Version 2 Revision 00 IBM® Corporation LTO Generation 7 and Generation 8 Encrypting Tape Drive Non-proprietary Security Policy Version 2 Revision 00 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). i Version 2 Revision 00 ii Version 2 Revision 00 Table of Contents This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision)...................................................................................................................................................i 1 Document History ..................................................................................................................................................1 2 Introduction............................................................................................................................................................2 2.1 References...............................................................................................................................................3 2.2 Document Organization ........................................................................................................................3 3 LTO Gen 8 Cryptographic Module Description.....................................................................................................4 3.1 Overview.................................................................................................................................................4 3.2 Secure Configuration.............................................................................................................................6 3.3 Ports and Interfaces.............................................................................................................................10 3.4 Roles and Services................................................................................................................................12 3.5 Physical Security ..................................................................................................................................19 3.6 Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Management............................................................................21 3.7 Design Assurance .................................................................................................................................27 3.8 Mitigation of other attacks..................................................................................................................28 List of Tables Table 1: Security Section ............................................................................................................................................2 Table 2: Reported Values Indicating Approved Modes of Operation ....................................................................6 Table 3: Host Interface Mode Select Eligibility of Mode Page 30h, Subpage 20h and Mode Page 25h Subpages ........................................................................................................................................................8 Table 4: Ports Common to All Host Interface Types .............................................................................................10 Table 5: Fibre Channel-Specific Host Interfaces Ports..........................................................................................11 Table 6: SAS-Specific Host Interfaces Ports...........................................................................................................11 Table 7: Provided Services Applicable to All Modes of Operation.......................................................................13 Table 8: Provided Services Applicable to SME and LME.....................................................................................15 Table 9: Provided Services Applicable to T10 SCSI Encryption ..........................................................................16 Table 10: Basic Cryptographic Functions...............................................................................................................21 Table 11: Security Parameters .................................................................................................................................23 Table 12: CSP Access Table .....................................................................................................................................24 Table 13: Self-Tests ...................................................................................................................................................25 Table 14: Certified Configurations..........................................................................................................................27 iii Version 1 Revision 01 1 Document History Date Author Change 2018/07/12 Kevin Butt Initial conversion from LTO-7 Security Policy to LTO-8 Security Policy 2018/07/25 Kevin Butt Updated Table 1: Certified Configurations 2018/08/24 Kevin Butt Corrected omission of LTO-7 configurations in Table 14. Made changes to have the document talk to both LTO-7 and LTO-8 2018/10/04 Kevin Butt Corrected part numbers in Table 14 in section 3.7 Design Assurance 1 Version 2 Revision 00 2 Introduction This non-proprietary security policy describes the IBM® Corporation LTO Generation 7 and Generation 8 Encrypting Tape Drive cryptographic module and the approved mode of operation for FIPS 140-2, security level 1 requirements. This policy was prepared as part of FIPS 140-2 validation of the IBM® Corporation LTO Generation 7 and Generation 8 Encrypting Tape Drive. The IBM® Corporation LTO Generation 7 and Generation 8 Encrypting Tape Drive is referred to in this document as the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8, the IBM LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8, the Dell LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8, and the Oracle LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8. The security policy document is organized in the following sections: Introduction • References • Document Organization LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 Cryptographic Module Description • Cryptographic Module Overview • Secure Configuration • Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces • Roles and Services • Physical Security • Cryptographic Key Management • Self-Tests • Design Assurance • Mitigation of Other Attacks FIPS 140-2 (Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-2—Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules) details the U.S. Government requirements for cryptographic modules. More information about the FIPS 140-2 standard and validation program is available on the NIST web site at: Table 2: Security Section Security Section Level Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security 1 Operational Environment NA Cryptographic Key Management 1 EMI/EMC 1 2 Version 2 Revision 00 Self-Tests 1 Design Assurance 1 Mitigation of Other Attacks NA Overall 1 2.1 References This document describes only the cryptographic operations and capabilities of the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8. More information is available on the general function of the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 at the IBM web site: The tape drive meets the T10 SCSI Stream Commands (SSC) standard for the behavior of sequential access devices. The LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 supports 2 host interface types: Fibre channel (FC) and serial-attached SCSI (SAS). The physical and protocol behavior of these ports conforms to their respective specifications. These specifications are available at the INCITS T10 standards web site: A Redbook describing IBM tape encryption and user configuration in various environments can be found at: The LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive format on the tape media is designed to conform to the IEEE P1619.1 committee draft proposal for recommendations for protecting data at rest on tape media. Details on P1619.1 may be found at: 2.2 Document Organization The Security Policy document is one document in a FIPS 140-2 Submission Package. In addition to this document, the submission package contains:  Vendor Evidence Document  Other supporting documentation and additional references With the exception of this Non-Proprietary Security Policy, the FIPS 140-2 Validation Documentation is proprietary to IBM and is releasable only under appropriate non-disclosure agreements. For access to these documents, contact IBM. 3 Version 1 Revision 01 3 LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 Cryptographic Module Description 3.1 Overview The LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8, also referred to herein as the module, is a set of hardware, firmware, and interfaces allowing the optional storage and retrieval of encrypted data to magnetic tape cartridges. The entire “brick” unit of the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 tape drive is FIPS certified as a multi-chip, standalone cryptographic module. In customer operation the “brick” unit may be used in conjunction with a computer system or tape library. Some components of the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 tape drive, such as mechanical components used for tape loading/unloading and actuating the tape cartridge, labels, cables, connectors, terminals and sensor components, do not have an effect on the security of the cryptographic module. Block diagrams of the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 are shown below: Figure 1a: LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 Full-High Fibre Channel Drive Block Diagram 4 Version 2 Revision 00 Figure 1b: LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 Half-High Fibre Channel Drive Block Diagram Figure 1c: LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 Half-High SAS Drive Block Diagram 5 Version 2 Revision 00 The LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 has two major cryptographic functions:  Data Block Cipher Facility: The tape drive has the ability to encrypt and decrypt standard tape data blocks as received via SCSI write- and read-type commands. Encryption and decryption is performed using a provided key and AES-GCM block cipher. o The AES-GCM block cipher operation is performed after compression of the host data therefore not impacting capacity and data rate performance of the compression function.  The LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive automatically performs a complete and separate decryption and decompression check of host data blocks after the compression/encryption process to validate there were no errors in the encoding process. o Secure Key Interface Facility: Tape drive functions allow authentication of the tape drive to an external IBM key manager, such as the IBM Encryption Key Manager (EKM), the Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager (TKLM), or the IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager (ISKLM), and allow transfer of protected key material between the key manager and the tape drive. 3.2 Secure Configuration This section describes the approved mode of operation for the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive to maintain FIPS-140 validation. There are three configurations for the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 in the approved mode of operation. They are:  System-Managed Encryption (SME)  Library-Managed Encryption (LME)  T10 SCSI Encryption mode In order to be in an approved mode of operation, the values of the fields Key Path (manager Type) (from VPD), In-band Key Path (Manager Type) Override, Indirect Key Mode Default, Key Scope, and Encryption Method must be set according to the table below. More details can be found in the LTO Ultrium Tape Drive SCSI Reference. The LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 is in the approved mode of operation when a SCSI Mode Sense command to Mode Page 25h returns the values in Table 2: Reported Values Indicating Approved Modes of Operation and an Allowed service from Table 3: Host Interface Mode Select Eligibility of Mode Page 30h, Subpage 20h and Mode Page 25h Subpages is used. Table 3: Reported Values Indicating Approved Modes of Operation Required Fields System-Managed Encryption (SME) Library- Managed Encryption (LME) T10 SCSI Encryption Via library interface Via host interface Key Path (Manager Type) (from VPD) Mode Page 25h, byte 21, bits 7-5 001b 110b 000b 101b In-band Key Path (Manager Type) Override Mode Page 25h, byte 21, bits 4-2 000b or 001b 000b 000b 000b Indirect Key Mode Default Mode Page 25h, byte 22, bit 4 0b 0b 0b 0b 6 Version 2 Revision 00 Key Scope Mode Page 25h, byte 23, bits 2-0 000b or 001b 000b or 001b 000b 000b Encryption Method Mode Page 25h, byte 27 10h or 1Fh 60h 60h 50h 7 Version 2 Revision 00 Certain commands are prohibited while in the approved modes of operation. The commands vary based on which configuration is used in the approved mode. In the LME and T10 SCSI encryption configurations, all Mode Select commands to Mode Page 30h, Subpage 20h and all subpages of Mode Page 25h are prohibited on the host interface. In the SME configuration, Mode Select commands to Mode Page 30h, Subpage 20h and the following subpages of Mode Page 25h are prohibited. Table 4: Host Interface Mode Select Eligibility of Mode Page 30h, Subpage 20h and Mode Page 25h Subpages Mode Page Mode Subpage System-Managed Encryption (SME) Library-Managed Encryption (LME) T10 SCSI Encryption 25h C0h – Control/Status Allowed Prohibited Prohibited 25h D0h – Generate dAK/dAK’ Pair Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited 25h D1h – Query dAK Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited 25h D2h – Update dAK/dAK’ Pair Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited 25h D3h – Remove dAK/dAK’ Pair Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited 25h D5h – Drive Challenge/Response Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited 25h D6h – Query Drive Certificate Allowed Prohibited Prohibited 25h D7h – Query/Setup HMAC1 Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited 25h D8h – Install eAK Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited 25h D9h – Query eAK Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited 25h DAh – Update eAK Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited 25h DBh – Remove eAK Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited 25h DFh – Query dSK Allowed Prohibited Prohibited 25h E0h – Setup SEDK Allowed Prohibited Prohibited 25h E1h – Alter DKx Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited 25h E2h – Query DKx (Active) Allowed Prohibited Prohibited 25h E3h – Query DKx (Needed) Allowed Prohibited Prohibited 25h E4h – Query DKx (Entire) Allowed Prohibited Prohibited 25h E5h – Query DKx (Pending) Allowed Prohibited Prohibited 25h EEh – Request DKx (Translate) Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited 25h EFh – Request DKx (Generate) Allowed Prohibited Prohibited 25h FEh – Drive Error Notify Allowed Prohibited Prohibited 30h 20h – Encryption Mode Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Key: Allowed –Use of this function in this encryption mode is considered to be operating in an approved mode. Prohibited – Use of this function in this encryption mode is considered to be operating in a non-approved mode. 1 This is a misnomer in that this is a message signature setup function. No HMAC is supported. This is a SHA 2 256 digest used for message integrity only. 8 Version 2 Revision 00 Loading a FIPS 140-2 validated drive microcode level and configuring the drive for one of the approved modes of operation initializes the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 into the approved mode of operation. The FIPS 140-2 validated drive microcode level should be loaded twice to ensure the firmware occupies both the main and reserved firmware locations. The LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 supports multi-initiator environments, but only one initiator may access cryptographic functions at any given time. Therefore the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 does not support multiple concurrent operators. The LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 implements a non-modifiable operational environment which consists of a firmware image stored in FLASH. The firmware image is copied to, and executed from, RAM. The firmware image can only be updated via FIPS-approved methods that verify the validity of the image. The LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive operates as a stand-alone tape drive and has no direct dependency on any specific operating system or platform for FIPS approved operating modes, but does have requirements for: • Key Manager/Key Store attachment • Drive Configuration The following criteria apply to the usage environment:  Key Manager and Key Store Attachment o In the SME and LME modes of operation, a key manager, such as the Encryption Key Manager (EKM), the Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager (TKLM), or the IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager (ISKLM), and a supported key store must be used in a manner which supports secure import and export of keys with the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive : • Keys must be securely passed into the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive. o For SME and LME, the key manager must support encryption of the Data Key to form an Session Encrypted Data Key (SEDK) for transfer to the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive using the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive public Session Key and a 2048-bit RSA encryption method. o For T10 SCSI encryption, the host must support RSA key wrapping. • The key manager/key store must be able to use the DKi it supplies the drive to determine the Data Key.  Drive Configuration requirements o The LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive must be configured in one of the approved modes of operation. o The LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive must have the FIPS 140-2 validated drive firmware level loaded and operational. o In LME mode, the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive must be operated in an automation device which conforms to the LDI or ADI interface specifications provided. o In T10 SCSI encryption mode via the library interface, the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive must be operated in an automation device which conforms to the ADI interface specifications provided. 9 Version 2 Revision 00 3.3 Ports and Interfaces The cryptographic boundary of the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive cryptographic module is the drive brick. Tape data blocks to be encrypted (write operations) or decrypted data blocks to be returned to the host (read operations) are transferred on the host interface ports using SCSI commands, while protected key material may be received on the host interface ports or the library port. The physical ports are separated into FIPS-140-2 logical ports as described below. Table 5: Ports Common to All Host Interface Types LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 Drive Physical Ports FIPS-140-2 Logical Interface Crypto Services Interface Functionality BAB Port Status Output None  Outputs servo status RS-422 Port / sADT Port or LDI Port Data Input Data Output Control Input Status Output Yes  Crypto: Inputs protected keys from the key manager in some LME mode configurations and T10 SCSI encryption mode.  Inputs data  Outputs data  Outputs status  Outputs encrypted key components  Inputs LDI and ADI protocol commands.  Outputs LDI and ADI protocol status.  Inputs ADC SCSI commands.  Outputs ADC SCSI status. RS-232 Port Disabled None  Disabled by FIPS approved firmware levels. Ethernet Port / iADT port Data Input Data Output Control Input Status Output Yes  Inputs controls and image for firmware load  Crypto: Inputs protected keys from the key manager in some LME mode configurations and T10 SCSI encryption mode.  Inputs data  Outputs data  Outputs status  Outputs encrypted key components  Inputs ADI protocol commands.  Outputs ADI protocol status.  Inputs ADC SCSI commands.  Outputs ADC SCSI status. Threader Power Port Power None  Supplies power to threader unit internal to tape drive brick. Input Power Port Power None  Inputs power to the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive Write Protect Switch (FH models only) Control Input None  Inputs write protect state of the cartridge Front Panel Single- Character Display (SCD) Status Output None  Displays status Front Panel Amber LED Status Output None  Displays status Front Panel Green LED Status Output None  Displays status 10 Version 2 Revision 00 LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 Drive Physical Ports FIPS-140-2 Logical Interface Crypto Services Interface Functionality Front Panel Unload Button Control Input None  Inputs unload command  Places the drive in manual diagnostic mode  Scrolls through manual diagnostics  Exits manual diagnostic mode  Forces drive dump  Resets the drive Cartridge Memory RFID Port Data Input Data Output Yes  Inputs parameters.  Crypto: Inputs encrypted data indicator  Outputs parameters.  Crypto: Outputs encrypted data indicator Read/Write Head Data Input Data Output Control Input None  Inputs data from tape cartridges  Outputs data to tape cartridges  Inputs command to load firmware from special FMR cartridges Table 6: Fibre Channel-Specific Host Interfaces Ports LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 FC Drive Physical Ports FIPS-140-2 Logical Interface Crypto Services Interface Functionality Fibre Channel Port 0 Data Input Data Output Control Input Status Output Yes  Inputs data  Crypto: Inputs protected keys from the key manager in SME mode and T10 SCSI encryption mode via the host interface.  Outputs data  Outputs encrypted key components  Inputs SCSI commands  Outputs SCSI status Fibre Channel Port 1 Fibre Channel Loop ID Port Control Input Status Output None  Inputs fibre channel interface control parameters  Outputs fibre channel interface status Fibre Channel Link Characteristics Port Control Input None  Inputs fibre channel interface control parameters Feature Switches Control Input None  Inputs RS-422 interface control parameters  Inputs fibre channel interface control parameters  Inputs read/write head cleaner brush control parameters Table 7: SAS-Specific Host Interfaces Ports LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 SAS drive Physical Ports FIPS-140-2 Logical Interface Crypto Services Interface Functionality SAS Connector Data Input Data Output Control Input Status Output Power Yes  Inputs data  Crypto: Inputs protected keys from the key manager in SME mode  Outputs data  Outputs encrypted key components  Inputs SCSI commands  Outputs SCSI status Feature Switches Control Input None  Inputs RS-422 interface control parameters  Inputs read/write head cleaner brush control parameters 11 Version 2 Revision 00 3.4 Roles and Services The LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive supports both a Crypto Officer role and a User role, and uses basic cryptographic functions to provide higher level services. For example, the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive uses the cryptographic functions as part of its data reading and writing operations in order to perform the encryption/decryption of data stored on a tape. The Crypto Officer role is implicitly assumed when an operator performs key zeroization. The User role is implicitly assumed for all other services. The two main services the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive provides are: • Encryption or decryption of tape data blocks using the Data Block Cipher Facility. • Establishment and use of a secure key channel for key material passing by the Secure Key Interface Facility. It is important to note that the Secure Key Interface Facility may be an automatically invoked service when a user issues Write or Read commands with encryption enabled that require key acquisition by the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive. Under these circumstances the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive automatically establishes a secure communication channel with a key manager and performs secure key transfer before the underlying write or read command may be processed. 3.4.1 User Guidance The services table describes what services are available to the User and Crypto Officer roles.  There is no requirement for accessing the User Role  There is no requirement for accessing the Crypto Officer Role Single Operator requirements:  The LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive enforces a requirement that only one host interface initiator may have access to cryptographic services at any given time. 12 Version 2 Revision 00 3.4.2 Provided Services Available services are also documented in the specified references. All of the service summarized here, excluding the services expressly prohibited in Table 3, are allowed in the FIPS mode of operation. Table 8: Provided Services Applicable to All Modes of Operation Service Interface(s) Description Inputs Outputs Role General SCSI commands - Host As documented in the IBM TotalStorage LTO Ultrium Tape Drive SCSI Reference See description See description User General Library Interface commands - Library As documented in the IBM Library/Drive Interface Specification and IBM ADI Implementation Reference See description See description User Load tape - Host/Library - Manual insertion Load tape can be performed by an operator manually inserting a tape cartridge into the drive throat or via commands over the host or library interface See description Green LED flashes while the load is in progress User Unload tape - Host/Library - Front Panel Unload Button Unload tape can be performed using unload button or via commands over the host or library interface Button press Green LED flashes while unload is in progress. User Enter manual diagnostic mode - Front Panel Unload Button Place in manual diagnostic mode via the unload button Button press SCD displays 0. Amber LED becomes solid. User Scrolls through manual diagnostic functions - Front Panel Unload Button Scroll through manual diagnostic functions via the unload button Button press SCD changes to indicate scrolling. User Exits manual diagnostic mode - Front Panel Unload Button Exit manual diagnostic mode via the unload button Button press SCD becomes blank. Green LED becomes solid. User Forces drive dump - Front Panel Unload Button Force a drive dump via the unload button Button press SCD shows 0, then becomes blank. User Resets the drive - Front Panel Unload Button Power-cycle the device via Unload Button Button press Reboot occurs. User 13 Version 2 Revision 00 Service Interface(s) Description Inputs Outputs Role Show Status (Visual Indicators) - Front Panel LEDs and Single- Character Display Visual indicators that an encryption operation is currently in progress may be monitored on the front panel From LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive operating system Visual indicators on front panel User Power-Up Self-Tests - Power - Host - Library Performs integrity and cryptographic algorithm self-tests, firmware image signature verification None required Failure status, if applicable User, Crypto Officer Configure Drive Vital Product Data (VPD) settings - Host - Library Allows controlling of default encryption mode and other operating parameters From LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive operating system Vital Product Data (VPD) User Key Path Check diagnostic - Host As documented in the IBM TotalStorage LTO Ultrium Tape Drive SCSI Reference Send Diagnostic command specifying the Key Path diagnostic Send Diagnostic command status User Key Zeroization - Host Zeroes all private plaintext keys in the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive via a Send Diagnostic command with Diagnostic ID EFFFh, as documented in the IBM TotalStorage LTO Ultrium Tape Drive SCSI Reference. Send Diagnostic command specifying the Key Zeroization Send Diagnostic command status Crypto Officer Firmware Load - Host Load new firmware to the module New firmware Load test indicator Crypto Officer 14 Version 2 Revision 00 Table 9: Provided Services Applicable to SME and LME Service Interface(s) Description Inputs Outputs Role Encrypting Write-type Command - Host The Secure Key Interface Facility automatically requests a DK and DKx, if needed. The Data Block Cipher Facility encrypts the data block with the cDK using AES-GCM block cipher for recording to media. A DKx and wDK is automatically written to media using the RW Head Interface. The decryption-on-the-fly check performs AES-GCM decryption of the encrypted data block and verifies the correctness of the encryption process - Plaintext data - Encrypted data on tape - DKx on tape - wDK on tape User Decrypting Read-type Command - Host The Secure Key Interface Facility automatically requests a DK, if needed. The cDK is used by the Data Block Cipher Facility to decrypt the data block with using AES-GCM decryption and returning plaintext data blocks to the host; Optionally in Raw mode the encrypted data block may be returned to the host in encrypted form (not supported in approved configuration) - Plaintext data to host User Set Encryption Control Parameters (including Bypass Mode) - Host - Library Performed via Mode Select to Mode Page 25h and Encryption Subpage C0h Requested Mode Page and Subpage None User Query Encryption Control Parameters (including Bypass Mode) - Host - Library Performed via Mode Sense to Mode Page 25h and Encryption Subpage C0h Requested Mode Page and Subpage Mode Data User Query Drive Certificate - Host - Library Allows reading of the Drive Certificate public key. Performed via mode sense to Mode Page 25h and Encryption Subpage D6h; the provided certificate is signed by the IBM Tape Root CA. Requested Mode Page and Subpage Mode Data User Query dSK - Host - Library Allows reading of the Drive Session (Public) Key Performed via mode sense to Mode Page 25h and Encryption Subpage DFh. Requested Mode Page and Subpage Mode Data User 15 Version 2 Revision 00 Service Interface(s) Description Inputs Outputs Role Setup SEDK structure (a protected key structure) - Host - Library This is the means to import a protected private key to the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive for use in writing and encrypted tape or in order to read a previously encrypted tape. Performed via mode select to Mode Page 25h and Encryption Subpage E0h. In this service, the module generates a drive session key pair. The module then sends the dSK to the key manager where it is used to create an SEDK. Then, the key manager sends the SEDK back to the module. SEDK and DKx Status (none) User Query DKx(s) – active, needed, pending , entire (all) - Host - Library Allows the reading from the drive of DKx structures in different categories for the medium currently mounted. Performed by Mode Select commands to Mode Page 25h and various subpages. Requested Mode Page and Subpage Mode Data User Request DKx(s) Generate - Host - Library This status command is used when the drive has already notified the Key Manager that it requires new SEDK and DKx structures to process a request to write an encrypted tape. This page provides information about the type of key the drive is requesting. Performed via mode sense to Mode Page 25h and Encryption Subpage EFh. Requested Mode Page and Subpage Mode Data User Drive Error Notify and Drive Error Notify Query - Host - Library These status responses are the means used by the drive to notify the Key Manager that an action is required, such as a Key generation or Translate, to proceed with an encrypted write or read operation. These status responses are read via Mode Sense commands to Mode Page 25h subpage EFh and FFh. Requested Mode Page and Subpage Mode Data User Table 10: Provided Services Applicable to T10 SCSI Encryption Service Interface(s) Description Inputs Outputs Role 16 Version 2 Revision 00 Service Interface(s) Description Inputs Outputs Role Encrypting Write-type command - Host The Secure Key Interface Facility requests a DK, if needed. The Data Block Cipher Facility encrypts the data block with the cDK using AES-GCM block cipher for recording to media. A DKx and wDK is automatically written to media using the RW Head Interface. The decryption-on-the-fly check performs AES-GCM decryption of the encrypted data block and verifies the correctness of the encryption process - Plaintext data - Encrypted data on tape - DKx on tape - wDK on tape User Decrypting Read-type Command - Host - Library The Secure Key Interface Facility requests a DK, if needed. The cDK is used by the Data Block Cipher Facility to decrypt the data block using AES-GCM decryption and returning plaintext data blocks to the host; Optionally in Raw mode the encrypted data block may be returned to the host in encrypted form (not supported in approved configuration) - Plaintext data to host User Query Data Encryption Status: SPIn (20h[0020h]) - Host - Library Performed via Security Protocol In2 Security Protocol 20h, Security Protocol Specific 0020h. Requested security protocol specific DKx Bypass Mode settings User Query Next Block Encryption Status: SPIn (20h[0021h]) - Host - Library Performed via Security Protocol In Security Protocol 20h, Security Protocol Specific 0021h. Requested security protocol specific DKx User Query Device Server Key Wrapping Public Key: SPIn (20h[0031h]) - Host - Library Performed via Security Protocol In Security Protocol 20h, Security Protocol Specific 0031h. Requested security protocol specific Public key for RSA- wrapping User Report Data Encryption Policy SPIn (21h[0010h]) - Host - Library Performed via Security Protocol In Security Protocol 21h, Security Protocol Specific 0010h. Requested security protocol specific Control Policy Code User 2 For more information on the Security Protocol In command see ISO/IEC 14776-334, SCSI Stream Commands - 4 (SSC-4) and for the specific implementation in this device see IBM® TotalStorage® LTO Ultrium Tape Drive SCSI Reference (GA32-0928-03). 17 Version 2 Revision 00 Service Interface(s) Description Inputs Outputs Role Set Data Encryption: SPOut (20h[0010h]) - Host - Library Performed via Security Protocol Out3 Security Protocol 20h, Security Protocol Specific 0010h. Security protocol parameters, optionally RSA-wrapped data key, DKx None User Select Data Encryption Parameters Complete: SPOut (20h[0030h]) - Library Performed via Security Protocol Out Security Protocol 20h, Security Protocol Specific 0030h. Security protocol parameters None User Configure Encryption Policy: SPOut (21h[0011h]) - Library Performed via Security Protocol Out Security Protocol 21h, Security Protocol Specific 0011h. Configure Encryption Policy Security protocol parameters None User 3 For more information on the Security Protocol Out command see ISO/IEC 14776-334, SCSI Stream Commands - 4 (SSC-4) and for the specific implementation in this device see IBM® TotalStorage® LTO Ultrium Tape Drive SCSI Reference (GA32-0928-03). 18 Version 1 Revision 01 3.5 Physical Security The LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive cryptographic boundary is the drive “brick” unit. The drive brick unit has industrial grade covers, and all the drive’s components are production grade. The LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive requires no preventative maintenance, and field repair is not performed for the unit. The drive brick covers are not removed in the field in the approved configuration. All failing units must be sent intact to the factory for repair. Figure 2a: Front View of LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 Full-High Fibre Channel Drive Brick Figure 2b: Rear View of LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 Full-High Fibre Channel Drive Brick 19 Version 2 Revision 00 Figure 2c: Front View of LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 Half-High Drive Brick Figure 2d: Rear View of LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 Half-High Fibre Channel Drive Brick Figure 2e: Rear View of LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 Half-High SAS Drive Brick 20 Version 2 Revision 00 3.6 Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Management 3.6.1 Cryptographic Algorithms The LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive supports the following basic cryptographic functions. These functions are used by the Secure Key Interface Facility or the Data Block Cipher Facility to provide higher level user services. Note that algorithms in this table are subject to the transition tables from NIST SP 800-131A, which should be used to inform users of the risks associated with using a particular algorithm and a given key length. Table 11: Basic Cryptographic Functions Algorithm Type /Usage Specification Approved? Used by Algorithm Certificate AES-ECB mode encryption/decryption (256-bit keys) Symmetric cipher provides underlying AES encryption AES: FIPS 197 Yes Firmware 4810 AES-GCM mode encryption / decryption (256-bit keys) Symmetric Cipher Encrypts data blocks while performing decrypt-on-the-fly verification Decrypts data blocks AES: FIPS- 197 GCM: SP800-38D Yes ASIC 3357 3358 DRBG IV generation4 for AES-GCM, Drive Session Key generation SP800-90A using SHA- 512 Yes Firmware 1672 SHA-1 Hashing algorithm. Multiple uses FIPS-180-4 Yes Firmware 3954 SHA-256 Hashing algorithm digest checked on key manager messages, digest appended on messages to key manager FIPS-180-4 Yes Firmware 3954 SHA-512 Hashing algorithm supports DRBG FIPS 180-4 Yes Firmware 3954 RSA Sign/Verify Digital signature using PKCS#1 with SHA256 hash and a 2048 bit key generation and verification to sign the dSK (session key) and to verify firmware image signature on firmware load FIPS 186-4 Yes Firmware 2634 RSA Key Generation (2048-bit keys) Key Generation Session key generation - Yes Firmware N/A 4 The IV is generated as 96 bits of random data by the DRBG and then incremented with each new use. 21 Version 2 Revision 00 Algorithm Type /Usage Specification Approved? Used by Algorithm Certificate RSA Key Transport (2048-bit keys) Decryption of transported SEDK key material + T10 Logical Block Encryption Key Format 02, Key wrapped by device server public key (provides 112 bits of encryption strength) - No, but allowed in FIPS mode Firmware N/A NDRNG (TRNG) (Custom) Seeding DRBG - No, but allowed in FIPS mode5 ASIC N/A AES Key Wrapping (256-bit keys) Symmetric Cipher Wraps/Unwraps the cDK SP800-38F Yes Firmware 4810 5 Allowed in FIPS mode for seeding approved DRBG 22 Version 2 Revision 00 3.6.2 Security Parameters This table lists LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive critical security parameters (CSPs) and non-critical security parameters. Table 12: Security Parameters Security Parameter CSP Key Type Input into Module Output from Module Generation Method6 Storage Location Storage Form Zeroized Drive Certificate Public Key (dCert) No RSA 2048-bit Yes - at time of manufacture Yes, in X.509 format N/A Drive Vital Product Data (VPD) Non-volatile Plaintext N/A Drive Certificate Private Key (dCert’) Yes RSA 2048-bit Yes - at time of manufacture No N/A Drive VPD Non-volatile X.509 certificate signed with the IBM Tape root CA Yes Drive Session Public Key (dSK) No RSA 2048-bit No – Generated by module Yes, in plaintext FIPS 186-4 Drive RAM Ephemeral Plaintext N/A Drive Session Private Key (dSK’) Yes RSA 2048-bit No – Generated by module No FIPS 186-4 Drive RAM Ephemeral Plaintext Yes Data Key (DK) Yes AES 256-bit symmetric key Yes – (Received encrypted by RSA 2048) No N/A Drive RAM Ephemeral Plaintext Yes Cryptographic Data Key (cDK) Yes AES 256-bit symmetric key No – Generated by module Yes, in AES Key Wrapped format DRBG Drive RAM Ephemeral encrypted form as wDK Yes When in use: Stored in ASIC (unreadable register) Ephemeral encrypted form as wDK Tape medium Encrypted form as wDK DRBG Entropy Input String Yes 256-bit input string No – Generated by module No NDRNG (TRNG) Drive RAM Ephemeral Plaintext Yes DRBG value, V Yes 256 bits No – Generated by module No Internal state value of DRBG Drive RAM Ephemeral Plaintext Yes DRBG constant, C Yes 256 bits No – Generated by module No Internal state value of DRBG Drive RAM Ephemeral Plaintext Yes 6 For all keys denoted as being generated by the module, the symmetric keys are produced using the unmodified output of the DRBG, and the seeds used in asymmetric key generation are produced using the unmodified output of the DRBG 23 Version 2 Revision 00 Security Parameter CSP Key Type Input into Module Output from Module Generation Method6 Storage Location Storage Form Zeroized RSA public key (used for firmware image verification) No RSA 2048-bit Yes - In firmware image No N/A Drive RAM, FLASH, Firmware Image Non-volatile Plaintext N/A Additional notes on key management: • Secret and private keys are never output from the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive in plaintext form. • Secret keys may only be imported to the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive in encrypted form. • Zeroization behavior outlines in Table 12. Table 13: CSP Access Table Drive Certificate Public Key ( dCert) Drive Certificate Private Key (dCert’) Drive Session Public Key (dSK) Drive Session Private Key (dSK’) Data Key (DK) Cryptographic Data Key DRBG Entropy Input Key DRBG value ,V DRBG Constant, C RSA public key for firmware image verification General SCSI commands General Library Interface commands R R Service Panel Configuration Service Panel Diagnostics X X X X X Service Panel Status Display Front Panel Interface Status Front Panel Interface Unload W W W W Front Panel Interface Reset W W W W W W W Encrypting Write-type Command X X Decrypting Read-type Command X X Set Encryption Control Parameters (including Bypass Mode) Query Encryption Control Parameters (including Bypass Mode) Query Drive Certificate R Query dSK X R Setup an SEDK structure (a protected key structure) X W Drive Error Notify and Drive Error Notify Query Security Protocol In, Device Server Key Wrapping Public Key page R Security Protocol Out, Set Data Encryption page X W Power-Up Self-Tests X X X X X Configure Drive Vital Product Data (VPD) settings W W Key Path Check diagnostic X X RX X Key Zeroization W W W W W W W W W 24 Version 2 Revision 00 Drive Certificate Public Key ( dCert) Drive Certificate Private Key (dCert’) Drive Session Public Key (dSK) Drive Session Private Key (dSK’) Data Key (DK) Cryptographic Data Key DRBG Entropy Input Key DRBG value ,V DRBG Constant, C RSA public key for firmware image verification Firmware Load Test X Load tape W Unload tape W W Enter manual diagnostic mode Scrolls through manual diagnostic functions Exits manual diagnostic mode Forces drive dump Resets the drive W W W W Show Status (Visual Indicators) Query DKx(s) – active, needed, pending, entire (all) Request DKx(s) Generate Query Data Encryption Status: SPIn (20h[0020h]) Query Next Block Encryption Status: SPIn (20h[0021h]) Query Device Server Key Wrapping Public Key: SPIn (20h[0031h]) R Report Data Encryption Policy SPIn (21h[0010h]) Set Data Encryption: SPOut (20h[0010h]) W Select Data Encryption Parameters Complete: SPOut (20h[0030h]) Configure Encryption Policy: SPOut (21h[0011h]) Key: R – Read Access W – Write Access X – Execute Access 3.6.3 Self-Test The LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive performs both Power On Self Tests and Conditional Self tests as follows. The operator shall power cycle the device to invoke the Power On Self tests. Table 14: Self-Tests Function Tested Self-Test Type Implementation Failure Behavior AES-ECB Power-up KAT performed for Encrypt and Decrypt FSC 0x1130 posted AES-GCM (256-bit keys) Power-Up KAT performed for Encrypt and Decrypt (256-bit) FSC 0x1130 posted 25 Version 2 Revision 00 Function Tested Self-Test Type Implementation Failure Behavior DRBG Power-Up KAT performed FSC 0x1133 posted SHA-1 Power-Up KAT performed FSC 0x1131 posted SHA-256 Power-Up KAT performed FSC 0x1131 posted SHA-512 Power-Up KAT performed FSC 0x1131 posted RSA Sign KAT and Verify KAT Power-Up KAT performed FSC 0x1131 posted Firmware Integrity Check Power-Up RSA digital signature verification of application firmware; CRC check of SH vital product data (VPD); CRC check of FPGA image. Drive reboot VPD Integrity Check Power-Up CRC check of vital product data (VPD) FSC 0x112E posted DRBG Conditional: When a random number is generated Continuous random number generator test performed. FSC 0x1133 posted DRBG Conditional: When random numbers are generated SP800-90A DRBG Health Tests (Instantiate, Generate and Reseed) FSC 0x1133 posted NDRNG (TRNG) (Custom) Conditional: When a random number is generated Continuous random number generator test performed. Drive reboot RSA Pair-Wise Consistency Conditional: When a new RSA key is generated RSA Pair-Wise Consistency (Sign and Verify) FSC 0x1133 posted Firmware Load Check Conditional: When new firmware is loaded or current firmware is re-booted RSA signature verification of new firmware image before new image may be loaded Drive rejects code load with FSC 0x5902 Exclusive Bypass Test Conditional: When switching between encryption and bypass modes Ensure the correct output of data after switching modes. Check to ensure the key is properly loaded. Drive reboots and rejects failure injection code level. 26 Version 2 Revision 00 3.6.4 Bypass States The LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive supports a single static bypass mode. Bypass entry, exit, and status features are provided to meet approved methods for use of bypass states. Two independent internal actions are required to activate bypass mode. First, the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive checks the interface on which the bypass request was received for transmission errors. Then the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive checks the value of the received bypass instruction. For SME and LME the Encryption State field within the Encryption Control 1 field of Mode Page 25h to determines if the bypass capability is enabled. For T10 SCSI Encryption, the Encryption Mode and Decryption Mode fields of Security Protocol Out Security Protocol 20h, Security Protocol Specific 0010h. 3.7 Design Assurance LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive release parts are maintained under the IBM Engineering Control (EC) system. All components are assigned a part number and EC level and may not be changed without re-release of a new part number or EC level. The following table shows the certified configuration for each host interfaces of the LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8: Table 15: Certified Configurations Product Hardware Part Number Firmware Part Number Firmware Image Hardware EC Level Firmware EC Level IBM LTO Gen 7 FH FC 38L7450 38L7082 LTO7_G986.fcp_fh_f.fmrz M13681 01PL103 IBM LTO Gen 7 HH FC 38L7464 38L7458 LTO7_G986.fcp_hh_f.fmrz M13681 01PL105 IBM LTO Gen 7 HH SAS 38L7462 38L7095 LTO7_G986.sas_hh_f.fmrz M13681 01PL106 Dell LTO Gen 7 FH FC 38L7450 38L7448 LTO7_G986.fcp_fh_f_OEMD.fmrz M13681 01PL104 Dell LTO Gen 7 HH FC 38L7464 38L7654 LTO7_G986.fcp_hh_f_OEMD.fmrz M13681 01PL107 Dell LTO Gen 7 HH SAS 38L7462 38L7651 LTO7_G986.sas_hh_f_OEMD.fmrz M13681 01PL108 IBM LTO Gen 8 FH FC 01PL347 02PY098 LTO8_J4D0.fcp_fh_f.fmrz N99440 M14321 IBM LTO Gen 8 HH FC 01PL351 02PY099 LTO8_J4D1.fcp_hh_f.fmrz N99440 M14321 IBM LTO Gen 8 HH SAS 01PL349 02PY100 LTO8_J4D1.sas_hh_f.fmrz N99440 M14321 Dell LTO Gen 8 FH FC 01PL347 02PY104 LTO8_J4D0.fcp_fh_f_OEMD.fmrz N99440 M14321 Dell LTO Gen 8 HH FC 01PL351 02PY111 LTO8_J4D1.fcp_hh_f_OEMD.fmrz N99440 M14321 Dell LTO Gen 8 HH SAS 01PL349 02PY115 LTO8_J4D1.sas_hh_f_OEMD.fmrz N99440 M14321 Oracle LTO Gen 8 FH FC 01PL347 02PY122 LTO8_J4D0.fcp_fh_f_OEMS.fmrz N99440 M14321 Oracle LTO Gen 8 HH FC 01PL351 02PY123 LTO8_J4D1.fcp_hh_f_OEMS.fmrz N99440 M14321 27 Version 2 Revision 00 Oracle LTO Gen 8 HH SAS 01PL349 02PY124 LTO8_J4D1.sas_hh_f_OEMS.fmrz N99440 M14321 3.8 Mitigation of other attacks The LTO Gen 7 and Gen 8 drive does not claim to mitigate other attacks. 28