only exists in volatile memory and that value vanishes when the Module is powered off. The secure sanitization of the Module is done by powering the Module off. The deprecation of the Module is done by upgrading it to the newer version. During upgrade process the old version of the Module is removed and replaced with a new version. PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 39 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 12.Mitigation of Other Attacks The Module is not designed to mitigate against other attacks. PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 40 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 13.References and Definitions The following standards are referred to in this Security Policy. Table 19 – References Abbreviation Full Specification Name [FIPS140-3] Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, March 22, 2019 [ISO19790] International Standard, ISO/IEC 19790, Information technology — Security techniques — Test requirements for cryptographic modules, Third edition, March 2017 [ISO24759] International Standard, ISO/IEC 24759, Information technology — Security techniques — Test requirements for cryptographic modules, Second and Corrected version, 15 December 2015 [IG] Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-3 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program, October 7, 2022 [108] NIST Special Publication 800-108r1, Recommendation for Key Derivation Using Pseudorandom Functions (Revised), August 2022 [133] NIST Special Publication 800-133, Recommendation for Cryptographic Key Generation, Revision 2, June 2020 [135] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Recommendation for Existing Application-Specific Key Derivation Functions, Special Publication 800-135rev1, December 2011. [186] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Digital Signature Standard (DSS), Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 186-4, July 2013. [198] National Institute of Standards and Technology, The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC), Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 198-1, July, 2008 [180] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Secure Hash Standard, Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 180-4, August, 2015 [202] FEDERAL INFORMATION PROCESSING STANDARDS PUBLICATION, SHA3 Standard: Permutation-Based Hash and Extendable-Output Functions, FIPS PUB 202, August 2015 [56Ar3] NIST Special Publication 800-56A Revision 3, Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography, April 2018 [56Br2] NIST Special Publication 800-56B Revision 2, Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Finite Field Cryptography, March 2019 [56Cr2] NIST Special Publication 800-56C Revision 2, Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography, August 2020 PQCryptoLib Copyright PQShield LTD, 2024 Document Version 1.0.0 Page 41 of 41 PQShield Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Abbreviation Full Specification Name [90A] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators, Special Publication 800-90A, Revision 1, June 2015. [90B] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Recommendation for the Entropy Sources Used for Random Bit Generation, Special Publication 800-90B, January 2018. [90C] Recommendation for Random Bit Generator (RBG) Constructions (2nd Draft), Special Publication 800-90C (2nd Draft), April 2016 [RFC5869] Internet Engineering Task Force specification of “HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function” by H. Krawczyk, P. Eronen, May 2010. Citated by [56Cr2]. [TLSACVP] “ACVP TLS Key Derivation Function JSON Specification”, https://pages.nist.gov/ACVP/draft-hammett-acvp-kdf-tls-v1.3.html [RFC8446] Internet Engineering Task Force specification of "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3“, https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8446 Table 20 – Acronyms and Definitions Acronym Definition APT Adaptative Proportion Test DKM Derived Keying Material. Output of expansion step in two-step key derivation procedure GPC General Purpose Computer KAT Know Answer Test KDK Key Derivation Key. Output from extraction step in two-step key derivation procedure KEM Key Encapsulation Mechanism PCT Pair-wise Consistency Test POSIX Portable Operating System Interface PSK Pre-shared key as defined by [RFC8446] RCT Repetition Count Test SSP Sensitive Security Parameter